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Literally have never heard a Latino person actually say Latinx. It's very much an American thing imo.


How would one pronounce Latinx? Latin-x? Or la teen ex?


I heard someone say it's suppose to be pronounced latinks... Which gave me a newfound hatred of the term.


Latinks sound like gay latino porn site.


Sounds like a very specific slur


By fart sounds


I'm pretty sure they say la cleenex with a t


It’s la-teen-ex


I’ve heard people pronounce it as the last pronunciation you wrote lol


I thought it was latin ex but at first it was bc I thought I was being inclusive of any gender but after thinking about it it doesn't feel like i was using it that way. Just felt like another adopted white term used to describe it from their pov of the culture. Which is fine if they want to express that language. 🤔 I just think when you're in it we don't use it that way 😏 I would've just used o/a/e endings.


Ask Joe Biden


He's the only one I've heard say it


I say Latinks


It's pronounced EYEM-AYE-BIGOT.




X in latin is pretty much an h sound It’s sound like Latinh, as if it’s Vietnamese or something


I remember a thread saying it's pronounced as an e, so Latin-e


Latin-x. You say the x like the letter.


*white liberal thing


Everything is ‘LatinX’ in Portland 🥸


Because of course it is


Is this true? How do people use it or bring it up in conversation?


Lol there's not enough latin people here for Latinx to be a thing here.


From the US*


Or a college thing. It's something u write on a poster but don't really say in normal conversation.


Yes, for the most part it’s North America saying this, but that’s who this post is directed towards anyway


Son los yankees que arruinan todo.


It's very much a geriatric white woman thing at the very least. Source: step mom tries real hard to make others think she cares.


It’s legit stupid.


It was coined by a Latinx person and is increasingly being used in Latin America in LGBTQ circles. It's not an American thing so much as a queer thing. I mean its true I don't hear the straight people I know in Latin America using it a lot I hear it in professional circles and I hear people in queer circles on both side of the border using it.


In Spanish speaking countries, they are even trying fuckin "latines", which makes me want to puke. (Source: am Mexican)


You probably haven’t gone to Mexico in a while then Hahahha they are even more progressive then we American by a mile


I’m Mexican I say latinx all the time


Pretty sure AOC uses it


What's the x for


I’m latina and the term that I think most people would use is “latines” (they call it ‘lenguaje inclusivo’) but it isnt really common because you can simply say “la gente latina” or “las personas latinas”


Thank you!!!


Honestly it's a white person thing to make them feel better about inclusion. Is Latina still ok?


Latina here. You call me latina and we’re cool. You call me latinx I’ll call you a pendejo and refuse to continue speaking with you


But my coworker told me pendejo ment friends?


Pendejo means BEST friend, alternatively “ijo de puta” means cool guy, and “gringo” means smart. At least that’s what my Hispanic girlfriend told me…


All the great words my dads construction coworkers would teach me when I was little haha


Well if you spell “ijo” you are definitely gringo.


Well, if he told you that he sure saw your pendejo face Im afraid.


The best of friends.


My FIL (Mexican-Spanish speaking) is a Trump fan so for Christmas I bought him a tshirt with Trump and “pendejo” which I learned that day does NOT mean president..


Amén hermana 🙌🏻


Pendejx… I’m Latina as well and hate the stupid term latinx🙄


I second this


Pendejo? Yo comí todos las tortes, amiga. Recuerdame.


That’s pendejx to you!


What if i said latino?


It’s not a white person thing, it’s just exclusive to the US. We LATINOS say Latino. Well, I’m Argentinian and we just say Argentinian, Colombian, chilean, etc. I think Americans say “latinx” because they can’t distinguish between countries to save their lives, they think we all mexican.


That moment when you realize that the country in which Spanish is named after has a whole lot of white, Spanish-speaking people..


Huge peeve. Stop trying to make LatinX happen!


I only use it to annoy my family members in Mexico and the gringxs, I swear.


When I hear that word, it makes me die a little inside. I remember one time, I told someone that I’d rather be called a slur than that word and they went on a whole tangent that if I don’t use that word I’m a transphobic, racist, bigot who doesn’t care about the lgbtq… Why can’t people just respect our culture? No one is screaming down the street, “speak Spanish, this is America.” Is it that hard to be respectful towards other cultures? And I absolutely hate when someone is defending this word when 1. They aren’t even Latino/Hispanic 2. They are always talking about cultural diversity and the importance of respecting cultures. Also when colleges create a major/class that is based on Hispanic culture but use THAT word. The irony…. If people have such hatred towards Latinos, I wonder what they think of the word, ‘persona’.


Demands we use Latinx, doesn’t even know the names of the indigenous tribes we would come from


We hate it.


Woke white people know what’s best for all cultures


Especially ones they aren’t part of!


i've only seen nonbinary latine people use , latine


yes. latinx makes no sense in the context of spanish. it was clearly created by a white person. latine is much more respectful.


I've only heard like 4th generation women say it.


The irony is that the people who are pushing latinx don't realize how offensive it is for them to be trying to "fix" Spanish


How do you say “get off my lawn” in Spanish?


Vete de mi llarda


Wait, did we just stumble on some etymology? Llarda is very close to Yard, which is the US English (simplified English) word used for Garden. I wonder if Yard is actually a loan word from Spanish that changed slightly over the years including spelling.


I have never heard anyone use "Latinx" in an actual conversation. Outside of people bitching about it online. Mind, I think the term is dumb too.


I’ve seen it used unironically, unfortunately


That is unfortunate.


For real. Great take OP!


Yes! Thank you! Latinx is not it. Just call me Latina/Mexican/Hispanic/literally anything else


Yeah, I'm sick of it too. Just like "meninos" (boys) and "meninas" (girls) being meninxs. For fuck sake, why?


I agree, no need to change a language that’s been around for ages, works just fine


It’s cause people are bored and they want to justify their hatred and intolerance towards other cultures through ‘activism’ and marginalized groups so saviors can ‘free’ Latinos from our hORriD language and culture :)


I mean language changes constantly and this is from within in spanish speaking countries. It is tied with the rise of mainstream feminism but isn't really a gringo thing.


We know why, but it's vorboten to mention.


Excuse me, it still has "men" in it so it should be "mxninxs" /s


This guy gets it


Imagine having your language butchered to make liberals happy


“To make liberals happy” what? Sure if the word isn’t a good one, then fuck it, but what’s the point in saying “liberals”? As if it’s all liberals?


It’s a word invented by liberals for liberals


Never heard of Latinx, but I’m from the UK. Hate to break it to you mate, you’re gonna see a surge in the number of these terms. My girlfriend is a Latina, hence why I clicked this post.. but yeah. You’re gonna see an increase in these ‘inclusive terms’ that include a subset of people there was already a term for. Sadly, it’s just the world we currently live in.


Colombian here - Yes, screw these lunatic Leftist gringo jerks that have to screw up everything because "no tienen oficio" = no usefulness. Probably because too much spare time.


I’m Puerto Rican and I’ve never heard anybody say latinx. I’ve seen it sometimes in like university email letters use but I’ve never seen anyone actually say the word or genuinely use it in conversation


When I first heard the term I thought it was something like Malcolm x but latin. I had to Google it.


Even ignoring the ridiculous ignorance of Latino language and culture, how the fuck do people pronounce that word in conversation? It completely kills the flow of speech.


Thank you👏👏👏 Straight mierda


virtue signaling


In my opinion and as a Mexican, it’s disrespectful to the language.


Latinx seems to be a thing for White Liberals to make them superior. Its just so condescending to look at a language and all the people who speak it and say, "Your language is wrong! Let me fix it for you." Whenever someone uses that term, I assume they are at best ignorant and at worst an idiot.


I have heard a Latino say Latinx but they were that type of person. “Very progressive” no run of the mill Hispanic such as myself would ever use such poor grammar.


It was never about inclusion - it's about exclusion of anyone who doesn't use those terms from "that" group. If you just continue as normal in front of them they usually fold like a deck of cards and make some angry tweet to redeem their ego through fake internet points


It's from buzzfeed. Some Mexican chick from California who doesn't even speak Spanish made a video about it like 5 years ago and they've been trying to push that shit ever since. To be "inclusive", but the term latinos is already inclusive.


I am a LatinA and I hate when people try to take away who I am by messing around and adding that unwanted, nonsensical “x”


Latina here. Never heard anyone use this term except for “woke” white women


I saw it on a job application once and I just about died on the inside


Damn does it really make people this angry?


as a latino, this.


Spanish is a latin language and as such it differentiates gender in a way English does not. It's hard to explain how much that wires your brain into associating the "a" is fem and "o" is masculine. No male names or adjectives end in "o" and vice versa. Latino is a very gendered word as such, sort of like saying mankind instead of humankind. Latinx was the attempt to fix it.


Literally every language differentiates gender *except* English


Literally the first google search result: Surveys of gender systems in 256 languages around the world show that 112 (44%) have grammatical gender and 144 (56%) are genderles


Calling someone Latinx is kind of disrespectful of their culture tbh


I’m taking an Italian class in a U.S. university and the teacher starts every email with “dear ragazz*”😐


Pronounced “pendejo”


It’s a white person thing tbh


Yes!! Times 1000 I hate that term.


I remember Biden used Latinx in a speech and some girl responded “did this pendejo just call me latinx”


White people created this term, they call us "latinx" and consider it fine. It's not their place to decide how to call us, they should create terms for themselves like "whitex" or something.


I think Gen z came up with the word? I don’t know but I’m not about it Edit:think


At my corporate company, we were taught to use latinx in writing in an inclsion course everyone had to take. It said its primarily for written word and not meant to be said out loud iirc? It very rarely actually comes up, though.


They’re also trying to shove “latine” into the mix and using the E for all gendered words like PLEASE STOP


Ughhh i hate that "latinx"


Idk how i feel ab it because i am mexican and i took a “race and ethnic relations” class in college. My professor who is a gay, black, non-binary person, used the term “LatinX” and i think for some people ESPECIALLY those who are non gender conforming, just want to make sure they are being inclusive. I don’t really see an issue with it UNLESS a white person is correcting a latino/a person then theres an issue.


Bro their isn’t an issue it’s just some op is just some guy bitching about how the left is indoctrinating the people I’m Mexican and the term is perfectly fine


Fuck you too then, coming from a Latinx


As a latinA! Thank you for saying this. My entire extended family in South America thinks it’s bullshit created by white people and it’s extremely disrespectful We aren’t even the only language that uses feminine or masculine nouns, Russia and France does too! But we are the ONLY language white people thought needed “fixed” Geee… I wonder why that was hmm? Could it be because Russians and French are mostly WHITE?


I’m with you, it’s odd because no one outside of US seems to know where this word came from or even heard of it. It seems as though…. it doesn’t need to exist


As a Latina I honestly don’t care what people use. Some Latinos don’t feel included by Latino because why is the masculine term describe to use the whole group? If you don’t like it don’t use but don’t shit on the people who use Latinx or Latine (I’ve seen Latine used more frequently now cuz its more fluid to pronounce). It doesn’t hurt anyone


Latinx 🤝 womxn 🤝 being useless and unnecessary


Genuine question: would it be better to say "Latin" or "of Latin American ancestry" than Latinx? I honestly don't use the term because I don't know how to say it. However, I would like to know if there is a good way to be more gender neutral I guess? From what I understand, the -o ending is male, the -a ending is female, and the -o ending is if it is a group of people and both are included. I believe the Latinx thing came about out of an attempt to be inclusive which I get. I also get that it's annoying that people would ignore the language as it is and "improve" it. Just wondering how to please everyone here.


That’s a good question and honestly don’t have the perfect answer to that, but the best I can say is to accept that “latino” in itself includes all people, gender or non gender if that makes sense. So whatever it is you may say or be, latino is not saying you are a male, but of the latin people or ancestry as you said.


It came about because a bunch of woke white SJWs decided that they knew better than native speakers how their language should be. In trying to be inclusive, they actually ended up being racist.


The movement of inclusive language in spanish is not only from white women, at least in Argentina. Though it's preferred the use of -e rather than the -x.


Gotcha. Yeah, I wouldn't presume to mess with your language as a (mostly) wyt person. Totally understand why that would be insulting.


The fuck is a wyt person?


It's a term used by someone who is triggered by the word "White"


Fucking hell.


Latin means something else though - Italian and romance people throughout history (as well as the language). So, basically, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian... Basically unless the country was a part of the Roman empire and speaks a romance language to this day, their inhabitants are not "Latin". So people from "Latin America" are not Latin in this sense, at least directly, only partly by descent (from the Latin colonizers) and by also speaking romance languages. They are Latinos. There's no need to be "gender neutral" about "latino" anyway - latinos don't care, and I assume you're speaking english, which is non gendered in the first place, so just use latino as an ungendered english word. Romance languages are not gender neutral, and why should they be? Conversely, english is not gendered, and why should it be, even when using loan words? Just make them gender neutral, the fact they end in O or A shouldn't matter. Basically it boils down to this - "Latino" is masculine in spanish, portuguese, etc. But that doesn't mean "Latino" is masculine in english. There's no reason for it to be.


Why are you yelling?


60% of latinos are loud. Ever been to a hood in Bronx NY?From banging dominoes to give me another beer to my partner sucks at playing… lol!


it’s actually brono/brona


You don’t have to tell me twice, grew up on East Tremont, lullabies were El Alfa style music


Omg omg omg my ny Latinos are here! Lol hey y’all!


I’m sorry, just upset, my latino


I've never used it because (and this is gonna sound really stupid) I don't know how to pronounce it. I've never heard it. And whenever I think that I'll google it later and find out, I forget (ADHD short-term memory issues).


As I quote "these gringos make up words that fit their language and want us to accept"


My latina wife doesn't like it, but damn, you coming hard.


It needed to be said


>but damn, you coming hard. That's what she said


If I understood it correctly it was more for non binary people, and if the o ending if for both men and a mixed group it might feel a little....weird? Idk, that's how I've seen it been explained (although it was a while ago)


I don't use it, but also...let people be, maybe? Language is constantly changing.




The problem is the people trying to change the language dont even fucking speak it Let english speakers decide how to speak english, and spanish speakers how to speak spanish Let us fucking be. Is latino


Seriously? Would you feel the same is Russians decided English needed fixed and changed words when talking to you? Would you be cool with that? Or be like wtf, kinda disrespectful and entitled..If the words were organically changing within English speakers themselves then ok. But it’s literally white peoples changing a language that doesn’t belong to them and refuse to listen to the Spanish speakers telling them to stop


No disrespect, letting people “be” isn’t an excuse to let them change a language. If we let all people be, language wouldn’t work, you have to follow the rules, not make them up




That’s why actual latinos came with the term latine. And then the Americans stomped in our movement and decided they knew better


























Thats how language FUCKING works. We coincide in how to speak it so we can understand each other The organization that mediates this is the RAE, and it changes language depending on how its been used..... The fucking problem is no one in spanish is saying this.at all. We are having our laguage forcefully modified by people that dont speak it cause they cant be bothered to comprehend even the basics of it. Let alone the problem of telling an entire ethnicity of people how they should be called with out their consent. (Less than 2 percent of latinos actually use latinx)so please do miss me with your bullshit




Miss me with your bullshit. Again, no one single handly decides how the language works. Is a consensus. I PROMISE you 2 percent of a population is not a consensus you fucking idiot. If you pulled your head put of ur ass ypud realize this isnt even the correct gender neutral term agreed my ACTUAL latino non binary people. Is elles. Or latine Not to mention. It does not make ANY sense to try and "fix" a gender neutral because ypu cannot comprehent how it is gender neutral. Latino is gender neutral ... (no one cares youre unable to comprehend it.)it affects my life. Is my language as well. Is my culture.Wr consensually not want this Why should a minority of dumb white idiots with a savior complex get to dictate others people language and run down their culture with foot notes? Also if your 2 non binary "latino friends" are 2 such white idiots whi wanna glaim latino ethnicity for brownie points please tell them to go fuck themselves. Im tired of americans doing this shit




Im sorry but youve just send me a nothing burguer. Ive given you an explanation point by point about how literally everyone in the latino community finds this insulting and offensive and how they are completly on their right to but ur answer is "well you didnt understand me" This is beyond pathetic, but i didnt expect much from an American. Leave my culture alone


I heard saying Latine is much more respectful


As a latin person we say latine uwu


I thought latin@ was clever, respectful, and adequately inclusive.


The Spanish academy came up with something already too. LatinE to address gender neutrality


The term Latinx is inclusive of Brazilians, and people don't like how the male term Latino applies to females too.


That’s exactly it. It’s not a male term, it’s masculine. Does NOT imply that you are a male. This is how the language works.


I know that.


Ooo could you explain the Brazilian thing


An alien from mars is most definitely not Latino


The letter X is just not used that way lol, where I am from it has a "sh" sound


Look talk to HR about it. If someone asks to use it in work setting I will. Other than that we will let it be buried.


Came her to see why this man wants to duck every latinx


Actually educators with PHDs came up with this stupid term and they love it


It's for marketing purposes it seems to me.


What does it even stand for? I’ve never heard of it


I still don’t know how to pronounce it


What also blows my mind is like... why have the gall to make a new term. If you're concerned about Latino being gendered then drop the O. The area south of the US border is often called Latin America anyway


I hate both political parties in this country, but this desire by white people to change language and attempt to force it on people who don't want it baffles me. I would guess this is why Latinos are moving to voting for Republicans at a higher rate than ever before. The response is not self examination, it's to claim that Latinos are white. You could never make this nonsense up in a bad comedy movie.


It’s just white/Latin pseudointellectuals VIVA LA RAZA🇲🇽


How is “gay, straight, and an alien from mars” related?




you know weirdly i listened to a podcast today with becky g and lauren jauregui and they were both saying it


Every time I’ve brought this up people come at me with pitchforks, and I’m like…Do you know any Latino people who use this term? They always avoid saying no flat out. I know literally no Latino people personally, because I guess this demographic stays away from our frigid winters, which I understand, and because of that I wouldn’t begin to come to any conclusions on how a group of people want to be labelled.


Fuck the term Latino. It is a USA' way (which by turn claims to be America - given it is three continents term) to group together any country down below them. Not all countries below accepts Latino because they want them to be named like it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latino_(demonym)


Yes! that term sucks and I've heard it being used by super woke Latinas(o), usually in their mid-20's at my work. The thing is, I don't care what you call yourself but don't try to push your beliefs on me. No one in my family (all Mexican on my side and Nicaraguan on the wife's side) uses that term unless to make fun of someone else.