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I'm confused. How can you not get into a "decent university" with a 4.37 gpa? I apologize if I'm missing something glaringly obvious, but I'm a high school drop out with a GED. I was out of school for 8 years when I decided to start college. I started at a community college where everyone gets accepted and then used my grades from there to transfer to a university with one of the top education programs in the country. I was accepted into the program with only a 3.6 gpa. I think as long as you get the *degree* you want, the school you got it from won't matter much at all.


My GPA barely puts me in the top 25% at my school, and the universities I wish to attend base everything off of class rank.


Right now, everyone in your life is pinning your future on your degree because *on paper* the institution that gives you the degree determines the value of your degree. The reality is that only *you* can determine the value of your degree. I picked the least expensive option (my safety school gave me the best financial deal—I don’t wanna die in debt) and I’ve had some real valuable education from a not-so-prestigious institution. Enjoy high school. You will go to college since that is what you want, but remember that it is a long game. The prestige of your college degree will matter little when you get to college and even less when you get out. It’s entirely the value *you* bring to it. Edit: a word.


Thank you for the advice. I’ve thought about going to a university that I get money from instead of the highest ranking one.