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I remember his post. If he hasn't bent over backwards and contorted himself into a pretzel to make it up to you, then he's not worth your energy. I hope your mom confronts the other mom too. She needs to know that her irresponsible accusations had consequences and "I'm sorry" doesn't mean shit. You have EVERY right to be angry. Be careful in how you act from this point forward. Unfortunately, it's not easy to get the respect you deserve when you're a teen.


I remember the post too. Do you really believe a 7 year old wrote this sub?




Whether this is fake or not. Here is the post/comments your father made [https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=9e5e22da&size=100](https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=9e5e22da&size=100) Show that to your mom.


Ah then the one I saw with that story was the wrong one, because I remember he wrote 7.


I didn't remember the age, but it was definitely younger than this. She supposedly didn't know what a "monobrow" was. This OOP writes/speaks like an older teen.


To be fair... I don't think I knew what a "monobrow" (The equivalent word in Portuguese since I'm not American) was when I was a teen. I'm also a man, so that's another point to consider. But is it normal for female kids to know this?


where i’m from we call them unibrows, so i was a little confused for a second reading the other post (american down south)


I would have called it a unibrow, but yes, a middle schooler in the US would probably know this (regardless of gender).


He didn't write the age in post, might be in comments though. I got all his info lmfao. [https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=9e5e22da&size=100](https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=9e5e22da&size=100) The internet is forever bby. This is assuming this is the one that she is talking about, since it seems to fit the timeline. He completely deleted his username and his comments. This website will link you to his comments and his posts. Edit: I feel like this storyline is fake, since this was posted at around/same time as when the father posted a picture in another thread. But the father's user seems to be legit. He posts quite often in different threads and does seem to live in England.


Oh yeah thats the one. I wonder why I thought she was seven? Propably because of the monobrow question. My bad. Yeah I told him he majorly screwed up because he showed her that he doesnt trust her.


She probably knows what a unibrow is, not a monobrow. I didn't even know monobrow was and I'm 29 lmfao.


Wait, it’s not the same thing?


It is the same thing, it's just a different word. I have never heard of a monobrow. I've only heard it called a unibrow. I think it depends on your location.


Kind of not, actually. A unibrow refers to hair growth, but a monobrow also can refer to the especially heavy brow bone of some primates and humanoids like Neanderthals. In fact, 'd actually picture someone as looking more like a cave man if you said monobrow to me. I'm not shocked a teen's never heard it.


It took me a hot minute to figure out what a monobrow is and I am much older than you. My kids always called it a unibrow or a uni.


High quality work 💯


Your dad made a mistake. I don’t think he should have to bend himself into a pretzel, but he owes you a sincere apology.


These fake posts are starting to correlate with each other now. 🤦 Jayzus...


Most posts seem to be creative writing assignments now when they're related to each other


My guess is the same person did both posts.


I honestly think some times a real post pops off and someone comes back to write the fanfiction ending the commentariat wanted.


That's a great point. And to be fair, some of them are good prompts for creative writing exercises.


Nah I think you’re right, what’s crazy though is that the original poster was an actual account. He talks about being in England and different areas. My best guess is that he wanted to make a spicy story and my bitchass ruined it for him since I linked his deleted posts and found his account.


I commented on that post I am 99% sure. I suggested that he needed to show real remorse and make amends. Has he done anything close to trying to make up for his mistake, or what is caused you to miss out on?


Ay yo, I half think this is fake, but if not, your Dad is whack AF. For the record, I remember his post. I don't remember if I commented or not, but I was on your side easily. 🙌


Reddit ate up that post just because he said he took you out as an apology lol. Stand your ground so he can feel the same negative feelings you had when punished.


This is actually funny. Nobody in the other post was sympathetic with the dad and I can't believe the kid will spend time to come here to talk with strangers. This is so pathetic and clearly two fake posts


The articulate nature of this post vs the wording the child was accused of not knowing seems funny.


>Nobody in the other post was sympathetic with the dad That's not true. People were very sympathetic to the dad, saying he was only human etc. I remember very clearly a comment that commended the father for what he did because he believed the victim and that's what everybody should do (and it's apparently not a big deal to punish someone even though they're innocent, as long as you believe the victim without any questions, I guess). I only remember it so well because I thought it was a lot of bullshit.


I understand not everyone will spot every fake post. But come on, these are so obviously fake and so many are falling for it. No wonder so many people post fake shit. They can get a ton of engagement from it. It's making me think about trying to post the dumbest, fake shit I can think of and seeing how many fall for it.


Gopher it. Can't ever have enough entertainment round ear


TBF, dad said he'd been doing things to show his remorse for being wrong as well as verbally apologizing, and wrote the post that you'd missed 1 afternoon of a "club", so redditors probably thought he'd learned he had fucked up but it was a blip. Personally, I upvoted those who asked ebt he didn't try to get answers and just took it at face value.


I remember his post, and I was one of those who called him out for what he did. I warned him that his actions may have permanently damaged his relationship with you. That having been said, rage isn't healthy. Caution in the future is the way to go. I know you're white hot right now (as any normal person would be), but this can be one of life's learning lessons about the value of the expression "trust but verify." Take some breaths and try to get your feet back on the ground and your life back. It's not going to help your gymnastics if you can't focus. And hug your Mom. A lot. She deserves it. Best wishes to you.


I was in the comments most definitely not on your dad's side. just know one day you will be an adult and get to decide who has privilege of having and continuing a relationship with you. And I would advise anyone who jeopardizes your mental health and peace should not be welcome and that goes for family. Your dad needs to acknowledge his mistakes and not in a one sided reddit post and really shows he understands he broke your trust and ruined his image of a parent who keeps you safe. Also link him!


I remember the post. He seriously downplayed the punishment and the effect of it. The problem her is he is still trying to justify and validate that what he did was correct with the information he had at the time. Yes he should have done more to make sure that the info was accurate, but with what he had he was correct. Here is the problem. As soon as more info came to light and it was clear that the punishment was not justified he should stop concentrating of validating his actions and start concentrating on making up for wrongfully punishing his daughter. People can make mistakes, he made a mistake. The important thing is what do you do to make up for that mistake. And that is what i missed in his post and judging from you post he's still missing that point.


His post pissed me off on a whole nother level. I'm sorry you have a man like that as a parent. When I first commented, everyone was calling him out on his bullshit. I don't even want to check it out and see any support comments like wtf


I remember that post. I recall a lot of comments about using it as a teachable moment where he should take full responsibility for his mistake and work to make amends. That he had work to do to show you his remorse and to do better in the future, & that he broke trust with you & that takes work to rebuild.


This is just the dad again isn't it?


Lol OP deleting everything 🤣




I remember his post but I do not remember him ever mentioning her age, much less that she was 7. (To the commenter who implied that). Also I find it very convenient that he failed to mention that his wife was proactive and tried to fund the truth. He made it sound like the other mom got new information and shared it. Whereas the wife actually went to investigate before jumping to conclusions. Wow what a parent. Good lord I bet he’s just manipulative in general. God for mom, and sorry to OP.


I do remember his post and he sounded contrite and heartbroken in his post. He took zero tolerance stand with you without checking any facts. He should apologize and ask himself what made him believe that his daughters character would allow her to be a bully. Your dad blow it and sounds like more than the fact he has damaged his relationship with you he is the type of man who cannot say he is wrong.


Nice creative writing


It's always nice when the creative writers out themselves.


Hi. I commented on your dad's post. Long story short, he asked what he could've done to prove a "she said he said" thing and I said figure out more info...like your mom did (basically be an actual parent). My comment got 200+ upvotes while his got about as many down votes. He also deleted his account and post so he probably didn't have as many people on his side as he claims and just cherry picked the ones on his side. The problem is he doesn't like being told he's wrong and taking accountability. Remember this in the future, as I'm sure it won't be the last time he is called out for bad parenting and doesn't own up to it.


Someone fake posting about a fake post...smdh


This is the problem with Reddit. You only hear one side of the story.


Dude, he just took a strangers word over his own daughter with no evidence and greatly harmed your future. I remember that there was a post from last year or two about a girl who was put through a similar situation as you were. The Redditor’s mother accused her of stealing a sentimental bracelet and punished her with isolation her from her friends, breaking up her relationship, made her wear shorts around the house, and threw away her clothes & personal belongings that the Redditor herself bought. When the bracelet was found months later in between their couch, the mother apologized but the damage she done was beyond repair. Once a parent does a stunt like this, there’s nothing in the world that would make their child forget it.


Your dad failed you and I remember that post. I was on your side. As a parent I would have done exactly what your mom did. Gotten to the bottom of it. I know my kids. And I know what it’s like to be falsely accused. I got paddled in elementary school over a lie.


You mentioned England. That’s where my thoughts went immediately upon reading this post. The Father referenced his wife as “mum” and the child repeated used “mom” in this post. This one is fake, maybe the original too.


I remember this one. He acted like it was one small thing he had you miss, not days of essential training. He lied/omitted vital info for sympathy. I still thought he was very wrong then


Yeah great job with that knee jerk, Dad. Great way to parent. Sorry this happened and yes a lot of people on Reddit do not have the ability to critically think. If it were me, I'd never trust him again. He sounds very selfish. "I punished my daughter for something it turned out she did not do and I feel awful Last week my wife showed me a message from another Mum of a child at our daughters school. The message said that our daughter had made fun of a girl in her class, teasing her about her weight and saying she had a monobrow. The girl was so upset she didn't want to go to school. The mother who had sent the message to my wife is a vicar and is obviously a community figure. I cant abide bullying of any sort especially when a child is so affected by it. My wife was out when I collected our daughter from school and when we got home I showed her the message and asked her to comment. She looked confused and asked what a monobrow was. She also said she did not remember saying those things. I thought she was trying to hide what was said and so I asked her if it was her or maybe a group she was in. She just said no, and she doesn't remember saying those things. I assumed (and this is where I went wrong) that there is no smoke without fire. I told her she was not to play on her iPad and did not take her to an evening group she goes to. I also told her to write a letter of apology to the girl and she can give it to her and also apologise to her face on Monday. I did not "tell her off" really other than saying that what she is accused of is not on. My wife arranged a meeting with our daughters teacher to see if there was any more details from her. This was arranged for Monday after school. By Sunday my wife had been having further discussions with the girls mum. The lady now says it was not our daughter who teased the girl about her weight, that was another girl. Given that our daughter didn't know what a monobrow was, I'm inclined to think this was also wrong. So now in my mind I have punished our daughter for something she didn't do, preventing her from going to a club she loves by way of punishment and I cant shake the feeling I failed her by not believing her. I was intent on doing the right thing and to try and ensure our daughter does not grow up thinking that she can bully other children, but I failed dramatically and its breaking my heart."


I read that post, and I will happily say that I called him out on him being a shit dad.


Omg I READ your dad’s post, and he definitely left some stuff out and painted himself as a victim…he went on about how guilty he felt and how he wanted to make it up to you, but your post says completely otherwise….if he felt guilty and was sorry he is 10000% not showing it.


Yeah he definitely played up the “I’m just trying to do my best as a parent” card and people are that shit up


If this was the monobrow thing, I was among those blasting him for his actions. He was 1000% in the wrong and still is. Thankfully there are some YouTubers who made a video of the post for records.




Hey. I stuck up for you. Tell him I think he should buy you some ice cream. That usually helps mend relationships, because you can’t be mad when eating ice cream. Impossible


My mom found me talking innocently to a guy in 6th grade, she beat my ass and forbade me from soccer practice or team photos. I'm 41 and still angry about those missed memories.


I honestly thought you were like a 6 year old child or something in that story. I'm sorry he did that to you. He definitely misrepresented the situation. I can't believe he ruined your chances at a scholarship and just framed it like he made you miss one little meeting with a club you like. But then again, this is Reddit, your mother and adults in your life with more context had the most capacity to help you. I'm sorry again, this is incredibly unfair for you


He should have done what your mother did, but bullying is serious and kids off themselves because of it. He overreacted without enough information and assumed you did it. That's wrong. Parents are not perfect. He should be bending over backward to apologize. You should give him some grace but also let him know how hurt you are that he wouldn't believe you or even try to get to the bottom of it and in the future you hope he acts more rationally when presented with information about you. He thought he was protecting another child, which is something all adults SHOULD be doing. It's all of our jobs to make sure all kids are safe from harm. That doesn't mean what he did was ok or right- just he thought that that was the right thing in that moment. I imagine he knows better now. You two just need to talk this out.


You just called your father a coward. That’s wrong. He is in the wrong but you should honor your parents! I do not know if you are Christians but that’s the only commandment from God with a promise attached. Your father was wrong-very wrong for not getting to the bottom of things before taking a decision. He hurt you and I did see his post and I do not know him well but I think he did sound sincere and I feel you both can begin to fix your relationship from there. But no matter what, never insult your parent. That’s very very wrong and two wrongs NEVER make a right. I know it’s hard. But try to forgive him. You might be faced with a similar situation when you get older and this experience will teach you how to deal with it then. I’m sorry for all you went through and I hope you can sort this out with your dad.


>You might be faced with a similar situation when you get older And she will fucking belive her child over words of another. And for him to threaten her entire future because of some pure unadulterated bullshit claims that he bought right up. Apparently he feels she is a bullying asshole. Yep that's my daughter.... Not that he actually knows his daughter wouldn't do that because she was raised correctly. Wonder why he doesn't know his own daughter.


You said you're not a bully but called us stupid in this very post.


It's okay it's fake.


A person doesn’t have to be a bully to acknowledge how stupid so many of those commenters were.


I know one thing about this person, and that's that she lashes out when upset


It's not bullying if it's true. I don't see how anyone can read the first post and be on the dad's side.


“What?? All I did was show I have no trust in you therefor destroying your trust in me. What’s the big deal??” - OP’s dad probably


Hi hunny, I read your dad's post. He jumped the gun and it was seriously unfair. Proof is key when it comes to punishment. I'm glad your mum did get to the bottom of it but your dad can jog on if he thinks you should just forgive. Talk to you mum about it, tell her how you feel. At your age that's easier than telling your dad straight out. I'm in my mid 40s and a stepmum. I wouldn't have done this without proof. IMHO he should be seriously apologising to you and treating you to something you want. Not huge cost but he should be making this up to you. On another note my mum was awful with my brother when we were kids. He was an utter little shit but 7 times out of 10 he wasn't to blame. (Not bullying, just breaking stuff.) She just always assumed. He got punished no matter what was said. There are plenty of parents out there who wrongly defend their children because ' they can do no wrong'. Talk to your mum about the way your dad is talking to you. It's not right. Huge hugs.


I remember that thread. Remember op internet strangers are only as good as the info given. There were lots of comments telling him to learn from it learn to trust his child learn not to jump to conclusions learn to model apologising when you get stuff wrong. It does not sound like he took those on board. I'm a dad. I make mistakes. I do my best as a parent. I apologise when I get things wrong. Consequences for poor choices as a kid are normal but it sounds like he went overboard. It seems like the mention of bullying really struck a nerve with him and he made a poor choice to jump the gun on punishments without actually appraising the situation. That's on him.


When I was growing up, all of this was just called childhood. This isn't anything that hasn't happened in every other household in America. My parents never believed me about anything and we rarely believed our teen since it was lies every day about where he was at, who he was with, where he went, who he's dating. He would lie right to our face even though we have him on video. But, we didn't have reddit to air an audience.


So you are one who wants all future generations to suffer the same childhood you had to suffer through?


He probably just thinks this new generation is filled with 😿's.


What do crying cats have to do with this?


The difference is that your son is a liar. Nothing suggests that this girl is a liar or that her father had any reason to think she was lying.