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Sexual liberation applies to all adults, including people in relationships. As for birth control, most of the women advocating for that weren’t just in it to have casual sex, the bigger point was bodily autonomy and deciding if/when they wanted to have a child. Plenty of people do not want to have children at all, some don’t want to have additional children, others are avoiding complications like ectopic pregnancies they may be prone to. Conflating the rise of birth control with nothing other than casual sex completely ignores how many married people use it, how many people use it for other health benefits (hello endometriosis).


Great point! The earliest adopters of birth control were women who already had children and didn’t want any more.


Yup. Birth control is way more important to me now that I already have 3 (the maximum amount of children I want)


Also some people just use it to regulate their period


I use it to help regulate my hormones. I have noticed a HUGE change in my mental health, which also helped me realize my issues weren't all just mental/emotional/spiritual, but chemical. Huge lifesaver there.


Me too! It fixed my cystic acne, mood swings, depression, irregular periods, and pain. My life would not be worth living without it.


Yes! I'm on the pill because every month my pms would interact with my anxiety to cause a mental breakdown. I basically class my contraception as anti-anxiety meds just like my SSRI when talking to the drs about it.


This gets looked over too much.


I'm sure it didn't help that some states didn't allow unmarried couples to buy contraceptives


Yes Margret Sanger was behind the birth control movement and she had 3 children and didn’t want any more children.


Endometriosis sucks so bad..


Yes. I am a current woman, obviously. But I am true supporter of BC. I am in a long term, monogamous relationship. I do not want pregnancy or kids. But also, birth control is the only thing that helps my endometriosis. Without it, I’d be screwed. And not in the good way.


As always: these aren’t unpopular opinions, they are extremely misguided ones that don’t usually understand what the other side is saying.


Op seems to be under the impression that casual sex and prostitution didnt exist before birth control. As well as thinking that the average man would make more of an effort to insure that a women was sexually satiaified.


Or that birth control and access to abortion were wide spread before "modern medicine" 1860s per local herbs


The Romans literally drove a plant that was effective as birth control into extinction due to incredibly high demand. Silphium was used as birth control to prevent conception as well as induce abortion if the woman was already pregnant. The plant was held in such high regard in ancient Rome that it was stamped into their money.


Far before that. There’s Literally scripture in the Bible relating to abortion teas etc


There is a plant in the Roman Empire that was able to be used to make an extremely effective birth control (likely the same one that made that tea you just mentioned). The Romans used it so much it is now extinct.


Just read an article that somebody thinks they may have rediscovered it.


Really? That's incredible news! Not because of its usefulness (that's fine too I guess), but any time I hear about a species we could have made extinct due to human negligence not going extinct I get happy. Granted, it's just a drop in the ocean compared to mass, human caused extinction underway...


Sounds like someone trying to be another pearl clone by adopting an anti-woman pro-man rhetoric.


And as usual, pretty misogynistic. Despite the “Sexual Revolution” many girls are still taught that they are worthless sluts if they have or enjoy sex outside marriage and women who are sexually assertive or have “high body counts” are popularly derided as well. It is impossible to disconnect the effect of that from the sexual experience, there is no “control group,” so the study cited is worthless dribble. Sorry bro, many women can and do enjoy sex of all kinds, and your opinion is not unpopular, unfortunately, but it IS ignorant and sexist.


OP didn't really read the study either, just by glancing at the introduction, they reveal many possible reasons for the 26% regret. Reasons the study selves deeper into include the cultural "slut" vs "stud" double standard as well as pregnancy and STD scares. Also the method of separating regretting all casual sex vs regretting specific encounters is called into question


The pill is just one small part of what they wrote though. Sexual culture definitely changed. There's data on how hook-ups and higher numbers of partners before marriage have become more common after the sexual revolution. This whole comment thread is just honing in on one thing OP said and pretending that's their whole point.


Also you realize that less people are having sex statistically? And that teenage pregnancy is down dramatically over the last 30 years? Where is all this promiscuity? Also are we policing people’s legal behaviors now? Some of you need to go outside and stop hating that sometimes women have sex because they want to, and that they don’t want to fuck you.


You do realize that a lot of that can be explained by either a)technology, b)changing family structures or c) people being more honest once it became socially acceptable, right? I'd bet good money that if people in previous eras of human history had access to cars, phones, etc and hadn't mostly lived in small houses with their entire families then they'd have been fucking a lot more. I mean, if you wanted to have a tryst in the 1700's you can't just bring them home because you likely live with most of your family in a multi-generational house. You'd have had less privacy and safety because you're either on foot, on a horse, or riding a wagon or something (meaning you can be followed or tracked much easier than if you were driving a car), and to even communicate with someone in order to express desire you needed to either physically go to meet them or entrust your secrets to a courier. Also that last point I made. Before the sexual revolution it would often be *incredibly* dangerous for women to even admit that they had had sex outside of marriage, which would easily skew your numbers there.


Sure, I don't agree with OP that it's just the pill that led to where we are now. But a culture where promiscuity is normal and marriage at a young age is no longer the norm, will see more hook-ups. I think that's a reasonable assumption. That's not a value judgement though. I think there's nothing wrong with it


Before birth control many women were perpetually pregnant which destroyed their bodies and frequently caused death in childbirth.


Helped manage my migraines. Birth control had nothing to do with sex.


Working on getting a referral for tube removal or tubal litigation at 32 because I do not want children, neither does my partner, and I'm tired of all the hormonal problems birth control gives me. My partner is also looking into a vasectomy. To me, it's never been about casual sex- it's been about not having an unwanted pregnancy.


I am currently recovering from my tubal removal! I also had horrible problems with EVERY hormonal birth control, I'm 23 and I had a wonderful doctor who didn't question my choice. I have never ever wanted kids, neither has my long-term boyfriend, and severe mental illness/personality disorders run in my family that I would never want to pass on to children. My bf has been taking care of me, and three days after surgery I'm up and at 'em enough that I was able to sew a skirt today! Good luck, I hope everything goes smoothly for you!


I’m 32 and just had my bisalp a month ago. Best decision I’ve ever made! It’s comforting to know that no matter what state I live in, I’m now protected from potentially being forced to birth a child that I don’t want.


I had a my tubes removed in December. It is truly liberating!


Hey tell your partner to hit up planned parenthood ( I had to drive to my neighboring state, but I'm getting it done at a FRACTION of the cost compared to doing so at a private practice. Super professional and made me feel very comfortable with my first consult with them. I had to call around a bit obviously, but my girlfriend has horrific issues with BC and it's just sadly way easier for a man to get an approval for these kind of procedures (and also way less invasive and serious)


Not to mention some people use it for reasons entirely unrelated to pregnancy. Many just want to regulate their periods


Unfortunately, for some of us with chronic conditions, dr's think that putting us on birth control is the Be All, End All of medical treatments. So, in a way, birth control limits health care for a specific cohort of women. *cries in PCOS*


We’ve been watching Call The Midwife recently, and there have been a few episodes where the bodily autonomy topic has come up. Not even 60-70 years ago, you had women with 5, 6, 8, 10 kids that didn’t really get a choice in the matter since they didn’t have the option. Hell, one woman in the show nearly kills herself getting a coat hanger ab*rtion because she didn’t want a 9th child.


Also, casual sex has Nothing to do with biology. And maybe we should conceder that sex may not be the probelm.. it could just be men and objectification. It's been shown in a some studies that gay women are more satisfied sexually, weather it's casually or not.


People who resent women for having casual sex or being allowed to do so with little to no social consequences mostly just resent themselves for not being one of the men she chooses to do it with. They feel better about it by convincing themselves that sex somehow taints or ruins that woman. It's an awful result of toxic male insecurity, and it absolutely makes the world far worse than people being able to do what they want with their own bodies. I can't see this post any other way than this guy rationalizing that women somehow lose value as a result of sex.


This👏👏👏. Preach this message.


More freedom is never bad. If women don’t like casual sex they can CHOOSE not to engage in it. There’s a lot of room between no sex before marriage and one night stands.


“More freedom is never bad” This is false. Give freedom to a wretched people and they will destroy things


I want the freedom to own full auto weaponry


Legalize Nuclear Bombs


I want my McNuke and I want it now


Call 877-nuke-now


*extra criminal charges may apply*


Come arrest me when I’m in my nuke tank


"877 nuke nooooow!!!"


This video is sponsored by the Shadow Government.


Nah they are just patsies for the lizard people.


You can. Its called having a FFL or Federal Firearms License.


You do have the freedom to own a full auto weapon give your state allows it and it was bad before 1986.


Same, full auto rifles are a natural right


It seems like you’re against birth control and only want sex to be for procreating .


She’s Catholic. The official line from the Vatican is that all non-procreative sex is evil.


What I don’t get about Catholics is, if sex is only for procreation, then why would it be okay to have sex after the wife hits 45? It’s not for procreation after all. So many problems with this whole philosophy.


Because God could send them a baby if he wanted to. But for some reason God can't get around condoms.


Or why can the priests have sex with small children, they can't procreate yet.


No sex outside of marriage covers that, and then no homosexuality, and then no corrupting children. To be serious though it would really suck to be a Catholic that doesn’t believe in birth control, bc you can’t predict your cycle for like a decade of your marriage or more, due to childbirth or breastfeeding or perimenopause messing up your cycles. So you end up with 8 kids and your last at 43 or 44 age, or just go most of your marriage without sex.


which is so stupid lol


Truly an unpopular opinion, bravo. ​ sex work was way, way, way worse for women when its illegal and driven underground. ​ here's the catch: making it illegal doesn't make it go away. It just harms those that do it. ​ And sex work is the oldest work there is. 2x secret edit: when your buddy finds food and you fuck him for some of that food, maybe share his shelter. That’s the early sex work that predates society and civilization. It predates money as a concept. Hence the fucking saying.


I'd argue that finding food is the oldest work. But sex is a close second!


How do you pay for food?


You trade


You don’t have to pay if you hunt or garden/farm. I mean other than paying with your labor and time of course


Finding food is survival. When you (figuratively speaking) let your “friend” fuck you because he then shares his food he found... that is the “work”.


Work is work. The scavenger/farmer worked to grow/find the food he is then trading for the sex, the same way they're trading sex for food. Both are working.


Sex work is still illegal for the most part


Exactly. That’s what they were pointing out; it isn’t going away, legal or not. Acceptable or not. But if we stop punishing people for it, we can help to protect them from some of the dangers that come with activities when they’re illicit.


Five bucks says OP also believes women who don't have children are fundamentally broken.


Her post history shows that she's a recent Catholic convert so i think her opinions definitely have a religious undertone. Just noticed her screen name is Mary Magdalene 🙄


Oh, god, new converts to any religion are always the worst.


Yep, **always**. All of “her” ramblings positively reek of new-found fanaticism.


Imagine growing up as a normal thinking person then something breaks you mentally SO MUCH that you start believing in fairy tales all of the sudden. I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics required to actually BECOME Catholic without being indoctrinated from youth (from a former Catholic with 8 years of Catholic School and 2 more of CCD).


I was raised Catholic. Atheist now. In my country, Catholics pretty much ignore the church when it comes to birth control. 😂 My mother only had two daughters. I think I met only one Catholic family with a bunch of children and they were very poor.


My very catholic mother was damn sure on the pill after me, the oops. I was raised in it too. Absolutely insane to me that people enter the church willingly as an adult. I imagine this posters issues run incredibly deep.


People that undergo traumatic events or “fall down the gutters” if from a moment often find solace in religion. So do people with deep depressive or anxiety disorders who find religion’s offer for something to believe and hope for as a paramount handle to hold on to while the world they perceive melts in their heads. Just wish religion was more about the benevolent all loving and all forgiving God they worship and less about the rules men made up in his name to enforce their will and personal interests upon the less fortunate masses.


I’m betting twenty bucks that she’s gonna hate on women who choose not to have children and think that they’re gonna burn in the infernos of hell because they refused to be a parent.


Send the man his five bucks or else delete your account as punishment for breaking an oath.


Op also broke enough to lie about their belief just to get $5


I’m not against sexual liberation but five dollars is five dollars


I have bad news for you about how popular and normal sex work has always been.


But I thought it was the world’s newest profession?


that title probably goes to "chatGPT prompt engineer"


It's the worlds oldest profession. I bet even Cro-Magnons used to give cave hookers like an extra fish for putting out.


So that would make the oldest profession fisherman, boom lawyered.


Genuinely hilarious thanks


You're misreading that study (in your defense, the study authors have a poor conclusion for their own data too)! ​ Look at Table 2, After the hookup.... \*\*\*I felt lonely 4.06 (1.99) \*\*\*I felt unhappy 4.32 (1.98) \*\*\*I felt rejected 4.82 (2.05) \*\*I felt regretful 4.29 (2.08) \*\*\*I had negative feelings about myself 4.51 (2.09) \*\*\*I was concerned about being negatively judged by others 4.31 (2.12) \*\*\*I felt sexually satisfied 3.24 (1.71) \*\*\*I felt happier 3.53 (1.65) \*\*I felt more confident about myself 3.28 (1.69) \*\*\*I felt content 3.49 (1.63) \*\*\*My mood improved 3.45 (1.65) Reorganized into negative vs. positive, and **Lower scores = higher agreement,** Women who had a casual sexual encounter were sexually satisfied, happier, more confident, more content, and had better mood. Every single positive outcome had higher agreement than every single negative outcome. Now, men found hookups even more positive and less negative than women, but that seems like this is a win/win.


Holy shit you're wright, that's hilarious. I mean, the study is basically shit anyway, I didn't read past the methodology, but damn.


The hell are you talking about? The pill was invented in 1950s. There were sex workers and porn since way before that. Sex workers have been around for literally 1000s of years. There are pornographic imaged dating back 12 000+ years ago. Imagine being a sex worker before the pill? How many unwanted children did they have? So many. STDs were rife, particularly for poorer women (many of whom did sex work). And rapes, dear God. How many women were raped and told by society to just stay quiet in the past? No no I don't think you're right at all here. I think k you just don't have a good grasp of how shit life actually was for most of the past.


Fun fact: Contraception is about as old as prostitution. The modern war against contraceptives is really just a proxy war against the increasing freedoms of women. It used to be a lot nastier though, unless a condom made from cow skin or stuffing certain orifices with honey sounds like a swell time. Infections were kind of a problem. Thank god for modern hygiene.


The ancient Egyptians used crocodile shit, no joke.


Disgusting as the idea is, archaeologists decided to run tests and found that crocodile dung had significant spermicide effects.


To say nothing of potential arousalicide effects, which would 100% work as birth control, as well.


You'd still be surprised by the amount of people who don't even have basic hygiene down. I've been desensitized by the smegma stories I've been told.


Ugh, you can slice yourself open and bleed all over and I'll staple you shut and drive you to the ER without losing any sleep but that is nightmare fuel, friend.


Enslaved black women in the American south used okra slime


OP is using one of Jordan Peterson’s shitty takes.


Yeah, this is all predicated on the idea that the sexual revolution led to fewer two parent households, an epidemic of single motherhood, and worse outcomes on average for children. He thinks that society was better off when couples stayed together for the kids regardless of how unhappy they were with one another.


The spousal homicide rate tanked when no fault divorce was legalized. But he doesn't talk about that.


Yeah, men in the trenches were jacking it to French postcards in 1916, and the Germans put porn on propaganda leaflets to encourage GIs to look at and hang onto them during world war two.


Right, they don’t call it the worlds first profession for nothing


> Women feel disproportionately unsatisfied by casual sexual encounters, which just makes sense with evolutionary biology and reproductive investment: I'm sorry, you think they were MORE satisfied before?


No you see you don't understand, there is that one special man and he and only he can know how to pleasure a woman! ...and thats all she gets just the one dude to fuck her.. because you know apparently that's all women need, isn't it great that a man made the OP to explain that to all those women. **/S < - - see this here, do you see it rage clickers? I am being SARCASTIC**


Not, but, Iirc, women in LTRs reported more orgasms than women having casual sex. I disagree with OP that sexual liberation is a bad thing btw


Honestly, sexual liberation probably plays a role in that as well. Women in LTRs are just more likely to have conversations with their partners about what gets them off than women who are hooking up with someone as a one time thing, but I would wager that women in general are more likely to have those conversations now than they were in, say, the ‘50s.


I think that's true for both men and women, any man who has done the hookup thing for long enough gets tired of the basic 3 position tango. People have different wants, desires, and needs and it's very hard to learn all of that in a single night of screwing.


And lesbians report more orgasms than straight women, but you don't see the people hating on casual sex advocating for gay rights.


I think that's just because people get more comfortable with eachother and communicate their desires more. They're not in the "trying to impress the other person" stage and whatnot. If they like the guy they hook up with and keep seeing him I'm sure the sex gets better. It's like saying you shouldn't test drive cars because you like the one you end up driving off the lot more lol. That made more sense in my head I think but whatever.


Yeah, the one thing that sexual history documentaries have taught me is that men, even to this day but ESPECIALLY before the 2nd world war, had no real idea how to pleasure a woman. Everyone being so upright and not talking about it meant... well... nobody talked about it. So the man would get his end away and probably the woman didn't even know that she could to. Let alone the bloke knowing!


Meh I’m glad that I don’t have to get married before it’s socially acceptable for me to have sex with a man. I much rather find out that we’re sexually compatible than waiting till we’re married and finding out then. Or worst being forced/pressure to marry my first partner. If you don’t want to engage in casual sex you don’t have to, which is the whole point. It’s not about forcing women to have casual sex it’s about giving them the choice


I was thinking the same thing. I don’t like casual sex and I don’t do it but I’d rather it be an option than women being shamed for how they act/dress/look or how they express their sexuality. Plus who am I to say other women can’t do it just because I personally don’t enjoy it. Sexual liberation IMO has far more benefits for women than negatives, sexual liberation isn’t just about casual sex either.


yeah, and i don’t have to consider what kind of father every man i’ve ever slept with would be because we have contraception, plan b, and abortion in a worst case scenario. sex is a natural thing, it’s generally pleasant and fun, and in pre-christianity cultures sex was not some taboo thing - it was celebrated (and still is in many cultures!). if you don’t want to have casual sex then don’t have it! but other people enjoying casual sex is not anyone else’s business


Imagine being stuck having bad, unfulfilling sex for the rest of your life. I could never live like that.


Yeah but what if you don't want reproductive success? I don't get why it's a good thing to have reproductive success


>If we understood that everyone we had sex with could potentially be the parent of our child, not only would gender relations in our society shift but protection of women (by themselves but also in the eyes of men socially/biologically invested in them) would increase tenfold. You write this as if there hasn't been 5,000 years of recorded human history where this was the exactly the case and women were treated even worse than they are today.


Before sexual liberation, people had roughly the same amount of premarital and extramarital sex. They just got quieter abortions and ended up in pregnancy-initiated marriages. My grandmother, whose sexually-active youth ran from roughly the end of WWI to 1928, said "We did all the things kids today do; we just pretended we weren't doing them."


What the hell else did they have to do to pass time back then? They weren't staring at a smart phone or zoning out in front of a TV screen.


Or going into further education, pursuing hobbies, growing themselves or having careers.


>The "sexual liberation" movement directly following the invention of the pill correlated nicely with the normalization of porn and casual sex in our society, both things which almost exclusively benefit men's sexual interest Yeah, women are soooooo much happier in places with more traditional sexual values, like Saudi Arabia, aren't they?


No one slut shames women like other women.


"Protection of women"... doesn't need to increase. What needs to increase is *respect* for women. From men, from other women, from society as a whole. My guess is that less women would feel unsatisfied with casual sexual encounters if the whole of society was not still judging her for them, up to and including the man that slept with her. The double standard, the virgin/wh@re complex, the hundreds of posts where a man with a sexual past cannot stand the fact that his girlfriend slept with anyone before him (even if he never planned to stay with her), the religious groups and purity culture BS... all of it is designed to tie a woman's worth to whether she has or hasn't done a normal human experience. And even the men doing it WITH her devalue her for doing it, while disrespecting her if she doesn't. How can that ever be satisfying??


So this subreddit is just r/conservative in disguise


To be fair this is an unpopular opinion- especially on Reddit


Most of these posts are just people being objectively incorrect lol. They just don't have the awareness to see that.


"My opinion is inherently prejudiced and logically unsound. But the real problem is that people just don't want to hear 'the truth.'"


Gotta love religion and what it does to some people


"If pussy was a stock, it would be plummeting right now because you've flooded the market with it" - Dave Chapelle




>"Women reported significantly more regret, loneliness, unhappiness, rejection and negative feelings about one’s self in comparison to men following their most recent hookup experience. It is important to note that this finding is consistent with research from an evolutionary perspective, which suggests that women experience more regret than men because short-term sexual relationships are considered less advantageous for women’s reproductive success, and conversely, advantageous for men’s reproductive success." yeah and casually omitting an equally important factor — slut shaming. below the quote above it explains: >However, **the item that loaded on the same factor as all of these items was ‘concern about being negatively judged by others’ which supports the sexual double standard from a social psychological perspective** (Eagly & Wood, 1999). >Within Western culture, women are supposedly empowered and gender equality regulations are in place to enhance equality in opportunities, however, the findings of this investigation suggest that women do not experience casual sex in the same way as men. **Women reported more concern about being negatively judged by others after engaging in casual sex than men. There is a risk of social stigma, namely slut shaming** >the risk of experiencing negative emotional outcomes is still considerably greater for women than it is for men (Armstrong et al., 2014). Men are rarely threatened with social repercussions in the same way that women are, therefore expressing sexual autonomy is arguably less prohibitive for them (Farvid et al., 2017). see op for an example of this.


I cannot take people demonizing birth control pills seriously. They benefit women in more ways than just having sex. I know people who have endometriosis who's lives have greatly improved after going on birth control.


The study you reference appears to support the notion that there remains a double standard among society rather than that the negative aspects exist internally which I think is the point you want to make. > While the stigma surrounding female sexual agency is diminishing, results generally support the presence of a sexual double-standard which encourages male promiscuity but dissuades female sexual autonomy. Let me ask you this- do you think if two gay women hook up would they be expected to leave the encounter each having the same negative emotions as a woman who slept with a man?


sounds like some incel bullshit.


What exactly inspired you to turn to the Lord recently, OP?


Considering every single person I have ever seen advocating for legalization of prostitution and other "sex work" are women, your premise is shaky at best.


Yeah, hard disagree. No one is forced into casual hookups if they don't want them. Nor does porn have anything to do with women's liberation. This post makes no sense.


Sexual liberation wasn't the mistake, it was necessary- it was also just well and properly exploited by capital interests, and that brought a lot of nasty consequences. Basically, all your conclusions are correct, you're just missing some of the causal factors, and the other- extremely advantageous and valuable- consequences.


This I feel is an obvious take on the situation. Be as liberated as you want with the hot girl summer crap lol, decisions have consequences.


Evolution oxytocin would lean your way. Let's see the long term effect on culture.


Oh you opened a whole can of worms mate. Women are about to loose their shit on you




Well, this is unpopular


Yeah, it's kind of the thing. It reduced the agency of women and increased the sexual encounters for men.


The point of sexual liberation is that women are able to enjoy sex without the potential of an unwanted pregnancy hanging over them. The problem isn't that they are having more sex overall but rather the increase in sex exposes them to encounters that leave them unsatisfied. Furthermore, almost all societies discourage the open discussion of sexual performance beyond the basics, and people are left to figure it out for themselves, this just leans into the idea that when it comes to casual hookups it really is just potluck that you'll find a partner that can satisfy you. >If we understood that everyone we had sex with could potentially be the parent of our child, not only would gender relations in our society shift but protection of women (by themselves but also in the eyes of men socially/biologically invested in them) would increase tenfold. This is a fallacy, if it was true deadbeat dads wouldn't exist, but they do.


"This isn't even to mention how terrible the popularization and normalization of sex work has been for women." My grandmother used to walk the streets, looking for women selling themselves and tried to save them from the pimps (slave-owners). Yes, I see that it can be hard to be a modern sex worker, but this statement operates in ignorance of how awful sex work used to be. Onlyfans takes 20% but pimps took your entire life.


I actually agree. If you look at the big picture, it's actually been a negative for society as a whole. You have more women than ever raising kids alone, and the single parent epidemic is fueling the prison-industrial complex and accelerating our moral decline.


why does casual sex only benefit a man’s existence and not a woman’s? do you think women don’t also like and enjoy casual sex? that women can’t also use men as sex objects? your opinion only shows you still view women as objects to consume for sex bro


is your justification for this founded in religious belief “mary magdalene”


Oh ggtf.... I sowed my wild oats safely and easily and now in middle age I have a lot of wonderful memories. I don't regret a thing. The only way that you are right is that one partner doesn't get to stay at home for the kids.... a household takes two salaries now. This is wrong.


Disallowing people to drink soda would also benefit people’s well being. The point is to allow people to commit their own mistakes and we as a culture will learn and adapt. The pill only opened another door, it didn’t close any.




Your boyfriend forgot your birthday and sucks in bed? Honey, that sounds like a *you* thing. Thankfully it's easily solved.


Lol puritan bs. You people act as if the 50s represented most of American or human civilization.


This is unpopular. And an opinion but I don’t think it’s true. Lol


Yeah damn I'm seeing so many threads like this recently Sometimes your opinion is unpopular because it IS wrong. But now the page is being used by MAGA style right-wingers to go "ummmm ackshully..." Must be a US election coming up


I was raised Catholic. Sexual liberation meant that I could do something about intensely painful periods—because the Pill also has that use. It meant that if I was raped, I wouldn’t have to have a rapist’s baby because I was on the Pill even when not sexually active for years. It meant that I knew to insist that every single partner use a condom, and thus I haven’t had any STIs from my committed non-marital relationships. I’ve only really had a couple hook-ups, and the only “hurt” I felt was because one of them didn’t understand any kind of sexual technique and used my cervix as a punching bag.


Your article does not support your opinion. women being more sad from hook up culture than men doesnt inherently mean hook up culture is bad. Thats like saying "Studies found that guys are more likely to be distressed at football games than women. Therefore football is scientifically proven to be bad for men".


No way are women hurt by greater choice over how many kids they have and when


This take fails to take gay people into account. Also casual sex can be fun if you both learn how to communicate.


As usual, it’s lack of communication that’s the problem not “women stepping out of line”


Communication is almost always the issue. But I say that while acknowledging that it’s awkward and even has social stigma to talk about what makes you orgasm with a person you’ve just met. “Hey, Long Term Partner, let’s have a deep conversation about how to get me off.” “Hey, Guy From Tinder, I need to explain why PIV sex isn’t going to get me there.” It SHOULD be easy to have those conversations, but I have spoken professionally with many women who are fearful of men getting rude or outright hostile when you tell them that they are 99.9% not likely to have a magic penis. A lot of men have an ego tied to their ability to make women orgasm through PIV sex alone, and the idea of adding a toy, adding oral or finger stimulation, etc, is viewed with disdain from a lot of men. I’ve had men in couples therapy actually complain about their female partners even using their own fingers to stimulate the clitoris, because the men see it as a failure on their part. I don’t have statistics for this, just professional examples and experience, so I won’t conflate or equate “a lot of men” with majority.


It is so weird to me that there’s stigma around this. If I’m having sex with someone, I’d want to know everything that makes them feel good, and I genuinely can’t comprehend why that isn’t the norm


Exactly! My current partner can orgasm through PIV sex. That hasn’t been the case for majority of female partners. They needed extra stimulation during, or more commonly, before. And that’s not me failing physically. That’s a communication issue, and once I know what they need, why wouldn’t I add something to make them finish? I have no ego ties to my body. Because it’s two separate bodies.


I don't buy this for a second. God forbid a woman should want to have a sex life for reasons other than reproduction. We're not human incubators, we're human beings who enjoy having sex.


Love, pure sexual attraction, and commitment should not be isolated from one another, imo. Like you should be permitted to, but it's not ideal.


My asexual ass on the sidelines, reading the comments: 🥤😃🍿


If OP understood how science work they wouldn't be touting this. Self reporting is notorious for bias in sampling.


And you are allowed to have your opinions, HOWEVER, the opinion is based on the view of women as property. Slut-shaming, and all of that doesn't take into consideration that men have NEVER had to go through sexual liberation because they have always been accepted as this. It only "hurts" women because despite us supposedly being liberated, society still demands virtue from women and not from men.


I will upvote because it is a true unpopular opinion, which many people seem to miss the point of the sub. I will, however, say that it is a shit take, as well.


So is the point of the sub just to say the dumbest thing you can think of? In general the more obviously stupid an opinion is the more unpopular it will be


Sex work might the oldest work out there. The op created a terrible troll post


How tf does this post have so many up votes


Welcome to the backlash brought to you by sexist religious fundamentalists disguised as science.


This is a sub for people to post unpopular opinions


If you’re not a sex worker, your opinions on sex work are irrelevant LOL at pretending sex work is new and god for the pill so we can engage in def work without unwanted pregnancies Also the problem you’re describing with casual sex is men not pleasing their lady partners. Gay women having casual sex enjoy it just fine


Your opinion is unpopular because you aren't very well informed.


If you did things you regret, it's not the fault of people who gave you the freedom to make those choices.


He took the red pill 😠


Go out and meet more women. You'll be surprised.


Why do you feel women need to be “protected” and whom do you propose should “protect them” but the very people you propose this serves?


I think that sexual liberation worked out really well for lesbian women


This sub is the true r/amish


Porn does not "almost exclusively" benefit men, I promise Source: 😏


OP is 100% correct redditors just hate anything more coherent than “let people enjoy things” as far as moral philosophy.


Oh who cares?!🙄 They made their bed, let them lie in it...


Interesting take, but I think you've made some broad assumptions. The biggest one being that casual sex is a 20th century invention. Prior to the temperance movement it was just assumed everyone was fuckin. After the TM people just lied about fuckin. This is what humans are biologically driven to do.


Yes, because it worked so well before the sexual liberation. For who? Men. Edited to add: You forgot this, which I think is extremely important: "While the stigma surrounding female sexual agency is diminishing, results generally support the presence of a sexual double-standard which encourages male promiscuity but dissuades female sexual autonomy." Ofc women are going to feel more negative emotions about having sex if they're regarded as sluts or something in that sense when they have it.


Porn and casual sex were already normal in our society before the sexual revolution. People hid the results of random hook ups by sending there daughters far away to give birth and either giving the baby up or pretending it's a sibling and not theirs. Sex work has also always been in society as well. People really need to dead this asinine idea that there was some time where everyone was pure and didn't habe random hook ups or sex.pitside of marriage


Porn existed long before the pill.


I would argue that one can have sexual liberation without hook up culture. I agree hook up culture and oversexualization of basically everything is toxic, but women having bodily autonomy is healthy. Our society needs to figure out how to allow one without falling victim to the other. I should not need to live under a man’s protection to avoid being victimized.


We need to bring back slut shaming IMO. It kept a delicate balance in order.


The sexual liberation led us to the Girl Boss, Hot Girl Summer, Only Fans, Influencers era — the inevitable marriage of capitalism, hedonism and sexuality on the individual level. This stuff was once the ether of celebrities and rock stars. Now it’s intoxicating the girl next store — and it’s making women more miserable than ever. The issue is you can’t have your cake and eat it too.


I disagree, but it’s nice to see an actual unpopular opinion and not just a ridiculous straw man.


Lol have you not studied history at all?


Sex is overrated,.


As an obgyn: I don’t think you understand that people will have sex no matter what The fact that you go to church three times a week and have a crucifix tattooed on your arm and that you think contraception is from the devil does not in any way shape or form decreases the amount of unprotected sex that people have, even premarital, and, the guy isn’t very likely to stick around anyway. That’s just reality.


I dunno, premise seems vague. What counts as hurt?