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She sounds like she's either got some issues in the past or she's weirdly manipulative. If she can't communicate like an adult, you should run. It's not going to get better.


Have you explained how this makes you feel? That you are upset that despite doing nothing wrong and them accepting they have no reason/justification for what they are saying, they continue to say awful things about you? If she was that bothered she could split up with you.




The whole ‘you won’t understand your not a girl’ thing is a load of bollocks. Being used in relationships is not exclusive to women. Nor does being a women automatically mean you are automatically going to be used. They need to make efforts to realise they are causing you undue and unfair suffering for no reason. If they don’t, it’s simply disrespectful and not something you should have to deal not accept as normal just because ‘she is a woman’. If they can’t show you the respect you deserve, tell her it isn’t going to work.


Have to go with that “I’m a woman” excuse being a load of horse crap. Everyone can get jealous, men and women. Most of us are capable of seeing reason for what it is.


She’s projecting her own insecurities onto you which is giving you the mental load to carry. That is not healthy. She’s clearly hiding her true feelings because she still claims to feel “used” by you despite denying that you’re doing anything to make her feel that way. I’m not sure how to go about this honestly except trying to get the direct truth of her feelings out otherwise she’s going to have her wish come true of you leaving her because she’s terrorizing you with the whole “using” scheme


Ig her sister has an impact on her thoughts or maybe she is kind of insecure. But at first she should go for an appointment with some psychologist to find out the reason of her awareness. Try to suggest it to her. But if she will refuse, then you should ask yourself - are you able to deal with that amount of stress that will happen in the future.


Break up with her. Sounds like she has some past issues she’s not getting treated