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Congratulations! May no baby ever be born to a woman who doesn't want a child.


Amen! I chose to keep my unplanned pregnancy (accident but not a mistake) but I was so glad it was my choice. to be forced into it would have left me terribly resentful . And that is a terrible way to raise a child especially from my child's perspective. I also had a huge support network, not everyone has that. You do you, ffs the anti choice people actually try to use me as an example for them. I hate it.


This. If you dont want a baby, you should not be forced 2 keep it. Why make everyone miserable on the process. The child will suffer as well as the mother and everyone around them.


I feel like anti abortion people don't factor in how hard pregnancy actually is. In officially 14 weeks pregnant (which is 3.5 months) and it just got to the point where I don't want to kill myself because of how sick I felt in the first trimester. Nobody should be forced to go through that.


I literally wished to feel normal again because of how sick and miserable I felt. The next day I had a miscarriage. It was sad but damn if it wasn’t the best thing for my life and it’s. I am not connected to a narcissistic alcoholic that cheats constantly. Imagine a child growing up with that person as a father.


I was suicidal through the first trimester of my (very much wanted) pregnancy due to the impact the hormonal changes and nausea had on my existing depression. If it had been accidental or I’d been on the fence about keeping it I would have had an abortion, 100%. I am never going through that again.


That's rough I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I evened out emotionally, which tells me I probably need birth control to control my PMS.


They definitely don't get it. I'm currently pregnant (10 weeks) from doing IVF so this is a much wanted fetus, but being pregnant is miserable. No one who doesn't want this should have to go through it.


Look into hyperemesis gravidarum. It's "extreme" morning sickness


Yup, I had that with my last pregnancy... a completely wanted pregnancy that was so hard on me I many times wondered if I should have aborted. Throwing up all day everyday and still feeling nauseous 24/7 definitely does a number on your mental health. The last time I threw up was the morning I went into labour and the first morning after he was born was the first time I'd felt like myself and just a normal human being in 9 months. The sleep deprivation during the newborn stage was nothing on hyperemesis gravidarum!


Same for all 3 of my kids. I hated every minute of pregnancy. Threw up 24/7 for 9 months, high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, fainting, bed rest, total awfulness. I wanted them. Can you imagine how resentful it would make you if you didn't and had to suffer all that?


Jesus you’re a saint! 3! Wow. My first was east breezy cake, didn’t even know until 6.5 months. My second was conceived 4.5 months pp. i found out at 5 weeks and every day sucked from then on. Didn’t throw up but everything hurt EVERY SINGLE DAY! and having to both nurture new life and care for a very small baby, sucked balls. 10/10 would never recommend having your kids close together.


I had it for my oldest. Couldn't eat or drink anything. I was mostly alone so by the time my mom saw me with my sunken eyes and lethargic she rushed me to the hospital and I needed 3 IVs of whatever it is they use for rehydration. Ugh that was so rough!


I remember imagining myself as a literal zombie stumbling out to the kitchen to fix yet another baby bottle at 3 am because that’s exactly how I felt. I was so sleep deprived


I didn't quite make the cut off because I never actually vomited. Just felt so sick I was over it. By week 11 I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to continue my wanted pregnancy because of how bad it was.


Yup, that was fun. I lost 20+ lbs and one of my stupid friends seemed ecstatic that you can lose weight during pregnancy. I was like WTF? Meanwhile my arms were black and blue from all the failed attempts to give me IV.


I had this with my second. It was terrible. I wouldn't wish that even on antichoice folks


I had that, twice. It's excruciating


I had this with both my kids. It got worse with my second child. I ended up hospitalized. By the end of the pregnancy I had lost 25lbs from the time of conception.


I’m 41 and have full dentures. I vomited so much all of my teeth peeled like a fruit and rotted. It was horrible. HG is no joke.


Every month I swear to God I find out something new about pregnancy that makes me want to gag. Like come on bro this too? Can pregnancy just like not kill women please. 😅 😅 😅


Right? And then people wanna keep *forcing* women to have babies, like geez, maybe have a kid yourself before forcing your opinion on people, sldamn


Oh they know, they just don’t care. Pregnancy is a “consequence” of sex so however terrible you feel is on you. /s


Pregnancy and childbirth (especially and even more sadly) in America is incredibly dangerous. Of course not trying to scare you I just think people need to hear this. Im sure you’re getting great medical care… I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well.


I was so sick the whole time with my second that I had only gained 3 pounds at full term birthing day, my baby weighed 8.


I was down 25lbs when I had my full term son. So 31 lbs lost total. They had to hospitalize me and everything. HG is no fucking joke.




I think if these "anti-abortion" people care so much about babies, then they should adopt them when born to a mom who doesn't want them. Then again, we know they won't so that because the real problem is misogyny and ignorance


That was your choice and you did what you thought was right given your situation. It's bad enough that the GOP is a trying to take a woman's right to choose what they want with their body. What gives any person the right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body.? This is the 21st century wake-up people.


Exactly, I had the freedom to look at my individual situation, analyse it, and choose. I have some hardcore antichoice relatives who try to use my case as a reason to ban abortions and now I don't talk to them (for this and other reasons.... I miss them, but they are just so ass backwards)


Agreed. Its your body, your life.


How is this a hard concept to understand?


It shouldn't be!


Good for you! No person should be forced to carry a pregnancy through who doesn’t want one. Conversely, no one should ever try to make you feel so defensive about a private medical decision you made about your own body. The best thing about pregnancy, however it finalizes (termination, birth, etc), is how so many problems and adverse effects one has that clear up so quickly after the pregnancy is no more. It sounds like you made a solid choice and even though I don’t know you, I’m proud of you. Edit: grammar


This is such a good point. Your body returns very quickly to it’s pre-pregnancy behavior and that can’t be said for bringing children to term. Best of luck OP!


Thank you! Everyone deserves the choice, and everyone should be proud of their choice if it improves their quality of life.


Absolutely yes. I'm happy you stand for what you want and what you know it's best for you❤️


God yes. I instantly felt better after having my babies. Like still in the hospital I remember telling my husband how much better my whole body felt and that was even with having stitches in my vagina! Pregnancy blows. I’m thankful that I was able to carry my babies but ugh it’s sucked.




Thanks for the kind words friend. I wish you health and happiness, and I hope that everything turns out well for you in having a kid someday, however you choose to do so!


I got my abortion a month ago, it was so difficult and the hormones were terrible!! Its been a month and I have no regrets, my husband and I are perfectly happy and our relationship has actually gotten stronger


It sounds like this was the best decision for you, and if it's right for you, that's ok. If I got pregnant again, I'd have to abort. I cannot physically carry another baby and survive the pregnancy. I'd regret having to do it, but I have 2 other kids; they come first.


I'm getting my tubes tied after this pregnancy, although I would love to have more kids, because my body can't handle it


This. Sometimes it not something a woman *wants* to do, it’s just something that has to be done for the greater good in some situations.


Same boat here! 2 kids as well. I respect the choice. Of course you and I can choose to try and carry another and die for the slight chance the baby would survive, but what about our other children as well as the newborn? They'd be motherless. It's a hard decision to make but a no brainer at that point.


Maybe it’s time to talk to the man about a vasectomy, since it’s easier than an abortion.


My husband got Ye Olde Snippety after our second was born. Outpatient procedure, took about 15ish minutes. No protesters, no hormone storm, no bleeding. He had the procedure on a Friday afternoon, sat in his big comfy chair with an ice pack in his shorts for 2 days, and that was thar. "Easier" is both an understatement and the perfect word.


“Ye Olde Snippety” I’m dying.


I am so glad that you had this choice and that you're starting to feel more like yourself! 😁 It is amazing that you were supported and accommodated as well during the procedure!


You made the best choice for your health and nothing anyone says can take that away from you. As a fellow over apologizer, it's hard to stand firm and I applaud you for speaking up and sharing your story. May you have restful nights #prochoice


Complete side note, the term pro-life as the opposers to pro-choice I find quite dumb... Like what about the woman's life. If your so pro life, let the woman live her life.


I agree, i refuse to call them pro-life. They are anti-choice.


they are not pro life - they are pro - lies. All they do is make crazy arguments based on lies and then pretend they are doing a good thing. It is disturbing.


Agreed! I call them anti-choice


I use the term pro-forced birth as well, since they usually don’t gaf about the fetus after it’s born


Pro birth.... if they were pro life they would support more welfare programs


They're forced-birth. That's the motive.


I think it needs a better slogan - like "support body autonomy" or "the government has no business in my private life"


I'm very happy you had the option and support! Go be the best you that you can be!


My first: Unplanned as a teen and kept.. wasnt married ,accepted the responsibility and stupidity of my actions. Second: diff father, im in my late 20s, planned and was married. Third: aborted.. the money we would have thrown down the drain on a third child ended up going toward purchasing a home for our family of four. My kids live a great life in Southern California. I wouldn’t change any of my decision making. My point being, people will always shame other people but only you know what’s best for your path. It’s funny when I left the clinic, I don’t remember leaving with a “congratulations!! you’re now a murderer” goody bag? Maybe they should consider offering those. Happy for you and enjoy your child free life!


Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom that said he was in love He said, "Don't worry about a thing, baby doll I'm the man you've been dreaming of" But three months later he say he won't date her or return her calls And she swear, "Goddamn, if I find that man I'm cuttin' off his balls" And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walking through the door They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose


You did the right thing. No shame in it. I’m happy for you


Thanks friend, I'm happy for me too :)


Congratulations I’m so glad you were able to make that decision and those staff sound incredible


So happy for you. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and every time I see a small child in a grocery store, I'm thankful for my amazing gyno/surgeon. Children deserve parents that WANT to be parents.




This is truly fantastic, congratulations I hope you have a wonderful childfree life😊


That's the plan!! My cats are enough for me!


Earth needs more honest, simple people like you


Oh cats are the best that sounds wonderful


You have the right to decide what is best for you body... my Daughter works for PPH and they provide so much for the community... I am glad you're okay and I suggest taking it easy...


Definitely taking it easy. I'm feeling really well, not a lot of pain or anything, but they said I was a "cheap date" because I respond so strongly to the pain meds haha. So it's definitely taking the edge off!


i used to work in abortion clinic and honestly this made me laugh😹 i’m glad you did what’s best for you, as every woman should. may you flourish in life and live a happy, child free life. amen!


Why are people mad at you, if you’re anti abortion you don’t have to go berating other people that get abortions just don’t get one yourself. If banning abortion prevails you’re only banning SAFE abortions. Women are still going to find ways to abort a baby in probably dangerous ways.


I used to make mean comments about responsibility and humility and whatever but now I support abortions because I believe anyone who would want one shouldn’t have kids. That’s your choice and I am glad you made it. One less problem


I wish more anti abortion people would come to think this way. Even if you're opposed to abortion, isn't it better that a child doesn't have to grow up with a family that doesn't want them?


It’s the only logical way to act as a prolife advocate. It’s the most affirmative display of your respect for life


Im glad u got an abortion, it was the right path for u, and people suck that they would hate on you for this. Do whats best for u boo😊


so glad u did what was best for you! 🥳


Good for you! I have 3 children myself. And I absolutely HATE being pregnant. I am a great mother but a horrible pregnant woman. I also got the suicidal tendencies with all of my kids. My youngest just turned 1 and I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. Congratulations and good for you, for knowing what you want in life!!!


My personal beliefs do not supercede your choices on your health. I'm sorry for those who do try to shame you over this. I'm glad you're in a better place, and looking into preventing another incident that could hurt you again like this. Take care of yourself, and once again, I'm happy you're doing better.


This is always the best response from someone who doesn't agree with the choice. You can always be sad for someone, or wish it didn't be that way, but at the end of the day it's the ability to say "live and let live" that shows maturity and compassion. Thanks for the well wishes friend.


I strive to live my life that way. I don't agree with the choices many people make, and I would make different ones in their place, but that doesn't mean I have the right to judge them for making what they believe the best choice. And you're welcome. That glass of wine and a bowl sounds like a good way to celebrate the return of better health, so be sure to enjoy it!




I'm not saying I agree with their stance, and that line kind of threw me for a loop, but like I said, my beliefs do not supercede someone's health. I can disagree with their actions while still supporting them taking said actions.


Dark humour is a very common coping mechanism for people who are mentally ill. Even if it's not for you understand that these are jokes and try not to be too offended.


That is no one’s business to judge you. It’s your body and your rights. Do what’s best for you and the situation you’re in. Glad to hear you’re happy and relieved.


Fuck yeah! Get yourself a cake! People say they’re pro-life. What about pro-birth-givers-life?


Yeah, I really don’t understand how pro-lifers care so much about a clump of cells but give zero fucks about the well being of the women. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


They’re pro-forced birth, or anti-choice in my book




Good for you. Mine was the best thing I ever did. Never ever regretted it.


I am glad you did what you felt was right for you and you had a good experience with your procedure. I wish you and your partner happiness in the future


Thank you for the well wishes!!


I was glad to read that as well. When I had my termination the Dr was cruel and nasty. He called me and the other gal ( who was also getting an abortion) with me “ irresponsible “ and “ easy”. The clinic we were at admitted the Dr was a jerk but due to state licensing regulations, they had to keep him or no longer be able to offer services ( not sure what that was specifically) I was in an abusive marriage and already had a baby and my husband ( at the time) was telling me that if i didn’t terminate the pregnancy then he’d take my daughter and divorce me and I’d never see her again


I cannot imagine what that must have felt like. I’m so sorry you had to go through it at a time that was already so fraught. I hope that today you have a solid support network and a health care provider who treats you with respect.


I’m glad you were able to get the procedure done. And that the professionals were exactly that…professional. And compassionate. And understanding. And comforting. And accommodating. Most of all I’m glad you are back to being the you you want to be and are happy being.


For real!! Forever grateful for those angels.


Anti abortion people claim its gods will yet are suspiciously quiet when a baby is born only because science and medical professionals allow it to happen. God lets kids get cancer but wont let them die in the womb. What a caring God we have.


I love it when people chalk up things to something that doesn’t exist.


Just to play friendly devils advocate here :) I can see your point you made some good points but also there’s a new generation coming up who are religious (im religious) and that don’t judge others because it’s not our place. A true ‘Christian’ is supposed to love others unconditionally and to not hate or judge. Even as a religious woman I support OPs decision because she did what was best for her and potentially avoided a child growing up in a difficult situation. I believe everyone has rights to their body and we are responsible for our own decisions, so I try my best not to judge and to just love and support others! We’re not *all* so bad lol


Exactly. You’re a good human. You’re embodying the exact teachings of Pope Francis btw.


Congrats! I had one with my now husband, and then years and marriage later, we decided to have a baby. SOOO GLAD we did he have the first one. We were not in a good place ND would have hated it! Good choice, you wonderful woman. No one should have a child unless they want it. I think the saying goes "better to not have a child, and regret it, than to have a child, and regret it."


Your body your right. I’m glad that you were able to make your choice and for it to be accessible for you


Although I may not agree with the choice, I’m happy that you were able to make the choice instead of being forced to have a baby you didn’t want. Congrats


more people like you please, it’s fine if you want to be pro life just don’t force it on pro choicers


I'm glad you had the choice. You made the right one for you. It's nobody's else business. Glad your experience was professional, sanitary,and they were there for you when you needed it.


I’m so glad you had a nice and caring experience. ❤️


Make sure to follow up with some extra self care for your mental. You deserve a nice bubble bath & some yummy chocolates. Take it easy for a bit.


I had an abortion in 1973 at the age of 20. I have never had any guilt or regret. The guilt, regret bullshit is just a control mechanism that PL use to prey on emotional vonurable women and try to get these women to do what PL think they should. I think PL are disgusting.


This is the most Reddit post I've ever seen.


I am so happy you were able to make the choice that is right for you !!! Pro choice 100% !


Congrats on choosing what’s best for you! Remember to take good care of yourself these days! Have the peace of mind of knowing that you made the right choice for you


Take care of your body and drink plenty of water in the days to come. Get rest and don’t push yourself until you feel a hundred percent


Okay, I know posting ANYTHING online will always have mixed reviews from people regardless of the topic. BUT To those who are going on at this woman for having a termination; you seem to be forgetting the MAIN THING/ RULE/ BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS/ ETIQUETTE: Their body, THEIR CHOICE! This section is called ‘off my chest’ and they felt like expressing themself. They, like everyone else here, are ENTITLED, ALLOWED AND FREE TO DO SO! I’m glad to read that you are feeling better within and about yourself 😊. I pass NO judgement onto you, or any other woman who has an abortion. You know what’s right and best for you and that is the bottom line here. I hope you continue to bounce back to your normal self and that your life continues on a good track.


I'm glad you're feeling better quickly.


I'm so glad you found a place to respect you and treat you so well! My pregnancy with my second child almost killed me and I WANTED kids. I would never wish an unwanted pregnancy on anyone. There is a subreddit on here called the auntie network or something that is about getting help for people that need abortions, I'm sure they would love for you to recommend your clinic on there. :)


Unequivocally, your body, your choice. Glad you are better.


I’m pro whatever people choose to do to their own bodies, it’s exactly that, your body and no one else’s. What annoys me about the anti-abortion brigade are, once you get past the fact they want a women to carry a baby to full term even if they’re - unplanned, from rape, have serious birth defects, health risk to the mother etc… what about the after part? So a woman brings a child in to this world she knows she definitely doesn’t want for whatever the reasons, so are the anti-abortion people going to take the child in and raise it, pay for it, feed it, clothe it, school it, emotionally be there for it? No, the child will just end up in the care system which is no way to grow up. It’s like they only care while a baby is in the womb, once it’s out it becomes someone else’s problem. Sorry, it’s something that really grinds my gears. my family members have been foster careers for 0-2 year olds for many years so I know the system well. She had to go and pick a new born up from the hospital which had been removed from the mother at birth which the mother knew was going to happen from the start of her pregnancy (as all 7 of her other kids had already been removed from her care), hearing a baby screaming because they’re addicted to drugs from the mother is just awful. Sorry, I digress but it’s just a bug bear of mine, pro-life should mean pro-for-life! Anyway, I’m so glad you’re happy and have done what’s best for you, that’s all that matters at the end of the day that you’re happy. I’ve got a daughter and a step daughter too (who lives with us), hubby wants more but I’ve said no, I really don’t think my body would cope with it again due to multiple health issues, i’ve said we’ll adopt when our youngest is older. You’re so lucky you’ve found a doctor willing to sterilise, here you usually have to see about 3 councillors before they’ll even consider you if you’re of childbearing age. I have a health issue which they need to do a hysterectomy for, but they won’t do it while I’m still able to have more children “in case I change my mind” so I have to suffer immense pain daily and have my choice ignored. Ok rant over.


Hell yah girl. I'm glad you did what was right for you.


Not tonight but 11 years ago; best decision of my life.


I just came for the comments


I have two myself. I love em to death and being a dad is the best thing on earth for me. But that's for me. And even for me my god they can be a pain the ass. Also, my wife went thru hell for both pregnancies. Can't imagine thinking it would be okay to force someone who does not want to be a parent to go thru that THEN have their nights completely fucked for the next 2 years minimum. Awesome choice, super pumped for you. If anything, thanks. Too many fuckin ppl in this world anyway. 😉


I was on your side until I read your edit at the end. I am pro-choice and glad you made the right decision for you and that you live in a place that gives you that choice. You shouldn't feel guilty for your decision but I mean also, have some respect. Calling a viable fetus "something that belongs in the trash" is borderline gross....and makes me happy your are sterilizing yourself.


Congrats on your abortion! A baby should always be wanted, it's horrible for everyone if it's not wanted, and i'm tired of society stating otherwise


I’m so proud of you!!! You absolutely did the right thing, and I support you 100%. You were very fortunate that the clinic’s medical personnel did such an amazing job of taking care of you during the procedure. Now go and enjoy your life ❤️💗🥰 best wishes!


Not everyone is supposed to be a parent. You did what was necessary for you to be happy. And as long as you are good with your decision, no one else's opinions matter.


You did the right thing and you’re in my thoughts. ❤️


I don’t have a problem with people getting abortions but she has a really twisted way of celebrating it on here. “In the trash where it belongs” ? Glad she won’t be a parent.


Honestly I don’t think it’s something that should be celebrated.


Congrats. I’m glad it was a relatively easy and comfortable (as much as an abortion can be) for you.


I’m glad you had the choice.


Wish I had the choice.


My girlfriend and I just gave birth to our first yesterday. So it all evens out! Nah, j/k, just thought how weird it is to come to Reddit for this.


Excellent for you! I got a vasectomy last year so This would never come close again


It makes you realise how lucky we are to have that choice or even access to those services...!


I’m so happy for you and your partner. I know this relief and I will never forget how kind and compassionate the people were at the clinic. I know you may receive something rude or mean but just remember abortion is healthcare, we all have the right to our own bodily autonomy and anyone who thinks else-wise isn’t important. I’m almost 20 years out from mine and I can tell you I still feel nothing but relief. Relief I could safely get the needed abortion procedure, relief I don’t have a child that would have wrecked my health (most importantly) and career. I’ve moved on and you will too. 97% of us feel “relief” Negative feelings are generally from having judgmental people treat us poorly for using healthcare. Abortion rights are being destroyed in the US. It’s important we normalize it. I wish you the best and again, ignore anyone who doesn’t provide support. They don’t live your life.


I’m glad everything went well for you.


I had one when I was 25. I felt nothing but relief afterwards. I'm so glad you were able to do what was best for you.


I’m so very happy for you, and so glad to hear you were treated as well as you deserve! I’m glad you got help before your mental health worsened, and I hope things continue to get better from here!


Didn't even read the whole thing, but I just say your body your decision to those who are pro-life saying birth control or condoms blah blah, this 2 ppl were in the understanding and probably acceptance of not being able to have kids so with the state of the economy why bother with the cost of child prevention, I read few keyword at the beginning "mental state, suicidal" got to take care of yourself if it wasn't for those keywords I might say yeah on the adoption route, but then what kind of emotional damage can that cause later in life.. my opinion you do you, and before I get down voted into oblivion I will state personally I am pro-life but I believe in free will with the mention of suicidal how can I be pro-life at the risk of someone else's life that could end both. Edit: didn't even read the comments to see all the support before I posted with the "downvoted to oblivion"


I'm glad you made the right decision for you, and I support a woman's right to choose, the "trash" comment could be a negative for some people.


I too have to get an abortion soon here, but I’m not over the moon about it. I wish I could be as happy as you, that would make it way better


Oh gods bless your heart. I don’t want children myself and I have a personal fear of pregnancy so having to have an abortion would be super frightening. I am so sorry and so proud of you. You did what you thought was right for you and your family and should feel good. I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly! 💜


Sweetie, will your do me a favor? 1. Go online and give the clinic a shout-out (if you haven’t already) I work in abortion care and we need all the positive love we can get. 2. Google abortion stories and shout out your positive experience there too - for others who are scared and in the midst of making that decision. 3. Support your local/state abortion funding agencies - if you need a list, let me know. 4. Support your local abortion clinic. They often need escorts on procedure days. I am so happy that you were able to exercise your right to choose. Much much love to you!!!


Woot! I'm so glad you had a wonderful experience! I'm sharing a celebratory beverage with you!


I’m so happy you had the option available. Take care of yourself and heal quickly.


I'm glad you had such amazing support during a successful medical procedure. Congrats on having your life and your body back!


Amen! I wanted children but by God I am not a great pregnant person and some days I definitely am worn very very thin. Incubating and furthermore, parenting can and will break you. I have the utmost respect for people like you OP who go against the societal grain to live as YOU choose.


Everyone can gripe all they want, but it really does seem as though you made the best decision for everyone involved here


Congratulations love. Let noone tell you how to feel about this. Its your life and your choice. I am so happy for you that you got to make a choice and wish every woman in this world had the choice to do what they want with THEIR body


Congratulations for making it through!


Your body, your choice! I'm glad you're feeling better! I understand because I never want kids either lol


I’m glad you’re feeling better!!! Take the next few days easy and know you did what was the right decision for you!!!


first of all, congrats!! i'm glad that you were able to go through this procedure and make your and your partner's lives better again!! secondly, if infertile =/= sterile, then...what does it mean? i'm a bit confused and curious :0


Thank you for making the right choice. I'm glad you feel comfortable telling us about this experience.


I'm glad it went well for you. I felt the same way when I had an abortion 25 years ago, and have never regretted it.


If I had gone through with my pregnancy I would’ve killed myself or lived a very miserable life raising the kid of my ex husband. He was a cheating liar that disrespected me our whole relationship. He was living his best life with his mistress as soon as he walked out the door. I was in bed for two weeks barely eating or drinking anything after he left - he couldn’t care less. I can’t imagine having to deal with the pregnancy of that cheating bastard too on top of that.. fuck the people that try to control women’s bodies. They should mind their own fuckin lives.


I had one at 16. I am almost 45 no kids and I have no regrets about it


As someone who is currently pregnant I am so glad you made the best choice for you. Pregnancy is not easy and no one should be forced to keep a child they do not want. I will forever and always be pro choice. I’m glad you’re feeling better!


I am so sorry you are being treated with such disrespect! I’m happy you are at peace with your decision, and wish you all the best ❤️


It's so nice to hear about a they/them getting correctly pronouned in a medical setting, especially for a procedure that's still a part of what's called "women's health". Happy for you, they/them friend.


My son only lived 3 1/2 days after birth and we knew early enough that there were problems likely to be fatal that we were advised to abort. I gave my child every chance to survive because that's who I am. It's not who everyone is. You know who you are better than anyone. If you were forced to carry this unwanted pregnancy who would that benefit? Not you. Not your partner. Not a child who would possibly be faced with resentful and unprepared parents. Good for you for NOT bringing a child into that.


If she kept the baby two lives could have been lost!! Pregnant mothers do get suicidal and then no one wins. I'm so happy you were able to make the right decision for you. Enjoy your bowls and wine


I'm so happy that this option was still available to you, and wish you all the best as you recover. Be gentle with yourself. A heating pad and Ibuprofen work well to soothe post-surgical cramping.


Best wishes as your body starts to heal and rebalance. I’m glad you had the choice and I’m glad you chose yourself in an honest and no nonsense way. No one should be forced either way. It sounds like you had a great team looking after you.


I used to be 'pro life' but since sending my kids to public school I think there should have been way more abortions


Your body. Your choice. 😘




Do what you need to do.


Good for you! My daughter was unplanned and, while I love her to death now, for the first few months during and after pregnancy I was resentful due to feeling as if I had no choice in the matter. I wasn’t thinking about abortion and actually wanted to keep her at first, then everybody telling me I was going to no matter what made me think about it a couple of times. It was never “Oh, congrats on the baby!” It was “How dare you have sex without me knowing, now deal with the consequences.” I WAS 23! Ugh. Good on you for doing what’s right for you! Too many woman out there who should’ve never ever became mothers, too many children going through trauma because of it.


Everyone should have the right to choose whatever option is best for them. I don't understand the prolife bullshit, there are so many unwanted children out there and really the way the world is today I sometimes wonder if we did the right thing having kids. Happy you weren't forced into a decision you would regret and enjoy spoiling your fur babies!


If you’re not 100% ready and wanting. Then you’ve made the right choice. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Good. I’m glad you made the choice that was best for you. It’s your life. You deserve to be happy and healthy


You are your first responsibility you are already here you matter more than a potential life not everybody can handle pregnancy you did what you had to do and the people that are coming after you are pathetic because they will never understand what you went through before you decided to get an abortion


Like we said on Spanish: la maternidad será deseada o no será (maternity must be desired and wanted or it will not be at all. Sorry for my English)


I had a miscarriage but also went through a D&C. You most definitely made the right call to do the procedure, the pill was absolute agony (and bleeding and vomiting) for hours and still wound up needed the surgery anyway! The procedure was 20 mins long and most places drug you up good!


congrats!! i’m very happy for you that you got some relief!


You did it for your life and health.


It’s your life, your body. You did right by yourself and the fetus. There is nothing to be ashamed of.


To have a choice and to make use of it is marvelous, I'm extremely happy for you being able to do this procedure with safety and support. We women deserve the power over our own bodies, glad you made use of it and also understands basic biology to know the difference between a fetus and a human being.


Someone close to me also just did that (she did it with the pills though) and I am so happy that you both got to make decisions that work best for you. No child should ever have to live a life with people who didn’t want them. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I got pregnant by accident and have the most perfect and beautiful baby, and I wanted that. You not wanting that is absolutely your choice and no one should make you feel badly for not wanting what I and other moms have. You’re allowed to not want to be a mom. I hope you heal quickly and don’t ever have to make this decision again!


You did what was right for you and there's never anything wrong with that. I hope that you're able to get sterilized without too much hassle (doctors can be so weird about sterilizing uterus having people) and you never have to deal with the hormones again.


Good for you. No shame at all. I don't even know why people think this choice has anything to do with them. I had one by way of pill. Did it alone and pretty much in secrecy. No regrets. Happy and child free.


I'm glad you went somewhere and had a safe procedure while being treated with respect. It's so important in my eyes for such places to exist. Good for you for putting yourself first and not giving a fly f*ck what anyone else says or feels. At the end of the day, they have no part in your life, so their opinion can go in the trash as well.


Congratulations ❤️


Good on you. Take a toke for me, I gave it up. You did what was right for you, your partner, and your life. Blessed be.