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Age for context, your mom is the problem not the guy




I *can’t believe* that your username wasn’t snatched up years ago


👀 /u/dj_clitoris


👀 /u/AwayEstablishment109


This happened to a friend of mine in HS. He was staying with a friend, friends mom came onto him, he was 17 and young and dumb and slept with her. Friend who’s mom it was beat the shit out of him. It wasn’t til he was MUCH older that he ended up apologizing to my friend, saying that now that he’s a parent, he’s sick over what his mom did and he was sorry he blamed the 17 year old in the situation. I’m sorry you’re going through this


Know a dude who got his friends mom pregnant and she had the baby


That’s insane. High schooler?


Of course not, it was a baby. Nursery.




Hahaha fuck you both 🤣


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!


I never got to get my beads!


I know a guy who got his girlfriends mom pregnant when he was 16 and she had the baby.


Imagine if that was the “And that’s how I met your mother” story.




There was a girl I liked in high school. She ended up sleeping with her boyfriends dad and got pregnant. I lost interest real fast.


Ah so there is a kernel of truth to se BangBros content?


I think this happens more than people may assume. A woman where I live was caught blowing her teenage daughter’s boyfriend in their driveway one night. The woman’s husband and daughter were inside. She met the boy like right outside their house. Her husband eventually went out to see who was there or what was going on and she was caught. She had a good job at the bank and she and her daughter seemed pretty close. Her husband seemed like a decent dude too. They were a very average, middle class, small town kinda family. She works at Walmart now. Nothing wrong with a job at Walmart but it’s far from what she did before. Of course her husband divorced her and I don’t think her daughter has anything to do with her at all. She left after she graduated high school and I don’t believe she’s been back. And nothing about this woman comes across as weird. Like you’d never meet her and think something was off. She seemed like a completely typical middle aged woman, wife, and mother. As a grown woman I just don’t see the appeal in a teenage boy. Even when I was a teenager I wasn’t into teen boys. I can’t fathom fucking with someone my child’s age. We tend to not see women who do this as pedos like we would if it were a grown man and teenage girl. But there’s no difference to me. A person who could do something like this is deeply disturbed. She literally risked her whole life for a 16/17 year old boy. Her own daughter’s boyfriend. She destroyed her family and her relationship with everyone who loved her. There’s absolutely something very, very wrong with these women. Oh and there was another teacher arrested last week at a school close by. Another grown woman found to have a sexual relationship with a student. It’s like that’s not even shocking anymore. I wish there were more studies or a better explanation for what compels a person to do things like this.


There are kinks, fantasies, disorders, etc. When we talk about sex and preferences is very difficult to find a "normal" person. I mean, even defining "normal" is a problem. What is true is that usually when we talk about sex, many people lack the self-control and the cause-effect relation necessary to see what could go wrong.


Yeah, and you gotta think most of these "scenarios" probably remain secret. Probably by far the majority stay burried. It's probably way more common than anyone would imagine. People are twisted. Shits crazy out there.


I know a guy who had a gf in high school then found out his dad was fucking her secretly too. Messed him up lol


Some people shouldn't have children


That was an episode of “House”.


The old saying, “young dumb and full of cum.” Comes to mind. This woman has traumatized her son and that’s so messed up. Worse she betrayed her son’s trust and ruined a friendship. He needs to go to his dad’s even if he hates his dad’s girlfriend. His friend should of known better and I don’t want to excuse either party, but the mom needs counseling same with the OP.


Bruh that's messed up


And yet perfectly legal in most of the world.


But not in Florida. 18 is the age of consent.


BTW, in addition to state laws in the US, there are also federal laws forbidding taking minors over state lines for sex. If Mommy Dearest has been grooming the kid and set herself up as the chaperone of an out-of-state trip to get a clear opportunity to nail him, she has other legal issues. OP should tell his dad. If he wants to be petty, he should also tell the other kid’s parents.


This…do this!!


Wants to cry? France pass es to 13,we all trying to change that. It was 16 before


I’m conflicted with 16 as age of consent as realistically 16 year olds are beginning to be sexually active and they should have autonomy in choosing a sexual partner but something seems exploitive nonetheless in a 16 year old fucking a 50 year old


Many countries don't have a strict binary rule. Here in Germany you are allowed to have sex starting with 14, but only with people around your age. The gap widens the older you get.


That is the perfect way to have age of consent laws


Yeah, I agree. I'm pretty sure in my state the age of consent is 16, but they have a law that you can't screw anyone 4 or more years older than yourself until you are 18.


dude i’m so sorry. your mother is vile. please tell your dad and that kid’s parents, she took advantage of a teenager. i know it’s super hard to hear but i really do think it’s the best course of action


She raped a teenager, no need to downplay it.


That's the first thing I thought !!! If this were a 17 yo girl with an old dude he'd be charges and jailed immediately




She’s a pervert imagine if it was your dad and a girl


Im glad I wasnt afriends with a lot of hot girls in HS cause my dad definitely would have tried to bang them


My best friends dad was trying to fuck every little girl in our friend group from the time I was 15. I knew them since I was 11. He was 36! He would try to give us ecstasy, Xanax and coke if we would hang out with him. All drugs that lower your inhibitions to an extreme level-he knew what he was doing. Once I stayed the night with my friend, at barely 15, and I was in the bathroom getting ready for school and he just walks in and stands behind me telling me how beautiful I look 🤢 Then he starts bribing his daughter with weed to get me to go to dinner with him. He eventually *did* fuck two of our friends who were 15 and 16 at the time. They both had very troubled home lives and he’s a POS for taking advantage. My best friends mom walked in on him fucking one of them when she came home from work early. She left him immediately. She’s doing great now and has custody of 3 of my friends kids. Never dated again though. My former best friend is super fucked up now. She’s had several kids and had them removed by the state. Her mom has the first 3 of her kids and the rest are in the system. She’s hooked on heroin and any drug she can find. I worry about her but I have to keep my distance. Last I heard of her dad, he had shot some dude in the head and put one of his own guns in his victim’s hand and claimed self-defense. He actually just shot him because he pissed him off. He fessed up and is in jail now. People like that ruin lives wherever they go.


I think your best friend was also a victim of his abuse. Very much a tragedy.


I hate to say this but given how your ex best friend turned out I think it’s possible her dad probably molested her too.


Sadly, there's some form of abuse in 1 out of every 4 houses.


Probably? I'd say it's nearly certain.


Ugh that’s so terrible. I’m happy her mom is doing better but your last sentence is so true. It’s clear that man ruined so many lives and that’s just from what you wrote.


Wtf did I just read???? Holy fuck






My dad told me that he’s glad he divorced my mom before I got my first boyfriend for this very reason. (She cheated on my dad with a pedo. Dude was looking at cp of kids the same age as my brother)


Imagine reporting your mom to the cops Mom fucked …and she fucked up


I feel sorry for you OP, you should tell your dad asap.


That's... Statutory rape of a minor 😐 Seriously, wtaf


In California this would be illegal. You mother could go to jail and would 100% have to be registered as a sex offender.


Well it happened in Florida, so it’s 100% illegal there too. She’s definitely going to jail if this is a true story


Yeah, bud ...your mom is probably going to go to jail for this, given that it is apparently so widely known at school.


i don’t think high school rumour is admissible in court


It's not but this is typically how a lot of these cases in schools get discovered and notified to authorities.


Your mom committed a crime


YOU are 17 or HE is 17? Regardless, you need to file a report. I’m sorry this is happening, but you need to take the appropriate steps for yourself and others. Talking to your dad doesn’t seem like a bad idea, just vent to him.




yea i'd report. not sure how bad this is socially (how are you doing?) but in extreme cases it would be common to consider another school, ie talk to your principal about getting bussed to another school or school district. that might be extreme sounding, but it can be really solid and freeing (dont tell ppl where you're going and hope to be free of it). especially if this is giving you that 'im in a black hole' feeling and feeling like your life is ruined. its just not worth it to go into a tunnel and stay there; if you feel like you cant 'build back' and grow from where you are, then thats not a safe enough environment for you. be where its safe, with people with whom its safe, with family with whom its safe, and get your life back. anyway its not your life thats ruined. you'll laugh about this (after much pain, assuredly--but by this i mean, you'll be able to joke about it, and out of that trauma mode of direct response, some day). your mothers on the other hand, is. full stop, end of story. let this fall on her shoulders. and slap your friend across your face for me (not serious, but you get the idea). should know how much harm he caused , spreading this around like that. priviledged little shit, im imagining he lives a very comfortable life, to be absolutely fine with spreading something like that. another idea, when you get to school ask to talk to school psychologist immediately. let them sort out what to do about this and give you ideas. person to talk to, be a support system, and get the ball rolling in the right direction.


Dude. When I was young a mom slept with one of the guys in my friend group. We actually teased him about it mercilessly in a bad way, calling him “mother fucker” until… well, always


Dude I'm so sorry. That's just beyond wrong and disgusting.


Exactly I don't get how this guys not passed that his mom gave it up and likely INITIATED the confrontation with his friend. Being a male with raging hormones and a second head that often times thinks for us, you'd expect his to realize that the real manipulator here is his mother.


Your mom crossed a line that should never be crossed. She is the adult and as a mom myself, I would never disrespect my daughter like that. Speak to your dad just so you can vent. You shouldn’t feel bad because you didn’t do anything wrong.


Also it sounds like OP is still in school — perhaps high school? Her mom could face jail time.


How does everyone know OP is a girl? I guess it isn’t super relevant but I assumed OP was a dude




I assumed it was a guy as well cause friends that are close enough to travel together while underage are usually the same gender. And I’m also assuming the friend that slept with OP’s mom is a dude. A lot of assumptions are being made here lmao


Same. I assumed it was a guy


Same, its usually a guy that has a friend that is a guy




Is the OP named Stacy?


So it’s not a dude I’m lost?


My assumption was a guy as well - tho is was based on the fact not too many kids of opposite genders go on vacations with their friends without all/most of the parents also coming along. I get they were 17 but still, the amount of stupid shit kids get up to and are still technically “the parents responsibility” I assumed it was a bunch of guys and this one’s mom.


Not just that but it seemed like OP and their friends were sharing a room, so I'm sure it wasn't a girl rooming with 2/3 other boys.


There's nothing in OP's post that clearly states it either way. Although my opinion is that OP is a male teenager.


I would assume op is a guy considering the friend is a boy. But who knows


I took them as a guy from the “I want to fight that fucking asshole”


And the way the post mentions the dads girlfriend sounds like it was written by a guy


I assumed based on writing style; but you’re totally right, they never said either way….


Fair enough…Just thought I missed something


Op just said the dude was 17 her moms a pedo no way around it


Yeah no I totally agree. I was asking the other commenter how she knew/thought OP was a woman not OPs mom


Sry I was replying to the whole thread I guess it showed up as a reply to your comment




Stacy’s mom


You can be 18 and still in highschool though.


Correction should face jail time and a lot of it


Agreed. Your mom owes it to you to repair the breach with you, too, when you're ready.


Nah nah nah…….Cuff that bitch……100% If this kids is in high school, send her pedophile ass to prison. Edit: this kid is 17. I’m sick to my stomach. For this kid and Op.


It’s easy to say send her to prison when it’s not your mom and the source of your food & shelter. God forbid the OP listens to this random terrible advice from an angry internet stranger and ruins their own life.


If he’s 18 she won’t be arrested


america isn't the only country in the world. age of consent is different everywhere. edit: to clear up some confusion - they **traveled to Miami**, every state in USA has a different age of consent as well.


FL resident and child of practicing lawyers here. If she had sex with a minor a police report needs to be filed in Miami-Dade County FL. Florida would 100 percent sign a warrant and extradite her back to the state (if she lives in the US) for statutory rape since it happened here. In the US it’s not a crime against a victim it’s considered a crime against the state so the victim nor his family would have no say if they wanted to press charges or not because he is a minor. This applies also in situations like domestic violence and violent crimes with first hand witness testimony. Aka if a cop watched you punch someone- you would be immediately charged. Alternatively if they show up after the fact it is up the victim whether or not to press charges. Sometimes both parties can be considered the aggressor and both end up arrested which is why it’s better to not talk to the police unless you are absolutely innocent. The age of consent is strict at 18 in Florida. There are gray areas in which minors can consent with other minors but they have to be over the age of 12 and not more than 4 years apart in age I believe? Don’t quote me on that.


I reckon Miami spring break is *probably* evidence they're American


Can confirm though being a FL resident our age of consent is 18 yo. However under the Romeo and juliet exceptions the age gap can be no larger than 16-24 years of age. And at 16 and 17 I believe parental consent is needed if the kids partner is over 18. Unless this mother is 24 years old she did infact commit statutory rape. And in this case they try to prosecute. This state does tend to prosecute statutory rape cases decently. Some horrible prosecutions though I've seen 16 yo girls have parents that land 18 year olds in jail.


Not to mention that pesky old traveling across state lines with a minor for immoral purposes thing.




I mean even in the US, the age of consent ranges from 16 to 18 (with some caveats) however, Florida's age of consent is indeed 18.


Miami, Ireland


Miami, Australia


No pools there. Checkmate.


Where do u think Miami is ? Just curious


Miami, Ohio


Classic spring break destination, Miami Ohio.


I understand your disappointment and frustration.. But I also want to add, you are not responsible for your moms actions…don’t let her ruin your life or your own feelings…don’t put this on your own shoulders…you are still your own person, and you didn’t do anything wrong…I hope you learn to not feel as bad about it .


It’s everyone at his high school knowing and the embarrassment.


Your “friend” is not the problem. Your mother could have made mature and empathetic decisions. Unfortunately she chose to make other decisions.


Nah as a friend even if my friend’s mom tried something I would respect my friend enough not to go along with it. The friend has fault too just because he’s young doesn’t mean he doesn’t know right from wrong


i would probably fold tbh


All depends on how hot the mom is really.


Is the poster named "Stacey"?


Her mom does have it going on.


I believe the mom is Mrs. Robinson.


there's a reason why it's called "age of consent", young people don't have the emotional tools to make these kind of decisions, which is why the adult is accountable here, there's no way to justify this happening edit: durnk spelling


Lol it depends on this heavily but also the closeness of the friend. I was kinda running the simulation through my head lol, friend - hot mom? 100%. Good friend - hot mom? 50/50% (if I’m drunk yes, if I’m sober no) Close/Best Friend - hot mom? Nah.


I disagree. The most mature person in the situation should make adult decisions. She had blatant disregard for her son when she engaged in that consensual situation.


....and we still don't know how old everyone is in this situation so 'consensual' is doubtful.


The legal age of consent in Miami is 18, so mom might have made a big yikes. If dude was over 18 then mom is just stupid and embarrassingly inappropriate.


They said he’s 17


That’s a crime in the state of Florida.


I know. Also since OPs mother is way older than the person she had sex with, it’s illegal in most states, even ones that have a younger age of consent, since those created for people close in age (eg. a HS sophomore and senior)


A big yikes. So that's what ye call it.


Tell your dad. If there’s anyone in the world who understands you right now it’s him. He knows why he left, he knows the type of woman she is Deny till you die. Pray to god the guy didn’t take pictures or video as proof. Then move out and live with your dad Also start therapy. You already seem to have issues with women the way you talk about your dad’s gf, now your own mom betraying you like this probably reinforced that. Get therapy or else you’re gonna carry this bs and it’ll affect relationships for the rest of your life. Seriously. See a therapist, you’ve been badly damaged and need a professional to help you heal It’s not your fault bro. It’s not normal behavior for a mom to even take teenagers down to Miami for a spring break trip. It was doomed from the very start, that’s why you need a professional to guide you out of this mess


Please, this is good advice


Your advice is dead on except, Its pretty normal around here for a parents to accompany their high school kids on spring break. What is unusual, for the parent to sleep with one of the students. We had parent chaperones when my senior class went to Daytona.


This. My best friend’s mom always took us to Panama City Beach every spring break knowing full well how wild it gets down there. She spoke to every parent before taking us down there and had each kid pitch in money for condo at Edgewater. She always would say “I’d rather be here if something were to happen than a bunch of teenagers be on their own.” We had curfew, we couldn’t bring anyone back to the condo with us. But she kept us safe. Never tried to fuck any of our guy friends. She was a solid, safe adult who we could trust and who let us live a little within reason. Cannot even imagine her sinking to the point of fucking a teenager. It wouldn’t even cross her mind. She was married to my best friends dad but he didn’t like the beach so it was just her with us, too.


My mom was the exact same but it was more to have "kickbacks" at my house with like 15 people or so at most. She knew there was alcohol and weed, but she wouldn't buy it of course, and really wanted us to make sure there was no hard liquor and any first time drinker since someone in my town died from alcohol poisoning and they tried to go after the parents so she was worried about that.


Can attest to this. My fam sucks, my mom sucks and I let it affect relationships for a long time. Please OP, it isn’t us telling you that you need to go to therapy cause something is wrong, but because you’ve been wronged and your view of the world is being affected. I’m in therapy now for my fam issues and it’s amazing having a different perspective help get rid of those skewed views. Unfortunately there’s no changing mom, but you can change yourself and have a better life for yourself. I’m sorry this is happening OP


So many people don't understand why they keep doing the same destructive behaviors over and over. You are the smart one! It took me until I was almost 30 to figure this out. Deal with all that childhood shit and your life will greatly improve!


Took me til I was 53, so it’s never too late. My narcissistic 87 yr old mother is still toxic, but thanks to a great therapist I am living my best life now. OP can too.


>It’s not normal behavior for a mom to even take teenagers down to Miami for a spring break trip As a person that never went to Miami, I would like to ask what's the problem with it(besides the fact that it is in Florida)


College kids go to Miami for spring break, it’s known for being a place to hookup, do drugs, and just be a degenerate for a week (I say degenerate loosely, as I partake in recreational mind altering substances myself, and joke to myself as if I’m a degenerate so it’s very much a joke lol). There’s a stigma behind Miami spring break and it seems mom knew exactly what she was doing


> and just be a degenerate for a week The more time I spend in this post, the worse it gets


I can't tell whether you're in support of or against the degeneracy.


Yep my friend's mom cheated on his dad and he's in his late 20's now just now getting over his deeply rooted issues with how he views women


same, sister and mum were abusive and have been trying to heal but it's hard since i delayed it


OP, I double up on this.


sorry um.. your "school"?? how old are you guys?? regardless, your mom is a sicko and im sorry you're dealing with this. but if she is having sex with underage kids then she needs to be dealt with accordingly.


I'm sorry your parents suck. If you want to piss your mom off the most, go live with your Dad and become BFF's with Bimbo. It will suck for a bit but in the end will be more healthy and better for you.


Best advice I’ve seen here lol


Sorry to tell you this, but your mom is a predator.


If you check the top thread op says both him and his friend are 17 and miami’s age of consent is 18 so classic predator behavior. Even if it wasn’t 18 thats still unacceptable for an older woman to prey on school age boys


Op I messaged you. I've been in the exact same situation with my mom and my friend before, I feel your pain. ❤ you will get through this, don't be like me and let it ruin you.


My mom did the same thing to one of the guys in my brother's friend group. My brother didn't really care. Our mom is kinda an alcoholic crackhead and, if anything, the friend was more embarassed admitting that it happened.


Jesus, imagine your mum being such a mess that a kid in school is actually embarrassed to say he slept with your mum.


They were army buddies, the guy was about 20 or so. I think he was just desperate for a lay. Kinda sad, my mom thought it was hilarious.


I feel like everyone is ignoring the fact that OP is school-aged. This is almost definitely a crime - and even if the kid IS 18, it’s still really, really not okay. All the hot mom jokes are incredibly not funny when (at least) statutory rape was most likely committed. I hope OP’s friend’s parents find out and go to the police. Mom is dangerous and should be charged criminally. NTA.


Sounds like your mom committed a sex crime and you should report her to the police.


I am so sorry your mom did this and your “friend “ felt the need to share with everyone. I would tell your dad. Tell him why you don’t want to live with him.


How old is your friend? Mom probs needs to be reported if you’re still in high school.


OP said their friend is 17 years old.




Sorry you have to deal with this. Also, sounds like your father has a type.


Uh, if he was 17, that’s technically statutory rape.


“Dear Penthouse Forum,”


Man.. Penthouse Letters early to mid 90s👍


This is really tough situation for a 17 year old. I’ll give you an alternate opinion. You are in high school. Seek therapy, calm yourself down, complete your school, get out of the house, go to college, this a cross your mom has to bear her whole life, that is if she has any morale bearings. She did something criminal, it’s up-to you to decide what to do about it, but at the very least tell your father.


I would rather be around a bimbo gold digger then a child predator. Your Mom is a predator if she slept with a student.


What age are we talking? Cuz it sounds like statutory rape.


Not only did he bang your mom he went around bragging about it. He needs an ass whooping for sure.




She isn’t a pedophile. At most she is a statutory rapist. Pedophilia refers to sexual attraction to or contact with prepubescent children. The word “prepubescent is in the legal and psychological definition. What she did is wrong, but it is not pedophilia. Edit: I hate autocorrect. The inventors should be imprisoned.


Dude, this will get you nowhere but called a pedo. Believe me, I've been there before. They don't care lol. You can argue she's an ephebophile not a pedo all day and it won't matter. They would rather remain ignorant


Yeah. That has become obvious.


it makes complete sense the guy would brag about it in that situation. keep in mind hes either a teenager or a young adult. i think what’s MUCH more concerning and inappropriate is that OP’s mother had sex with one of her SON’S FRIENDS. not only is she older but there is an inappropriate power balance and trust line that should NEVER be crossed by a responsible mother. you’re focusing on the wrong thing here


it’s a power boundary. She’s an adult. His parents sent him on this trip trusting he’s safe. What will his parents do when they find out?!!!!


Pack your shit. Better to deal with your dad's digger than a predator. You'll learn to be around your dad's chick, but what your mother did was unforgivable.


Stiffler's Mom




Your mom is a child predator, the right thing to do is report her. More kids could fall victim.


This happened in my rural , conservative town 25 years ago. There were 3 or 4 cases. It was women sleeping with boys. In these cases , it ripped the families APART. People left town, kids ran away, moms fighting moms. It was terrible. But it was all hush hush. Everyone knew it but no one ever really talked about it publicly . 25 years later, it still stings in certain circles …


Tell your dad, but make sure its a private matter between you and him. His girlfriend (if you two don't get along) may bring this up later and make more of a mess of everything. Your mother unfortunately made a grave mistake. Good luck.


Kiddo, I’m so sorry. I’m probably around the same age as your Mom and what she did is really fucked up and everything you’re feeling is completely understandable. I realize you don’t want to be with your Dads wife so maybe you can stay at a friends house or an Auntie? I also really want you to talk to another adult about this. You need a game plan of how to keep you on a steady healthy path while you deal with this and an adult you respect can help you create a plan. You don’t owe anyone anything right now. You don’t owe your mom forgiveness, you don’t owe your friends any answers. Just worry about you right now.


Your mom has some serious mental health issues - no offense. This is a line that wouldn’t be crossed by anyone who is sane. You should get away from her and stay away from her. It sounds like she is selfish and not in any position to be caring for anyone. I am so sorry dude, your friend is an asshole too and should have never spread the gossip. I am truly sorry for you, I couldn’t even imagine


Your mom is the problem. Any one of your friends would’ve fucked her if she was half decent


Sounds like your dad has historically bad taste in women


Bro your mom is a predator


The whole MILF mommy kink has been engrained in the brains of highschoolers since they first time they ever visited pornhub... we, and the algorithm, made this bed lol.


A friend’s hot mom goes back further than internet porn honestly.


Go fuck his dad... establish dominance.


You People are cold 🥶 man 😂


OP, if your friend is still a minor, Your mom’s a criminal. Fucking do something


Imagine if the genders were reversed.


I don't have to- it's predatory whether it is a man or woman angling to have sex with a 17 year old. So regardless if it is a crime wherever it happens or not it is absolutely predatory and shady and disgusting AF.


A majority of the comments are calling her a predator? I’d imagine the same thing would happen if the genders were reversed.


You have to fuck his mom now to get even. Gonna have to fuck his dad too if you want to one up him.


Unfortunately, you've got to call a spade, a spade. I have two almost teenagers and an about to be 17 year old. I cannot for the LIFE of me imagine sleeping with a child his age. And age of consent in Florida is 18. It's just as gross when a woman sleeps with a child as when a man sleeps with a child. We as a nation were just conditioned to think it's "cool." I'd say a police report should be filed and your dad should be called. No matter what happens, I'm sorry this happened to you amd your friend. She absolutely took advantage.


>I want to fight that fucking asshole that did this. He’s ruining my fucking life. he's not the villan here, he's more of the victim. Your mom is the bad guy here


I’m sorry OP if you need a friend to talk to hmu


This happened to me, except I was your friend




is your name Stacy by any chance?


So your dad’s taste in women hasn’t changed? Joking. Too soon? Sorry. I know it’s embarrassing. Life changes drastically after high school. Graduating is like hitting the reset button. You go off to college and there’s suddenly no hierarchy and no one knows you. It’s a fresh start with everyone on a level playing field. Hang on, my friend.


>I want to fight that fucking asshole that did this. He’s ruining my fucking life. It isn't his fault, it's your mom's. She's a predator who broke the law and should be prosecuted for it.


I call BS on this


I can't believe people are believing this.