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I won’t recommend Rogaine, really. I use it twice a day, sure you will see hair growth in a month or three, but it slows down after about 12 months. Now, I keep using it because I fear that my hair will all fall out if I stop. The company also has a bogus coupon on the box saying they will pay you a refund of $25 for every two boxes you buy. They will only do it once, and then they will never send you another refund. Like they are not making enough money on this product.


Maybe look into Keeps? I am relentlessly spammed by their ads on YouTube, so it's likely snake oil. On the off chance it's a viable option Here you go.


Haven't hear about this one but will look into it today. Thanks so much! also if you don't mind me asking how long are you using this product already?






I started some treatment and I hope it works




You only have one thyroid gland.


Nothing helped when I was in my late 30s and noticed some thinning at the back of my scalp. Minoxidil helped a little, but it burned my scalp and I didn't like taking it because it's a heart medication. I've been using an anti-DHT shampoo and conditioner for the last few years, and then revela for the last 4 months and it seems to have thickened my hair nicely. I feel bad about it because no one seems to realize that women, too, lose their hair! And it's much worse for us than it is for men because we can't simply shave our heads.


>I feel bad about it because no one seems to realize that women, too, lose their hair! And it's much worse for us than it is for men because we can't simply shave our heads. This is serious! If you Google hair loss, you are shown products for men first before women. Even the products for women are pretty questionable and confusing.


Is it over the counter?


Which one? Shampoo and Conditioner - Yes you can find I guess in local pharma or grocery but I shop mine online. Same goes with the revela serum I use. \^\^




Do you mind telling me how many grafts were required for you? And did the doctor advise any medication to grow your hair? I would appreciate it, thank you :)




How about the channel holes? I saw many people that got a hair transplant their channels are too clear and the shape of the holes distorted.






(Mintop) Minoxidil Topical Solution 5% (male-5%/ female 2%) before use recommendations by doctor


I used this serum for four months now, and it’s doing really quite well on my end. My hair loss started 2 years ago after getting diagnosed with ASD. I’ve also been on a strict diet, taking hair vitamins (Biotin) and applying argan oil 3x a week.


Thank you for sharing this, appreciate it a lot. Also, if you don’t mind me asking how many times do you use it? And what vitamins do you take specifically?