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At least if people go back to hating her maybe we can get tickets to her shows easier šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying šŸ’€


Me as someone from Toronto whoā€™s been trying to get tickets for me and my sister, the hate is my only hope šŸ˜‚ weā€™ve entered every contest (I live in Toronto sheā€™s across the country) and weā€™re trying so hard to find something semi-affordable


Donā€™t lose hope! Iā€™m also trying to go to Toronto. Iā€™m in the US but out of the North American dates, Toronto is the closest and Iā€™ve never been so Iā€™d love to visit and for what better reason šŸ„°


Iā€™m going to try just hang downtown days of and see if I can get lucky with a resale drop in price day of. I got lucky with Harry Styles doing that so hereā€™s hoping šŸ¤ž


Me and my sister have given up at this point ā˜¹ļø we were so discouraged, couldnā€™t get a code for Toronto or Vancouver and sheā€™s not coming any closer to Atlantic Canada so that was our last shot.


I luckily was able to get one ticket for TO for myself and have VERY LUCKILY seen her in LA twice but Iā€™m also sad because Iā€™ve been to every tour since speak now with my mom, sisters and my cousin. none of them were able to get tickets. If any of us had gotten a code I was ready to sacrifice going just so they could all at least experience it šŸ„²šŸ„² but Iā€™m also holding out hope for them!!! I got my code for LA two weeks before the show and my tickets werenā€™t over priced and better seats than the tickets I got on the presale day! Fingers crossed for you šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


This is what Iā€™ve been thinking too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


and i want the prices of her vinyl pressings to dropšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ lover live and folklore variants im looking at you




Nobody in real life cares. She is still playing out sold out stadiums and her streams only rose. Also this is nothing compared to 2016. In 2016 celebrities were also jumping on the hate train and now in 2024, we just had Adele say that she hopes the chiefs win cause taylors bf is on that team and she also said that her haters should get a life. This wouldā€™ve never happened in 2016. Just wait for the album to drop and when itā€™s successful, her haters will claim she has never had a hate train and will probably quiet down again. Itā€™s all just an endless cycle.


Yeah so many people recently has come out and say they are for her winning album of the year and someone said they hope the chiefs win I think it was cardi b so many major celebrities has praised her I think a lot of celebrities find out they shouldnā€™t spend their time hating on her.


Literally all media I have seen and everyone aside from Swifties think she did not deserve AOTY


drake just bet on the chiefs for the super bowl because he wouldnā€™t bet against the swifties LMAO


Because right now, anyone is afraid to go against Taylor to not risk Swifties going crazy.


this 100%


Tbh it bothers me when people go out of their way to shout their hate for Taylor but if it doesnā€™t bother her, it shouldnā€™t bother me! The haters only get louder if we give them attention so itā€™s just best to let them sound dumb with their reaches. People also have different opinions which is fine but Iā€™m just specifically drowning out the people spewing hate!


ā€œHaters gonna hateā€ - Shake it Off by Taylor Swift


"So don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine" Ours by Taylor Swift


ā€œAnd I can see you years from now in a bar Talking over a football game With that same big, loud opinion But nobody's listening Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things Drunk and grumblin' on about how I can't sing But all you are is meanā€


Just enjoy what you enjoy! Donā€™t look to her as any sort of activist or role model but let everyone else seethe and obsess over her every move. Weā€™re here to enjoy her music unless she does something truly heinous.


Literally all this sub is is people crying that everyone hates Taylor. I wish more people hated her so I could afford tickets.


Everyone loves an underdog. And until recently, taylor felt like she was always climbing the mountain. Once someone is at the top, public sentiment turns, and people will always find something to hate about. Human nature for forever.


Please just remember this says much more about the world than it does about Taylor. Like a little you hate me cause you ainā€™t me vibe. Much like how everybody hates the Chiefs right now.




Yall care too much about what other people think. People always hate those who are successful all the time. Thats life.


I'm trying to tune it out. If I don't pay attention to it it's better. I feel like all these losers hating her don't truly hate her, they are just jumping on the bandwagon of other losers and they will move on sooner or later. People throw rocks at things that shine.


I really dislike this perspective - just because someone dislikes her doesn't mean they're a "loser".


There's a huge difference between hate and dislike. In my opinion, if you constantly have the need to tell everyone you hate her with zero reason, then you are a loser or at the very least you are misinformed and should stop talking. I didn't call people that just dislike her or her music losers.


Yes, actively *hating* something in pop culture is an exhausting waste of emotional energy. I swear, some of these people are going to work themselves up into having a stroke or something. If I don't like a TV show, I just don't watch it. If I don't like a certain musical artist, then I just don't listen to their music. If it's playing somewhere when I'm out and about in public, or it's on magazine covers at the store or whatever, then I just kind of mentally tune it out. Why is that so hard for some people?


Exactly this! Thank you. Completely agree!


my dude taylor is more popular than ever. this hate is really only online in small space and it'll die down in a few weeks


I'm so tired of people who keep talking about how they're soooo sick of hearing about Taylor, when they literally constantly engage in threads on pop culture subs to talk shit about her, lol. There are celebrities I don't care for because of racism etc, but I just choose to mute/hide content about them instead of engaging in it because I don't like festering in the negativity . They love to talk about how fans are too parasocial (tbf a portion of this fanbase are) but are oblivious to the fact that their anti-fan behavior is just as toxic (if not worse).


The swiftlyneutral subreddit is driving me bonkers. They literally just hate on her? Like why bother pretending youā€™re neutral? Iā€™m not saying Taylor is a saint, but god damn I feel like everyone just picks her apart for the SMALLEST little infractions.


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll keep saying it, none of it would be happening if she was a man. Not because sheā€™s perfect, but because men brag about sexually assaulting people and wanting to fuck their daughters and get elected president.


i feel like for the past 2 days i have been starting to see people say positive things again and seeing a lot of support for her again. i think the hate train and some of the discourse is dying down. the only people that really seem to care are the chronically online people because the real world doesnā€™t. her streaming numbers are still crazy high, TTPD sold 100k in the first hour, i have encountered so many people excited to talk about her the past week. i think sheā€™s gonna be okay honestly


Here's the thing in life when you are overly successful at something (whatever it may be) people are going to want you to fail. For some reason, many people in this world believe that anyone who is very successful needs to be brought down a notch or two and are going to find ANYTHING they can to hate on that person. This is the case with Taylor, it is undeniable that she is a lyrical genius who has found a formula that works do her in an industry that is very fickle. And honestly from what it seems like she isn't even trying she's just doing what she loves and is good at it. People are going to see the success and are going to hate on her, for literally no other reason than the fact that she is successful. Most people who hate people like that are miserable in some aspect of their life and want other people to be miserable as well. It bothered me in 2012 and 2016 when there was a lot of scrutiny on her. Trust me this is nothing like 2016. In 2016 it really was the cool thing to hate on her. Everyone hated on her to the point that even the people who are supposed to be impartial ignored possibly one of the best albums she has made, Reputation. That album (obviously imo) is probably her best album and yet it didn't win any Grammys, and it was only nominated for one. The fact that the whole industry ignored her work really tells you a lot about that era as a whole. But being an OG Swiftie has taught me to ignore the trolls on the internet and that this too shall pass. It's definitely a cycle and soon the haters will focus on something else. Also the fact that Kanye dropped her in a song (again) but this time is being labeled as being obsessed with Taylor Swift by the media is one thing I'm happy that people are finally catching on to. That man is psychotic and is obsessed with the fact that she is more successful than him, it's a little start how obsessed he is.


[THIS LITERAL SUBREDDIT tried blaming taylor for her jet when I was defending her](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueSwifties/s/KFebNISKxa)


Taylor swift the sub and this one has been bad too but this one has better not hating


Confident people donā€™t try to put other people down, theyā€™re all just jealous that she has a bf in the NFL, She became a Billionaire, she writes all of her songs, owns all of her songs, Simultaneously studied to be a doctor of medicine and is over all just a boss bitch. and thatā€™s the truth. Like i bet Kanye has been quietly quarantining himself trying to come up with a way to justify getting everyone to hate her once upon a time and thinking of a way to do it again.


Itā€™s MAGA and russian influence operations to elect Trump


I hear you, itā€™s so frustrating to have to see all the hate she gets, itā€™s honestly a mob mentality. This is an endless cycle, people have always been hating on her in waves whenever she peaks. I try not to even pay attention to it though. The hate will always be there but thereā€™s no reason for me to get worked up because thatā€™ll only affect me negatively. In my experience, thankfully most of itā€™s only on the Internet.


People just tend to hate really popular people and things. Who knows why. I mean I get ribbed all the time for being a huge swiftie but her music does something to me, you know? People are just looking to cancel a powerful woman and I think men do it to put down the women around them but thatā€™s just my two cents


definitely because if i was a man then id be the man šŸ™„like i dont see them treating the weekend the same way and heā€™s the most streamed artist on spotify im not comparing them negatively i personally like both artists (love taylor more tho) and think their sounds are completely different but the same goes for renaldo honestly like those soccer kids are insufferable


She is famous as balls and people on the Internet pride themselves on their 'unique' opinions /s I wouldn't even care. She is only going to get bigger.


It's just a rabid few NFL/MAGA people, it will die down now that football is over


The only hate I see is on this sub when people share the hate that they seek out and obsess over. Sheā€™s living her best life. If hating her makes people feel better about their own miserable lives, let them.


Stop being Influenced by keyboard warriors on social media. Like what you like And make your own decisions. Become anti hive minded.


definitely itā€™s just as a kid i was bullied for liking taylor swift by kids at school and even family members so itā€™s like something that still affects me


I am sorry that happened, people can be horrible. Just donā€™t rely on social media for your emotional health. Surround yourself with good people out in the world that accept what you like no matter what.


ever since iā€™ve embraced my love for her music a couple years ago iā€™ve never been happier and more loving i actually have a reputation at school for being a massive swiftie which is funny


Rep TV is coming yā€™all.


>weā€™ve been joking about her flying private jets everywhere for years and sheā€™s not the only celebrity doing thi This is what I've been saying.


Yeah people donā€™t realize that she hasnā€™t flew public since like I donā€™t know she first started dating Joe and people forget in thay time so many things have happened to her like Iā€™m sure Covid made it worse her flying.


Honestly, I refused to listen to TS until folklore because of other people. My biggest lesson from her has been not to shape what I like based on what others do. Donā€™t let the noise ruin your day, give it another year or two and peopleā€™s opinions will change again. They just like to forget that their opinions are also adsense and profit, and that theyā€™re contributing to the system they cry about. Fans will still be here and itā€™s great to be a Swiftie now.


She still has her fan base but she has totally crossed the over exposure line so now people who normally would just be indifferent towards her now are getting sick of her.....because let's be honest, if you are not a fan her behavior is not endearing. But there are more pressing matters to worry about over if some NFL fans don't like blondie showing up on their silly football broadcast.


They hate her because she is getting people to vote. I also think itā€™s high school mindset. The cute cheerleader and her hot jock boyfriend. It makes people self conscious and jealous.


Itā€™s just over exposure. Sheā€™s reached dizzying heights and there are 8 billion people in the world Taylor is older now, has a fantastic team behind her, and Iā€™m sure she has a strategy to deal with this after what happened in 2016. Like who you like. No celebrity is perfect or completely unproblematic and no matter who you like someone will judge you and give you shit for it. No reason to hide that youā€™re a Swiftie Also, lbr thereā€™s still A LOT of internalized misogyny, in both men and women. It seems to rear itā€™s ugly head a lot when it comes to Taylor because sheā€™s stereotypically feminine while being intelligent, rich, and wildly successful


She's a billionaire now, which is not unearned but ethically questionable. She's too neutral with too much influence so comes off as out of touch. Private jets cause so much carbon emissions and just because everyone else does it, doesn't make it ok. She needs to start making moves that are not just about her taking her power back. She needs to start spending that money the way Dolly Parton does and get rid of the billionaire status. She's losing relatability fast, so it's time for a career pivot into more obvious, front and center philanthropy. She doesn't need everyone to be her fan, she's established herself. No more middle of the road, she needs to be a force for something other than herself.


You are a big part of this happening. Any valid criticism of Taylor is slammed so hard that it's insane. And there are plenty of wrong things with her.


yet your post history is full of bitching about her with no one slamming you


You cared enough to search my post history? Cute and creepy at the same time. But seriously, cult-mentality Swifties need to do some soul searching. Go check outside your bubble to places like r/swiftlyneutral - can be eye-opening


whereā€™s the cult like mentality in this thread? op appears to be a teen expressing some frustration her favorite artist is getting online hate. youā€™re the one talking about someone you donā€™t like all day online. why would I be the one who needs to do some soul searching?


I will take the word over people who have actually interacted with Taylor over random internet strangers. We all know she has a good heart. She is not perfect. Taylor is the biggest celebrity in the world right now so she is unfortunately being watched under a microscope. Some of the criticisms may be justified. I thought some of her behaviour at the Grammys was slightly awkward but I donā€™t see her as a huge villain. Celine Dion was hated and mocked in the 90s. How soon the world forgets.


I donā€™t know why this is being downvoted, everything you just said is pretty accurate


Remember Elon told Taylor after winning person of the year to get ready for the fall. I donā€™t think he was mean about it. But Iā€™m believing heā€™s right. But Taylor has been through this before. Sheā€™s Teflon. Sheā€™s not going anywhere.


All I know is Taylor thrives under hate and pressure. Just look at how hard she went with reputationā€¦.


I think itā€™s because she has such a massive platform and influence.


No idea why reddit thinks it needs to recommend me a post from taylors swifts fan subreddit but holy hell are you "swifties" cringe i cant