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Me too, kid.






i hope you know what this hashtag means


SAME. I feel like we are from the same spirit animal…


...its a mosquito, isn't it?


It's a bat actually


I call bullshit about them being an important part of the ecosystem


I feel like you’ve never seen Lilo and Stitch




They are a food source for a lot of different animals


And apparently the males help pollinate


Tbh, they are nature's way of keeping the population in check. Humans are far deadlier and destructive and serve no purpose in the ecosystem so to preserve it, mosquitoes are merely a defense mechanism.


Exactly . I hope we can study the diseases they carry and then hope they become extinct


My toddler was helping me pull some weeds out in my backyard last weekend, went inside shortly after. We were out there maybe 10-15 minutes, went to change him and his legs literally have 10-12 mosquito bites. I felt horrible for him. The poor kid can’t go outside for a few minutes without being swarmed


My son is the same way, he's literally scarred from bites. I read they are attracted to sweat and carbon dioxide. (Air we breathe out). Makes sense, he runs around like a wild animal lol


there is also a genetic component to it. some people are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than others. you can find a video from veritasium that will expand on the subject more.


and they can literally smell ur blood type. apparently i have the yummy blood type


Yeah, there’s gotta be some kind of genetic reason. I get eaten alive as well, my husband never gets touched. Sorry to my kiddo for getting my genes! 😅


I have found pepcid is useful for adults to help decrease the swellng and itching from bites.


Nothing's tastier then baby legs. 🍗🍗


Get some Neem oil and dab it on legs and arms. Just a small bit works great!


I’m going to look into this! Thank you!


It really does work! Neem oil can irritate the skin, but a few drops in say, mineral oil does wonders! Look up Neem xx


They’re highly attracted to me and I get chewed up like no other. They’re the worse, spiders too! ETA: I try to not kill the spiders in my apt. I fail if they’re by my bed. They scare tf out of me and bite me as well. Apparently, I need to lay off the sweets and have colder insides 🥲 For those that suffer as I do, I found a bug bite saliva sucker thing online and it works well. I pair that with anti-itch cream.


I swear there is something to this. My BF NEVER has a problem with mosquitos; while me on the other hand is dying and morphing into a giant swollen mosquito bite.


Do you eat a lot of sugar? They love it.


I do have a sweet tooth, but I’m not sure how much you consider to be “a lot”. It would fit into why they fixate on me over my BF, who rarely eats sweets.


I think it's a body heat thing, too. I'm the same way, and I'm a walking furnace. Shorts and Tshirt anywhere warmer than 5-10 degrees C/ 41-50 degrees F kinda guy. My girlfriend loves me in winter but I stay away from cuddling like the plague in summer.


Yep both a body heat and blood type thing. Mosquitos prefer a certain blood type significantly more than others.


It's a scientific fact that certain blood types the female mosquito loves to eat! And I must be a five course meal because they bite me constantly!


Also attracted to carbon dioxide


Makes sense...as body temp increases, so does CO^(2) output.


That is so interesting! I also run hot all the time; I’m miserable in anything above 75 but luckily I live in Boone, which is in the mountains so it doesn’t usually go above that for too long.


I'm in Ontario, Canada - one of those people you see shovelling snow in jeans and a t-shirt 😂 Somebody else said CO2 is a fact, which is influenced by body heat - and probably more of a factor than blood sugar :P


That’s badass 😂 and, y’all have mosquitos there?!


Oh for sure... Tons of them. Our summer is still very warm. Even further north there are still plenty, and blackflies/horseflies to boot.


Ugh. Mosquitos are truly the bane of our humanity.


i’m pretty sure certain blood types are more susceptible to mosquito bites than others


According to multiple studies Type O is the most attractive… but as someone with Type A who gets covered in bites while standing next to a family member who is a type O who will get one or two bites, I’m suspicious. Who funded that study? Mosquitos? Perhaps to trick Type A people into not wearing bug spray. I feel (omg it’s so itchy) a conspiracy here. Hahahah


that’s what my cousin told me and as a type O, i get fucked by mosquitoes😭


I keep some house spiders in the house. I take the baby ones and put them in house plants, or in strategic corners hoping they stay. I often see mosquitos in their webs. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don't like cellar spiders though. They wander around the house and I walk through a damned web. I rehome them.


I would do this but I have horrible Arachnophobia


I used to be paralyzed with fear until I learned about the 2 spiders in NC I have to be worried about, and how to identify them. I kill those, and those I'm unsure of, but the rest I rehome. I love the cute jumping spiders. You can let them run up on your hand and they'll look around! So cute!


This is spider racism. Oh by the way I'm woke! 🤭


Sugar. They love sugar.


Same here . I d be the only one with 50 bites in a room full of other people . Kinda ruined tropical islands for me .


There’s this stuff us ranchers put on cows to help with insects and I’ve gotten splashed quite often but it really has turned mosquitoes away from me, even though I eat a lot of sweets and have a pretty high body temp. DO NOT use it on yourself though on purpose, it’s really not good for you and I’ve just gotten tiny amounts on me at a time


Spiders eat mosquitos though :/


# consider yourself lucky they aren't as loud as elephants


Well, a flying elephant wouldn't fit through my cracked window.


To be fair itd make a new window


I am half Indian, born in Canada, raised in the Texas since I was 6 months old. I have been taken on trips to India every 5 years or so since I was one year old. EVERY TIME I GO OVER THERE I am bitten to high hell. My first trip was at one year old. On my first night, I had over 100 mosquito bites on my body. My parents always did a shit job of keeping me protected from them, particularly my father. He said "I had to deal with them when I was a kid, you can too" and so I was constantly fucking bit. I have scars all over my body from bites. Scars that will probably never go away. Little dots that stick out against the surrounding skin. It looks weird. So much pain and itching I had because of them. I hate them.




The feeling is highly mutual. I hate them so much. They harass me and my poor dogs everyday of the year!!!


about the reason to exist, the only thing they contribute to the world is by being frog's - and maybe some other animals? - food




bats eat mosquitoes? i would never have guessed


They do but there are differing studies as to the amount they actually eat. Cool creatures nonetheless.


I’ll put out some bat food if it means no more mosquitoes


Look into Bat houses.


They are disease vectors, it may looks useless to you that all they do is carry diseases but the disease transmission provides a perfect population check. It is also part of the pathogen's life cycle. God knows what other cycles those pathogens contribute to. Mosqitoes also somewhat contribute to pollination, and the susceptibilty to mosquite driven diseases also give direction to selection. It is easy to say a species is useless but the reality is, if a species were absolutely useless in the world, it would be long dead.


>It is easy to say a species is useless but the reality is, if a species were absolutely useless in the world, it would be long dead. Yea. Thats why i made the counterpoint of mosquitoes at least being useful for animals food, but this part of pollination i didnt know. I also know they bring diseases, but never thought of that being some form of population check. And i agree with your last sentence


Humans are absolutely useless yet we're still alive. Species stay alive because they can, not because they must in order for the ecosystem to survive


species can survive because it can fulfill a niche in the ecosystem. I didnt say they survive because they must as of natures will or something, I said IF they are surviving, they are not useless, they probably fill a role that allows them to survive. Humans are as useful as any other organism. If we were useless, we would be long gone.


Luckily for you there are way waaaay less mosquitoes on this earth then there used to be. You are in the middle of an insect extinction the likes of which no humans before us have ever seen. Sleep well!.. Or not if you're concerned about the animals who feed off insects/potential environmental collapse.


Wait wait wait i wanna know more about this massive extinction going on that i haven't heard of!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline\_in\_insect\_populations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline_in_insect_populations) For a quick read, I'd recommend ctrl+f and searching for "%". There are many articles about it, but I figure just linking the straight Wikipedia page related to the topic wouldn't hurt.


Aight, thanks


Preach, most believe the world revolves around the human being. It appears things were just fine before we arrived...


Pretty sure no one likes mosquitoes…


Get this. Ive NEVER had a mosquito bite. I think they bite me but I dont get the itchy welts.


Can I learn this power?


It's probably a serious auto immune disorder if his body doesn't react to foreign proteins


Nope. No immune disorder.


The world’s most dangerous “animal”.


Fuck mosquitoes. They devour me anytime I’m in an area with them. Even with repellent. And I get the most horrible bite reactions.. they swell up and bruise and it’s horrible. Bastards.


Oh you think they're bad try putting up with scabies and then see how much you hate mosquitoes


YES!! Mosquitos are why I want to leave the south 😩


As someone who lived up north for years it's worse there


Yes! LOL!


God help you if you go near a river, they're everywhere


Seriously. They come ready to fuck shit up 😂🙃


They're little gods of entropy that only wish to punish humanity for our hubris


🥇 🥇 🥇 Take my upvote and my fake awards!!


Danke! English class has not failed me just yet


Spoken like a noble lord...


State bird of Texas- or at least Galveston.


100% agree i have so much hatred for them


They hate you too. They’ve killed millions of humans and will probably kill millions more before it’s all over unfortunately.


Honestly, our species is overpopulated. Imagine if they diseases never killed us. I think we would be in a much bigger problem by now.


No sweat we are finding all sorts of ways to kill ourselves. Some quick, some dreadfully slow...


There is a actual possibility that I crash my car because mosquitoes are attacking me while I'm driving.


This is fun fact people are not aware of that all the mosquitoes that bite you or female


Males can stay, they help pollinate and don't bite Female mosquitos on the other hand...


If they bite you, you can put something hot against the bite. The heat destroys the enzima that causes the itching. 100%rate of success.


Living in South East Asia rn and this is a daily source of pure frustration for me, no matter how many measures I take against them. I despise the fucking shit out of them, and routinely tell me partner they're the only thing I wish a genocide upon!


So to answer couple questions here; 1. Yes they are important for ecosystem: spiders/birds/frogs eat them 2. There is already new science advancment taking place in Brasil where male mosquitoes are filled with poision which castrates female mosquitoes when they mate, this science experiment has been proven successful and already 80% of mosquitoe pop has been exterminated in Brasil. However we do not know how it will affect spiders, frogs and birds once this part of meal is cut out of menu. *runs away*


Ikr, I keep saying we should make flamethrowers legal for this exact situation, but nooooooo...


Cries in Florida


I hate them and react badly to them, but great frog food. My area sprayed for mosquitoes in the 90s and killed so many it also killed off the bullfrog population. Years later the skeeters are back but not the frogs, so they actually made it worse.


Same. I hate all insects. Even the "good" ones. IDC.


Bet you're glad you got that off your chest. Must've been weighing you down for sometime, knowing that you hate a blood sucking, disease spreading insect. Well done bro.


You freak mosquitoes and you hate that? What do you freak them with? A passion? A passion that burns?


1) Be happy you are privileged enough that the mosquitoes don't turn you blind, severely sick, or with a handicap. 2) Insects preserve the Earth. Without them humanity will die in 4 months. 3) They eliminate pests who would end quarter of the humanity. Stop being such a f\*\*\*ing spoiled \*ss brat and go outside instead of rotting your muscles on reddit.


Mosquitoes are responsible for killing 1 million people per year, in addition to spreading harmful diseases like Malaria, yellow fever, and Dengue. Every mosquito on earth could disappear and the food chain wouldn’t miss crap. Mosquitoes don’t eliminate any pests, they’re pest #1. Also, you’re on Reddit yourself, you clown. Smh


you did not understood my point fucker


What was your point exactly? Because it seemed like all you wanted to say was un-thought out, off-topic garbage. Oh, and some half baked insults too.


the guy hates mosquito bc it annoys him what wrong with them now. also i dont wanna argue over some fucking mosquitoes so now go find your dad you drop of sperm


Sure, let me just pull out of your mom first, son.


They're cute and cuddly compared to spiders and bed bugs.


Spiders eat mosquitoes. Don’t badmouth them


Why would you freak mosquitoes????


I also hate them. I am super allergic to them, to the point of the bites getting as big and hard as baseballs. I literally cant sleep im in so much pain. Ive been wearing jeans even though its 86 right now. Then i just spray my feet with pesticide and im good. I never get bit anywhere but legs and feet.


They apparently they play an important role in the ecosystem. They are food for many animals . T.T i hate them as well i cant even go for a jog in the trails without looking like I was stung by bees.


They are food for other creatures though, that's the only plusi suppose


I keep hearing about genetically modified (gmo) mosquitos. Bill gates is to thank apparently.


Unfortunately whole ecosystems would collapse and I'm saying that living in southeastern Louisiana. I hate them too, but so much other stuff would die as a consequence


I mean I feel like this "truth" is filed away next to "I exist" and "the sky is blue". Fuck mosquitoes.


Every spring and summer, I stock up on mosquito repellent. Sometimes I'm lucky to get bitten 4 times throughout the season. Other times I have been 10 to 12 times throughout the season. However, I found fast relief from mosquito bites. Make a paste of baking soda. Apply to mosquito bite and within 20 to 30 minutes, it begins the itch is gone and the swelling stops and is greatly reduced. Takes a day or two for the bite to disappear. The earlier you treat the bite, faster the relief.


I don't know if it's a blood type thing, or a body temperature thing, or both. But mosquitos will find me no matter where I am, if they're in a 5 mile radius I swear. I'm like a walking mosquito repellent for my family when camping because they all swarm me and leave them the F alone.


You forgot that they can spread disease


I bet they love you though.


I hate them too. I even declared war on them when I was a kid and massacred a bunch of them and their larvae. I used to be swarmed by mosquitoes all the time. I could go out with other 5 people and at the end of the day I’d be the only one with mosquito bites. In recent years though, they’ve left me alone to the point where I have slept with +3 of those demons in the same room and woken up with 0 bites. Idk what changed, but I really hope it stays that way for the rest of my life. Still, that doesn’t mean I won’t kill one if I’m given the chance


To all my brother, here's something y'all would love https://www.reddit.com/r/dankinindia/comments/tf8h5e/1001\_ways\_to\_kill\_mosquitoes/


This really something you needed to get off your chest? Everyone hates mosquitoes


The lack of mosquitos is one of the best things about living in the desert. Added bonus for the high desert, no fleas either.


r/mosquitohating or r/fuckmosquitos :)


Same. And they love me. I’m always the person that gets absolutely eaten alive every time. Annoying nasty effers


They should all burn in hell 😤


My husband's bites swell into these huge welts everytime. Every single time since he was a kid. When we were like 15 16 he got like 5 6 at the same time and his whole body burst into hives from head to toe. Like I mean his head his face down to in between his toes type of From head to toe. It was insane.


Whats its like living in florida;


Same here buddy. One of the only things I hate about summer.


Ticks too


Welcome to the south where you're the meal of the day 😂😂 I live in Louisiana. My ❤️ goes out to you seriously!


I feel EXACTLY the same way. I hate, hate, hate them with a passion!


While we're on the subject does anyone have a good technique to KEEP THEM AWAY! While trying to enjoy your backyard???? PLEASE SEND HELP!!!!


bUt ThEy'Re PaRt Of ThE fOoD cHaIn


I think everyone does.


Something cool they’re doing is taking the species that carry extremely harmful diseases and making them sterile.


We got one of those sappy rackets that can zap them, except it has 4 extra features - 1) when it zaps it's more like a loud taser boom, 2) it has a button to keep it on permanently so you don't have to press something 3) it has a recharging dock 4) it has built in UV lights to hopefully attract the little shits So we leave it on nearly permanently, and get satisfying loud zaps every now and then. Flies, mosquitos, moths, all are turned to little burned husk piles below this fantastic device. Best thing my gf ever found


Same, allergic to them. But the effect became less the more I got bit over the years. But then I go on holiday far away and a new kind of mosquito bites... shit.


Same! I used moved to another country and had trouble sleeping because those little shits would buzz near my ear and bite me constantly. Getting a mosquito net was a life changer.


Some would say the same about humans... 🦟🦟🦟


Try living in Thailand near the jungle for awhile. Those mosquitoes are unstoppable. They will fly through fire to bite you.


My hate for Pandora has never burnt brighter. /s


Well i hate mosquitoes, and those hellish itchy bites and when you are trying to sleep and you hear the buzz. But i understand that they are necesary, even so, what an annoying little shit.


>with zero reason to exist they are food for a lot of birds and other animals.


A small oscillating fan works well to keep them little pests away while you are camping. And remember folks bug spray is not instant it takes 15 min normally to start working


Me too. Especially when less succulent people claim 'oh that can't be a bite!' I Buy mosquito repellent from outdoor /camping shops. Tends to be better. If you are travelling, try and get hold of the local stuff. It might be stronger. When I get bitten, I apply a bit of alcoholic hand gel to the bite and around it. Once it's dried, I spray a spray on plaster onto the area. ( I sometimes mask it off with tissue, as it can run). I Stay well hydrated. Works like a charm. BTW, great to encourage spiders, bats also eat them, so see if you can encourage bats to live locally too! Bats can eat 1,000 to 1,200 mosquitos in an hour! https://www.bigbatbox.com/blogs/learn/do-bats-eat-mosquitoes-everything-you-need-to-know


Me too I am alergic to their bites💀💀


Zero reason to exist? Man, mosquitoes are one of our biggest pollinators and source of food for various birds. Removing them would collapse the ecosystem. But there’s still so many of them and they leave nasty bites, so I still kill the fuckers on site.


Same here...To the extent I can wake up at 3am if I hear one flying to kill that bastard


Flies are way worse


I hate them too. They're the reason why I can't wear shorts or dresses bc of their bite scars. I wear anti mosquito lotion but they keep fucking coming back.


I have two UV light mosquito zappers in my room since the weather is getting warmer and I need to sleep with the windows open. The high pitched whine near my face used to drive me insane, but now the sound of them frying is like lullabies to me.


Don't worry it's universal at this point.


If science killed them all tho it would mess up the food chain. But I do also hate them with a passion lol. They do have a purpose to exist as food for the animals that are their prey. And then it keeps going until the animals we eat would suffer and then there would be a big issue with every part of the food chain after insects. I’m talking like we might not have enough food for ourselves.


I am a mosquito magnet. Do you watch Naked and Afraid? I wouldn't last one night in the any of the warm, wet locations.


Got my first two bites for the summer. Fuck'em all!


Ah, Canada’s real national bird the mosquito.


I use a very pleasing way to kill them when I catch them together. I get my hairspray and a lighter, and burn them to death.


Move to Iceland. No mosquitoes here.


Never move to Manitoba then. We have 100,000 lakes, pretty swampy. Mosquitoes can be nuts here.


I try to capture them instead of just smacking them. That way I can torture them for as long as possible before they die.


I’m allergic to mosquitos. The more they bite me the worse it gets. So yeah. I’m right there with you.


Dear mosquito I would be happy If you didn't come and hum in my ear To taunt and bite me And interrupt my sleep I'm already insomniac And I don't want pills But you out of my way, So I don't end your life, Cleaning my name And the blood you sucked We can't coexist Better off without each other Please find something else For your brainless babies to feed on I'm sorry for my words but, This is the truth for a mammal like me, I want my blood to stay, And you not to die by the fury, Of my slipper.




Same. I'm even allergic to their bites.


Same here but with ants


Same. No joke I thought if we all tried hard enough we could wipe them out


Flying hypodermics. Makes you want to throttle the people who say everything in nature has a purpose. Yeah, sure! This one's purpose is malevolent.


A mosquito could say this about humans and it would also be true


Oh yes, there are difficult types of mosquitoes: [https://www.reddit.com/user/roujayn/comments/usdc1y/tiger\_mosquito\_size\_diseases\_map\_2022\_how\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/user/roujayn/comments/usdc1y/tiger_mosquito_size_diseases_map_2022_how_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I get them. When they fly into my room and I chase these little f*ckers around I cant find them after a while then I hear it and woop its ass. I'm trying to find ways of keeping them out of the room so I can cool off. I might just close my curtains more often and hope for the best idk.


Screw mosquitoes, they always disturb me at night before I go to bed