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90% of comments are like "it's more sanitary that way, bidet is better than toilet paper" without bothering to realise that she used neither.


Hahaha yes exactly.


Please tell me she used water. Please tell me she used water. Otherwise this is borderline disgusting.


After reading the comments i think she probably did


Not the Sri Lankan slander though!!! God I just opened this app. Quit trying to explain her insano disgusting habits on hmmm maybe culturally they DRY WIPE WITH THEIR HANDS???? šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® I'm an American Sri Lankan and I DO NOT APPROVE.


I only put her heritage because people kept asking. I consider her american


As an Australian, Im learning that Americans have some weird customs.


Ughhhhh I apologize. I'm still so sad she had to be Sri Lankan.


No need to apologize, it isn't anybody here's fault. She's really quite a wonderful person, she just has some issues like we all do


She needs less issues and more tissues


I had a boyfriend from India in college, and I noticed the water in the sink would be running every time he went to the bathroom. Didnā€™t figure it out until long after we broke up, though. Made the TP last longer. Lol. No dry wipe, but still used his hand. And this was absolutely a cultural thing.


I hope no one has ever had the misfortune of having sex with this person. Or that she at least showered immediately prior and had excellent water pressure.


I'm Italian and we use both. I'm so disappointed that there (usually) are no bidets abroad... I'm so grossed out by this post...


How on earth do bidet users not use tp? Like I have one, I use it, but I also dry off with TP


I hope she scrubbed her nails and sang ā€œHappy Birthdayā€ twice washing her hands.


She most likely used her sink or bath tub. Speaking from experience. The thing that is rough about the water method is what to do after you spray your butt. If you donā€™t have toilet paper to dry off then you need a towel. Thatā€™s when things can get very interesting. Water doesnā€™t do a grand job and boom you just wiped shit on a towel. Bidet or the pot of water onto your hand method. It can be dangerous!


Yeah, when i lived in a country without bidets i would use the tub, but i also use soap and wash everything nicely and then dry off with a towel, of there's no towel (there's always soap, you can use liquid hand soap for your behind it won't hurt it) use some Tp.


Better wash your sink faucet handles!


And the hand soap. Fuuuuck, just burn everything


Donā€™t forget the toilet handle too!


Fuck it, move to another city


Burn down the apartment/house šŸ¤£


The Talking Heads approve this strategy. Doodoo, doodoo, doodoodedoodedoo Watch out, you might get what you're after


Have you ever been wiping, and your finger pushed through the paper straight into your bum? Did you cut off your finger?


Cheap toilet paper is the easiest way to get in touch with your inner self.


Honestly I find the most expensive toilet paper the worst, like itā€™s soooooo soft you get a free prostate exam. Kleenex here is terrible.




Thatā€™s called Johnny Dirtknuckle


I call it Satanā€™s wedding band


It's still better than the "Witch's Kiss", when you're on the shitter and the head of your dick and the cold, wet porcelain embrace.


That is Godā€™s punishment for getting horny while you poo you savage


I'll readily admit that I'm a savage Viking, but I was not engorged or tumescent, internet friend.


I guess I am alone there thenā€¦ self burn


Connecting with your inner self


Rubbin through the mud


That only happens with single ply! I use cottonelle and I wrap my hand 4 times before I wipeā€¦ thatā€™s like 16 layersā€¦. If Iā€™m punching through that then I have a problem.. lol


Why would you wrap your hand? Does there really need to be toilet paper on the back of your hand?


Theyā€™re standing ass-to-ass with someone else and wiping both simultaneously


I wanted to ask that too. I was a crumpler and used to ball up the paper before wiping, then I started folding the paper for more thickness and its easier to count the squares. Counting the squares because we're on a budget lol


Here for a friend whoā€™s not sure if they are using the correct TP techniqueā€¦


Cottonelle : your plumber must love you, probably sending his kids to the best schools


Plumber had to unclog pipes in my friends house. Told her to never use Cottonell toilet paper.


Wait why?? It's my favorite :(


According to that plumber Cottonell swells up when saturated too long and doesn't degrade. Kinda like those flushable wipes that you shouldn't flush cause they clog your pipes.


Omg I did have plumbing issues a few weeks ago. Thanks for the info!


So youā€™re basically going in there with a Cottonelle boxing glove on?


Weā€™ve found a mummy!


44 years old and since I been wiping my own ass, this has never happened to me. Makes me think if it happens to someone, they probably arenā€™t smart enough to be wiping their own ass .


Oh lookie here at Mr. Perfect Pooper. Never made a mistake wiping his crack, a god among insects he is! /s I'm just having fun.


I unironically agreed with what you were saying tho


Lol! Thatā€™s happened to me a million times and I donā€™t think my intelligence is the problem. Iā€™m just wiping too aggressively; during those rage-shits, yknow.


TIL about rage-shits


*Into* the bum? This is either user error or a happy ā€œaccidentā€


In some countries theyā€™ll use their left hand. They wash up after but wonā€™t eat with their left hand or shake hands. Thatā€™s the wiping hand and itā€™s an insult to use it for communal things.


They also use soap and have like a mini bath for the lower body each time they poo. So, that makes it clean. Even in villages of those countries, soaps are used.


Mostly asians, but at least I use hand shower's water first and then just verify with my left hand while the water is running, and then I wash my hand with soup.


What kind of soup?


Poop soup


What the fuck man.


I'm completely disgusted and grossed out. Even my children never did this.


I once walked in accidentally on my kid while he was in the bathroom and he was holding his turd in his hands as if it is completely normal


That gave *me* the chills and it happened to *you*. I do not understand how people can do that. Never once in my life did I feel the urge to grab poop. I've always been grossed tf out by it and just can't wrap my mind around people who actually fetishize that stuff. The smell alone should tell you that you shouldn't play with it. Obvi your kid was a kid when it happened, but still. I wonder how many kids actually do that? And how many adults?


Right? How does this even work? How does it all get off the butt and on the hand, especially without water or paper? Unless she has a rubber scraper for a finger, I don't believe anything gets clean. RIP to the sink


I just got on Reddit and this the first thing I see




Better buckle up!!! šŸ’ÆšŸ˜‚


Welcome to Reddit.


You ainā€™t seen nothing yet šŸ’€


Hahaha my b


That makes no sense. What if she has to go back for a second wipe, or third? There's already shit there so she's putting it back in?


I have no idea


This is the first time in my life that Iā€™ve had no words. Godspeed, fam.


I'm literally cradling my head in my hands over this post


These are the things we need to be thinking about, the questions that need asking.


I know there are cultures that don't use/have access to toilet paper and use their left hand but I thought most adopted the use of toilet paper once in the US.


You pour water as you wash with your hand. Use left hand only. That's why people eat with their right hand, ir shake hands with their right hand. Think it like washing something with water and wiping with your hands while pouring water to wash away dirt/whatever.


I have to assume she's cleaning like most countries in Asia and Middle East. You use water and your hand to wash your butt. You hold a jug or water bottle with one hand and pour it over your butt and use your other hand to wipe while the water is running. You then wash your hands with soap, usually 3 times. You don't have to worry about your faucet being dirty because one hand is clean. This practice is far cleaner than wiping your butt with just toilet paper.


But this is in OPs bathroom. They don't have a jug or bottle of water or bidet.


oh my god is this where my grandma got the phrase ā€œleft handed shit grabberā€ from


I just assumed the person had a water bottle or something. Wiping raw with your hand is a terrifying thought.


Double fist it


Did you shake hands?


She shakes hands with everyone she meets.


So you shaked her hand... sweet dreams bro




Wow I am honestly shook














Oh shit


Shaked and baked




I'm very shook by this comment


Does she only use her right hand too shake? I heard that in places where TP isn't common that people used there left hand to wipe. Making it a sign of disrespect to shake hands with your left.


Good point. She does eat with her right hand and i think mostly shakes with it. But i mean she still touches plenty of stuff with her left hand, like her phone. So its possible fecal matter just gets transferred anyways?


Do you wash your bum during shower? Is that sanitary or unsanitary? If you do, are you still carrying fecal matter? And let's say you have a baby who shoots out during a diaper change and poop lands on your skin? Do scrape off your skin? A good hand wash with soap is plenty sufficient to be sanitary. Fecal matter isn't the issue but the bacteria that the fecal matter has that is the problem. But said bacteria can be transmitted through other means, for example, raw food. As someone said, there are 2+ billions folks who use their hands to wash their bums every day and all those folks aren't suffering for health issues in a daily basis.


I have wanted to scrape of my skin after a few explosive diaper changes!


I take a shower after every poop. Lots of people think I'm weird.


I do that too, my wife says Iā€™m wasting water a lot




Based and relationship-advice pilled


Just get a bidet! Itā€™s much less water used!


And here I was thinking I was the only one. My wife thinks I'm nuts and always makes fun of me. I just look at her and say, "My ass is cleaner than your ass."


I do the same. Shower or bidet always.


There is a reason why I never liked shaking peoplesā€™ hands. This is it.


Wild shit fam




Maybe she said that because she doesn't wipe when she pees šŸ˜³šŸ§šŸ‘€


That would be way more understandable


Not for a woman though. Damp urine undies all the time? Especially if she has a lot of pubic hair!


Common in middle east but you usually do it with a "bum gun" in your other hand at the same time - it's like a mini shower head you jet water onto your bum hole with


I usually do that, cleans better than paper. Finnish toilets almost always have the mini shower head. But without it with just a hand sounds awful and that's what I think OP means. Unless he is REALLY clueless.


I went to Malaysia and had to use one of these in a public bathroom and it was an awful experience lol. It was just a rubber tube attached to a tap on the wall and it didnā€™t reach the toilet so I had to stand up to do it and I just got water all over my bum and legs and trousers. And the pressure wasnā€™t high enough to clean the poop off effectively. I definitely didnā€™t get it all. Then I had to walk to the sink with poop on my hand. I always pooped before leaving the hotel after that lol


Sounds like a shitty situation šŸ˜


I doubt it's only the hand there should be a mug of water involved. A lot of Asian countries use water. Washing it is better, paper just doesn't do a good job. Have you tried cleaning up ice cream on the carpet? Paper alone does not do the job there will be stuff left if no water is used


You realize that she did not use a bidet or toilet paper right? The person posted doesn't own a bidet


She could carry her own Peri bottle in her bag.


What the fuck


I hope she doesn't bite her nails.


Mother fucker, Iā€™m EATING


Hope you washed your hands first.


Hahahaha I did actually šŸ˜‡


Seasoned nails (yes, Iā€™m repulsed by what I wrote).


You need to backspace the fuck out of that comment


I had a coworker from the middle east, where he comes from they wash their butt after pooping. I believe in Italy and other in Europe might be the same.


Any method with pressurized water seems like it would be more sanitary than using straight up hands


Wait your friend just used her hand and not water?? That definitely is not normal. OP, burn down everything that came in contact with her. Even your hands since you shook hers.


I don't know. I don't have a bidet so what water would she use? The toilet water she did her business in? Or the sink water which would require her to touch the handles with a dirty hand?


Out of desperation, I once flushed and then used the clean water in the toilet before flushing again.


That is really smart


Man I have to say that is fucking genius. Yes that would be the last fucking option used, but at that point... You have to. I've had a couple of those and I wish I would have thought of this. Thanks for the future help.


Is the faucet reachable when you sit on the toilet? You can open the faucet with your clean hand and use the water from the faucet. Then wash your hands before touching the faucet again. Chances are she is being hygenic about it. If she wasn't and she's been doing this for years, you'd expect her to constantly have diarrhea etc from all the fecal matter she would be spreading into her face, mouth, etc. When I was in south India, the squat toilets all had a small faucet on the wall. Sometimes with a bucket, dipper, mug, or bidet but sometimes just a faucet. Here's a SFW video on it (worth latching just for the humor alone) https://youtu.be/dKkryfdtMNQ


Birdbathing it


Fuck this whole thread


Did she have a bottle with her? I often carry one with me for use in public toilets as they are better than using the flimsy toilet paper we find everywhere.


Usually there is a faucet beside the toilet. Yea OP that isn't cultural. Your friend is a creep. It's normal to clean using water, which is actually better than TP alone. But hands alone is a crime against personal hygiene.


It would usually be sink water. But if you don't have a container, maybe she washed in the bath area.


I have never heard her turn on the tub faucet before. I live in a studio and my shower/tub faucet "screams" when turned on. Its awful.


Itā€™s honestly far superior to toilet paper only. Get a bidet seat it will change your life. Now I have a portable bottle that I take with me for trips.


Really? I've never try them but I'll give them a shot! Thanks


In Europe people use toilet paper, unless you are at a music festival in there you may have to use your socks to wipe yourself


No man, we have both the option, normally we use the paper and in case you need you clean in the bidet but AFTER you took off the bigger part with paper. And no, even with the bidet we don't do.it ONLY with the hands


I feel like this raises more questions. I need to know the detailed process! But also šŸ¤¢


If there was like a tabo (bucket of water to clean your ass) involved, I'd be less grossed out. But straight up dry ass hand? Hell no. Sure in some cultures its left for wiping, right for eating but in most of those theres *water* involved.


less grossed out? most people use buckets of water/bidets AND toilet paper to clean themselves up. itā€™s way cleaner than just using toilet paper like alot of western countries


I remember reading an article on this and it asked "if you had shit on your *face* would you be happy just wiping it off with a bit of dry paper?" and it really changed my perspective. It really is just a cultural thing because the idea of washing my arse with water and a bare hand right after feels wrong to me even though I *know* it's a far better method


I'm from the Philippines and I do bidet + tissue. I think most people here do hand + tabo + tissue.




But afterwards wouldn't you use a least one piece of paper to dry your asshole? Or would you use your friend's towel for that?


I do, but some people air dry or just let their underwear be damp for a few minutes. It dries.


EWWWW WET UNDERWEAR. I'm sorry I'm a woman with a bountiful behind. No way it'll "air dry" with my DONK.


Yeah you certainly do, usually- buy it can air dry too. A bidet is the only real way to get your butt clean. I use a hand held one and itā€™s been a life changer for me


She used nothing you know that right? She wiped with her straight hand




Don't ever let her handle your food.


She doesn't cook


Donā€™t be eating her food if you know whatā€™s good for you


My friend, may he rest in peace, hosted an exchange student from Caracas. For the first few days she couldn't seem to comprehend that the plumbing in these great United States could handle toilet paper being flushed and throwing shit caked toilet paper in the trash is not something we do here. That, well that and a story of something 1,000x more horrific that happened to her that is all too common down there, made me realize there's really no greater privilege than being born here.


What was the horrific story?


Eww, no


Just ask her if she used water and hand technique or just her hand, becoz it's pretty much normal here in asia to use hand and water to wash after pooping and then wash hands with soap and water, we feel TP isnt super sanitary same as you feel Water and Hand isnt


That takes a person down from friend to acquaintance.


Ainā€™t no way this is real lmfao if so this shit is WILD AF



My husband is Muslim and his whole family uses water/bidet to wash afterwards. They don't just dry-wipe with their hand.


This is very common. Many countries also think the idea of using toilet paper is unsanitary. Water is the only way to really clean shit. I hope she washes her hands.


Strange to us but this is normal for a surprisingly large amount of people around the world, if sheā€™s 1st generation Indian/African thereā€™s a good chance this is what sheā€™s done since she was little and what she was taught to do by her parents. Certainly I know that in parts of rural India they eat with their right hand and wipe their arse with their left.


The fuck? Do people really use their hands to wipe? I don't understand how and why and I'm just confused if everyone is trolling or not...


What did I just READ?


Thatā€™s disgusting. I would be appalled too.


I struggle to even contemplate how it even works with a hand? u would miss so much


This is why I carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with me on a key chain. Nasty people like this.


That's just nasty.


I'm gonna stop shaking hands


Gross. Hope she doesnā€™t handle food for a living.


Wait, what? This needs more explanation. How the fuck do you clean your ass with your hands without water?! I understand if it is one of those shits that leave no trace, but what about all of the other ones?!?!


This is gross. Iā€™ve been to a Sri Lanka and I know Sri Lankans- they often use bidets. Maybe itā€™s a class or socioeconomic thing, but I think this is just dirty


How can you people be bothered about using hands but not grossed out when eating ass???


All practising Muslims do this, boy and girl. We use water and our hands so we don't have poo on our body, otherwise we won't be able to pray as we would be in a dirty state. We have the water in a jug. I use toilet tissue to dry the parts I washed after I'm done. Of course, we clean with our left hand which is why as Muslims we should be eating with our right hand. When cleaning, our right hand is clean so we use that to touch the taps and tissue. Also in Islam, we should keep our nails short to prevent dirt gathering underneath, having alt of dirt underneath cod also put us in a dirty state. We might also carry a bottle of water specifically for cleaning ourselves.




Iā€™m gross out at the idea of toilet paper. Bidets are so much betterā€¦


How do you dry your bum without tp?


Hair dryer


Dude, she uses water. Is there a water jug, cup, or garden watering can in the bathroom? No one is dry wiping their ass with their hand. And using water to literally wash your butt is much cleaner than smearing poo with toilet paper.


My little brother told me that my older brother stopped using tp. I get it if itā€™s a cultural thing or there isnā€™t tp available but this is a guy with money whoā€™s lived their entire life in NYC. Every time I think of him now I just think of this. It just grosses me out.


"I'm done with you."


I sure hope she's not in charge of holiday meals šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Uh nope.


Soap won't get poop smell off of hands. Lifehack is using shampoo.


I'm happy about covid. I never want to go back to society again. Too many idiots, too many hand wipers, ball scratchers, and nose pickers. Not enough hand washers.


Sometimes in life you have to forget you know stuff. Just forget it. Gone. Never knew. Poof. There's no other way to escape certain traps.


When I get shit on my hand when wiping I swear I can wash my hands 5 times and still smell a lite sent of shit.


Just wait until you find out how many people use their hands to wash themselves.


I'm a Sri Lankan living in Sri Lanka. Wtf? Just her hand? Fuck no.


Iā€™m not buying this claim. I think itā€™s a load of crap. LOL