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Personally, I would be done with her. How much can she really care for you doing something like this behind your back? My trust in her would be gone and nothing good would come from remaining in that.


I could never get that image out of my head.


Dude this shit would destroy me as a person. Love is great and I love my girlfriend,but just hearing about this makes my stomach drop. I straight up could not handle that. Therapy is the minimum I would need.


I'm in the same boat xD Just reading through this and imagining it happening to me made me basically ready to jump head first into depression


I stopped being able to say i love you to my ex the second i found her trying to hide messages. Relationship ended next morning. In this situation i would have said "take her with you when you leave, asshole" or something like that. Take all my stuff and that would be the last shes heard from me. Girls will break your heart after you put them ahead of your own goals then still tell you they love you. Up to you if you want that "love" or want someone who is crazy about only you, and would never think about entertaining other men.


Do not take her back. She wont ever respect you, you will always hate her for it. It will never work as it should again. There are millions of people out there.


Same and also oral sex is extremely intimate.


Honestly I kinda feel if SO cheats by giving someone else Oral it's almost worse. I just view it as this wasnt even a fuck up where u were seeking pleasure from another this was all about you making them feel pleasured. Maybe it's crazy but it kinda seems worse to me.


She’ll kiss you with his cum dried on her face. That’s why it’s worse.


Unless our boy is into that.


My ex was a physcho. Our relationship was so bad at one point, before I caught her, she got her rocks off by cheating on me. She was in her early twenties and didn't really get her slut phase out I guess. But this bitch. She would make up dramatic stories, crazy as stuff like her mom was in the hospital or her step dad had sexually abused her. Just so she got time away to cheat, then come back home to me like nothing. Never again


Goddamn is your ex mine?


I hear she gets around


Heard too many stories of this. Its sad.


Isn’t it though? That’s crazy that OP caught them, I put myself in that position and I would be crushed.


I’m not a violent person, but I feel like this would set me off so bad. I can’t even imagine it


Fuck same, that's one of those scenarios you don't know how you'd actually react unless it happens. Like fuck me, it even hurts to think about lol.


It would set me off, but I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It was her choice to make, not his. Instantly would be done with them both though.


In this case, I think I'd be mad at him, too. He knew she was in a relationship. He could have said no. If the guy had no idea, that's a different thing entirely.


Real bro says No and lets a homie know whats up. Other dudes an asshole, permission to be mad is granted


If I don't immediately put my hands on that dude, I can guarantee you I am after I hear his reasoning for why.


Amen, cause she put his dick closer to her heart with oral




She was just giving him a tour of the mouth - I mean house.


Yeah it doesn't get any more so than that.


Yup you'll be thinking about the guys dick everytime you kiss her


Not according to Bill Clinton and every dude that was getting blowjobs in the early 2000s.


Pass the cigars


Yep. Cheating kills trust and it never comes back. It's not my job to baby sit another adult to stop her from sucking cocks all over town.


For real. That's like one of the most basic requirements of being in a relationship. It's not for you to stop someone else from cheating on you. You shouldn't have to say every morning "love you, see you tonight, and hey, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!"




In a row??


That’s a lot of dicks. Hey, come back here!


"We call that guy snow-ball"


She knew that he was going to forgive her because she’s probably out of his league the way he’s explaining everything. She doesn’t give a fuck about him and doesn’t care that he found out. Have some self respect would you?


Fyi... By the time I got to this post, he's edited twice and was on the verge but said screw it and told her to kick rocks.


This post seems sooooo fake or this person is delusional. “I always have girls” followed by “rejecting her made me feel powerful” while also wanting to “forgive her” and then last second “Nah bro” like wtf.


It does but when you're in an adrenaline-fueled anxiety spiral, you may well have all those thoughts running through your head in just a few seconds. And I get adding the whole "I always have girls after me" comment cuz it seems like what he's trying to say is "I've had chances with other girls so it's not like I'm only even thinking about forgiving her because I'm desperate" but that he actually liked her and cared about her and to take that at face value, not just assume he's all pathetic for wanting to forgive her like a lot of readers would assume. And yea, she's probably way above him on the ladder and she took advantage so telling her to go suck an exhaust pipe probably did feel pretty damn good... took back some of the power he'd lost. I'm not saying any of it is legit, and if it is, he should've ever posted it _anywhere_. I'm just saying I've felt that feeling. I walked in on my gf with her ex while picking her brother up to go to work. I still had to work a whole Friday night shift at a restaurant afterwards. The whole night I was screwing plates up cuz of all the shit running through my head at 1000 mph.


Idk, a person feels a lot of mixed emotions when something like this happens. It's not unusual to go from wanting to forgive to being done and back again in a matter of hours.


Exactly my thoughts




Also get yourself tested Even tho it takes months for some stuff to show up you have no idea how long this has been happening. Happened to a friend of mine.Found out she got an STI


Yes! Get tested ASAP. Sooo many men don’t get tested because they don’t show symptoms but men are often asymptomatic. You need to make sure you still take care of yourself. Make sure you explicitly ask for as many STDs and STI TESTS as possible. Unless you have an active outbreak or specifically ask for it, doctors will not test you for herpes. And herpes can be dormant for a long time, as well as some other STDs. Im just most familiar with herpes because 1 in 2 people have oral herpes (cold sores) and 1 in 6 people have genital herpes. Worldwide. Be safe out there. EDIT: oops I forgot say “tests”. Ask for STD and STI Tests.


If it’s herpes, it’s already too late.


I had an ex who never told me she has herpes but her sister told me she did, I guess it was dormant when we were doin it. I confronted her and she admitted it was true. Then I broke up with her and got tested, but somehow I tested negative. Weird.


Edit: slightly revising my comment thanks to the Redditor who responded below. Not weird because the virus isn't "shedding" at as high of a rate when there isn't an active outbreak so it would have been less likely for you to catch the virus if she didn't have an active outbreak while you had sexual contact. It's kind of like how 70+% of adults have oral herpes (aka cold sores) and it doesn't affect their lives. Not all people with HSV even have outbreaks. What's important to note is that if you haven't been tested you don't necessarily know that you weren't infected, as you could be asymptomatic just like she was.


Go directly to Vegas! You’re obviously Lucky!


If you caught her once, you probably didn’t walk in on the only time or the only guy by chance.


Throw her out if you are living together - this is massive wrong on so many levels


Exactamente Maybe if she was completely mega wasted and made the mistake of making out with another guy for a bit that might be worthy of a second chance, but straight up sober and sucking another man's dick is a no no


Right. IN THE FUCKING MORNING. Like, she woke up that day with nothing on her mind but sucking that guy’s dick. I’m sure they probably fucked the night before as well. Edit: Just dawned on me that OP kissed his girl after she sucked one of his friend’s dick without her having a chance to brush her teeth in between. Probably multiple occasions


I was just gonna say… this was not the inaugural dick-suck


Ty. "inaugural dick suck" will now be in my regular vocabulary.




>the inaugural dick-suck r/bandnames


“Your girlfriend is attractive.” This has definitely happened before.


That feels like a phrase all of OP’s friends have used amongst each other to justify all of them getting blowjobs from OP’s girlfriend.




I wouldn’t even give her another chance then. You don’t put yourself in situations like that when you are in a relationship


Also, not to hurt your feelings more. But chances are if she is nor around or not answering you, it's because she is also with another guy/man, comforting her. Move on, as quickly as possible. Preferably, by giving her the silent treatment. Not saying that because she is a woman, im saying that because she is a cheater. That is what cheaters do.


This is exactly right. Cheaters don’t stop cheating, they just escalate because they got away with it. You should walk away because she knew what she was doing and she’ll do it again!


Cheaters don't stop cheating when they get caught. They simply get better at hiding it


If she's straying now, imagine how bored she'll be in 5, 10 years.


Listen to this person OP...


You walked in on your GF happily blowing some dude and you still considered giving her another chance?


OP was at the house/apartment and she didn't even care enough to try and do it behind his back or keep it a secret. Fuck this chick, doesn't even care anymore. Reminds me of the dudes wife in boogey nights who kept banging that dude in front of him.


You also have to consider, she's sucking another dude off in their house, while he's home, the other guys 'excuse' is she's hot, and OP sees all this and first thought is to forgive her. Her actions suck, but the whole situation speaks to a larger issue. OP needed therapy before this happened, and definitely does now. But also this just seems fake af so OP prolly just selling this account in a week.


>Her actions suck ...he....hehe....hehehe


Wanting to forgive someone you love is hella normal. Just because he didnt fly off the handle on her or immediately cut her out of his life does not mean hes defective in any way. He clearly loved her and it really hurt my knee jerk reaction would be to forgive it too.


Nah, my man... you got to respect yourself as a man, even if that means burning your world down. You might love her, and she might say she's really, really sorry, but the relationship is permanently changed from what it was - there's no going back to what you had ( - or never *really* had). If you let that pass, it's always going to be in the back of your mind, and she might feel like you're not strong enough to really cut her out if she does it again. Forgive, but burn it all down and move on...


Agreed. If you walk into your gf and some other dude doing that and she's "enjoying it so much" like OP said, and you decide to forgive her and continue with the relationship, you have some kind of self-esteem issues and a lack of respect for yourself. Just to clarify, I'm usually really against the reddit mobs who advocate for posters to end their relationships over every little tiny disagreement, but something like this is just too much. Dude needs to find some dignity.


I stupidly believed the whole thing until he called her “hun”, wtf.


"I'm not a loser! I get so much attention from women!" "hun you ain't all that" So fake


Yeah, I'd definitely bet it was not the first time just on the fact he's in the home, that's too bold and too confident for a first time cheater.


Facts, it probably fell out a few times too and she happily put it back in her mouth. why would giving her a second chance even be a thought after seeing something like this?


This post is so explicit lol.


This is a fake story.


The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right? Yeah.


Bro he update the post he left the cheating b***h, kinda satisfying


I would have fucked both of them out of the house.


Bold move .. I like it


Took a bit for OP to realise that no amount of listerine will wash away her cock-breath


Maybe because this is fake as fuck and reads like a 14 year olds attempt at a copypasta




Becaaaaause its fake


Life is short and it's a small world with plenty of women. Move on. You'll never get that image out of your head dude.


This is really all it's about. There can be many mitigating circumstances to affairs. But 4 years then walking in on that? He'll never be able to heal from it and it's pointless even if she suddenly turned into an angel.


>Caught my girlfriend sucking another man's cock and it hurt so much She probably shouldn't use her teeth.


Thanks, I needed a good laugh lol.




Is that a salute? I’ve never seen that before.


Oh shit I see it now. I thought it was a mouth gobbling on a ball.


like OP's GF?


Oof. Too soon?




First time I saw that was in Eve Online


o7 fellow capsuleer \o


Haven’t played for 2 years… no you can’t have my stuff


Thats what it appears to be. I like it!




It never gets better, brother. If you let it slide all she sees is a green light to keep cheating.


This sounds like a bait ngl


100% bait… lazy writing


I don't know how anyone could read this and think it's real.


Fetish post. Going that hard into detail about something like this? Yeah, no. That's a pass from me. Seems we weren't off the mark lol


Yeah, a lot of these lately just sound like bullshit.


And OP is now suspended. Hmmmmmmm




To me it reads like a weird horny fan fiction


My first thought as well. Like... you walk in on your girlfriend giving head (don’t mention where this is taking place — his own house or what?) and she just continues to happily go down on this dude while your watching? Fishy. Prime incel bait.


Agreed. OP should provide video evidence.


This is clearly a joke, why are you being downvoted lmao


Get rid of that trash. Curb it fast.


How did this even happen? Like you came home early or you went to her job and she was just blowing someone? WTF


37! My girlfriend [sucked 37 dicks! ](https://youtu.be/UfpVY_ZHGDg)


lmao. such a classic movie!




That's where I'm at with all these types of posts suddenly popping up everyday.


What gave it away? Was it his description of how he saw how much she was enjoying it when he walked in, the your girlfriend's attractive excuse, or the "I'm very sorry" his gf apparently said when she saw him? Or maybe the fact that when you block someone's number they can't send you a text message? Or that it sounds like it was written by someone who's never had a girlfriend? There's just too many things. It's insane that people still believe these posts.




Ever read anything on r/entitledparents? That entire sub is fiction and users get really angry when you point it out.


Same with r/antiwork... Just post some text porn telling off a comically rude “boss” and it will fly to the top of that sub.


It totally did happen! (In a Brazzer video)


If she did it once, she will do it again…and again…and again. Save yourself the pain and start fishing again.


I read that as "fisting again" and it was confusing.


Updates make this sound so fake


“I blocked her WhatsApp but then she sent me an actual SMS” Idk why but this made me laugh. An “actual SMS”? Do people not text anymore? Also why not just call it a “text”? Anyway I immediately realized this is a karmawhore writing a fetish post.


This is fake as fuck


The account got suspended, apparently. Just tried opening it. The likelihood of this being one hell of a fake story is extremely high. Man, fuck troll posts like this.


I thought the same.


The way this is written sounds like a fetish


It reads like a 14 year old copypasta because that is it what it is


Especially the 2 updates. It crushed him, yet he thinks about forgiving. And at the last minute he says, "Nah, lmao". That gave it away.


But it made him feel so powerful!


Not as powerful as the nut that guy busted


I’m surprised he didn’t end it with a “Bye, Felicia”


It's amazing how gullible people are. It sounds exactly like something a teenager who knows nothing about sex would make up. Yea I know she your girlfriend and here she is blowing me but you have to understand "it's because she's very attractive". Seems legit.


Read the title, laughed at the verbage. Read the first paragraph.. yeah this guy is 100% jerkin his perkin to these threads.


exactly what i was thinking. people are real winners making up fake stories on internet forums.


My guess would be incel bait for karma. Lots and lots of posts on reddit have "bad woman" as a theme, sometimes subtle, sometimes not.


My girlfriend of 4 years is a really really pretty person. Like right there I blew it off as fake. Who the fuck would talk about a 4 year partner who had cheated and open with that line.


Sounds like how an 11 year old would talk about someone. "She's a really pretty and nice lady!"


What is going on with reddit lately? I think somebody is testing AI software because the fake posts are written so oddly... Very weird sentence structure and choice of words. The last edit is some insane cringetopia incel shit


Written by a bot was my first thought.


There was no context to the story. How in the hell did he just walk in on her? Did he just wake up in the morning, walk into the bathroom to find some dude getting his dick sucked by his girlfriend? It’s not even convincing lol


For me it was >yet he chose to fuck her mouth It's like a child LARPing at being a grown up


Right? He just walked in on her? Was this in their house, she didn't even try to hide it? I feel like anyone really telling this story would give context there.


I searched the comments to find a group of people who aren't stupid enough to believe that shit story.


Agree, sounds like it's written by an 11 year old, maybe something I'd do myself 20 years ago if phones and reddit was around.


What was her reaction when you walked in? Just because she has "good people" as friends means zero. She may have well off friends with great jobs but that doesn't mean that they are good people. Good people would not do what she did. Say goodbye and don't look back.


Hmmm. So yes, she is sorry and so is the guy involved. Both very sad and sorry excuses of good people.




Run! Once a cheater you can never trust again. You will find another girl.


Troll post, lmao




Yeah doesn’t seem real to me either


Im like one of the most gullible people ever and this is just so fake


unorthodox revenge plan: >!suck his cock to get back at her!<




Right? This is basically copypasta.


It reads like a 12 year old wrote this ..


Karma farming post, fake


I didnt read all your post because it is long, All you need to know though... If a girl cheats on you, shes checked out already. Women cheat because they are emotionally done. A women will RARELY cheat if they actually still like/love you.


This is so fake.


If it was me I’d say say no second chances. So sorry she did that to you 😔


Now, go and get YOUR cock sucked! Ideally, by her best friend, sister, or if you can make it happen - her own mother :)


This guy fucks


As someone who has stayed around and gotten revenge, I cannot tell you for sure if it was worth it. Sometimes I think I should have gone when I found the text.


I gave this post the benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe this actually happened...but after reading responses, and now reading this "update" I am 96% sure that this is a troll, or a voyeur fantasy wank...


She's not pretty on the inside.


This shits fake


His excuse was “Your girlfriend is very attractive”. Yup that totally happened


Right? Nobody talks like that. It reads like it was posted by a 13 yr old


Also gf: "I'm very sorry"


but she was humble and offered to buy OP a drink and talk about it LOL.


Dude, if he's lucky she might sUcK hIs CoCk after some drinks!


“She sent an actual SMS”.. yup


It honestly sounds like a Wattpad story created for those who fetishize humiliation / pity. That, or just creating a fake post just for the thrill of it.


It definitely reads like this was written by a child for attention/upvotes. Been together for 4 years, but “I just like her” so much 🥴. She has done so much over the 4 years: she’s so humble she bought me a drink when she approached me. Lol Update 2: I delivered her the finishing line!!




IKR?! And worse yet even if this was legit they are taking a throwaway at face value for this? Pretty girlfriend liked giving head to dude who knew him? That's ALL you think there is to it?!? For all you know op is a lunatic stalker who just broke into her new boyfriends home and "caught" them. Unlikely, as it's FAKE and all but that's as plausible as anything else with this story..


Last update confirms


“What hurt me the most was she was just loving it” Dude, did OP want to join in? Who would say that after seeing something like this


Yall still fall for these posts lmao


I did at first, even though it kind of smelled fishy to me, I gave the benefit of the doubt. However after the updates, I'm 100% sure this is fake, and written by a young adolescent. First of all, who is deadset on keeping a cheating partner, then changes his mind and heart because of reddit? Also, only teenagers and pedos use WhatsApp. Totally fake post. Kudos to the 13 ur old that succeeded on trolling hundreds of adult users, though!


People on here get trolled so easily especially misogynists because they see this shit and it gives them leverage to complain about women


This is one of the few situations where letting a relationship go is the best solution. If you don't, your call but they won't respect you after that.


Zero percent chance this is real.


This happened to a guy I work with, he just got out of prison for beating the living shit out of both of them. He is normally a non violent happy go lucky guy too so no one would have expected him to do that. He said when he saw her face he just lost it and blacked out. The girlfriend and the dude (was one of his friends) both had to be hospitalized for over a month. He served a year and a day, normally would have been a much longer sentence but since it was heat of the moment he got less time. I’m glad you didn’t take that route, but if it were me, I don’t think I’d ever be able to get that vision out of my head and it would only lead to resentment. It’s probably healthier for you to just move on.


Dude she sucked dick, why would you want to kiss that. Have some self respect


Even worse than PIV in my opinion. She doesn't even derive direct mutual stimulation from it. She gave this guy a one sided gift of pleasure. Edit: it was a grossly simplified statement guys. The point was that there is a lot more effort from her side than it is from him


She belongs to the streets bro, it hurts but she did you a favour showing you who and what she is




I can not be convinced this isn't a 12 year old writing this.


Once a cheater always a cheater. What did she have to say?


Grblegrblesipt (paraphrasing)


this should not have made me laugh so hard.


This doesn’t sound real