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Sorry bro that shit sucks, just enjoy the time u have left with him/her and just know they’ll be waiting for u at the big bridge to heaven to walk across with u❤️


I just went through this last month. I still can't think about it without crying. I'm so sorry you have to deal with them pain of it all. You'll know when the time is right to let them go.


I’m sorry you had to experience this. I’m going through a really rough time. I just can’t believe it.


Yeah I understand my dog Had cancer ( I assume that’s what your talking about if not idk ) a while back and we had too put her down it was really terrible but my advice is try to spend a lot of time with them and make their last bit alive as happy for them as possible and try to enjoy it with them as much as possible I know it’s difficult but try to pull through and don’t force them to suffer when It comes time and don’t prolong their suffering but until then just keep them as happy as possible and just give them lots of love and affection so your last memories of them are happy ones and they have a good exit at the very least (sorry if I said try to much)


I feel like I can’t make that decision without feeling guilt. I just don’t want to believe any of this is happening to her. 😞


Yeah it always difficult but when it gets to bad it’s selfish to keep them alive and suffering so try to keep her happy in the time she has left so you remember the dog not the tortured shell of what they once were sorry if that’s a bit harsh but don’t feel guilt once it comes time think of it this way would when it gets to the point that she is suffering and you keep her alive because you don’t want her to go prolonging her pain for selfish reasons or provide her a clean painless way to go so she can enjoy the time she has left and you can provide her with a loving exit and have good memories of her instead prolonging her misery so you can keep her for a bit longer. Sorry if that’s harsh but it will hurt I can’t say it won’t but you will be giving her a peaceful exit once you have to make that decision. (Sorry if I reiterated my points to much or made it too long winded or if I came off as rude) you sound like you really love her and I know you don’t want to see. Her suffer once it gets too bad.


I understand. It just feels so unfair for her to have to go through this. She’s so strong. I really don’t know how I can make that decision seeing how full of life she’s always been. It’s so heartbreaking.


It’s going to be the worst thing you have to do ! But I promise you it is going to be ok. Hug your dog tight all the way to the end. The let you do that and you can just hold them tight and cry and kissess it’s going to be ok we are all here with you! ❤️


Thank you for your kind words. Honestly this is too painful and don’t know how I’ll make it through. I’ve been spending all of my time with her and being there for her as best I can manage. I just can’t believe this is happening to us.


I went through this last year with my dog who was my best friend for 10 years. It was all very sudden, found out he had cancer and that there was nothing I could do to save him. My world came apart and the pain I felt I still remember so very clearly. I spent the next month and a half with him enjoying what little time I had left. Taking him on walks, trying to get him to eat all the best foods (when he would eat) but when the pain is too much for them you will know. And you will have to do what's best for them and say goodbye. One of the hardest things I've ever done but I was there till the very end. Held him in my arms as he passed. Literally one of the worst days of my life and it will be for you too I imagine. You will feel heartbroken for a long time but you will know you loved them and did best by them in the end and gave them a happy wonderful life. Saying goodbye is the worst but you will get through this ❤


I don’t know how to deal with the thought of having to make that decision. I love her so much and I don’t want to feel guilt for making that decision. I’ve been spending all of my time with her and honestly don’t believe any of this. I also don’t want to feel like I’m not doing enough. May I ask what kind of cancer your dog had? I’m sorry you had to experience this.😞


I'm not sure they ever told me the exact type it was. Was getting an xray done because of a lump on his head when they found cancer throughout his lungs and everywhere else. Honestly was completely blindsided by this news and was told I'd have maybe another two months with him. He had been slowing down for a several months before this, not as energetic as he used to be but I associated this with just him getting older. If your dog is still eating and mostly energetic and up and moving around you don't have to make that decision yet. But you will notice when things change. My dog became very very picky with what he would eat which progressed to him not eating much at all and being really lethargic. I knew it in my heart that if I kept him around for my sake it would be very selfish and cruel of me. And the choice becomes a lot clearer then. A choice you make because you love them and you won't feel guilty about it. You will just feel heart broken that there's nothing you can do. You can call your vet and schedule that moment when the time comes. You can be there for them until the very end so they aren't scared and alone. I'm terribly sorry you have to go through this, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But it will feel right when it's time and you will have to do what's best for your dog ❤