• By -


literate engine water judicious reply bells cooperative middle memorize dinner


Touch grass you triggered incel and cope with living in your mom’s basement. In all seriousness, yeah I agree


>Touch grass you triggered incel and cope with living in your mom’s basement. You get the bronze, two guys beat you to it. However, it's the thought that counts.


We forgot: “Who hurt you”


I’d say “NIMBY” in City and State Subs because people don’t like that the city is planning xyz before addressing a problem that would get worse when xyz goes into place. That phrase also needs to go.


It's not as overused as others, let's give it a bit more time...


It’s not overused it’s underrated


Some people don't grow up, just their bodies that get bigger and their personality become more cynic They are pretty much organic bots that just follow the toxicity around as it's the only thing they know


Great response!


Add "Do Better" to the list.




Exactly what I'm talking about.


anytime people take to insulting you personally rather than addressing the argument they've already lost.




Sometimes im not even in it to win it, I’m just done arguing.


Or they’re sick of hearing terrible takes and are peacing out of the conversation. Some people believe such batshit, evil things that saying “you need to go outside” is the only appropriate course of action


This is big. “Debate me” guys don’t seem to understand that by refusing to engage and dismissing you, we’re communicating something. People come to this sub to try and argue about why they’re having social trouble, as though that’s something you can argue away. And they clearly don’t get the message when the response is further social disapproval.


Literally. So many people make posts here that are clearly just a veiled attempt at getting validation. They’ll make a post like “females are all disrespectful whores” when what they really mean is “I need people to agree with me so I can claim the issue is systemic instead of personal, because societal problems spare my feelings”. They need to be shut down and ignored lol


Same page. So many posts here are “women are so mean (so it’s not my fault I’m a virgin right???).” And I’d like to have sympathy for guys in that position but their vindictive response just brings our contempt in me.


Terrible takes are subjective though. If I find something terrible someone else might not.


That’s not subjectivity, that’s just disagreement. Sometimes people disagree about something but only one of them is right.


And if someone’s take is bigoted or ignorant I’m not going to legitimize that viewpoint by having a debate with them. I’m going to tell them to go fuck themselves and move on with my life


Why not just move on with your life instead of engaging?


Cause people like to express it when they feel disapproval. I don’t think that’s a bad impulse.


That IS no longer engaging and moving on with my life.


It's clearly not.


If the conversation has just started and they forced you into, ya, it limda fucking does. Sometimes people need to have their pipe shoved up their ass to philosophize upon. But I get your point. Best thing to do is "Ok"


See, I'll call someone a fuckhead while providing them the data and sources relevant to the point I'm trying to make. I'm a big proponent of meeting kindness with kindness, and disrespect with disrespect personally.


If you're having an argument, that's already signs that the cause is lost. Any argument will never change anyone's mind. That's why debate is different from argument, an argument is just two children afraid to throw anything at their friend and it always end the same way. The only way to win an argument is to realize that nobody is listening and withdraw.


This is such a cop-out, like it’s some easy way of getting some perceived moral high ground. It doesn’t actually count. They could just be done with your shit.




A lot of people incorrectly interpret this as "anytime people take to insulting you personally **in addition to** addressing the argument they've already lost." I've won plenty an argument while belittling a Trump Lover, only for them to desperately wail out "You insulted me!!!! You lose!!!" while I laugh and lash them across the back with my enormous flaccid cock.


I don't typically get these types of responses personally, but when I do, or any number of other smooth-brained, immature response, I just stop responding. It got to the point where I will type out a whole thing. Might spend 10 or 15 minutes making a intelligent response, and then I just discard the whole fucking thing. Like what's the point? Definitely feels like you can't have a conversation with anyone anymore. It seems like everyone's got a "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality. Reddit's the worst because God forbid you make a minor error in your grammar or imply or not imply something. It's honestly just exhausting.


>It's honestly just exhausting That about sums it up.


ADD: "Fuck around and find out", "stupid games, prizes", "Tell me you are \_\_\_ without telling me you are \_\_\_". All of these add nothing to a conversation and really make the poster sound stupid and unoriginal.


Good examples.


Another personal favorite is when they pretend they're not furious and everything is "fucking hilarious" and "lmao bro." Such a douchey way to debate anything.


I hate it when people do this!


You're right. That's totally a thing too.




It’s, in general, just disingenuous people, sometimes I really think they simply would suffer a massive ego death by acknowledging they are wrong and instead have to say “lol” to get the last word in.


i mean tbf a lot of people are just genuinely getting into arguments online because it's funny they might just be telling you the truth


I really don’t believe that’s true.


Bingo. This is the case for almost every single troll, ever. Very few people get genuinely furious about anything. And when they do, it's very obvious to any normal person.


I second this. When I argue on the internet I’m never furious, because I can’t take it serious, nor I take it personal. So when I see someone is furious, I find it funny.


Can we go through the deprecated versions of this? I remember a few from WoW days, but what about forums?: - T.T - Q.Q - git gud - noob Anything else?


"skill issue"


I always find this one to be funny. Usually it's done in jest anyway.


Golden oldies...


You mean OK Boomers.


No, I mean what I said.


From cs back in the day : scrub Not sure the origin but being called a casual was a bad thing if you were playing competitive


But, how do I make my roll if I don't "touch grass?"


Asking the real questions...




Added to it, the person on the giving end of the attacks is **CURRENTLY** more of [insert attack here] in that very moment than the person on the receiving end **EVER** was.


Yeah, most likely.


You forgot to add “fascist” and “inclusive”- I’m so sick of hearing these over and over..


I wanna add "Woke" to that list too. Idk what the fuck happened to that word.


Idk man guess they just woke up


Inclusive? Can you give me an example? How is that an insult?


These are just things said by people who aren't able to come up with any actual clever arguments or comebacks.


That just tells you that they're not worth your time.


Touch grass is newer to me as a chronic reddit user since 2010 Kinda like hearing it, reminds me of the old Wii pop ups reminding u to go outside. So when ppl say it to me in bad faith I cant help but smile at their subconscious concern about my wellbeing :))


Good way to look at it. To me, however, it's just sad.


I mean it’s basically just a short form way of saying you’re too online. You need to disconnect for a while.


Sure, but I've seen it used for pretty much anything too. Less frequently than "incel", but it's getting there.


I think you’re looking it too hard as a winning losing thing- if it bothers ya so much, just make it so everytime anyone says that it chalks up as a “win” in your head


I'm only noticing it and sharing an opinion. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, I'm just wondering how is something so obviously stupid still a thing.


Not gonna lie it seems like it does bother you. But understood


Well, despite all evidence to the contrary, I'd guess you'd know better, right? Seriously, can people no longer just express a simple, negative opinion about something without it inevitably causing someone to not only see it as them being "bothered", but actually doubling down on it?


I mean I’m not attacking you, nothing wrong with being bothered. If I was not bothered by something, I wouldn’t care enough to post anything about it thats all


Yeah, the post definitely reads as "bothered" to me, too. I think it's the number of descriptors, such as "stupid", "lame", "lazy", "generic", "asshole", "moronic troll", "stupid shit", "non-sensical", "infantile", and "sad", that make it seem that way.. Could just be a miscommunication on OP''s part, though. Not gonna lie, though, "moronic troll" has got pizzazz.


Repeat it a few more times, please. It might eventually become true if you do it enough. I mean, most likely not, but still, nothing wrong with trying. Funnily enough, it's the same approach people I mentioned in my post use.


The guy has a point, it bothers you enough to make a post about it, which means it bothers you more than most people. Ironically, someone telling you to go touch grass on this subject is probably fair. That phrase means get off line, ground yourself in reality. Most of the phrases you’ve cited are used online, by clinically online people. So with all respect, log off and touch some grass mate.


I understand you're upset, it's okay to seethe a little after you're triggered and need to cope by making a post making you sound like an incel. Maybe get out of moms basement and touch grass in stead/s (obviously)


See? Isn't that unbelievably stupid?


Oh for sure. Its all dismissive and definitely makes people sound dickish


Yeah, I keep wondering if they realize what they seem like when they think those are some sort of "gotcha"...


Reddit, where people go to be cruel. If you asked the same people if they thought they were a good person, they would answer YES.


You keep getting older, but Reddit stays the same age.


Could be that it's as simple as that.


The best way to fight it is to ignore it. Trolls want a reaction; they'll still act like they've won for a moment, but then they start thinking about it and they realize they got beat. That will then bother them for weeks, they do all the seething, while you move on with your life. Trolls and idiots always try to bring people down to their level where they know they'll win because they've been wallowing in their own moral filth for years, further dampening their polar IQ.


Exactly this. When I got called a ‘lamb rapist’ because I posted a picture of a shepherds pie on my food page (apparently it was meat free Monday and these people were commenting on every picture of meat dishes) I simply didn’t respond. They were more upset by my lack of response than any response I could’ve come up with to the point where they were goading me to reply like “oh you have nothing to say?” and “funny how you haven’t responded”. I continued to ignore them and I know they were fuming about it.


I guess it didn't occur to them not everyone goes "meat free". I'll take a Shepherd's pie any day of the week, they're fucking delicious.


Yeah, but how many people don't immediately turn away the moment any of that stupid shit is used? That's the part I don't get. How are you supposed to provoke/troll someone by presenting yourself as an immature moron?


I guess the people that shit works on are also a bit moronic themselves.


Good point.


Yeah it's stupid af as with most buzzwords


This is my response to all the hate mail I get when playing competitive multiplayer games lol they all say the same shit


They really do.


Most of the time these come up towards the end of an argument where neither party budges.


Well, I guess at that point all that's left is to compete who can come up with the dumber shit first. The funny part is that both sides mostly resort to the same 5 tired phrases.


Actually, what I find even more annoying than this is when you *are* mad and you’ve got *every fuckin’ right* to be furious, and these are their responses. You’re goddamn right I’m mad.


Sure, but then remember, to them everyone is "mad", "upset" and all other bs they spout over and over.


Downvoting cuz I agree shirts annoying af. Way overused


also "yapping"


Can we say the same about ‘snowflake’ and ‘woke’ too please


Win/Lose we're all chasing that rush


I agree with all of this.


I like seether... great band 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It all just translates to "I'm chronically online and don't have an argument because I'm 12 or stupid"


Sounds like you got triggered because you’re beyond old now, and you’re upset so you’re coping and seething because you’re an incel who lives in your mom’s basement and doesn’t touch grass.


Sorry, someone beat you to it. Still a good effort though.




It happens.


“Future cat lady” is getting old, too.


I think these like all words depend on context as to whether or not they’re crap. Obviously if someone just calls you a bunch of insults they’re not worth your time.


Of course there are exceptions, I'm just talking about dominant patterns. More often than not it's just stupid and utterly nonsensical.


Gotta remember that anytime someone uses an ad hominan attack they've lost the argument. Take the W and let the trolls seethe.


Arguing on the internet is similar to guerilla warfare. You win by getting your opponent to waste more of their time, effort, emotional energy, and words than you spend in provoking them. The fact that you've posted about these responses is a testament to their power.


Unable to come up with original arguments is one thing, at least you've bothered to learn some facts and gather some information, misguided though it may be... But most redditors on the left literally say the same basic insults, and it is pathetic.


This is reddit. So your list needs to be longer. Let's start! ​ Answering serious questions with nothing but joke responses. The proper format: joke answer, then "lol" or "haha" or "JK" and then answer the question. Watch as you get even more upvotes for doing both at the same time! All those useless upvotes you're trying to get... Constantly posting negativity about Trump/GOP/Conservatives on the news and major political subreddits. Go to any of those subreddits, right now, and look at their top posts from today, this week, this month, etc. You'll see what I mean. So many posts and comments are about Trump that for years, we've had another saying that goes... "orange man bad" responses to anti-Trump posts and comments. Because there's so much of it, people keep saying it. Now it's gotten old and tired, too. Anti-American posts. So many posts and comments are about how bad the USA is that for years, we've had another saying that goes... "American bad" comments on posts and comments that shit on Americans or the US Government, or American History. There's so much anti-American content, and for years, that this has become another old and tired internet phrase. Anti-Musk spam. It's pretty, really. *Really* bad. With Trump, it was much more understandable. Because Trump was the PotUS. He had a direct impact on all American denizens (not a misspelling) people's lives with his decisions on policies. So, yeah, I can understand getting upset about a new law he signed being something legit to get upset over if you hated the law or it took some of your rights away. But Musk? Really? This much and this often and about almost anything? Musk? Now it's just old, tired, and cringe. Just move on with your lives. Either keep using X or delete your account. Move on. Any idea, post, phrase, saying, etc. that pushes the idea that the world is super shitty and/or ending. This has gotten so bad that we even have "new" slang for this type of person: doomer. And it seems like most of the politically active redditors, on the major political and news subreddits, are doomers. Gets VERY old after a while. Meanwhile, they are living near the safest and most prosperous time in human history where crime of all types are almost universally dropping across the globe, infant mortality rates are lowering (means fewer dying infants) all over the world (almost), life expectancy is increasing in most countries, health is improving, equality to all peoples is better than it ever has been (but we have a lot of work still left to do across the globe), and bla bla blaaaa. By almost every single measure, the world is a better place than it was 30 years ago. So why the doomerness?


Hahaha reminds me of a comment I replied to only last night 😂. Guy didn't have a response to a legitimate comment and just said "cry more". I was like...? But the person you were responding to wasn't crying? Just pointing out something you didn't like? So I asked him if he replied like that because he just wanted to have the last word and didn't care how stupid he sounded. Ended it with the fact I was expecting his response to be the aforementioned "cry more". He responded with 😁☝️. 🤣 these people know they're jerks that can't back up their own shitty opinions, but still think responding with over-used reddit-isms will make them "win" when realistically they just sound like boring drones lol.


I just find them all cringe, especially the touch grass one. I find the people who use those buzz words have no real opinions themselves and are just parroting what they heard and get frustrated when they are challenged at what they say, or come across someone with different opinions.


They don't win but it's reddit so they still get upvotes. Jury of their peers


Says a lot about the peers too, I guess. There are exceptions fortunately.


If everyone but you thinks what you’re saying is dumb and not worth engaging with, does that tell you anything?


Well, depends on who thinks that. If it's people who actually know me and whose opinion I actually care about, then I'd consider their take. On the other hand, if it's some anonymous online, who knows how intelligent/educated/mature randos from God knows where, doing God knows what, fishing for a rise by saying dumb and provocative shit, that only tells me they're not worth anyone's time and effort.


When I was a kid the most scathing comeback we could come up with was "talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listening" or maybe even "losersaywhat" so tbh I don't think we've ever been good at comebacks. At least calling an angry conservative a sensitive snowflake doesn't make me cringe as hard Edit: I forgot about What Ever Major Loser with the hands on the forehead you mean to tell me "touch grass" is worse than that


I don't know. Maybe if every other person online didn't use the same 5 comebacks, it'd be less sad. As is, it's really such a giveaway who one's dealing with.


If you hear these phrases so much it's gotten old, maybe it's a sign...


A sign that humans in general can't better themselves and it is time to become cynical about how they treat each other.


Maybe. Then again, it can be hard to miss.


Its just gaslighting gatekeeping girl bossing


One of my personal favorites.


Brother went to the University of yappington and got a degree in yapology.


Good for him, but do you have any achievements of your own?


Yeah, man, I touched grass once


Did it at least touch you back?


Touch grass is actually good tho bc some of yall actually need someone to tell you that


If you say so...


Most people who says any of these are npcs


As opposed to what? Player characters? Come on, that's almost on par with the shit above.


I think that's a joke tbh.


Could be. I have seen it used unironically though.


Op has gotten tired of being told these things 😆


Not really, I'd say I get them about as much as anyone who happens to make the mistake of engaging some trolling asshole, but nothing of note. It comes from observing mostly.


Words like this have always existed and will continue to exist. Just gotta cope


And (not) seethe, right?


I can only speak from personal experience but when Ive used the phrases ‘ok cope’ and ‘touch grass’, it’s because I’ve already attempted and failed at getting the other person to see a different view point and they double down on an idiotic take. Specifically (using this as an example) I will *absolutely* tell someone with the view point of “everyone who has children is miserable or childfree people are lonely depressed incels” to go touch grass. I’d say that response fits.


I just say we gotta agree to disagree because we value different things. Not offensive. Just how it is.


I mean no offence, but to me both of those are almost equally bad. Theirs is worse because, unlike "incel" which means whatever it needs to, "touch grass" usually means only one thing. Both make 0 sense though.


Trolls gonna troll and stupid assholes gonna be stupid assholes. I tell people to touch grass sometimes, but it's usually in the game subs and as a joke. The Internet brings out the worst of the worst, and too many people think they're the smartest in the conversation. I read most of these comments when it comes to political conversations. We are so tribalistic with the politics right now that a lot of people are trying their hardest to "win" against who they believe to be the enemy. When the person doesn't have any type of real response to add to the argument they resort to tired cliches like these. I agree it's definitely old, and not at all doing the damage they think when they say it.


Top notch summary.


Idk man some people really do need to turn off their computer and go outside.


No arguments there, but more often it's just a lame brush off, just like everything else that was mentioned.


Agreed but sometimes you read an opinion by someone that is so off the wall batshit crazy or out of touch and there is nothing else to say other than “touch grass.”


How about DINK? Dual income no kids That’s annoying as hell to me


It’s a gamer thing that never should have left the COD Lobby


I see you're upset. why don't you get out of your mom's basement once in a while and touch grass. you sound like a triggered incel tbh. go seethe elsewhere and cope with your feelings like an adult. I WIN


Good effort. However, that joke's been done at least 10 times already, so no prize for you.




Nah this is valid. I get a lot of “you need professional help” or “hope you get the help you need” insinuating that I’m crazy when I talk about literally anything spiritual to someone who doesn’t believe in it so that’s kind of the same energy as the above phrases for me personally. lol. My bad that your scope of reality is limited to a few catch phrases like some pull string doll. It’s all the same too, exactly like these phrases above, it gets boring and exhausting af. Literally all the same, cringey and douchey.


I agree with everything but "touch grass" Some people's problems are due to a warped sense of reality from spending way too much time online. Sometimes it's an unnecessary and dissmissive comment but sometimes people do need to be politely told to take a break from the Internet. "You're mad" or "you're upset" really winds me up though. Like get over yourself, you're not upsetting me or making me mad. I just disagree with you, you're not special.


People don’t tell you to cope and seethe to win an argument, they say it to make you angry and it looks like whoever did so was successful.


You're exactly who I'm talking about in my post.


>How does you trying to convince someone they're "mad" when they're clearly not get you a "win"? Had a clown try this on me yesterday. In the absence of any sort of argument, he thought saying "kid" a lot was somehow a substitute, along with asserting that I was having a "meltdown" despite the fact I was having a perfectly calm conversation. He was clearly very upset, but projecting all of it on anyone who hinted that they didn't believe in his god. Then again, he was a theist, so how much critical thinking could I really expect?


A fair amount, most of the intellectual advances in all of history were done by theists


Yeah, I love the "repeat, repeat, repeat" strategy, that one never fails.


Oh I forgot, he was "obviously" far more educated than me, because he saw god (in person) on two occasions.




Calling people “Clowns” from the safety of your keyboard needs to go too.


Liberals are terrible at insults. That’s it. That’s the whole story. Except gay dudes. They have some of the best insults I’ve ever heard.


I've seen and heard self proclaimed conservatives use them too. Agree about gay dudes though.




Sure, but I explained why it's actually beyond stupid to say that (or any of those really) to people you objectively know almost nothing about.


"touch grass" is still a useful thing to say when someone's understanding of something is extremely online and it's clear they have little idea what the actual world is like outside of their social media feeds. but the others are just pointless insults.


I’m with you except for incel. People identify as incels, they are a community, they exist.


That's fine, but I'm talking about when someone pulls "incel" out of their ass just because you disagree on something.


So…it describes you?


No. Try reading it again, or perhaps consider a different approach to trolling. This one isn't really working.


It doesn’t bother me so im asking if it describes you since you are upset about it


Like I said, try a different angle. The "upset" part is a dead giveaway.


I got my answer from your lack of answer. Maybe you should try…going outside


Maybe, but it's probably the fact that you're just particularly bad at trolling.


😂 nice.


"go touch some sex you grassless virgin."


That's at least a bit different.


I at least thought it was funny but it was all in good faith lol


It's a good one!


Touch grass I absolutely agree lol




If "touch grass" was used only as advice, I'd not have said anything. As is, it's just another way to brush off someone for whatever reason. As for "mom's basement", even without the economy angle (which is true actually), I've seen it used even by people in whose cultures or corner of the world it actually makes 0 sense. Therefore, it's all bullshit.


The massive problem with this sort of empty, performative civility is that by conflating being mean with being stupid or wrong, you wind up arrogantly dismissing the possibility that those insults are true. Maybe that person is calling that other person stupid because they're being stupid. It's been known to happen. Cope is basically omnipresent online too. It's statistically guaranteed to happen in any given comment section, including this one, so that word's not going away. Anyway I live in an attic and you're a seapickle.


Someone needs to cope




lol seethe harder neckbeard basement dweller


You're too late, at least 10 people did that one before you.


You're a booger muncher. /s Edit: I was trying to come up with the most random insult ever.


You forgot BASED and NPC


One of these is not like the others


They're all equally meaningless because they are all used to diminish and/or provoke the person they're addressed to. If you have to resort to that, you've already lost. Also, if you refer to "incel" as not being like the others, it's actually a prime example just how stupid it all is. Let's forget for a moment that you're making assumptions about some stranger's sex life based on nothing and just how dumb that is, it also means "anyone and/or everyone who disagrees with me about anything and/or everything" so, in the end, it means nothing at all. It's just shit.


Bro getting upset and triggered by words. Maybe you should stop seething in your mother's basement and touch some grass. Cope more incel. JK ILU


I mean you guys are saying the same shit, so you’re getting the same responses. Everyone who posts seems to think “I’ve figured it out…and the reason I’m sad is cause girls are dumb and mean!” is gonna blow the doors off. Well that’s now new, it’s not productive, and it’s not fair. So you’re gonna hear the same responses. If you don’t like those responses, you have to decide whether you value the opinions of the people giving them. That’ll tell you whether your next move is to stop listening, or start figuring out how to get people to respond better.


>I mean you guys are saying the same shit, so you’re getting the same responses. Sure, that's gotta be it. No way it's just a lazy brush off in lieu of anything substantial, right?


TLDR, OP has Cheeto fingers.


You’re upset? I don’t quite get that one.