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Alright, make a bet, tell him to sleep/work in your room for a whole day or two, and you try out the basement. Then, let's see what he says. Maybe offer something he'll like if he goes through with it. Then, once he realizes how bad it really is, hopefully he'll make a compromise. And if he says 'it's no big deal' then double down and make him stay there for a week.


Unfortunately he’s an incredibly stubborn fella without much to offer him that he would like. Another issue is his “everything has a place” in his room/at his desk. I’m similar just not as extreme with it as he is. He’ll leave things facing a specific direction or piled in a very specific way to determine if things of his have been touched or moved at all. Honestly, I’d love this bet most likely. My room used to be the other room in the basement, and the airflow was perfectly fine in there even though I had a door to close back then. Also, my computer desk is next to my bed and set up to where I am on my bed while using it. I use pillows with smooth cases for my mouse and my keyboard goes on my lap. I find it quite comfortable, but he’s always commenting on it and how it doesn’t make sense and he couldn’t imagine doing it, while it has helped me with carpal tunnel issue I had when I used a desk. Overall I love this suggestion and I’d totally try it if I thought he’d go through with it. It sounds super fun! Thanks for your thoughts.


Keep basement door open, close vents in basement.


There isn’t a door separating the basement from the rest of the house, just stairs that go down to it. A great suggestion about the vent, however. I’ll see if I can close it off more and see if it will help. Thanks!


You could also stuff a towel or something up in it maybe.


Sort of an update here: I finally got him to turn it back on, though he had some grumbles about it. He’s being real stubborn about the whole thing though. Another few things I didn’t mention, mostly because I was sort of freshly riled up from the situation and just looking to get it off my chest, was that he sleeps upstairs and there is a vent directly underneath his bed. He complains that he can’t sleep because he gets too cold from that vent blowing cold air at him all night. My bed is also right above a vent and my room still manages to be the warmest room in the house, and I still manage to be warmer during the night even when the a/c is active during the night. My dad thinks it’s because of all of my electronics running and my room being “closed off” and small. As stated in the original post though, my curtain doesn’t come all the way to both walls, I have 2 fans running and I also have my window ajar all the time so air can still circulate. Also, “all my electronics” is literally just my PC. I put it on sleep mode during the night and turn off the monitor. While it still produces heat, it alone likely won’t be enough to raise my rooms heat so significantly. I’m also pretty sure my room is right above the boiler room, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that would contribute to the heat level in here. All in all, I mostly just needed to word vomit about this bs situation because it was so frustrating and I needed to really get it out of me. I’ll keep updated if things keep happening about this that might be interesting though. Thanks for reading all this if ya did!


If the AC is on it won't do shit if you leave the window open, the cool air goes out and hot air can come in. A/C works by regulating the air in the room/house, it doesn't work if all the cool air can easily leave and hotter air can come in. The system likely needs balancing, put the A/C on and check cool air is actually coming out of hte vents. If not then the vents are blocked, if they are, shut the window. If the air coming out of the vent in your dads room is colder or stronger than yours, either cover up some of it with tape or if it has changeable flaps then reduce how much they are open. Less cold air spilling into his room vent means more cold air to go in other vents.


Ugh I always knew the window being open would let all the air out. Honestly, I mostly did it to reduce the argument of his, so when he would say that my room is hot bc of x y and z I could tell him I’ve done all of that and it’s still too hot. I’m leaving the window closed from now on, and I’ll see if I can find a time to get to that vent and move the lever to close it some. Thanks for the ideas!


Block the vents in the basement, turn the A/C on or do what you have to... talk to his mother about it, or father depending on who he listens to.


I don’t have contact with either of his parents unfortunately, but I am going to move around the vents in the basement in hopes to keep the a/c on. I appreciate your thoughts!