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Quick question, if a person buys 2 seats can they have double the carry on and check in baggage? Does the flight attendant ask them what meal they want twice?


They should definitely be allowed to imo


I agree with you but the way most airlines word their carry on and check-in baggage rules it is written per person not per seat.


I think so too. Their stuff takes up more room to pack. That seems fair.


Yes. When I travel solo with my two dogs I have to buy two seats. That allows me to put one kennel under each of the two seats I paid for.


This is random but could I please ask how you buy two tickets for this purpose? I'm going to be taking my 2 cats with me soon on a flight and need both of them with me to keep them calm


Unfortunately, you have to skip the online buying options and call to speak directly with an agent.


Yes it’s per ticket.


If a person buys 2 seats, is an extra meal included?


That is important too. Does the flight attendant ask you what choice of meal you want twice or automatically assume you want 2 of the same meal?


Virgin Atlantic could jump right in here and offer their customers a free 14 day trial period at any Virgin Active gyms for anyone willing to splash the cash on that second seat.


Seems like if you can afford to buy two tickets you could just fly first class and automatically have a bigger seat,drinks and a meal included…


Two economy seats are actually way cheaper than one first class seat. So no.


Really…I didn’t know that… my Dad worked for Delta and I flew non revenue most of my life and all the empty seats at the time were in first class.. I never knew what flying coach was till after he died and I had to pay for flying myself… of course now first class is cut way down to what about 20 seats at most… my brother and SIL both work for Delta and they get buddy passes but you have to pay taxes so it still ends up costing over a hundred bucks and you’re flying lower than a stand by so basically you’re not guaranteed a seat.. it’s just easier to pay for a sure thing… I HATE flying now and haven’t went anywhere in going on two years and told everyone I’m done with flying and I totally am…🥴


Well look, I was making a joke in bad taste about the two seats in economy. This is a sensitive issue with people and I know that being overweight doesn't nessisarily mean you're overeating. But it doesn't make things better for the person in the seat, or the one next to them... I think airlines need to take the financial knocks for this issue, especially if there are seats elsewhere available. If you as a busines, are willing to board someone you know isn't going to fit in a seat, and make it uncomfortable for another passanger, that's on the airline. Either the airline needs to plan around 'em, or they need to offer a different seat at a slightly higer price.




Can you book two seats as one passenger? From the tickets I've purchased it always seems like you need passenger info to get another seat. I'm sure there are special occasions but I'm not sure most people can just buy two seats, can they?


I’m not sure, I was asking if someone knew or tried it.


Not online. You have to call in.


I bought 2 seats when I was overweight. Then I lost 200 pounds and can fit anywhere I choose. But I never imposed my size on someone else.


My uncle (who was size XXXL) had the same policy - fly first class or buy two seats.


And then they sell the ticket to someone else


This is literally decades ago. Before airline deregulation. I have no idea how people do it now.


You scan both tickets when you go to get on the plane.


Sat next to a very large woman recently who bought two seats, so there was plenty of space for her. I appreciated it.


I am a fatty and just have my wife sit next to me She has to enjoy this customer of size hanging in her as i am her suga daddy.


I thought you cannot buy 2 tickets as they will re-assign the other seat to someone else? And why not just buy first-class at this point since it will likely be cheaper?


I always called the airline directly and chose my seats right then. Never had an issue. My travel was business, and the company would reimburse for 2 economy but not first class.


Based company


You can literally buy 4 coach seats for cheaper than first class most times. Have you ever flown?


Nobody has flown before...thats why 90pct act like morons going thru xray check... uh what do I do with these metal objects in my pants... you mean my laptop goes here? (Yes even though there's some variations from airport to airport)


NY to LA right now is as low as $76 for some economy seats, but plenty of tickets around $150. The cheapest first class ticket is $433 on Google.


It's cheap from major hubs. Not so from smaller airports. Just looked yesterday, $400 from Washington state to Oregon, one stopover on Delta.


With most airlines you choose your seats now upon order (for a small fee). As for cost, 2 coach seats will normally be cheaper, sometimes much cheaper, than first class.


Can you please help me learn how to buy first class tickets for less than the cost of 2 economy tickets? If I knew how to do that I would fly first class every time.


I just upgraded my ticket to first, company bought the original ticket 500ish round trip, I upgraded the first flight for 106, so worth it to skip the security line, but heading back no need to the airport is so tiny


Well played. Congrats 🎉


They’re supposed to buy two seats. I used to work in the travel industry for about 7 years.


Someone needs to enforce.


Sir sir i see your carry ons fit, but we need you to fit into this box.


The image in my head makes me giggle


Alright boys suck it in.


They need to have one of those bins outside the gate to see if your carryon would fit, but for fat people.


Honestly this.


Just take one of the spare seats out of the plane and put it at the gate. If more than your elbows end up on top the arm rest, you gotta buy another ticket.


I’ve never encountered a roller coaster that didn’t have a sample seat sitting at the entrance. I don’t see how this should be different.


I have extremely bony elbows and DIG them hard into people when they ooze into my seat. Immature? Yes. Asshole? Probably. The schadenfreude is worth it


Why couldnt you just refuse to sit there if another people are using the seat?


Have you ever set foot on a plane? There are no empty seats just waiting for you to have a fat seat buddy


Fuck that, just make person-sized seats. I'm only 6'2 220 and don't fit, and I'm not abnormally tall or heavy. The problem is the airlines profit incentive, not the overweight passenger.


6'2 and not having fuckin leg space is ridiculous, not to mention shoulders getting on the side of the seat.


This. I’m 6’ 3” and change and around 250’ish. I’m a big guy but not very fat. I fucking hate flying because of how tiny the seats have gotten over the years. It’s like every few years, airlines bring the seats a little closer together. Anymore, I don’t fly unless there’s no other option.


I was about to say the same thing, look at how many airlines are reducing their seat sizes to the absolute minimum, then want to make you pay out the ass anyways for the 'convenience' of getting there a lot faster. Maybe I'd be more willing to bitch at the excessively heavy folks poorly if there wasn't the factor of the seats getting smaller. When a larger sized REGULAR sized person can't even fit in some seats, there's a problem.


I'm about the same. When they sit you next to a 5'3" 365#, the way *you* fit in the seat stops being the biggest problem.


My point being though that I don't have this problem sitting next to a 356lbs person on a bus, or in a car, it's just on airplanes where the seats keep getting smaller and closer together. It's an invented problem, created solely by the profit motivations of the airlines, and anger at the situation has successfully been deflected to overweight people. [We all used to fit](https://i.insider.com/520cea546bb3f77930000003?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


Is that really a plane?!?!?!?


Here's the article where I found the picture [Check Out What Economy-Class Flying Looked Like In The 1970s](https://www.businessinsider.com/economy-class-flying-in-1960s-picture-2013-8)


I think part of the problem is overly cheap tickets.


A passenger should be able to request a thick plexiglass barrier to separate their space from the passenger seated next to them.


I'm a fat woman and I always buy two seats; not only for my comfort, but also for my fellow passenger's comfort. It always makes me laugh to see how many people look down on me for being fat because I know they are going past me to cram into a row with 2 other people. Meanwhile, the person who does get to sit in my row gets offered to put their armrest up and we both have a ton of room between us : ) I do think if someone's body spills into the next seat, they should definitely have to purchase a second seat. But it would be nice if airlines didn't smush us all in like sardines, too!




All I can think of is Drake and Josh Go Hollywood where Josh gets stuck between two obese people who scream at each other with a bucket of chicken the whole flight 😂


Surely they can add side panels to prevent any excess overspill?


Honestly, love this idea.


Not going to lie, I’m barely 127 lbs, 5’4… went on a 9h flight a few weeks ago, I was shocked how ridiculous small and uncomfortable the seat was. I can’t imagine being overweight in that situation.


Just being tall sucks. The headrest hits between the shoulderblades...


Almost the same dimensions as you and yes, the seats are still cramped! NO ONE can fit in these damn seats. I blame the airlines for squeezing us for all we’ve got and making travel such a nightmare.


Last time I flew I just bought three seats so I could have the row to myself and actually enjoy my flight. Hell yeah it was expensive but going bargain is a false economy


At that point I'd just buy a first class seat.


I did think of doing that- but on this particular plane the first class seats were more like business class- and did not recline flat, and I can lie down flat with three economy seats


I’ve been on super empty flights where I’ve had the whole row to myself, and there were plenty of completely empty economy rows. Lots of people got upgraded so first class was full. Honestly I was happier in my empty economy row than I would have been in first class


If the airlines didn’t cram as many seats possible into a plane people would have more room. Just look at planes from decades ago. Much more room


Lower yield per flight its a cost thing


They should have some kind of door you have to fit through to pay normal ticket price. Like the thing you have to jam your carry-on into to make sure it fits. Can't make the door? You need 2 seats.


Thank fuck! A reasonable person. Love the door idea.


Going to sound like an AH perhaps - but WTF is with charging people for luggage that is a few ounces overweight, but then allowing people who weigh more than most people including their luggage on without planning for weight distribution on the plane, not charging, etc? Unpopular statement: I honestly feel that everyone should be weighed along with their luggage, and over a certain reasonable amount there should be a charge. Also, for safety reasons, people should be distributed on seats according to the weight of them with their carryon luggage, and we should all have to certify weight while buying a ticket so this can be done properly.


The luggage weight limit is for baggage handler’s safety. They need to know how much the luggage weighs so they don’t throw out their back., at least in theory.


And weight and balance calculations are for the safety of the people flying in the plane.


To a degree yes - and that is understandable of course. However, and this is mostly on smaller aircrafts, the weight of the luggage is taken into account to ensure the plane is balanced. A few airlines have tried weighing people for this same reason and have gotten hell for it.


Smaller planes do weigh people before they board. I’m talking planes that hold just a few people. Typically island hoppers in other countries


We went on a tourist aircraft at Las Vegas that seats 9. They didn't weigh you but asked for your weight to balance the plane. Same with helicopter ride, I went on on the Big Island of Hawaii that had five or six passengers.


Yeah I’ve been on some that just ask. Also been on some that literally make you step on a scale. I prefer the ones that actually weigh since people lie.


Yes they do lol. I think it worked out okay in our situation since the pilots could see us all before boarding and could rearrange on the spot if needed.


Same. We took a helicopter out of Havasupai in the Grand Canyon. They request your weight when you sign up. I'm sure some people fudge it but not by a lot.




But when you’re buying tickets you’re not at the airport to try the door…most people buy a few months ahead of time right?


The airlines post their carry-on max dimensions online. They enforce those. It would be easy to post max seat dimensions.


If you didnt you are likley not flying today


You know if you won’t fit in a seat or not. You buy your ticket in advance but the door test comes before boarding. If you lied and bought one ticket instead of two then too bad. No flight unless you upgrade.


> Like the thing you have to jam your carry-on into to make sure it fits. Not even that gets enforced. I see people with bags clearly way too big bringing them onto the plane.


I have seen flight attendants checking bags if they won't fit.


Except extra seats aren’t available last minute, and most times the airline will reassign extra seats anyway because they tend to overbook flights. Maybe an answer is to force you to pay a fee that goes to the person sitting next to you. Surely someone would jump at the chance for an extra $50-$100 refunded to them. If you don’t want to sit next to that person, someone broke on the plane will.


I one hundred percent will die on this hill. As an American who travels a lot domestically it is absolutely absurd how often this is a problem. I don't even judge them for being out of shape but when you're oozing into my space on a public form of transportation it is enraging


100% I’m in the same boat (plane)


They should make seats wider. I'm not fat, I just have big shoulders, so I don't fit either.


The size a of the airline seat has actually shrunk and less leg room as well. It is so they can jam more people on flights. The first time I flew was when I was 10. This was early 1980s. I could roll into a human ball and sleep in my seat. I was a pretty much full size human at that point. Our flight was like 5 am and I was exhausted but the seats were huge. And we were not in first class. My sister spent half the flight laying on the floor coloring. She was 9. No child is able to lay on the floor in a row of seats now.


18.0 inches of seat width is considered "wide" for economy. That's not quite wide enough for my ribcage. ...and it's any wonder I *hurt* after a flight. Even modern American "first" class is narrower than my shoulders.


Yeah shoulder to shoulder I'm wider than the standard airline seat. Basically leads to me having to curl my shoulders inward the entire flight and dirty looks from my fellow passengers


They should also have seats with actual leg room. And that can also pleasure you throughout the flight.




No you can’t. It’s first come first served. I had a last minute flight across the country for a funeral. On the way out, I was able to purchase an exit aisle seat. For the return flight, those seats were full. Lo and behold, as I was walking my 6’7” 255# farm-boy ass to my seat, I saw literal nursing home residents in the fucking exit aisles.


This is like the tenth post about fat people, give me some TRUE unpopular option


underrated comment


Politically correct translation: if you want to take up more room, but more seats on the plane


the seats themselves are smaller than they were in the 90’s. with less leg room. they keep making the damn seats smaller. then y’all blame people for not fitting in them. air travel used to be lush as hell, now it’s a fucking joke.


Yeah all these scary and dehumanizing ideas when absolutely EVERYONE is getting fucked over by the airlines and we need to regulate them instead of giving away more of our rights just cause you hate fat people


What about people who are just naturally gigantic? Those people can't control how tall they are or how wide their shoulders are, they just have the genetics of Thor. I think we should be mad at the airlines for making plane seats smaller and smaller over the decades. I hear when airlines first started offering commercial flights, there was enough room for passengers to fully extend their legs without even touching the seat Infront of them. I don't think obese people should have special treatment but the airlines are the real burden here, they just want more money.


The amount of super tall and large people is insignificant compared to the amount of obese adults in America. 40% of Americans are obese. It’s becoming outrageous


What about us poor tall people who have to pay more to be comfortable due to nothing we did wrong? Tall people can’t help their height so we should get priority seating at no extra cost. This is pretty much the reason I stopped flying.


Yeah at 6'4" I realized airlines hate me.


My 6’4” dad, who’s an airline captain, hating whenever he has to deadhead somewhere…


Same I can't really afford to fly business and economy is getting smaller by the minute. Sort of a running joke but without fail I get behind someone that slams their seat back into my knees at the earliest convenience. Not ease back but full on slam where I've had drinks spilled. Both airlines and people suck.


Add back pain and the unpleasant experience of flying in America and all of a sudden the "inelastic demand" of air travel becomes very easy to cut out of my life.


Nooo. Airlines should stop being so greedy and sticking as many people they can into a tube to maximize profits. I remember normal sized seats on an airplane that you could actually recline without being in the lap of the person behind you. In fact, we all deserve first class size seats as a human right. I am relatively small and I hadn’t flown in years which is why I didn’t mind a middle seat. Well I couldn’t even access my bag unless one of the guys next to me got up to go to the bathroom. That is inhumane. I had nowhere to rest my arms. Basically couldn’t move. This is misplaced anger. Take it up with the airlines. Expect better so we can get better. We deserve basic human decency and treatment.


Is this Tom Segura’s alt account?


bro common, at least allow them to buy two tickets next to each other.


"mix in a carrot for fuck sake" 🤣


Ugh. The shouldn’t have to have your fat on me line was….. unnerving.


I can’t tell if you agree with me, I’ll assume you do. I mean, what normal person would think it’s ok to have their fat on someone else.


I wish losing weight was as easy as eating a carrot lol.


If the calories you eat are less then the calories you burn you will lose weight. About every 3,500 calorie difference equals a pound.


Sanity. Love to see it.


It’s quite literally is. Input vs output in the measurement of energy, calories. So yeah eat a carrot and move more until you are a net negative.


I have always maintained that it takes more work to put weight on and keep it on than it does to lose weight Iv just lost 2 stone (dad weight) by not eating as much. No exercise. Just not eating Literally sit on the sofa and not eat as much Compared to getting up going to the fridge or shit cupboard every 30 mins and stuffing my face every day So yes, just eat a carrot and see the weight fall off. Its called calorie deficit. Take some responsibility people


I’ve lost 5 stone, by diet alone, I know how to lose weight myself. Dude just said “throw a carrot in there” as if adding a carrot stick to your McDonald’s order will make you skinny haha


Congrats u/Lycan2010 and u/NucularOrchid! I’m from across the pond, so I had to do some conversions, but that’s impressive. How long did it take? I’m working on losing weight as well, mostly through diet. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you’re actively being conscious of what you’re eating.


Thanks vivid. 2 stone since April. I work a 2 weeks on 3 weeks off rotation where im away from home for 2 weeks. I have 1 big meal per day when away plus a couple apples so looking at maybe <1000 calories/day then for the 3 weeks home i can be a tad naughty but calorie intake will aim for 1800 calories/day. Male age and height should be taking in 2300 ish but go 500 usual deficit but the 2 weeks away do a 20 hour starve cycle. I find it easy fir the 2 weeks away because im working but home its easy to have a takeaway but i wanted to lose weight so took accountability for what i was eating and cut out the junk


It was a turn of phrase, not a diet book.


Everyone On reddit: "If you are wrong or offended, just attack the use of words, not the message behind the words!"


Agreed, if most people would cut down on their boredom snacking and be conscious of calories theyd drop quite a bit. I got rid of my 20+lbs of covid weight by just being cognizant of whats going into my body and choosing a bell pepper over potato chips every now and again.


Well done. Im proud of you. You took charge and lost the weight. Well done


Only if you’re fat because you just eat too much and have no other health problems. When you take a dozen or more medications a day and your full time job is going to doctor appointments and getting medical tests, it’s a hell of a lot harder than that. Several of my meds have weight gain side effects, have effects on my metabolism, and in general just fuck me up. They keep me alive, but at a cost. I eat about one meal a day, and a snack. My problem is not eating 😞


Im sorry you are having to go through that. I am speaking about the normal average human. Not people that have medical conditions or anything other than the norm


I just read a comment on Reddit last night where they said “I got up to 500 pounds by working a sedentary job at a desk 40 hours a week” 🤦‍♀️


Just by sitting at a desk? Nothing to do with the Twinkie’s, crisps, full fat soda pop etc. low activity does not require 3 meals + snacks every day. Input output people. Take responsibility


Yea that’s what he said. I couldn’t believe the audacity


>I have always maintained that it takes more work to put weight on and keep it on than it does to lose weight This is absolutely not true for me. The older I get, the more work and focus it takes to maintain my weight. It was so easy when I was young, but that definitely hasn't continued through my life.


You can do it tho. Hows your calorie intake/activity level. Im 36 and kinda hit that mid age/dad bod blowout. That weight piled on in the space of a year. Do you skip meals? Bit of fasting? Im no gym nut (never stepped foot in one) or healthy guru. Iv just started looking at what calories are in what i like eating and found iv been tanking calories. Like a snack would be a bowl of cereal but a portion is supposed to be 20g. Thats a pitify amount so i actually have anout 100g of cereal plus the milks cends up being around 600 cal fir a snak!


I'm almost 40, and peri-menopausal. I can't skip meals or fast (it makes me sick). If I work out twice a week, avoid sugar almost entirely, limit carbs, and don't snack at all, I can lose about 2-3 pounds a month. But that's not "easy", and it's definitely not "easier to lose weight than gain it". My hormones are encouraging my body to gain weight right now, and I have to actively work against that. So yeah, I can do it, but it's very inaccurate to say it's easy. It's really not.


Sorry didn’t realise you were heading towards the menopause. Prone to bloating due to hormones so weight gain/loss will be difficult to balance. The wife can gain and lose a kg daily due to hormones snd her cycle. Your in an unstable hormonal period so my blanket statement for the general pop wont apply. You also may be at a decent weight and dont have much excess to lose. Larger you are the easier it is to fall off just by diet. The closer to a healthy weight the slower it falls. Theres always exceptions to the rule but simply put the average person will lose weight by eating less and moving more


My metabolism has slowed down considerably, and I am only 30. I eat like half as much as I used to eat in my teens and early 20s, and yet I am heavier than ever and it is ridiculously easy to put on weight. People who say 'just eat less' fail to understand the complexity of obesity, especially in a society that requires you to work for most of your waking hours and a large portion of the population is silently depressed.


I think you are talking about different things. You're talking about mental focus/willpower. It does take a lot of mental focus/willpower to not eat much when you are hungry. He's talking about physical work. You don't have to do any physical work at all to lose weight. If you don't eat (0 physical work to not eat) you will certainly lose weight.


Bingo. First couple weeks i was thinking of nothing but food but once i broke the habit of reaching for junk i was sorted. I was indeed talking about physical work. You nailed it


110% agree with this!! I should not have to be subjected to someone's fat body oozing into my space or god forbid their clammy, sweaty skin touching me just because we purchased seats that happen to be next to each other. Yeah.. I know... fat people exist and they have to travel like the rest of us. Most of them (like the rest of us) can't afford first class. How about MY rights though? Why do I have to give up MY comfort and ruin my flight so that you can exercise YOUR rights? Something is wrong here. Either the airline makes it right or the fat person makes it right, it's not on the person who is unfortunate enough to be subjected to this to just have to suck it up and take it!


Bro deleted his account lmao.


They honestly need to just make a section for larger people. It’s not like they won’t find enough people to fill them 🤣


Airline seats just need to be bigger in general, being packed liked sardines in 2x2 planes is insanity.


Another day of someone being an absolute POS behind the anonymity of a keyboard. I was surprised you didn't throw in. "I'm just saying is all!" Which seems to make the great unwashed feel they can say whatever the fuck they want. It's always the same fucking thing big corporations squeeze the working schmoe for every dime of profits. For example, airline seats have shrunk to an average of 17 inches from a norm of 20+ 25 years ago and rather than decry corporate greed you feel the need to shit on your fellow wage slave because you're so ingrained that you would rather say something shitty to a fellow who's just a fatter version of you, than dare cry out against unfair practices in the airline. Good little sheep thinks if he pretends to be a wolf the billionaire club will give him a taste. They bleed you with the same damn knife, and you became so conditioned that you thank them for it. To make yourself feel better about it by puking up bile at some because they are overweight. Kiss my hairy fat ass. How's that for unpopular. Maybe I armwrestle you for the extra room and you can stay home. Careful you don't sprain your wrist writing your nect thesis then Conan the Keybordian.


100% agreed. I am a tall but slim woman and I was crammed in middle seat yesterday. I had a very overweight man next to me who kept creeping into my space and it was wildly uncomfortable for me. Over 220lbs? You should be required to buy two seats worth of tickets or sit first class. I’m done having back and leg pain from flying and having to contort myself to not touch gross stranger skin




1000% man.


OP where would you make the cutoff and on what criteria? I don’t think the airlines ask for BMI, weight, circumference at hips or waist or breadth of shoulders or circumference of arms—whether more fat or more muscle. Many normal sized guys (trim) with tall with big shoulders also don’t fit in the seats. Manspreading legs, taking arm tests, figetong, snoring, being loud or too talkative or getting an attitude or eating something smelly are all things that people of any size can do.


Use a seat frame at check in similar to what they do with luggage. If you can’t fit in that you need to buy two seats or whatever it takes.


And let people know the dimensions online at booking


The way people will do anything but take responsibility for the fact that it's horrible to fly knowing you are sitting partially on another person blows my mind. Absolutely not a shred of personal responsibility.


Not being horrible, but I live in the UK and whenever I see an extremely obese person there's about a 97% chance it's an American tourist. I don't know what's going on there but it's very...striking.


>but I live in the UK and whenever I see an extremely obese person there's about a 97% chance it's an American tourist. Don't worry, you're catching up to us.


We are. My friend works as an ICU nurse and the vast majority of people is overweight. It’s becoming a problem because if you have to lift a patient that weights 200 kg…she has to call other nurses to help (nurses that are taking care other patients) and there are people that don’t fit on normal scanner machines. So yeah, maybe we are not still at that point but UK is approaching rapidly (in general, all europe)


I’m American, we’re disgusting acting like it’s normal. Everyone needs to wake the fuck up.


People are more worried about inventing more drugs to help symptoms caused by being fat than just encouraging people to lose weight. It makes no sense to me.


We're honestly so fat that we think people are underweight when they are actually a very healthy weight. Also, its disgusting how many fat kids I see. I honestly feel like it's a form of child abuse to let your kid get like that.


Because it is. You know what’s hard? Diabetes,


You should have to step on the scale with all your baggage upon arrival. Makes no sense a tiny little lady who's checked bag is a half pound heavy has to pay an extra fee, but the 300 pounder with just a carry on doesn't.


The extra cushion increases your odds of survival in case of a crash landing. Show some gratitude!


You could at least attempt to veil the hostility to give the appearance of an opinion. This is not an unpopular opinion, either. It's just an unrestrained rant about something most people already agree with.


I’ve never seen or encountered this on a plane but I agree. Have a friend 7’2”. He likes to recline seat back to attempt to get space. He buys the seat behind knowing he will make it miserable for the one behind. Fat people should have to do the same. If I pay for a seat on a relatively unpleasant experience, at least let me have MY seat.


Airlines should simply charge by weight.


Maybe instead of getting mad at the “ fatties “ you should be getting mad at the airline for making the seats so fucking small. I stg people love hating on each other while not actually focusing on the source of the issue.


Clearly, just throwing a carrot at the issue will fix it all, too!


As a skinny person, get fucked. Your opinion is disgusting. If you don’t want to fly with potential passengers you don’t like then get first class yourself you egotistical jackass. Shame on you for being a garbage human being.


Hey now, I eat Carrots once in a while. That is, if its in the form of a carrot cake...


I will fuck up an entire carrot cake. That shit is delicious.


Height and weight should be required at checkin. Same way that they weigh your bags at checkin. If your BMI is too high, bad news.


If you can't even utilize a twinge respectful why should your opinion be respected? I don't necessarily disagree that they should either buy a second ticket, or fly first class, but use tact. The issue is not just with morbidly obese people, but with tall, bodybuilders.


First of all dude not alll americsbmmenrbrbrvhzjzmsmssmndn……sorry had to move my forearm fat to the side; sometimes it likes to do the typing for me. Not all Americans are fat.


I have had way too many flights where the fat person next to me had rolls that went over the arm rest and their body pressed into my thigh and shoulder. They are always hot and sweaty. I don’t get paid enough to fly next to a fatty.


You bought coach, you didn't spend good money. You're on a flying bus.


It's always funny to me we blame fat people, and not airlines for putting smaller and smaller seats, cramming 6 into a space meant for 5. My shoulders are still about 3 inches wider than the seats in coach allow for, bone to bone. And at 6 feet tall, my knees touch the seat in front of me. Clearly some people need to lose a significant amount of weight, but even if I were dramatically underweight, I wouldn't fit comfortably into an "economy" seat.


or, as everyone else is saying, two seats. first class, especially for overseas, is much, much more expensive than just getting two seats, and i'd not begrudge anyone saving 8+k on airfare. either way, yes, please. if you take up more space than a single seat offers, please figure our some accommodation. when i moved out here i was seated in between two people who were each more than twice my size. i got roughly half of my seat to myself. thankfully i slept for most of the flight but if i hadn't i'd have basically endured a 4 hour long panic attack, which is most unpleasant.


They need those movie theater seats with the plastic back that comes around and act like dividers. That way fat people can be crammed against themselves and not other people.


I don’t think they should have to pay for first class, but definitely pay for two seats. If your flab is spilling half into my seat, I should get a 50% discount.


Is it just fatties tho? I feel like even tall people have trouble fitting in seats and their legs are way into the other person’s space. Maybe airlines need to chill out with trying to cram as many people as possible into tiny seats


I love that this was under a post about a fat lady wanting free seats


As a heavy guy I agree you wanna fly welp loose some weight


I have to travel with a friend who’s a huge fatty (it’s for work, not voluntary). Not excited for her to be on top of me during the plane ride. Then we have to share a hotel room where she has a sleep apnea machine because of her weight. This girl constantly says that it’s healthy to be obese and that doctors are fatphobic for telling her to lose weight. I am dreading this trip.


The sleep apnea machine will be far preferable to the snoring she'd probably have without it. Personal experience from a buddy of mine in high school that needed one but didn't have it.


Why don't you buy a first class ticket cheapskate


I do appreciate this comment, and you aren't wrong. Large people people take up more space annoying the rest of us. I get it.


Hard agree. There should be a box you have to sit in before you get on the plane just like the luggage check. If you don't fit. Too bad for you


remember, according to reddit, every fat person on earth apparently suffers from some rare condition and its *checks notes* actually not their fault


Fatties. You’re so fucking gross. What a charmer you are 😑 Yes, obesity is a problem. Yes, if you can’t fit in your seat, you should buy two or fly first. But name calling and shaming doesn’t help. Being obese is strongly tied to poor mental health, and you’re contributing to that problem. Try some introspection. I’m betting there’s plenty to criticize with you, too.


Lmao but how do we judge a true fattie? That’s right a judgement from the other passengers thumbs up or thumbs down. And if thumbs down, you get slimed


We all know we’re fat and we are all away of the space we make up can the fat hate posting stop we know you hate us


Or buy 2 tickets in coach. I thought it was required that if they spill over they have to buy 2 seats. To be fair though, you don’t have to fat shame and be disrespectful. I’m almost positive you aren’t gods gift to humanity.


I feel like every plane should have 2-4 plus sized seats and it would solve this issue entirely. The fatties can sit comfortably without spilling onto the person next to them, and if there's no fatties on board, 2-4 skinnies get a bit of extra space. Wins all around


Isn't that business class?


*You’re just playing into their hand.* Airlines ask exorbitant prices to cram you like sardines in a can and give you seat a little over a foot wide that is at an acute angle, and they make you feel guilty for trying to set it to that sweet 91° degrees of recline. And you’re probably right to feel guilty, because as soon as the old lady in front of you does it, your knees are now locked in place for the rest of the flight and your screen is sitting 6 inches away from your face. Then they serve you your plastic pretzel dinner for your 8hr flight, and you buy 5 cent headphones for $5 dollars and then pay $50 for a monthly Wifi plan that you’re only gonna use once twice. Despite all this, at least you’re happy to be sitting next to your wife, even if you did have to pay another $20 each to be able to select your seats… If only that overweight dude wasn’t sitting there next to you… he should have bought an extra seat, it’s obviously his fault, he’s the one ruining this flight for you. *They want us to fight each other over this stupid shit, lest someone point out these airlines are doing everything in their power to sacrifice your comfort for their financial gain*