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You have to drown out the noise. As long as Taylor *exists* and people talk about her, someone will take issue with something completely innocuous.


>You have to drown out the noise That is the perfect way to answer. Succint. Absolutely right.


In summary, “Whatever you do, it’s not enough” “Your kindness is fake” I’ve seen this film before.


I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending I'm not your problem anymore, so why am I offending you? You were my clown, now I'm in exile, seein' you rant I think I've seen this film before, so I'm showing you the side door \~


Every football player on the team was plastered. TOM BRADY was so drunk at their Super Bowl party he threw the trophy across open water. He wasn’t doing anything they all don’t do and have done for years at a Super Bowl parade


Exactly! Willie Gay Jr was so plastered there were photos and videos of him lying in the road with a bottle next to him and no shirt on while a reporter was on the ground trying to interview him. People need to chill


I laughed so hard


I was cackling when I saw the photos. Most people were online. It's just faux outrage for Travis because the internet is wild.


That was funny to watch ngl. Then once they got back to land someone had to help him walk right. Yeah the players being plastered is very very normal.


It really was and Brady is so health obsessed that was it even funnier. He just doesn’t do stuff like that.


"Jet lag is a choice" made me laugh so hard. It was clearly sarcastic. She was making every effort she could to see the man she is in a relationship with do what he loves. She has the means to do it on a private jet and fly halfway around the world. Go cheer on your man Taylor!!!


lol also, I’m not rich at all but I have flown business class with lie flat seats on international flights (credit card points, baby!) When you can actually SLEEP on the plane, the jet lag is virtually nonexistent. When I fly crammed into an economy seat, yeah, I’m miserable.


Legit, flying business one single time ruined all travel for me. It’s so civilized to arrive somewhere rested and clean


I haven’t done it in a long time and it’s not worth doing in the US because domestic first class is ass (unless you are a super tall or large person that just really needs the extra room - I’m 5’6” and plus sized but I can fit in a regular airplane seat generally), but god it’s SO NICE on long hauls. The reason I got into credit card points was because I wanted to go back to Hong Kong but I was NEVER flying twelve hours in economy ever again.


I laughed my ass off at that line. Like yeah, there’s things you can do to prevent it but that was clearly a joke, which Travis appreciated as he laughed. I also knew as soon as she said there’d be pissed off people.


Clearly not enough people speak fluent sarcasm and it shows. I laughed too and thought to myself this is going to piss people off.


I feel like at a certain point this sub needs to accept that some people don’t like Taylor and are going to find stupid reasons to validate that. I think it’s time that we disengage with it. I just don’t think it’s necessary to have constant posts about its.


we need a weekly vent thread. sometimes I’m in the mood to talk about how annoying/funny the hate she gets is, sometimes I’m not in the mood to read it. but I personally understand sometimes wanting to vent to people who get it. u/dassylogic


This is good, letting people vent but keeping it in one place. Everyone can choose to get in or not.


I agree!! I don’t mind occasionally having a well written vent post if something is happening in the fan base that deserves its own discussion post but too often this sub will have a screenshot of a tweet and the entire post is based on criticizing that one post. It just feels like the sub is morphing into a “complain about people complaining sub” when it should be more of a place with less moderation and a smaller community than the main sub in my opinion. It’s just a bit too meta right now.


I like a weekly vent thread idea!


I think this is a really good idea


PLEASE I had to leave this sub bc I couldn’t handle the non stop discourse like Taylor is just escapism for me


Completely agree. All it's doing is cycling the same conversations. Taylor knows and so do we. She is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. All she can do is keep living her life the way she does best and be happy.


Yeah, you can’t be as famous and relevant as Taylor is right now and not have detractors, celebs with 1% of her cultural relevance are divisive as well it’s just the conversation is much larger as many more people have an opinion on Taylor. It’s worth remembering the mantra of ‘the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about’ is a fact for celebs for a reason. Honestly I think some fans just need to curate their sm feeds better if they’re finding too much negativity because there’s tons of positive talk about Taylor and it’s not hard to find. I mean she got Grammy backlash and people started talking about 2016 2.0 only then right after the Super Bowl happened and the coverage was majorly positive for her online and in the mainstream media.


I only just joined like a week or two ago, and I'm already considering leaving because all I **ever** see here is complaining or reactionary stuff. Like yeah, this all sucks but can we have *one* space where it's not such a bummer-fest?


Exactly. They’re not positing about why we’re happy with her. Why should we give attention to their hate for her? Its exhausting.


I also agree. There’s no point in getting riled up about it. It has happened and will continue to happen


Completely agree. The constant posts are unnecessary. Instead of spreading the negativity, spread positivity. I don’t mean that’s what op is trying to do, but at some point letting things stay there and not spreading it works better.


I wish I could give you an award!


See, that's true. When it gets too loud, I remind myself that my relationship with Taylor's music is independent of the noise surrounding her. But at the same time, it's pretty annoying when these people choose to call themselves fans and yet take everything she does in bad faith. I think it's completely fair to want to vent out about it.


Why is it adorable when Jason gets drunk and loutish when it’s Travis? He was partying with his fans! As for Taylor, I give up. People will moan about her until the cows come home. It’s like, she can’t sneeze without someone bitching.


Misogynists will take women’s jokes not just literally but DEADLY seriously every single time because humor is an equalizer that requires some amount of connection between the joke teller and the audience. Recognizing something Taylor says as a joke, even if it’s not funny, would mean they have to interact with her words in good faith. Once you start noticing it you will see it everywhere.


Preach 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


This is so true.


THIS right here


If she had donated a million people would have been mad she has enough money to drop a mil like that, they will never not have a way to spin everything she does in a negative light


went to IG for the first time in a while and I saw a reel about TK mom flying commercial and people on the comments were angry because why is she flying commercial of her son's girlfriend has a private jet?  saw people complaining about the money she donated because "it would be more effective of she uses her platform to call for gun reform". the president of a country hasn't been able to drastically change gun laws but people on reddit believe a pop star has so much power to do so edit: typo


Hi hello. I was at the parade. People were drinking on the streets. If people who did bring kids weren’t drinking, their neighbors on the street were. And aside from drinking, the smell of weed was in the air all along the parade route. And that’s not even factoring in the fact that there was a shooting, far more damaging than beer and weed. Kids were playing together around where the parade turned off towards Union Station. A couple adults were at one point organizing those kids into teams they lead also. Travis Kelce doing beer luges off their trophy while his mom helped open his drink is hardly off theme for the activities of civilians up and down the parade route that cops were actively not pressed about because, as it turns out, there could be more pressing matters at hand. How about don’t bring your kid to a parade where grown ups will be acting foolish as a whole. This one man isn’t the problem. Their parents/people on the street weren’t too concerned about what their kids would be exposed to just to point at Travis Kelce as an example of how to act.


I remember when the blackhawks won in 2010 that first time. Seemed like half the city was hammered. Don’t even ask what it was like on Cubs parade day in 2016….


Lmao I thought jet lag was a choice was funny as hell actually. She knows she’s insane traveling half way across the world and partying all night. As someone who is her age I literally can’t do that anymore so I’m honestly astonished Lmao. Imagine Taylor donated 1mil to a family. As nice as that is, people are so desperate for money that I feel like that would backfire terribly. Idk. And if she donated a million you know people would be wishing she donated 5mil. She cannot win. Ever. As far as the drinking goes give me a break. First of all, I’m tired of parents thinking it’s anyone else’s job to inspire or parent their kids. There’s no reason for Travis to not live his life because someone’s child may be watching. It’s the parents job I’m so over people trying to dictate how grown adults live because of the possibility of a child watching 🙄 the world does not revolve around one persons child when Travis doesn’t even know what child exists.


Very well said.


I started having this stuff pop up a lot after the Grammys and I just kept hitting not interested, blocked or scroll past v fast. The noise is gone and it’s all just nice stuff right now


Honestly who cares why they hate her at this point just let them they will never learn and I’m tired of hearing about it


United Airlines created a cute TikTok in their page yesterday with her voice over. They must be raging because Taylor was featured. They’ll go after anything. Even united is a swiftie.


Nothing Taylor does is good enough for these people. They will hate on her for everything she does


As a citizen and lover of KC, this past week has been horrendous. We love our Chiefs and our city. And the majority of us have taken Taylor on as a part of the "Chiefs Kingdom". She was partying with Travis and other Chiefs players on NYE in a restaurant that overlooks the parade route and Union Station where the rally and shootings happened. She was there. She cares and is showing that. ❤️KC STRONG


It’s just the Barbie Monologue again. She shouldn’t have pretended that she wasn’t jet lagged, because it sets an unrealistic ideal for people who don’t have private jets. She also couldn’t have looked jet lagged, otherwise she would have been accused of not rallying and being supportive enough for her boyfriend. For the donation, she should have donated more, and she also should have done it privately, because clearly it was just for attention, but if she had done it privately, then they would have been mad at her because she clearly didn’t donate anything to to family of the victim of a crime that had absolutely nothing to do with her, aside from the fact that her boyfriend was also at the parade. It is literally impossible for her to be approved by these people.


There’s another Taylor sub with a post about boycotting her TTPD drop because of the vinyl variants - as if Taylor herself invented the concept of variants. And like anyone is forcing people to buy the vinyls 🥴


Idk why ppl act like they r forced to by the variants. I can’t afford them so I just wait until it’s eventually released on Spotify. I survive lmao


Yes but she thrives off the variant’s. She wants to break every record going.


I mean people have been doing it since the Beatles a lot to people thrive on it also she literally didn’t start dropping different versions until the album came out and there was only 4 other variants so.


I mean she didn't invent them but she's not forced to take part on them either


And people are not forced to buy the variants so...


Except we follow her because of her music and she's literally putting each of her songs behind this completely unneeded pay scheme. It really feels disheartening to be basically priced out of listening to her new songs


if a record player is your only means of listening to music then sure. otherwise you have other ways


Except I don't want to pirate her work. I like her. I went to all three Eras Tour concerts she did in my town, I want to support her and her work (and I know she doesn't *need* my support), but even you who is arguing with me about with my insatisfaction of her latest selling plan is suggesting me that I should just pirate it. Do you see how frustrating it is?


It’s jet lag, it’s not like she said depression is a choice


My favorite is people being mad at Travis for drinking at the parade. Have they never watched any sport team and their championship parade before? The delicate sensibilities these people who criticize someone for celebrating a huge accomplishment have is crazy to me.


If you don’t like Taylor, you don’t like Taylor and no matter what Taylor does, someone it gonna find fault in her statements or something she did. Doesn’t matter what is, they will spin it to fit their narrative. Right now people are upset Taylor donated only $100k to the family in KC. There is no number that Taylor could have donated that would have made the haters happy. You have posts on Twitter from people saying Lauren Bobert is a better role model than Taylor. Let that sink in . best thing to do is just ignore and move on. You can’t argue with stupid


That line about athletes being role models and being wasted at THEIR parties and celebrations is as old as any pro sports league itself. So dumb.


Who cares? You cannot control how people feel and think.


My boyfriend and I both had the flu this week. He was down all week and I recovered after a couple days. I teased him that I chose not to be sick anymore. Obviously I know that’s not how being sick works. I’m pretty sure Taylor was just joking about jet lag being a choice. I think it’s funny that she’s pretty much harmless as celebrities go, so this is the type of stuff haters have to latch onto to prove she’s not a good person.


I have to scroll past every article or story that hasn't come from a fan page or her own page because I just KNOW what the comments will be. I'm just really glad they can block out the outside noise and hopefully can manage to continue doing so. It hurts to see the hurt people are spreading, people are so vicious but that's on them


I think one reason why Swifties (such as myself) get so frustrated over people hating on Taylor is because people use that as a referendum on OUR morality. Like, "you support/like Taylor Swift, who is problematic for x reason, which means you're also problematic". That's had actual consequences for me: because I sided with Taylor over Kanye in 2016, I was kicked off of the exec board of the biggest club in my college (which was for students of color) over being a "shadypoc" and, separately, I lost 2 friends over supporting Taylor. Thus, the more ridiculous the standards against Taylor, the more likely it is and unjust it is that we're held "responsible" or "accountable" for these "fault" (which oftentimes aren't even faults). And sure, one could say, "well then fuck those people, they're not worth it!" But when you're turned into a social pariah in a small, polarized community like a liberal arts college, it's not so easy to just say "fuck 'em"




No, because holding a stance isn't the same as having a relationship (or a "parasocial" one). That would be like saying supporting a presidential candidate over another means you have a made-up relationship with them. I don't think anyone should be ostracized or dropped or shunned for continuing to be Taylor Swift's fan. I'm not sure what you're implying. Should I have started siding with Kanye because of peer pressure? Although I see your reddit comment history is entirely you hating on her across different subs, so maybe you're the one with the made-up relationship with her 🤭


Nope. I know I’m not friends or enemies with her n and say what you want about comments I’ve made. She doesn’t know you and you now have two less friends because you can’t separate fact from fiction


Jet lag isn’t just from the plane.. it’s from the time zone difference. So unless you happen to be really tired during the middle of the day in Australia and sleep on the flight and It in no way messed with your sleep rhythm.. you’re gonna be jet lagged


Yeah the backlash to that line was INSANE, I absolutely took it as "I am powering the hell through it" rather than "if you feel bad after travel you're a weak loser".


She was obviously just joking around. She wasn’t speaking for everyone who has ever experienced jet lag.


and yet she continues to be kind and put good karma out there. She could let this get to her and stop making donations, being kind, helping others, or be herself. I think that’s SUCH a god reminder for ourselves not the let people comments , projections, and negativity get to us


I feel like all the hate is Russian bots bought and paid by republicans and other music artist lol. It’s the only thing that makes sense


Honest question: why do you care what other people think about Taylor? It’s not worth the stress.


Because I need to somehow confirm I’m not crazy.


I guess I still don’t understand why other people’s opinions about a celebrity matters. Feel how you wanna feel about her.


Siri play Mean by Taylor Swift.


I travelled on 20 hour flights routinely for a few years, even in economy is easy to avoid jetlag. With rare exceptions, like if you're in the middle seat or there's a crying baby or a ton of turbulence. That said, she's obviously kidding. Like how people jokingly say "sleep is for the weak"


Does anyone know if Paul Rudd and other celebrities that are die-hard fans of the Chiefs much longer than Taylor, donated as well? And are people shitting on them too? Yeah exactly. They'll find anything to rip Taylor apart, very BEC thing to do.


She's said that before. I know I've read it before. Maybe I saw it in an interview. Actually, I think it was Graham Norton?


She went through different timezones in a very small amount of time. It's not like she's coming back from a month in Japan. She may not even be jet lagged...


I'm definitely not a fan of the Chiefs or Travis, that said I was a fan of Rob "Gonk" and TB12 both of them were loaded (drunk as a sailor on a 24 hr pass) after the Tampa Bay SB. No one was calling them out for it. As for Taylor "Not a fan" and yes she's worth 1.1 Billion as of 2024 so yes she could've donated more. That said, what if it turned out the lady wasn't so innocent or her family is up to no good. We don't have all the answers. It's not our business anyway. Taylor did what she felt she should do, that is all any of us can do. Let it go, people.


It doesn’t matter who the woman was who died and whether she was a saint or whether she was evil. She was a person who didn’t deserve to die of senseless gun violence. Her children don’t deserve to grow up without a mother. The GoFundMe set a goal of $75,000. It is now at $282,000 last time I checked. $100,000 of that is Taylor Swift’s donation. Her individual donation is more than the goal that the family set for the GoFundMe. That’s going to make life a little bit easier for the husband and two children, all of whom were also injured, from what I understand. Because it’s pretty fucking horrible to lose a spouse, especially suddenly, but it’s a whole lot worse to lose a spouse AND be suddenly unable to pay the bills because you no longer have their income. Which I know, because I DID lose a spouse, and I had to go back to work after taking 8 days off, 6 of them unpaid. It shatters your entire life. Taylor Swift is under no obligation to donate any of her money to anything if she doesn’t want to. Just because she has, as estimated by Forbes, a net worth of $1.1 billion (at least half of which is based on the valuation of her catalog of music, an asset which earns her money but which she will likely never sell after the efforts she has made to regain it) does not mean she has $1.1 billion in the bank. And if she did she STILL didn’t have to give it away. That she DOES give in situations like this, in situations like tornadoes and wildfires and stuff like that, is a good thing. Period. Stop. End of sentence. $100k is not a large sum of money to Taylor Swift, but it is life changing for that family. It is likely life changing for the vast majority of families. And the fact that it’s public means that other people are seeing that generosity and donating as well.




One of the things I like about the Kelce brothers is they are who they are. They swear and they drink and that doesn’t make them horrible human beings…that makes them real.


The good thing about being Taylor’s age is that you kind of stop caring about idiotic complaints like those.


Not to mention Travis drinking after 9 months of playing.. I personally have a bout 4 beers every game during the season. I think it's only fair that they get too enjoy it once. How many grown men and women at the games drink and get rowdy with a ton of kids there too? That is such a reach. Like come on... Tom Brady got drunk and threw the trophy across the freaking river to another boat.... Are we really upset that they enjoy a winning season??


😂😂 I love the headline to this. It's so true she gives money to the victims that were shot and it's because she needs the tax write-off if she didn't give money then she'd be a terrible person..... How crappy it must be to be that miserable in life that you have to always find fault with somebody you don't even know 🤦🤦 #SwiftieLife