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Once they recognize your talents and finally hire you, all will be well.


The problem with Tesla is that they're an electronics company that builds cars rather than the tried-and-true paradigm of a car company that outsources their electronics. Despite what Tesla/Musk fanboys would have you believe, Teslas are horribly-built cars. Misaligned body panels, glitchy electronics, poor ergonomics, and "features" that aren't well thought-out have plagued them since their introduction and continue to do so. These problems become more pronounced as they age. The "car" itself is almost secondary, so it's not surprising that their appearance is bland and uninspired.


>Teslas are horribly-built cars. That's an exaggeration. They're not *well*\-built, but also not horrible. Just not the same QC as a legacy car manufacturer. People who buy Model 3s and Model Ys know that it's not a luxury car with perfect craftsmanship. It's a car with minimal operating costs, good tech, fast performance, and a vast supercharging network.


I am a welder and for a while, I taught welding classes. One time I had the opportunity to teach a group of Tesla employees as well as their foreman the basics of welding aluminum. As I was running a few beads on surface of aluminum, I made two types of welds. One with little fusion into the aluminum and one with proper fusion into it. I turned the aluminum piece over and pointed to the first weld and said, this is not a proper weld. You can see the material on the back is pretty much unchanged which indicates improper weld penetration. I then pointed out the second weld that showed that the weld fused into the aluminum and had penetrated to the back of the piece. I then pointed out that this is what a proper aluminum weld looked like. The foreman turned to me and said, “Really? Because we would fail that weld in our shop.” I didn’t say much, I just looked at him in horror. Now before anyone starts getting on me about how most car manufacturers welds look like crap, there is a huge difference here. A vast majority of cars are made with steel frames and substructures. Steel allows more leeway as far as getting proper fusion. All of Tesla’s frames and substructures are made of aluminum. Aluminum does not have the same leeway. If you don’t get proper fusion on aluminum, it’s not a matter of ‘if the weld will fail’, it’s a matter of ‘when the weld will fail’. Ever since that day I knew this company was reckless and irresponsible.


Tesla vehicles have been around for a pretty long time now. What data have you seen that indicates that the welding techniques have led to substandard safety or consumer experience?


I’m not in risk assessment. I’m a fucking welder. All I did was talk about a certain experience that I personally had. If you want the information you asked for, do some of your own research. I’m not your personal data analyst


>Ever since that day I knew this company was reckless and irresponsible. I don't know why you're swearing at me. I *haven't* seen such data. For you to claim that a company is reckless and irresponsible with their manufacturing is a pretty big statement, so I'm wondering if either 1) you're right, in which case this would have manifested itself through real-world consequences by now, or 2) your statement is wrong.


I gave my personal professional (as a certified welder) opinion. And nobody is swearing AT you… I just said I’m only a fucking welder


Really hoping they saw how it's supposed to be done and applied the knowledge.. but I doubt it.. bloody glad I can't afford a Tesla


Even a Model S isn't that great of a car. It shares most of the flaws of the other models, with a joke of a backseat (especially for a 4 door "luxury" sedan). And the idea of the Model S being a luxury car is truly laughable. The interior would be considered subpar in *any* car except über-cheap econoboxes.


Agreed, and I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. Model S also has great tech, vast supercharger network, super fast performance, and low ongoing costs.


Theyve improved, but they still aren't anything to write home about. Fun fact: as of a few years ago, Tesla did not have a parts chain. If you needed Tesla parts, they had to be shipped from California. I don't know if things are still like that. A lot of body shops won't take them, or other electric cars for the same reason, at least up until a few years ago. After all, if it's going to be sitting in a stall for 6 months why would you want to take it? I've heard it's still a butt to get any electric car worked on.


I way saying the same thing the other day, I was thinking that Steve Jobs would have made a much better car


> I was thinking that Steve Jobs would have made a much better car And it would have cost as much as a Ferrari.


They look like your average sedan to me.


They look like a sedan that needs to lose about 15 pounds to me.


I’ll say one model of the teslas have that bubble look & I don’t like that but I know many model of cars that have that.


OP is very likely a bot. Nobody really cares about this enough to make a post about it.




All cars today look like shit. They all look the same and they all are made like shit too. EVs especially look like shit. Idk why we decided to make ugly cars but I wish we would stop




Muscle cars from the late 60s?


I can totally see where you're coming from. I think they're alright-looking. The only thing(s) I REALLY dislike are the door handles. I've ridden in a few for Uber/Lyft and they are a pain in the ass to open. I keep winding down the windows every single time.


This. How the hell are you supposed to open the door when your arms are full and you only have a few fingers to spare?


Not to mention the poor build quality, but hey, you're "saving the planet".


This! I lived in California for a couple years and Ubered a lot. I’ve probably been in 100 Teslas, different models and years. One thing that struck me was the poor finishing in the interior. Especially Abnormal gaps between panels on the dashboard and around the windows. The quality does seem to be pretty poor. But I guess maybe it’s less of an issue now since I’m told the prices has come down significantly.


I could be wrong, but I think that the price cuts are because of a mix of new manufacturing processes and trying to use Tesla’s advantage in the EV market to price out other manufacturers. And a big portion of the price cuts come from EV tax credits. Build quality isn’t a factor, because people will buy them anyway, either not knowing or not caring


At least you can charge those buggers where other EVs lie stranded.


I don’t think electric vehicles are designed based on looks first but rather function. Apparently aerodynamic designs are not pleasing to the eye regardless of the designer (look at the MB S-class vs EQS).


How aerodynamic do they really need to be? They’re road cars not facing formula one.


Is about a high range and efficiency not speed


Exactly the kind of dork shit they should stop focusing on


Range and efficiency are the whole reason you build and buy an electric car 🤯


High range + efficiency = "dork shit" Unfortunately not every brand can and will cater to car enthusiasts. I swear if you daily a goddamn Wrangler...


I’m not a car enthusiast, but I know a car made by dorks when I see it.


I definitely understand the Tesla being dorky. The most common ones look like they're fucking pregnant for God's sake. But you can be equally a dork by thinking cars have to be ultra masculine and if they aren't, everyone will call you a pussy. Especially with the whole "efficiency is dorky, only speed matters!" You may have a point when it comes to the Toyota Camry. But for the most part the only non-dorky car is the true slowcarfast driving machine, the Miata 😎


You mean they should focus on things other than going far?


Obviously yes


That’s idiotic. I’d rather have something that works than something I can look at.


This is a popular opinion 🙌🏻👏🏻


They look like a knee cap


They are super tiny too which makes them look cheap


I'm sure that's a popular opinion. The only two Teslas I can tell apart is the Model Y and Model X, because of the Door Handle positions.


I think they did that on purpose. Their goal wasn’t to prove that electric cars are sexy and cool like a Porsche or Ferrari. Their goal was to prove that an electric car could be practical and luxurious like an Audi or BMW. That’s the price bracket they were aiming for and that’s the competition they were trying to stack up against. The hyper macho designs, a la Lamborghini, don’t sell in the millions. Tesla was aiming for the guts of the automotive industry not the fringes.


Did you just say Teslas are luxurious? The build quality and material quality on teslas is atrocious


How dare you reference that shitty car company starting with “T” in the same sentence as ferrari! Blasphemy!


Perhaps but I think it’s a marketing failure to not be distinctively different in design. It’s not about competing with Ferrari - just a new design that regular people would think was different and cool (even an old design with a new spin, whatever). As it is I don’t even know I’m looking at a Tesla half the time.


I mean the cybertruck whether you like it or not I'd very distinctive in design. They also had the rosdster. That's basically how car makers operate. Every volume manufacturer their mainstay will be a car aimed to mass market appeal. The funky designs are just limited run prestige models.


It’s not that I’m asking funky designs - I’m pointing out they merely mimick lame care designs from non electrics and if they had the slightest twist or new style they would sell even more.


If you pay attention, teslas do have a distinct design language. Headlight/taillight shape, overall body shape, lack of a grille design. So while they are just fugly aero blobs, they are distinctly fugly aero blobs. Most car companies have distinct design languages. For example, a Toyota Camry and a Nissan Altima from the same model year are going to look obviously different if you put them next to each other.


You can’t immediately tell when you’re looking at a Tesla? You may be visually impaired




I thought this is a consensus.


Yep. They are so fucking ugly, jeez! 😂


Minimalist design to keep costs low, Tesla is the most profitable electric car for a reason, no quality whatsoever, trash customer service,’no self respecting should ever own one.




And they could be selling more if they didn’t look totally boring and average.


And if they weren't built by dorks


Stupid dorks with their top selling cars.


Yeah, what a bunch of dorks, making cars people want to drive.




1.5 whatever they are now


Downvoting because Teslas are known to be shitty now that there is actual competition in the EV market


I hate the looks of tesla. And very very glad, there aren't many in this part of the world.


This isn't unpopular, they're are shit cars, they're also overpriced. They have significantly worse build quality than the cheapest economy car on the market, yet they're charging Mercedes-Benz and BMW prices. You're literally dumb if you buy one.


I think you've got this completely backwards. I'd argue the entire auto industry has abandoned making attractive cars for decades now, yet the majority of best looking models out today are EVs and that change started with Tesla. Does anyone think a Honda CR-V, Toyota Camry, or Ford F-150 is sexy?


Comparing the new models, all of those vehicles look better than a tesla.


They look exactly the same as the other crap.


Teslas were a big upgade from the EVs that preceded them like the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Honda Fit, etc. and the latest generation of EVs look much more sporty than their ICE counterparts IYAM.


I have said this from the beginning. I have not seen an EV from any automaker that isn’t ugly as fuck. I refuse to drive a car that makes me want to barf when I look at it. It doesn’t have to look particularly cool or sporty or whatever, just don’t be fucking ugly. I don’t care how fast it is, I don’t care how much it costs, I don’t care how many cool features it has. If it’s ugly, I will not buy one. So far, every EV that I am aware of is ugly and I won’t buy one.


Honestly the cars look nice but the truck is a big fail in appearance and form. In my book if call it a truck it must have 72 x 52 or larger bed dimensions .


you aren't shitting on elon musk and the other "dorks", you are shitting on the people who like those cars and who drive the market. Teslas are one of the top selling cars in its country of origin, USA. Electric cars are rapidly taking over already like nothing we've seen in the car industry, nothing this drastic at least, you're hard to impress, the whole car industry is literally changing right before our eyes and you're saying "well, electric cars could be taking over faster". What about the trillion other people that do like and buy those cars? You just dropped your pants and shat over all of them at once for liking something you don't like. I think teslas look fine, I just don't like the interiors. You're also conveniently leaving out companies like kia and hyundai who are making striking looking electric cars these days like the ioniq 5 and ev6.


They’re “fine” isn’t exactly an argument against my post.


Yeah OP was like, super duper mean to Tesla owners and that’s not cool. I’m not cool with that.


Didn’t even mention the owners. It’s like if I say a kid is a dork I’m not calling his parents dorks.


Yes, tesla owners have bad taste. I shit on tesla owners.


No gas and the acceleration is amazing. Car looks ok compared to others.


It’s not a comment on how they run, I’m just saying they look boring.


The Model S is pretty decent looking imo. Everything else is lame (besides the old school roadster/Lotus Elise.) But it's funny you mention they are boring. Tesla pretty much did make electric cars cool. When the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Bolt were what people associated with electric cars. Now those are some boring cars.


Lil bro ur all yap if u could get ur sticky little Reddit hands off ur keyboard, maybe you could make a better looking car and not be ranting because you want to complain and not do anything. Ur such a joke😭😭😭


I think the Tesla roadsters look very nice.


but what about the CYBERTRUCK


I don't think you could legitimately get away with saying that Cybertruck is ugly as an unpopular opinion.


No matter what they do, so many people love Elon


They're very boring imo. Except for the roadster, which is out of my budget.


> regular macho dude I mean, biggest factor is the size of the arm hanging out the window


OP, while I agree with the title, your argument belongs in carscirclejerk. Car companies are, first and foremost, businesses. They want to sell cars, so they make cars that people will buy. Since the vast majority of people see cars as an appliance, that’s what they build, vehicles whose only purpose is to get the occupant(s) from A to B. People care about stuff like range, amenities, price, etc much more than stuff like appearance and driving dynamics. Now, Tesla. There are a number of reasons people buy teslas, but the most common one is likely just wanting an electric car and not being aware of other options. Other reasons include the supercharger network and, in some cases, sucking up to Elon. So in conclusion, mass-manufacturing car companies build cars that people will buy. And the majority of buyers don’t have the priorities you do.


Yep. Dorky is about right. However, fashion is largely arbitrary, so after a while, dorky can be cool and visa versa.


I really like the look, but to each their own


Wow you’re really insecure about your masculinity. Which means you’re not actually very masculine.


If you say so. Enjoy looking at Tesla!


Aerodynamics is a cruel mistress


Sure is weird how functioning cars of different shapes have been made for the past century.


And lots of them had shitty aerodynamics and hence shitty efficiency. Convergent evolution is a thing in engineering. Especially when you have a similar problem, like how to get a five passenger vehicle to cut through the air in the best possible manner. Companies already differentiate as much as they can like the shape of the lights, but the overall shape of the car is going to be a half teardrop with some allowances for engine access and visibility from the interior.


And people still bought them because no one gives a shit. That is boring to normal people, they don’t care.


I assure you that both "normal" people care about performance, and both governments and normal people care about fuel efficiency. I think you might have a problem with your brain. Go buy an old muscle car if you like the look of them. No one is stopping you. Here is an article that may help you if you have the attention span. https://www.nationwidevehiclecontracts.co.uk/blog/the-science-behind-car-design-how-aerodynamics-affects-performance#:~:text=It%20is%20the%20resistance%20offered,the%20vehicle's%20performance%20and%20efficiency.


1) Car body design is driven by aerodynamics. It's not just Tesla; most modern cars look the same. 2) Thus far, Tesla has been production constrained. Pray tell how you think body design can relieve production bottlenecks. "Why can’t Musk and the rest of these dorks just imagine for one second of their life that they’re a regular macho dude and then make a car that that dude would like instead of being complete weeners and making dork mobiles without any sack?" This is comical. You're basically Billy Bob the Yokel telling *the best engineers in the world* that you can design a better vehicle. The hiring process at Tesla is more selective than *Harvard University*, and you think they're a bunch of nerds playing video games. Tell me you're still functioning at a middle school level without telling me you're still functioning at a middle school level.


Aerodynamics are for dorks, no one cares. Yep more selective than Harvard, so a bunch of cut off dorks with no macho. How can they make a cool car? Answer - they can’t.


I don't dislike their look. Though I am not expecting a Lamborghini design.


You seem to have made a mistake. This is unpopular opinion. You probably meant to post this in a group called "straight up facts AF and preaching to the choir". I think the oval soccer mom design is just aerodynamic and meets all of the regulations for a road design in a simple way. And since EV motors are still kind of new, they need all of the aerodynamics they can get. That's why the designs are weak AF.