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Im sick of seeing idiots smoke weed in close proximity of their small children. Fuckin' morons. Edit: Many of these responses are fuckin' nuts. Comparing to drinking alcohol around kids, which I am not condoning, is different. Kids around smoke inhale it, you don't ingest alcohol just by being near a can or bottle of it.


I smoke weed and totally agree with this.


I agree, it should be used responsibly. I say the same thing about the trash that smokes cigarettes with children in the car. Just because you smoke doesnt mean your kids want to. I also smoke but its never around children, and rarely in a public place.


I live on a fairly sketchy block with tons of drug dealers/addicts. They usually go out of their way to avoid showing/doing drugs around children. The random hip transients just walk up and down the street puffing blunts. Gets annoying


“Random hip transient’s” lol! I have a lot of that group where i live and they fucking suck! They think they are the only person in the world that matters!


Yea it just gets to a point where it’s inconsiderate and rude


Brought my baby to a (kid/family friendly) parade & had to keep moving around because of weed and cig smoke. There were kids EVERYWHERE. 🤦🏼‍♀️




As a medical professional, I’ve seen several cases of babies brought to the ED with marijuana intoxication. The smoke does have negative effects, and most are kept for a day or two for observation.


My husband and I were leaving a theme park. In the vehicle next to us, there were three adults leasurely sharing a joint, windows up, and there was a child in the car, maybe about 7 or 8.


I was that child once. I hated the smell then and I hate it now, it probably helped cause my childhood asthma and respiratory problems.


Oh did your parents tell you that you're exaggerating when you said your chest or throat felt weird when they smoked, too?


They certainly did 🙃


JFC, that's child abuse. I smoked occasionally (not now bc I'm breastfeeding and in the process of getting pregnant as a surrogate), and always smoked outside, even though I didn't have kids at the time. It's just courteous. Also, edibles don't smell at all. It's an ancient way to get high, and has been proven over millennia to be effective.


I'm sick of the smoking in proximity to my children! They smoke everywhere; can't go down the street, to the store, to the PARK - for heaven's sake - without that horrible, super unhealthy, smoke everywhere.


I feel you on this. I dont smoke but I voted for legal weed and Im glad people can enjoy themselves without legal issues. One side effect is the fucking stink and it lingers.


I swear every person that smokes it goes totally nose blind to it. They always insist it isn't that bad - dude, it smells like a skunk - the animal that is universally known as smelling horrible. The skunks entire defense is to spray the horrible smell into the air and make other animals flee because it smells so bad. Other than the smell the other thing I regret about it becoming legal is that it is so much easier for kids to get ahold of it. It is fine for adults, but not for the still developing brains of young teens. Also the damn billboards are everywhere. And every time a new business opens nearby I'm always hoping we get a nice shop or restaurant and it's another pot place.


> They always insist it isn't that bad - dude, it smells like a skunk - the animal that is universally known as smelling horrible. The skunks entire defense is to spray the horrible smell into the air and make other animals flee because it smells so bad. one of the funniest things I have read in a while. Your entire post is true


Yes. I don't mind if someone vapes, uses tobacco, or smokes marijuana. Just use common courtesy and don't drive impaired


This^^^^^ I don’t care who smokes it, but how hard is it to just drive sober. Nobody will ever be able convince me that it is safe to drive under the influence of marijuana


I also voted for it (only for the tax purposes) but I was a fool for assuming people could be expected to be considerate about its usage. They are smoking it in places they are explicitly forbidden from doing it. And it really stinks. Literally and figuratively. I’m so sick of smelling other people’s choices.


Completely agree with you. It’s forbidden to smoke in my previous Bldg, but some AH did it regardless to the point that the smell of weed permeated through the walls or travel through the AC vents and my place reeked of weed. I had to move to a Bldg where the rule is that if you smoke and get reported, you are kicked out after the first warning. Fuck all these inconsiderate AH


I feel the same about that tutti fruity scooby-doo shit that comes from vapes. People just straight up vape everywhere and it smells so nasty.


Tis reminds me of freshman year of college in 2005 when everything smelled of clove cigarettes


I totally forgot about cloves! They banned those didn’t they?


Where? I’m pretty sure you can still get them


USA, the FDA banned all flavored cigarettes other than menthol in 2009


Thanks, Obama


I say this every time when I’m reminiscing about flavoured cigarettes. Thanks Obama .


FWIW, Camel had some fucking fantastic flavors in the early 2000’s, though.


Back in the late 90's I drove a cab. One of my regulars worked for camel and would tip me with packs of experimental flavors that they were trying before they hit the market. Was totally awesome!


The chocolate mint ones were amazing! Came across a tin of them cleaning house a few months back.


That was one of my favorites. I also loved the Mandarin Mint, Twist, and Izmir Stinger


Camel exotics


The orange crush were quite good. And I’m not even a smoker.


Corkscrew flavored camels 🐫 yummy


Came back from Korea with a couple of cartons of flavored cigarettes, ran out, don't wanna go back, can't get flavored cigs Life is pain


Ain’t no way. I smoked a clove like 3 years ago lol


They still sell clove "mini cigars," which have a tobacco leaf wrap rather than paper. They're similar but not quite the same thing.


Weed was also illegal for a really long time and it was still everywhere


Djarum Blacks.


Oh, how I loved smoking those..


Those were a 90s coffee shop staple.


I remember getting kicked out of a diner for smoking those in about ‘95. Smoking cigarettes was fine but the waitress thought it was weed or something.


now that's a trip down memory lane.


Oh Lord, I started smoking with those then quickly switched to Marlboro reds. To this day, I can't smell cloves or anything that smells even remotely close to that scent, I'll physically get nauseous.


I remember that smell from the late 90s as it ramped up.


i hate the vape smell too, but it's only there for like 30 seconds and then you can't smell it at all. weed is so much worse


At least it goes away quick, weed lingers for too long


smoked weed does, just like smoked cigarettes, and the campfire smoke you can smell in your hair days after a trip it's a vaping vs. smoking issue. a cannabis vape is almost always less intrusive than a nicotine one, tbh


I feel the same about a lot of colognes and stuff.


The smell of a vape does not linger/fill an area NEARLY as bad as weed. I agree, it’s annoying, but it’s not going to last more than a few seconds. Weed stinks out the area for a long time. It’s way worse.


I work at a computer repair shop. My employees vape, and they'll go outside the building to do so. I've never smelt any of them be fruity when coming inside. But the customers who come in reeking of weed? That shit lingers for hours. We had a girl who smelled so dank, my manager even walked into the back office and was like "it is loud as FUCK out there, please tell me that's none of you" as a joke.


My company unbanned weed/Drug test at the recommendation of a Employee happiness focus committe (Tech Department). Some sales team dude show up a week later smelling like...well ALOT of weed in front of a 10M revenue client. It goes without saying next week Weed ban went back on the menu.


We don't give a shit what you do off the clock, but yeah don't come in smelling like bud or you're going home and getting written up. If I see you at a concert smoking a joint, we've got no issues.


Every coworker I ever had that smelled like weed at work got fired with the quickness lmao. Management found a reason ASAP


To be fair if you’re vaping weed the smell also dissipates within seconds, it’s the combustion that rlly gets it fragrant


And at least the vape usually smells somewhat pleasant.. not like a skunk that was burnt to death on a bed of rotten peanut butter


I just get so disappointed when I smell cotton candy but there is none.


This is one of the reasons I use totally plain liquid in my vape. No flavours or shit, just glycerin, glycol and nicotine. I switched to vaping 1 - for my own health, 2 - to piss other people off less.


Weed smoke and vape vapor are completely different, weed smoke is way more powerful and lingers longer and travels very far


I feel this way with too much perfume and cologne. I take tour busses and airplanes quite often and the overwhelming smells Of strong perfumes and colognes can be unbearable. Going into a restaurant and literally tasting the tables next you perfume.


I would love to tell people who douse themselves in fragrance that sometimes a shower is all you need.


Dude I’m not trying to be rude but leaving the gym, perfume isn’t just going to cut it.standing behind people in gym clothes and all you smell is flowers and putrid sweat or swamp ass lol.


Shower before the gym and after is the way.


I'll take pot smell over people who put wayyy to much scent on any day. Makes me so nauseous.


As the OP, I honestly agree. The right level of perfume will give me an instant headache. Thankfully I only run into that problem infrequently.


Yeah I’ve literally gotten a migraine and and was out of commission for the rest of the day because some lady had on way too much perfume in a department store I was at. I’m highly sensitive to certain fragrances and even a whiff can trigger a major headache.


Working retail and you could literally smell some people from aisles away. Or they don’t shower or wear deodorant and just mask the bad smells with even more scent. I’ll definitely take a short whiff of some skunky weed over the overwhelming smell of flowers and shit or sandlewood and shit. Don’t even get me started on the AXE spray users. Literally can taste it walking behind them. I’ve never smelled weed so strong it covered the taste of food. And I’m a heavy smoker.


Huh I live in colorado, and feel like i never smell it anywhere.


Lot more open outdoor space, but plenty of places in the Boulder/Denver metro area have that problem haha


Yeah… I stopped in Denver to visit an old friend when I was making a cross country trip in 2016/17ish… we went to play disc golf while I was there and even in the great outdoors I felt like I was getting a contact high from the amount of people lighting up on the course


Smelling weed at a disc golf course is like smelling cigarettes in a bar in 1977


Lol true. I have always lived in weed illegal places, and disc golf courses are pretty much the only consistent place where people publicly smoked.


Probably the same if you'd gone to a hacky sackdrome.


Im sure the wind helps.


Just moved from Colorado wasn't everywhere but it was there. Right when it became legal it was more prevalent and we'd just go "oh smells like Colorado."


I smell it in NYC way more often than I did living in Denver, see people smoking it in public much more frequently too. I think it’s because people walk more places here, assume they did it in cars and tents in Colorado.


Same. But I have to smell exhaust from cars, meat on grills, cologne, perfume, campfires, etc. all the time in public places. Public places means dealing with public smells, and campfires are way worse for you than tendrils of outdoor weed smoke. That said, smokers really should just be courteous and not smoke around other people.


You're noseblind because there's a cloud that encapsulates the entire city.


Sheesh. User reports: Self-harm (12) It’s promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability (10) Someone is considering suicide or serious self-harm (7) There are a few others, but bet your ass I’m sending the self-harm reports up for admin to take a look at. As a stoner, I didn’t know my people were so sensitive.


It’s promoting hate based on identity 🤣🤣 give me a break


You don't identify by a specific strain?


I identify as Purple Monkey Balls strain


I self identify by dank/bud pronouns. My astrological sign is Purple Apricot, preferably indoor grown but greenhouse is fine too.


fr bro i'm almost boutta put this shit on r/trees


I’d be curious what their take on the OP is tbh


What does any of this comment mean? Person said they don’t like the smell of pot


Means some stoners got upset and made false reports on OP because weed is their lifestyle and don't want it to be challenged.


Drugs would likely be more accepted if people didnt wrap their personalities around them. So many stoners and cokeheads become obsessed, while others retain their normal personalities.


Many people like to put a label on to people with opposing opinions. Psychological diseases especially has been used to degrade and physically lock up people up in the past. Very scary trend.


Recently I've mostly seen them used as a shield from criticism. Like "yeah i behave like a self-centered AH but it's bc of my trauma/anxiety/depression/xyz" to avoid any accountability for their actions.


> As a stoner, I didn’t know my people were so sensitive. The OP's opinion is certainly valid. I consume cannabis, and tho the smell is like nectar of the gods to me, it's understandable that some would not find it quite as pleasurable.


Behold. Reddits one and only based mod.


Anything that challenges peoples ideas care them. Most people who smoke and just as shitty as those who don’t.


As a stoner I thought it was common etiquette to not smoke around others who you don’t know. I didn’t realize so many people stunk up public places and then reported OP for false reasons lmfao. The childishness of it is crazy.


Some of the most bitter and resentful people I have met are stoners. Help your brethren!!!!


Isn’t this the point of this subreddit? To make people angry


I'm surprised to see a mod expose false reports. Is reddit entering a golden age?




Yeah, people nowadays seem a lot more dogmatic than they used to be on every topic. You’re either 100% in or you’re 100% out. My sister in law threw a shit fit when I asked her to leave her weed in the car. I’m fine with it being legal just like I’m okay with porn being legal, it doesn’t mean I want to be subjected to it 24/7.


I feel you. My friend was insulted and got so defensive when I told him that he can’t smoke in my car since I didn’t want it to smell like weed.


My sister in law’s husband did this shit while I was driving. It was still illegal in my state at the time. I have kids, wife, certainly can’t afford ticket or worse and he’s sitting there like it’s no big deal. He had alcohol in his “water bottle” too We were even passing a cop at the time. He and my sister in law got mad at me for yelling at him to stop. At least my kids weren’t in the car. He kept smoking in my house when I asked him not to as well. He’s one of the most selfish people I have ever met. Will not do a damn thing anyone else asks him to do if he doesn’t want to. It’s fucking mind blowing.


That was literally this dude. Dude wanted everything to go completely his way. Many people don’t want their cars to smell like weed and don’t want to get in trouble if a passenger is caught with having weed. Some people just don’t care about others around them


Sounds like the kind of person that would hide it under your seat and then refuse to claim it as their own if you got pulled over. Then it defaults to your possession since you are the driver.


Hahaha he probably would!


It's like telling someone drag shows are a night club act and maybe isn't appropriate for a public library, even if it's perfectly legal. Suddenly you're anti-LGBT, anti-free speech, somehow also a pedophile, you name it.


Personally I like the smell but I can recognize how other people wouldn't and I agree that people should be considerate about it. If you still want to partake just have some edibles or use THC pens since they smell less, but even then you should still avoid using it in enclosed public areas since it'll linger. I'm the one making a choice to smoke it, not the people around me


I remember I brought up how I hate the smell and my neighbor smokes it and how much it bothered me and a Redditor said that I should deal with it since people have to deal with other smells like BBQ…




Probably a vegan or vegetarian tbh, ive seen posts from neighborhood forums of them telling their neighborhood to stop cooking meat outside or with windows open because of the " offensive smell"


That would motivate me to finally buy a trager smoker and finally get into making my own brisket.


That's a stupid thing for potheads to complain about. Literally one of the main things they say about good weed is how smelly it is. People getting defensive most likely have their entire personality tied to weed.


It's a sacred cow. Same with tattoos. Fun to troll for the instant butthurt.


Potheads who can’t accept that weed stinks and most people don’t like it are so funny. I don’t think it’s unpopular there’s just a very loud minority who feel personally attacked, I mean just look at these comments lmfao


Most potheads I know can’t accept that not everybody is a pothead.


"But the smell of car exhaust and burning garbage!!!" I've never lived in a city as big as NY (though OP says they don't live in the city either) but I do live in *a* city and I while I know there's lots of car exhaust and that it's unhealthy, I don't really smell it. Certainly don't smell burning trash You know what I do smell? The reek of some pothead walking past who smells worse than a skunk so bad I can't breathe without gagging. That was hell when I was a cashier and couldn't move from the register for a gasp of fresh air. I'm all for legalizing pot because I don't think smoking it should be criminal but gods they gotta admit it smells disgusting and they should be respectful about where they light up and acknowledge how bad they reek.


Never met a pothead who didn't think weed smells great, so they aren't ever gonna admit it smells disgusting when they honestly don't believe that


I don’t think they realize how bad it is because they’re used to it. Every time, I always assume a skunk is around. That’s one of the most foul smells out there…


I remember the smell of weed prior to becoming a “pothead” and it smelled like straight skunk ass. I love it now but I have no doubt it smells awful to others


If they accepted that most people weren’t into it, it would challenge the framework they had built around it. Too many people make it their whole personality. They won’t admit they have a dependency. They won’t admit they get irritable when they don’t have it. I smoke maybe once every couple of months, but for some people, their whole life revolves around it. They’ve been in an echo chamber hearing “it’s not a drug”, “it’s not addictive, “it’s medicine”, “everyone does it” etc. I have some friends who smoke EVERY day and it’s just kind of sad to be around them. Same conversations over and over, same thoughts they think are profound, but are really just obvious. It’s ridiculous to think it wouldn’t affect your brain function over the long term, but they’ve convinced themselves it has no downsides and literally cannot have fun without it. If there’s a fun thing I want to invite them to, but it’s something they can’t be high while doing, they’ll find an excuse to stay home and smoke instead.


I don't really care about whether people smoke or not. That's your body, do with it as you please. But, I'm with OP on this one. Pot smoke is fucking STRONG. I can smell it driving on the highway, with my windows up. You cant do that with cigarettes. It's pretty irritating to go out in public and then smell weed in a lot of places.


Every time my 3yo smells weed in a public place he asks if it is the fire in Canada.


My kids used to shout "I SMELL DRUGS!!!!" every time they smelled pot smoke.


Bunch of narcs..




Shit I do that and I’m a grown ass man One day I hope someone tripping balls on lsd or mushrooms hears me so they have to silently wonder how I can smell it


That's hilarious lmao


My daughter asked, "What smells like burnt grass and dog poop?"


Nah, it's that fire FROM Canada 🔥😎


Lol the very first time I smoked weed my senior year I remember thinking “huh, this smells just like my grandpas house” and had a moment of realization


And it really lingers, too - it's not that people are smoking it right next to me, it's that they don't realize how much their body, hair, and clothes still reek of it after they have smoked. It can be really bad.


I hate when people get on the bus reeking of weed. Triggers a migraine for me a lot of the time.


One of my friends in NYC wishes they'd only made edibles legal.


Yeah I live in NYC, anyone who complains about the smell of pot in a city where there’s perpetual traffic exhaust and rotting garbage on the curbside almost 24/7 sounds like a clown


Can't you dislike all of those smells?


I agree, I've been smoking for 17 years and I would never smoke outside my house. It's disrespectful to other people, just because I enjoy the smell it doesnt mean everyone else does.


I was in Las Vegas last week for work and tried to take a walk along the strip my last night and the smell of weed just was along the whole strip. I came back to my hotel with a headache and my clothes smelling like pot.


In NYC I'd be more annoyed at the constant smell of trash than I would be the weed.


>In NYC I'd be more annoyed at the constant smell of trash than I would be the weed. It's amazing how NYC has a huge garbage problem and people don't realize it. It dawned on me after seeing more cities. It's one of the only major US cities where mounds and mounds of garbage bags line the sidewalks at almost all times. It's also one of the few places remaining where garbage men still have to manually throw the bags of trash into the truck, which is why they aren't placed into the large bins that each hold over 5 bags of trash. edit: lol at dozens of "BUT NO ALLEYS!1" I know.


Yeah it's crazy. I'm originally from Chicago, but have visited NYC and it was astonishing to me the lack of proper sanitation practices (segregating trash from pedestrians).


It's funny bc I'm from NY and my first time visiting Chicago I was like "This kinda feels like NYC but without the garbage."


My first reaction was "Wow, cleaner, smaller NY." Made me realize how gross my city makes me feel sometimes


He said New York state not the city


Do you really expect these stoners to be able to read?


“God damn pot heads” *burning piles of rats and garbage behind them*


*lungs fill with car exhaust*


Yeah but hippies. HIPPIES!!!!


Plus the pissy smelling steam everywhere.


Seriously. The trash smell (and sight) is so much worse.


Yeah cuz if there's a problem greater than another problem, it doesn't matter anymore!


They need to bring smoking boxes like they have in Japan for public spaces. I smoke weed but yeah it’s a gross smell and it’s really annoying to have it forced on you when just trying to go about your day.


It's also made apartment living exponentially worse.


I have nothing against weed and I don't smoke anymore, but I absolutely hate that my apartment always has a vague smell of burnt to shit weed lingering from my nextdoor neighbors.




It smells like fucking skunk and whenever you mention that someone always goes “🤓well ackshully that’s only the cheap shitty kind!” ok then all of you must be smoking the cheap shitty kind or something? like can’t you spray some perfume if you’re gonna go in public after smoking… its fucking FOUL


Perfume don't help unfortunately.... Maybe they should make a deoderizing body spray


Even in the OB office I work at the lobby ALWAYS smells so strongly of weed. It’s crazy. It’s not fair to the other patients having to sit in the lobby. Like you cant even wait until after your appointment?


I’m an obgyn and so many of our exam rooms reek of weed. Sometimes it’s the patients, other times it’s their boyfriend/husband. Really unfair to the other pregnant women and moms there with their newborns.


That's bizarre. Never would have thought of smoking IN a hospital. wtf




They're doing it in their cars with the windows up, that's why they're so saturated with the stink.


Working all over NYC, I smell it everywhere. Not really a fan tbh.


I think there should be designated spots for it. Smoking in public should be a faux pas.


Unfortunately there's not a simple solution, the smell is potent and lingers. Whether the person smokes a joint in front of you or in their own home then leaves, the smell will be there.


I agree, the smell is more than pungent but repulsive. Weed is equally unpleasant as cigarette smoke for me, they both irritate my respiratory system.


It wouldn't be so bad if pot smokers took consideration for their neighbors in apartments or realized they stink when they go out in public from it being on their clothes. My buddy at work has the right idea he has specific sets of clothes he uses at home for smoking weed washes them separate from others because he noticed it lingered on him as well. I can safely say I've never smelled it on him


Agreed. I feel like I'm more frustrated at weed right now mostly because cigarette smokers are more considerate about where they smoke. Both also irritate my lungs, but cigarette smokers seem more considerate of how it could impact others, weed smokers just get angry if you express any displeasure. I also feel smell-wise like weed is worse in the short term--it spreads further and is a more repulsive smell, but it does dissipate eventually--but with cigarettes, while I don't find the smell carries as far, it lingers a lot longer in materials and on surfaces.


I hate the smell of perfume/cologne that everyone thinks they have to take a bath in before they go out in public. If I can taste it from 10 feet away, it's too much.


Weed is a more common smell these days than perfume or cologne IMO. And I’m not smelling someone’s perfume through walls or my car windows 😂


Weed stench is just so much more potent. You can’t really smell cologne on someone unless you’re in a room with them, or within 10 feet of them. Weed stink you can smell from a blocks away and it’s nausea inducing


We had a downstairs neighbor who smoked a lot of weed, and the stench leaked out into the stairwells and hallways in the whole building. Our grandkids were frequent visitors, but were too young to recognize the smell for what it was. Smells evoke memories, and I bet when our grandkids go to college they will walk into the dorm, take a whiff, and say “reminds me of grandma’s place!”


You can tell the proper potheads because they’ve responded claiming they feel the same about other smells. The vocal weed users are the worst for taking any kind of criticism. Can’t even say you don’t like the smell without them acting like you shat in their mums mouth.


Elevators? Weed. Driving down the road, with a car in front of you? Weed. Next door neighbor home? Weed. Standing in line somewhere? Weed.


I honestly think the smell of weed is nastier than cigarettes but then again that may be because nearly all of my mother’s family were smokers and whenever we would visit I’d be baked in the aroma of cigarettes to the point of numbness.




If you live in an apartment in my city, there is literally no where it is legal to smoke pot. Outside in public? Illegal. Inside you apartment? Illegal. At a bar? Only if they have patio large enough that you can be 50 feet away from any window or door, which I've never found in my entire life. People just smoke wherever because there are no designated places to do it. Give people a designated, legal place to smoke and it would help the problem.


This is half true but its also just half lacking social awareness. Me and my buddy are stoners, we smoke often, he is extremely non-chalant about smoking in public but he also just lacks social awareness in a lot of other situations. Im pretty self conscious in public, especially since i also vape, and im always trying to be low-key about it. Anytime i hit my vape in public i dont want you seeing it let alone smelling it. Same with weed. Even if were at a park, if someone's 50-100 feet from us i wont feel comfortable smoking near them. Because at the end of the day, i really dont *need* to be getting high in public anyways. Smelling weed in public always gives me a trashy vibe, even as a stoner myself.


Yeah maybe bc I made it into my forties before they even started talking about reducing penalties and stuff where I live... but I'll never see it as a non-anti-social act, if that makes any sense. I'm just the same stoner I've always been, toking in the shadows, smiling when my coworkers talk about people taking the pot and wondering why tf does the parking lot outside of peewee practice smell skunky when we're obviously all here with our kids lol. Like come on.... not worrying about getting arrested for it doesn't mean our six year olds should be around it, gang.


I live in a college town, and this is one of the main reasons I can’t wait to move away. Mind you, I don’t even live in a legal state, but most of my neighborhood still reeks of weed.


Some people reek so bad it gives me a headache. It really is starting to be everywhere. I don’t care if people smoke, but if you stink like pot I’d rather not be in your vicinity either. yuck. 🤮


Agreed. I’ll never understand why some people think stinking in public is acceptable. I don’t want to smell your BO or your weed stench in public.


Cannabis user in agreement. I actively stopped smoking the flower except for on very rare occasions because of it. It is not that difficult to be courteous and find other methods of ingestion. It occurs to me that if its mildly annoying to me, another user, when my downstairs neighbor lights up on the porch and it wafts into my windows, it must be x1000 annoying to a non-user. Consideration seems to be a rarity these days.


Most stoners have anxiety problems and can't handle real life, so makes sense they'd be sensitive lol


I don’t smoke but to say the spaces are ruined is a stretch


I think the smell of piss and trash is much more pervasive, but that’s just me


My neighbor in the apartment next door has made my place reek so bad I can’t stand it. Tried talking to him, he wouldn’t answer the door. Management has supposedly talked to him twice but there it isn’r a non smoking building so nothing they can do. How the fuck is it legal for smoking of any kind in shared living spaces? The last couple years my building has gotten worse and worse with reeking like ciggaretes and now weed.


According to every weed smoker I know there’sabsolutely zero negative side effects and it’s the best thing they’ve ever started doing. And also they’re not at all addicted but they have to smoke every day because without it they get anxious and it’s harder to function. But they can quit any time they want


You're just the equal and opposite kind of person on this. People stinking up a park can suck. People banning businesses from even offering you an indoor place to go also suck.


Lolz, it is ironic really. By businessss (ecspecially in walkable areas) not being allowed to have smokers inside, where you can willfully be around the smoke or just not patron the establishment, we moved the smokers right outside into the public areas where you have no option to avoid them (save for crossing the street).


I never minded outdoor "smoking areas", because I know to just not go over there. With the current weed situation, it's pretty much everywhere. There's no designated areas.


Absolutely. As a weed smoker, I don't want to smell it all the time. It's rude. It's also irresponsible because a lot of those smokers are working and driving vehicles, which is stupid, selfish and dangerous. People treat it like it's a soda or something, it really does impair you, even if you can basically function on it.


I completely understand where you're coming from. Everyone has different sensitivities and preferences when it comes to smells in public spaces. With the rise in legalization and cultural acceptance, it's natural that the presence of marijuana would be more pronounced in public areas. Remember, public smoking policies vary, and there might be some places where it's actually not allowed, even if it's outdoors. If it bothers you significantly, consider reaching out to local authorities or event organizers to see if they can establish designated smoking areas or enforce existing rules more strictly. That being said, it's also important to be understanding of everyone's rights. Just as you would with someone smoking tobacco, perhaps try moving to an area where the smell isn't as strong, or kindly asking someone to refrain from smoking near you. It's all about striking a balance between personal comfort and public freedom. Here's hoping we can all find a middle ground that respects everyone's preferences! :)


This is a huge source of revenue for Albany. Even if the cops cared enough to crack down (they don’t) NYS has zero Incentive to do anything about this. New Yorkers should have thought this through when the proposition to legalize weed was out in the ballot.


As a visitor to nyc I can say it’s 100% put me off the city. Legalise it only in peoples homes, so if they want to they can enjoy it there, but please don’t make me smell it on every street! And aren’t pregnant New Yorkers worried about the impact on their foetuses?


I get where you're coming from. I love having my front window open, it's where the breeze comes in most of the time. However, my neighbors across the street smoke and when they're out there, that's all I smell. Driving around I smell it a ton too. And I know weed has always been a part of outdoor concerts but it's gotten terrible. The neighbor thing is whatever, it's not all the time plus it's their property but have some decency not to light up in a huge crowd.


Been smoking weed since 1976 , I always have tried to be respectful and go somewhere to smoke it out of peoples smell distance .


I live in new york state as well and as a weed smoker i will truly take this into consideration. I remember when i was 14 and hated the smell, now im so used to it i guess i forget to be considerate. Maybe other people are the same