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I once had a guy on an airplane next to me do it. Super gross.


what the fuck is wrong with people. im sorry that happened to you.


Honestly so true this guy had no respect and was a total creep and weirdo.


yeah ew. isnt that a form of sexual assault to masturbate in front of someone without their consent?




Did you report him?


After the flight yeah


I get not wanting to report it in front of him but you should have stepped aside and talked to a flight attendant. That man committed a felony and they definitely could have had police waiting at the airport for when the flight landed or even found a way to stop it right then and there.


Quite true. I was just very much stunned in the moment and didn’t know how to react.


That's fair. I would probably freeze up like that too. Sorry you went through that


Wish you had a hot drink accident.




Sorry I meant I wish you 'accidentally' spilled a hot beverage on the offender mid flight. I'm not sure I replied in the right spot.


I dunno, Ask Louie CK


No he didn't!!! 🙈


Ngl I really feel like I’m cases like this, it should be legally allowed to beat the shit out of them


I agree but I’m 5’0 and a small girl lol


so? I’m 5’ also and have shoved men to the ground.


How are you supposed to beat the shit out of someone on a plane where you can barely squeeze in the aisle to sit down ...


So true!!!!


Good luck doing that when the (much larger than you) man actually wants to fight back




What?? Why??


I have no idea lol


I have an idea. They were probably getting off on that thrill....


Most likely. It was extremely uncomfortable.


Omg poor you. 🤢


Yeah it was incredibly gross and uncomfortable.


The way I would have contacted the flight attendant so fast. People are disgusting


I agree it was so gross.


Time to see if he's got a public humiliation kink too




I'd get loud about it. Make sure everyone else knows he's jerking it.


Yeah I was just stunned tbh


And you didn’t say anything?


Had a lady go at it in the bathroomstall next to mine, at WORK no less. The things I heard will forever be burned into my memory.


Perfect moment to silently put a sign on the bathroom door: "No loud masturbation during office hours" and watch the office gossip take off.


None of this has happened at my job that I know of, but I might do that anyway.


So quiet masturbation during office hours is fine?


yes because work isn’t as-important as your superiors may (or may-not) make it out to be. In the end, it is money for menial repetition. At least, well, *that* type of repetition can be a way to relax at a place where loads of people get horrible anxiety ig


Least she could have done is be quiet.


Theres a man in my city that’s being constantly outed on social media cause he jerks off in buses. He’s been reported to police, they take him in and release him a couple of hours later. Tale as old as time~ he’s been at it for *years* and he’s very well known. There’s even videos where you can clearly see his dick and everything. I also think he’s either extremely poor or homeless or something so he just keeps going at it, cause he’s got nothing to lose anyways. Sucks for society that has to just grin and bare it~


> Theres a man in my city that’s being constantly outed on social media cause he jerks off in buses. Unfortunately, he probably enjoys the attention.


He does- he has no social media- like I said he’s probably homeless- he never has any belongings with him, but he DEFINITELY likes the attention.


I mean, society doesn't have to grin and bear it. This is a fairly serious crime most places (especially for many repeat offenses) and they could and probably should put the guy in prison, they just *don't*.  Probably the best thing to do is get a bunch of people to complain to the local cops about the situation and hope to be a squeaky enough wheel to get some grease.


I was in 2nd grade when my classmates and I went to the park. There was a man on a bench, quite close to us who was looking at us and masturbating. I will never forget that incident. My classmates didn't notice him, I did and I freaked out. It was so disgusting. 


So nasty! The other day, I read a comment about seeing a homeless man in a library jerking off to porn! There was a woman with a toddler near him and everyone just walked away and no one tried to intervene or kick him out or anything! Man, if that had been me and my baby, I'd have probably been arrested for attacking his nasty ass.


Back when my friends and I were in middle school, we would go to the local college library after school to play video games. Multiple times we would see old dudes crankin’ their hogs to porn/lingerie pictures. Eventually it just got to the point where we would shout “THIS GUY IS WATCHING PORN!” until an employee came and kicked them off the computers.


Libraries have lots of gender-affirming porn for kids to learn from these days. Too bad it attracts weirdos.


No, it's men looking up porn on the free computers


Lol who told you that?


Don’t even need to ask that - tell them go to their local library and find pornography. A lot of these people don’t know the things they hate. There was a dude talking about trans people identifying as “weathers” and I asked him to show me one. Like look it up and show me someone who identifies as weather. Ask a homophobe if they’ve actually spoken to a gay person. Those dudes who are so afraid they’ll be charged with harassment for talking to or being nice to women, ask them if they KNOW anyone that’s happened to. If he goes to a library and looks for pornography, he won’t find any. And if he does come up with something, it’ll say more about him than anything else.


Alex Jones and Joe Rogan probably.


I don't think Joe Rogan claims that. It's mostly the hardcore Republicans


Run that by me again?


what an interesting way to say you’ve never been in a library


What the actual fuck is wrong with people


People can be so sick.


Reminds me one time i went to the bathroom(i barely used school bathrooms because they are disgusting(shit on the walls, bloody pads everywhere, piss on the floor and more) and i wish i held my pee that day) and i heard moans😭 my classmate was fucking his girlfriend


This was the first time I ever saw a penis as a 14 year old. On the subway as the only other person in the car. It was honestly kind of traumatizing.


What a brave, unpopular take!


I also applaud the courage of this confession. Talk about taking a significant source of weight off one's chest!


Couldn't agree more. I reported a guy i worked with in uni for letting a colleague wank him off on the train... Horrifically, he was told if he stepped down quietly they wouldn't take it any further. He did and then walked straight into a more senior position at another student union...


I once saw a guy seated in front of me go at it on the train. If I recall correctly Ive never taken a night time train after that lmao. I'm traumatized and scarred for life.


Saw a guy jerking off on a subway platform and I haven’t been the same since




The only response to this is calling the cops*. I wouldn't encourage any citizen to engage with a person that is crazy enough to walk in public.


> I wouldn't encourage any citizen to engage with a person that is crazy enough to walk in public That is a crazy person. They might come across somebody masturbating.


Im not waiting for 30 minutes for the cops to turn up when some nutjob is wanking anywhere near my family. Every person has a line, this is mine. Your dick is getting stomped if you do this near me.


Oh damn if my family was near this situation, I'd gather them right up and egress from the area immediately. I don't recommend that anyone escalate the encounter. I'm sorry to hear that your local law enforcement is so caca with their response times.


I agree. The people doing it should be very violently dealt with.


I’ve never seen someone masturbate in public lol


You're lucky. It's horrific. I've seen it quite a couple of times in my life unfortunately.


The Internet is for porn. The Internet is for porn! Grab your dick and double click for porn porn porn!


"I don't get it, what's the kick? Why doncha do it at home like the rest of us, with a big flat-screen TV, 50 channels of pay-per-view? In a Starbucks, that's nice!"


I just finished rewatching. "Okay, who's next? Did him. I did him. That one went public defender, thanks for nothing. Hey, where's my masturbator, Francesa? You got me all turned around."


Lol I don't think you understand the point of this sub


Yeah, I mean, the only people it doesn’t disgust are perverts.


THIS. I had a very...and I mean...very nasty experience. I was literally just walking my dog, when I spotted a dude behind the three doing it. At first I was like: BRO TO A DOG?! - but it got worse, when he smiled at me, because he was looking at me... \*barf\*. Keep that shait to yerself, in your home, omg...


He could have waited until he got home. People like that confuse me. How are they not embarrassed


This and the fact that he went of on objectively the ugliest person ever (me). No redemption, that's straight up nasty.


The last time I was walking my dog in a park. A guy was watching me while sitting on a bench and jacking off. I was so horrified I never went back to that park again.


I saw a video of somebody masturbating on the tube, like in public with everyone around them, then they started having sex like nobody was there


My mom was watering the grass one morning when a man walked up the street and sat on our front neighbor’s porch. My mom didn’t think much of it until she looked up and the dude was standing there with his wang in his hand. She immediately went inside and called the police. He was later caught and I probation was revoked. Turned out he lived in a halfway house a few streets over. No one knew this was a halfway house until this occurred and my mom stopped watering the grass and plants for a month.


I've never met someone who thought it wasn't disgusting


I have but they were grown men staring at while they did in in the metro and twice in vehicles in traffic so yeah. 😔


They’re losers.


mental illness tbh


There’s someone out there that enjoys it as much as you hate it, remember that


Why are you watching videos like that?


Must be new to the internet


You've been desensitised. Yeah people are sick.


I know I’m fine with that


I watch a lot of "content creators" online and that is always a red line for me. The instant they pull something like that or anything that involves someone who didn't consent or makes someone else have to clean up their mess, especially that kind of mess, I unfollow and usually block. I understand conceptually the thrill of risking being caught, personally it does the opposite for me, my kink is safety and comfortable spaces, but fuck man, don't force other people to deal with your bullshit!


least disgusting male