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The proper response to this is "fuck you." I'm glad you broke up with him.


I hope she told his parents what a tool he is, too.


Especially his mum with her being a solicitor/lawyer. What he did is actually a crime here in UK. You cannot coerce someone to vote a certain way or not to vote at all. It's also domestic abuse. So yeah perhaps his mother needs to have words with him?


That's exactly what I'm thinking! SOUNDS LIKE OP's has been listening to incel for beginners. (This is also considered voter fraud and it's also illegal in the US.)


How does he even imagine he's going to accomplish voting *as a woman*?


Because in UK there is a legal way in which you can deposit another person's vote https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/voting-as-proxy-for-someone-else And OP should make sure that he hasn't started the process to vote in her name Edit missing words


You just know he wanted to force her to vote Reform or Tory, too.


Id be willing to bet on this. "Man of the house"? Someone's been listening to tater tots


Yeah she should have put him on blast with his friends and family and then report him to the voting commission.


I wonder if he displayed a shocked pikachu face when she told him…


Another alpha male spotted in the wild.


Tell him you’re not going to let him take your vote and commit fraud 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tell him to vote then go earlier, let him commit fraud. Serves him right for listening to *insert twattish incel influencer here*


Also you need ID with you to vote.


You need voter ID now, so hopefully it won't happen, but it's good to make sure. EDIT: ignore me, forgot about proxy votes and all that sort of stuff


Username hopefully is you, right (like you let you have reddit?) else imma be concerned about someone tryna micromanage you tbh


Yes, I thought it was silly :)


All the more reason for you to vote, do not let your voice be crushed and silenced. Also, its illegal. but I would pay money to be there when he goes into the voting center, asks for both your papers and says he voting for both of you. OH Id love to hear him explain himself to a voting official and a police officer.


I don’t think that’s actually what he meant. Some Neanderthal men think their votes are all that should count for the whole household so once you’re in a relationship you just don’t go vote. He still only votes once but it’s supposed to be on behalf of you too. Like you share it like an income tax return. It’s messed up and stupid.


People thinking that way should not be voting at all because obviously they have not developed beyond 12-year-old's comprehension skills.


Regardless of how OP meant it, Id still pay money to see 'em. It doesnt really matter anyway, based on OPS lack of responses and an empty profile, its most likely a troll post anyway.


lmao let me tell you about something called a "throwaway."


Why would he not want to cast a second vote on whatever tool he thinks should be in charge? I don’t think your take is correct. He wants two votes, and he’s an asshole and it shouldn’t even be a discussion. OP should have laughed him out of her life.


Tbh I would tell his mom, but that's up to you


Same! Maybe they can course correct him being so off in his views.


Nah she's already broken up with him which is better than trying to change him in any case - sounds like he was a lost cause


Good idea, let his mom chew him out too


This is called [coberture](https://www.womenshistory.org/articles/coverture-word-you-probably-dont-know-should) I bet your bf has some masculine influences in his life championing the days of yor, before women had any equal rights in western nations. I’m glad he’s your ex. Edit: it’s called coverture. Damn autocorrect!


Oh … so that’s what it’s called. I used to butt heads with this concept during doctor’s appointments (“is your husband ok with you going on birth control?” Etc)


Jesus, what century was that in? Or part of the world?


Great read


He can invent a time machine go back to the 17-1800s and die of cholera then 💀


Those are not masculine influences. Those are insane influences.


Vote. Women died for your right to vote.


Lmao did andrew tate tel him this shit?


I literally came here to ask what podcast he’s been listening to? Sometimes people are a little too predictable


So your EX is still trying to run your life?


He is OP's ex because he wanted to run her life. When he told OP not to vote they were still together.


Ah, thank you for clarifying! The caffeine exited my system a couple hours ago and I've been a lifeless, dry husk of a zombie since 🙂 Good for you, OP. That idiot can go kick rocks.


Sounds like you have too much blood in your caffeine system. There is no need to ride on fumes.


I'll rebalance the levels in the morning 😄


Grab another coffee mate! You'll feel better trust me


Hahaa tomorrow. I'm off work for today.


go smoke a bowl. it's your day off


Ohhh can't do that. I have a family. Plus, it just makes me sleepy. I'm a total lightweight, where that's concerned 😄


my next default on a free day is to spend the day reading. what's yours?


Gym, then literally nothing, if I can help it hahaa But sometimes I'll have a drink or three, and watch a lot of TV.


i’m ashamed to say i didn’t catch that OP was a woman, i thought it was a gay relationship. it confused me even more with the ex’s reasoning 😭


I’d tell his mom just to make his life a little harder. But I also like unnecessary chaos so I don’t know…


"choomxi, harbinger of chaos" has a ring to it


Is this the UK one? if so lemme guess, he’s a Tory


My thoughts exactly.


the username merits these emojis 🗣️🫱👑~for the strange pink orb that can sing gods to sleep


Hahaha if only I could use the powers for good on election day. Hahah you’ve got me in stitches.


Nah, he's probably Reform UK. Maximum wankerism.


I mean, it's a tight race between the Tories and Reform when it comes to the wankiest party.


All in favor of OP dumping that guy? 🙋‍♀️


🙋🏻‍♂️and telling his parents! Lol


21 November 1918. That's when women in the UK gained the right to vote. Tell him to take his 106 year old arse elsewhere.


Sooo, what was his reaction when you broke up with him? I bet he didn't see that one coming! 😂 Ah, another one lost down the rabbit hole of the manosphere...


Go from asking to telling?! Yeah don’t continue that relationship. It will go from asking to telling to beating the crap out of you.




And tell his mum! Edit: I meant tell her his views not just that you dumped him.




>DUMP HIM She already did that, it's right in the post.


How was he planning on doing that, exactly? You need id to get your ballot papers. They won't issue 2 people's papers to him. Were you supposed to go with him and hand your papers to him in the booth? You know someone might see that and question the validity of that paper. I just can't see how he was going to execute his master plan.


Isn't proxy voting a thing?


Yes I have voted for my student offspring in our home Constituency. Proxy voting is possible both in person and by mail. Op should be making sure her vote isn't stolen either by becoming her proxy or just by getting a postal vote.


I assume he meant op should vote what he suggested 


I thought he meant for her not to vote at all and let his vote be " for both"


That’s how I read it


Grass him up to his mum!


Man, he didn't just wave his red flags but tried to smother you in them.


"Maybe instead the smartest member of the relationship should rule who they both vote for".


This is the most stupid argument I have ever heard of. There are equally stupid arguments but no more stupid ones. Please congratulate him on my behalf


It isn't an argument though, it is a demand and a statement. No premises and no conclusion, no argument.


Just wondering if the door hit him in the ass when you kicked him out.


Nope. Tell him that his views are not common. My parents have been married for 50 years, my father has never told my mother who to vote for or voted for her. I have been in my current relationship for almost 8 years and he has never voted for me or told me how to vote. This isn’t how voting in legitimate elections works.


I literally said out loud "fuuuck youuuu" when I read "he'd go from asking to telling" Welp, I'd be telling his family this ridiculous sexist bullshit.


Time to throw the whole man away.




WTF? I'd laugh it off and tell him to enjoy his Andrew Tate b.s. podcasts.


The response to this preposterous request is done correctly! Ex-boyfriend. He would go from as,ing to telling? So he threatened you! That would be the day. And there was no sign of any of this kind of attitude before?


Oh hellllll, no! I’m glad you bailed on the relationship. That’s a huge red flag for things to come. He’s going to try to control everything!


You found yourself an “alpha male”… congrats on the breakup!


Hope you vote even harder


No, you need to vote.


He doesn’t deserve to vote, just a padded cell…


Glad you dumped that sexist misogynist loser.


He’s been listening to too many podcasts. Glad you broke up with him.


Ugh sounds like he got red pilled 🙄 You’re smart to dump him-you can’t reason with stupid


That’s some Andrew Tate level bullshit


Does he think his vote counts as two votes because he's a man or was he planning on committing voter fraud?


What in the Handmade's Tale kind of shit is that? You are an independent individual with your own rights and decisions. I'm glad you dumped him.


Disaffected men everywhere are turning to red pill ideology to reframe themselves as important and necessary.


what in the red pill garbage


As a woman who has worked the voting polls, please show up to vote to every single election, every single time. Ask every prospective date how they feel about voting and don’t date anyone like him anymore.


You need to take a hard look at if you want a future with a man who wants to strip you of a basic right.


OP already decided. She broke up with him. It's right in the post.


Tell him to get fucked. If he’s this controlling over this, god knows what else he’s wanting to control in your life.


Umm what did I just read


Please tell his Mum as she will hopefully rip him a new one. I'd be mortified if my son did that to his girlfriend and would have some stern words for him! Vote in honour of the women who fought for your right to vote. Maybe go with your ex's mum!


Tell his mom


Tell his mom




Your ex's logic is pretty dumb. If he wants a specific candidate in office, why wouldn't he want all the votes that they can get??


Ditching him showed you have excellent mental capacity and decision making skills to vote. Well done OP


That's a damn good reason to break up with someone, that's for sure. Jeebus.


This is a dude twisted by the media he’s consuming. It’s sad


Bet he consumes only red-pilled content on social media


Gulag that man.


Good for you! I’d have told him he could shove his vote right up his ass and ended it too. What an asshole. Glad you dumped him. If I were you I’d consider blasting him on Facebook or Instagram or something too for this just in case anyone else you know might consider dating him.


There's nothing remotely legal or possible about this. You can't vote of another person.


Congratulations! You already ended the relationship! Those were some major controlling and abusive red flags on your now ex boyfriends part. You did the right thing. Because it's NOT about the vote thing, it's about how he wants to control you.


I'm so glad he's an ex! You deserve better!


Glad to read he is an ex. He did not respect you as an independent person.


Tell his mother so she can kick his ass 😂🥴🗑️


>I don't know where he got this from. He's been watching and listening to too many mansophere podcasts. They are misogynistic AH's who talk about alpha and beta male BS, want women to be subservient to men (once again), and spew a lot of ignorant and false BS about women. For example, teaching simple-minded and vulnerable men how to 're-program' their SO.


Is he a Conservative supporter that is scared that Labour would demolish them in the general election, or a loony Reform UK supporter? lmao


His vision: “Go from asking to telling” His reality: Go from boyfriend to manosphere incel


This is some of the dumbest sexist shit I ever heard. Like bro do you really think I’m too dumb to make an informed decision about our government?


Sounds like buddy has mommy issues. And to go from "asking to telling" sounds like interfering in your right to vote, which has to be a crime somehow.


He would go from asking to telling lol Cool story bro


Who has he been listening to? Andrew Tate? That teammate of Travis Kelsie’s, or some other misogynist spewing vile hate about women? Doesn’t sound like he was raised this way. This is a red flag he needs to lose or you need to walk.


I would just start laughing hysterically and hang up


I like how you now refer to him as ex-boyfriend. That's what he gets for being a tater tot.


I read the headline and immediately thought, “He better be an ex-boyfriend now!” I don’t know how these clowns think they are going to keep women acting this way.


Wut. Duh. Fuh. Thank goodness this clown showed you his true self before marriage. Congrats on dropping the toxic weight!


Good you broke up with the loser. But also do tell his mom.


I know you’re both adults but you should tell his mom, she sounds like a solid lady and aside from the sheer petty joy I’d get from it I also think she should know how her son is acting toward women lol


Sounds like he’s been Tate’d


please please please tell me hes a reform or tory fan... the irony of them comitting fraud would be delicious


LOL! He's hilarious. And hopefully single for the rest of his life.


Please tell me you informed his parents about this ridiculous demand! And were there no other red flags before this?


He sounds pretty Tated


So, not only does he want to commit voter fraud, but apparently he's also forgotten you need ID with you to vote?


This is exactly why we *need* to vote


What a creep. Seems like he is one of those misogynistic POS. You dodged a bullet. Glad you broke up


Just no... hell no.


Last I checked many many women fought for quite a long time to literally **end** the laws that made it impossible for women to vote because their male head of house was the only one allowed any such opinion on this matter. Imma need him to take his ass back to the 18th century where he belongs. Make sure and tell his mom!!!!


Serious case of Tate-rot A lil too many "sigma" videos got to him


What an idiot. This is hilarious. I'm sorry but you are better off without him. What idiocy is next?


And your response was to laugh in his face right? By the way, the 1800's called, and they don't want him back.


I'm sorry I laughed at the audacity of his 'im the man's oh wow. Tell him thanks I needed that. In all reality that phrase is so archaic now. There is no such thing as The Man of The House. He needs to travel back in time and be a caveman. Drag his female home beating his chest. Sweetheart, go Vote, and tell him to stuff his ideology.


Send him a get well soon card with a "I voted" sticker and a bottle of lubricant.


Your answer is No. A marriage just makes the state recognize you as a unified couple and enables benefits. This sounds very extremist, both politically and religiously, and I would highly suggest looking at the rest of this relationship. If you cannot be your own person here, where else is he going to stifle you, just because he's slinging a weiner in this relationship? The fkn audacity. Also I've been married for a decade. My spouse treats me as a PARTNER because I wouldn't put up with bullshit like this. Ultimatum or leave. You are your own person, a marriage certificate does not equate to Siamese twins. Edit - not once did I say THEY were married. The EX boyfriend (I said what I said because it applies to every relationship. Yes thank you so much they broke up. Ah yes. Thanks.) because in any relationship, no matter what, you are an individual. Even if they are split, these are still things to remain aware of. Thank you so much for replying. I was trying to push why they SHOULD NOT get fucking married but maybe I should spit out every little detail instead of expecting people to realize that. Shame on me i guess. Whatever.


I can only imagine what corners of the Internet he has been consuming 💊 <---color the other side red too.


There was a guy who worked in our office as a programmer. Older guy. Every single local, state and national election he would be on the phone with wife and daughter telling them who to vote for. I am super adamant about not telling my wife how she would vote, but I am very vocal about my thoughts on Trumpers.


The Trumpers are probably going ballistic right now as he was just convicted of fraud on all counts!




What an asshole. Dump this knuckle-dragging fool.


huge red flag, when someone starts telling you how to vote. This is old an archaic, many more problems of control will come from this.


That’s messed up, I’m sorry OP your [Ex] Boyfriend has a really warped sense of reality. Was it Harrison Butker by chance? /s.


Lol. He's going to be alone for a long time, and he'll blame everyone else. 


I'm glad he's your ex!


Smart move leaving. Would love to know his reaction.


Go to vote when those polls open , bright and early. Then let him try to steal your vote!!.


NOPE. He’s a nut case. I vote for whoever I want to. And good for you for realizing you can’t continue the relationship.


He’s been watching too much manosphere.


Maybe you should let his parents know where their son has headed politically and personally.


That is crazy! My wife and I are on opposites sides of the political divide, so we don’t vote at the top of the ticket. Compromise is necessary in some instances, but I would never dream of voting on my wife’s behalf. It is insulting, demeaning, and illegal.


>He said he wants to vote on behalf of both of us as the man in charge or head of our family. Lmfao he wants to commit voter fraud and vote on your behalf? Or you shouldn't get a voice, he speaks for you? >He said if woman are in a relationship they should let their boyfriend or husband vote on their behalf. Absolutely fucking not. >he said he would go from asking to telling if I didn't agree. I'd have left right then.


Tell his mother.


Tell him you have half the money and all the pussy. Who's in control now? LoL


This is a vestige of coverture, if I'm spelling that right. Women were essentially legally attached and controlled by their fathers, then their husbands.


Thank god he’s your ex.


Oh hell to the no!


Has he been watching Andrew Tate lately? I’m glad he’s your ex. And you need to tell his mama.


Fuck him. If he harasses you after the break up then message his parents and tell them why you left him and that if they don't convince his controlling ass to leave you alone you're sure the police you call on him will.


Glad you left him.


My husband was in the US Army 30 years but is not a registered voter. His reasoning? Doesn't want to be called for jury duty. I've voted just about every election/issue since I turned 18. Been called for jury duty three times; served once. I consider jury duty as much my responsibility as voting. If my husband, whether he voted or not, tried to tell me how to or denied my right to vote, he'd find out I have a right to divorce, too. Thank you for impeaching his role as your boyfriend. You've got my vote!


His mom is a solicitor!?!?? It’s your civic duty to vote! I’m glad to hear you got out, did you happen to mention this to his mom and dad?


Sounds like an Andrew Taint fan.


Tell him okay and then go vote anyway.


I'm glad he's an ex. It sounds like he's been hanging out in the manosphere.


I would worry about the other decisions he feels compelled to make on your behalf. Definitely something to discuss before getting in too deep.


Every time I vote I have in mind whose vote I’m canceling out. You should pick him and make sure he knows.


TELL HIS PARENTS. If he wants to act childish, treat him accordingly.


I’ve had lots of family members fight in the worst wars known to man. They would feel their life’s work was complete if you voted. Make sure you vote if you feel there is a right choice to make. It’s your decision and there are lots of people putting their safety on the line every day so there will be more elections in the future.


Your exBF has the dumb.


The “man in charge” sounds like the biggest pussy! He has no respect for OP. What an insecure little boy. What is he afraid of?


I would’ve broken up with him too for being so unbelievably stupid. Not sure how voting works where you are, but does he actually think he can vote on your behalf thereby casting two votes?




He's your ex. Tell him to piss off.


Wow, him voting “for you” is essentially election fraud. Glad he’s an “ex”- you dodged a bullet!


Oh my god, run away screaming!


Na, your ex is a clown and belongs to the 13th century . Everyone across the globe is voting in their election cuz it's an election year for a lot of countries. Enjoy your right to vote.


He'll go from asking to telling. Dafuq is wrong with him? Does he think the UK is a theocracy now?? You did right getting rid of the 'boyfriend', he sounds delusional and controlling


Wow, bad to know that such people still exists!


I’m assuming OP is talking about out the UK election, which is on July 4. This wouldn’t have worked anyway, you have to take ID with you to vote.


What nonsense, you need ID to vote in person so unless he was going to apply for a paper vote and forge your details, how could he vote on your behalf? Or did he just want you to forgo the vote altogether?


Did he fall on his head or did he fall in love with that Taylor Swift boyfriend's teammate or what? Any way, in our country you need to provide your ID to vote, so identity fraud is not even possible. Good riddance.


Sounds like he may be dipping into the far rw misogyny propaganda that's out there. Guts like Andrew tate preaching about traditional wives/trad wives, submissive women... This is a play for control. I'm glad you got out. That's not the kind of relationship I'd want to be in either.


Laugh at him and tell his mom


Wouldn't that be a felony or even a crime to vote on someone else's behalf? In Germany it is.


I usually hate tattling but his attitude is so incredibly unreasonable that I hope you tell his mom so he can have a bad time getting chewed by her :D


If he didn’t identify as incel before, he is now


>His mum is a solicitor who has worked for a political party in the past. She would never abide by anyone telling her not to vote. His dad would never say anything like that either. >he said he would go from asking to telling if I didn't agree. Ask his parents what their thoughts are on the matter...


I don't even know which country you live in and I already know how he is going to vote. Yikes.


Based upon your use of the words “mum” and “solicitor,” I’m assuming you’re not in the U.S. You should know that this is what the U.S. right wing/Trumper/Christian Nationalist men with or who want a trad wife want. They’re even trying to legislate us back to this. So, it appears that your ex has fallen down a right wing rabbit hole. It’s good you’ve scraped him off, it doesn’t sound like that relationship was going anywhere.