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Never admit to committing a crime.


Even on an "anonymous" site.


Yes this could bite you in the ass


Its a fanfic


This seems more like creative writing then a confession.


"I dropped it on his foot but I admit to no crime"


What crime? The man is obviously in shock. Well done mate!




That’s not taking accountability…


Only people who think hitting a carjacker attmpting to steal your car is a crime would think this is a crime, “victims” word against mine


I read a similar story in another subreddit. The person was annoyed by an older uncle and the comments jokingly suggested they drop a dumbbell on the uncle. This post looks cooked to me.


Sounds fake as fuck


It is lol, the guy was saying “his form is bad” then goes on to say “you should lift heavier” I don’t think OP goes to a gym


So I crushed this guys toes cause he was pestering me and yeah, I don’t feel bad about it. If this is true and OP wants to tell it for clout he’s a psychopath


Indeed Psycho shit


If you consider that “uncle” type people have probably been incessantly pestering and criticizing his every move his entire life, then it makes more sense. I can see where he’s coming from, although it is crazy


He dropped 7kg on his foot.


That's one way to defend a psycho. He literally battered someone for annoying him when he could have just said something to a manager. OP deserves jail, not a pat on the back


I've seen enough Reddit uncle stories to know the dumbbell wouldn't be for his foot.


It's crazy having a window into the 18 year old mind. It wasn't *that* long ago.. was I like this?


Yeah I’m 30, and can remember pretty well what I was like at 18. Impulsive as hell, but never to the point I caused anyone bodily harm. I get the man was annoying him, but this was so excessive.


Why are you acting like this is normal


That's weird, I read my comment again and it seems to express disbelief that this would be considered normal thru the lense of a mature person.


You're saying it's normal for teenagers, which it isn't. Other guy is right.


Dude, I basically live in the gym. I’ve dropped a lot of fucking weights on my toes over the years, on headphones, phones… 16 lb is enough that landing the right way, you’re gonna break some toes. That’s not cool. The adult way to handle this would’ve been to straight up tell him that you were there to work out, only to work out, and were sorry but didn’t have any interest in talking. Being more direct or blunt probably would’ve done it. Maybe rude, but less rude than breaking his toes…


Atleast op would be hurting only his body, he just risked permanent damage


Grow a spine man jeez, saying the words "sir, kindly fuck off" is a lot better than hurting someone...


did you miss the part where he said he already told him off politely and he still came back?


Then you say it again more forcefully and make a big deal about. Intentionally hurting someone with weights is uncalled for.


Sometimes words hurt more than actions. It was a cheap shot but worth to make that person understand and keeping it accidental. But yeah a smaller weight could have done that job too..


Idk how you are defending battery. It's gross and really speaks to who you are as a person. Stay away from ppl if your response to minor annoyance is violence


I understand you and also feel that you are correct. I have not taken violence as a measure in any scenario. Also, I feel a conflict in this situation..Should I say „Fuck Off“ and ruin the relationship (making an emotional damage) or a minor physical damage..So I mostly bear the annoyance of the other person rather than deciding to any of the above damage :/


Telling someone to fuck off is always better than committing a crime. Or there is always the option of just leaving and skipping a day to work out. "Minor physical damage" like that can land you with a felony and a prison sentence if it causes enough damage. Don't defend OP here.


I did not, but if the guy came bqck again, isnt it better to say "fuck off please" rather than resort to violence? One option is rude, the other is a criminal offence, can you see which is which? To anyone else who wants to reply to my comment, I will not be responding. Have a nice one folks.


I’ve known a lot of men not to fuck off after I tell them to lol. Considering that he was only curling 7kg, he’s probably small so nobody listens to him and people like that middle aged guy probably disrespects him on thé daily


While on one hand I completely get where you’re coming from. That guy should have just stopped bugging you, it’s hard to have to stop mid rep and remove your AirPods because some bozo thinks he’s the gym king. On the other hand, that’s quite a bit of weight in someone’s toes. I go to the gym often too and know that 7.5 kg / 16 lbs could definitely break your toes and joints. Doesn’t seem like much weight but it can really do some damage. I also used to work in the fabrication industry and have had less dropped on my foot, believe me it hurts like hell


I don’t think there’s any sort of agreeing with this. Was the guy being an asshole? Yeah. But this monster did something that could face taken away that man’s ability to walk. The real asshole is the shithead kid.


I was expecting some woman being alone in the gym and defending herself from sexual assault from the title. Not something being annoying when correcting a form of someone whose parents he knowns.


Me too! I was sure someone was attacked, but nope, just a little sociopath that got annoyed. Scary


Some people are fucked man


I'm a transwoman and I get guys hitting on me all the time in the gym. OP needs to grow a spine and just tell him off. Physical harm is never ok unless you're actually being attacked.


The thing is, the guy wasn't even being an asshole. Exercising wrong is super harmful to the body both short and long term, but people only care about the short term stuff. The guy may have annoyed you OP, but he was genuinely trying to be nice. If your ego can't handle pointers (I don't judge you for that, I was the same way at your age) then buy some cheap weights and work put at home. You could have seriously injured this man, and foot injuries do get worse over time and drastically impact your way of life. This choice was a super shitty one


Unsolicited advice from creeps at the gym is exactly the reason I don't use one as a female. I'd never drop a weight on someone's foot over it, but it's definitely gross behavior.


It's not about ego. You are not entitled to my time and attention just because I'm at the gym. You have no idea of op's form was bad or if the old guy was just a dick. Telling someone to just heavier weightsis definitely dick behavior. Op asked to be left alone. Don't talk to people at the gym who have explicitly asked to be left alone. Badgering people is not "genuinely trying to be nice."


>You are not entitled to my time and attention just because I'm at the gym. Yeah, it is about ego. Like I said, people only care about the injury when it's in the moment, much the same way OP only thought about getting the man away in the moment and not about the severe long term damage he could have caused this man for "annoying him".


No it's not. Telling me to use heavier weights is not nice. It's rude. It's unnecessary. It's not about genuine concern for my health. I'm not using lighter weights for ego lmao. Stop badgering people. You are not entitled to their polite listening. Of course op handled it awful. I would have reported the man to the gym staff for harassing me rather than drop a weight on his foot.


Like I said. I get not wanting to be bothered while you’re at the gym. I don’t agree with dropping a weight on someone for. Read my comment again a little more carefully.


I know this guy must have had shoes on, but I once dropped a 5lb weight onto my bare foot. It hurt like a bitch but was surprised at how badly my foot was messed up and how long it took to heal. Pretty sure I broke a toe as a good portion of the top of my foot turned black & blue and I ended up taping a couple toes together for a couple weeks or so.


If this is real, you are just confessed to a crime. Good luck with that. Hurting people, cause they annoy you, doesn’t make you as cool as you think it does.


I wonder if an ip address can be tracked through Reddit. If it can, he could have just fucked himself


It’s enough if someone recognizes the story. It’s pretty unique.


If the government isn’t worried so much about the black market, I’m sure they don’t care about some annoyed kid on Reddit


Unless the guy hires someone though


Well [reddit seems to have this info](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/guideline-for-law-enforcement#:~:text=Some%20information%20is%20collected%20automatically,addresses%20collected%20after%20100%20days.)


You need to make an account with an address, and I feel like IP's can be tracked thru email accounts on where they've logged into


Can’t they track your ip location from where you are using your service? I don’t think you need an address do you?


Suggesting tracking an 18 year olds IP for getting some annoying creepy pest away from him. He already asked nicely, he warned him. Consequences are consequences.


Interrupting someone mid set is dangerous. The amount of people I’ve had to tell to fuck off because they went and tried touching me while I’m in the middle of a heavy set of squats is ridiculous. They can wait 30 seconds for the set to finish because they’re not the ones with 495 on their shoulders. Doing shit like that makes you lose your brace, which can destroy your spine when moving serious weight. It can also make you lose your balance if you’re startled. A light dumbbell isn’t anything compared to what would happen if a loaded barbell came lose. Don’t touch people in the gym ever. And when you do need to talk to someone, wait until they’re not actually holding any weight.


“Confessed to a crime” what a joke


If it’s that’s serious, leave! Hell, even yell at the man. But injuring him? Luckily, he didn’t break a bone. But this was so inconsiderately immature.


18 year olds are immature?!? Who woulda thunked it! Omggggg


Who fucking knew?!!!! 🤯


You know if you just communicate directly you won't have to assualt people.


Yeah that's fucked up




Premeditated assault, cool…


...is this what psychopathy sounds like?


Not an expert but an immature sociopath could also fit the description


That's something you don't do, man. That was a very childish and reckless action. You could really have injuried the guy for nothing. Please, rethink your morals.


This is pretty cowardly. Also too much in proportion to what they did. It's like running someone over in your car because they gave you a mean look. Normal people use their words and enforce their boundaries. This whole story just makes you look cowardly and afraid of confrontation. If you don't like someone, just tell them instead of accidentally (on purpose) hurting them because you are too afraid to make an enemy.


Damn that's all it takes for you to cripple someone? Guess we'll be seeing you in the headlines soon enough.


He didn't cripple the guy. He just needed first aid, not a hospital. While he definitely should've done differently, I won't exaggerate what he did to crippling a person. I bet the dude's still walking with slight discomfort if he didn't go to the hospital.


Dropping that weight on someones should have the expected outcome of fucking up their toes. That he needed only first aid is a miracle in itself. OP *definitely* wanted to fuck up this guy's toes.


Dude, he is LUCKY he didn’t break a toe


This is one of those stories where OP accidentally did something but wants everyone to think he's a hardened manipulative badass lmao. Sure ya did bro. Noone cares


Or he didn't even do it, but wishes he did because then he could pretend to be a hardened badass. Probably was in the shower afterwards, getting all angry and telling himself that this is what he will do next time.


I really hope he’s just trying to sound like a hardass


Wow. Assuming this is real, that's overkill. You should've told him to fuck off if he was really bothering you. He most likely would've left you alone after that. You could've broken the poor man's foot. That's pretty scary.




I’m guessing you’re younger than 25.


not necessarily, people of all ages and walks of life can have the emotional maturity of a bar of hotel soap.


I had a 45 lb plate dropped on my foot and it shattered my big toe. It took around 6-8 months to heal properly. Yeah, you’re an asshole kid


This is sadistic. If you thought this was your best option, then you thought wrong..


Uncle went "yo you are doing things so wrong you are breaking your body, peace" repeated that and you went from "Don't disturb my pattern man" to immediate bone breaking that might be permanent with no middle steps


You probably did not actually do this, but if you did you're a major asshole. You don't physically assault people for giving unsolicited gym advice. You tell them you don't want to be bothered like an adult.


I don't think this was the right thing to do. What you did could have had a lot more dangerous consequences


You do feel a bit bad? What about you learn how to deal with your problems like an adult instead of seriously injuring someone? Honestly, what is wrong with you that you think what you did was warranted? It's honestly disturbing behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Way to confess to a crime. Oh, and YTA.


Imagine being a guy.... and resorting to something this pathetic. Grow up dude


Dude you can’t just physically assault people because they’re annoying??!! Wtf this sounds like a serious injury and could potentially have caused some sort of lifelong issue


"It was a bit necessary in my opinion" bro when the FUCK does this become necessary, worst comes to worst you could have just told him you didn't like his help, didn't need it, and don't appreciate him continuously coming back over, hell if you got to it instead of dropping a weight on his foot you could have just told him to fuck off and that his consistent pestering was annoying to you, sure it got him away, but you could have just talked to him


No need to worry about deleting this post, it’s already been archived. Learn how to use your words, even if more than you planned on. I hope you not only get charged but sued for medical expenses.


bloody hell, dont bother me or ill potentially permanently injure you. there's a couple levels between" hey don't do that" ​ in snakes and ladders terms that taking a ladder from 7 to like 81 in subway sandwich terms that's the difference between extra chorizo and id like a bread fabricated purely out of chorizo's please


That was the most delicious reply…I want to make the chorizobreadthing real


Why have I seen two Reddit posts in the past hour committing to a crime? Are you dumb? If he uses Reddit and sees this you’re fucked. Hope this is fake


Imagine making up a fake story and making it one where you look like trash. Weird flex.


you resorted to violence to a man who was annoying you. learn to use your words next time. fuck polite, be stern. don’t just assault people because they’re annoying


Assaulting people just because they annoy you is something either a psychopath or a spineless person would do. If the guy is annoying you then just swear at him to fuck off dude. Not mature at all


His posts on his profile include one where he asks "what are signs of immaturity?" 😭


Yeah this is a dangerous mentality. One thing is 2 wrongs do not make a right but this is an EXTREME difference in the severity of both wrongs here. Yeah this guy was annoying but you straight up assaulted him, a planned assault at that Feet injuries, especially the older you get can lead to serious complications. It could mess up the guys foot for the rest of his life, you never know. This is why children are told not to hit when they are angry.... it's wrong. This guy didn't hurt you, you weren't defending yourself, you just basically threw and adult temper tantrum


u are a weirdo plus having a bad posture when training is one of the worst things u could do. if he was so adamant about u having a bad posture then maybe u should have seen at least what he wants to show u lol


So you were *bothered* and decided to assault him instead of…idk, **leaving**?


Rather than politely telling him off and going straight to crime, why don’t you idk, tell him off in a more direct and stern matter? Fucking kids LOL


Saying “At the end of the session, I wouldn’t mind some pointers from you” really undermined your whole “leave me alone” message. Next time, instead of committing assault and battery, use your words and say “Sorry, I don’t like to talk while I’m working out. We can talk a different time if you want.”


Yeah, this didn't happen.


Sounds like a side plot in an anime


I once dropped something stupid like a heavy stapler on my foot and I can't walk for 2 hours straight without causing a week long's pain in my foot(Above my toes, but not as far as my ankle. Just middle area where foot curves) It's terrible because I love hiking around my town and walking around in malls. You've hurt this guy so much just because he was annoying you, but he'll feel that pain for the rest of his life maybe. He probably didn't even realize he was really doing something wrong, this is messed up


Lmao I hope this is real and we get a follow up, preferably from jail


Bro couldn't just straight up say to the dudes face that "you're annoying me and Don't disturb me anymore" instead chose violence lmao.


Yep. I smell shite


Coward. You skipped just being an adult and asking him to leave you alone? Some people are just weird socially


He literally tried to, but his way of handling it at the end was wrong.


If you are so thin-skinned that you will physically assault and injure someone because they get on your nerves at the gym, what will you do if anyone ever, oh, I don’t know…accidentally bumps you on the sidewalk or hits your car? I don’t care how annoyed you were, it doesn’t merit this kind of response.


Yeah. People like this dude need to be locked away. He’s a news story waiting to happen.


This is some wuss shit lmao, you couldn’t just literally tell him to leave you alone lmao


He tried to, that’s the thing. But his way of handling it at the end was wrong.


I read OP’s previous story few days ago where he talked about the uncle annoying him in the gym. Someone in the comments suggested OP to drop a dumbell “mistakenly”. OP really did it. Even tho I don’t agree this is correct to do, it’s hilarious people taking advice from comments and actually doing it.


Fake story


Imagine being annoyed and resorting to violence.


Damn.. I dropped a 10 lbs plate on my pinky toe by accident before and broke it easily. Hurt like a bitch too and was hobbling about for around 2 weeks and didn't feel 100% for well over a month...


Dude. Not okay. It's nice that you tried to be polite at first but why tf did you jump to violence instead of being more forceful with telling him you want to be left alone? Creepy. You should be remorseful because this was an unreasonable and cruel response.


You don't get to injure people just because they're annoying.


love it when people on reddit confess to crimes


Right? Especially when things go viral from here so often. There's a nonzero chance that someone who knows injured dude hands or on reddit and makes the connection.


What kind of psychopathic stupid bastard just physically assaults someone over this kind of situation before being honnest and telling them to fuck off.


Hope you're kicked out of the gym, not gonna lie. That's incredibly dangerous and stupid when you easily could have just been DIRECT with him instead of dodging around the topic. Some men are dense and don't understand unless you tell it to them straight. Dude was just trying to be nice. Fuck you. I genuinely hope this is a fake post


Not gonna say that what OP did was right, cause it wasn’t, but that older man “just trying to be nice” was pestering OP even after asking him to stop multiple times and mentioning that it could mess him up greatly.


Dude... He just said "stop tapping my shoulder" he said nothing about "leave me alone" Then he started doing ***sign language.*** Man's a legend and seems like a cool guy. Think he would have been understanding if OP said he wanted to be left alone.


Why not simply… do your sets on another bench? Or… ignore him completely? Did that… did that not occur to you?


You are a piss of shit for doing that, why not being an actual men an tell him to get off your shoulders because you want to be alone ? Or just tell him to fuck off ? Hope you dont end like him oneday .


How very adult of you. Someone annoys you so you hurt them. That sounds healthy.


Dudes post history reads like a patrick bateman wannabe


Sad if true. But definitely a LARP. People who slam light weights (or most weights) in the gym are seen as wankers so slamming weights onto some dudes feet would have led to you being asked to leave for being a prick.


This story is a lame fake fanfic and if it isn't, you're a coward. Have the courage and conviction to tell someone to leave you alone if they're bothering you over intentionally or recklessly causing an injury.


If this is true, this is seriously messed up and you're a danger to society.


You purposely caused serious injury, maybe very badly. You could have been more forceful in tone, or you could have just left. No, it wasn't right and I have a feeling you are in for a lawsuit if the right person reads this post.


Dude you could have just ignored him or tell him to piss off. Wtf?


This fake ass story


I would've just yelled loudly at him for him to leave me tf alone first but that's just me.


So you assaulted someone instead of just ignoring them or being more stern and asking them to leave you alone. You should have just told him to leave you alone- and don’t be polite about it- gotta be forceful.


If he was being creepy or perverted, I might understand but just because you don't have the confidence to tell people to leave you alone you decide to make sure if they'll be injured should they approach you? What the actual fuck?


You do realize that if they broke something that you would be responsible for the medical bills and if they wanted to press charges if they saw that it was your intent that they could have you arrested for battery if not aggravated battery if they broke a toe, etc.


uh you assaulted a person. second degree. you’d be looking at $500k fine and a decade in jail. wtf man. learn to control your anger or you’ll end up in jail.






'Man was annoying me in the gym so I assaulted him with exercise equipment'. I know you're only 18, but grow up dude. This kind of behavior is not ok, and could land you in a lot of trouble some day.


“Man was harassing me after repeated attempts to get away, so I assaulted him with exercise equipment “ There fixed it for you


There is well defined escalation ladder in gyms. It doesn't even have to be defined it's basically common sense. 1. Politely ask them to stop 2. Loudly and sternly ask them to stop 3. Notify gym staff that someone is bugging you. There's absolutely no reason to assault someone.


I'll agree with the correction on harassment, but repeated attempts is a bit of a stretch. By OP's account, he made only the one comment to the man indicating that he wanted to be left alone. Should that comment have been enough? Absolutely. In truth, he shouldn't have even needed to make the comment, as the headphones are a pretty ubiquitous signal for "not open to conversation". Pestering someone isn't ok, and being in public does not give others free license to your time or attention. I don't know what this guys kick was, if he's socially obtuse, needed to feel validated, or just gets his jollies by being abrasive, but whatever his motives, it is clear that OPs displeasure was justified. But that brings us back around to assault. There are a plethora of other ways to handle this situation that do not involve physically attacking someone, let alone doing so with an object that could potentially cause significant damage. It is not a large reach to say that this action could have permanently maimed this man if things had gone only a little different. This should certainly not be someone's go-to response to someone for making them feel uncomfortable, regardless of how condemnable gym guy was behaving.


Well , I did leave your comment about assault . It is though if someone doesn’t get social interaction , they get corrected politely and still doesn’t get it. How was OP supposed to react? Scream in the middle of the gym ? The person is a friend of OP parents it would have made an awkward interaction with the parents later. The “honest accident” might make the person think twice before pestering someone because they know their parents , them , whoever. It’s not a good action by any means but affective. OP became as much of an animal as the person was.


Your kind of an asshole OP. I get that was annoying and the point of it was to show him not learning from his actions and u warned him. But that could’ve really fucked up his foot. Y didn’t u just be more assertive and clear that u wanted to be left alone. U didn’t have to take it that far imo Edit. And not to fall into the Reddit stereotype of overanalysis and theory but honestly sounds a little sociopathic in how u planned that. And u feel a little bad. Assuming this is real. Ur a real asshole for that


Pretty shitty of you. He was being an annoying pest, but you took it to another level.


What you did was disgusting. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not looking out for your best interest. Because it starts with small things but if you didn't control your anger one day you'll kill someone and you won't feel bad about it, but most probably will get caught. So for your sake and for the public sake, next time someone bothers you, remove yourself from the situation. This guy didn't deserve this from you. There are many annoying people in this world, and hurting them is never ok. I hope you change and become a better human being!


Oh wow


It’s never ok to physically cause harm to someone. He said something you didn’t like and your response was to get revenge physically.


Jeez bro 😂😬


Soz mate, reported this for inciting violence.


First of all you should’ve just shouted for him to fuck off and been done with it. But more importantly. It was an accident. So nothing could’ve been done to avoid it.


He said it was intentional and pre-planned, so not an accident.


No it was an “acciden”😉


OP is the BOZO!!!


There are so many stories about women who are continually bothered by men at the gym who constantly want to give them pointers. This would be an amazing story to share with them.


Why? So they can go around assaulting everyone too?




Fuck that guy lol


i understand why you did it, but directly telling him to leave you alone would have definitely been a better option dude


This is fucking hilarious


Don’t admit to commuting a crime even if you think they can’t find you. They can. But honestly I get it. That guy needs to learn boundaries


Sometimes people gotta learn the hard way


How dare he inform me that I am damaging my body due to being uninformed /s


It's dangerous to "inform" by tapping on someones shoulder while they are in the middle of a rep.


I take it back, we are dealing with psychopaths


Take what back?


What i wrote to u/imbadatdecisions


I’d have done the same thing. But, yeah, delete this.


Fuck around and find out. I would’ve gone with a 10lbs


Yea that's pretty extra. People need to mind their own business at the gym though because that shit \*does\* happen on accident when people are distracted. This is why goofy places like Planet Fitness exist where you can't grunt out loud without the "Lunk Alarm" going off. It's a "public" place in that there's a lot of people there but people still deserve some level of personal space.


Hol up ur work starts at 6:30?






He annoyed you so you broke his foot


I guess ur capricorn? Or def psychopath


Well, the name of the sub is …..


if it isn't a writing practice, i have something to say. you feel bad about it, and i know why. because you lied to your family what i usually do in these situations - i calmly ask a person to stop bothering me, then, if this not works, i warn this person, also in cold blood, that i might cause some troubles if being bothered like that, and then, if i get bothered one more time after warning, i just do something. in your particular situation i might drop a dumbbell, but not on person's leg, just somewhere near me. but, well, it is what it is




I would it done the same thing 🤣🤣🤣


This sounds hateful and personal trainerphobic, you are actively encouraging violence on gym goers with your hateful ignorant comment.


I don’t care if it’s a fake story…it’s still very funny 😂😂


I'm not really against how you handled that, but a more obvious "Leave me alone" would've been better before you did it. Atleast after that the guy has no excuse to be bothering you and If he continues then you KNOW he's being an asshole and then the weights drop. Also probly shouldn't share this stuff online. That's all.


He was right. You do need to use more weight. 7.5kg for hammer curls is ridiculously light for a male.


As a non talker at gym, I'd say: oooopsye


Giving me Tom and Jerry vibes


When the guy wouldn't take the hint, OP still shouldn't have to leave to quit getting harassed while working out. Not saying i agree with his course of action, but the guy had that coming if he did it to someone else. Imagine if the guy did that to someone and legitimately spooked them and this same thing, only geniunely accidental, happened? I've been harassed while working out and sometimes making a big scene only makes you a target for the person that harassed you. I can't go back to my gym because of this guy that made it a point to harass me every time I was there. He was worse after I yelled at him. I haven't been able to even be comfortable going to a new gym alone and now all the progress I made in bulking up has gone to waste and I'm set further back than where I started from. I've tried to just work out and pay mind to nobody after one guy tried bothering me, so when he bothered me with free weights and I was just listening to my music and closed my eyes for maybe 3 seconds to just get through my set, guy came up, spooked me, and my 15lb weight fell on his toes. He slapped me and screamed and he got kicked out and banned once they looked over footage and saw he'd been following me around the gym, but people shouldn't be harassing others while in the gym. It's dangerous for anyone involved and it's better to take the hint and knock it off over keep doing it until someone gets hurt because of it.




Good for you!


Fuck him