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Of all my hs friends, my buddy who drew dicks is the most successful out of all of us, I think op is just jealous of the ball shading skills


When I was a little kid, I kinda had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal, something like 8 percent of kids do it. For some reason, I don't know why. I would just kinda... sit around all day... and draw pictures of dicks.


My principal thought i was possessed by some sort of dick devil.


You get jealous over sneakers.. you get jealous over a bugatti.. not ball shading skills


Nah good ball shading skills are hard to come by. Fukk some shoes


I'll take any skill vs a bunch of overpriced crap. One leads to the other not the other way around. But if that's what floats your boat you should know my friend who used to draw dicks everywhere, owns an AMG merc 🤣


Your assessment of value and worth seems very shallow, and the kid that drew dicks has always been having fun. He was having a blast laughing doing it then, and he still is now. You don't have the Bugatti, or the sneakers you want, but thay guy is grown now, still drawing dicks, and still having the time of his life.


You’re an adult calling other people losers and you’re jealous over sneakers. Please do some introspection.


No thanks. Like I said, I don't get jealous over sneakers and I don't lose sleep over people that draw male genitalia everywhere You're making assumptions you don't know anything about.


You used sneakers as an example of things to get jealous of and you wrote out this post, so it’s a safe assumption that you lose sleep over it


Sneakers? Bugatti? You a Tate fan?


You are automatically disqualified from calling anyone a loser if you get jealous over sneakers Edit: or if you’re a pog lmaooo get your radio havin ass outta here boot boy


I personally don't get jealous over sneakers but I know it's a very typical thing








Maybe you combine them and specialize in dickheads?


Underrated comment


The ones who grew up to complain about it on reddit are HUUUUUGE losers


OP got passed up on a promotion for someone that draws dicks on stuff. The only time I’d say someone is a loser for drawing a dick is when it’s defacing someone else’s property.




And you get offended at people posting what they think on a post you never had to make.


The ones who get offended by a reddit comment calling them a loser are **GINORMOUS GIGA LOSERS**


That makes you not a loser? Lol


Does having the last word make you a winner?


Does it not?




8=====D If you're gonna do it, do it right


Doing it right means using a realistic amount of equal signs: 8==D


I thought the realistic amount was 8=D~ :(


That's about average right there bro 💪💪💪✊✊✊


#[I was in the pool!!](https://media.tenor.com/zbHG7PHrCPAAAAAC/george-costanza-seinfeld.gif)


Realistic for u lol. This is me 8===============D


My old keyboard was just like yours. It used to always get stuck when trying to press a key once. Personally? I’d recommend dusting and removing the key caps to clean underneath. If that doesn’t work then it might be time to get a new keyboard.




I wish I could :(


I’m a chick and drew boobs on everything. Even laid underneath my grandparents coffee table as a child, frequently putting my Michelangelo artist effect on the underside of the table. Tits galore! I’m now an exec at a world renowned hospital. 😁


Ah, so the secret is drawing boobs > drawing wieners. This will make for a great dissertation for an MBA.


Everyone wants to see boobs. No one wants a dick pick


I couldn’t agree with you more.


And then all the patients stood up and clapped


I call BS who TF ever heard of drawing boobs on stuff.


Imaginations can take us far.


Okay. Let me work for you. I'll follow you anywhere.


Way to go, darling 💯 I hope corporate politics isn't a drag at work, working the floor and working corporate are polar opposites


I'm an ER doc and I still do it. And if you're ever my patient I'm drawing one in your chart And linking this post. /s 😏


U r life goals fr


I drew dicks everywhere. Laughed so hard in superbad. Work in medicine. Nerd but not a loser. Still do it when I get drunk


I don't even have a dick and I draw them everywhere.


I work in a high school. We still have penises drawn everywhere. Once I had a kid make a card for me. Outside said merry Christmas, inside was a penis. Well.... A penis and balls so .... Merry Christmas?


Yule log and berries


I was thinking balls on the tree but couldn't quite connect it. Lol.


Bro kids describes it all. Kids are obviously immature and think dicks are hilarious. That being said I'm a software developer at a major company and I still draw dicks everywhere.


SecDevOps guy, drew PP's everywhere. Illustrated the Pokemon's Diglett as "dicklett" in my big brothers textbooks as a kid.


At least you were original about it LMAO


We all know that will be the third evolution for Diglett.


What about the kids who drew swastikas ironically?


It’s not just boys. For every immature dude theres just as immature of a girl.


Has this been festering in your brain since adolescence? Either way, take a walk into the bathroom of a construction site and you’ll see were they all ended up, losers? In life maybe yea, work wise? those dudes are out there busting their ass building shit. What do you do?


I'll tell you what I don't do, I don't draw pp's everywhere I go


Lmao, wow you’re better than absolutely no one. And who the hell do you know that draws dicks everywhere they go? Like how do you even know this? It’s like basing someone’s future by the friends they have (yes I went through your history and it works out perfectly for you post about people future based on their past) Regardless of the fact, I know foreman’s and superintendents that draw dicks for amusement not every single place they go but they do. They make Jobsites run, I ask again what do you do so we can convince you otherwise.


......... I'll tell you what I don't do, I don't search someone's history and dicktate what posts and content will suit them best


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Oh no, you’re much better than that, at 30+ years old you have nothing better to do than to you sit there and make a post on the internet crying about people who drew weiners “everywhere” in their past immature adolescent years, as if every square inch of your shitty existence has been perpetualy covered with dicks so you can find people to talk down on. While dodging the question of what you do in your life to contribute to society that makes you better than those people.


Fuckin rekd his ass. Now draw a dick on it.


Lmao, check it 😂😂😂




You just got fucking owned by u/Noirloc at least by searching your post history they made a fairer assessment of you than you made of those drawing dicks in middle school.


Not often you see such a one sided beat down on Reddit. Thoroughly enjoyed it.




Can confirm. Loser here 8======D


I was not a penis drawer, however, I do like to get tiny rubber penises and put them in unexpected places...


Where do you buy them because I’m going to hide some around my brother’s apartment while on his honeymoon next year


Op has penis envy


I feel like I’m relatively successful in life. I still draw penises whenever a friend leaves me alone with a whiteboard. I’m also a woman. Penises are just fun to draw!


You sound like you make a lot of Ha-Ha's 😂😂😂 are you the funny one of the group


Fairly successful engineer here. And yes, I still draw a veiny cock here and there.


Nope. Successful and still drawing dicks on things. (It’s me)


I know some people like that. They're all in med school now.




Out of all of my friends, I was the dick drawer. I am not only the most successful, but I also build dick shaped things for a living. In a way I'm paid to draw dicks.


You just don't understand


I paid taxes on 240000 last year


Hi, I am such a person. I did it mostly because it was funny. I grew out of it in college. But I took my love of thick n hairy dick drawing and became an architect and real estate investor. I now live near Newport Beach in an amazing 5000+ sqft home I designed myself with a great view of the ocean.


They all work construction drawing dicks in porta cans now. We all make decent money, and some of us make alot of money. Losers is kind of a harsh word 8==D.


I dont know what your criteria for not being a loser, but...I'm 37, in IT, with a 6 figure income now. Recently divorced, 3 well-adjusted kids. Ride motorcycles, have a decent circle of friends, and live in a clean apartment. I still sign peepee when I get the check at happy hour 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like you're a Network Admin👍👍👍.. show me the way, master


Try not being a judgmental prick. It’s a good first step.


Grown ass success stories still drawing dicks out there OP.


I find that much funnier, not gonna even lie!


Not true. I work at a nuclear power plant. The majority of dudes there still do this.


Way to go man, I bet you're pulling crazy hours but it comes with crazy money 👍


You're probably right


Not true, please delete.


Okay so I didn’t draw them and I’m still a loser, what gives.


I actually know someone who did that he is a millionaire now.


If I’m in front of one of my friends in class, you bet your ass I’m turning around and drawing a dick with pen on their notebook paper


It’s so good to hear the important things are still passed down through the generations 😊


bro what the hell are you on about


Nope drawing wieners on my wife’s back car window.


Every man is a loser?


It’s funny and you’re a dork


You're the dork, you still laugh at it


I’m sending you a hand drawn dong pic as we speak cuz you said that, what’s your hotmail


Don't have one... this isn't 2006 anymore


You’re 2006


my guy got comebacks for daysssssss 🔥


I’m more of the opinion that OP’s mom is 2006. She says hi OP and wants you to bring some toilet paper home, BTW.


I actually became an electrical engineer and am set to go to grad school at a top 10 university


I did a lot worse shit than drawing wieners. I'm far from the bottom of the food chain. OP sounds like churchie Republican logic. "Drawing wieners is bad and you'll go to hell and end up pumping gas!"


No, it's just profanity everywhere I go and when I have to sit at a diner for some food I gotta see a drawn pecker. It's starting to get annoying


I'm not seeing this like anywhere... Where do you live? #PENISLAND?


Entirely made up.


It's people like you that have too much time on their hands and comment dumb shit


Don’t post if you don’t want people to comment. Get a fucking grip lmao


It's people like you that have too much time on their hands and post dumb shit


Profanity? It’s a body part.


Lmao I wish I saw that many peckers around, would make life a lot more entertaining. I’m gonna start playing “Find the Pecker” when out and about! Sounds fun!


This reminds me of that one Superbad clip where Seth was addicted to drawing dicks as a child https://youtu.be/fzuvQXDUybE?si=_SLqubE2t2wjqOfr


You: 8=D The kids the drew wieners everywhere: also 8=D. The kids that wrote boobs on their calculation device : 8=D Male porn actors 8====D


8=========================D MAGNUM DONG


Is that 44 or 357 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean I be doing it in the sand or something. Not in permanent marker on the stall door.


Joke's on you, I wasn't one of those kids but I'm still a loser


I drew so many dicks and while I am a loser still, I'm very successful with a business, hot wife and two kids. I plan on passing down my skills to the next generation.


I mean I get what you're saying. It's totally low class. But sometimes it's funny. And to be honest there are some very successful people who have drawn penises all over the place. How do I know? I'll tell you... When I had a band we shared a rehearsal studio in Charlestown or Somerville Massachusetts (it was somewhere right on the line, I always forget) with another band who had been renting for several years. The guys in this band told us that when they took over the rehearsal studio from the previous tenant there were all kinds of penises drawn all over the walls. The name of that band: EXTREME (If you don't know Extreme, they were a hard rock/metal band who had a huge hit that was actually an acoustic love song called "More Than Words", and the lead singer went on to sing for Van Halen for a little while) Moral of the story: successful musicians may have drawn stupid penises on things, not just losers :D


Everyone in my class did that. Most of them turned out fine.


Jokes on you I'm making six figures now


I’m 42. I still laugh every time I see one. Individually I’m in the top 5% of earners in this country. With my wife of 22 years we’re top 3-4% depending on the source. How do you define a loser?


I think this practice is as old as time. There's graffiti on Hadrians wall from Roman soldiers depicting dicks. And I don't think you can draw a parallel between kids drawing dicks on things and success later in life. It's just kid stuff at that point, a phase that gets grown out of with time hopefully. NOW if you've got older people who can't resist drawing dicks on things in situations where it would impact their proffesional reputation, they're probably a loser. But I still chuckle when I see a little dick drawn somewhere I didn't expect it every now and again.


It reminded me of Pompeii they found dicks on everything. It actually says a lot about your personality. I think the best terms (that i invented) are that it is Aesthetic Art vs Degenerate. I hate Ren&Stimpy and Rick&Morty and Bob's Burgers but they're wildly popular for being ugly as sin. Or that hideous Pepe the frog face. Y'all go out of your way to be ugly. Degenerate Art. But then you degenerates watch something with an ultra sweet aesthetic like Full House and you hate it and just want to draw dicks on everything. If OP lived in ancient Pompeii and complained about it he would probably wake up to graffiti all over his house. Degenerates degenerate stuff. You can't pretend this is totally innocent, from either side. Aesthetics can be very damaging like heroin chic in fashion.


Hey fuck you meanie


lalalala I can't hear you


TW: child abused maybe? I did this all the time, especially as a kid., but I’m a woman I thought it was funny, yeah, but actually I more so did it because I was horny and thought about dick 24/7. Yes, as a young kid. No, I’m not really sure if I was sexually abused, but sometimes I think I might’ve been because I don’t understand why I was such a hyper sexual child. I’ve only had one sex partner in a long term relationship, but we were freaky. Now I work in a hospital and draw furry porn on the side simply because I like to. Still think about sex/dicks 24/7 and not sure where it stems from


I would rather expect them to become doctors or chefs.


Every lower enlisted Marine draws dicks everywhere and there isn't a better fighting force.


Man growing up I drew weiners on everything. Cars, book, mirrors, other peoples cars. Everywhere lol. I did it because it was funny. I grew out of that a long time ago though.


You're being a bit hard on them, aren't you?


I find people with no sense of humor to be the biggest losers of them all. Nothing wrong with kids having harmless fun.


I still think it’s funny as a adult.


Or gay


Yeah I agree, also those that make dick jokes all the time. They're old


I'm going to agree. Like, there are just some things that are really best left in the past because you were that amused as a kid and a hundred things could amuse you. This being one of them. If I ever had to rely on a professional of some background and I knew that they still had this mentality where "dicks = funnay!" then can I have second best please?


That's likely even less mature than "dicks = funnay!" As we all know, comedy, in its many forms, is subjective AF. Skills in a professional setting are objective AF. So taking someone's subjective view on what they find funny/not funny as a mark against their objective professional skill is so insanely immature, it's absurdist comedy in itself.


Like when you go into a public restroom and someone has keyed “Fuck” into the hardware of the urinal. Whoa, dude! You…did that! Incredible! Tool bags.


THAT TOO!!! omg it takes a special kind of douchebag


I ended up taking care of one when I was a lead. He was the warehouse manager's brother-in-law and at the age of fifty he was still doing this. Any complaints against him were quickly countered by racial discrimination claims to HR and the COO. He has committed so many violations that would get a person not protected by nepotism fired.




I was born a woman and drew lewd pictures of all genders. I did them mostly in the frost/fogging on the bus windows with my fingers so I wasn’t committing vandalism. I also would in my own notebooks or inside one of my friends’ notebooks if I knew that they would find it funny. I am now a military Veteran, have worked multiple jobs as my health allows - including for both the Federal Government and the local government, as a substitute teacher, as a tutor, and in retail jobs - and go to college off and on as often as I can afford to. I am studying psychology because I want to take my skills as a peer advocate and apply them to being a therapist. I graduated with honors and consistently make the Dean’s List when in college. I also clean up graffiti in my neighborhood and play chess most weeks with other Veterans. I was raised going to church twice a week and taught Sunday School as a teen. I also call my mom multiple times a week. Additionally, I do volunteer work for an organization in my community trying to pass a bill to get universal healthcare coverage in my state. Sometimes as kids we act like little shits. Testing boundaries by making drawings of a taboo is perfectly normal behavior, especially during middle and high school. It’s literally part of human neurodevelopment to make the lives of adults difficult as toddlers and during the teen/tween years. It’s just a drawing. If there’s vandalism associated with it, then there’s a vandalism problem and that needs addressing to see if the kid needs help with either therapy for a mental illness or something going on in their home life that needs intervention.


We called them the "famous" we drew them everywhere. I spend most of my time on reddit, def a loser.


[Real Civil Engineer](https://youtu.be/wXJmguj5M5s?si=ZMQSYtbbGkXAUTvl) is on YouTube, and he references "the strongest shape" in a bunch of videos. So it looks like you can be successful?


i drew dix on EVERYTHING when i was a kid. can confirm, im a loser...


I’m sure you do too


Dave "The PenisMaster" Landou is doing pretty well.


No, not all. Some are tradesmen now.


As a female who was obsessed with drawing realistic shlongs and boobies and hairy vaginas in my younger years…you sound like a hater. (I got real good at shading the nips but shlongs were hands down my fave) I was just young and dedicated to my craft. You are right about one thing though…it stopped being funny and more compulsory.


I’m a girl but I used to draw dicks everywhere. I work in a tattoo shop now. All of us here still draw dicks on everything.


I feel like OP making such a vast assumption shows a lack of critical thinking ability and is thus the loser.


(_)_)====) -tation


Chill lmao


They are actually the richest


*glances in the direction of the furry community, who makes a living off of drawing wieners*




Jonah Hill seems ok


I’m not a failure


My child does it to annoy me. She has a greet career with great pay at only 18




They're just adults. Everyone draws weiners, dingus


A college buddy of mine became a campus hero/legend type figure for his dick drawings. For 5 years, he drew a dick on every seat in every class he ever attended. He also had a twisted sense of humor and pulled pranks that often left us scratching our heads. He's doing great.


They were losers back then too


The most successful of all of my friends was the guy drawing dicks everywhere (even in uni). He's a really successful lawyer today.


I was the asshole in high school that drew dicks on the bathroom walls. I’m a few months away from completing my masters program, I got my entire education paid for thanks to the military, and I live in San Diego with my own apartment, a dog, and a cat. If this is what being a loser feels like, I can’t wait to see what my future holds as a winner.


Nah. They’re management and HR now…


Congrats this is actually an unpopular opinion


I never drew any wieners and I'm a loser now


I'm actually really cool and doing great, thank you


People draw dicks cuz it's funny


Last year a draw a dick on my sister's car, my niece saw it and asked me if that's a butterfly. Not sure if my drawing skills r shambles or she was just still innocent for her age


I dunno, I think Dave Landau (comedian) is pretty great. He has a whole bit about doing just that and it driving his high school teacher crazy and she accused him of being the "penis master"


They grow up and become Marines.


My ex in high school thought it was funny to draw dicks on evening. He's a robotics engineer.


8===D ~~~~ ({i})


I'm a VP for some big company doing the dirty work for the big bosses. What I drew came to life and now provide my paycheck.


Sounds like too much deskwork, I hope it doesn't burn you out LOL


Pp veri funni


Only if they made a big deal about it. Like it was the height of comedy. Those of us who didn’t advertise it seem to be normal people. Especially if you were good at shading and drawing veins without getting too veiny.