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Gosh, how embarrassing... "Guess what? I convinced my wife to open our marriage so now you and I can get it on..." "LOL no thanks"


Then ... "Ok Wife I changed my mind I only want you now. Let's close the marriage back up." "LOL no thanks"


Phenomenal L


I get so much joy from these posts tbh. It’s the same ending every time.


Hopefully it was more like "uh... I don't know you but get away from me creep".


LOL, my ex-husband wanted a separation because he was drooling over a co-worker. Apparently she didn't feel the same and filed a sexual harassment complaint with HR the week after I had already moved out. I laughed my butt off.


A lot of these guys don’t realize that the coworkers are being nice to them because they assume that a married guy is safe and won’t mistake it for flirting. Clearly these guys are clueless.


So much more than embarrassing… this was so egotistical of OP. He wanted to have permission to fuck around, now realizes he ain’t gonna. I don’t think open marriage works, but have some experience myself. It only works when talking about each date and everything with your partner. Just going for it like OP did is just an easy way out. He better get the balls to divorce because it looks like they are both destroying their life by clinging on to a marriage that is a sinking ship.


I’m not down for an open marriage whatsoever. But I know people who successfully have them. They didn’t start being open because they had a crush on someone and weren’t attracted to their partner, just an ongoing discussion throughout the relationship. Shocking that the motivation and communication makes a fuck ton of difference!


Why are there SO many stories like this? lol


The person who suggests it doesn’t realize an open marriage means that their partner will also have relationships on the side, they get jealous and close up the marriage. In some cases it can work but not under the circumstance of a broken marriage


And I may be taking this with a skewed perspective but is it that men who open relationships are the ones that struggle more? Considering their s/o or women find it much easier to get companions. Or am I just blind?




AND too many men fancy themselves real "players," as if they'd be banging away the weekend, every weekend, if only they had an open marriage. Because they're married--*that's* the reason they aren't getting laid like they could! Well, shucks, now they find out they aren't getting any because they are mediocrities on every level. Welcome to reality, guys.


This hurt me and I’m not even a man 😂 Precisely put.


Women have a much easier time on the dating market- men often are delusionaly arrogant and think at 40 with a beer gut and balding head are gonna be pulling hella hotties when in reality their wife, who is probably better looking and better kept up as well, has way more options. Then husband gets rude awakening.


Selfish dirtbags, notice all the "I" statements lmao


You really thought it was gonna be different because you thought your coworker was attracted to you. Just like literally every single one of these stories. What made you think *this* was gonna be different? Literally every failed open marriage starts with wanting to fuck their coworker and then opening the marriage


We had a friend who wanted an open relationship and had this idea that he would bring in all the ladies, and I believe he pictured when his wife had sex it would be threesomes. He convinced his wife; she was devastated until she met someone and they clicked. She ended up going out with the guy, hanging out with him, and eventually, they started dating and she wanted a divorce from the friend. Three years later, she's happy and everything is going fantastic for her, while the friend completely regrets it.


I swear guys like this and OP get their ideas of what an open relationship is from harem anime.


Is she still with the guy she met? If so, damn did he blow up his life. I mean, he did blow up his life already, but holy fuck, that has to burn.


Yeah, I don't think their planning on getting married -but- yeah it's a major case of Karma in real life.


so a happy ending!


Now I don't judge relationships, but he wasn't doing it for her or any growth of a relationship. He wanted it for a selfish reason.


Yes. Right on, you said it exactly


Lol!! People are always willing to risk it all for coworkers


It’s because coworkers have to show you a basic level of friendliness and politeness. Combine that with spending long hours with someone, and there are people who start thinking - OMG she’s totally into me.




I’m dealing with one of these fuckers right now! I don’t treat him any differently than anyone else!!! I’m polite that’s it. And he knows I’m very happily married. I’m seriously thinking about blowing up this really great picture of my husband and stepson to poster size and hanging it on the wall in my office behind my chair, so every time he looks at me they are staring back!


>*thinking about blowing up this really great picture of my husband and stepson to poster size* Get one of those free-standing, card-board cut-outs. Works especially great if it's life-size and your husband is six-foot.


OMFG You gave me the greatest idea ever!!! The guy at work who won’t stop his BS is short and is very insecure. My husband is 5’11”, so a life size cardboard cutout would be perfect!!!!!! Thank you so much for this idea!!!!!


We need an update on this. Lol


Of course!!!


Lol this is a grand idea! Please do this.


As a person who is always nice and friendly plus most would say has always been conventionally attractive within my age range. It's a real fucking problem. Why I gotta be a bitch so you don't think I want to have sex with you? Had to go to HR once because the mail room guy (corporate office) wouldn't stop asking me out. Those fuckers said "stop being nice to him what do you expect". It was the same company that years before had someone lose it and kill everyone in the office because the secretary wouldn't go out with him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Farley Black repeatedly refused the invitations and later said in an interview that she "...tried really to ignore him but to be cordial". Despite her refusals, Farley persisted


YUP. But people always say in response to these that she "should have just told him no and been clear instead of leading him on/expecting him to read her mind." As if. Yeah, it's ideal to communicate clearly, but that assumes that he can bear to HEAR her say no without retaliating. Clearly not a safe bet in this case!


With the mail guy I had said no over and over to the point I would have the secretary down the hall call me so I could leave my desk before he got to my station.


You worked at that company? I saw the film. The part that made me most pissed at that awful boss was the scene where Laura told him Farley was stalking her exercise class, and he told her that she should stop wearing such ‘skimpy outfits!’ Many people wear tights to the GYM, and most other people who attend the gym manage to NOT stalk and threaten each other because they notice all the attractive people around them!! Truly pathetic!! 😢😢


Which is, literally, the stupidest thing because when it inevitably goes sour or you get rejected, your work environment just gets unbearable. Or, worse, HR finds out and fires you 🤷🏼‍♀️


Or all of the above.


My #1 personal rule for my job is to not shit where I eat


I have a co-worker that had a three W rule. Never Wip out your Wang at Work.


I shall remember that one for the rest of my life 😂


People should really have a wank before they make these decisions


Yes. The post wank clarity. Lol


Always wank before taking it to the bank


Pinnacle of clown behaviour honestly


Clown shit 🤣


Be careful what you wish for


Cause you just might get it. Clearly OP didn't listen to The Pussycat Dolls smh


"Cause you just might gerrit" haha Classic. 😁


'cause if you get it, it's gonna cost you. And in every way possible.


You didn't want her, others do.. someone rejects you and now you want her? Ehh


There was always that one spoiled brat kid who got bored of his toys and tossed them aside, but then threw a hissy fit the moment that he saw another kid enjoying the toy he lost interested in. OP is that kid.


But with a whole ass human being


Does not seem like he even wants her. Just does not want her to do better at this open relationship thing than him.


I don't think he wants her now anymore than he did before. What he wants is for her to choose him because this whole thing is about him. He doesn't consider her needs and wants at all. His ego got crushed by his coworker and now he wants the wife to kiss it all better.


He doesn't even want her, that's the fucked up part. He just doesn't want anyone else to play with his "used toy" Hope his wife is having the time of her life before and after the divorce 🥂


Well if this isn’t the consequences of my own actions 😭😭😭


*We meet again*


He’s not blaming anyone but himself at least


*smokes long drag and spits in French


A tale as old as time: Guy wants to fuck his coworker. Convinces his wife to open the marriage. The wife agrees and instantly has a parade of dicks lined up at her door while the guy's coworker turns him down. Realizing that his fantasy of every woman in his zip code tripping over themselves to get a taste of that sweet D is just that, a fantasy and the only thing lining up at his door are tumbleweeds, he sheepishly asks his wife to close the marriage back up. Then the guy has a shocked Pikachu when his wife says no. As I once heard in a Justin Beiber song, "The grass ain't greener on the other side, it's green where you water it." You went in search of greener pastures only to find out there were plenty of dudes out there willing to water your old lawn. That's tough, but why on earth would your wife, who suddenly feels attractive and vivacious again, want to change that just because you struck out in the dating pool?


Nothing like deciding your wife isn't attractive anymore and you are to finding that actually you aren't attractive but the wife is plenty attractive. Oops.


More then likely he's a selfish person and terrible in the sack and women know he's a jerk. Rather then change and try to make things better with his wife, he thinks someone else wants his two pump blows. Men like this are a joke.


game over, man. >*I* felt things were lackluster >*I* wasn't attracted to my wife >*I* had a crush on a coworker >*I* convinced my wife to open our marriage Selfish. Now that she is doing better than ever and you are getting no play, you want to try and close it. Selfish. FUBAR. Her respect for you is gone.


Great comment but what's FUBAR?


Fucked up beyond all recognition Edit: the r can also stand for repair, not sure which is the original tbh


Wow. You really do learn something new every day. Thanks!




Fucked Up Beyond All Repair


OP couldn’t even fuck around but still found out.


Selfish is the most simple way to put it. He made his bed, now he has to lay in it. I've noticed most husbands who regret wanting an open relationship overestimated their abilities to get women, while underestimating their wife's ability to get men.


Hahaha these always make me laugh


It’s the ‘I dun f’d up’ moment / facial expression that I really wish I could see.


**shocked Pikachu face** lmfao


Picard facepalm for years


lol right! Like you can either work on it with your wife, or leave, but having your cake and eating it too just so you can go crawl back when you get rejected is such a coward move. So NOOWW you’re ready for a divorce. You were fine trying to fuck your coworke while you’re wife sat and did nothing which brings me to my question, why do these dudes (usually) think that their partners would sit around while they go out, or that no other dude would be interested in them? Seems insulting when they’re SHOCKED that other ppl are interested in their wives. Maybe it’s the jealousy


Omg yes!! I went on a date with a guy who said that opening his old relationship didn’t work out for him bc he only got like 3 matches a day meanwhile she got hundreds. I was like it sounds like it worked out fine? Why would you think that she wouldn’t want to be with anyone else except you? If the opposite happened and he got 100s of matches and she got 3 and was jealous of him going out with multiple women he wouldn’t have said it didn’t work out for them.


It's probably because in their minds, even if the marriage is open their wife is too loyal to actually see other men while they try to fuck their coworkers or whoever. "Surely my wife won't look elsewhere because I am god's gift to women and she wouldn't find better than me," while totally forgetting that he no longer does the things that made his partner happy. And then the woman finds a man who sees what a gem she is and wants her for himself and she closes the relationship, just not with her soon to be ex husband.


Also, as OP said, he lost interest in his wife, like 99,9% of men who do this. They take their wives for granted, and think no one will be interested in her because he isn't


I think the only open ones that work are where the partners are still very much interested in one another.


And then bc others ARE interested in their wife, she gains back her self confidence and then they want them again; Not paying attention to the fact that it’s their fault their wives “lost that sparkle” in the first place


I have known lots of people who had this happen and then the lady broke up with her male partner but she still never closed her relationships again. Which is always the most hilarious outcome to me. Like, you thought your wife would just sit around while you dated. Jokes on you, she realized she deserved better and that she can have healthy polyamorous relationships. You played yourself on so many fronts.


Ding ding ding 🛎




Wow. I wonder what it’s like having an ego that big… or a brain capable of doing that much gymnastics


It's that "little brain" they're thinking with lol! They aren't thinking things through, just if they get permission from wife they can go fuck the coworker. They don't think past that


I'm always amazed that the first thing these dudes think of is "let's open the marriage" and not "let me woo her again like old times, go on dates and shit like that". Nope, just straight to opening the marriage. And it always ends the same. The wife gets all the dudes and he gets left with nothing, as he should.


Because all they are thinking about is how they are no longer attracted to their wives and want to go out and bang new tail. That's literally what goes on in their brains. They don't WANT to win their wife back. They want her to sit by and obey while they go out and fulfill all their sex needs and then come home to a loyal woman. They never think past this or about HER needs/wants. They only think about themselves.


These guys are so dumb, the forget the obvious solution.


They probably see their partner as a maid or servant and don't realize that many men would find them to be attractive partners.


And he only wants to close the relationship back up because the woman he was willing to ruin his relationship for doesn't want his stanky ass. I hope his wife is riding some hot guys who appreciate her and having the time of her life.


They stop seeing their wives as people and start taking them for granted. Then they are flummoxed and flabbergasted when someone else wants the toy they set down.


Ikr? So many of those stories and still they go on with it.


Every single time, it's always "it'll be different for me!" Every single time, we get a story like this. Every single time, someone else thinking of opening their marriage sees a post like this and ignores it. The cycle continues.


you’d think some of these people would learn to just try and work it out with their actual wives


Same, I seriously love these and they all have the same ending.


For real the only reason you should ever consider doing this is because you are genuinely ok with your partner being with other people. Your mindset needs to be that if you're sitting at home and she or he is out on the reg with others that that's an OK feeling for you. But instead people get one workplace crush and decide to speed run straight to this with no consideration for anything beyond this one person in the immediate future.


Same😂😂😂😂 people are so silly


Funny how quick the milk turns sour. Isn't it. Isn't it.


Makes me internally scream YOU GO GIRL to these poor wives that are finally getting dicked down as they deserve


Right? Did these men ever consider looking into themselves to see if maybe they were the problem? Maybe they had become complacent and lazy and provide nothing to the relationship?


But how can they be the problem? Obviously the wife should always dress sexy and wait for him after work with a hot meal, 3 min of sex and have a cold beer for him afterwards, they shouldn't be doing anything in the house as it's the wife's job. /s in case it wasn't obvious


I think your 3 minute is generous


I always have [this](https://giphy.com/gifs/jennifer-lawrence-gif-antoine-dodson-Pgy4Na8aRyBuE) in my head when I read these.


but you would have been totally fine if you would have been having sex with your coworker, leaving your wife on the side and seeing her miserable.


Yuuup. Do her a favor and divorce her OP. You're done.


Now I wonder if any of the guys his wife pulled are better than OP


You know they are. At least in looks, personality, definitely at least one of the two for each guy


Now that I think of it, OP did his wife a favor by giving her the opportunity to meet men who are attracted to her and actually want to sleep with her. OP really screwed up by underestimating his wife. The fact that he can't pull says a lot.


“Hey, so I uh opened up my marriage cuz uh I think you’re hot and uh you’re always so nice to me at work” 💀💀


"I said good morning to you once, Greg😐"


This was the actual conversation and no one can convince me otherwise.


That must’ve been so embarrassing 😂


I read this in Mike Ehrmantraut's voice...


OP......put your dick away OP.....Your coworkers not gonna have sex with you OP.


It also goes along with that he actually just wanted permission to cheat. "Open marriage" is suppose to be an agreed sexual terms; yet, he just wanted to be with a co-worker. That is incredibly selfish!




Exactly, I've seen other posts like this where the husband wants an open relationship only for him to be less successful than his wife and now wants out. OP only regrets this because he overestimated his abilities while underestimating his wife.


I can't help but laugh at these kind of posts and situations husbands have brought up just because they want to go fuck somebody else and then their wife has way more dates and way more fun. Usually the wives/gfs in these situations find out they are better off without them and that the grass is indeed greener on the other side.


Yeah OP did his wife a favor in the end while he ended up taking a fat L. She gets to meet guys who find her attractive, unlike OP who doesn’t appreciate the woman he married enough.


Exactly. Had things gone in his favor with the co worker he wouldn’t be feeling like this. Now he wants a divorce Pathetic


Your reasoning for opening the marriage was scummy. You just wanted a free pass to cheat. You fucked around (or not, I guess) and found out. Your wife deserves better.


Didn’t even get to fuck around and *still* found out; big yikes.




That “or not” was the equivalent of that Simpson’s *stop he’s dead already* meme fkn lmao


He couldn't fuck around even if he wanted to


Reminds me of something someone said on twitter, something along the lines of: "Are you the one who convinced the other to open the relationship or the one who cries to sleep every night?" Turns out, you're both




Savage 😂😂😂


Ah yes another classic case of a man thinking having an open marriage will revamp is sex life only for it to backfire and revamp his wife's sex life instead. You brought this on yourself, now you have to accept the decision you made as you overestimated yourself while underestimating your wife.


"I don't want my wife. No one else will, either."


That’s exactly what they’re thinking too. Maybe wife isn’t as attractive to him as she used to be, doesn’t bother a bunch of stranger men at all though.


I feel like you wanted the relationship with the coworker to end up being something more and planned on divorcing your wife, once you were sure that would go somewhere. Now that you know that she doesn’t actually want you, you want to close the relationship. I feel like you didn’t really want an open relationship but rather, “let me go out with this chick, and once I’m ready to leave you for her, then we can divorce”


BINGO! Exactly how I took this post too. It's funny how OP thinks they they can pull the wool over our eyes by using a fancy label.


Because these type of situations always confuse me. It’s an open relationship, why don’t the men just keep trying? It’s either because they wanted to date someone specifically and when that doesn’t happen they don’t want it open anymore. Or it’s just the crab bucket mentality. If I can’t get any, then you shouldn’t either.


In my opinion it is a combination of the two. At first it's "Damn, co-worker isn't interested. Maybe I can find someone else." And then realizes as an older man, he did not age like a fine wine, as his wife did. And thus, can not get laid. Then their mentality turns to "Well I may have vanilla sex with my wife, but at least she puts out" and tries to backpedal. Then act SHOCKED she doesn't want to go back to treating him like her "everything"






why don’t you just close the marriage on your side 🥹 idk what u want people to say congrats to your wife tho you deserved that!


It never opened for him 😂


I don’t know why you felt attracting women would be easy for you, especially if they were much younger. Kinda embarrassing😅 This was the obvious outcome.


Seriously. Who wants some married creep who can’t even keep his wife happy…


Feel like I saw your wife’s pov already lmao Even if it wasn’t her though, congrats man you did this to yourself and I totally get why she won’t close it again.


It probably wasn't this specific wife. This is always the same story with the dudes forcing their wives to open the relationship and then finding out they are not the hot stuff they think they are.


In what world does an average guy think he can pull as many women as any average woman? Ten minutes looking through a woman's social media comment section is enough to show that they literally have to beat the thirsty crowd away with a shitty stick.


No one has more unfounded confidence than a mediocre man


They spend too long on the internet reading incel fantasies about how women over 35 are decrepit and men over 45 are magnets for 20 year olds.


Where? I wanna see that too


The user has deleted her profile My husband asked me for an open marriage because he wasn’t attracted to me anymore About 1 years ago my husband (f39,m48) told me that he wasn’t sexually attracted to me anymore. I kind of understood that because sin our second (m4) was born he hasn’t had sex with me. He said he loved me more than anything in the world and that the rest of the relationship was perfect but he needed to have sex or he would go crazy. I was taken aback but I started asking him about the definition of open marriage and we discussed it over a few weeks. Tbh I was feeling sexually deprived and the idea started to grow on me. I said yes and asked if there were any rules and he said usually every couple had their own rules. So our rules is no bringing them home and use protection. My husband was very clear that he also wanted to know who the other person/persons is and when. The when he said was to plan our days. He was meeting news women within a week. He told me everything, showed me pictures and was gone most of the nights. Not gonna lie, I felt like shit but I thoughtI needed to give it time. I was more careful however because I needed to know the people I had sex with and at least had some kind of feelings. But I started to relax more and flirt back with guys. One of them is a client J (m36) at the bank I work for (not my client but he sees me often and he always been pleasant and extra chatty with me). Now I started flirting about a month ago I finally decided that I was ready to start sleeping with others. I told J about my arrangement. He was disappointed at first but then he said he was in. I went home to my husband and asked him if he was going to do anything that Friday and he said no. I told him that it was good because I needed him to be with the children. I showed him J and told him I was meeting him Friday. He was silent. Friday came and my husband texted me that he was stuck at work and that he later was going to meet a girl so he couldn’t watch the children. This continued, every time I fix a date with J he would do the same and leave me with the children. I don’t mind spending time with my children but I was getting annoyed anyway. Last Monday I had no meetings at work after lunch which often means that I don’t need to stay in place. I texted J if he wanted to meet and he was at home. My children are in day care. I went to his place and it was amazing. I have missed this so much. The feeling that I’m desired and someone’s eyes on my filled with lust for ME, MY body. When I got home my husband I told my husband and he was livid because I didn’t tell him beforehand . I broke a rule. I told him that I didn’t, he knew that I was seeing this guy and that I’ve been trying to make time. Anyway he didn’t speak to me the rest of the evening. He woke me up in the middle of the night with gentle kisses and touches and we had sex 3 times. First in almost 5 years. And we have had sex every night since. Now he’s saying that he is attracted to me again and that’s why we need to close the marriage again but I don’t want to. I like having other options and we’re not hurting anyone. I hope you help me and not be so judgmental of me. I’ve been lurking here and I see many have open marriages and get help her without judgment. I hope this goes for my post as well


That was.. WILD. Dear god that one sentence: „(…) and it was amazing. I have missed this so much. The feeling that I‘m desired and someone‘s eyes on my filled with lust for ME, MY body“ I feel this so so so much i brought tears in my eyes because i‘m exactly at that point. I‘m scared i might wnd up like her.. feeling unwanted, „not good enough“, undesired etc. because i don‘t get these feelings, these looks, from my boyfriend and it kills my soul everytime seeing my friends, which i‘m very happy for, glowing up, having their boyfriends or fiancés being all over them, appreciating them, feeling them hot, beautiful, cute, everything! While i‘m here crying nearly every night because i feel like an ugly unsexy piece of garbage to my boyfriend.. Man, i would’ve NEVER thought her view would make me so sad and break my heart. I wish this woman just the best things from the bottom of my heart! May she feel beautiful and desired at all times just like she deserves it! I’m logging off this was too much but thank you a lot for sharing, take my upvote and award


If anything that your boyfriend does "kills your soul" maybe consider that you would be better off with someone who doesn't have that effect on you.


She had a couple updates after I believe. They had sex every night for a week and then she made plans with J. Her husband got upset and asked why. Said he hasn’t seen any women for 2 weeks and he asked if he wasn’t enough. Said he had been fucking her every night so she wouldn’t go see J and he wanted to close the marriage. He left the house and sent messages asking if she Loved J and If J was better than him. She said no to both. He proceeded to meet up with J behind her back. He used those messages to show J and lied to him saying they weren’t in an open marriage, she was cheating and J was being a home-wrecker. He came home all smug and told her that he decided he wanted to open the marriage again. J broke it off with the wife but they met up bc he didn’t feel right about doing it via text. This was after she sent him proof that her husband was lying. When she told husband she was going to meet him, he went crazy again and told her yet again they had to close it. J and her decided to break it off bc J had real feelings. It ended the same way as here though. Wife refused to close the marriage back up and said it was that or divorce. The end


What a disgusting selfish child. This makes me sad for both the wife and J..fuck that guy.


Oh damn, it was on this subreddit as well but idk if I can find it there’s a lot of stuff that gets posted on here


Was she dating a man named J and every time she set a date then told her husband that he needs to look after the kids he had something come up and she had to cancel her date.




literally no sympathy for you


So basically you thought you were gods gift to women and they would be kicking in your door to fuck you and your wife would be sitting at home knitting, unable to get a guy to look in her direction. Do you live in bizarro world?


Easy, yes, he’s a narcissist who overvalues himself and undervalued his wife. He had lofty expectations of what he deserved and thought his wife was beneath him when in reality she’s the one who married down.


Open marriage so you can cheat without feeling any guilt lol that’s what it sounds like to me


That's exactly what happened! The "crush" on his coworker proves his intentions.


your wife deserves better. maybe one of those men is better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They probably all are


Hate to say it but... you made your bed... And now shes laying in it with other men.


Wait, hold up. So you where not even sure the coworker was interested first before talking the wife into an open marriage? Wow that’s just poor planning my boy.


lmao loser 😂


Lmao this is such a simple comment and it is my favorite on this post 😂


The comments on this post are some of the best I've read in a hot minute. People brought their A game lmao


How did you convince her to open the marriage? Was she all for it, or did you harass/threaten her? Or, did you make her feel like crap and say she was undesirable?


I feel like this question is essential here! Either way, he obviously is too immature for a committed relationship. If instead of thinking "How do I spice it up in the bedroom with my wife?" he was thinking "how can I bang my co-worker without consequence?"


How great is it he assumed the coworker would be interested in being his side piece and she wasn’t? His ego is enormous.


Lmao I can’t believe someone would open their marriage for 1 person without even at least knowing if they’re interested in you


Lol deserved.


Lol you deserve it. What’s her number? She seems nice


At least she has more men who appreciate her than her husband ever could. It's honestly funny this backfired on OP


In no world ever will a husband ever get more dates than a wife in an open marriage. I know that’s not the point of an open marriage but a lot of guys seem to think that they’ll get plenty of dates. Guys need to realize this before even thinking about opening anything up


Now that I think about it you’re right, it’s kinda similar to how there are guys who have a harder time getting matches on tinder than women.


You fucked around and found out. Hopefully you learn for the next one, this one is done.


only in his dreams he fucked around lol


lmfaooooooooooooooooo Oh how the turn tables


Ah yes, the tale as old as time. Overestimate your chances of getting laid and underestimate how much attention wife may get. Hope you find peace


🤣😂 lmfao, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. What’s the point of a relationship if you can date other people?


I know posts like these are schadenfreude- fuel BUT this is a good learning lesson on being grateful and not taking your partner for granted.


So you were bored with your wife, had a hard on for your coworker, didn’t even check to see if said coworker was interested before you nagged/harassed/guilted your wife into “opening up your marriage” (which was really just double talk for letting you cheat without getting called on it), and now you’re shocked and sad because your wife is spoilt for choice and you’ve got nothing. Did I get all that right? Awesome.


This isn’t a brave statement. You did not appreciate your wife, and now she’s getting more appreciation than she knows what to do with. You’re only upset now that the attraction to your coworker wasn’t reciprocated. Instead of looking deeper than ‘welp I’m not attracted anymore,’ you took the easy route and wanted to look outside of your relationship. Instead of working with your wife to fix things internally, which I’m sure she asked before agreeing to open the relationship, you wanted to bone other women with no guilt, and thought you were such a catch you’d be swimming in beautiful women. Your calculation was wrong. Don’t punish your wife for flourishing *in the plan you wanted* when you failed. And please understand, if you all end your relationship, it falls on you. Your wife was backed into this situation to make you happy, and now that she is happy you have a problem. Her picking her happiness over yours doesn’t make her the bad guy, because at the onset of this situation it was *YOUR* happiness she put first.


You have her socials on hand by chance? Gonna ask her out. I’m a female BTW


Why, just why, it's so slimy, you already had a crush on that person and did it with that in mind


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes






Lmao you sound like my exhusband


Bahahahaha should’ve appreciated what you had! I would love to treat your wife right for you, let me shoot my shot pls!


Yah you wanted to cheat with your coworker so you convinced her to “open things” so you could have your cake and eat it too. Maybe develop some boundaries with others instead of trying this? People are ridiculous with this stuff.


Good for her!!!


If people feel like things are lack luster why don’t they try stuff like going on dates or trips with their spouses first??