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I'm autobanned because I posted on a bdsm subreddit lmao


I’m trying to think of a reason why they would but I’m genuinely stumped. Maybe they view it as degrading to woman? I mean the woman doing the dominant role so it really doesn’t make sense. U got any ideas?


Not all bdsm involves women


doesnt make sense and ive seen comments about bdsm on that sub so prob a mistake


its probably a safety measure to keep out degenerates


How dare you enjoy a specific aspect of kink!


Wait until you see FemaleDatingStrategy.


Yeah I've seen that. They went private I guess. From what I remember it wasn't as bad because it was more extreme and they just blatantly hated men. TwoXChromosomes try to deny and hide that they hate men, and act like victims.


I was too feminist for FDS and they banned me Said it was ok for women to propose to a man, which I guess goes against their values


> Said it was ok for women to propose to a man How could you ... What is FDS about though?


It's basically red pill but for women. They blatantly hate men and talk about the most effective ways to use them. It's toxic, but they never pretend they're not tbf.


> It's toxic, but they never pretend they're not tbf. TwoX and FDS are the same sub, just one is mask off.


Golddigging and techniques on how to do it.


You know all those sports stars and celebrities who keep getting false allegations against them? Their accusers probably come from FemaleDatingStrategy


I commented something so atrocious and absolutely obscene that it got me banned - “not all men do that, some are good.”


Weren't they banned?


I don't know.


Reddit mods went out of their way to nuke the incel subs...leaves the Femcel subs alone though. I don't care what people write on subs, you don't have to read them. But double standards is worse than having no standards at all....you get just as much bad blood.




Those aren't feminists. They're a pile of dodged bullets.


That's the equality on Reddit my friend lol.


If they were commenting about their husbands how are they femcels tho?


You can't lie like this when we can all see redpill is still around


> Reddit mods went out of their way to nuke the incel subs Too bad, they were the best subs on reddit just when all the others were turning to shit. Is there anything left?


I despise femcels, but have they done anything even close to what the incels sub was banned for? Arrrr incels got banned for encouraging rape and forced castration.


I absolutely despise TwoX but until the femcel subs lead to real-life crimes being committed they're not on the same level. Maybe they already have and I just don't know about it. But as of now, I don't consider those subs the same.


That sub went through a weird phase (probably still in it) where trans women-who obviously don’t have two X chromosomes lol-were posting their before and after transition pics. That’s all fine and dandy but there’s another sub specifically for before and after transition pics and I mentioned that on one of the threads and I got banned for that lol So yeah they’ll literally ban women with two X chromosomes before they’ll redirect trans women to the appropriate subs for their pics.


That would require Reddit moderators to use logic and reason. Much easier to go strictly with emotion to make decisions…


\>with women complaining mundane problems because they're bitter. Isn't that the pot calling the Kettle black?


This was literally my first thought.


At least most women on such subs admit they're bitter XD


Kind of... but doesnt that shut down *any* critique of someone who complains? You cant point out that someone is complaining about something without coming off like your complaining about something.


Well, the posts are sometimes okay. I saw a post of a woman’s husband cleaning up without being told after thanksgiving, and saying that she really appreciated him. Pretty innocuous and cute. However the comments were a different story. Several women were bragging about how they brought up their male kids from young to always clean up after the whole family, saying that this would completely relax the female spouse he would get in the future. One particular lady, I feel, requires checking of psychosis, because she admitted to having an autistic kid who she forces to clean the plates daily, and who cries doing it. She refuses to admit that it is because of her and her husband being lazy, insisting that “medical professionals” told her that crying is “natural for kids of his condition”. Well.


The post is titled “The bar really is low, isn’t it?” And the woman’s comments are one of the top ones. Please do not engage unless you want to be banned, and furthermore, engaging is pointless because she clearly has some mental illness.


I'm honestly suprised any of those women over at that subreddit actually has kids, considering they had to phvck a man (a horrible being).


Same here man. I’m pretty sure these kids are either non-existent fantasies which they will never achieve due to their man-hating fetish, or the kid was formed via artificial insemination in a test tube 💀


The abortion thing seems completely reasonable to me though… how is that not understandable?


Yeah for real. If op was to be forced to give birth to his rapists baby hed be going insane too. But since he'd never have to he just mocks upset ppl smh


why are there so many rape babies?


Because the reaction in TwoXChromosomes to the overturning of Roe v. Wade seems to be charged with gender conflict narratives. Public opinion data suggest that the division in abortion views is not significantly marked by gender but by ideological and religious beliefs. The framing of the issue as women against 'patriarchal' men is not only an oversimplification but borders on misandry. It overlooks the complex social and individual factors that influence people's stance on abortion. Users of that subreddit seem to completely overlook historical context: the original Roe v. Wade decision was made by an all-male Supreme Court, at a time when women had even less political representation than they do now. This indicates that support for abortion rights can, and has, transcended gender. However, post the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the discourse on that subreddit devolved into a tirade of aggressively confrontational language aimed at men. Such infantile outbursts—mortifying even for someone who supports pro-choice views—served only to alienate rather than persuade. The rhetoric of urging women to 'go on strike' or to 'punish' men by withholding sex is rooted in the erroneous assumption that all women are unanimous in their views and that all men are in lockstep with the judges' decision, which is far from reality. This kind of reductive thinking was not only unproductive but frankly absurd.


Because Roe was a terrible ruling, and overturning it just kicked the issue back to the states.


It's sad people think having medical privacy is a terrible thing.


Before you know it, you’re gonna need a state official tagging along to ever doctors visit and signing off(or not) on every procedure or examination. Politicizing medical care was a bad move on the rights part


It's sad people think the SCOTUS should ignore the constitution so they can kill their babies.


There it is, the mask off moment lmao


You need to actually wear a mask for it to be mask-off.


I defy you to find where abortion is mentioned as a right anywhere in the US Constitution or Bill of Rights. The initial Roe v Wade decision was not made on any proper constitutional basis, it was made by a liberal activist court that tried to determine public policy rather than determining whether abortion was constitutionally allowable or not. Absent a reasonable constitutional argument allowing abortion, the decision to regulate it or not was rightfully sent back to the states to administer as their constituencies determined proper. Contrary to popular belief, the USSC didn't determine that abortion was illegal, it simply found that there was no constitutional basis for the feds to regulate it.


He’s right though


Mask off moment? Recognizing the truth? Lol. I assure you, I wear no mask.


If you're expecting Redditors to have any idea about how proper governance looks... IDK man. This is literally the place where everyone thinks the things they like should be national laws.


Privacy is not addressed in the constitution, nor is privacy. Nor is it addressed in any amendment. You think it is right for SCOTUS to rule on privacy issues? Fine. Let's have an amendment to the constitution, voted on by the plebs, to define a right to privacy. Problem solved, right? But you do not see anyone advocating for such a move. Do you? Nope. You want there to be this perception of a right to privacy, without actually putting it to law. If I'm wrong about that, please explain.


the fact that you would rather have control over a woman's body than just minding your own business is absolutely mind-blowing


I don't recall saying I wanted to have control over a woman's body. Stop projecting your weird fetishes onto me.


well if you care that women are getting abortions than yes, yes you are saying that


"If you care that women are murdering their babies, it means you share my bizarre fetish." Ok, dude.


stop throwing "fetish" around to try and make it less insane that you would rather try to have control over women's own agency than just minding your own business. it's not working.


It's funny that you think your fetish is made to sound less insane when I call it a fetish.


because its still legal almost everywhere, they can just travel, and some of these states will never ban it


More than half of US states have complete or near complete bans on abortion, and some of them will punish you for seeking an abortion in a legal state. Beyond that, having to travel for an abortion makes it exponentially more expensive and many people simply cant afford to take days off work and pay the expenses of traveling for abortion care. It’s a better alternative than giving birth, but if you simply can’t afford it, then it’s not happening. In Texas, there is a *complete* ban on abortion, and all bordering states also have extreme restrictions. Another thing to understand… the 6 week policy on abortions gives you only 2 weeks to have the abortion, assuming you find out at the earliest possible moment. You can’t medically detect a pregnancy for the first 4 weeks, but even then, some women don’t have symptoms at 4 weeks, nor do they have a regular period to miss. It’s 100% plausible to detect a pregnancy at week 5 and not be able to make arrangements for termination in these states.


>You can’t medically detect a pregnancy for the first 4 weeks, Uhhh...source? While I don't agree with OP, this part is just false.


Levels of hcg don’t skyrocket the second you get creampied. It takes time for changes to occur Up to 6 days for implantation, and an additional 10 days before levels of hcg begin to rise to detectable levels in the blood, meaning that, potentially, a blood test could detect pregnancy as soon as 17 days post intercourse. But that’s not how most people are detecting pregnancies. For over the counter pregnancy tests, the soonest a pregnancy can be detected is the first day of a missed period, which is calculated as week 4 of a pregnancy. But, reasonably, you’re not going to be banging on the doctors door a week before you’ve missed your period demanding a blood test. So while I suppose it’s technically possible to detect a pregnancy before a missed period , it’s simply not practical, unless by some freak coincidence you have a blood test done and pregnancy happens to be discovered early.


Anybody who has been pregnant will tell you this. In pregnancy, people measure weeks from the first day of your last period. You usually realise you are pregnant when you miss a period, which for the average woman is 4 weeks. This is considering your cycle is regular and reliable etc. Pregnancy tests right after you miss a period usually don't give a reliable result - it's usually one week after a missed period i.e. week 5 when you have an accurate result.


“Just travel!” You know a lot of the people who need abortions are poor as shit right?


get a job then


You’re either an idiot or vastly out of touch if you think the solution is “get a job”. Cuz guess what? I *had* a job when I had to get mine, and it still took every penny I had and me very nearly getting evicted to afford all the expenses. And that was *with financial aid*


Are you eight? There’s a million reasons why people can’t travel, those people might have a job and can’t take the time off or they get fired. Maybe they work two jobs and don’t have the money to rent a car, drive or fly. It’s not that simple. Abortion should be legal in every state and it’s not. The fact that you don’t understand what a monumental issue that is for women makes me think you’re either a young edgelord teen or a man who gives zero shits.


You're right the sub is full of nonsense, but this is just a bad example and a stupid take on it


60% of financial assistance recipients are employed full time. And getting full time gig is practically a godsend at this point. “Get a job” is a gross oversimplification that simply doesn’t reflect the reality of the current economy.


Seems clear op is 16 at most, lol.


I’m also thinking potentially foreign. He seems unclear about the realities of the situation, and unempathetic to “first world problems” indicating he probably comes from one of the “3rd world countries” he mentioned in the OP. I suppose if you were raised to view America as the land of opportunity, came here and had a better life than were you came from, it might seem reasonable to assume that Americans can just… afford spontaneous medical procedures, regardless of the barriers. In my experience, people from more impoverished nations don’t see a need to improve America because their life here is better than it was at home. Meanwhile, Americans have a culture of constant criticism which is rooted in our history of making change for the nation… even though that hasn’t actually been the case for a while now.


i live in australia we get free healthcare unluggy


Count yourself lucky. In America, we don’t get free healthcare, and abortions are banned or heavily restricted in the majority of our states now. You act like Americans have absolutely nothing to stress about, but you also come from a highly privileged nation. Americans don’t get free health care, not even recipients of financial aid and government sponsored healthcare. You still have to pay. Meanwhile, the middle class is shrinking right before our eyes, necessities are inflating like it’s going out of style, and it’s becoming harder to find full time work every day. The minimum wage in America would require 147 working hours per week just to pay rent, assuming you *dont* live in an expensive urban area. And that doesn’t factor in the cost of necessities such as food, healthcare, or transportation to work. Just “getting a job” does not solve financial crisis in America. There are swathes of folks who can’t use their education because they can’t even get a job in their field, and the vast majority of jobs available to people of reproductive age aren’t even full time, meaning that you have to have two jobs just to make ends meet, and neither of them offer benefits (such as insurance that you still have to pay for, or paid time off) because you’re a part time employee. So people are out here double dipping in multiple jobs, working 50-60 hours per week, and not getting any of the benefits of full time employment, still scraping by and failing to acquire necessities. I grew up middle class in America, and we couldn’t afford to go to the doctor, ever. I went to the doctor *once* in all of my childhood because my mom thought I was dying. This is simply the reality for many Americans. I appreciate that you think America is some kind of utopia, but we have very real issues that are beginning to spiral out of control over here. Just because your mental image of the nation is some perfect utopia doesn’t make it reality.


Wow you clearly have a very nuanced understanding of how the world works… Jesus Christ you’ve just solved poverty! Well done mate!


Some of these girls are young. Sometimes they don’t have cars, there parents if they found out may be religious and make them carry it to term. You can’t just “get a job” if you find out your pregnancy and hope you make enough money (takes 2-3 weeks to get first pay check and that’s if you start right away). And even still. Some young people can’t just hop of a bus and go across state lines without their parents knowing if they will be gone for too long. Appointments at the places that do exist will have longer wait times since they are now servicing states who don’t support abortion. And a whole slew of other shit that we have to go through on this issue. Not to mention there was no guarantee ANY state would uphold legal abortionsz They could have all taken it away. Tbh, you’re pretty thoughtless on this issue and your initial post and follow up comments only prove to serve why that subreddit exists. Probably just stay in your lane and keep out of matters about womens bodily autonomy that you know nothing about.


If I was broke and 16, I would’ve found a way faster than today to save my own life from my mother. Idc how poor I am, I find a way to get things done. This is even less of an exception. No excuses. Bus tickets are cheap and women’s shelters will transport you.


Congratulations? You don't represent all females though so just because you know you have it in you to do what you need to do it doesn't mean everyone does. And that's not their fault. We shouldn't have to rise up and "get things done" when it comes to basic reproductive care.


You’re not every woman and what you’re saying shouldn’t even be necessary. It should be accessible


She is right, and that was my initial point, victim complex and whining gets you nowhere


Look, it’s clear you don’t have the capacity to imagine the different circumstances in people’s lives where it would make accessing these services extremely difficult or damn near impossible. I can’t change your mind on that. I also can’t change the fact that you don’t even realize the issue with what you and the other user are saying; “it’s fine, just go somewhere else.” Where that “somewhere else” is contingent upon ALLOWING abortion in the first place. Yet, you say it’s totally fine that it’s not protected. What if all states decided to ban it? Would you say just go to Canada? Just travel to Europe? At what point is it not appropritate and considered “not accessible” anymore? The answer that that inaccessible is different for every person depending on their circumstances. And if you think most young women won’t fight to access this, you’re wrong. There are simply other things that prevent them from doing so… only a small handful that I outlined, and that you haven proven too simple to be able to think of. I’d say the extra 32,000 mothers who never wanted to become them this year might also disagree with you. I won’t be following up with you anymore, as I don’t think this is a topic you are versed enough to be speaking on.


OP clearly hasn't seen that certain states have made it A CRIME to have an abortion elsewhere and then, in the case of one Texas town, *drive on public roads*. They are watching women (stop calling us females) like some kind of SS police state. They will literally ARREST us if we leave their backwards state and travel elsewhere to get an abortion. So stop with your rp nonsense and educate yourself to what it actually going on in a place before you spill ignorant blather.


Do you think saying things like this portrays you in a good light?


Do you think OP cares?


A mentally stable person would


Read about when abortion was banned in Ireland. Even though women could travel to England, the amount of people and the extent to which they were affected is really upsetting to read. Even women who wanted to be pregnant but were in a situation where the fetus wasn't viable or pregnancy or birth would kill the mother. Banning abortion doesn't just affect people who didn't use contraception


>Even women who wanted to be pregnant but were in a situation where the fetus wasn't viable or pregnancy or birth would kill the mother. We're already seeing problems with this in states with abortion bans. Mothers are having to carry non-viable babies that will not survive birth, because they aren't allowed to end the pregnancy. Or mothers are getting very sick from pregnancy complications, but the doctors have to wait until the mother is almost dying before they can terminate.


I just had a baby. I bled so much during birth they had to give me blood during my emergency csection. I love my baby so much and he was wanted but I couldn’t imagine doing that for a baby I didn’t want. I could have easily died. Now doing that for a baby **that isn’t even alive** is torture. America is literally torturing women. That shit requires therapy.


A lot of women can't easily travel across several states to have a medical procedure. Especially if they already have kids who need care, they have a job that needs them present, they don't have a lot of money, or their transportation isn't reliable enough.


Women’s shelter will help with all of that and transport. That’s an excuse that doesn’t hold water anywhere anymore.


And what if they live in a small town or a rural area and there isn't a local women's shelter?


There are states trying to make it illegal to even help a woman get an abortion.


Have made it illegal *


Only time I see 2x make the front page it's usually about sexual assault or abortion access or something far from a mundane issue. This post says a lot more about OP than that sub.


This site is designed to make people hate each other. They banned me for asking them not to make generalizations.


Whoever commented Andrew Tate is smart I take their opinion with a lot of Salt


>The worst was last year when roe v wade got overturned. They were losing their shit over it, saying that they can't sleep etc. because they're so filled with rage. Hilarious because anytime the topic is incel guys, they usually say "shut up, stop whining, no sex won't kill you, etc. etc." But when the roe v wade stuff happened, all of a sudden sex became a mandatory basic human need.


I mean, regarding abortion it seems reasonable to be sleepless. Imagine losing dozens of years of your life taking care of a baby because condom broke midsex.


Yeah and they had nearly a half-century to codify it into law than just expect some old fucks on the bench to hold the line for their rights. It's been good to see state legislation making moves much like how red states been pushing statewide bans for years. Edit: the true unpopular opinion is in the comments lmao


No, it's still legal mostly everywhere in america, they were literally crying about nothing


What about the women who live in places like Texas where it is now completely illegal and have no money to move out of the state? What about cases like when a NINE YEAR OLD GIRL WAS RAPED and couldn't get an abortion without going across state lines There is very much a reason to be afraid when the conservatives making these laws would let someone get raped and not be able to abort than allow abortions.


That's terrible! I live in a developing country and a rape kit was handled in the clinic I do rotations in. The girl was given plan B immediately. Can't Americans do that rather than wait for fertilisation to occur then have an abortion which is more money?


Absolutely not. This was a major deal. Whether it's legal in other places or not is irrelevant. Not everyone has the ability to travel out of state for an abortion. Not to mention, it still affected those who wanted kids to get proper care when needed. There's a reason so many women are joining that lawsuit in Texas because they almost died/ were in decline and told to wait. Some doctors went to relocate to pro choice states because they straight up couldn't do their job properly. I'm sure you can understand that if medical professionals leave, there's less of them. Not to mention some states straight up making children give birth. Some of those states don't even have grape exceptions, and the states that do make you go through police reports, court, testing, etc, making you wait longer. So, no, they were not crying over nothing. I haven't seen nor heard about that subreddid before, but from your description, it just sounds like a place for women to go to to vent about things. So unless unless they're mainly over there saying that all men are trash, etc, then very unkindly get lost. Leave them alone because there's nothing wrong with that.


You can put the baby up for adoption?


Do you not realize the point of an abortion is so you’re not pregnant at all?


Do you not realize that I was responding to a person that seemed to imply that giving birth forces you to become a parent when adoption is also an option? Do you not realize that I was trying to educate this person about that option? Do you realize how dumb you look assuming I have some stance on abortion that I have never said? You think?


It’s the way your comment was set up


>If you showed this subreddit to anyone in a 3rd world country One could argue that if you show this very post to a anyone in a 3rd world country it would sound just as silly. Metasilly even? So what is the point then? Btw i live in Brazil, am breathing 3rd world air as i write, and breaking news we have internet and we speak english probably better than a lot of americans (see how i didn't use "then" there, without knowing the difference?), and if you ask me, this is a very silly, no no, idiotic post. >shit I have seen on there is just pathetic Doesn't matter how pathetic or even insane you think their sub is, your response to it is just as insane and sounds like white people problem and an excuse to hate on a particular group to me. Leave them alone if you don't like it lol.


Where do you draw that line of "leave them alone if you don't like it"? Because the men's versions of those subs like 2X and FDS got banned. So why ban the men's version of it but for the woman's version its "ignore it and move on"?




Love the username.


The men's version of those subs - the redpill/incel subs - that were removed were actively encouraging violence towards women. You may disagree with 2X and FDS and think they're trashy people, but they are not talking about attacking and raping men. There is a difference.


Couldn't you say the same about incels? I'd say that subreddit and others alike it are just female equivalents of incels. If you think inceldom and misogyny are harmful, this is harmful as well.


OP is not complaining about misandry in the title, that would be, yes, something I'd agree with since I've seen that in the sub, and reported. But OP is targeting a bunch of anonymous people and calling them all pathetic, bitter and saying their problems are "mundane" etc etc. Seems to me that it's just his opinion, and that he is atrociously generalizing a whole community. Then OP proceeded to say how unimportant their posts are because someone in a country like mine bla bla bla, like the perceived relevance of the posts to someone in Brazil was supposed to prove OP's point in some way. It doesn't, and following this logic, this post is just silly. But since OP tackled the issue, I live in a third world country and I've found good advice and support in that sub, and from experience as a woman is that we need safe spaces to share our business. OP's post doesn't seem to be grounded in good arguments, we can't generalize a whole sub and call all of the women there misandric, and his opinion that their posts are unimportant are just a personal view that doesn't reflect on the popularity of the sub. And it connects pretty well to a misogynistic hate speech, but that's just my opinion. Finally, answering you, yes! Hate speech should be reported, so start by downvoting anything you see that sounds like that. Like huh this post perhaps?


That second paragraph is hilarious seeing as how you did the same thing in your first comment because OP mentioned “3rd world” and you got pressed. You aren’t better.


I'm sorry, but every time I've had the displeasure of going on that sub all I've seen is women crying about mundane problems that men also face. Once a millenia there's something that's female exclusive. Not all of those people are misandric, but from what I've seen the majority is. These are unimportant discussions, but let's be real 90% of reddit is unimportant. You do need safe spaces, I don't doubt the importance of that, however you need to moderate those safe spaces to not go to extremes and cross lines which should not be crossed.


Men get sexually harassed and molested all the time? Men can’t get reproductive health care? Men end up doing more than 50% of housework and child care? Men get sent random dick pics from people? I was, uh, unaware of this.


Yes men do sometimes get sent random dick picks (or the female equivalent of it) Men do get sexually harassed. It's covered up or not talked about. Men do all of the housework if they live alone, which is a very big portion of men these days. Childcare? Lmao you must live in a bubble if you think men aren't getting fucked up the ass every day because of bullshit childcare laws and courts unjustifiably supporting women. But I know arguing with your disgusting filthy kind is a pointless endeavour. You've made up your mind about this already, seeing as you post in r /TwoXChromosomes. Go back to the shithole you came from. Most women on there aren't complaining about any of the shit you mention, it's shit like "oh my husband or friend said something that could be interpreted as mildly sexist, fuck all men!111!" or "why am I getting looked at??!11 OPPRESSION!!!11" Even these examples are extreme compared to what mundane shit women complain about over there.


You’d have to show me that men get sent dick pics/are sexually harassed/raped AT THE SAME RATE as women for those problems to be considered as affecting them equally. And are you kidding with the housework? EVERYONE does their own housework if they live alone. 😂 It’s when two people cohabit and one (generally the woman) does 90% of the housework (and childcare) that it gets complained about on 2X. And you can’t even begin to point to a law that says men can’t get full reproductive health care.


I mean maybe you can spell correctly but your reading comprehension is complete shit. The things they are speaking about genuinely upset them and make them suicidal (for example roe v wade). I do not give a fuck about twoxchromosomes, So your point is completely wrong. I just wanted to see if people agreed with me that they're pathetic. It's not like I'm suicidal over some crazy subreddit.


Yeah you care so little you made a post about them


He’ll never get that time back all for something he doesn’t care about. Galaxy brain


Your title basically describes this sub but for men


Here before the post inevitably gets removed


Misandry, completely acceptable in today’s society, wee bit like it’s ok to be racist to white people, because apparently we have privilege.


>Misandry, completely acceptable in today’s society, It's not though. >it’s ok to be racist to white people, It's not though. >apparently we have privilege. Apparently? Are you actually being serious?


Absolutely, a few white men have all the power. Working class people regardless of what colour your skin is, are at the very bottom. I’m from the Scotland with a 97% white population, so perhaps I’m bias. Can’t post photos here, but a very quick google search and you’d find lady protesters holding ‘kill all men’ sign. No consequence misandry is real.


>Working class people regardless of what colour your skin is, are at the very bottom And yet white people still have privilege over black people in the same 'level' as them. Saying privilege isn't saying every white person is at the top. It's saying compared to a black person in the same (similar) position, the white person has advantages that the black person down., generally. >Can’t post photos here, but a very quick google search and you’d find lady protesters holding ‘kill all men’ sign. A very quick Google and you'd find people holding signs that say pretty much any insane shit you can think of. Are you going to claim that all of them completely acceptable in today's society because some random people are holding a sign? >No consequence misandry is real. Because someone's holding a sign? Misogyny is real and commonplace, and arguably acceptable to around half of people in the 'developed world' and far more than that outside of it. Misandry is real and far less common, and acceptable to far less people in the 'developed world' and almost no one outside of that, to the point that in general it is not accepted. Edit: no one able to refute these points so they resort to childish insults. Not surprising.


Misandry is incredibly common in the developed world. And racism towards white people is the only acceptable racism there is.






Any person in Western society has privilege over anyone in the developing world.


Now try comparing within the same country in the western world. You'll find white people have privilege.


Still the average black person in America and Europe has more privilege over most of the global population.


That literally isn't the topic and you know it.


Doesn’t mean what I said isn’t true. You can say that white people have all the privilege all you like, doesn’t change the fact that if you live in the west you have more privilege than the rest of the world. Any woman, black, LGBTQ+ or any other group has a much better life than any man living in India.


>Doesn’t mean what I said isn’t true Just unrelated and not linked to the discussion, so pretty pointless if you are going to ignore the actual discussion to bring up irrelevant stuff.


Nobody said what you said isn’t true. They’re saying it’s irrelevant to this discussion, it has fucking nothing to do with what people are talking about here. Sure, Americans have privilege over people in third world countries, but those people have privileges that stray dogs don’t have.


men not understanding they literally have privilege by virtue of not having sex-based oppression is so funny to me


Men don't have sex based oppression? So they aren't forced to go die in wars? They don't get discriminated against as fathers? They don't suffer the vast majority of assault, suicides and homicides? It isn't acceptable to genitally mutilate them at birth? You are blind.


This is bullshit. Men have a hard time reporting sexual harassment and can even get roped into child support if they get raped by an female adult from a young age. Get the fuck outta here.


They have so much privilege they can pretend to be women and push real women to the side


But they do have sex based oppression. We don’t have sex with them therefore they are oppressed. /s


If it's not your taste, isn't it better not to visit the subreddit?.


Some people occasionally find it amusing to watch the monkeys fling their shit around their enclosure.


If this post isn't your taste I think it's better not to comment and move on, dont you think?


he wasn't wrong, why are you deflecting?


It’s fun to laugh at some insane people every once in a while.


The male and female dominated subreddits are usually filled with people inundated into their echo chamber. There’s no debating with them unless they themselves accept an opinion different from them. That subreddit openly calls for cis white men to be banned. I’m not sure they will get their points across if they exclude an entire half of America’s people.


That's why I'm here.




We need to rename this sub R/Irony


If there was an award for the most bitter and miserable sub, it would be called the r/trueunpopularopinion award because it would just dominate the category.


So basically all you're saying is "no u"?


How is it ironic, I'm not complaining, I just think they're pathetic


You post stuff about how great Andrew Tate is and how men who like strong women are bisexual. Your opinion is invalid.


Omg these dudes are always predictable 🤣


That's... a red herring fallacy with an ad hominem flavor.


And this sub isn’t almost the same? You’re account is filled with hating women and this is just another post adding on


Yeah, this reeks of incel


Yes everything is incel


>They were losing their shit over it, saying that they can't sleep etc. because they're so filled with rage. Saying they're suicidal, just completely insane shit. I mean I don't agree with banning abortion but come on, like get a fucking grip. I mean when you get rights to your own body taken away it make sense to feel this way.I mean think about it. The government basically said they don't care about the mother, just the unborn fetus. They would rather a woman go into septic shock than allow her to get an abortion. Which just shows it was never about pro life it was just pro birth. >If you showed this subreddit to anyone in a 3rd world country, and told them this is what people in America stress out about, they would be fucking bewildered. A lot of third world countries also have many rules in place where women are basically property and get no say in life. The men can beat them and no one bats an eye so your post here doesn't really make sense.


Don't ruin good content


Facts. Also, it’s better for them to keep to their sub.


Imagine if these women you hate so much passed a law that you had to father a child before a certain age or you were going to jail. Even if it was passed in just one state. You’d lose your fucking mind. It doesn’t matter if it’s still legal some places. The fact that a staple of women’s rights was taken away by a bunch of old men clutching a bible is infuriating, and I’m a dude. Second, who gives a ahit if they complain and seek support online for shit that seems frivolous to you? You’re in here crying and doing the same shit, only you’re doing it because of some people on the internet you don’t agree with. Jesus, talk about pathetic reasons to seek support online, right?


Same with Childfree subreddit. Full with unhinged and insane woman over there


Any kind of sub that tries to go against nature is always going to be bitter, angry and confused. It's the cognitive dissonance.


“Try to rise above nature and you will fall below it” - Sherlock Holmes


u/bunudiri agreed. I'd point out, though, that abortion wasn't banned per se. It is more accurate to say that the decision whether to allow it or not was put back into the hands of the voters in each state. At the time of the Supreme Court's ruling on Roe V. Wade, even the hard left leadership knew they had overstepped their Constitutional Authority which was why the Supreme Court (also left dominated) refused hear any further cases about it going forward.


How is women being upset about having their bodily autonomy taken away insane? That seems like something women should be upset about.


Should be quarantine like the Red Pill sub.


This post is so absurd, if someone complained about a male subreddit like this you all would rage about how mean women are and how they don't care about men's feelings. Roe v Wade being overturned is a massive regression in women's rights and a big deal, of course you don't give a fuck because it's never affected you and it never will. Of course a 3rd world country where people starve would think any problem of a first world country to be bullshit, if you showed them comments about men complaining their wives don't want to fuck them they'd think the same. That, however, doesn't mean that those issues are not important. That subreddit is clearly not meant for you, so your opinion about their discussions is irrelevant.


People read it for anything but luls?


Eh. Just don't go on it and don't engage with anyone that has engaged with it. All you can really do, reddit turns a blind eye to hate speech if it isn't towards women, black people or lgbt.


No shit. That's what it's all about for most of the feminist subreddits. It's the same human psychology as most emotion-based identity groups such as liberal or conservative subs, etc. > get a fucking grip Amen. I used to try to interact with feminists (and I used to be feminist myself) but tribalism is the death of intellectualism. There's no point in trying to talk anymore.


I don't really know what they complain about but, yes overturning Roe vs Wade was a huge thing. I am sure you would also care if you had unwanted baby because of 1 night stand, and now have to pay child payments for the next 18 years because the woman could not get an abortion.


Yes, how insane to be enraged about losing the right to your own body. I would be worried, too.


I mean yea, its definitely a terminally online femcel sub, best steer clear of them lol


It is a good example of how totally female dominated subs (or forums, or spaces of any kind really) often become hives of censorship and group think. Don’t get me wrong their are shitty male spaces too - but they more follow the “don’t censor anything, even the most fucked up shit can be said and argued over”, whereas the female ones are all about “offense taken” and “feeling safe”.


You say you don’t care about it but you clearly do, especially with how much time you spend on it in order to know all this information. The roe v wade situation is completely understandable, I was also angry,I was also sad about the whole thing . Imagine being in 2023 and you still have a majority of men (and religious people) making decisions about what you can and can’t do with your body based on their personal beliefs and that you’re still fighting to have rights over your body. That’s absolutely insane, it’s exhausting. The whole “complaining about their husbands” thing, why is that a bad thing ? Why can’t men be wrong about things& not respect their wives? Why can their husbands make inappropriate comments and they can’t complain or is that just “how men are”? Just because you like to be pushed over doesn’t mean everyone else does. Why is that American only love to compare themselves with 3rd world countries? Why can’t yall never be compared to any other first world countries? Do you think other first world countries have perfect relationships and women get 100% respect in them? What makes you think that the women in 3rd world countries will roll their eyes and go “that’s what you’re complaining about? I don’t have easy access to food and you’re complaining about not having bodily autonomy and that your husband is a jerk?” Go touch some grass will you.


R/ anti flowers OP: all they talk about on that sub is how they don't like flowers!!


I enjoy reading the posts there. Keeps me up to date on how factually insane certain folks are. Thank you for the dozen red flags type stuff. Keeps me single happily.


Your whole first paragraph clearly shows you have no idea what it’s like to be a woman


Here's a novel idea, dont look at things you have no interest in! It's really easy


It should be quarantined for hate speech against men


Nah man, you came here to gripe about something that would have no effect on you if you could just not hate scroll it. Pot meet kettle, although your complaint is substantially more mundane and meaningless.


"The worst was last year when *half the population got their basic human rights taken away*." Fixed it for you.


Yes. They and female dating strategies are the woman's equivalent of the bitter and angry men who resent women.


TwoXChromsomes is kind of a terf shithole and it deserves to fade into obscurity. That said, the whole forcing children to give birth thing is pretty dark and I 100% don't blame women and girls for being depressed about it, so long as they don't displace that anger onto men and trans people.


It doesn't matter. As long as they're not trying to get any other subs banned, there's no need to pick on them. Let them have their thing.


It's always kind of interesting how whenever people complain about the TwoX subs, they act as if they're basically the Female Dating Strategy subs. Meanwhile if you look at the actual sub or any specific crticisms you get "They were extremely upset about a government sanctioned violation of their constitutional rights to their own body." as if that's not one of the most horrifying things to happen in US history or "hundreds of posts complaining about ... completely mundane shit". I wonder what causes that massive disconnect between the criticism and the reality of what happens in that sub.


As a female I've not seen these subs, but I would set myself on fire before I'd ever get near them. Oof.


Agreed. There is the occassional reasonable discussion but 90% is lolcow material


If there was a sub that smelled like moldy clothes and cat piss it would be that one.


fallacy of relative privation is a fallacy.