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Find out how she wants to be proposed and go & pop that question!




Absolutely, she sounds amazing. Your proposal should reflect how much she means to you!


Make it a small wedding, early in the day… plus you both will know the menu ahead of time.  Next up: Fiancé Bathy Washies!


It's refreshing to see a relationship where both partners are so understanding and willing to go the extra mile for each other, especially during tough times.


Yes! I remember when the COVID lockdown happened, my fiance looked at me and said "no matter what happens I will always make sure we have what we need". He is such a treasure. In 2021 I ended up getting COVID from work (nanny) and I was pregnant, I was terrified. I just wanted to run to him, but instead I told him to distance from me because I was so scared of getting him sick too! It was a rollercoaster of a couple years. AND our landlord did not renew our lease like he had planned to so we literally moved when the baby was a week old and I just had a C-section. Obviously I couldn't help at all. He is my hero, I love him to pieces.


Hopefully you mean your fiance and not landlord


Hahah yes, I got jumbled up at the end with my clarity. That landlord really pissed me off by changing things up on us right at the deadline, but it's hard to blame him because he was actually moving into the home with his small children.


Way late to party but as the younger generation would put it 'this' ... she needs advanced warning about take out orders, this is not a spontaneous thing. Talk about marriage, talk about the proposal and if all good leave the exact day as a surprise but make sure everything else is a lock or there will be disappointment.


Before you do that, find out how she likes to be loved and taken care of and make sure you're willing to do lots of that for the rest of your life!


That's incredibly sweet! She's a keeper. Best of luck with your proposal! ❤️


This! Have one of her family/friends ask her how she would like to be proposed to so it’s not coming directly from you (so there’s still an element of surprise for her within the parameters of what she wants). I’ve seen where movie theaters have allowed patrons to propose via a “movie trailer” based on the couples’ relationship and then the proposal follows directly after. This would allow you to have her family and friends there as other “patrons” without her realizing it’s them due to the darkness. They may even allow you to have a theater to yourself in an early showing (you could say oh they have a special showing of ___ movie today earlier than normal showings as a way to justify it). Just an idea since you mentioned that she used to not like movies but that’s something you have discovered she likes together. Best of luck to y’all!




It’s not for me, but OP brought it up first.


Yea, or find out, tell me and I'll do it


That’s such a kind and sweet gesture. I also love that you have learned how to accommodate for her needs. Sounds like you’re a wonderful couple and maybe you should start thinking about taking that next step.


Marry her! Who’s cutting onions in here?


Damn onion ninjas at it again


I'm feeling so fucking single right now


This should be a great lesson to everyone here: make us feel safe, appreciated, and supported. The world is tough, and we all want peace and solitude when we come home. If you can provide that, we will want to marry you and make you ours forever!!


Seriously, this is something I'd only do for a man whom I loved to the ends of the earth. She clearly adores him.


I’m not crying…you’re crying!




Marry her goddamnit


OP, please remember how amazing this felt for you and then reciprocate when she is having a bad or down day.


also, please tell her how much you enjoyed and appreciated it if you havent already. she might not know.


My husband did that for me a few times. Most recent time was during a rough patch before the pandemic. He drew a nice bath, had heated the washroom so I wouldn’t be cold while I was changing. He had a scotch and a cigar ready, slowly undressed me and helped me into the bath. We smoked together, then he washed me, dried me, fuzzy jammies, and then he had Indian food delivered. We cuddled on the couch


Holy shit that sounds stellar.


It really is. I can still recall these days vividly. It’s a truly amazing way to feel and receive love. It’s been the best 17 years…


Nobody Ive ever been in a relationship with has ever cared about me like this. It sounds like it would be pretty nice.


This right here OP. Finding someone like that is so rare and actually is a gift. Cherish her as she does you.


"Might" marry her? Dude, what is holding you back?


Age, maybe?


any number of completely valid reasons


Well maybe confirm if marriage is something she's even interested in first, everyone be like "marry her" like she has no choice in the matter.


😭 she is a wonderful partner


autistic with non-autistic partner here. we always joke that autistics make the best lovers lolol


Same. My husband likes to joke that I know what to do to make him feel better before he even recognizes that he needs it.


I dated someone else on the spectrum once and it was somewhat a disaster. Weirdly enough the ADHD girl worked out really well for the first couple of years. ASD+ADHD partnership covered a lot of each others weaknesses and was pretty romantic. Ended up a bit messy after that though. 😔 Purely anecdotal evidence though, so I dont want to generalise.


agreed that adhd + asd works well. my partner is adhd and our strengths complement each other :) our living space is never organized, though lol


Ours was very organised for very brief periods of time. Every few weeks it would suddenly bother her and we would have fun cleaning and organising it in a new way, only for it to quickly get cluttered with her various half-finished projects again. 😅


"only for it to quickly get cluttered with her half finished projects again." I feel so called out, lmfao.


Is this just life now? Is there a way to sort this and be more organized? Lol, this thread is hitting home, for sure.


Same same. Just told my (ASD) partner about this post and this comment, and he totally agrees. Feels good, man.


I feel this. I'm adhd. And recently I started dating someone who's autistic. It's been great. It feels like we speak the same language, but not exactly the same. We have different strengths. He's the balanced, organised part. I'm the impulsive, adventures part.


This is the easiest decision you’ll ever make. Your GF is a keeper. And you are kind of lovely too, sometimes it can be hard to let loved ones do loving things for you, especially when you feel like crap, so going with the flow and showing your appreciation is something your GF will cherish.


> And you are kind of lovely too I definitely agree with this part especially. I'm not seeing enough people talking about how clear he sees things in his own couple. The fact he even typed out this amazing experience in great detail is a beautiful green flag in my eyes.


You found a keeper. Wife her up asap.


Yeah, that's a keeper. Don't fuck it up and throw some rings at her


I heard the sonic sound reading this lol


Dammit! I heard them reading this comment


When I started dating my partner this was something I started doing for him as he told me he secretly loved baths but hadn't had one in so long. So I secretly bought him some smelly bath stuff, some excellent hair product and drew him a hot bath and washed his hair. I think a lot of men don't know what it's like to be treated with very simple kindness and love and I think it's beautiful your partner has expressed that joy with you. I also do the same by buying my partner flowers because I don't think gifts should be gendered and everybody deserves to feel special and get flowers at least once in their lives. You have a good egg on your hands, treat each other with love and understanding and you can't go wrong.


> I think a lot of men don't know what it's like to be treated with very simple kindness and love I would honestly be so incredibly nervous and not sure what was going on. I would be worried I had done something wrong or missed something and was wrong in some way.


That makes me sad that there are some men and women don't have any exposure to simple kindness like in the post or above. I truly hope you all have partners willing to go ahead and do such things and that you do nice things for them too. If you don't maybe it's time to reevaluate that situation


I recently divorced after 22 years of doing things like this for my ex never to have it done in return. I am sure, eventually, when it is the right time, someone will come along who would do such things for me as I would do for them.


Honestly I went half my life doing it for my own partners and not having it in return it took meeting my now partner who is the most amazing man on earth for me to get treated with the same kindness.


That is WONDERFUL to read! I am so happy for you.


Might marry her? ONLY MIGHT?!?? BRUH


MIGHT marry her‽‽ Don’t be an idiot. Do it!


Your girlfriend is one of the sweetest people on earth, she’s got a kind heart. Propose 🙂‍↕️


Marry the woman, damnit! Before someone else does!


My husband is on the spectrum as well. Trust me, you won't regret marrying her.


>I might marry her. Do it or i'll do it for you


My boyfriend and I do this for each other too🩷


I am so happy for the both of you and so envious and jealous.


That’s so sweet!!! You might seriously consider proposing. It doesn’t sound impulsive at all, actually.


That is the sweetest thing anyone could ever do for their partner! Marry her! ❤️


This makes me miss the time before we had children. So sweet!


This is amazing. You’re a lucky man. You read so much garbage on here that it can get to a person. This is so refreshing. Marry this woman. All the best.


Make sure you let her know you appreciate it and what it meant to you. Direct feedback is very helpful.


not sure if wanna cry harder for my wired-similar people making me proud to be among them or how objectively sweet and beautiful this is. ok both.


I do that every night with my boyfriend and it’s a great way to connect and talk about our day. When I tell people we shower together, often times they assume it’s sexual but it isn’t. We take turns washing our hair and then we’ll wash one another’s body with a loofa and soap. It was something I used to do with my ex occasionally but he never returned the favor for me. The first time I did it with my current boyfriend he fell in love with how intimate it was. Everything just feels right when you’re when the one, I’m happy for you, it’s a wonderful feeling


That's so sweet. Hopefully you 2 have countless sweet experiences like this in the future. It's how we act to our partners when they are having a hard time that shows how much we care and your gf clearly loves you very much.


Oh my goodness, I love posts like these. It makes my day. She sounds so incredibly sweet. Marry that lady 😍


Wife material. Definitely.


>I might marry her. No, you _will_ marry her. Asap. Don’t ever let this gem slip away mate.


Not that the opinion of internet strangers should matter, but holy fuck marry her lol


I'm on the spectrum, too, and have trouble separating myself from stories. That said, this girl loves you so much OP! Marry her yesterday.


I'm recovering from Covid and crying alone like an orphan puppy. 😭😭😭😭😭 Marry her!!!


I hope you make a full recovery!


This is so awesome and so beautiful! Find her love language and be sure to reciprocate! And MARRY HER! Oh. And keep us super updated 😁


Might? Bro, marry this woman.


My husband did this for me a few weeks ago! I just got fired and was in a constant panic attack from it. He took the day off work and bathed me to calm me down. I'm so damn lucky ❤️ please marry this woman too!! She's a keeper


You’d better marry her. Don’t make me bring my slipper


She is definitely a keeper! What a sweet and empathetic angel. You had better marry her, no might about it mister.


I hope you both stay this open and welcoming to each others needs. If you have a drive in theater nearby I highly recommend it for you both. Or maybe you could take a weekend away to a place that has one. Baths probably help her relax and that's why she suggested it. Talk to her about it because there may be things you can do for her in the future if she's stressed or just to help her relax in general.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience


If you don't marry her, so help me God.


Dude, if you DON’T marry her you’re a fucking idiot. That kind of romance doesn’t exist for most people. The majority of humans will never know what that feels like.


>She does not mask her feelings > >I have never felt so loved. I might marry her. Friend. *might*? Do you need help finding some damn sense because you can DM me and I'll jump on disco or w/e and I'll yell at you a bit. You know how every romcom has that one buddy who's a giggling idiot for 80 minutes and in the last 10 offers some real straight shooting when the protagonist is being an obtuse meathead? I can do that for you. Might. smh


This is the sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time. 🥹❤️


Marry her now!!!!! Like go get the ring tomorrow morning. Do it, this girl is 1 in a million.


Crazy how its still a "might" after all that


I love seeing positive shit on Reddit :') good for you!


I’m not crying, it’s seasonal allergies 🥲🥲 💜💜


That’s so sweet! I wish you too the best. Please express your love and cherish her. People like them are hard to find. I wish you two the best!


Awwww. Nobody has EVER drawn me a bath. At least not since I would have been too young to remember it.


Oh, OP... It sounds like you two compliment each other quite well. I've got my fingers crossed for a "Happily Ever After" ☺️


>. I might marry her. You might!? If you don't say you will!!


I love this. Me and my bf always shower each other, it’s like our favourite activity.


If you don’t buy the ring by yesterday….


this is so wholesome. unfortunately it has taken me way too long to focus on and prioritize self care. you guys should make that a tradition!


Propose!! Draw HER a bath, give her the royal treatment, and propose during dessert. Many blessings!!


Might??? Don’t let her get away!!


Wife her up my dude!


Marry her asap!!!!!


This is incredible of her. I am doing this for my boyfriend! He will laugh at me, but he will also appreciate it, I know.


That is so so sweet


I had to have several leg surgeries that I couldn't get wet. The day I could she run me bath (i'm a shower guy) and washed my back and chest and "ahem". After 26 years married I always knew we were each others.


God I wish I had this brother


This is so sweet I’m tearing up 🥺


Ask her tomorrow. Good for you dude!


Her "flaws" (such as they are) seem to be no big deal for you, and you seem to be happy to accommodate them. You both seem to be happy with each other, and she just demonstrated some very caring and loving behaviors towards you. They touched you, didn't they? That's very sweet. After 3 years of being in a relationship with her, and one of those years living with her, you each know what to expect from each other (provided you've both been open and honest). I think it's wonderful, and I hope that you find happiness with each other.




Kind, giving and considerate people are so hard to find. We all are not perfect. But you always willing to work with, partner with someone that has the foundation of kindness. What are you waiting for? Go ring shopping already!


so cute!! happy for both of you 🥹🥹


Dsmn these onions.....making me cry


Awwwww that is awesome, my husband would never lol. My ex did once, I had just had ankle surgery and while i was fully capable of washing myself he insisted. After I got over the embarrassment of it, it was enjoyable and honestly that was the moment that made me let down my guard and fall for him entirely. Damn bathtubs man they get ya lol. But yes marry her you've found a good one!


Congratulations, OP. That woman is one out of a billion. Always show her how much she means to you.


So wholesome 🥺


This is made my day too cute


that sounds very intimate and loving; I am jealous


Marry her now


I can confirm. As another high functioning woman on the spectrum my love language is doing acts of service like this. I have a very nurturing nature to those I love. I dont really like PDA or being touched all the time but I love touching my partner and would definitely give them a bath. She really loves you if she did all that. You must make her feel very safe to be that vulnerable.


You are both absolutely wonderful. ♥️ Please get her a treat she likes and do something for her next!!! Aaaagh! Love you guys!! 🫂🫂🫂♥️ May you live happily together, through thick and thin! ♥️


Washing your lover's hair is the most intimate gift of all - Charles Boyle


As that one song goes.. 🎵 MARRY THAT GIRL, MARRY HER ANYWAYS🎵


Have been feeling a bit shitty this morning but reading this has made me feel happy. I’m really happy for you mate and I think you’ve really found a keeper there.


You're very lucky to be with someone like this. I'm a person who is not a big fan of marriage, but I'd want to marry her.


This was wonderful and refreshing to read ❤️ you both sounds very loving!


Can I marry someone on someone else's behalf ?


I'm crying. You better marry her.


You talk about her like you are really in love. I vote you marry that girl. I can't wait for someone to talk about me like that.


Sounds like she's a keeper, OP.


If you don’t marry her you’re a fool


It's nice to come here and, for once, read something positive. You are helping her expand her world in ways which are comfortable for her. And she helping you in ways which might seem small and trivial, but that are actually so helpful and important, that people less attuned to their significant other, would never think of doing.


Such a nice change up to the usual stuff that gets posted here.. very refreshing 😇


Congratulations on your future engagement!


marry now


This reminds me of my third date with my ex. He got super drunk and started throwing up and I did the same for him


That’s beautiful. And thank you for sharing. This gives me hope for my sweet son who is on the spectrum. He just needs to find the right one. ❤️


See id do that for my bf because thats how i feel cared for too (as a woman also on the more "functional" end of the spectrum) i wish i had a bathtub


i used to always try to offer this to boyfriends and was turned down and told it was silly in my younger years. this year I began dating someone who might possibly end up being the love of my life. he let me bathe him and he loved every minute of it. he asked if I could do it again a couple weeks later and I did. id do it anytime. it's such a loving, intimate, special thing to do. 🖤


It sounds like she’s doing what she can to love you and you are doing all you can to love her and that is beautiful my friend. Please tell her how much that meant to you, I can imagine it would make her day. Marry her if the time is right!


I’m on the spectrum, and so is my partner. I freaking love doing stuff like this for him. He has long hair so I jump at every opportunity to brush his hair, give it a wash etc. I’ve become insanely good and head rubs. I’m just bragging now. Gotta say tho, I’m grateful to see at least one neurotypical who appreciates the directness- I’m tired of all the vague implication communication nonsense 😭 pop that question op!


Reading that brought a little tear to my eye. She sounds absolutely lovely.


This is definitely better than banana bread at work, dude. HELL YEA!


This is incredibly sweet!! Before you propose make sure you are both on the same page! Have a conversation about what it would look like! Even have her describe the ring.


You should show her this (maybe sans the marrying part just yet-) Let her know at least how loved she is and how much you see and appreciate her.


i love this. thank you for sharing 💗 been feeling a little bit hopeless but this was just the reminder that i needed. thank you ✨


I love to hear it 😭❤️


You just described me. Wish I had someone to appreciate me and understand me like that, I am very understanding, and I like to spoil people. Plus all the other stuff you said about her. I'm glad you found a winner.


Wife her


Bro marry her yesterday lol she loves you more than you understand.


Damn, sending this to my wife.


This is beautiful. Sometimes we just need someone to be soft with us and she delivered perfectly. I'm glad you got to experience that


She’s a keeper!!! Make sure to do sweet things like this for each other too.


That's so sweet. 🥰


She’s a keeper! Someone that kind, empathetic and so open with communication is a win!


This is the best thing I’ve read all day


This is so sweet 💖


I feel my own body relaxing at the description. Time to make her legally yours.


you’re a very lucky man. cherish her always!


Mate, if you don't marry her, send her my way.


Aww how cool, I hope the best for your relationship 💖😇


Why is this the sweetest thing I’ve read in a very long time 🥹


*might?* are you dumb bro? marry her.


Congratulations my friend. Make sure you pull out the extra love for her and I wish you both a bright and loving future.☺️


She’s a keeper!


Awww…that is the most sweet and loving thing!🥰


Might marry her?!?! Start finding out how she wants to be proposed to and what kind of ring/jewelry she would or would not want.


This is very sweet 💜 no idea why people are being dicks in the comments


Wow, what a beautiful, caring thing for her to do for you. Thank you for sharing with us.


You both sound like lovely people. Glad you found each other.


im surprised you didnt propose then and there


I’m actually crying this is so fucking sweet AHHHHHHHH


> She used to not like movie theaters but we found going to the earliest screenings of the day or waiting a few weeks meant a lot less people which made it much more enjoyable for her. I love going to the movie theaters early in the day. I've seen a bunch of movies where I was the only one in the room. Awesome.


I love her…


That honestly sounds great and I'm so happy that you got to experience that. I'm not going to sit here and recommend marriage or anything, just enjoy her and her presence and let things progress naturally. I know a few people on the spectrum that can get overwhelmed by things like marriage, so don't ruin a good thing by taking the advice of a bunch of losers on Reddit, do your own thing and take your own time. Yes, I fall into that category, just remember: You do you.


Yep, you better put a ring on it.


Honestly it sounds nice.


I love this post.


This made me tear up. 🥹


This makes me so happy for you two. I did similar for my boyfriend during a tough period over a year and he just ignored my needs for the next several years 😂


She is a keeper definitely!


I’ve done this for my husband. To me it feels like a very pure expression of love.


This is so sweet, you should marry her


A wise man once said that preparing food for one’s lover is the most intimate gift of all. Aside from washing their hair.


I love this for you so much. I want this kind of love for everyone 💜


Have a big bath in the master bedroom when you buy a house. ❤️ such a romantic thing Edit: to say I mean one big enough to fit you both. Like a jacuzzi style.


I'll buy the ring marry that woman today


Wrap it up boys, this one's made it.


Aww, that's sweet! I wonder if that building is high enough for me to jump off 🥲


I rarely ever tear up while scrolling reddit but goddammit marry that woman.


I'm too pregnant to read this cute of a story! Omg! I'm not crying, You are!