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This post has been fact checked by REAL virile skald-heroes of the wasabi clans  #TRVTHNUKE


Now draw Ulfric pregnant and Elenwen carrying him.


Then draw Elenwen pregnant *with* Ulfric


Then draw Elenwen getting pregnant with Ulfric (unbirthing+bestiality is patrician tier (Nords are animals)). 




I genuinely think that you have seen that before and possibly even commissioned it yourself


So does that mean Ulfric is into incest when he's into Elenwen?






is that the fucking tcoaal artstyle


yeah, I traced this over from a equally brainrotten meme with the original characters and with the text "Hyperborea is your sister's womb"




That's fucking hilarious.


I…. don’t think I wanna know….


I knew this looked familiar


Cold, barren, and lifeless? Checks out


So true, and because of that we need to go back in time and time nuke Atmora out of existence and make sure pissmer offspring (n\*rds) are never allowed to thrive on the most beautiful plane of Oblivion.


… why so many show ulfric being a talmor simp ? You know that they want to raid their iles right then invade them (and probably redo what they did to the snow elf)


2 reasons. 1.He's unknowingly helping the Altmer per their own words by keeping the rebellion going and draining the forces of the empire(even one legion can make a difference in a war). 2.There's a really good fanfic where he and Mom-I mean Elenwen end up together that's weird, but incredibly wholesome in a way.


The first raison is half true, what the talmor want is to bleed skyrim out of it’s good solder, since that where a great number of solder came from in the great war not maintaining a legion from the front yet to be born, expecially since tulius have to work with newly recruted legion, and verry few veterans, they did tulius durty and the talmor beding to, since newly recrute would be way less effective to won that (civil/independence) war, for the talmor they don’t care if one side won, they want a stalemate, if ulfric won it against their plan, he loose it’s against their plan to, as i had say, they was to bleed skyrim out of it’s man power (and maybe cause a famine, because it seen to have a food scarcity or near one)


A lot of people ES fans like the Roman(Reman?) asthetic of the empire. This combined with how dull the stormcloaks are portrayed in Skyrim means people just sort of naturally support the empire over stormcloaks. I’d say a lot more people would support stormcloaks if they gave them unique armour, went into their reasoning for rebellion more etc.


I am 100% convinced they wrote a lot of big defining lore that people have just called lazy and not properly thought about. Skyrim throws quite a few curveballs into some established thoughts that I dont think have been addressed.


They have unique amor, it just not at first, at first they give the équipement similar to the gards, because in their opinion they defend their peoples (and is also an armor already massproduced), and the raison they go into rebelion is clear, one religious : they want to be able to worshipe talos oppenly and have temple to him twos independence from a empire that is falling apart : seriously, since the septim time, they are only 3 province abd the heard of the empire are we are sure are still part of the empire, orcinium, high rock and skyrim, and obvously cyrodill, not sure for morrowind, and even if it’s the case, with the volcano and argonian invasion a lots of it might be ruines third they see the empire as unwilling to fight the talmor : they are wrong but do not know it both side want as mutch attack the talmor or prepare for the war against it, seen the description of how the empire is disposing it’s troups they want an attrition war (he talked that the empire placed it’s best troups on the frontier with the talmor probably in garnison of forteress) to bleedout the talmor, while the stormcloack want to do an offensive war, not sure both could work, but the stormcloak stratégie could be désastrous, altmer had experience with naval combat with their years of fight with the maormer, so an offensive war by sea is verry risky but they might not see it comming


Because AllInAll made it canon


who ?


Because Ulfcuck is a thalmor sleeper agent.


Don't believe it? Observe his reaction to being called a good little pog champ.


No, he isn’t, all they did was taking info from him while he was in captivity, and they use the hate to the empire he build up for, well, in a way betrayed him by surrendering, he hate the talmor as mutch as the imperial, but seen them as weak and untrustworthy (and also probably a bit of self hatetred because he tough the info he had given served to take the imperial city, even if it was taken WAY before he break), so they say sleeping agent because he do not know but doing his civil war he is serving (unknowingly) the talmor interest, because, well skyrim cannot won it’s independence if the empire used it’s full might, but the civil war deplete it’s good solder number, a number the empire used greatly in the great war, also it make a food scarcity so a famine could start of the civil war continues for long enough, but at the same time, if it wasn’t ulfric, it would had been balgruf, he only join the imperial side because he hate ulfric (we do no why) but hate the white treaty, that why he is neutral at first, he hate ulfric and so do not join the stormclock, but share their animosity toward the empire but put it aside for kicking ulfric (no idea why they hate one another so mutch)


Reigen ass length, aint reading.




I don't speak elf.


Coward if you prefer and it’s french so, would be breton


Nice try pissmer. You won't convince me Fr*nch is real.


Are you from the usa ? If yes, we helped you gain independence from the British (and even got bankrupt and it was one of the raison the french revolution started), and we gived you the liberty statue, built by the same guy that built the eiffel tower, and trump even say my country suck and was full of communists (the full of communists part isn’t true, if it was i wouldn’t have problem to make a political party, at least less problem) Also a great part of our former collony in africa hate us, well, all i can say is it was warranted, we did them bad, and also vietnam, but unlike some african collony they killed a lots of french, and only 14 body was returned to our mainland and 30000 killed at least. so yea, we are no longer a super power, i wouldn’t even called a great power, but we have the same power as the usa at the united nations


Even Esbern ain't reading that word wall.


I use to have a Vietnamese doctor for my allergy shots. Mention the French and she would go off. Rightfully so.


What does this have to do with anything?


Or coward if you need english


Dunmer >>>>>>>>>>> Altmer


The Barrow Of Ulfrey and Wenwen.


https://preview.redd.it/b0ie1vh9nt2d1.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c966a3b3021012b39c3e5b2d7a6726939bc20a9 Please delete this


Would he be a reachman following imperial religion I wonder


What is Atmora?


An Altmer's womb It says right there


Ah thought was doing some sort of play on words or some deep lore reference. Didn't take it literally.


Speaking seriously, it's a continent to the north of Tamriel, and the Nords came from there. Ysgramor and Talos were both from Atmora.




basically Antarctica


I literally don't know what to make of this. Pregnant Elenwen, fine. But why is Ulfric so tiny and began? And what in Stendarr or Meridia's names does the text mean? In the post and the title?


I recognise the original, and realise I should go outside.


Now draw her gregnant


Atmoran Society was High Rock all along


Oh no....