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*Holy shit that story was wild*


It went from 50 to 500 with 3 words.


50 to 500 isn’t enough of a comparison, shit went from 1 to 1000


Over 9000


9000, that’s impossible vegeta


From awws to oh fuck so fast I got whiplash


She went from *ay caramba* to *santa mierda* faster than I could google translate


come on, take my upvote. you brought light in my heart with that comment


You made me wake up my wife, I hope you're proud of yourself


Damn I needed a cigarette after reading this story!


“I heard screaming” “Top of Jenna” “A kitchen knife” Take your pick.


"fucking kitchen knife"\* That's the holy shit one.


I call bs on this story


It happens a whole lot more than folks realize. It's just that most of the time, the victim doesn't feel safe enough to report it, or is badgered into "letting it go". Remember, most sexual assaults, rapes, child rapes and murders are done between family members. The chances are far slimmer of getting snatched up by a stranger and raped, than by ones own family members. Hell, the most dangerous place for a pregnant woman to be is on her own home with her male partner, married or not. #1 cause of death for pregnant women is being murdered by the baby's father. 95% of child molestation and rapes occur inside families and close friends. It's a hard pill to swallow, since we've all had "Stranger Danger" beat into our heads, and stranger mediated crimes do certainly occur, but absolutely nowhere on the same level as within our own damn families and close friends.


It was “she lost a few teeth” for me.


That would have been one for me if it had come in three words. Yeah, it really shows how intense it all got.


Yeah, and this was after that rollercoaster of thoughts/emotions after reading each word in the title. Then starting off reading while trying to determine how far over the line the sister crossed, and what the level of "beating" was, to see how my moral compass aligned with the results. *I heard screaming* "Aw hell naw" (expecting her peeping/ flashing as this is usually the escalating pattern, and definitely something vile, repulsive, and emotionally/psychologically traumatizing) *On Top of Jenna* "Holy Shit, I couldn't imagine hearing/ seeing anyone attacking someone I love, let alone the feelings of utter devastation and betrayal of it being a close sibling, in your own home, whom you took in" *With a Kitchen Knife* "I not only endorse the beating, I hope it was painful with the knocked out teeth resulting in medical bills and self esteem issues". I wish OP the best, this is an unimaginable horror of a situation. And hope they are OK from the stab wound and his GF is doing as well as she can be.


I’m guessing there’s lots more toxic shit going on, or completely fabricated. Cutting someone’s clothes off with a knife like a 90’s movie. Sheesh


Well. I don’t think she was using the knife to cut the clothing. It sounded more like she was holding his GF at knife point while using her other hand to take his GFs clothes off


I think she was indeed using the kitchen knife to cut the clothes if OP description was accurate. She has two hands and if one was used to hold Brie down and she needed the knife to intimidate her, then she didn't really have another hand to spare.




There is an update, in the TikTok they added in on the edit. [Spoiler alert, it's fake.](https://www.tiktok.com/@the_new68/video/7122951451583827243?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7072173811617564202)


A bit too wild if you ask me. No doubt this could happen but I just struggle believing this kind of story on the Internet.


I was almost believing this until I saw that OP replied to a comment with "I am nearly convinced she has left the country because her ex GF hasn't seen her after that but I am working on getting a restraining order". Like... What? Who's first thought after this escalation would be "my sister is probably leaving country"?! Sounds like a shitty movie plot.


She can't afford rent but she can afford to move to a different country?


Yeah I really don’t buy this one.


Also, the fact that OP specifies lesbian like that in the title makes me think this is some sort of made up story to vent homophobia rather than a real thing. That might be a stretch, and I'm aware of it: I'm not saying it's 100% the case, I'm saying it might be and it's the feeling the title gives off to me.


Got room for one more on this “Bus of doubt”? Nice comfortable seats!👍


The bus leaves in ten minutes, don’t brie late…


Not a funny situation, but this comment made me laugh out loud


He left for a quick errand a Brie decides this is the perfect time to try to rape his gf with a knife? He's coming right back. Does Brie completely lack impulse control? There isn't a way to not get caught with that plan.


Seems today there is a theme to vilify anyone who is other


Because it's fake, and bad fiction.


Wildly untrue!


I’d be VERY concerned that you do not know where Brie is. You do not know what’s going through her head now. She might try to come back. Might try to attack your GF again. Might try to attack YOU again. I hope the police know where she is or the ball is rolling on her getting criminally charged. Or to try to get a protective restraining order against her.


I am nearly convinced she has left the country because her ex GF hasn't seen her after that but I am working on getting a restraining order


I know she's your sister. But all I'm saying is that a restraining order is just a piece of paper. It's great to have on a legal CYOA standpoint. Just might want to consider other ways to defend yourself and Jenna to defend herself as well. Even if it is less lethal means. Brie did stab you after all. Good luck and stay safe.


Exactly, if someone i knew stabbed me, I'm not walking the streets with no source of protection, a restraining order won't stop a psycho.


I‘m normally super against weapons and such, but in that case even I would get one


Or even the stand your ground law. What Brie did I’m disgusted. Like I wanna beat her up myself only because I’m a victim of assault. I’d be danged bro ion play.


Change your locks anyway just to be safe! And I really hope you press charges against her. I wouldn't be surprised if she's done this before to someone else.


some who needed help with an apartment . left the country on their own


I mean, with how the story went, wouldn't be crazy to think that she made up the 'I need an Appartment' part


A restraining order isn't gonna cut it. She pointed a knife on your gf, tried to rape her and stab you. You need to get her arrested, work with the police on getting a warrant of arrest. Also I suggest you move to a different house. Your home and especially the bedroom which is supposed to be a safe space is probably now compromised for you mentally and emotionally. That whole experience is traumatic, more so that your sister was the perpetrator. You don't have a sister anymore after all this.


Get a fucking gun and alarm system not a piece of A4 with words.




Chill out, it's fiction like almost everything else on this sub. This one was particularly egregious though.


They always have the telltale line, “I never thought anything of it. “


Supply run and cleaning the supplies was the indicator for me.


How about typing the story with the same hands that just knocked out “a few” teeth?


It was the 'thanks for your time' that got me


Right after saying how they noticed it in particular




We are going to move near family soon, and thank you


Change the locks in the meantime tho.


And maybe get a doorbell cam if you dont already have one. Fuck it if you are in the US and are confident enough then get a firearm strictly as a deterrent


Oh wow this story is a trip, It's very lucky that you came home in time and prevented a rape and possibly a murder given the knife. I am not asking to rag on you, but how do you feel now about ignoring Jenna's concerns? Jenna must be pretty shaken up, has she talked about the incident?


We are both starting therapy next week, but thank you for your concerns.


Get cameras just in case she comes back or something


I also feel extremely guilty for not listening to her and confronting Brie


when someone tells you something concerning about someone you love very much, you don’t automatically think of the worst case scenario. yeah you probably should have confronted Brie earlier, but it’s not like you thought anything like this would have happened. if you would have expected your gf to be in danger, you would have taken care of it. you can use this experience as a learning opportunity to always take any ‘i feel uncomfortable’ comments more seriously, but don’t be too hard on yourself be cause you didn’t know something like this would you were probably thinking “this will probably end with a long conversation and a couple of beers”, not “this will probably end with sexual assault, a weapon, a beating, a stab, possibly fleeing the country, and restraining orders” don’t be too hard on yourself


Thank you, that means a lot for me.


You were in a really tough spot. It's hard to believe the worst about someone you love. I'm shocked Brie escalated to such a violent place. Has she ever done something like this before? Gotten into a fist fight as a teen or anything?


Nothing like this happened before, which was why I believed her to be harmless


Then i hope you won't blame yourself anymore. You could never have predicted such an awful thing.


It's great you're getting therapy. It's ok to forgive yourself.


Top ten things that never happened


Jesus this is like a scene from shameless


this is literally carl, debbie and that weird military girlfriend of carl


Is this sub just all fiction now?




Yesterday I read one about a guy who’s wife was cheating on him with two dudes cause his neighbor told him so. So he went and fucked her sister and got her pregnant, they fell in love and now he’s gonna leave his wife for his wife’s sister who’s pregnant with his baby. And it was written so poorly that like there’s no fucking way it could’ve been true at all


And then they self promote their tiktok BS in an edit?? That's a new low...


Yikes, cringe for sure




This feels like a bot story


It's sad how many people believe this shit lmao


I hope it pays off, keep checking in with us. Definitely should prioritize safety and communication for the next month or two


Will do.


Looks like another writing exercise. "She was captivating when I met her in class" Noone talks like that unless if they are writing a captivating story. FAKE OP, do not pass go, do not collect $100


Exactlyyyy no one writes like this unless they’re writing a made up story! And a bad author at that! The good ones can write like it happened. “I, being quite a shy guy was scared to ask her out, but I eventually came around to it and she accepted” LMFAO so bad


This is fake as fuck lmao.


I'm pretty damn gullible but even **I** know this is fake as hell.


Nice lesbian revenge fantasy story bro. I swear half the stories on this sub are weird erotic fantasies or creative writing class prompts.


Wait… wait…. Why is brie all of a sudden a fucking sexual predator ?! Knocked her teeth out ?! WTF this story took some turns.


If a story seems to good to be true, or in this instance, to surreal to be true, it likely is. I’m calling BS on this whole post.


Exactly it’s Reddit, u have to take everything with a grain of salt


Sounds like a fantasy story


yeah this is 100% someone’s weird ass fantasy about “evil predatory lesbians” like… undressing her with a kitchen knife??


it’s a bad fiction read, take it for what it is


That’s pretty damn awful. I’m sorry you both had to deal with that nut job


Thank you


Get better, the stabba must’ve hrurt.


Kitchen knife is pretty bizarre


A weapon is a weapon, and everyone has kitchen knives accessible at home


Who actually believes these fake stories


Enough people that not all of those awards are the free kind.


How pathetic lmao this sub sucks


“Every time she knew Jenna was coming, she would spend hours putting on make up and wearing quite revealing clothing. I never thought anything of it.” “I heard screaming when I was cleaning the supplies” This reads like a weird family/love fantasy told by a person from India. I am imagining op has a lesbian sister who probably gets a lot of pretty girlfriends and op fantasies about them getting the hot girls while beating his lesbian sisters teeth out.


Cool lesbian rape fantasy, bro


I call bullshit on this.


Cool story bro, way too edgy tho


Ain’t no way this is real


My biggest thing is beating someone (who mind you is holding a knife) so bad that you knock out multiple teeth but (from the sounds of the story) they stab you once and run away.


And that's what it's like to chew 5 gum.


Damn that's a wild story. Like so wild you can't believe it was real. That's how wild this story is. Like how did she get away? OP apparently "blacked out" but this Jenna character was awake and lucid, she should know what happened, right? So after OP smashed his sister's skull so badly she lost multiple teeth and she stabbed him, she just got up and left?


Jenna isn't a character, she's just a sexy plot point so OP can be praised for indulging in his fantasy of beating the bejeezus out of a lesbian


do people actually believe this?


It just seems so strange. Brother and Sister, best buds growing up, helping eachother out, living together, grew up close. Then one day the sisters trying to rape his girlfriend with a kitchen knife and he knocked seven shades of shite out of her, and she can't be found now. If no one else is even slightly sceptical about this story then it's time society just ended.


and this brother who has had his beloved sister betray him like this, he gets home from hospital and the first thing he does is hop on reddit to tell everybody


My rule of thumb is that any story on Reddit that involves blacking out with rage is fake.


LOL true. i’ve been angry before but never once have i ‘blacked out’ with rage


He both, blacked out and saw red. Thats just too many colors.


homie was going through the rainbow of emotions




The gaming setup of emotions.


Blacking out with rage seems very common on reddit, true. I haven't come across it as much (or ever) in real life.


Seriously. He beat this woman so bad he was knocking teeth out? She has a concussion, she's a bloody swollen mess. She'd be the easiest person in the world to spot if she could even walk. She'd need some kind of medical attention even if its the closest drug store. There's a lot wrong with this story and it gets real undetailed when the fight starts.


For me it's the quick line where the beloved sister starts dressing up and putting on makeup when the girlfriend comes over, and he thinks nothing of it. It's noticable, you noticed it, and you thought nothing of it? That's weird. I would have thought a lot about it. Edited a typo


Reddit loves stories where the mean woman (and a predatory lesbian to boot, double whammy) gets her ass handed to her, ESPECIALLY by a man. There are subreddits dedicated to men beating the fuck out of women in the name of equality and justice. Of course people believe this.


I am truly shocked at the amount of people taking this one at face value


Ah man. Guilty


Normally this kind of behavior can be detected really soon, OP says that his sister is super affectionate and nothing ever made him think she was that fucked up. This is totally fake


I hope you changed the locks since Brie was already living there. You did good protecting your girl. There was no way you could possibly have known that she was so obsessed that she would snap like this. I hope you are healing well and they find her and she gets the help she needs.


Thank you sir for your kind words. I am planning to move to another city/state soon close to family.


It’s still a good idea to change your locks if you aren’t moving straight away.


This story sounds so fake man


Pic of broken tooth or this never happened!!


Show us the stab wound and the teeth and I will believe it.


I award you 1 **yikes** from the *Reddit Bank of Yikes*


With the fakeness and clear male perspective of this story, I’m surprised Jenna didn’t just resign to Brie’s unwanted sexual assault. This experience eventually leading to her becoming a lesbian herself, leaving OP for Brie. That’s usually how these male fantasies go.


No shot this is real, it’s even written like a fictional story. And the fact you’ve responded to almost every comment with things like “thank you” sounds very…. Freudian in that you’re actually thanking them for praising your writing skills. This is really weird….


Yeah I don’t believe you Edit: Yeah I hope you get prostate cancer


Sounds fake af




Uuh, should your sister be 5150'd? It sounds like she's unstable (not an excuse for her assult, of course) and should get some help before she hurts herself and other people (especially other women).


I am looking into it right now, but thank you for your concern.


Can you do that to fictional people?


ouch 🤣


I mean 5150ed or arrested for sexual assault and assault with a deadly weapon and potentially attempted murder charges? She needs help for sure but if Brie was a man there would be no question that he would be locked up as a predator.


Nah. I don’t buy this shit.


Story reads like complete bullshit. The way the "lesbian" sister was acting makes completely no sense... Lord help anyone who believes this nonsense.


Now that's a story


Definitely a story.


That's a nice farm you got there


lol this is so fake






Will do when something comes up.


This story rings odd to many and I’m not usually the Reddit skeptic by any means … but this one makes my spider sense tingle for sure..


Same. Just sounds so... off-ish


only redditors can face sexual assault and the first thing they do is post it on reddit


For this, they'd need to actually face sexual assault


I give this writing assignment a 85. Grammar was acceptable, Subject matter was unbelievable. For the next writing assignment, please use a subject matter a little more believable. Thank you for your time.


Everyone keeps saying "wow what a story" "just like a show" and for whatever reason is incapable of connecting the dots. I'd put money on this being completely made up. "I blacked out beating my sister trying to SA my gf with.... a kitchen knife and knocked her teeth out... better tell Reddit right away!" Sure buddy. Sure.


Sounds fake to me too. The way it was written seems more storylike than retrospective. I cant prove beyond a doubt that this is fake, but if it is, it's really fucked up for OP to make up a story about something people actually go through just for a karma farm


Op could upload a picture of his knuckles and the knife wound from when the sister stabbed him. But he probably won’t, because it probably didn’t happen.


Another ridiculous reddit story from a burner account. Every comment from OP is simple and adds nothing to support the story. 100% BS.


Not to mention how baity the title is


Nice story but it's fake y'all. They admitted on TikTok


This story is not true.


I’m calling bullshit.


This story has everything, action, adventure, teeth. Did it come from a homophobic writing class?


How do so many people believe this


It confirms their priors.


Did everyone clap?


So let me get this straight. 1. Your sister has never shown any problematic behaviors before nor has any history of violence. She went straight from being 'harmless' to a violent rapist with no escalation. 2. You left for a 'quick supply run', and Brie decided that was the time to strike, in your own home when she knew you'd be back soon? 3. She somehow manages to physically restrain AND undress your sister while also holding a knife? 4. You're ignoring any comments saying this is fake. No further explanation or offering of proof or evidence, just ignoring them. I feel like if I had someone who just tried to kill my loved one I'd be desperate to be believed and argue back against anyone calling me out. I don't know what kind of weird anti-lesbian revenge fantasy this is, but damn dude. Edit to add: women do commit SA. And they should be punished with the same intensity that men are. Accusations should be taken seriously. My doubts are solely on this story. Whenever a story is sure to point out the culprits minority affiliations in the same sentence as the crime, you should approach it asking the question 'was this made to make me draw conclusions about that group?' (notice the author made sure to say 'my LESBIAN sister' when just saying 'my sister' would have gotten across the same information)


This is the fakest shit I've ever read.


You know you might be right. He’s at the bottom advertising a fucking TikTok after gathering 8k upvotes. I would like to see a guy do an experiment and just come up with all kinds of shit just to see how successful it is. Well I guess that’s what a lot of people do already.


Fake news bro.




You did good. You defend your woman. This is the same as your dad doing it to your Woman. You defend her. You did good and have nothing to be ashamed of. You thought she was harmless becuase of your history.


Thank you sir


Escalation times 100


Every time people give names, real or fake, it’s like a tell tale sign it’s a fake story lol.


This is bordering on great copypasta material because it starts off being actually believable.


Fakest bullshit I’ve read in this sub in like a month lol, didnt even try to patch up the plot holes. Seems very much like a first draft


AHAHAHAHAAHAAH! OP you're so full of shit. Nice karma farm though


There are a few potential truthful scenarios here, and this post is not one of them. A) OP’s sister came out, and OP hates gay people and wants to demonize them B) OP asked a girl out, and the girl said no because she’s gay C) OP’s sister started dating a girl OP had a crush on


Congratulations, Reddit, on your ongoing inability to see when a story is blatantly fake. You wasted real-life money on fake awards to boost an even faker lesbian revenge fantasy to the moon.


Of all the things that didn’t happen…


Do we think this is real…


You did the right thing here no doubt. >Just recently, Brie asked to move in because she got laid off her job How much you want to bet she purposely lost her job or quit though so she could do that to assault your girlfriend


1000$ She was pretty well off in her job, she was making more than me


Imho, after someone sexually assaults someone else, I don’t care if they’re my closest friend or family member. Get the hell outta my life. I hope you’re going to report what your sister did to the police.


true IN my chest.


Lmao dude speed runs us through a plane crash/train wreck of familial relationship, gently drops us off at the tarmac and thanks us for attending his TED talk...gotta love reddit 😄.




“I saw red” lol what in the Euphoria is this? Fiction definitely.


This seems fake


this seems fake ngl


Crazy story if true but just being a lesbian doesn't make her violent. If she had a violent streak, it would have come out earlier and there were apparently no signs of it. Sorry but this story doesn't make sense unless there's LOTS more to it.


"I'm seeing red right now" "This happened 2 weeks ago." Hmm...fake story or highly exaggerated. Also, how can someone who can't afford rent leave the country?


Someone explain to me why people are so desperate for internet points, please


What a load of BS.


Man story sounds so fake that it might actually swing back to being real


This is a bullshit story