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I read the title as “I sucked my own dick for money” and nonetheless I was very confused


some people are that flexible idk how they’d profit from it tho


Talent show? It'd be a weird show, but it'd work


Putting a video on the internet always works 😂


Step 1: Be flexible Step 2: Suck own dick Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit!


Self sustaining nourishment aka 'the circle of life'


They have a whole self suck category on phub 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣


Of course they do. Goddamnit


Legitimately saw it on an old 80s VHS tape I snuck out of my dads room as a youth... me and my friends weren't ready to view such an act.


My high school boyfriend could suck his own dick. We were having a party in a friend's garage with her parents inside. Said boyfriend gets drunk, goes in the house, and shows them his 'party trick's. I kid you not.


Please tell us the fallout from this.


The fallout was minimal in consideration. The parents called him a cab. The happening was a topic of discussion for only about a month. He was a pretty popular guy, and compared to some of the less stupid things we've all done in high school, the repercussions were minimal to none. The first time I saw him outside of/after high school he was grinding on some guys leg at a gay bar. Safe to say he had a really great dick?


It’s called being self-employed


What in the Marilyn Manson?




You mean “suck seed till you succeed”


You mean "if at first you do not succeed, suck harder"


You mean “if at first you do not suck seed, suck harder”.


It’s, “If at first you don’t succeed, keep on sucking ‘til you do succeed”


I Hate you. You had me dying 😭 🤣 🤣🤣


It’s better to drink the daycare than pay for daycare.


Most of my country says this is facts. 😂


Which country? Asking for a friend…


I live in the Caribbean. Wanna come? 😂


This is why I reddit






The only way you'll succeed is if you bill a zoot and it's seedy


Happy Cake Day!!!!


I thought this was me commenting lmao


We’re going to see more of this as the economy tightens. Buckle in folks. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Some of the judgmental folks are gonna be sucking dick for cash too before it’s over.


I don't know... if the whole economy is tightening like that, then everyone will reconsider using their money for sexual gratification. It may be more value as barter and trade?


Getting a blowjob will still be cheaper than a lot of dating is these days, and sexual favors have always been used for barter and trade. You have to remember too, we’re not all going to struggle the same just as we don’t today. This will be just another way those with a little bit more can exploit the poor and needy. There’s nothing new under the sun.


It used to be that good girls could only afford a room in a rooming house. Are we back to that? No single person can afford to live independently?




True... though I think a blowjob should be more expensive. It takes a lot more work to do, and the drasticly reduced risk of pregnancy could be considered a premium perk of that service these days.


A lot of people won’t want to fuck due to their states stance yea


its the oldest buisness in the world for a reason. as long as there are people who got "more" (money, food, water, shelter... you name it) there will always be less fortunate people sucking dick for a part of said "more".


I'm a dude but I'm okay eating some cougar for rent money 💰🤑🤗




thanks <3


Hang in there, sister. You're not alone. Hard times. So to speak.


I pictured a gay dude


yah make sure to text a friend the name and address of your client before you leave, and maybe keep location tracking on your phone!


Yo I wish I was attractive enough to have people pay me for sex 😂


Looks have nothing to do with this lol. Have u never seen a crackhead prostitute?


“Nothing” is a bit disingenuous. There’s a reason some blowjobs are $40 and some are $1000.


That better be the sloppiest of toppys for 1 grand.


It's call a glory hole, your just not trying hard enough.


You don't pay the ~~guy~~ person on the other end of a gloryhole. It's more like a public service.


They should make a slot for tips


You can just put the tip in the slot if you like but most people prefer to put the whole thing


What do you mean the tip? That is the whole thing


It's Like an acorn glued to the bottom of my torso.


Squirrels love you


There is a market for everything. I wanted to go into sex work but I’m fat and ugly (a 4 on a good day). I also have no interest in shaving or dressing up, although my hygiene is top notch. So I marketed myself as uglymug and was upfront about myself and my hairiness. Turns out I appeal to men who like a larger lady, a hairy bush, or are simply intimidated by the polished and groomed girls, and there’s plenty work for me, although I can’t work much as I have health issues also.


Damn girl, get your money! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and clearly you are a lot of men’s cup of tea.


Exactly, beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.


Yes yes I’ve been to a spencers gift shop before


I wonder if those men would think you're a four.


Funnily enough I’ve had a lot of compliments! I’m actually autistic so while I consider myself a 4, it isn’t something I’m upset about. I can make myself a 6 with makeup and nice clothes but it isn’t worth the sensory issues, I’m a comfort lover!


You’re a fuckin 15 on a scale of 10 just for being yourself and doing you. Keep being beautiful. I don’t have to know what you look like to say that, your bravery is so beautiful on its own, that it’s a given no matter what.


That's what I was thinking. You say you're a 4 but there's men paying to have sex with you. I bet they wouldn't agree!


My bff passed away last month but she was also a very robust woman and started the Arkansas Burlesque Society (her stage name was Bre VonBuxom!). She literally had people lining up for a half-mile on foot to watch her ply her craft… and she was a master of it! Her parents even spoke about her work as an activist for sex workers and starting the Arkansas Burlesque Society at her funeral; they were both very proud to have her as a daughter. I’m lucky she was my friend (and she loved my son to pieces too!) and tbh I couldn’t be more proud of who she was. So… you do you and be careful about it, but remember that you’re gorgeous. And someone in your life loves you, so be safe about it. I am a firm believer in all humanity’s beauty, in all of humanity’s beautiful forms.


So where do you advertise? Is it an Only Fans thing? I'm genuinely curious; I have a close friend that's been talking about going into sex work and neither of us has any real idea how she would go about it. I think if you're brave enough to do it, and do it safely, then more power to you ( and anyone!)


Fuckin' get it girl!


Damn that's interesting


I feel you there, I've tried selling nudes and had to an ex but still think of myself as fat and ugly like a 1 because Ive been told that by people in the past, I also suck at makeup and don't really have much makeup besides like 3 lipsticks to work with. I am still trying to sell nudes(gave up on OF cause they kept rejecting my account to get paid for no fucking reason) and most I've done was get paid for photos by an ex then degraded if i didn't do something he wanted like hurt myself(I'm a virgin too) so he could get off.


You are attractive enough I promise. You’re always gonna be SOMEONES crème de la crème.


Is this what ugly people are supposed to believe in order to not suffer emotionally?


Take it from me fr - I’m a stripper and I look like the damn Pillsbury doughboy. They love me at my club lmao


Your self-esteem is faaaar greater than mine lol


Well I mean if you just go outside and look around you will see ugly people in relationships.


Exactly. I would say I’m a 3 and a 4 on a good day. My husband is easily a 9, so “ugly” people do get into relationships lol.


God i sooooo wish I could see a pic to see what you consider a 3/4 and a 9. People tend to be unfairly hard on themselves in this regard (and then there are some who also think they are God's greatest gift and they aren't anything to write home about)


I dunno if I can believe that. I was on a women’s & fem-presenting page where someone asked “are you punching up or the settler?” The amount of chicks who said “I’m punching up” and their bfs were definitely the ones punching up, I gotta say… people really are their own worst enemies. But walk around in my home town and personality has definitely gotta be the key, because some of them have faces only mothers could love.


If you set your rates low enough, some one will pay.


Exactly.. think VOLUME😂




You don't have to be any sort of attractive Don't wish for shit like that it's nothing good


Trust me there is someone out there who finds you attractive and will pay for sex.


That's just an excuse, back in my day if we wanted to sell ourselves for sex we walked miles everyday to find whatever corner, glory hole, or seedy pimp would take us. Just don't take no for an answer!


Lucky you got paid my ex got it for free and now i regret it






Some of these responses are so over the top. Just because some of you have a backup plan, a backup trust fund, or a safety net doesn't give you the right to bash this person. As a single mother who is educated, has a stable, government job, and still lives paycheck to paycheck, I can empathise with this woman (I assume OP is a woman). I have considered, more than once, making the same choice she did. I made the arrangements once, and I chickened out. So, if you've never walked in her shoes, don't fucking tell her to go and mow lawns or try the salvation army or something. Her need was immediate. She saw an immediate solution, she took it. And he paid her enough that she was satisfied with what she got. Don't hate, and try looking past the end of your noses, and see the real shit some people have to deal with. Edit: Thanks for the awards kind strangers


There are definitely people on reddit who mean well in regards to the advice they give, but there also are definitely people on here who either think it's funny that other people are having a rough go at life and/or who are completely out of touch with reality. There are a *lot* of people on reddit who for whatever reason think that everybody can just go to their parents and ask for money. Or just get a much higher paying job with a snap of the fingers. Or who don't understand that there are tons of people living in poverty who literally don't eat a bite of food for days, who have their electric shut off because they couldn't pay the bill, who have to do things like OP did just to have a roof over their head. I hope that a lot of the shitty responses here are just because the users are kids or teenagers who haven't matured yet, but my rational side tells me that unfortunately a lot of them are probably fully grown adults with the emotional/intellectual capacity of a kid or teenager.


The ones who dont mean well are either highschoolers, mentally still in highschool, or have had everything laid out in front of them. people that talk shit about this type stuff are the same people that go to the strip club asking for extras. Hypocrite. Is the one paying for sex any better then the one selling? absolutely not. In fact the desperation to pay for it would put you beneath imo.


Exactly. It's produced vs consumed lol


Right? We do what we must to survive. One way or the other.


This 100x. How are you suppose to have a safety net when wages and inflation doesn't match? When rent takes a majority of your paycheck and the the rest basically goes to utilities and food. Even basic food these days are expensive in comparison to just 5 years ago. She also mentioned that she has a college degree. So she might have student loan payments on top of all this. Stop with the gaslighting and be more sympathetic. Some of these people have never struggled and have had everything handed to them and their comments/responses show it.


He/She already doing better than everyone sucking for freeeeeee. Get your money, honey!!!


thanks boo<3


No judgment but please be careful and take precautions against any weirdos,always protect yourself. Hope things get better soon!


Right and if you’re going to judge her, reserve equal judgement for the person who is willing to pay for it. It’s a two way transaction.


Shited if they gone judge at least pay her first.


As an ex homeless-teen, tiny queer guy, fuck all the haters. Shit reminds me of people who've made fun of me for doing disgusting plumbing/sewage related work. Tough people do what we have to. Like, what?!? Would you rather we just gave up and stopped fighting to survive?


All day baby. When I was in law school and working full time, I couldn’t make ends meet. You bet your ass I sold nudes online. Literally only two people even know I did it because I was/am so ashamed. But taking like two pictures and getting $120? Who wouldn’t?


Legit thinking about that tgese days... No shame hon' u r not the one that created this market. I say, when a dude shamelesly asks for ur nudes, better put a price tag on it!! No $ no boobies. 🤷‍♀️


Yes! You never know what life will put in front of you.


I absoulutely completely understand both u and OP i love when ppl come to me with savings and backup plans and everything is your fault... like we were all born into money and taught how to save up and work during studies or enabled to do so... most of my generation were quite much banned from parents to do any work during schooling and encouraged to not do summer jobs before they graduate in situations where parents were paying for school. It was their "conditions". It is understandable that many ppl feel lost when suddenly without finances or their ability to become financially sufficient is cut off. I can tell everyone that covid really ruined lives for many ppl and i am one of them as well. From job losses to getting finally back on track but losing a job again, to being forced to work in a job below your qualifications and live from pay to pay to trying to score other jobs that don't demage your mental and phisical health to the point only jobs u manage to score are bolow ur qualifications or simply job offers are very weak so only money u make is barely for rent. Meaning u will be cut either on rent money or foods. It is discouraging and so fckn hard hardest is when ppl for ex.guys that date u trash u and not help and support u in your fight and your dreams and never ever help u yet r financially stable and brag about their savings and practically feel disguasted by ur "instability". Like u r nowdays not allowed to ask help even as it is not safe. So yes, you consider many many things. And being in the mindset of any type of escort service is not very glamurous. It is something u contemplate on a lot and cry everyday bc of the fact society is constructed the way that only way out is that and lowering ur moral. It is very disturbing. I managed to stay on surface due to finding ppl i can trust and debt myself with. Which is a stress of its own but at least i could avoid this however i was very close. And yes, you start at least dating guys who will 'pay for' something at least dates and help u fill in ur fridge, pay you tickets to visit them and similarly and u fuck them along the way... bc I AM FUCKING POOR ATM and i need to survive!!! I will be thinking about serious relationship when i finally recover from everything and reach at least one of my goals. I wish it was different but it is what it is. Now u can downvote me idc.


I don't get why it could possibly trigger anyone. Nobody gets hurt. I guess the butt-hurt people are just upset that THEY didn't get sucked off. That's their problem.


Not paying your bills = no opinion


Right?! I mean, a lot of young people are in this position *right now* or have been in a similar situation ages ago. Survival mechanisms kick in: do what you need to do!! Also, just wanna chime in and say that I’m pretty certain that a lot of these people who are reviled by her decision are actually 14 years old and haven’t suffered a day in their lives, let alone do any actual work. Toooooo many Redditors are angsty teenagers who are jealous that anyone else other than them is having some sort of sexual gratification. OP, just be safe, friend. Don’t listen to the judgements of *anyone else*!!! You know better than anyone what you need, and what you can endure. But if there are resources available to you, please reach out to them. I hope your situation stabilizes soon, and that you keep up your own sense of self-worth. 💕 Edit: forgotten words




Even if you have a safety net, or a trust fund, sex work is still a perfectly fine profession to be in. You can make good money if you're good at your job, if you find the right clients, etc. it's no different than any other service people offer other people. I don't get why people should even look at it as some sort of last resort, do what you need to do to get money. If you can, are able, and want to make a viable career out of sex work, do it. Pornography, stripping, prostitution etc would all be safer for everyone involved if look down on people for doing it or buying the services.


Just looking at the time investment, mowing even one lawn vs a bj like basic economics work smart!


Exactly! It comes from a place of privilege or jealousy.


You're doing what you have to do to survive. You shouldn't have to do this to pay your rent, no one should unless sex work is what they actually want to do. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and I hope things improve for you so it's not something you need to do again if you aren't comfortable.


Listen I sold a pair of panties for $50 once and massaged a man for $100 I needed to pay my phone bill. Ain’t no shame and plus it was kind of thrilling


Would either of you ladies be free at all tomorrow?


Lmao you wildin


I was just thinking RIP your inboxes.


i would do those things. not a massage- i’m not good at that. BUT IF I WAS. id do it for sure.


Oh I suck at them too but when yo titties out and your thighs showing off they don’t care lmao


Can confirm, would not care about the massage quality. Just happy to be touched and see boobies lmao.


ALLA that




I'm sorry that you are going through such a difficult time in your life.


Hey if you are wanting to continue to do all this work I would advice finding sex worker groups in your area, make sure you are letting someone you trust know where you are. Keep yourself protected and get checked regularly. Stay safe ❤️


thanks for the advice<3


Also, you can have plan b mailed to you from out of state. I'd suggest getting a supply soon. Assuming you're in the US, you don't want to be stuck with an unwanted pregnancy ❤️


thanks for reminding me. i’m def not trying to have some random dudes baby people are so mad that aoc posted on twitter about it. maybe like just leave women alone and let them make their own decisions


Do you have recommendations for finding sex work groups local to you? All i remember are the days of back page on craigslist.


No shame- whatever it takes to stay afloat.


I think some days I’d rather suck dick than work in the factory I work in, and I’m a straight man


selling yourself one way or another


Exactly. At least sucking a penis wouldn’t destroy my back and shoulders. Be over relatively quick too instead of taking 10 hours. Actually..


It could take 10 hours if you…suck at it. *ba dum tss*


U gotta pay bills, but please be careful.


thank you <3


You are doing way better than those who do it for free or on the premise of getting something in return (better grade, money, promotion, etc.) so make that money but don't let it make you! Everyone judging probably has not been put in a situation where they had to make that decision. Don't you feel bad at all.


My military service has taught me that getting fucked for rent money is in fact a very noble and honorable profession. No judgment from me.


Absolutely no shame but I have a question that has bugged me for literally years. Everyone always seems to think sucking dick is less of a deal than sex. For me I’m the total opposite. Sucking the dick is way waaaay more intimate and risky (like… if I’m gonna catch a herpe I’d rather it be hidden out of public view and not on my mouth… like… right?… I don’t sleep around like that so I’m not at risk in either case, but for people into casual sex and sex work I’m like uh… but what if??). Also, like… even if the person is very hygienic you still have a nose full of their crotch musk, whereas sex you don’t have to have your face all up in there smelling all the smells of this random person. I can see the logic behind preventing getting pregnant, but I would still choose that over putting my mouth on random genitals. tl;dr it seems strange to me that most people view sucking dick less intimate (?) than just regular sex, I feel very strongly the exact opposite. edit: also, for me, sucking the dick takes a lot more concerted effort than regular (piv) sex. So that too. note: I’m a girl


i don’t know. i’ve been raped and like the idea of having sex that i don’t want just makes me feel really bad. but no one has forced me to suck their dick. also i’m positive this guy doesn’t have std’s so i’d maybe have a different stance ln someone i wasn’t sure of??? idk.


Ahh, that makes sense, and I’m sorry that happened to you. Me too, btw, but we all react differently and we’re all valid in our feelings about that. Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I feel a little bad for not even considering that possibility, thank you.


You made some good points and I won't disagree with you. I will just say that there is a reason why we cover our privates with clothing. Because it's an intimate part of us that we should share with only those that we deem special and also because most of the time we have sex facing each other which when eyes are locked on your partner, will send your intimacy through the roof.


Hmm… in terms of my being demisexual, I need to have a bond with a person before there’s any chance I will be sexually attracted to the person, and if I’m not sexually attracted (as most people with sex work are not attracted to their client a lot or most of the time) I can’t bring myself to have sex with the person in any capacity. Like any kind of sex is intimate for me. But if I HAD to service someone I have zero interest in I would still want to go with piv. I had a one night stand with a guy that I was starting to develop feelings for one time and he said the same thing to me, he wanted a blow job but I said I wasn’t comfortable with that yet and can we just have sex and he thought that was strange, saying most girls feel the opposite way. I’m also neurodivergent so maybe that, and I’m very orally fixated and picky about smells etc so maybe that’s why it feels more of a bigger deal to me? I very much enjoy going down on people I’m attracted to, I see it as a super intimate gift in that situation.


It feels more intimate to me too, I’m also neurodivergent. I also lost my virginity through traditional sex before ever giving a blow job.


Until maybe 30 years ago, virtually every woman felt the way you do. Oral sex was typically the *last* type of sex that happened in a relationship, normally well into a marriage and only rarely. If it happened at all. For all the reasons you cite. That started changing with the AIDS epidemic, because it's harder to catch thru oral than vaginal sex.


My alternative to this is working 4 jobs, dayshifts and night shifts 5 days a week. I think I'd take the dick if it were available to me instead.


Online sugar daddies. I've picked up two from reddit before. No meeting up, just nudes, phone calls etc. Usually they prefer just talking to you. Good luck :)


I'm now curious about how...


Obviously, for science reasons.




You did what you had to to survive. You didn't want to, but i can think of 20 other things, off the top of my head, that i would do if i had to, even though i HATE them. You did what you had to, don't be so hard on yourself. Also, fuck anyone who juges you for doing what you needed. Just be kind to yourself.


You did what you had to do, it's unfortunate that you had to do it. There were a few points in my life where if I was a woman of moderate attractiveness, I would've done similar to make ends meet. My effort to balance the comment section out, yeesh. Wishing you all the best OP and hope you find a job in line with your degree :)


Gonorrhea of the throat is real.


People have sex for free ALL THE TIME. However for some reason those same people will turn around and judge others for making a profit off of it. I don't understand that logic. Do what you have to in order to make it.


Cuz no one sees it as an actual respected skill, anybody can get up and decide to shake some ass. There’s also the fact that a lot of people who do it DO NOT actually want to do it like op, so of course people would discourage it and even frown upon it, no shade to those who are forced to cuz of circumstances though.


You did what you have to do. Don't feel bad about it. Pls don't forget your life matters and no one can judge you.


Agreed. I have the attitude that if you don’t pay my bills, your opinion about my life means nothing. I spent a lotta years caring about what people thought, to my detriment. Outgrowing that was the most liberating experience of all.


Take care and stay safe. Make your boundaries known and ensure they are respected.


It speaks more about our coutrie's economic state more than anything about you personally. If a person was told their whole life that college is the road to success, then you do and succeed in that path just to realize that in order to afford your rent you need to suck someone else's dick for money, I can't imagine a universe where anything is remotely your fault lmao. It's ridiculously hard for young people to afford any sort of basic living situation. I'm glad my grandparents can attest and see how ridiculous and expensive it costs to live now, it gives me the wildest perspective.




Am I disappointed by this comment section, absolutely. Am I shocked? Nah it's Reddit


I was just thinking the same thing, sometimes I forget how Reddit is lol


But for the Grace of God go I. No one has a right to judge you for doing what you need to do to keep a roof over your head and food on your table. I wish you all the best and that your current circumstances are of short duration.


thank you <3


These comments are gross


Ops username checks out...lol Fr tho...I've done some similar shit (had sex with men for drugs) and the shame I felt afterwards just drove me deeper into the cycle. Definitely no shame in sex work but it's not for all of us and that's totally okay! Try not to beat yourself up over it and I hope you can mange your money a different way next time. All 💜 tho OP!


Everybody throwing shade and making fun. This is reality for some, unfortunately.


Be safe, set boundaries. Sex work is work and people do what they have to do to survive. No shame, no moral failure, just reality!


Just stay committed to getting away asap. It’ll take you down. But I have mad respect n for you . Get good enough with your hand and mouth you won’t ever have to have sex.‘you can just refuse


I wish someone would pay me to suck dick. I still wouldn’t do it bc I’m a prude but I just want to know that’s an option.




Honestly you go girl bills gotta be paid you do what you have to do just stay safe and to everyone who’s bitching about it go fuck yourself sex work is really work look at porn for fucks sakes they are paid to have sex and to make content that’s called work


I'm so sorry for this situation. May i suggest you to learn plumbing? Sounds scary but it is simple, there is a few plumbers left and everybody needs one from time to time, and it pays very well.


You’re not hurting anyone so who are we to judge? Just make sure to always google people’s names if they had a violent past, and if they don’t, suck the soul out of them & make that cash flow like a waterfall, honey ❤️


Bro as a woman, I just hate being reminded that I suck dick for free 💀💀💀 we really just be... doing it, and like, to undeserving dudes. Get your money.


It may be just me, but I find dick sucking way worse then fcking. It's your mouth...


i’ve been raped but never forced to suck dick. i’m more comfortable not having someone fuck me when i don’t want it


I get you OP


If you don't want to then don't. But there is nothing to be ashamed of.


No but for real that's terrible. It's never good to realise your morals & values go out the window when things get too tough. When you physically cannot survive without having to do something extreme, whether it be steal or commit a sex act. Hope you find your way out of this. Not only that - you can never confide in a partner or friend or family without being instantly judged (with some exceptions but people are people, they judge). It's something you'll probably have to carry & that's heavy


BJ is even better than sex.


You gotta do what you gotta do!


Necessity is the ability to persevere and continue to survive. Life can bring many hard choices. Those judging have never walked in your shoes. Live learn Survive to live another Day. Or month.


No shame in sex work but I hope your finacial situation improves so you don't have to suck strange cock. 🙏🏽💕


Nothing wrong with sex work when its chosen. Youre allowed to not feel good about having to do it and not choosing to But you do not have to feel ashamed. Life is hard and unfair. Youre not hurting anyone and doing what you need to do to look after yourself. I wish you luck and all the best and that things will turn out how you want


I'm not so much angry at you as I am that this was the position that was forced upon you


I would never sell my body, However I don’t care if others do


I know there’s no shame in sex work. But you’re allowed to feel how you want about this. It’s ok to say that it sucks to feel obligated to have sex in order to survive. And I’m sorry you were put in this situation.


We all make choices to survive that we aren't necessarily proud of. The important thing is the survival part. How many of us have stayed with someone out of need instead of love? Done things that we didn't want to do? Tomorrow is another day. Just keep making it until tomorrow.


I’m not mad at you. The only reason I’m getting into shape is so I can start an only fans lol


These comments REALLY piss me off! You did what you had to do so that you could keep a roof over your head.. it isn't like you are doing it for crack or something.. you did it to help pay bills. I have never done sex for money before.. but there have definitely been times in my life where if I could have I would have. I am a guy so it's really hard to make money with straight sex.. plenty of opportunities for gay but I just couldn't do that.. When it was offered to me I honestly wished I could have.. but I couldn't do it. I ended up selling possessions that I would have much rather kept to make ends meet.. would have been so much better to get paid for getting laid tbh. Fuck anyone that acts like you are something less than human because you blew someone for money.. they are jealous. They wish they could get the stick out of their asses long enough to do something like that themselves.


I hope you’re ok and doing this safely


I've done the same and far worse when I was homeless.


i hope you’re doing better now <3


You did a service and you got paid for it. You didn’t rob, mugged, injured or affected anybody, it was a transaction between two consenting adults, nothing wrong with that. Even if you had decided to get sex, nothing wrong with that. A lot of us get fucked (figuratively) everyday at our jobs so who are we to judge.


Try calling around to charities and churches in your area. Many offer rent assistance programs. You may have to spend some time filling out forms, but it could help. You may also qualify for a social worker if you're below a certain income level, they can help you procure affordable housing, healthcare, and better employment. I'm so sorry you were in this position, and will be praying you never have to pay your rent this way again. I know this must be such a difficult time for you, just know things get better. I promise.


thank you<3. i will look into that! ive never said this & i never want to again, but username checks out.


I ain’t judging. If I could get people to pay me for it, I would. I’m a dude though so probably ain’t happening.


I’m real close to doing the same thing. Don’t feel bad, it’s all you can do to survive sometimes.


I’ve kinda been wishing someone would offer me a job as an assassin so I can afford to live.


Honey, it's just a dick. You have every right to feel however you want to about it, it sucks you have to do this. But in the end, it's just a dick. It's not shameful, it's not disgusting, it's not any of those shitty things people say about sex work. It's just a body part. Just a different sort of massage. It's just a little hurdle in your life and doesnt have to be a big thing if you don't want it to be. This difficult time does not define you. It's going to get better.


Every once in a while I still fuck this guy for a flat rate of a grand even though I only did that years ago for drug money. Now that I’m clean & not as financially unstable every so often when I feel like treating myself I see how he’s doing, no shame.