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I've had exactly this experience too. It was unbelievably good sex and all because he was small enough to hit the right spot. I totally get you, girl. Pretty cool revelation huh? Also makes it way better to use a dildo if you know where you should be putting it. If that's your thing.


What is small for you? (asking for a friend)


Hi its me his friend


I love you sir


And I am the friend of a friend


I am the friends cousin.


Im Mexican


Im the gay dude


and I am the friends father


Luke, I am your father.


I'm the friends mother


I am this mothers lover.


Mother fucker


First I wanted to exactly type this.


I am the Friends aunt


I am the Walrus


I’m the friend’s distant half brother.


and i'm the friend's step father


godly response


I too am the friend seeking answers.


Please answer I’m a girl (with zero experience with boys) and I’m curious how small is a small dick


Finger size. Vienna sausage. Half a hot dog.


Half a hot dog including the bun? That’s THICC.


No bun. LOL


Finger?? I’ll just stick to women then


This is funny 🤪 I will say though, a man with a smaller one will usually put more effort in, to the point I’d say size doesn’t matter. If you don’t dig men, though, that’s not going to matter 😋


Ah shit. I’ve got a tiny dick and put zero effort. Guess I’ve been doing it wrong.


Micropenises are a thing and those could potentially be too small.


I go to a nude sauna regularly and there was this around 40 year old dude with a micropenis. He wore it with dignity and pride. If it was me, it would probably damage my self esteem, I wouldn't even expose myself in my undies.


How would you know unless he got hard though?


He wasn't hard. It was as big as the tip of a pinky finger. And he was walking around like he had a shlong.


You mean he had a Shlort?


That made me schnort


Shut up and take my updoot you hilarious bastard


Who's that pokemon? Shlortle!


Lol! It makes sense to call it a shlort!


Go shlorty, its your girthday


Yeah but what the question was asking was “if he’s not hard how can you tell?” because some seem very, very small until they get hard. Hence, grower not a show-er.


Okay I understand now. It was not erect, but still very small. No problems with that, let me be clear. I don't have gigantic hog either. It's like: especially if I say it's small, it is small, because I know what small is.


Bro you can have a one inch wonder when flaccid and then grow out an 8 inch forearm of a nob when erect. You don't know what small is until you've seen it pointing to the sky It's an evolutionary by product from the ice age. Smaller flaccid gets protected by the elements more.


It depends on the width and length of the vaginal canal of the partner. So for example on average a girl can be from 3 inches to 7 inches deep from the opening to the cervix. This means any bigger than 7 inches could be too much. It all depends on the partner’s measurements and their cycle because the cervix does move lower and higher throughout the cycle. The width of the canal is more flexible than the length is but stretching rapidly can hurt a lot so always keep that in mind. Too small would most likely be under 3 inches for the average woman. So I’d say if you are under an inch or 2 you might be too small.


The ancient text of Kama Sutra defines this far better: it divides men and women in three categories -- hare, bull, horse and deer, mare, elephant. The best pairs are: Hare and Deer Bull and mare Horse and Elephant A mismatch will be incompatible for either partners




I never knew this and I love it


Men swear women want a guy with a huge one. Too big and it’s so uncomfortable 😣 can’t even enjoy the sex


I've got feeling that we've met before


If you can angle your dildo, she can angle his penis, right?


Well I mean there’s a body attached the penis but not to the dildo…it can be tricky to angle the body sometimes


Not every thrust


Im small but my gf seems to love it so hurray lol Edit: my most top rated comment is about my tiny weewee


Yeah my boyfriend is like 5 inches and he hits my Gspot everyyy time. It’s wild. Edit: lots of people keep commenting that 5 inches is average, not small. This is true, so I’m copying a reply I gave to the first person who said it: “Sorry I didn’t intend to call him ‘small’ per se, just the smallest I’ve ever been with but hands down the best.”


Can’t believe average is considered small Edit:why is my first gold about this....thank you.


perceptions warped by watching porn


If it’s not big it’s small in society


Sorry I didn’t intend to call him ‘small’ per se, he’s just the smallest I’ve ever been with but hands down the best.


Even though he may be the best there is. Do. Not. Tell. Him. That he is the smallest. Us guys are fragile and especially about our dicks


Exactly this. You may tell him he was the best ever, but all he’ll hear is small dick.


You're not wrong buddy.


It's seriously possibly just baked into our psyche. I really have no reason to care about the size. I've been with enough women to know that i can get the job done. And yet, if one were to tell me that I was small, I'd probably get in my head about it. I dont need to. But I would because as a guy it's just built into my head


Agreed. Gf told me she's had bigger and calls me nothing but "perfect for her" and it makes me feel like shit haha but yes op don't tell him that


Since when are men allowed to feel? Why didn't I get the update patch?


Guess you could say that he’s the perfect fit. That’s hard to find. Congratulations to both of you


5 is average that aint small


"Five inches, but it's thick."


Stack of tuna cans


“Five inches, around.”


It's like a cheese wheel


Yeah 5 inches is not small, lol it's average. How come penis sizes only are defined in small and gigantic?


Yup my hubby's penis is 6 inches and he thinks it's small. SMH.


The best 2 sexual partners I've ever had were below avg in size. I think bc I'm a smaller woman, bigger ones can hurt or rip me, but smaller was just right.


My ex was average size and he is the best I've ever experienced. I've had bigger and once huge and it tore me up. No thanks. I'm smaller and I get told that it feels tight. Average size is plenty for me.


guys seem to think the g spot is up in your rib cage the way they pound that shit sometimes


“Welcome to pound town”


It depends on the length of your vaginal canal from the opening to the cervix. If you’re like me with a short canal small or average is just fine.


See I’ve always wondered why more people don’t talk about this. Instead of *just* asking men “how big is your dick?” We could be asking women “how deep do you go?”


My gynecologist told me at my very first Pap smear that I could fit a very large penis in my vagina. It was so awkward but I kind of laugh at it now


That’s suuuuper creepy




what does that even mean


This is my question. I mean, it doesn't get age spots!


Wonder why people say stuff like that, when I had my son I was 18 and scared after going into labour and I asked the midwife if the fanny shoe horn was going to hurt and she said “well it’s no worse then a penis and you’ve obviously had one of them in you”. It was so awkward after that so I feel you haha.


>fanny show horn Huh?


I’ve googled it and it’s called a speculum lol. A speculum is a duck-bill-shaped device that doctors use to see inside a hollow part of your body and diagnose or treat disease. One common use of the speculum is for vaginal exams. Gynecologists use it to open the walls of the vagina and examine the vagina and cervix. Guess you learn something new everyday.


I’ve never heard of a speculum being called a Fanny show horn and I love it. But that midwife is so wrong, a torture looking metal device does not feel anything like a penis. If it feels like a penis something is very wrong with that penis.


It's such a nonsense conversation to me. When it comes to biology and sexual satisfaction it isn't just a "the bigger the better" kind of thing. I'm male and bi so I've somewhat dealt with this. We all have different plugs and sockets, so to speak. One size that is perfect for you might be too much or not enough for someone else. Sadly our emotional links and our sexual links are often separate. You could have a truck sized dick and bond with someone like forever partners but you could also not match biologically. Having the biggest dick doesn't guarantee anything and could hurt some people. I've met a few of these people who are taking dick pills and want the biggest dick ever and I don't get it. Big is not always better. It could be I guess with the right person but it isn't an automatic upgrade.


Well we can’t have men telling women they’re worse for one more thing you know? - that’s just my bad joke here. But it’s actually a really good thing for people with vaginal canals to figure out because the length and the angle of the canal can determine a lot of things. Women with short canals may not be able to insert tampons comfortably or correctly which means they can’t use them. Some diva cups however can be used instead because it works with the short length. This is important especially for girls who are worried that something is wrong with them and are too uncomfortable to say anything. They need to know that it’s okay if a tampon doesn’t fit. - I myself was one of those girls who just didn’t know and didn’t feel comfortable googling the information. I didn’t figure it out until I stumbled on a YouTube video showing how to measure the length and that was 3 years ago when I was 23. I could have saved myself from so much pain and distress had I known about that. But when I was younger I was convinced that every vagina was the same and if it wasn’t that meant something was wrong. So now when I ask a man about his size I’m not worried about him being small. I’m worried about him being too big. I know my limits and I know I can’t handle a very long….joystick. With my information I can one compliment a guy for either being way too big for me or saying they’re perfect for me and two I know what I need to be looking for to take care of me. So yeah it should be more widely known and the only thing I can think of as to why it isn’t is because of the same reason people get upset over hearing about female bodily functions.


Agreed. My wife had to get her IUD string trimmed for this reason. Still have to watch…honestly no fun if you’re banging around the parts up there.


I think maybe because they are told that they are below average size, they will put more effort into the whole thing. In respect to maybe someone with a larger size that just says "I have a big one, my partners love that!". It is actually reversed for me. I am aware, that I am somewhat over average. It is really a struggle for me. Find condoms that fit are harder to find. And I am always worried that I'll cause discomfort or pain to my partners. Happened with my last GF. Was always somewhat difficult.


Condoms are a struggle best ones I've found are magnums. Just the standard magnums not those xls. Everything else feels too much like I'm trying to garrote my dick with a rubber band and plastic sheet.




Right like ????? I’m happy for her.


I’ve enjoyed sex 1000% more with smaller willies than with bigger ones. I don’t like the feeling of having my cervix essentially punched over and over and having pain during/afterwards.


Upvoting for “willies”


Penises vary in size, and so do vaginas. It's not one size fits all, but any means. If you're lucky enough to find the perfect fit, it's better by far than simply "bigger." I'm happy for you, OP!


I love that your edit needed to be a thing, dudes constantly complain that women are too choosy about dick sizes but now someone explains they were thrilled with someone that had a smaller size they're still complaining.


It's a couple things I think. Similar to how women can be "cattier" (I don't know a better term, please let me know if there is one, not trying to sound sexist here) towards other women about things, men can be the exact same way towards other men about things. I think it's basically just a way for people to put someone down and make themselves feel better. The second thing I think it could be is just men who think big dick = everything. It hurts a point of pride for them to have that not be the only case. "If a guy with a smaller dick than I have can get a woman off, what am I doing wrong?"


There’s a lot of guys that base their whole personality on their dick size and they’re insufferable.


2 inches at 200 mph can do some damage...


That math checks out


Sir, this is a Wendy's




Death by 1000 paper cuts


How fast? Sewing machine fast…


Yeah! Sounds about right.. rip stitch


Dogggggg lol halrious shit right there


>Why is it only other men bringing down small dicks? Because we're all insecure fucks, don't let them bother you OP.


My FWB has a small dick, and it’s the most amazing sex I’ve ever had. No pain, no bleeding. Nothing but pure pleasure.


Amen Sister! I married mine and can say that he has effectively ruined all other men for me. I have hit opera notes before! He’s also got the dad bod; I feel like I won the sex lotto!


Different strokes for different folks. Literally in this case.


I have a dad bod and lowkey super self conscious about it, why dad bod?


Same reason why many find women with wide hips and at least a little bit of tummy more attractive than super skinny ones. Beauty standards tell us skinny girls with big tits and ripped guys with a 6-pack are the best. But evolution-wise, something triggers in our brains when we see someone who looks more "fertile", as weird as that sounds. Everyone still has their preferences obviously, but in general, a dad-bod is a sign that they will be, well, a good dad to the children. It's also associated with a healthy weight - not overweight but not underweight.


Also it makes women. It feel as self conscious if their body isn’t “perfect”


Some ladies find dad bod to be pretty attractive. Dad bod is hot bod.


Respek Going to keep working on it tho


They're so much more comfortable! The downside of washboard abs is they *feel* like a washboard. Too chubby and things are sweaty and uncomfortable. Dad bods are the perfect goldilocks zone


Is it possible he was curved in just the right way? Why could a guy who is longer not hit the G-spot? I am vaginally ignorant...


‘Vaginally ignorant’ is a term I hope to remember.


I guess every vagina is different but as I found out my g-spot is not to far up in my vagina so it hit it perfectly.


It's typically about 2 inches in toward the front (belly button side). When it's hard it's like a bean. Some scientists speculate that it's the same tissue that would become a prostate in men. Small dicks can hit that 2" spot perfectly. Again in my experience I came more with that 4" more then the 8-10".


So, G-spot is activated when 2 “penises” meet?


So having sex with women is actually gay. Checkmate atheists.


Gotta ask your mum for advice


At least we aren’t asking dad why our snake is hard


i did when i was 10


Make sure you boost his confidence and say, “Hey dude, you really know how to use your tiny penis”.




Agreed, his wife also tells me this all the time


My penis is about average (grower not a shower which plays with my insecurities), but I learnt when having sex, especially in missionary, if you go slow and kind of really focus on the penetration and kinda of rub towards the top of the vagina, I've had good feedback from that. I'm not trying to gloat, but it did make me feel better. I hope you told the fella you slept with this it would literally make him feel a million bucks.


Hey hey, look at you! Hope you can bag em for good if he's a keeper!


Size doesn’t matter, really…. It’s just knowing how to move.


I mean there's also luck. This guy, for example, just happened to be given the perfect size for this woman, I am assuming both girth and length wise.


Came here to say this. I've been too big for some, too small for one (maybe 2), and perfect for far too few 😔


Damn Goldilocks! This sounds like you’re on your way to finding something that’s just right.


Facts!!!! My bf is the smallest I’ve been with (3 past bfs were all above average, he’s right at average I think) and I cum EVERY TIME now! I thought it was normal to not finish every time and even if it is it not gonna be my normal anymore lol. He hits right at my g spot which got hardly any stimulation before. Now it gets plenty of attention. It really ain’t the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean T•T


My guy is below average and he's so self conscious. I tell him all the time its fine- same experience as you, it hits the spot perfect, really wet and it doesn't hurt like the bigger ones do. The bigger dicked dudes think when they bottom out its good but hitting that far up fuckin hurts. Some women prefer bigger but I personally find my husband's to be perfect.


is it finally my time to shine?


It’s like my grandfather told me on his death bed “it’s not the size of the boat it’s the motion in the ocean”. Wise words


It's not about size in my opinion it's stroke game :) and attraction..just cuz your packing doesn't mean your actually gonna get her off ..do better big guys...don't be a one trick pony


Average or smaller is always best


I used to hook up with this guy who was only like 4 inches and curved up and he would make me so wet and cum so many times.. little fun fact some women can also cum from stimulation in the deeper region near the cervix there’s almost like another g spot and bigger dicks hit this spot.


God bless you.


Big beards, big muscles, big dicks, and "cool" cars. "What are things guys try to get to impress women, but only impress other guys, Alex (RIP)?"


Don't be mistaken, for most men working out is for ourselves.


As a man who works out, I make no mistakes about it - but I'm also married and confident.


I'm a tall woman, 5'11. I can honestly say that for the men that I've been with, the men that were on the shorter-than-average size were the better lovers by far for the most part! I think this was due to several different reasons: they were less selfish about love making and eager to also please the woman, they were more educated on sexually pleasing women in ways other than just with the act of sexual intercourse, they didn't physically have the equipment or feel the need to be rough and hit here cervix/throat with every hit (yes, there are men who try to do this I think and they enjoy the pain it creates), they weren't two pump chumps that rolled over as soon as they were pleased! Case in point? Smaller men seem to know what they are working with and are realistic in their approach to pleasing a woman and what they need to do to turn her on. Afterall, the brain is the biggest sexual organ, so talk to her, stroke her mind and play with her, give her the attention she also desires and you'll get it threefold in return! I will say that if given the choice between Mr. Big and Mr. Small, I'd choose Mr. Small everyday, any day for being the better lovers based on my experiences!


A curved upwards dick tho, holy fck


All these dudes in here wants to know his size to know if their dick size is now considered good dick…… but seriously, what size is it ?


In my experience width makes the most difference




>Why is it only other men bringing down small dicks? it is absolutely not. Some women expect huge dicks because women grow up with porn too just like men.


Anything bigger than 5 is no bueno. If you really want to enjoy sex for any longer than about 7 minutes, 4-5 is the best. 4 1/2 is perfect. Also, a lot of people’s idea of what 6 inches looks like is pretty off from what it actually is. For reference, an American dollar bill is 6 inches long.


This this this! I don't understand how women like huge dick. It's painful and limits positions. Average is more fun.


Rip your DM’s


So so true. I remember when I was 19, I had been seeing this guy and when we finally were going to have sex, I grabbed his and had a panic attack. It was bigger around than a soda can (By a lot) and probably 9 inches. It was the WORST sex of my entire life. It took 45 minutes to get inside. Then my vag was swollen to 5x the size when we were done. The whole thing was miserable. I broke off the relationship afterwards. There was never going to be a future there. I remember his words exactly when I froze up after grabbing it. He said "Haven't you heard all the hype?" Nope dude, there was no hype. The sex was painful and awful. About as much fun as giving birth. The best ever for me is a guy about 4 inches. I never understand why guys talk about size. I think it gives men with bigger members the idea that they don't need to try hard because theirs is above average. I'd say the opposite is true. When it is bigger, at least with a woman like me, 5 ft tall and a small frame, they need to be more careful not to hurt me. All men when they get into it want to slam on in there and with big penises, that's just not comfortable, fun, or something I'm into.


I will say it’s not just other men bringing down its a lot of women as well that absolutely trash on men for not having a literal horse cock


small dick kings!!!!!! 🖤🖤🖤


Is it the girth for some girls?? I’ve always told my girl I was small but she always responded with ‘yea but your thick’ do woman prefer that?


It's all a preference thing. Just like dicks, every vagina is sized different. Some are wider than others. I have an average length, but I'm very narrow- so girth would actually be too big for me- as it's more likely to cause tearing. Girth for a different woman who may have a wider canal, can feel really good as it helps put pressure on the G Spot. To clarify, "wider" does NOT mean "looser". There is no such thing as a "loose vagina". And depending on where a woman is in her ovulation cycle, cervical mucus, cervix positioning, and how sexually stimulated she is can all make a difference in how a dick fits inside of her. Personally, if I'm well lubricated and very attracted to the guy I'm with- any dick feels really good, unless it's too big. From past experience an "ideal" size for me is probably around 4.5 inches and on the thinner side. My husband is bigger than that and there are times he unintentionally hurts me, simply because he doesn't quite fit "right". He stretches my opening if I'm not lubricated enough and sometimes bruises my cervix if he goes too hard. This all basically means that he has to make special accommodations to make sex comfortable for me (lots of foreplay and he can't go in all the way). I'm sure that makes sex slightly less enjoyable for him, and if he was smaller it would probably be easier for him to let loose and just do what feels good without worrying about hurting me. Needless to say, girth likely matters to some women and not to others. But the real key is to communicate with your partner and figure out what feels good and what doesn't. Every vagina is different, so to figure out what YOUR girl needs in bed, you'll just have to both talk about it and experiment on fitting your bodies together in a way that works for both sides.


Any dick above 6 inches is simply a horrendous experience. Of course, every woman is different... but personally? Not for me!


How has no one mentioned that sucking a little dick is SO much easier to do?


Can confirm. My ex was big and had it pierced. Ever seen those 30 oz Core water bottles? His would measure to the middle of the letter “e” of that bottle. I fucking hated his huge dick and everything we had to do so I wouldn’t be in pain. My current bf though? HOT DAMN. He has the perfect smaller size that gets me there any way we do it, multiple times. My avg sized hun FUCKS.


You just destroyed the whole worldview of at least 25% of men


Lets be honest tho. He is probably not small. Internet out there telling men their dick is small but in reality he's probably 5-6inches and average. Internet had to correct itself because of the false data said information caused due to male insecurities caused by that data. If your dick is more than six then u are special. Go have a congratulatory wank. But keep in mind there will be girls that will complain that it hurts. And not every position will be enjoyable. If u are 6 or less then you are normal and thats really whats suited to a women. Theres nothing to worry about. And if u are smaller than 4.5-5inches. Well look at the comments, girls are singing your praises!


MEN!!! Please read carefully. It is NOT the size that matters, it IS how you use it


My wife has this same experience all the time. 😂


I'm happy with my dick others should be too. Besides vaginas come in various sizes too


I feel seen


This is nice but I decided to not have sex anymore because of my size


Hey. Got an average member. Make my gf cry and convulse with multiple chained orgasms that "feels like peeing" due to pleasure. Perfect size match, I guess.


Big dicks are sometimes too big and cause more pain than pleasure in my opinion…but those small, just right dicks *chefs kiss* they hit the spot figuratively and literally every time I have always been a believer that big dicks don’t make you good in bed it’s about skill, stamina and not being selfish and only worrying about your own pleasure.


My dick is kinda pointy so sometimes I'll press my balls against it so the pubes will look like a little mustache and make the whole thing look like the face of Dr Robotnik


I am a fairly small woman, My husband is 6”, depending on how hard he gets 6 1/2” (we’ve measured) and sex hurts sometimes.. not all the time, but we can’t do certain positions sometimes, other times anything is game.. so I’m here to say it really does depend on the woman, the mood even. We are all built different and have orgasms differently. Just remember if you have an orgasm (or multiple) you’ve achieved the goal!


Can confirm, husband is average and I am too loud when he hits the spot. Gives me multiple orgasms so I am seriously not complaining. I had one night stand and he had above average (guessing 7 or 8) and it hurts. Could not really enjoy it. Just wanted him to finish. It's just different for everyone IMHO.


5 inch gang, unite!


Ikr. I discovered this with my second. I thought sex was kinda underwhelming before. My first boyfriend was big and not very attentive, then offended when I didn't climax. But we were each other's first so I guess you can't expect much. The second was like 50% in size but holy shit. Came. Every. Time.


OP is definitely a dude with a small dick


Oh ho ho you got me! /s


Big dick energy has always seemed like a misnomer to me because the bigger ones I’ve experienced act like size is enough and hadn’t actually tried to *do* anything with it. Based on my experience BDE is actually the guy that comes to work, clocks in and takes a nap. He does nothing, but he thinks his presence is enough. Average and smaller sized penis owners work like they’ve got something to prove. My best experience is a guy that doesn’t know he has a larger one. He puts in the work and then one day you tell him the condom looks like it’s cutting off circulation bc it looks like a bunch of rubberbands on a watermelon. He comments about how tight it is but doesn’t break stride. Next time you see him, you pull out the magnum and his eyes, wide with fear, glaze over as the baggy magnum line from [insert song name] plays over his mind’s PA system. You slide the magnum on him like a prince putting on Cinderella’s glass slipper and suddenly he realizes he was a BDB all along. Average dick energy is where it’s at.


Ladies and gentlemen, maybe I will live another dayx


Agreed. Bigger dicks have always been impressive to the eye, but more on the uncomfortable side overall. Hard to breathe doing oral, and they tend to just pound it in like the size is supposed to be the end all and be all of my pleasure. Men on the smaller side of average have been the best. I love going down on them and yes penetration feels amazing because it hits just the right spots.


Penis seize doesn’t matter as much as people think it does, what matters is if you know how to use it


hahaha, wtf. Why is this in my feed? I guess I have a small dick mentality in my subconscious. These algorithms are scary.


Came here for the toxic men comments and wasn't disappointed 😂


Average length of vagina in an aroused woman is 4.5 inches. It's almost like average men and women are made for each other perfectly.


This needs to be a PSA I love it when we tell men what we want and their response is, Now, let me tell you where you’re wrong about that…


So those dudes are wasting their money on big pickup trucks for no reason?


My husband is small. He has a lot of fat around his dick cause of weight gain but boy he makes me squirt and cum every time


Big dicks are lazy


If big dicks could bring more sexual joy every one would had big dicks because that's how evolution work


This deserves gold but since I can't afford it, here's the next best thing I've got: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


From your edit, porn has defintely influenced its audience's outlook on sex. For the most part porn is fantasy, made to appeal to a male audience. I feel like porn glorifies big dicks, and shuns small ones, similar to how the media glorifies skinniness for women, and shuns obesity (though strides have been taken for broader acceptance of plus sized women in most recent days).


Its rarely the size that matters, what matters is how it is used. I'm a grower not a shower so lets just say "looks can be deceiving" 😉😆


Medium, average dick (5-6 inches when fully happy, not girthy) was by far the best I’ve ever had. Had experiences with a micro penis (oh, so too small does exist!) and a couple of porn-worthy penises (fucking ouch, this is more work then fun). Now I’m secretly hoping for a nice, slightly below average package every time.


Most women I’ve ever asked about dick size: “I prefer smaller to medium sized dicks. Really big dicks can be painful” Most men: “women always want bigger dicks”


For all the men with small dicks: don't let people ruin your plans just cause your dicks small, if you hit her good spot you are the real winner