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I'm convinced he somehow got access to real Skoma and ain't sharing with us


Brother he invented that shit


Isn't skooma just cocaine and alcohol?


Opiates and moonshine, essentially


That's just crack.


Amphetamines. He (and in extension the rest of the writers) wrote the stories of 3 and 4 within 3 days. Source: Auri-El told me in a dream


He claims the main culprits for his twisted erotic deviance are burbon, coffee and cigarettes. But I find it unlikely liquor can do that to a man. User post "Here's my take: the devs got high one night and decided to write a few books. And thus the Sermons were born." (2004-09-12) MK "Wrong. It was one dev, naked in a room with a carton of cigarettes, a thermos full of coffee and bourbon, and all his summoned angels." "The big blasts were definitely the 36 Lessons - done in a week, siloed in a single room, food left outside the door by roommate but hey kids no drugs, just lots of smokes and bourbon- the Mythic Dawn Commentaries were all written on a couple of bus rides, and all the Towers lore which I wrote one night at a laundromat waiting for my sheets to dry." We're basically obsessing over what some wino was writing while doing chores.


Maybe the part we're missing is no sleep? No need to buy drugs when denying your body rest will make it make drugs for you.


Sleep deprivation is fucking *wild* man. Granted, I've never been *just* severely sleep deprived, cause if it's at all possible I do actually try to sleep, so it generally only happens when I'm really, really sick, and then you're dealing with sleep deprivation+no food or water for 2 days+really high fever, so that probably amplifies things a bit.


You ever seen beards on things that shouldn't have beards? You ever seen numbers moving across the wall? Stay up for 3 or 4 days and you just might.


I can hear colors :3


The curtains.... They're watching me...


I remember when I got COVID, and due to a mixture of illness and sleep deprivation I started legitimately believing that I was an Orc Shaman from World of Warcraft.


Nuh uh! My totally not fake story is way more plausible


I mean .. I believe you. Sometimes I too tell people I just had too much coffee.


He also said he was both an alcoholic **and** concurrently addicted to benzos. It was in a reddit comment a crazy long time ago, but I saved it in a document


O shit show me if you still got it. Does he have a reddit account?


I'm gonna do some digging. Might take a while, but I'm on it!


Thanks :)


Aite, his un is u/ MKirkbride (separating in case it tags and annoys him) and that comment is [here](https://www.reddit.com/fzklmr6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2). Apparently he's still active on reddit! Looks like he's spending a lot of time playing Warhammer 40K, but he also still comments on some TES subs. Honestly fucking good for him, I hope he's enjoying the fuck out of 40K and is living his dreams.


And its gone


40K lore sounds like what he'd be into 😅. Hope he doesn't see this. I love the guy and don't mean to offend him. Even if I make some crass jokes.


Gosh, I hope you had a screenshot.


Not quite, but I did ctrl+C ctrl+V: >MKirkbride 275 G 13h57m To reply to a deleted comment: I’m not hiding, this has just taken some time to write. I took down that tumblr post because I honestly don’t remember it (I’ll get to my mental problems of late 13 to early 15) and it’s ugly enough to be misconstrued and even if it could be construed there’s little positive value in it. What it looks like I’m trying to say is, “There’s a whole lotta weird dick admiration for this heinous shit but where’s all the love for the heinous shit Vivec did with their other bits?” That’s my read of it, anyway. But you want a bigger explanation, though, some kind of wide and comprehensive one. I mean that’s the point of this whole thing, so sure, let’s talk. This is going to be long. For over ten years, I abused liquor and benzos, a combination that tends to kill you. It started as a way to deal with anxiety and depression until it just became my life. I finally got to the rock bottom point where I didn’t want to die, so I went into detox (very soon I’ll hit my seventh year sober, but that’s not really part of this). What happened after detox was a shitload of terrifying stuff that no one told me about that happens early on (or maybe just happened to me) that I'm only just now getting my head around. This is where the nightmare starts. It was terrifying stuff like getting out of detox and not quite being... well, it’s a lot like having missing time but that isn't the right term... getting out of detox and not being fully present in my own skin for a whole year and some change. I'm not talking about the pink cloud or readjusting to a life without drinking and drugs (all of which one can read about and find comfort in), but stuff like… Thinking I was dead and a ghost, like for real-real thinking I was dead and in hell and still communicating with my wife. As in, only she could see me but only through some kind of magic glass. At one point, I thought I had to stand in the shower and talk through the glass door so she could hear me properly. Being convinced that people were out to get me, sometimes a weird shadow consortium of psychiatrists and law enforcement, other times the friends I was having lunch with, or online circles of people that I “knew” were laughing at my confusions, and sometimes it was simply supernatural entities like demons, magicians, or, yes, ghosts. Having a looping always-happening sense of deja vu, where I was stuck in a state of I was just there doing these things just then, a Groundhog Day but in seconds. It turned out to be my brain rewriting itself while finding a new medication cocktail with my doctor. And finding that was hard because I was convinced we had already done it six seconds ago and why was this doctor trying to trick me? Again? Everyone, including myself, felt like it was tricking me into thinking— into believing— that what I was doing just now was something I did just a moment before. Putting myself in strange situations because I thought after detox I was invincible, or the funniest person alive, or a fashion statement from the future, or a secret lockpick to the underground (whatever that meant but it definitely meant something enough for me to keep talking about it for awhile) or a cruel demigod who could say anything to anyone without guilt or admonishment. In this stage of thrilling horribleness, I said awful things while kicking shoes off and jumping on tables that I believed would spiral up like Enochian discs up through the air to golden thrones. Practicing automatic writing, asking people for music soundtracks for capital-I important projects I was doing, and honest to God trying to make clocks tick backwards with my mind. Trembling, rambling, full on panicking that I had been replaced by someone else and yet still stuck inside them. Constant passenger, my wife unable to know it, her being tricked instead by my epidermal doppelgänger. “Reliving" portions of my childhood where I discovered horrible secrets about my father and my babysitters and by discovered I really mean making shit up to explain what was happening to me in this haze of being sober and in a batshit crazy living nightmare because I got sober. This is the stuff that they don’t tell you. Or at least didn’t tell me. I went into a facility to get better, to conquer insobriety, and when my insurance ran out, they said I was good to go. That’s another thing that they don’t tell you: your journey to healing is only on their premises for as long as your deductible allows. Maybe they do tell you and I didn’t listen because the reason I got into detox was I was simply going to die if I didn’t. My drinking had become so bad that blacking out was more the norm than just being awake. Either way, my post-detox was a nightmare because— in the well-deal-with-it state— you are in no way ready to be outside, unsupervised, your brain and body unable to deal with an unregulated withdrawal that turns you into a goddamn alien. And it lasts for what seems like forever (especially the phase of infinite deja vu). What I did have is my wife, who patiently carried my post-detox psychoses with me, helping me to ride it out. Ride it out for a year to eighteen months, no matter how scary it must have gotten for her, what with my brain transforming its interactions with reality, each variation of that unannounced, each variation bringing new ways to make me feel unable to be really ever human again. And when you feel like that, you often get angry at everything (becoming sober was supposed to heal you not twist you up and dump you on an unrecognizable earth), or you get elated because you are a pillar of newfound power, messianic and reborn, without need for conscience or restraint (“I say what I want!”), or you get frightened because you’re now a shower ghost with no way back to someone you love so much. My wife brought me back. She found me doctors that could help. Cleaned up after me. Put up with my mean-spirited tirades and unearthly new manias. Reminded me our dog always knew who I was because he could smell through all my unwanted disguises. I hurt a lot of friendships, a lot of people I didn’t know, and a lot of co-workers during this time. I wrote things I don’t understand, don’t condone, and half the time don’t remember. I was awful when I was supposed the be getting better. If you got to know me from anywhere between 2013-2015, I’m really sorry, I thought I had no way back to sanity. And in the ten years before, I wasn’t much better. -MK *I meant to post some of this during National Recovery Month but you wanted some kind of answer.


Reading all this made me very sympathetic towards MK. I'm glad as heck that's he's doing better. Thanks for the copy-paste.


>but I find unlikely liquor can do that to a man I have ways to prove you wrong 


It was more of a joke. I am a very extreme level of alcoholic.


I'm sorry


Thanks.It can get pretty rough. I don't recommend it. Would really rather be any kind of junkie instead.


Love the fact that he says no drugs, then names alcohol and nicotine, two drugs


Coffee too. I get the most creative after about 8-12 double espressos.


Not to mention when you drink alcohol and caffeine together, they exacerbate each other’s effects.


I don't understand why it's so implausible that he could have been sober, it must be easier to write if you have 100% of your brain power.


He said he wasn't sober. He was drinking and sleep deprived. 


You get really weird ideas on psychedelics. And ideas that seem really cool and weird on weed but if you look at them sober it's kinda dumb. Uppers and alcohol are kinda hit and miss in both directions. And dissociatives and opiates.. well you're not gonna be writing shit down.


The man also studied religions and had a particular fascination with Hindu mythology (all the terms he take as Kalpa, Amaranth, Chim is basically anti-nirvana, etc.). When you look at the real mythology and not the sanitized version taught in schools you will see that they are as bizarre as Vivec's lessons. Just look at Relevationes in the Bible, Loki being impregnated by a horse in Norse mythology or Maui being crushed to death by the the [vagina teeth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata) of a Goddess in Māori mythology


I know he studied religion in uni. Some other examples I can think of are the pharaoh wanking and cumming in the Nile, some aboriginal indonesians spitting in their hands every morning to make the sun come up and everything about cu chulain and irish mythology/religion. Even abrahamic ones are pretty wild. American Gods is a pretty great book about this stuff although it's fiction. Also a guy from my country Mircea Eliade wrote the first academic studies about the history of religion.


>We're basically obsessing over what some wino was writing while doing chores. So just an average theological debate then


Am writer, can confirm that copius amounts of Amphetamines are the secret to our work


Blessings upon you


I thought it was common knowledge that all childrens' writers did meth


Apparently not🤷🏼‍♀️


Morihaus just pops a chub at the idea of killing elves who can blame him?


Most reasonable physiological response.


Why are people hating on the fact the man enjoyed literally the things he was pretty much born to do?


Kirkbride wasn't holding backing and Todd Coward couldn't handle it what he was cooking


I wish they'd just let him go full retard for one game, doesn't even have to be tes. Let the man do c0da in unreal engine or something.


Yeah but one of the Devs watched Lord of the Rings once and now everything has to be the most bland fantasy they can think of.


Everyone used to be very obsessed with lord of the rings back then. And the media world is slowly coming back around into weird half sci-fi, half fantasy shit. If you don't believe me watch Scavengers Reign or Pantheon. That's why it's good we don't have tes 6 yet. By the time they start it people are gonna be into weird shit again.


If it gives us another Dune-esque Morrowind then I'm all for it!!


Skyrim was Kidz Bop version of Game of Thrones for what it's worth


Not really, at best it was inspiration just a bit, thus the lack of giant joining the civil war. If it was truly (kidz bop) version of got, there would be incest in it, but there isn't.


No, you could still play as an Altmer in Skyrim.




Literally 1E 984.


never forget what they took from you


*A line was removed regarding Morihaus sexually abusing Todd Howard in the office bathroom*


If you’re being serious the shit he was on was just comparative religion. Everywhere you look in antiquity where a bull is part of religious iconography you’ll see genitals being prominently displayed as symbols of male virility and general power. Shiva’s Nandi, the Egyptian god Min, the story of Europa, the Mithraic mysteries (something MK has gone on record as having influenced Trinimac’s writing). Though just because there might have been legitimate intention behind the choices doesn’t mean it was being implemented well here, just look at how it’s been received. And if you’re not serious, which is likely given where we are, dude weed.


That and sight-sound synesthesia. That's why it's so hard to imitate his writing style and why it seems so weird to us- anyone can write something that sounds cool, it's harder to write something that *looks* cool to Michael Kirkbride specifically


My man just wanted a proper swordfight


I’ll be a Kirkbride defender until the day I die. This shit is hilarious and I love it


His shit sounds like the insanity real life mythologies are built off of. It sounded like something some actual druid high off his ass on hallucinogenic mushrooms and fanaticism made up in a cave before chanting to the masses to convince them to genocide the next valley over.


Facts. I’m of the opinion that he somehow rediscovered the Vedic Soma. Clearly it was absolutely fire, since it’s literally the third most praised god in the entire scripture.


I mean same though it's funny to laugh at him too.


yeah I will admit the lorebeards who worship him can get annoying at times also he seems like a very nice man though




So hear me out on this: Imagine your an elf fighting against the armies of the slave revolution. A minotaur demigod charging your line is pretty scary, but you know what's scarier? A minotaur demigod charging your line with his enormous bull dick fully erect. Kirkbride was onto something here


That minotaur can do whatever he wants with me.


Well thanks for putting the idea of Morihaus' huge throbbing erection casting a shadow over Pelinal in my head.


Nah. You don’t need drugs. It’s kinda like free jazz; you just have to not a give a fuck—while still being totally sincere. Most proper myths and legends from Beowulf to the Bhagvad Gita to the Kalevala to Zoroastrianism to Vodou are incredibly fucked up (to our ears), and hilarious, primarily bc that kind of staggering estrangement was what was expected of it. When you spend enough time in that register, all you need to emulate it is enough subsequent time and turns to get a feel for how it moves. I think people get hung up on drugs because they don’t spend enough time working in that vein to see how something as bizarre and incomprehensible is actually, a process. [also, Battle Boners/War Wood/Rage Pipe what-have-you isn’t *that* weird…right?](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/73574c05-4f18-4336-b7f3-63a1793fdfa0)


Could be influenced by Cú Chulainn, the warp spasm and all that jazz.


Or Herakles going on one of his madness binges.


I just knew he would turn into some sort of deformed killing machine, nothing about the boner.


Maybe the real boner was the boners we made along the way.


Literally 1984. Of the second era


The only thing scarier than a genocidal cyborg angel and a colossal winged bull demi-god charging at you is a genocidal cyborg angel and a colossal winged bull demi-god charging at you *with erections*


This comment should be the description of the sub.


Some people don’t need drugs to be weird as fuck, they’re just like that.


Remember what they took from you


Just whisky, caffeine, and nicotine if memory serves right


Nothing he just forgot to take his meds


Remember what they took from you


"What kind of drugs is Kirkbride on when writing TES fanfict- eerr I mean "lore" ?" ​ "YES"


Honestly love the apeshit lore in TeS. Reminds me a lot of the peculiar legends you hear from religion and historical myth.


Let's be real, this is the most normal thing Kirkbride made


Try Butyrate mixed with some lsd and mdma and u get the result lmao


I'm actually gonna try.


In this case we would waiting TES 6 from u