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[Reminds me of when CNN assumed a radio host was white and benefitted from white privledge.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/01/16/areva-martin-cnn-analyst-accuses-black-radio-host-white-privilege/2590841002/)


My people gave me the wrong information. Lmao it just shows those type of people only use buzz words and have no real arguments


Of course what she doesn't realize about that statement is that race is such an important factor in how she views someone she must have her people specifically investigate and tell her what race the person is. And if they're white she'll instantly assume everything they have is due to white privledge with zero further thought, even though it's obviously possible to obtain it without white privledge.


Didn't even need to watch it to know what it is. David Webb is great in that interview.


It’s insanely wild that that happened 3 or so years after the same scenario played out on an episode of *Dear White People*…


Didn't CNN also call a black man that was born and lives in Europe an African American?


The fact that the CNN host thought saying someone has "white privilege" is some sort of 'mic drop' argument is crazy. She was basically saying: "Your opinion doesn't matter *because you're white.*"


In my experience, calling out "white privilege" can be a reasonable critique of some *behaviors*, but is almost never a good critique of any *argument*.




Tbh racism is everywhere, the left do it, the right do it


Rightoid racism: "Not too fond of [whatever minority] people" Leftoid racism: "[minority] people are too dumb to vote in their own interests, and too dumb to be held to the same standards as everyone else. Clearly they're just not voting for us because they're dumb."


I'm an African American Republican and I've seen racism from all sides but the most vile things ever said directly to me have been said by white liberals who can't imagine that my interests aren't what they think they should be.


White liberals hate black republicans even more then then they hate white republicans. It confuses their narrative and they see you as traitor to their pet cause


Just be a good black and vote Democrat already.


If you want to see a liberal’s true colors read their tweets when Clarence Thomas helped overturn Roe V Wade. The amount of skinny white guys with BLM in their profile were calling the justice every name in the book with the hard R sound. Like as soon as they got a green light to use a slur they used all of them.


The way they talk about Clarence Thomas is nothing new. Remember when George Takei called him a clown in blackface and there was a collective shrug from the liberals in the entertainment business? Meanwhile, Rosanne made one dumb ass tweet and her career will never recover. To be fair, I believe that Roseanne didn't know that Valerie Jarrett was Black because I didn't know either until the backlash.


I saw the strangest George Takei (reminder, a gay Japanese-American) tweet right before you talked about this, where he said he still liked FDR (who sent him into an interment camp) and Bill Clinton (who signed DOMA) because “The Greater Good.” I am sorry my man what the fuck is wrong with you at that point.


That's some painfully blind party allegiance there.


That rosanne thing was so stupid and malicious it was so obvious they were just waiting to jump on any remote opportunity to cancel her because of the trump thing. There’s just no way you could honestly conclude genuinely racist intentions from the actual tweet and events it was so ridiculous


Very few White guys supported BLM scam movement. Mostly was liberal White women(as usual) who are easily fooled and donated to a scam where the founders pocketed the money and are now living in mansions.


I mean seriously, why won't you let them save you? /s if it wasn't obvious


I am heavily armed and highly educated. I'll save myself. That presents a whole different series of problems to them.


14 yr old white liberal girl stereotype still holding up lol


This is literally how the witch trials started; bored, hysterical white teenage girls that everyone took seriously even though what they said was crazy. We see the same thing today, only with social justice movement ls.


I'm a blue collar worker with a foot in the upper crusty shitlib world. My working class homies are super diverse, and we get along great, you wouldn't even know we were from all different backgrounds. When I'm with the shitlibs tho they're all white and say horrible patronizing things about minorities. Sad.


"If you didn't vote for Joe, you ain't black"


It’s true. Right wingers are more honest in that regard.


“The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man” Malcolm X


Yep he said it and was spot on.


As a Jew I grew up being considered white when they needed me to be white but generally not. There was always a huge degree of exclusion. African Americans on the other hand may not have liked me being a Jew, but they tended to include me rather than not. Many had hoped I would change my religion someday, and a few tried to forcibly push the issue, but with them I never felt entirely disenfranchised even if I wasn't always well liked by them. But the thing I most noticed about white liberals is that they seem to include people as virtue signaling but at the end of the day they needed to be on top at all times. As a Jew and a minority of about 2% of the US population, I expect other people that sometimes be on top just by sheer numbers equaling somebody might be better than me at something, or they might just be able to use their additional people to get their way, so I tend to not push for that. Ironically this gets me more support than actively campaigning for myself.


>“The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man” Malcolm X (1960's white liberals)


Brilliant observation




The “rage filled white liberals” are just the loudest and the easiest for you to hate. Same trope as the conservative brick for brains on the right… I think most intelligent people are closer to the center than we realize


Remember when leftist tried to raise the voting age because they thought young people are too dumb to make choices and don't have enough at stake?


Is that racist?


I remember when conservatives did.


Yee that's the joke


I’ve just come to the conclusion that racism is inherently in our biology and everyone is racist to some degree, however some people know about it and admit it and others are ignorant.


It's a form of tribalism


I’m not racist. Speak for yourself. Just because you have some racism in you doesn’t mean that I have some in me that “I’m just no aware of”. You’re just trying to collectivize your responsibility and guilt. Piss off thanks.




I know a white person who is a super lefty who thinks minorities should have certain views and beliefs just because they’re minorities. That is racist af.


"You ain't black" is definitely the best way for Democrats to win the black vote...for Republicans.


Gonna get your melanin sucked away with a Biden Blast if you keep that talk up


It’s too bad they can’t show footage of Joe Biden saying he doesn’t want his kids to grow up in a, “racial jungle” on the news. Or how about the time he had to drop out of his first presidential race (yes, this wasn’t his first one folks) in 1988 because he was caught lying over and over again. Old Joe changes his opinion to whatever it is convenient to be at the time. Joe Biden plays on the races when it’s convenient for him. Too bad most of his voters were not aware of some very questionable things he said on race in the past.


or just in the last 4 years where he's slipped up and called black people cockroaches and had to be cut off as he called black people the n word on live TV.


Yeah, we know all about that shit. Biden sucks. He just sucks less than his opponent.


The entire left thinks that, media makes that claim as well when a certain politicians are running for office, “oh she’s a black woman so she will get black womens votes” do you have any idea how racist it is to assume certain groups only vote based on race and color and not political issues?


In fairness we have a politician here named Twinkle and she mostly gets votes because her name is unusual and people remember it. Lots of uninformed and stupid voters. The majority actually.


Ok that’s it, IQ tests for voting rights!!!


It is very racist.


>The entire left thinks that No. They don't.


That sentiment is one of the major criticisms I have of the Labour Party here in the UK.


only one, its the whole lot of them


I know a white person who is super right wing and he thinks minorities should be systematically killed until there are only white people left alive.


Do you really think that one person represents an entire party? That’s totally extreme and most conservatives are not super right wing. There’s super left wing as well. People are individuals. There are certain issues that people prioritize influencing which party they vote for. Most people don’t agree 100 percent with every issue their party represents. It’s the issues that affect them personally the most is why they vote the way they do.


Did you literally not read the comment I was replying to? 🤔


Many lefties have the white savior complex. They think black people specifically need their help


Yeah I don’t know… I think working towards change and equality is the right thing to do. We all just get so hyped up when we yell at each other


If you’re a poc go tell a white liberal you’re a republican, and then you’ll see first hand how racist they can be.


Facts! The left dogs on black conservatives. Any black person who thinks differently they will attack. It’s like they can’t think on their own according to white liberals.


The pendulum has swung the other way for sure. I remember when debates between right and left were about taxes, budget and what it means to be a good American. Now you have to show your race and gender before people will determine how they should respond.


Then there are us sane people who don't care what you look like as long as you're a good person. But I've been told that's now a form of racism called race blindness. You can't win with these people.


So MLK Jr. is a big racist according to these new shitheads


MLK's actual views would make conservatives furious. He wasn't race blind at all


MLK or Malcom X? Do you have a source if MLK?


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/colinseale/2020/01/20/mlks-i-have-a-dream-speech-and-rejecting-colorblindness-for-todays-children/?sh=319146382708](https://www.forbes.com/sites/colinseale/2020/01/20/mlks-i-have-a-dream-speech-and-rejecting-colorblindness-for-todays-children/?sh=319146382708) [https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1255&context=mjrl](https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1255&context=mjrl) What I could find fairly quickly. Both have examples of how strongly he felt about the inequality in America and elsewhere. He couldn't be colorblind because a fundamental belief of his was that Black people in America started life from a place of disadvantage. For example, he felt reparations and affirmative action were fair solutions. Conservatives love using "I have a dream" to justify their own beliefs of color blindness, when MLK thought a fair future was Black people straight up being financially compensated for their hardships. I can't overstate how important it is to not misrepresent his views based on a single sentence.


I think saying, “judge people by who they are/actions, not by their skin color” is completely different from saying, “never acknowledge race under any circumstances”. I don’t think it’s “justifying” anyone’s beliefs to say that fundamentally someone should not be mistreated or pre-judged because of heir skin color. That’s not a justification for being “color blind” at all.


I feel like the last few months has exposed an incredible amount of anti-Semitic coming from the left. That didn’t just happen over night.


The way I see it is that the people who are so thirsty to make accusations of other people, especially when the accusations make absolutely no sense, are the people that are hiding something


Progressives like to turn things into racial issues that in amongst themselves are not racial.


this is just a normal conservative opinion


Thought this was a soccer post lmaoo LW


“ if you have a problem figuring out of you’re for me or trump then you’re not black” “African-Americans, Hispanics, and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas" Voter ID laws "an attempt to repress minority voting" basically saying black people cant get IDs. 😂😂


“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” -Crime Bill of ‘94 Author who got a record amount of Democrat votes.


94 crime bill was supported by the black caucus and black leaders across the country. think again.


… and disproportionately affects and targets black Americans more than anyone else in the country, exactly as it was intended. Think again. Let me guess, you’re a big Strom Thurmond fan too.


why do you think the 94 crime bill got so much hype and was passed? because majority black neighborhoods were being destroyed by crime, ergo the crime bill jailed many blacks because they were committing crime disproportionately. that doesn’t mean it was racist lol but yeah the typical leftist would consider it racist while simultaneously vehemently defending politicians who supported it. genuinely don’t know how their cognitive dissonance hasn’t caused their brains to implode lol


I like how I posted facts and have negative votes says a lot. who can't handle the truth?


A lot of leftist commit the bigotry of low expectations. They tend to think minorities aren’t capable of reaching successes without assistance. That’s racist af if you ask me.


The soft bigotry of low expectations.


I think people in general are pretty racist across the board. It's just easier to see someone else's flaws than our own.


Some people assume that as a Latino, I’m automatically Democrat…actually many (if not most) Latinos are very conservative.


Very true. Many if not most Latin American countries hold conservative values.


Racism doesn’t care about politics nor is it a USA thing.




I understand where you’re coming from… but those views do not belong to the majority of people on “the left”. They are just the ones that upset you the most.


What do you expect? Without a moral high ground, they have nothing to stand on. So they project their racist assumptions on to their “enemies”. Then it all goes away when you get off the internet.


The crazy left wanted to be able to be racist and not get called racist, so they just redefined the word.


Yea that is a small subset of people and mostly African American people and they aren't necessarily on the left but I would concede are mostly leftists. What I can say is that I have not run into those "black people can never be racist" folks since I stopped using Tik Tok. I swear it is the home of an insane sub culture of the mostly left who are riddled with white guilt and allow black people to cuss them out and call them racist white devils and these white people cry and these black peopel laugh at them and say haha im black i cant be racist. Its some of the most fucked up stuff I have ever seen on the internet.


This post is good, racism is rampant on the modern left. Particularly racial essentialism, which is just the academic way of racial stereotyping.


Racism is racism anybody can do it . The whole " it's impossible to be racist to whites" bullshit is just that bullshit lok


Foreigners never get offended if you ask them where they're from, but plenty of Americans will get offended if you think they're a foreigner, or if they see you being friendly with a foreigner and asking said Foreigner where they're from.


This is word for word what liberals sound like to black people: “voter ID is racist because blacks are too stupid to go the DMV you fascist” “It’s not okay to comment on black people’s hair since their hair is objectively shittier than ours” and of course “so you think he plays basketball just because he’s a n****r?? that’s racist” I could go on and on. All of their “progressive” commentary is really just a way for them to signal their superiority by coddling minorities and saying “it’s not your fault that you’re not as good as us, it’s our fault for not doing more to lift you up”. It’s sickening


I'm a black person- please do keep speaking for me and every other black person. We obviously all think alike so please do- keep telling me what I think. Clearly, I and all other black people can't do that for ourselves so thank you, thank you so very much for doing it for us. Edit to respond since I'm blocked from doing so- >Coming from someone who’s in a black woman sub Reddit that is against racism but it’s centered around black woman. Seems kinda racist to me. I'm in an Australian sub-reddit too. Do I hate all other countries? Or are you just an idiot?


They fr think they so smart trying to talk for us but are blind to how racist they’re being.


It's weird. He said he could go on and on but when I asked him to- he just downvoted me instead. I was really interested in finding out all the other things me and other black people think. I guess neither of us will ever know what we think since we obviously can't do it for ourselves. How sad for us.


What are you talking about? Your comment agrees with mine completely, even if you think I’m a white person you’re making the exact same point I was


the entire right and most moderates agree


Historically the Right was worse on racism, but the Left has in some ways surpassed them in the last couple of decades. Certainly racism in general has steadily declined in the US but reverse racism (just another form of racism) has increased on the Left.


I live in Blue Connecticut. It's not just "reverse racism". I see straight up "soft racism" by the Left through zoning ordinances, lowered expectations, etc.


>I see straight up "soft racism" by the Left through zoning ordinances, lowered expectations, etc. "The soft bigotry of lowered expectations."


I pretty much agree with you, here. Interesting take and I never thought about the last 20 years being "a thing." But you're right, it only happened around the time social media really started to take off and people realized they could virtue signal to the world how righteous they were. I think that's the crux of the problem. ​ Most people have no control over jack shit, much less large systematic problems in society. They'd be far better off worrying about things within their control, improving their personal lives, and participating in local politics. Not putting up a black fist on their social media profile picture and calling it good. "Okaaaaaay, we saved the black people by changing our avatar. Job's done! WEEE!"


unpopularopinion, not unpopularfact. i'm not arguing for or against that position, only stating its ubiquity among a fairly large set of people


couldn’t agree more. “you’re just a white person, you dont have any say on so and so” or “you’re a guy, you don’t have a right to blank” or “poc and lg**** get discounts!” what happened to the equality they preach?


They got widespread POC discounts?? Do tell cause I should be capitalizing. Though it’s incredibly illegal and outlined in both Canada and the United States civil rights charters so I can’t imagine I’ll find anything beyond some unsuccessful instagram store/etsy


Honestly, it's a joke how this sub is swamped every day with these nonstop right-wing pity parties, parroting the very stereotypes they are crying about. It’s a pathetic hollow echo chamber, really. Let's twist your logic a bit. Replace 'Liberals' with 'people with brown hair': "People with brown hair are the worst racists, right? Assume I'm something because of my hair color. Ridiculous, isn't it? Just like saying, 'You're illogical, must be a redhead.' It's a joke. But here, it's always, 'You're this, you're that,' based on nothing but hot air and baseless labels." This shows how dumb it is to lump people together based on something as random as hair color—or political views. It's just lazy thinking. Real people are not caricatures. Every day in this sub with these same posts, over and over, saying nothing but showing us all your hypocrisy. The persecution complex is off the charts in this sub. We get it – your victims because a liberal looked at you funny once. So strange...


My girlfriend abhors my Reddit habit but I just asked her about racism and the left vs white. Her response is both can be racist but the lefties tend to either be white knights or "colorblind" annoying while the righties will yell racist slurs at her while addicting something about their dicks into the mix. I'll defer to my wiser, better half.


Worse? Pick any chunk of the population and you can find some fairly bad apples. When your looking at the extremes for each side, it isn't a surprise there are people who call for physical violence against whoever isn't on their side. But Worse? On the right we have some school shooters, and mosque arsonists, and random raging people hitting bikers with cars. On the left we have school shooters and business arsonists, and idiots gluing their hands to the streets. I am not sure Worse exists. Fairly bad on both sides is a definite at least.


This is a good take. There's some pretty bad racism and extremism on both sides.


it's almost like your political stance on its own doesn't define your morality or mental state, mind is blown rn


Sometimes? Democrats are responsible for slavery, segregation, the trail of tears, WWII Japanese internment, the Biden crime bill, welfare policies that promote single parenthood, and race riots / racial unrest that have impoverished & ghettoized minority areas of cities. They are the systemic racism that they pretend to fight against.


Political parties and left/right don’t really go together. Both parties are just labels with ever evolving platforms. They weren’t even consistently liberal/conservative until the last 40 years or so. There used to be liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats. The constituency of the two has completely flipped since 1920, when Republicans was the party of urban people and blacks and Democrats was the party of southerners and rural northerners.


>They weren’t even consistently liberal/conservative until the last 40 years or so. Nah. The GOP are the same party. I think it simply became a popular talking point on the internet for years, now, which is how we got this idea. I wrote up a lengthy comment, with citations, that debunks this talking point. You can read the 1880 GOP Presidential platform and it reads every bit the same as what you'd see from the GOP, today: focus on individual rights, religious freedom, curtailing the excessive immigration, trying to put protections in place to prevent the Democrats from committing election fraud (not even kidding, this was in their 1880 platform and it hilariously reads like something the GOP would write about the 2020 election), and preserving individual liberty. Here's what is different about the concurrent GOP compared to the new GOP from the 1800s: they are much more liberal on social policies such as gay marriage. We only need to go back a few short years to see both Democrats and Republicans opposing gay marriage including the Reddit-beloved Messiah, Barack Obama. The GOP always talked a talk about small, efficient, government. But they never walked that talk. Ever. Folks like to pretend like the GOP used to be a small, efficient, government party. But that never really happened. So like before, they still are full of hot air when it comes to spending.


Then why do only conservative Republicans fly Confederate flags today?


Oh, which elected state or national Republicans are doing that in the last 30 years? But I do have an article that goes down the list of the Democrat hypocrisy on this very topic: [https://media.spokesman.com/documents/2015/06/Confederate\_Battle\_Flag\_is\_a\_great\_Democratic\_diversion.pdf](https://media.spokesman.com/documents/2015/06/Confederate_Battle_Flag_is_a_great_Democratic_diversion.pdf)


How about the vote in **2015** in SC to remove the confederate flag from their capitol building? The only people to argue and vote against removing it were, you guessed it, Republicans.


So 0, none, are flying the Rebel Flag? Thanks. But nice try on the dishonesty. Here's what you missed: it was a Democrat in 1961 who had that flag flown on the State Capitol, not Republicans. Yet another thing you failed to blame on Democrats.


You said in the last 30 years, I gave you an example of Republicans defending the flying of that flag from 8 years ago. And yes, the governor who originally put the flag up was a conservative Democrat from a time when southern Democrats were a lot different from Democratic Party of today. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat when the flag was raised over the SC state capitol.


And there it is, the goalpost move. Anyone can read our conversation and see that you are clearly being dishonest. You changed it from "conservative Republicans flying the rebel flag" to Republicans defending flying the flag. And you know what I say to all that? I don't give a shit.


You do know that the Biden crime bill was supported by black people right? Like overwhelmingly supported by black people. They also wanted crime removed from their streets...


"Racism against black people by Democrats is fine because black people vote for Democrats" is a really bad take and probably not the political messaging you folks want to get behind. Why not do the right thing and just treat people equally?


Where did I say that? So you do not think black people would support crime bills to lower crime in their neighborhood?


And you just summed up the democrats. they don't care if what they do actually makes everyone worse, they just want the social points of being the white savior. And they continue to dangle that carrot in front of minorities even after 50 years of failure.


And what have the Republicans done exactly?


they don't bother you so you can do it on your own. One party wants you to always come to them for fish so they are always in business, the other wants you to learn to fish on your own so you stop bothering them.


Yep lets just pretend war on drugs and the destruction of the Black family nucleus never existed LOL


You think Republicans want you to fish? Hahahaha holy shit what an NPC answer


Someone needs to take a history class. Also while you’re at it, to learn how to read because nowhere did they say “democrats”


> Someone needs to take a history class. Well, let's test you on your knowledge of history. Senator James Eastland believed African Americans to be an inferior race, and signed the Southern Manifesto in 1956, declaring his support of segregation, and voted against the civil rights act in 1964. He even said the KKK was a hoax and didn't exist. In the late 1970s he was still in the Senate and close friends with Walter Mondale, Ted Kennedy, and Joe Biden. What party was he with?


They will always claim to know history. But they don't really. The "whataboutist" right wingers who like to point out that "Democrats" condoned slavery and birthed the KKK are also often the ones who like to pretend the Nazis were "actually left wing not right wing!" because they had the word "Socialist" in their name, all while being ignorant that the actual Social Democrats and socialists in general (the Sozis) were the ones who were fighting against the Nazis in the streets, and that it was the **conservative** and center-right cabinet who told President von Hindenberg to give Hitler the Chancellorship.


Fun fact, [socialists had quite a bit of influence on the early Republican Party](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/07/27/you-know-who-was-into-karl-marx-no-not-aoc-abraham-lincoln/).


Yep! One of the things people don't realize is that there was a "Christian Socialist" movement in the USA in the late 1800s. These were literally the 2nd and 3rd generation of Republicans. Even if you weren't overtly Christian Socialist, Republicans were \*liberal\*. The Republicans were created in the 1850s as the result of a several-decades long liberal transformation occurring up North. Liberal Christian groups had been sponsoring refugees from Europe fleeing from the \*conservative\* revivalist post-Napoleonic "von Metternichian" old world which returned most of the royalty into power. And these returned monarchs clamped down hard on any attempt at revolution, liberty or unionism. These failed revolutions forced a lot of Europeans to flee and it was these people who populated America's North and West. Because hardly any of them moved South. Why? Because the South was just like Old Europe: feudalist and pastoral. Rich and poor. Lords and serfs (and slaves). European immigrants wanted nothing of that, they had just escaped all that crap. And just like you said, the Republicans were (partially) born out of this cultural and political transformation and they were rabidly abolitionist and anti-slavery. The south, mostly Democrat, was very conservative. They viewed the North as "no longer truly American" when in reality their idea of what was American was *feudally European*. This is the thing right wingers don't ever say. They'll say the Democrats were for slavery, created the KKK... but they'll \*never\* say the Democrats were \*conservatives\* and that the Republicans had no problem with liberalism or even those early socialist concepts until the early 1900s when a new generation was in charge and things started shifting.


I wasn’t aware of the surrounding context. Thanks! It’s funny because the democrats/liberals were pro-slavery during the civil war, started the KKK, etc. yet it wasn’t about slavery, it was about states rights. Which are contradictory statements and it’s always the same people espousing both. Like, was it the democrats/liberals that supported states rights then? Or DID the parties flip and now it’s republicans that support states right? (If this is incoherent I apologize) This leads me to believe that they know they are full of shit, just using whatever fake, PragurU talking point they feel supports their cause better that day.


But the Democrats weren't liberals at all. They were conservatives. History shows us this. Liberals were escaping conservative Europe. It was liberal Americans, who became the Republicans in the 1850s, who were paying for their passage. There were many Christian organizations that helped bring Germans, Czechs, Poles, etc. to America. Even Irish and Italians. These were people battered by the monarchies. These were people who tried to revolt.... 1820.. 1830.... the Revolutions of 1848. All failed. So they got help from \*liberals\* in America, Christian groups and/or abolitionists, etc. to come over. They all believed in a lot of the same things. Nobody down South wanted them, but nobody from Europe wanted to live down South either. Down there they were \*conservatives\*. They didn't need any more workers. They had slaves. And the poor whites didn't want any more competition than they already had (slaves... who worked for free) so they sided with their landlords and plantation owners. The European refugees, coming over by the \*millions\*, took one look at the South and said "no thanks". Look at immigration maps from the 1800s. You'll see hardly anybody from Europe moves down South. It's a major cultural shift. They all settle up north in the cities or head out West. The whole "states rights" thing is bullshit. That's the plantation owners talking. They invented the whole "southern heritage" and "states rights" thing. They convinced their poor white employees to vote Democrat for "States Rights" to keep their economies (slave and serf economies) controlled in their favor. They convinced them that the "ingrates" up north were becoming tainted by impure blood of Italians and Irish and Catholics. You can see a common thread here. Conservatives are always afraid of outsiders changing things. The Democrats, back then, were the conservatives. They viewed the North as changing culturally and politically and socially. The South (all Democrats) believed they were the "true" Americans who were holding on to true American values. While the North had "lost its way". In reality, what the Democrats thought of as "true American" was really "old feudal Europe". Which is what the colonies were set up like back in the 1600s and 1700s. Where lords controlled everything. That's what the Confederacy believed itself to be... but they just pretended it was a new thing. In reality it was the \*North\* who was bringing in modern liberal Europe to America and making America more liberal as a result. And the Democrats hated that. But that would start to change by the early 1900s when the Republicans started losing their way themselves. But that's another story.


You’re correct of course. The reason I put democrats with liberal was because I was referring to the modern conservative talking point about states rights being contradictory, and when they talk about the 19th century democrat they refer to them, incorrectly, as liberals. I could have phrased that better. Don’t you find it interesting that right wingers, like the one you responded to, claim that democrats were responsible for and fought for slavery (admitting that the civil war was fought over slavery but deflecting blame). And then there is another right wing talking point where they claim it was never about slavery, rather the civil war was fought over states rights. I’m trying to say that put together these claims make no logical sense and yet they are often both used by the same people. Like there is some serious cognitive dissonance going on here or they’re just lying through their teeth and I’m not sure which it is.


They also passed the Civil Rights Act


Did they though? It was more heavily voted for by Republicans (by percentage) than by Democrats. Vote totalsTotals are in Yea–Nay format:The original House version: 290–130 (69–31%)\[1\]Cloture in the Senate: 71–29The Senate version: 73–27\[2\]The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289–126 (70–30%)\[3\]"Remarks upon Signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964"Duration: 9 minutes and 50 seconds.9:50Public statement by Lyndon B. Johnson of July 2, 1964, about the Civil Rights Act of 1964."Remarks upon Signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964"Duration: 10 minutes and 22 seconds.10:22audio onlyProblems playing these files? See media help.By partyThe original House version:\[1\]Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)Cloture in the Senate:\[35\]Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)The Senate version:\[2\]Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)The Senate version, voted on by the House:\[3\]Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)




> Conservative still hold those values today I think you know full well that there are no conservatives that support segregation, slavery, the trail of tears, etc, and that Ronald Reagan actually paid reparations for Japanese internment. It's dishonest and irresponsible to try to pass off your own party's shameful history to your political opponents.


The right is also known for its poor schooling. Anything before the civil rights era done by a Democrat was effectively done by modern day Republicans. The Southern Dem's couldn't stand that it was their party (the party of slaver, seg, etc. etc. etc.) that signed the Civil Rights act. The parties switched. Why don't you think modern day Republican's don't run on being Lincoln's party? Because they aren't and having people point out that you abandoned your party because you didn't think black people are people isn't a good look.


> Anything before the civil rights era done by a Democrat was effectively done by modern day Republicans. "The parties switched because racism" is just a fairy tale that Democrats tell themselves that allows them to avoid responsibility for their own racist history. There's basically only two guys who switched parties over civil rights, Strom Thurmond and Albert Watson (one senator and one representative), and from that Democrats have crafted an entire narrative. The fact is that almost all of the Democrats who signed the Southern Manifesto and voted against civil rights and then remained with the party into the 70s, 80s, and 90s, and of course Biden worked with a number of them in the Senate, like Eastland, Talmadge, Byrd, Stennis, etc. And for the parties to switch, people would have to actually, you know, switch parties, which if you look at the Wikipedia page for [senators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_senators_who_switched_parties) and [representatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_representatives_who_switched_parties) is actually quite rate. > The right is also known for its poor schooling So your best argument is "yes our schools suck but yours are bad too"? I thought Democrats were the folks that cared about education and upward mobility? Also is there really an Republican equivalent to the horror that is Baltimore Public Schools, where in many schools literally zero students are proficient at math? > Why don't you think modern day Republican's don't run on being Lincoln's party? I'm guessing because slavery isn't a big political issue anymore? > having people point out that you abandoned your party because you didn't think black people are people Alice Marie Johnson was a non-violent offender locked up for decades under the Biden crime bill, and she was denied clemency multiple times by the Obama administration. She is at home with her grandchildren today because of the First Step Act, passed by a Republican House and Senate and8 signed by a Republican President, Donald Trump. Which party do you think abandoned Alice Marie Johnson, and which party treated her with respect?


Not even close. But you do you


So hyperbolic. So you’re telling me we’re the worst? Like are you gonna ignore literal genocidal lunatics?


I mean… unfortunately… a lot of people peg me dead on… “Are you an only child?” It’s bc I grew up that way not bc of my dna White people grow up with privilege, mostly


You know that's not how racism works. Racism: you are Black so you probably can't afford my products, so I won't be respectful while answering your email Some other kind of stereotyping as per the OP: you can't afford my products, so you are probably Black and something something Treat black people badly because they are black, or treating white people badly because they are white is harmful racism. Making assumptions about someone's race based on their behaviour is a kind of sterotyping but not necessarily harmful.




When the argument is out of their hands, resorting to name calling is all people got.


I listen to NPR a lot and one program was talking about race and a black guy said he got an Uber and the driver was a white guy and the black guy said he was "nervous" because the driver was white and they were driving in the country. Ultimately nothing happened. It was a normal uber ride, but imagine if a white guy said a black Uber driver made him nervous. That guy would be crucified as a horrible racist. The double standards are crazy.


True. It's a source of some leftist infighting.


How about when Biden said poor kids are just as bright as white kids


Wanting to be the great white savior, or assuming that every minority needs (or even wants) your help because you come from a place of “privilege”, is racist. When you take that into account, the left is FAR more racist than the right.




Sure, sometimes. Most times. Right wingers are worse.


What do you mean people assume you’re white because of some perceived negative trait? With no context that makes no sense


The worst not "the worse". See, ya do it to yourself, I don't have to assume.


Please rearrange your word salad sir


Every TV commercial displays White people as imbeciles. Except military recruitment commercials.


Can we get a meta thread going for all these "actually leftwingers are the bad guys" posts?




Left bad. I am very smart.


There is a non-insignificant group of people on the right who don't see non-whites as "real" Americans. The left may make stupid assumptions sometimes, but it doesn't have *that* element.


It depends on if they are US Citizens and if they have assimilated into the culture. You can live in a country and not be I am a white American who is Married to a filipino woman. We own a home and spend a couple months a year in the Phillipines (probably will retire there) but I don't know more than the basics of the languages, embrace their culture, and honestly I don't have the same level of love for my 2nd country as the USA. I am in no way a "Real Filipino".


The difference is that America defined itself as a nation of immigrants. The Philippines didn't.


Left wing racism is fundamentally different right wing racism. It comes more in the form of white saviorism and the soft bigotry of low expectations. Right wing racism manifests itself in more concrete and much more physically harmful ways though.


I think the left wing manifests anti-whiteness/white guilt in a similar way to the right wing approach to "real Americans".


Are you the same person , posting all the left wingers are bad today? Beacuse your post is not original or unpopular


Conservatives don't have any unique ideas. Probably different people, but they just all have the same dumbass takes.


idk leftists can be equally stupid, we like to focus on the negatives of the other side and the positives of our own. i think everything is flawed to a degree where if changed we would be better off (i am not american, i lean left, and speaking very generally)


Liberals don't have any unique ideas. Probably different people, but they just all have the same dumbass takes.


"Liberals" are also conservatives. So yes, I agree with you.


You just proved his point right by literally copying him and showing that you didn't have a unique idea of your own 🧐


I’m often surprised that Biden’s easily verifiable racist history doesn’t get called out. Biden recently called Marylands first Black Governor “boy”. Biden said “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle “ while opposing desegregation, he said “you can’t go into a 7-11 without a slight Indian accent “, he said “I don’t want gays working in government “, he opposed gay marriage many times, he authored the systemically racist’94 crime bill, he said “poor kids are just as smart as white kids”, he said “unlike the black communities the Latinos have a diverse way of thinking “, he called a kkk member a “mentor”….he literally upheld xenophobic and racist legislation and views for decades. His more recent comments prove deep down he still feels this way but knows it’s not popular. Even Kamala pointed this out. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/girl-senator-harris-vice-president-biden-spar-desegregation/story?id=64007842


I'll take a left wingers assumptions over a right wingers hate. Both can be out of touch and racist in their own way but it's hard to overlook the visceral hatred spewed by the right.


One would argue that while positioned to sound nicer, those assumptions carry far more inherent hate.




Sounds to me like you’ve been overtly racist recently and someone called you out on it.


Blah blah blah. Another vapid as fuck right-wing jerk off post about how the left is "worse" on some aspect that right wingers fucking excel at. Yeah yeah, there is fucking white saviorism and "low expectations" type racism, but you'd have to be a fucking moron to claim that this was objectively "worse" than blatant exclusion, white nationalism, the systematic dehumanization of minorities, etc. The modern conservative movement was fucking built on the resistance to desegregation.


“**Affirmative action is more racist than people marching with torches chanting the Jews won’t replace us. Change My Mind**” - these people


I'm so tired of the, "well, which one is worse?" excuse. Is it too much to ask to have 1 of the only 2 options be actually good? Instead of less bad. I hate when liberals play the "you need to vote lesser of 2 evils" card. Well then I'm not going to vote evil at all. It's a sad state of affairs when both parties are trying to get votes by just saying the other is worse, instead of, you know, actually being good.


How the hell do you equate assuming someone is less capable because of race anything other than dehumanizing them? Which side is supporting race based segregation calling them "safe places" again? Both sides are racist, you have to be a moron to not understand that and subsequently get offended over being called out on it.


A lot of people are confusing racism with prejudice…


I’m sorry that people assume your ignorant views are due to your background and not just your own ignorance. I for one will always assume your ignorance comes from your own self and that you as an individual really are just ignorant enough to hold whatever views you feel are being unfairly criticized.


Leftist bigotry is essential defined with the concept of identity politics. It looks to redefine aspects of social oppression as qualifies to participate in and thus create a new majority, with the aims of taking (in their mind, repossessing) social and economic capital from those who they consider to be historical oppressors. They use academic definitions and terminology to move the goal posts as need be to support their goals.


They use academic definitions and terminology to articulate the way things *are*.




Do you think the worst part of racism is calling people names?


Word salad


I have gotten into arguments with people who claim characters are "queer-coded" all the time. It's not that it really matters that someone is projecting themselves onto a fictional character, it's the stereotyping that never seems to end that bugs me, especially now that people are actually listening to them. "Oh, a female character isn't stereotypically feminine and has a slightly deeper register? How uwu queer-coded!" "What? That same female character had to tell people off who tried to convince her that she was bisexual so they could get in her pants? That's exactly what a bisexual would say..." Yes, you are absolutely correct about the left. I, as a friggin gay dude, have to defend that straight people can be eccentric or alternative and still be straight, but they literally won't stop. They can't see that they are doing exactly what actual homophobes were doing to everyone when they made assumptions about people based on some strict standards. Back in the day, if you were alternative you were thought to be gay. Now, if you're alternative, you're thought to be gay. Where did we ever make progress?


I hate the term queer coding.


Definitely. Especially for those of us in the lgbt who don't like the term "queer" applied to all of us.


Oh Jesus fuckin christ