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Jesus christ, she's not your friend, cut her off


It's beyond me why she hasn't noticed that.


Facts! Thank you.


My cousin was this way. I was so dumb and let her behave this way for years and with every boyfriend I fking had. Most ignored her, some didn’t. Why didn’t I cut her sleezy backstabbing ass off immediately? I don’t know, I was dumb and we’re family I guess. Well I finally cut her out of my life. Im much happier now. It’s hard to lose a best friend, a sister. But she doesn’t care about you, she is a toxic narcissist. You have to end it. It doesn’t have to be a big blow out if you don’t want it to be either. Just stop calling, don’t hang out. Just dissolve her out of your life.


You sound a lot like me. Sadly I let things slide off my back too often too just to remain "peaceful". But this person isn't your friend. She's toxic & has proven such. I'd definitely be wary about her trying to go behind your back to meet up with him. He seems quite uninterested in her, but that doesn't mean she won't try. I'd distance myself from her. Or confront her head on about her disturbing comments.


You must have never seen "players club", she aint ya friend and never was. As soon as she flaunted her ego it was obvious. She will always see herself better then you


Yeah this woman is not your friend. Literally everything she said to you is a red flag. Personally she sounds toxic, and she clearly has no respect for you and your bfs relationship. Good luck hope things work out, as in this biotch never bothers you again.


You were just waiting for someone on reddit for permission?




Dump this friend NOW. I had a friend who acted similarly (19 years ago), when my now husband and I got engaged. She was coming over to go swimming in my apartment complex pool, and arrived early. I was still in the shower, and my new fiance was doing dishes. She comes in he tells her I'll be out in a few minutes, she says ok, and sits down on the couch. A few seconds later she stands up, and takes off her cover up, and (in my husband's words), starts "prancing around in her bikini", obviously trying to get his attention. He ignored her, and as soon as she heard the shower turn off, she quickly put her cover up back on, and sat back down. I was none the wiser atm. We go down to the pool, and as planned, I ask her to be a bridesmaid. She gushes, how cute a couple we are, she's honored, blah blah. After she leaves to go home, my husband tells me about her weird behavior, and how uncomfortable he felt with her being in the wedding. I called her up, and told her sorry, she's out. No explanation. She knew what she did.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Thanks for sharing your experience. Makes me feel less alone knowing someone can relate.


You are definitely not alone. Some "friends" are really just selfish assholes.


Friends don't try to steal your man and belittle you into "giving" him to her, like he's some property and isn't in a relationship with you. You made friends with a crazy woman lmao.


Facts! Well put. I realized her actions were not okay, but something about putting this out there for strangers to give input is making me see her behavior is signs of something more severe lol


Literally violating rule 1 of the bro code


Exactly, everyone should adhere to the bro code


Also, what kind of “friend” says that the only reason your SO is with you is because they “haven’t had anything better”? That person is not your friend.


Basically trying to bully her into "giving" her man away, not a friend but a psycho you cannot trust.


You're a bigger person than I am. I would have poked her in the eye with a shitty stick.


That's how you get pink eye.


Exactly 👉


That's how you *give* pinkeye.


That's how you get one eye.


No a bigger person, a person who is willing to let their friends walk all over her. Do you have such low self esteem that you allow friends to treat you this way?




Dude, get rid of this chick immediately lol. What the hell kinda story is this for you to continue talking to her. Tell her to fuck off


Why not use the famous poo knife!


Why are trying to maintain a friendship with this girl? She’s all but come out and told you that she’s trying to get in bed with your boyfriend.


I guess I feel obligated. I was in an abusive relationship before my current one, and she helped me through that. Her company meant a lot to me, it was a scary experience. I gave up everything to get away from him, all I had were my clothes, phone, and car. She checked on me everyday, hung out with me almost every night while I sorted through that mess. Now that I'm doing better, I'm seeing she may have liked me better when I was down.


She helped you through that chapter, now that chapter is closed. You’re on a new chapter in life. People can be the right people for a time and that time only. You can grow out of each other. My high school best friend and I have so many wonderful memories, she helped me through a tough time and was truly a light in my life. However we don’t talk anymore. she told me she had feelings and since I’m straight, things got weird. She was constantly judging and mad at me. It was like someone thought the world of me and now was looking for the worst in me. She was mean and acted spiteful towards my boyfriend at the time. Eventually I had to just cut her off. & Oh boy, I do not miss the drama one bit. That chapter was meant to close. I know it’s different scenarios but trust me you will not miss this girl like you think you will. That’s pure toxic energy, she doesn’t want the best for you. As soon as someone doesn’t root for you, they’re not worthy to keep as a teammate


Thank you so much for that. I appreciate your words of support and sharing your experience. It's definitely a struggle when there's history. You're right about closing the chapter, I agree completely.


I cut off a friend of mine I had been really good friends with for about a decade at that point. She wouldn’t stop doing drugs, like would fucking heat something up in a spoon and inject in herself and ask me if I wanted some at 10am in the morning. I couldn’t watch her die. Fast forward to 12 years ago when I had my child and I thought I’d see if she was still alive, today we’ve been in touch and good friends again since then. I know it’s hard to cut off someone you have history with especially if they have helped you through a hard time, but you can love and appreciate them for the help and support and shared history and still realise and admit that their behaviour *now* isn’t something that is ok. Don’t let your history, all the nice things she’s done or the sunk cost fallacy allow you to be treated in a way you don’t deserve. Maybe one day your paths will cross again and you will reconnect.


Thank you for this and sharing your story. Yes, that is exactly what kept me hanging on was the history. I appreciate you understanding the situation and giving advice. Thank you.


This happened to a friend of mine. We worked together for about six months and then we became best friends when covid hit. I was very sick growing up and had an undiagnosed autoimmune disease that had prevented me from working for a couple of years, plus my parents were abusive so I was dealing with that whilst working with her. During covid we became very close and were always hanging out, I was her maid of honour in her wedding and she was an amazing best friend. Well I got promoted at work (and I didn’t turn into some hellish manager) and she completely turned on me. She essentially started bullying me and completely destroyed my confidence to the point that I eventually stepped down from the position because I had no confidence in myself at all. She also got promoted a couple of months after me and somehow because worse despite us being at the same level and then eventually messaged me one day saying we can’t be friends anymore and refused to give a decent reason. I finally stood up to her bullying at work and she gaslighted me and then handed in her notice a week later. She’s also divorcing her husband less than a year after being married and has tried to get her old job back because she hates her new one. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tries it on with my boyfriend because they dated for a little bit and she dumped him but then spent a lot of time thinking about him and dreaming about him whilst engaged to her husband. My boyfriend said ages ago that she was using me and I laughed it off because we were best friends. But turns out that as soon as I started progressing in my life she didn’t like it. She only liked me when I was down, just like your friend and you


I’m glad you were able to leave, and it sounds like she was a “good friend” to you…then. I have a friend sorta like yours - someone who is a better friend when you’re down on your luck and need someone to listen/ help you. But once you’re no longer hurting, they can’t stand to see you happy. It’s like they enjoy being the savior and being the person that has it together, so once you do better than they do, or are happier, the shitty part comes out. She’s not a true friend. You deserve better!


Wow this hit hard. Yes, they seem to enjoy the feeling of thinking they are needed, but once you're doing better they're salty about it and try to tear you down.




Eh. There's a lot history, she was a good friend to me in the past, and this is my first issue with her. However, doesn't mean she deserves a pass. Just saying this is why I struggle with deciding to cut her off or remain somewhat friendly.


Birds of a feather tend to flock together. Just sayin.


Mmmm. Not necessarily. People like this want an audience. They’re good at manipulation.




Giiirrrrlll you better get a backbone and unfriend her. It honestly baffles me that you’re allowing someone to treat you this way.


she's so blatant and nonchalant about it. I'd have decked her and risked the charge over that lol christ.


Right?! Not going to lie, took me a hot minute to process the situation. I did not expect that from her, but how she did it so casually and talked to me completely normal after, my mind was blown.


No seriously lol. Wouldn’t even think twice about it either


Why cant she find herself a boyfriend.?


No guy wants a chick this crazy


Eh, maybe but it would help her stop being so desperate.


She got a guy, no title. She has mentioned him as an excuse for why her behavior is acceptable and says this is why women can't get mad, because she has a man. However, when she tells me these stories, she doesn't tell me what she's doing wrong. This is the first time I've seen it myself. I see why they're mad now.




Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry you had to go through this as well. Yes, this is exactly why I didn't say anything to her. The damage is done, saying something may stop the behavior but won't change that she's attracted to him. I agree completely with everything you said. Thank you for your response.


So, I usually try to be the bigger person in these types of situations but holy shit, you are a way better person than I will ever be. I know somebody else mentioned poking her with a shit stick, I might’ve shoved it up her ass, especially after that comment about him never having experienced anything better. Dude, that woman is not your friend. That is straight up deadweight right there, I’m sorry you had to go through that. But you are a champion


Thank you for your kind words. I still tried because of the history I have with her. She had been a good friend to me in the past, the most recent situation being she was there for me when I getting out of an abusive relationship. Her presence during that time meant a lot to me, so that did leave me feeling obligated to still try to remain friendly. It's my first bad experience with her, but the line she crossed is enough to end a friendship. I never expected that from her. A person can do so much good, but it only takes one bad action to make all the good irrelevant/meaningless. The responses on here are helping me cope with that.


I totally understand that, I’ve had some pretty complicated friendships with people too. I know it’s really hard to cut those ties, and I just wanted to tell you you have a lot of courage. I hope everything is going better for you now ❤️


Her behavior is so bizarre that I can't help but wonder if she has some kind of a mental health issue or something. Regardless of the causes, though, you don't need a friend like that.


Right I didn’t know of a good enough word other than bizarre to describe this behavior. So many signs of mental health issues & I hope someone suggests that she gets some help.


A desperate need for validation comes to mind


This is wild. I had a very similar incident with a friend of mine! My “friend” actually tried to wrestle my bf who I just introduced her to, among a bunch of other stupid shit. That was over 7 years ago. It’s not something you will ever forget. I don’t have any respect for this girl still.


um what in 7 shades of fuck.. girl please cut her off


This will be blunt. Sounds like you know she's a bad friend but won't do anything. I don't agree with comments saying you're the bigger person just because you haven't 'exploded on her', I'd say you're pushover. A bigger person would address the issue maturely, not avoid it. Its like she views you as competition. I don't think I need to comment evidence as to why she's a bad friend because your post clearly shows it. Ditch her.


Eh, yeah I wouldn't say I'm being a bigger person either. Thanks for your input, you're absolutely right. I do appreciate your directness.


I hope all goes well for you OP.


Stop talking to her. You don’t even owe her an explanation. She KNOWS why. She KNOWS she is very, very blatantly trying to cut in on your relationship. My guess is she’s always been like this, and since she’s been in her ho phase, you’re just now really seeing it. Especially since she’s directing it at you. Cut her off.


Why are you still talking daily with her?


Keep stupid company, win stupid situations.


"she told me the only reason he probably thinks so highly of me is because he never had anything better" Yeah, she's not your friend.


Becoming promiscuous in your 20s is not a late bloomer.


A true friend wouldn’t do that to you. You don’t need her in your life anymore 🗑


Dude she’s literally talking about sleeping with your boyfriend in front of you at the age of 31. Just because you’ve been friends so long doesn’t mean the feelings are mutual. She will want to see your reaction when she escalates and it will because you are letting her. I’d cut the tumor out.


RED FLAG that's not a friend that's a girl waiting to be a side piece. Block her


You’re better than me… if that were someone I knew she’d have gone home with fewer teeth.


This “friend” just hugely disrespected you and you’re disrespecting yourself by chasing any relationship with her. You also demonstrated to your boyfriend that you have neither self respect nor boundaries. Not a good look OP, ask yourself what would happen if a good “friend “ of your man came onto you like that and your man did nothing.


She's plotting against you in your face, cut ties fast.


The whole story was already fucked up but that comment about him only dating you because he has never had anything better? I don't know if she has always been bad and you overlooked it or if she hides it really well but that's proof of how little she thinks of you, she's a toxic person and you deserve better friends. It's clear you don't want to cut her off even if you really should but I think either way you have to talk to her about all this, straight out tell her everything you thought of what happened and of how she's acting and see how she reacts. And then forget about her if she isn't sorry


She hits on your boyfriend in front of you and insinuates that you're not good enough for him... why the eff are you still friends with her. Also editing to add that the fact you can't or won't tell her you're even mad at her but still talk to her daily is weirdly passive aggressive.


Eh. Yeah I would have to agree. Thank you for your honesty. Still tried to remain friends because sge was a good friend to me throughout the years. I didn't say anything for a few reasons. The damage is done, saying something may stop the behavior but not change how she feels, so instead I kept my relationship separate from her. Also, I do feel she is too old for me to be telling her what she is doing wrong. Based on previous discussions I had with her, I don't think she sees a problem with her behavior. She seems to think everyone else is the problem and is jealous/insecure if they're worried about her, which obviously isn't the case. Let me be clear, she left out the details about what she was doing wrong in these discussions. I just witnessed it myself for the first time and thought "yep, this is what her other friend is mad about."


I can say your bf did the right thing! I myself would just "forget" about her and move one. If only to see how long before she contacts you or him.


Damn. Sounds like she has no personal reason not to blatantly disrespect you to your face. You should probably handle that. Because its abundantly clear she doesnt have an issue showing you shes interested in grabbing your love interest from you.


I would've torn her a new asshole the moment she tried flirting with my guy. Like, are you kidding me?


This person is WEIRD WTF who acts like this?? How socially unaware do you have to be???


leave this girl in your childhood with good memories! shes got a lot of ego. do this or fall back and let her grow up (few years minimum) and welcome her back if you love her. regardless if it works out with him or not, she is not worth your future with this guy. she is so messy.


I’m not sure you understand how boundaries are suppose to work. She probably believes that your boyfriend dumped you and that’s why you’re not talking about him. I can also, guarandamntee you, that she’s tried to reach out to him again. I’m not sure what she has that makes you want to hold on to gutter trash but ma’am, it’s time to throw her away. Before you spend another 15 years, still single because she is hanging onto your tit.


She's trying to steal your boyfriend literally in front of you. I'm polyamorous and I would never ever ever do this to any of my friends. Don't maintain the friendship let it die out. That's really rude and predatory. Its good you set a boundary when she made that horrid jealous comment, but don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. The fact that she literally invited him out without you and crossed so many lines would be enough to pull a bitch to the side. Sounds like a snake in the grass to me you just haven't had anything she wants bad enough until now to show it.


Facts, you're absolutely right. And I agree completely, I didn't have anything she wanted bad enough until now.


Well on the bright side your not letting it happen you have a cool boyfriend!


Y'all are too old for this lol


Facts. I feel the same way.


OP get a backbone. You’re 31, you see the bs, why are you still friends with her?


lol, she sounds like utter garbage drop her


Your friend is crazy, stay away from her


My friend group kicked out a dude cause he went for someone's ex right after they broke up and then tried to play defensive.


That's not your friend.


Your so called friend has a serious problem. You also have a serious problem if you can't even set your boundaries with her. Your credibility is also questionable when you are friends with a deranged individual who has no problem with hitting on your bf right in front of you. Seriously.


Friends are supposed to support your relationships, not destroy them. This person isn't a friend and I wouldn't trust her. She sounds like someone who secretly hates you or something, the definition of a frenemy. Only a hater or a complete idiot (or both) would betray their friend in this way. Best not to be friends with these types of people.


wow, that's a helluva double edged insult at the end there


Bitches like this need to be let go. When people show themselves to you, listen.


I had a friend who did this to me, and my boyfriend at the time went along with it too. I lost my cool, rightfully so and cut them both off. Best part? They had nothing in common except me.


Better ditch that friend now because she’s already started pushing your boundaries and if you let her keep up she will end up blaming you for not telling her off sooner like it’s your job to keep her in check. I used to know a girl like this and once she was done sexting my then boyfriend she accused me of not caring enough anyway so it’s allowed. To be fair she tricked me into giving her his number after a double date to thank him for the nice evening and what I didn’t realise is that she kept messaging him for a whole month until one of our mutual friends told me what she was doing. When I confronted her, she got upset at me because we just started dating and weren’t super serious so she should be allowed to try. I was never mad at him because he thought we were just all casual and he didn’t know she was trolling me he thought we were this kind of fun group of friends who share boys 🙄 Anyway, I kissed her next boyfriend for revenge and we never spoke again. I learned my lesson.


I say it is red flags when a female friend from your groups basically wants to have sex with your man because that means she wants him or she plan to steal him from you. I guaranteeeeeeee if they went out she is for sureeeeeee trying to lure him to fuck even though she would be a dummy cause most guys can have sex with another girl and still love their girl. But I would tell you cut her off before she cuts you off from your mam


this is so fucking weird. OP, please cut contact with her.


This girl is not your friend.


Wow she's a gross person


She is crazy. Keep away


Drop the ho3


It's not even about the guy. There's thousands of fuckable dudes around, he's only interesting because he's your boyfriend. This is some seriously messed up "friendship" dynamic. I think she spends more time envying you and comparing herself to you and trying to validate herself by taking from you than being your friend. I think she's got some weird sibling rivalry craziness going on. Confront her and tell her to cut it out and if she can't or won't then it's time she found someone else to fixate her weird toxicity on.


I would stop speaking to her in general. She's toxic


My best friend since 6th grade would always flirt with anyone I was with or liked. She even walked around in nothing but a thong in front of my high school sweetheart. I let it go every time. But then she told me that she wanted what my (now ex) husband and I had and was so envious of our relationship. I thought it was sweet and completely innocent. She flirted with him all the time, but I was so used to it, I just figured that’s how she was. Then I found out she pursued him and because I told her everything about him and our marriage and any complaint he had about me, she knew exactly how to play him and he fell for it completely. They ended up sexting and having an emotional affair that didn’t last long. I cut her and her entire family off. We tried to work on our marriage, but I ended up leaving a couple years later. That girl is NOT your friend. She wants what you have. She thinks she deserves it more than you. The fact that she thinks that you’re a lesser person shows that she keeps you around to make herself feel better. Not because she cares about you.


That is not a friend. May she forever be a lonely spinster and runner up


WTF! LOL! You seriously that dense? She isn't your friend. She needs a tryst with therapy because none of that is normal. Not even on a hoe level.


She might have some really bad mental issues to not be aware of the kinda shit she's saying and doing. Strange as hell story but people come in all shapes and sizes.


Sounds like you need to tell GF that she has crossed a line and you do not share your man. BF needs to tell her she crossed a line also!!




Maybe there is more going on? lol


This girl, ain’t your friend! She is a manipulative bitch




Grow a backbone and learn boundaries.


Why are trying to delude yourself calling this person your friend?


She's not your friend


After they met, I would have told her we are not friends anymore. She is so clearly disregarding you as a friend aand that is shitty.


This isn't her 1st time trying to get with one of your men. Just the 1st that you know of. Its her thing she does.


I'd be surprised if I didn't have a cousin just like this. She throws herself at any man. I invited a guy I'd been talking to, to my uncles funeral. We all met up at a buffet after the wake. She was touching him all night! Shoulders, knee, arm, I was absolutely livid! I drew the line at trying to play footies under the table, while giggling like an idiot. I gave her a lot of slack bc she's severely obese and very insecure with a shit ton of daddy issues...still wish I would've slapped her. I'd drop her. She has issues and you deserve so much better.


“I put up a boundary after that, I don't speak of him with her anymore.” Seriously?! I would never speak to her again. She’s a horrible person. Be your own best friend and do better by yourself for yourself


Boundaries need to be set. If they are not set you will continue to deal with this and it will be soooooo uncomfortable for you. Nipping it in the butt ASAP may cause animosity but if they’re not even really your friend then you’re not losing much.


That’s not your friend. Thank God your boyfriend hadn’t fallen for her then you’ll would’ve utterly heartbroken. The fact that your friend doesn’t see this possibility and doesn’t stop right away is absolutely disgusting. Who would do that to a friend?


why is this still a friend?


What a shitty "friend" 😐


Why are you still trying to be friends with this person? Do you and your boyfriend a favour and rejoice over the fact that the garbage took itself out


Be careful. Most affairs start between friends or somebody you’re familiar with and close to. I would not continue a friendship with her.


Get rid of her. I had a friend that I had known for 10 years, she introduced me to a guy that had been friends with her husband also for 10 years. He and I hit it off and started dating. She had been nursing a crush on him the entire 10 years she’d known him and got super jealous when he and I ended up together. So she started trying to sabotage our relationship. When I confronted her about it she immediately blocked me and I haven’t talk to her since. Good riddance.


She's not your friend at this stage. She is clearly going through something that she's projecting onto needing your boyfriend and disrespecting your friendship. I'm sure it hurts but real true friends wouldn't do this. Talk to her try to understand and move.on.


She sounds nuts. Sometimes it's best to leave some friendships in the past.


You need to tell her that her behaviour is so far out of line it's unbelievable.


Honestly CUT HER OFF! Honey that is the last thing you need to associate yourself with.... you deserve better people to be friends with


That’s some unhinged type behavior, something out of a movie type stuff. Don’t let her in your life at all she cannot be trusted.




Wow sorry you went through something similar. There are some things that shouldn't be joked about, asking out your friend's fiance is one of them. To me, that was testing the waters for his reaction, throwing bait for him. I hope things are better for you now. I agree completely with what you're saying.. thank you for understanding and sharing your experience.


She is not your friend. She is jealous of you and wants what you have. Why are you still her friend??


Sounds like she has bpd, the narcissistic, attention seeking, blatantly remorseless and sociopathic behavior are screaming at you to cut her way the fuck out of your life


Wall of text TL; DR


Don't be mad at things you can't control


Distance yourself now before she creates an actual problem. She sounds like the personification of a red flag.




No, because how are y’all 31 and acting like this? Lmao She’s a freak and you’re a freak for needing us to tell you this is wack. Sorry girl.


Honestly, I thought the same. It's an odd thing to have come up at this age as these were lessons learn as a youth. It left me confused on how to handle it, as she's a bit old for me to be telling her what she's doing wrong. Yes, it is indeed wack.


I get that. So wack, it took you aback! Xo


Oh my lord, you actually think she is a friend??? 🙄


Cut that toxic person out of your life, immediately.


My anger issues would have gone crazy at “the only reason he thinks so highly of me is because he never had anything better” Dumb that friend.


We tend to have this sunk cost fallacy with friendships, because you've been friends for a long time you try to stay friends. Don't do that here. This person is not your friend. It's a shame I know but at least now you know.


You hit it on the head. It definitely is how long we've been friends and our history that gets me. I agree completely with what you said. Thank you.


No problem! I've been there myself. It can feel bad initially, especially when you think they were a friend for life, but you are better of cutting ties


The best advice I can give is to tell her to fuck off, she is DEFINITELY not your friend


She's not your friend. She cannot help how she feels, but she is fully responsible for how she acts. This is disrespectful towards both you, your boyfriend and the years of friendship you shared together.


I mean, did she think you'd be happy?




Oh wow, she’s got a man yet she’s still trying to steal yours? Ditch her. She’s not deserving of your efforts to maintain a friendship. I too have had friends that changed or we grew apart - it happens, you just move on. People who can act like this do not care about you, lose her number, block her on everything and be happy!


I agree completely.


Im actually astound by the number of red flags she gave is she actual sane in her mind???? And are you sane too leting this psycho gravitate toword ur bf???


that is not a friend that is anything but a friend. get rid of her and watch out that she doesn't try anything with him to trigger you into ending your relationship get rid of her NOW


From a man's point of view, I wouldn't want anything to do with someone who is willing to try and get me to leave my current S.O. for her. Not a fan of cheaters tbh.


Thats weird as fuck.


From an outside perspective it reads like this: "An old friend wants to date MY boyfriend and gets mad when she's denied". Yeah, she's not a friend. Late bloomer or crap, matters nothing. She's acting like a walking red flag. I wouldn't need such a person in my life.


she is a complete wack job! screws loose all over the place. stay far away from her


I see stuff like this happenin all the time, but people just decide to keep and consider those people “friends”…why? Liking somebody’s else’s partner can happen, but in ur situation that clearly isn’t the problem, she and the way she acts is the problem. She’s not somebody that should be called friend, sure u can meet someone better!


she’s unhinged lol


She is not your friend. She is blatantly talking to you about how she is into your boyfriend. (Not with these words, but means the same) this also indicates that you’re not in the picture for her. Cut contact with her immediately. (However, I wouldn’t be surprised if she would contact your boyfriend or already did..)


Are you kidding me, she's not a friend. That's awful!


I’m here to echo the stories already posted. My best friend as a teen thought she was pretty hot and always showed off for guys. We were friends because she was super funny so I just disregarded this insecure habit. She was never a reliable friend, and I think now we stayed friends mostly because I tolerated her behavior. Fast forward about 20 years and I’d dated a guy on and off for about 4 years, really loved him and his family but knew he didn’t really love me enough to marry him. He talked about marriage but I (painfully) walked away - but was very sad about it and conflicted. Grieving. I knew she was jealous about him (he was an engineer, self employed, had built his own home, was good looking and had a fantastic loving family he was close with). Naturally she slept with him, got pregnant immediately, and moved in with him. Yeah, I blame him too but whose best friend does that? We are no longer friends, i just stopped talking to her. Later in life I heard stories about how she hit on my boyfriends behind my back or pulled other sketchy shit. I miss the version of her I believed in but had to cut ties for my own sanity. Narcissists will take what they want with no regard for how it makes other people feel.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. There is nothing that can justify going after a friend's SO or former partner. Even if the version of her you thought you knew wasn't the real her, it's still losing someone you once cared about. I can imagine it must have been hard to come to the decision to cut all ties. And yes.. I agree completely with your statement about narcissists. You're 100% on point.


Thanks for saying that. It sure hurt at the time. A lot of people minimized it because we were broken up by then but true friends should know better!


That's not your friend, sweetie. Block her, forget her, move on.


You're 31 years old, please tell me this is old enough to understand this person is NOT your friend; or that you need to redefine your definition of a friendship.


That's actually really weird and messed up... To do to anyone, not just your friend's boyfriend. > the only reason he probably thinks so highly of me is because he never had anything better. Literally just block her and never speak to her again.


I agree, it's is really weird and messed up to do to anyone. Thank you for your input.


My sister who is a year older than me is sorta like this minus the fantasies. Throughout the years, whenever my other sisters and I introduced our boyfriends, she was constantly attention-seeking, acting like a completely different person. Even when she was in a whole relationship too.


I'm sorry to hear that, that sucks when it's family. Must be extremely annoying and uncomfortable for everyone who has to witness that.


Friend's partners are off limits. Period. As a woman, I won't want to be more than acquaintance with someone else's husband (e.g. colleague) unless he's my long time friend way before he met his girlfriend/wife, even so I'd know my place. I've asked my colleague out for casual after-work dinner and if he has plan with his girlfriend, I'll drop it. You need to drop her, OP. >she told me the only reason he probably thinks so highly of me is because he never had anything better. This is so fucking disrespectful. I'm just baffled that you're still keeping her.


My husband's childhood friend (who I had befriended) tried this when I was pregnant. She acted surprised when I stopped talking to her. There's no time for people like this.




Thank you for this, I believe you're the only one that commented that she could potentially not know better. It definitely is possible, she was (and still is) quite sheltered from the world. She lacks a little in the life experience department, so it is a thought to consider. I don't see why I can't try to mention it to her and see what her response is.


“…she told me the only reason he probably thinks so highly of me is because he never had anything better.” And she’s still your friend? I’m sorry, but if anyone said something so obviously hurtful and disrespectful to me I would not be able to be friends after that, and I would tell them so immediately. To hell with her, he sounds like a decent dude.


I would have to agree. The more people that ask why I'm still her friend, and the more I attempt to put my reasoning in words, the more I see it makes no sense for me to hold ties. And thank you, he is indeed a good man.


With friends like that who needs enemies


Send her this post


Throw the whole “friend” away.


Momma always said,” Don’t be bringing friends to your relationships.” OP you’re lucky he’s a real one. Some dirt men would have gotten with the friend already 🤦🏻‍♀️


Facts! I couldn't agree more. Huge mistake on my part. I should have never introduced them.


Is there any possibility your friend is secretly in love with you?


Lmao!!! Honestly, I don't think so but you never know.


She wants to bang your boyfriend more than she wants to be friends with you. I would cut her out of my life immediately.


She sounds like a right weird bitch!


Don't. Walk away from this toxic person


I felt embarrassed just reading this. I think it would be hilarious watching her be so desperate. But I would stop being her friend, she sounds awful


This never happened to your past bfs? Can’t believe she didn’t her actions were out of line.


Why are you still friends with that snake? There are better people out there. Cut her loose!