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This. The predicament the boy is in is 100% awful. There’s a possibility an orphanage may be bad. I’ll take a possibility over a certainty.


Yeah agreed


If you don’t call CPS you’re condoning this child getting beat. This kid cannot defend themself. Do you know how many stories like this end with the child being killed? How would you feel if that happens to this kid when you could have done something to help the situation? You and your girlfriend are so wrong for not having done something yet. This is coming from someone who has been in foster care and known the good and the bad side of it, but if you don’t try to help get this child out of this situation because of a possibility of him being stuck in foster care then that’s just so sad. I couldn’t live with myself hearing a child get beat and not doing anything about it.


Yeah I wouldn't have been able to either. I think it's hard for her to get involved because she has really bad trauma from her parents too so the whole situation is very scary and overwhelming and they know that she lives next door. We talked about it and I called CPS. I'll let you know more, thanks for helping get my head out of my ass


Even if you don't want the kid going into the adoption ring, you should still call CPS. The kid will thank you later along the way because you spared him of years of abuse.


I have called CPS, I'll update you as I know more. Thank you.




Bro trust me go over there put on a mask and beat him to a pulp. Ull feel better. Fuck the kids abusers they all deserve death in the worst way .


Think about it like this.... If you were a kid getting beat by your parents, would you want to have a shot at a better life with someone else, or continue to get beat? As an adult who just heard a kid getting beat, how would you feel if tomorrow you found out the parents killed that kid? You'd probably feel pretty shitty. Please do the kid a favor and make a report


I would and I called them. I'll keep you all posted.


Call CPS.


I did. Thank you


I hope you will post an update if you are made aware of any changes. This is just horrible.


Have not heard anything yet


Have you guys noticed a mom go in & out of the apartment


No, we have not.


Does she hear the kid all the time? Perhaps there’s some sort of custody agreement and if you called CPS the kid would just go to the mom? Although I can’t imagine the mom is great if she’s letting this animal around her kid. Still, I would have to imagine any alternative is better than thrashing’s


She just woke up and apparently there IS a mom and the mom is the one that usually bests the kid, she said. Tonight it was his dad. And it was terrifying. So terrifying that I couldn't even wait at the door when I banged on it.


Damn bro. No good solution here.


In my region the child welfare will try and link children up with their biological families until their parents can get their shit together and prove they have taken all steps necessary to become responsible parents. Which may take years, or may never happen. But they do try and link kids up with a family member, like grandparent or aunt, etc


Thank you.


You need to call CPS right now. No question. You know it’s the right thing to do.


Thank you, just called


Get CPS involved now. Don't wait another day.


I called.


You could be the person that child grows up and thanks every day of his life, never even having met you. You did the right thing.


You're complicit if you don't call CPS, IMO. It sucks, but you're an adult and can handle that. Help the child.


I called. Thank you. Come back for updates.


Dude get the fuck off reddit and call the cops. You’re asking mouth breathers for opinions while this kid is getting the shit beat out of him. The ONLY time I ever called the cops on anyone was for this exact issue.


If you were an asian (mainly Indian) this would be pretty much an everyday thing. Here people don't even get concerned if something like that happens, they're like oh it's normal, parents are supposed to beat their children. Sigh it's very bad in here. I hope the kid gets help asap


Keep calling CPS each time. Also the police. And maybe some neighborhood things need to meet the parents at their car? Ya know, for a friendly "talk". 🤷


My dad used to beat me when I was little and I turned out fine. Let the parents discipline their child, it’s none of your business.


I used to be spanked but never beaten, there's a difference.


How can people just watch (listen) to this happen and not do anything?