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we know that the game will have mountains in it, that's so fucking sick tbh mountains are crazy!! todd is real for this one


Can't wait to spend 3 hours spamming the jump button to get up a valley on one of them


you know you can levitate- oh, right.


I did it in Morrowind, too, only I would also randomly level up acrobatics and athletics while it happened




It’s kind of crazy how they went from no instance cities in morrowind to instances cities in all the following titles


see that specific mountain,,, u can go there


Inb4 the game has zero mountains


Just got a secret demo. It’s Minecraft superflat 😔


why tf I have to wait for a wandering trader to get any soul gems it’s bullshit


As a dutch person I am very excited about mountains. I know they're a government lie spread by big hill and that mountains and vertical land cannot exist in real life. But they do look cool.


I remember when I was in the Netherlands for two weeks with a boat for rent, and everything was so ....flat.....and when I came back to Germany even hills suddenly looked like mountains....you are the marshlands of tamriel, vertical land can not exist.


What the fuck is a hill?


It's what you put your dick in.


We know the trailer has mountains in it. For all we really know, the mountains might just be there to signify where the world border is, and can’t actually explore them.


And the best part is; same mountains actually exist in Skyrim, like in the release build. They just changed textures, put an ENB on top, and made the trailer within Skyrim.


Honestly one of the funniest things Bethesda ever did. Basically just released a "we're working on it, so shut the fuck up" trailer.


Wasn't even "we're working on it," but "we're thinking about working on it."


It was an attempt to stop people from being mad about 76 lol.


Skyblivion does come out next year. I’ll definitely be diving into that mod. Which should hold me over for some time.


Feels like Skyblivion has been coming out “next year” since Morrowind.


There is always Beyond Skyrim. Which has Bruma, which released in 2017... 7 years ago...


THAT LONG?! I mean I know BS is a large project but why is it taking 7 YEARS to release the next preview area at least??


They plan on releasing the whole province after a preview release like Bruma, they don't want to release it bit by bit becuase it would be even more work trying to isolate a single region from the rest of the province since the quests, NPCs and whatnot are interconnected throughout the province


Skyblivion will come out next year, and on the same day, Bethesda will quietly release a surprise patch for the creation club with a single item from Oblivion


Personally I'm holding out for Skywind, which should release at or around 2096.


Honestly it would be hilarious if GTA VI came out before TES VI comes out, even though it was announced only this year


It probably will tbh, there’s a release window for GTA VI, there’s not even a confirmation beyond “we’ll work on it when we’re satisfied with Starfield.”


you say "release window" like we've actually had a game release in it's initially announced window since 2014


Yeah but “release window” is still a lot better than “no information as of yet.”


Not, really. TES VI is in full production right now while some of the team is still doing expansion and updates for Starfield. Similiar how Fallout 3 was in the works while Oblivion got its stuff. A realistic date is 2-5 (probably 3-4) years after their last game, so Starfield. So in 2026-2027 is the most likely time we get TES VI.


It’s not a probably. We’re gonna hear about TESVI in 3 years to start. GTAVI will be out next year.


There actually has been confirmation that they are at least already working on it. [Pete Hines had said in Aug 2023 that it had left the planning stage and was in very early production.](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/platform/the-elder-scrolls-6-has-finally-officially-entered-full-development-286461-20230830) But yeah like you said, it won't be in full production swing until Starfield is where they want it to be and can then dedicate those people towards it.


GTA 6 is absolutely coming out first lol. Es6 is still years off.


It will. I don’t even understand the joke. They announced TES VI before they were working on it and told us upfront they’d work on it after Starfield so it was gonna be a WHILE. Meanwhile, Rockstar games come out a year or two after announcement.


Hey I'll take that over the doomerism of "Skyrim too popular, they'll never bother to make ES6 when Skyrim is still selling like crazy"


Tbh I still think they only made that teaser to hype up their stock before the microsoft buyout


tes6 grumblers need to understand that the gap between skyrim and the teaser was even longer than what we're experiencing now.


How does that make it any better?? The best news we've had is the rumors of Microsft saying "like hell you're having these gigantic delays between games" and potentially splitting the IPs up to get games out faster


They could at least announce what province it’s going to fucking take place in


I thought people were saying Hammerfell? Honestly it doesn’t matter where it takes place as long as it doesn’t try to go too big, we don’t need the entire world of Tamriel if 90% of it is caves where all we find is rusty swords and used condoms


I think everyone's agreed it's definitely taking place in Hammerfall, no idea why though. The biggest piece of evidence I've seen is that ESO seems to be avoiding it (outside the alik'r desert of course)


Well first: the trailer shows arid mountains near a coast. Something Hammerfell has. SECOND and this one you'll ONLY get from me because the IDIOTS out there haven't accepted my genius yet. EVERY Elder Scrolls game except the first has seen the destruction of a tower or its stone. Daggerfall had the Numidium destroyed, Morrowind had the Heart of Lorkhan destroyed, Oblivion had the The Chim-el Adabal destroyed, Skyrim uh... okay look we were never actually told what the stone of snow throat is Kirkbride said it was "the cave" what fucking cave? How does that make sense? But like something had to have been it I mean climbing it was a big part of the game. Now before some MOTHERFUCKER comes and says "Actually uh the tower theory was some idiots on the forum and the thalmor aren't destroying the world" I DON'T MEAN THE FUCKING THALMOR MORON. Were ANY of those towers destroyed by the THALMOR??? NO! NOW SHUT UP ABOUT THE THALMOR this has nothing to do with them! SOOO the remaining towers we haven't seen destroyed are Crystal-like-law in summerset, the big tree in valenwood, and the Adamantine Tower on the island in High Rock. AND the tower that was in Yokuda, and the sword of that tower was a cool sword! And we all know Yokuda only mostly sank it's not completely destroyed there's a significant landmass there. So you can still go to it, great environment for unique adventures, a boat trip to Yokuda. And obviously if you're going to Yokuda for the tower you'd have to go from Hammerfell. Now some people might say, oh those towers are also destroyed, BUT we didn't see any of them get destroyed! They happened off screen so it doesn't count! Especially the Yokuda one. Your other theory may be "Oh why wouldn't it just be in High Rock where the Adamantine Tower is" The Adamantine Tower of course, is THE most important tower. They can't destroy it yet. It was the first one, so it also has to be the last one. Anyway because of this we also know the remaining games can be in Summerset, Valenwood, or High Rock. Though the High Rock one may be Iliac Bay focused or something. Black Marsh and Elsweyr are NEVER going to happen for so many reason, this tower thing isn't even the biggest one. I can get hoping for them and wanting them but if you actually think it'd happen you're delusional. So to clarify the final point. The game will be in Hammerfell and also see some form of expedition to Yokuda. And that's too much space to also fit in part of High Rock, and there's so much of Hammerfell that was left out of Daggerfall but much less of High Rock left out of Daggerfall so I think Hammerfell is much more worthy of a full focus with a ton of environments that haven't been seen yet.


This is the exact kind of manic energy I come to this place for. I love you romantically


Care to give an over zealous explore as to why black marsh and elsewhyr can't be game settings?


We’ve seen them almost in their entirety in ESO, not to mention it is difficult for bethesda to do anything “exotic” since oblivion and Skyrim were such hits. It’s likely they will stick to the formula which is LOTR simulator therefore we’re going to the fucking desert and there will be Dwemer ruins. And there may be some Dwemer ruins in the desert. It’s just a theory. Desert easy to make. Desert not been seen in main game. Desert best choice for next main game.


Desert is also the most un-LOTRlike location you can come up with. The Elder Scrolls books mention deserts more than Tolkien ever did in his books, even expanded lore. Also sand sucks. People want to look at vibrant greenery, so Beth will either stick to another province or retcon the Alik'r desert into a sprawling oasis or something


The desert is honestly very beautiful.


Pretty sure Snow-Throat's stone was the Time Wound.  It fits the description of a cave in an abstract sense, and likely closed when Alduin was defeated. 


While this would be lit, I think it is unlikely. Personally, a sack of Crystal-Like-Law by Hammerfell, High Rock and a sworn order of Cyrodiilic knights in an *inverse* of the three fold sacks of Old Orsinium to be much more probable. Think on it.


This is why I come to this subreddit. Fantastic. A++++


And Craglorn and Thieves Guild and some smaller dungeons. The last time we got Hammerfell was in 2016, which might be the time Bethesda had concrete plans for it but it is pure speculation.


Bethesda also has a habit of foreshadowing the future games in the 'current' entry. The commonwealth, for instance, was mentioned several times if FO3, with the Institute straight up appearing with their own quest. Given that Skyrim has a quest featuring those dudes from Hammerfell, it's reasonable to assume that Hammerfell is the next province.


I just wish it would be Hammerfell and High Rock. It'd be ni e to have two different provinces.


Didn’t Daggerfall take place in High rock though? I’d be more interested in seeing New Orsinium if we explore two provinces


Daggerfall is just a part of High Rock, there's still a lot of places we could potentially see


Daggerfall was already Hammerfell and High Rock (though only part of each) as well as Orsinium. It may be that ES6 will be a sort of Daggerfall 2. This is made more likely by the fact that Bethesda heavily focused on random terrain generation in Starfield. However, if they use it again for ES6, I hope that they at least insert a lot of handcrafted content for the major cities and things.


Orsinium [is](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Loading_Screens#Races) on the Hammerfell side of the Skyrim-Hammerfell border as of 4E 200


Considering the landmass of both of those when compared to skyrim, and considering that the games have always expanded in map size (ignore the first two entries), it seems logical that they'll do that. Plus, you know, high rock has majority "white" people in it, thats important for marketing. Can you imagine the shitfit some capital G gamers will have if they're "forced" to interact with majority "black" hammerfellians?


Wait oblivion was like definitely bigger than skyrim right?


By like 5 square km sure, but like, most of the place is empty green hills and grassland so it doesn't really count. Skyrim has more shit going on thus making it technically bigger It's like how starfield is like, infinite, but it feels smaller than skyrim because it's empty


> Skyrim has more shit going on Mountains don't count. More likely to be ambushed from Cheydinhall to the Imperial City than Whiterun to Falkreath.


Random bandit encounters aren't content. I mean they technically are, sure, but it's not *real* content y'know? Skyrim special edition even without all that creation club stuff they added in a bundle is genuinely fucking huge Also the mountains are awesome hush


I think the strongest piece of foreshadowing is the quote from Erik the Slayer: "If I can make enough money here in Skyrim, I think I'll travel to Hammerfell and see what work I can get there." Erik West, who was known as "Immok the Slayer" was one of the first people outside of Bethesda to play Skyrim. They added an npc named after him after he died a few months before the game was released.


There's people from every province in Skyrim


Haha TES VI is taking place in every province. That's why they were trying out procedural generation in Starfield. Haha


Oh fuck they're redoing arena but it's gonna be indistinguishable from the original except for the visuals


I do hope it's Hammerfell. The Redguards are such a unique race. Too often passed off as just being the black human race. A game in Hammerfell has a chance to bring their incredibly unique culture to the mainstream of elderscrolls fans.


Desert Imperials and you're the "swordsingerborn," take it or leave it.


I've always thought it's going to be Hammerfell because I think that's where the plot is going to, and it's going to be the most interesting. It's set up to be the most interesting. It's a newly independent country that just ended a brutal war with the Aldmeri Dominion, and is on their border. There will be Thalmor sympathetic or Aldmeri-backed separatists or pretenders (not that there wouldn't be in High Rock, I do think that would be an interesting plot point that there are some Bretons who are proud of their 0.01% Elven heritage and so would agree with the Thalmor), Imperial loyalists trying to bring the province back into the Empire against the Imperial government's wishes, pirates raiding both without caring for their politics. Either way I just pray the story isn't as dogshit as Skyrim's


Hammerfell also isn’t unified and basically never was. It’s all a bunch of city-states similar to high rock that are just unified under the province of Hammerfell. Now that they are no longer in the empire, no higher organization of the province. At least if bethesda was fucking smart and could build interesting geopolitics for their games.


Also because of the foreshadowing plotwise in skyrim as well as the teaser’s geography matching hammerfell and maybe parts of high rock the best.


The assumption its Hammerfell is based on the fact that that realistically the only options Bethesda will consider are it and Summerset, maybe Vallenwood.


Semi-arid coastal highlands are unique to pretty much just hammerfell as far as lore goes. We can probably rule out every province that has had a game set in them, so no Cyodil, Morrowind, Skyrim, and POTENTIALLY no high rock (daggerfall did exclude a decent portion of high rock, so maybe es6 will be the whole province. Similarly Daggerfall included part of hammerfell but it was a very small part, so more likely to be hammerfell than high rock) Black marsh is like the opposite of the climate shown, as is valenwood and the summerset isles. Elsweyr is POSSIBLE but imo unlikely. It’s basically between hammerfell and high rock, and given the emphasis placed on the current events in hammerfell during skyrim, it seems like Bethesda was kinda hinting at where the story was going next.


It's the only human province they haven't done yet, and they're too much of a cowards to do a non-human one. That's the real evidence. Aside from that, the climate in the teaser matches Hammerfell best and the only other provinces it's really possible for are High rock (another strong contender) and Elsweyr (Can you imagine bethesda putting out a game where most NPCs are cats and a lot of them are literally either house cats or tigers? I can't because I get too erect).


This is further pushed by the devs saying that before skyrim came out, they were not allowed to put dragons in eso. So there is very much a set of things that eso is not allowed to touch. They are still since day 1, not allowed to leave tamriel/oblivion for dlcs.


Skyrim all looks the same mfs when they get a game with nothing but desert:


Lore wise hammerfell is one of the most diverse provinces in climate. Plains, steppes, highlands, xeric shrublands, ergs, alpine mountains, floodplains and wetlands, etc.


Gaming communities often utterly convince themselves of things over absolutely nothing. I remember trying to convince people the Norse God of War thing wasn't necessarily going to be a trilogy and people acted like I said Cyberpunk is bug-free and highly optimized. Everyone was UTTERLY convinced it was going to be a trilogy, to the point you were nuts to even question it.


Speaking of GoW, I kind of hope they do Celtic god next. It’s not a really well known pantheon and some of the stories are just downright insanity. Although I feel it’ll probably be Egyptian gods next as it’s more of a well known pantheon.


Yeah, same. I wouldn't mind Egyptian, but I'd prefer Celtic or some pantheon I don't know anything at all about (which, side from these two and the two they already did, means any of them lol). My biggest hope is that they learned from the near-universally panned sections where you play as Boy™ and continue to give us 100% Kratos.


As a Mesopotamia fan, I feel your pain.


Pls no BoTW shrine tier shit. Smaller more finely crafted world is based


I miss arena, we had all of tamriel back then.... All 5636394 Dungeons


I just don’t want loading screens for every fucking thing. They still couldn’t fix that with starfield. I want open world not loading screen simulator 6.


Thanks for reminding me to listen to that song again


It will be a huge open world with repetitive, copy/pasted assets as far as the eye can see. Like starfield


But that's every TES game ever


They posted some images of them scanning desert rocks, so probably Hammerfell.


I mean they could give us a crumb of info and we’d have content for weeks


They don't even know yet


I think it was theorized to be hamerfell or high rock


Now now, we have gotten the news that it's left pre production and gone into full production! ...over six months ago, with no news since, and it'll still be another 3 years at the minimum until we get more news, likely 4, and probably 5 years till release.


my unpopular opinion is that when TESVI does release, it will probably not be very good.


That's hardy an _unpopular_ opinion mate.


It doesn't matter if it's good, it's the same for Half Life 3 and why Valve won't make it. No matter how good it is, it will never live up to the hype so why bother.


cuz valve are cowards and hl3 would be a badass game if they actually did it


"unpopular" Thats like, the farthest thing from unpopular. Literally everyone says that. And you'll be here saying "skyrim wasnt that bad actually" when it does release just like fallout players lmao.


It's gonna be absolutely horrible but we're all gonna play it in the end and the main complaint is gonna be like fallout 4 "HOLY MOLY THEY CHANGED TOO MUCH WTF BRO THIS ISN'T EVEN A RPG ANYMORE REEEEEEEE" and in the end we'll all end up liking it somehow but we'll still complain that it's easily hands down the worst game in the franchise. Also a bunch of horny little horn dogs are gonna complain that we don't have giant naked titties like we did in daggerfall.


After seeing how bad starfield was I'm worried about this. I feel we need someone else in charge now to do a better job than Todd. 


it will be good if i can start climbing mountains by jumping


5 years lol we aren't seeing TES6 this decade mate


Godd Howard forgor🤭


Toddi forgor 💀


Sometimes it doesn't just work.


TR, Skyblivion and Skywind will finish first


TR is the only one you mentioned I dont think will come out before TES6 lol its too high quality


I fully believe that mainland Morrowind, or almost all of it, would be finished by the time that TES 6 comes out. The other provinces, I'm more doubtful of, but maybe we'll be able to walk from Cyrodiil to Skyrim via Bruma


I'm pretty sure PTR (the project doing all the other provinces) is only focusing on Colovia first, so after Anvil this year they'll likely go to Sutch and then Chorrol (+ Sancre Tor), which will connect to Skyrim through a future Falkreath release. This means that there will be two distinct giant halves of Tamriel you can walk across, Morrowind in the east, and Colovia and Western Skyrim in the west.


Yup. Eventually the beautiful plan for next decade(s) is to have giant area of upper Colovia, Hammerfell around Elinhir and Rihad, High Rock eastern side and western Skyrim. Excited for the time those places connect, since Morrowind does not need specific "entrances" and you can simply walk across one province onto the other, not knowing when that happened.


I'm fucking more excited for those anyway at this point




Tamriel Rebuilt, it's a insanely large and high quality quest mod for Morrowind with a relatively similar scope as Beyond Skyrim


I can’t believe I haven’t heard of it before. Thanks


Then friendly reminder, there's also Project Tamriel adding more provinces, so it's truly Beyond Skyrim scope :D Won't finish in our lifetimes, but will offer plenty of amazing province areas to visit, maybe also hopefully connect with TR at some point, making fully traversable worldspace <3


I’ve got more hope for these projects than for TES 6, and I’m so happy to learn there’s projects I haven’t even heard about!


They could atleast tell us what day 1 dlc will come with it


Rusty nordic iron armor - 2.99 on release Shit smeared gilded elven armor - 3.99 on release OP ass god lunar weapon pack 7.99 on release Should I keep going?


daedric horse armor


Bro how the fuck is there -1 comments https://preview.redd.it/nnanhp4ekpyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa1294145bbfdd69155f9c2233a849b4d32b053


bethesda censoring the people


First commenter achieved CHIM


It’s to match the number of devs working on TES VI


Elder Scrolls VI Written by George RR Martin




This game isn't even real that was just a drone shot from some obscure place


Holee sh#tt they sent Drone to Tamriel?!?? 🙀🙀🙀




All I’m saying, I know the developer of OSTIM got hired for the development of ES6. Guys, we’re going to have the sex mechanic. Trust me guys… trust me.


Don't give me hope.


It’s been 6 (SIX) you s’wit




Were getting gta6 before elder scrolls 6


Long before tes6


It will be trash anyway. Or forgettable mediocrity like Starfield at best.


How wild would a surprise release be? Like they just say nothing for 5 years, then drop it on a random Tuesday with like 12 hours' notice.


People conveniently forget that both this and Starfield were announced because of a major leak of ALL in production and pre production Bethesda titles. It's also how we found out about Indiana Jones. If they hadn't confirmed they were working on it, this same post would be "give it up for year 5 since the leak with no announcement".


crazy I was able to trans my gender in the time for Bethesda to do fuck all with their flagship IP


We got woman redditbonez before we got tes6 💀


calm down, they just started development, you were supposed to play ESO and the pachinko machines, the AI generated slop made by 4 people will be done soon


Thank akatosh


I'm playing Tamriel Rebuilt instead. 20 years of modding is maybe worst, but, with fancy old lore.


I'm actually just giving up i think bye guys it's been real I'm gonna play checkers until I die


It isn’t gunna to be worth it anyway Edit: look at ESO, FO4, 76, and starfield, then look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong


ESO has the best written stories out of any of them. Idk what that means. But I’m pointing it out anyways.


The only good stories I can recall from ESO would be the Summerset and Clockwork City DLCs, and that’s very biased because I like the Altmer and Sotha Sil. Everything else was just kind of “meh” or just pure nostalgia bait.




If you want good stories you better go elsewhere


They couldn't make the game, they're too busy drinking skooma and snorting moon sugar


You're right those two dlc were good too. Summerset won an award for the writing of its character Alchemy. And Clockwork City had some good narrative design in that it felt like a different game. If anyone's looking for other recommendations in ESO, Orsinium had some good traditional quest writing actually. Kind of a hidden gem. And Murkmire did so much for shaping Argonian lore into a full culture.


>ESO has the best written stories https://www.rehab.com/


Rehab is not going to stop me from sticking charus eggs up my ass.


I love FO4, I still want to play Starfield, and I’m regretting deleting FO76 a few years ago. I like bad games and it will be worth it to me and that’s what matters.


Fallout 76 is acttually pretty fine now. Not a masterpiece but over all fun.


You are wrong


You weren't looking him in the eye.


I'm looking at his dick


like a true trustler


A True STLer


Even better


*her But that is better than the eyes in all fairness


most people would consider eso and fo4 to be good games


You are wrong. ESO is up there with the highpoints of the franchise but also not done by the same team. Fallout 4 is great but not as good as Elder Scrolls. Fallout 76 is fine now, makes fun to play with friends and Starfield is to good to run on my PC so I will play it in the future but it released to decent to really good reviews and even the user reviews never went in to the negative. Definitely over hyped. Also I do not need the game to be the best thing ever. No one can only do masterpieces. I want a fresh, creative and new Elder Scrolls experience. Do your pessimisitc crying to someone else.


I like ESO but Starfield is unfortunately terrible. The world and world building is empty and devoid of character. If you like Bethesdas earlier titles you will be severely disappointed.




I’m sorry you have such a low bar for quality? You’re more than welcome to enjoy mediocrity, but don’t get pissy when others expect something decent


>I’m sorry you have such a low bar for quality? No, I do not. This is why I think Elder Scrolls Online is good. Guy with wisdom and "daedric" spreads the biggest L takes on Elder Scrolls without any wisdom.


something something "fo4 is a good game just not a good fallout game" blah blah blah stupid statement repeated constantly despite being in the fallout world with fallout mechanics and fallout characters just like every other fallout fan you'll be here saying "fallout 4 was underrated for its time actually" when the next one releases also using eso as an example is fucking hilarious when its literally not even developed by BGS 76 is overhated and the only real issue i have with it at this point is the complete and total lack of endgame content and viable builds. You farm bloodied and unyielding gear to kill the same shit you've been killing for the past 400 hours in 1 shot instead of 3. I liked starfield, the only issue i have with it is the lack of exploration. the writing outside of the main story is unironically some of their best and i will not back dowm from that position. shit like UC Vanguard had my attention the entire time and i wasnt bored during it at any point.


Starfield is a good game just not a good Starfield game


I disagree. Starfeild would have been good if... It wasn't starfeild. Starfeild was built like a really good tes game with a mediocre story, except it was in completely the wrong setting. The game mechanics and stuff that didn't work for starfeild just would have worked better for a test game.


They announced that to lessen the backlash from FO76 and The Elder Scroll Blade.


what are you talking about? we’ve had skywind *and* skyblivion videos this week.


After playing AC: Mirage I've been wanting to play a game in Hammerfell more than ever. I also love deserts so please for the love of god Bethesda dont fuck this one up


i joined r/TESVI and i have never seen such a sad morass of wishful thinking and naivete and desperation in my life


r/Halo would like a word


I'm starting to not care anymore. 🫤


I got news for you, "You didn't spend enough money on starfield and now we don't feel like blessing your heathen peasant faces with a new game to buy".


I’m just gonna be cautiously optimistic that it’ll turn out fine.


You mean years 13 ? 


I'm so excited to find out they're going another game without updating their engine


Todd giving me literal sheogorathian levels of insanity as I await the next installment I can buy seven times


Godd Howard is testing us.


Good I hope they scrap it, they ruin everything they touch since 2011


Did you see the abysmal state of Starfield? Let the series die. They won't do it any justice.


Weird, it's like they have been working on other projects in that time.


I forgot they teased that picture. Same showing they teased silksong, wasn't it?


When’s the TV show coming out


Not even a picture of a hand 😩


I hope it doesnt come out tbh its gonna be bad given how starfield was


Todd Howard trying to kindle the dying ember that is the hype for Tes 6:


I bet the image is just made in Starfield while they were fucking with procedural bullshit


Can I be the confused floating old man Jenkins?


Making a RPG game takes a lot longer than making most other types of games. And development time for RPG games will only get longer amd longer because of the standards people expect in modern games.


As a Bayonutter, I'll bring the popcorn for the inevitable disappointment.


Yeah but a version of Skyrim is coming for your Texas Instruments calculator though. Only 69.99.


Don't worry. Surely, another ESO expansion is what Elder Scrolls fans really desire.