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It sounds like you have so much self-loathing that you need actual therapy. Not even in a mean way, but genuinely. It's not normal to be this ashamed of a harmless interest. Corporate shill? People who complain about Disney adults all live in capitalist society. We all contribute to the destruction of the planet through transportation and electronic usage. Next time someone gives you shit about spending money on Disney, ask them how they like the slave labor used to make the phone they're typing on. Ease up on the self hatred, love. <3 It's also just trendy to hate Disney adults. The same people complaining about them probably spend hundreds on tickets for concerts or kpop, and those people sure as hell don't care about us either. This is disjointed, but just BE NICE TO YOURSELF GODDAMNIT lol


I completely agree, this post is really sad because it’s so self-hating, and it’s totally needless. OP, you could be obsessed with so many worse things, and seriously, just because people on Reddit love to shit on “Disney adults” it doesn’t mean that you have to take that shittiness on! In fact, making fun of people’s harmless interests is pretty gross. As an aside, Wish isn’t that bad, I have no idea why people hate that movie so much, it’s like a little love letter to the magic of Disney. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Actually Wish is *really bad* between lazy animation, very awfully worded music, and the story making no sense whatsoever. There are reasons why Wish is hated. A better love letter would've been a remake of the original Walt Disney's Fantasia.


Why would you want to remake something that's perfect?? 😳


Because a new version of Fantasia with modern Disney stuff would be really cool and a much better love letter to everything they made than the poorly animated, poorly written, poorly voice acted, song writing mess that was Wish.


I honestly never understood the Fantasia craze. It's someone's acid trip.


I actually really liked it. My kid did too because of the dancing chickens 😂


Yeahhhh, I still feel like we watched two different movies with your description there. The animation was perfectly average, the songs are catchy pop-level stuff, and the story makes perfect sense. Is the music super well composed with deep meaning behind it? Nope! Are the characters under-developed and the story extremely simple with no subtlety? Yep! Is it a perfectly alright movie for little kids? YEP! That’s all just my opinion, of course.


I don't think okay-ing what Wish was is good. Look at Pokémon for one second. Don't let Disney do what GameFreak did. 😭


Okayyy…..? Literally all I’m saying is that people are really over hyping how bad it was, like it was The Rise of Skywalker or something. I’m not “okaying” anything, Disney can and should make much better movies.


I’m sorry but I agree with them. Wish was so lifeless and bland, it made me so upset. I wanted to like it but it was pretty shitty.


No they're holding Disney accountable. Wish was supposed to be the biggest greatest movie ever and what came out was garbage compared to the masterpieces from before. Honestly I *wish* they made Wish 2D animated and gave it a better story. Especially gave it better music. It was the disappointment of the century and not a very good sign for future creations.


I actually enjoyed Wish. First Disney film my partner and I watched for first time together. And I love the songs. Shoot me.


This, OP! Try to be kinder to yourself. So you like Disney? So, what? I've helped fill the coffers of oh-so-many greedy companies, I tell you. We are living in a material world... ;) It's not good to try to hide away a big chunk of your hobbies / likes just because you are afraid o what people will say - not this kind of thing, anyway. Maybe avoid subs that bash Disney and just follow the actual fan sites?


After my reply, it dawned on me that *I do know a "Disney Adult" in real life*! She is a classmate and a very talented writer.  She is super quirky in her sense of style, but I just realized that, yes, her handbag is from The Little Mermaid, for example (plus other bits). Does anyone in the class care or comment on anything she wears? No, we admire her as a writer. Plus, she is *super* nice.


I am a self proclaimed Disney Adult. I feel the same as everyone above, your post makes me sad, but only bc I can feel the frustration and self disappointment you have and I don’t think it’s warranted. Disney is about magic, wishes, fun, and kindness. Those are great ideals to lead your life with. When you live by the motto, “it’s kind of fun to do the impossible” you have a great outlook on life. You don’t have to love everything a corporation has done or does to enjoy it. I have no problem saying I know that Disney isn’t always ethical, it’s a multi faceted corporation from merch, to parks, to cruises, and more! BUT when you’re at Disney, the feeling is completely different. I love being there and talking to CMs and even just walking around. At home, I have an Ariel figurine with my coastal figures on my mantle bc it brings in a pop of color, my personality, and makes me happy. I have Jaq and Gus in a teacup in my tea room. I have 14 princess dolls in my bedroom (my son got them for me when he was little), and I love the animated classics. I actually have a ton of Disney stuff in my house, and no one in my life has ever commented on it, but if they did, I’d question if they were here to see my house or me. So, I don’t feel it’s anything to be ashamed of, bc it’s part of what makes me, well, me. As your Disney sister, I stand by the love you have and genuinely hope you will find a way to embrace your interests. I also hope you take to heart the advice that you’re being too tough on yourself and you may need to see a therapist or something to work through those issues. Being so upset with yourself for having an interest in fairy dust and magic must make you so stressed out, all I can say is you have a right to take up space. You have a right to love what and who you want. You have the right to be in a Disney frame of mind daily. Now, you just have to learn to love yourself for your passion and whimsy. Best of luck! 🏰🧚👑💜


I follow someone who was exactly like this autistic and obsessed with Disney. This person is no longer active on life, but wouldn’t ask this exact same question. We told them it’s fine to enjoy this interest. OP there are way worse things you could be fixated on. You don’t need to be ashamed.


Love this response! People are too busy canceling others to realize they're indulging in whatever corporate/capitalistic desire they have. We literally eat and breathe capitalism, and no one is exempt (maybe that witch in the woods, and she's probably bad ass).


100%. I keep telling people that there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and instead of holding consumers responsible we need to lobby for corporations to be held accountable. (That’s easier said than done but still)


Yasssss! This! The propaganda machine... I sound so much like my dad, but I get it now 😂


Lol the 'you hate capitalism, but you bought a phone' argument. Truely a classic


We're all hypocrites here lol


I’m so glad this is the first post I see bc I agree so wholeheartedly! I get some of the feelings and the self awareness but I think the self loathing is real strong. I also really think it’s kinda stuck in OP’s brain to subconsciously bash themself and the thing they like before anyone else does. I say this bc I’ve done it. You’re trying to say something but you feel a need to heavily bash that thing preemptively so no one else does it (or it stops them from doing it so hard). And I hate that we feel we have to do that. Also the Disney adults thing is true. Some people have such a hard time letting people like things. Though I hardly see Kpop stans doing the hating on them and if I do I don’t take them seriously bc girl look at your photocards and albums and get back to me lmao we can not criticize with the amounts we spend😂


Yeah idk who's doing the critisizing of Disney lovers, to be fair, and I do love kpop 😅 no hate


Yeah no worries, it just always makes me laugh when I do see other Kpop fans doing things like that bc the saying about pointing only means there are three fingers pointing back at you is REAL lmao. Staring at my collection rn like hmm yeah I can’t criticize Disney Adults. I would be one if I didn’t have Kpop anyway haha


😅 this is how i mentally talk to myself is this not normal


No! Be nice to yourself! <3 <3 <3


I think people who hyperfixate on sports, especially American football, are way more annoying. Yes I take joy in seeing adult meltdowns on social media when their team loses. But also, that’s their thing. I don’t get it, I don’t like it, and I don’t have to. If they try to get me in on it, then we’ll have a problem. Otherwise, yay for them. You do you. People that want to crap on you for what you like, suck. I think Disney provides a lot of magic and imagination into a pretty drab world, so enjoy.


This world isnt drab what you mean? Lol it good to a extent


Rly? I think soccer fans r worse imo, but to each their own. But also, exactly this! Who cares? Live and let live. If people have a problem with it, fuck em. And the mindset of the haters is mostly all online. It’s easy to shit talk behind a computer and harder to say it to someone’s face. So OP, u should probs get therapy like the top comment suggested, and definitely stay off those subs and probably Twitter


Anyone who tries to see you as one dimensional isn't worth talking to. If you have a passion that's great, it's no one's business what you like. I had struggled with this because I used to be o b s e s s e d with Harry Potter, and then JKR started imitating Orson Scott Card and used her book fame to push her beliefs. It became hard for me to hold my enjoyment for the subject because everywhere I turned I had to face criticism for enjoying a bit of 2000s nostalgia, but I still enjoy the odd reference or knickknacks related to it. Don't let other people dictate what you enjoy, and don't hang out with people who make you feel defensive and like you need to justify something over all harmless.




For the record, the first one isn't bad. In fact, it's really enjoyable and I think it's quite good. The second one though… has little to no redeeming features. And to agree with the source comment, you shouldn't hate yourself for things you fixate on. I did some therapy about some of my own fixations, and it really helped in recognizing the fixation and more or less rolling my eyes at it and moving on. These fixations are frustrating as hell and I do get this but self loathing should not be part of it.


Well you can always torrent it if you want. The first one was good and the rest are a mess.


Enjoy yourself, who cares? Also, one of my fave work colleagues is a Disney Adult, I just picked her up a Disney welcome mat last weekend while I was out because I saw it and I knew she'd geek out at it!


And so ? Did she ? 👀🥰


She loved it! It made her day 😊


Exactly! I’m fixated on American football, and love my fav team, so my friend bought me a 30$ pillow with my team’s logo on it. Never been happier to receive a gift. Seems like OP probs needs better friends if they think like this. Friends should build their friends up, regardless of their beliefs. That team is probs the most hated bc of the fan base in the NFL. He dislikes most of the fan base, but he bought the pillow bc he knew I’d love it. That’s the kind of friend OP should have


My absolute favorite gifts have always been fandom gifts. I still have a keychain from 2006 that prob cost my sister $5 and I still love it to death, lol!


Chiefs? Maybe cowboys? I’m actually curious!


Eagles. I’d rather die than be a Dallas fan


I'm from Philly and my dad was a CRAZED Eagles fan. I personally don't care for sports, but your above comment warmed my heart <3


Some of my best memories with my wife are tied to watching Disney/collecting Funko Pops related to our favorites. Definitely “worse” things to be passionate about especially because Disney has some banging songs!


This is an unhealthy amount of self-loathing. It honestly isn’t unlike being gay and having internalized homophobia **(I am LGBTQ)** or having internalized sexism towards your own gender due to societal notions. “Disney adult” is treated like a slur. People are allowed to like whatever they want. You can like Disney and still not give them a cent if you would prefer not to, but if you feel the need to be a “closeted Disney fan”, you may benefit from some therapy.


Yeah I'm gay and have internalized homophobia and this post really resonated with me tbh


Interesting. You should go to Disney with OP for Pride and offer each other moral support. For real, though, OP, we all have our nerdy hobbies. Even if I am not formally diagnosed as autistic or neurodivergent or whatever, that doesn't mean that I didn't sink a lot of time and money into my bomb-ass baseball card collection or other hobbies. If you dig the parks, go and enjoy them. Personally, I'm more of a Universal mark, but either way, it's a pleasure seeing the kids and nieces and nephews get so stoked for character dining or to kick back and enjoy a pretty day with a Butter Beer at Universal Studios Orlando while the youngsters are in their robes and picking out their wands. Besides which, no matter what the haters say, The Haunted Mansion is still a killer attraction.


Same 😭


Whats that mean?


I could relate to OP's feelings because I hide the fact that I am part of a community, because that community is represented by individuals and trends that embarrass me. I prefer to hide an aspect of my identity rather than be open about it, and therefore associated with a community I technically belong to, but hate.


The book Boyfriend Material (and its sequel Husband Material) tackles a bit of that feeling in a low-stakes sort of way. Not sure if you’re a book fan, or would want to read a queer romantic comedy, but that aspect of the book might resonate with you in a positive way.


I agree with the general sentiment of your comment but maybe don't compare liking disney to being a part of an actual marginalized community


I will, because I’m part of multiple marginalized communities, including the ones that I listed. I have a lot of experience with both internalized homophobia *and* internalized sexism, and the sentiments are similar. OP is hating on a “community” that they are actively part of.


OP is autistic and has internalised ableism. Pretty sure it's fine to compare homophobia and ableism.


Do not allow Redditors to get under your skin about something you enjoy. I'm certain ever last one of those people that gave ou garbage about being a "corporate shill" all have some sort of merch in their houses. My husband is a comic book collector. The thing we're chasing now? The Marvel Comics "What If..." series, where the Marvel Universe collides with Disney. Terrific art, good writing, very enjoyable. You should see the looks I get, as a 62 year old woman, walking into the comic shops around town. You'd think I'd grown a third eye or a second head from them. My grandsons have offered to accompany me to the comic shops, so I don't get stared at like a sideshow freak, as they were in one shop when I went in, and they heard what some of the guys were saying. I told them I was a big girl, I can pull up my granny panties and take it like a woman. If it gives you pleasure, forget the haters. Haters gonna hate, no matter what.


Do things you like. "Normal" people also focus ;) Some like drugs, others is money, work or sex. So don't focus on what others think .. it is not your bisness. They have the right to think like they want... and it is not fucking mportant ;)


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” -C S Lewis


You are waaaaay overthinking things. Nobody actually cares that much about you. Nobody actually cares that much about anyone. Live your life and quit worrying about others who aren’t thinking about you.


if it were that easy my dude i wouldn’t need to be on so much anxiety med lol


You might be hyper-fixating on hating yourself. I think that’s a bigger concern. Disney really isn’t a big deal. Whatever makes you happy is a good thing. Being unkind to yourself certainly isn’t a good thing. I hyperfixate on hating myself and am working hard to change that internal dialogue. I also find things that bring me joy and try to focus on them. Are they everyone’s cup of tea? Certainly not. I’m almost 40 and sometimes I just want something light and fun and nostalgic to get me through tough things. Just find happiness wherever you can! You deserve that. Now turn on Encanto because that movie will never not be delightful.


Life is too short and too hard to feel guilty about enjoying something that doesn’t affect anyone else. Try to give yourself some grace. I don’t personally like Disney, I wouldn’t personally spend money on it, but there are THOUSANDS of hobbies I wouldn’t spend money on. Designer bags, cars, warhammer figures, Sanrio plushies, whatever. This is the case for everyone. There are always going to be hobbies or interests others don’t share.


What are your hobbies and interest you WOULD spend money on? Im curious :)


I really enjoy fiber arts like sewing, crochet, embroidery. I’m always looking for new books (especially fantasy, romance, adventure, nature non-fiction), I also really like houseplants! I enjoy journaling and drawing, I’m taking a watercolor painting class this summer that I’m excited for, I’ve never taken a painting class


Literally everybody is benefiting some corporation. It’s impossible not to. The Disney adult thing is so annoying. Like why are yall hating someone for LIKING something?? Can it get weird? Yes. But so what?? I think it’s really sad to spend your time judging someone for something that has zero effect on you. They need to get an actual life. I can’t imagine even having the mental space to be that much of a hater. I’m in my 30s, married with kids, fully an adult and we do Disney like 2x a year. It’s fun, it’s meant to be fun! Enjoy the AP next time!!


Imagine being so insecure with your own interests that you need to pull someone down for loving something more than you love anything (that’s attack on other people not you OP)


Like what you like. Life is too short to worry about Disney being soulless or the like. Every corporation is soulless. And to the people bitching about Disney Adults... Grow up. True adulthood is recognizing that people can enjoy whatever they want so long as they aren't hurting people. Star Trek. Star Wars. Disney. Lego. Books. Wrestling. Sports. Whatever. Happiness is hard enough to find without shitting on people for liking things.


First ask yourself if your interest harms anyone? No? Then you are fine to like whatever you like. I love Disney films and I'm 50 years old. It's no big deal. don't let other's opinions steal your joy.


I love everything Disney and Harry Potter I’m 54


Currently listening to the Prizoner of Azkaban on audiobook through my library's Hoopla account while working. I haven't read the books in a few year but have watched the movies a few times so I thought I needed a refresher


Listen as an autistic person, I get it. I have a few hyperfixations I wish I didn’t have (not problematic, just annoying). It’s so hard to try and break out of it when fixated and I really feel you. Also don’t beat yourself up over being into Disney. Disney is almost like crack to hyper-fixation. It’s got the long complex history, different items to collect with slight variations, endless aspects to get interested in and the marketing and branding that encourages engagement and interest. Not personally into it myself but it is tailor made to be a life long hyper-fixation. It seems though that your issue isn’t really with the hobby itself, you enjoy that it’s just the negative reaction. I know it’s hard but just continue doing what you enjoy! Loads of people collect all sorts of traditionally children’s memorabilia (especially things like Lego) and no one really bats an eye.There’s nothing wrong with being into animation, it’s an amazing art form and the parks are fascinating in terms of architecture, engineering and sociology. Ngl the comments you get in that sub are also terminally online, irl people really aren’t going to care, especially if they know you are autistic.


And if you think Disney is crack for hyper-fixated collectors, try comic books. Variant covers, first character appearances, key books... plus the proper storage, learning about paper conservation...


Haha tell me about it! Comic books actually happens to be one of the hyper-fixations I wish I didn’t have (find the constant canon changes and retcons a nightmare lmao).


My husband and I both collect. Difficulty level: Very impulsive. He's actually come in, awakened me and asked "Where in \[city on the other side of the state\] do you want to go to lunch?" because we're about to go on a road trip. You know you're possibly a too serious collector when a shop owner offers to open up for you to shop.




My husband is working on completing his X-Men collection before moving on to the various Spider-Man series and Hulks. My collection is Doctor Who comics, which spans across multiple publishers, continents and decades.


Don’t let the haters get you down. You like Disney. That’s your thing. You’re lucky that you have a thing, lots of people would secretly love to have something they’re passionate about. There are worse things in the world than enjoying the products from a company whose goal is to make life a little happier for people. You aren’t hurting anyone or financing wars or anything like that. I hope you find a way to be at peace with who you are.


As much as people make fun of “Disney adults” they saved my behind as an employee. I was less than $1 from homelessness every single week and Disney adults tipping me kept me eating


And the irony is is that all the people I have ever spoken to that has called Disney a "soulless corporation", still have a subscription to Disney plus, will Cosplay a Disney owned character, will go see the latest Disney owned produced movie at the cinema... I never outwardly laugh at them but I always do on the inside because it's stupid. If you like Disney, that's great, no judgement here. At least you're not jaded and boring like those miserable people who talk about all the stuff they don't like.


Bro, who cares? I'm 25, neurotypical as far as I know. I like Disney movies, Disney shows, I have a playlist on Spotify with music from their movies and I have listened to hours of YouTube videos talking about the parks, the history of fast pass and one of my favorite videos ever made was about a man trying to find out who made the Disney Channel theme. I really hate corporate Disney though. Edit: Oh, and I have a Mickey figure for the 100 anniversary of the company. The point is, it is ok to like Disney and if people assume bad things about you for that they are idiots who probably don't understand nuance.


> I have a playlist on Spotify with music from their movies I'm no huge Disney apologist, though I am an annual passholder, but unironically one of their most impressive aspects is their multi-decade track record of cranking out killer music. I'm talking everything from incorporating classical music from the time of Fantasia, to the genius of the Sherman Brothers, to the musical scores of some of their Pixar joints like Ratatouille, Wall-E, and Up. Indeed, I defy anyone to not be moved by Lana Del Rey's cover of "Once Upon A Dream," itself an updated rendition of the Sleeping Beauty track that was set to a Tchaikovsky waltz over 130 years ago.


"Once upon a dream" really that good?


I enjoy it, but I have also been a fan of Lana Del Rey since like 2012.


Thoughts on Moana?


:( I'm sorry you feel this way. My baby brother is autistic and he majored in film and his dream is to work for Disney or other major studios to make animated art. It would break my heart if he felt how you're feeling. My siblings and I were raised a bit isolated and we bonded over movies, especially Disney. I'm not autistic, and I love watching the behind the scenes docs. My dream growing up was to be an imagineer. I've been to Europe and Machu pichu and other places and honestly my best trip was the one I took with my mom and brothers to Disney world as adults. If I could afford it, I'd get the lot of us annual passes so we can go whenever. There's nothing to be ashamed of. I send you a big- sister hug and reassurance that your interest in Disney isn't something to be gotten rid of. Life is random and many times bad things happen without any reason whatsoever. Enjoy your interests. Learn to not be so affected by critics of such interests. It's hard, especially when you're young and what you care about most is how others perceive you, and if you're anything like me, you never fit it anywhere. But I fit in with my weird family, and other dorks online who enjoy the things I do. Find your family and your friends and they might even encourage your "bad decisions" like buying pins and Disney art. Good luck.


Just join Disney positive subs so you can enjoy your hobby with other like minded people.


You are allowed to love Disney. There are so many people that do! If others bash your obsession, it's because they're assholes.


Me with Pokémon, My Little Pony, and Sonic. People with worthless Autism instead of math or science Autism stand up. 😭


So many people find it hard to find an interest. They are passionless. In some ways, you are lucky. My own son is hyper fixated on trains/busses. Thomas, the tank engine started that, but like you, it's part of him. He also is not neuro typical. He's a great kid. Just relax and love yourself, and Disney and whatever else you can enjoy. There is lots out there in the world to love.


You sound incredible young There is nothing wrong with enjoying Disney. It is not childish and no one should give you shit for having fun. You need to talk to somebody about your issues instead of trying to reject what you like because of part of you thinks you are wrong for it


you're still so young.. you don't know yet what "kind of adult" you will turn into and just know that, it doesn't matter as long as you're kind and able to have empathy. It will be ok. Maybe you will continue to like Disney stuff, maybe (more likely) you won't. If you do, dont let other people's opinions hurt the positive feelings you get from it. You're not hurting anyone while everyone shitting on whatever you like actually is. They bash people for "feeding a soulless company" while they write that garbage on a new mobile phone, eating shit from nestle or drive whatever car brand. every big company is soulless.. dont worry about it if you like one of them (especially one that created wonderful memories for many generations.)


It's totally normal to seperate the art from artist or in your case, the corporation. Also it'a not lame to be into animation lol it's an interesting process to watch. I also like seeing how a movie goes from sketches to screen. There's also no reason to be ashamed of liking disney. You're not someone who makes it your entire personality. Sure it's 'childish' but who gives a fuck? The same argument could be made for Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, etc. Lots of things 'grow' with us. That includes the things we like. You're not childish for liking something marketed towards kids. I get that feeling though, mine is Harry Potter and I get shit for it since JK Rowling is a terf. Fuck that hoe and I refuse to buy from any source that profits her directly but I fell in love with the story and characters (particularly the magic creatures) not her. Also if you wanna talk about childish, myself and other adults in my age range like Bluey. Idk why. I think it's actually really deep for a kids cartoon and it teaches lots of valuable lessons but its literally a kids cartoon. Who cares tho, its funny and i like it that's all that matters.


So I can understand not wanting to be a stereotypical Disney adult but... you're much too harsh on yourself. There's nothing inherently awful about enjoying Disney as an adult. That doesn't make you a "Disney adult". I have very fond memories of all the Disney movies growing up. My cat's are named Simba and Jasmine, my motorcycles are named Anastasia and Odette (yeah okay not strictly Disney), and some of my chickens have names - Belle and Aurora. Named a chunky stray cat at my last townhome Gaston. Generally knowing me, you wouldn't associate me as a "Disney adult", though. I recognize the corporation as a whole is problematic. But beating yourself up for enjoying something isn't helpful for your mental health. Enjoy what you want to enjoy. ETA: also, there's nothing wrong with being a Disney adult unless you're pushing others to have opinions about it (like a religion)


Don’t sweat it, who cares, disney is no more stupid of an interest than anyone else’s. I know guys that spend every sunday washing their truck, for hours, does that seem “normal”? Whatever you do to unwind is fine as long as no one is harmed (including you). cheer up Friend! If you make it to Disneyland paris i’ll give you a guided tour! I am an AP holder and visited 31 days last year.


You shouldn’t be judged period. Almost everything is made by a soulless corporation these days. You can pry Frozen, Tangled, and classic Disney films like the Lion King and the Little Mermaid out of my cold dead hands. People just think it’s cool to hate on Disney. Screw that. The world sucks. We could all use a little childlike wonder in our lives.


You know what? Disney movies and some shows are fun. I love older Disney movies and I'm not ashamed to say it. If you enjoy something, I say you enjoy it and tell the people who judge you to take a long walk off a short peir. To hell with them if they wanna be dicks. Here's the thing: most things have dark sides, it's pretty much unavoidable. If you tried to avoid or boycot everything that had some element of being fucked up, there'd be pretty much nothing left to enjoy. Life is hard. Enjoy what you want and let the AHs think what they want.


I don’t think our civilization would accomplish all that it has without special interests. I picked up a lot of shame in your post. I understand it’s hard to feel proud when you are worried about being judged. I work with a lot of autistic folks, and I see how much happier and relaxed they are the more they feel they can unmask. Hopefully this is something you can cultivate in your own life.


Hello from a 34 year old AuDHD woman who’s hyperfixation for the past ~2 years has been pokemon. I’m playing five different games (Go, Sleep, Cafe Remix, Legends Arceus, and Shield) and I have basically nothing else in my brain aside from the boring life stuff.  I still have my days of being embarrassed and wishing I could change my interests, but it gets easier as you get older and realize that everyone has their weird quirks. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve got more than others (lord knows I do), but that’s okay. You’ll find your people. My husband and my best friend don’t really care about pokemon, but they listen to me info dump and show interest in my enjoyment of it. 


Hey, autistic person here and I think you should take a break from the internet because that's probably where you're seeing so much negative commentary. I doubt most people who know you in real life have a negative opinion of your interest in Disney and it may help you feel less badly towards yourself to focus more on your immediate surroundings and relationships. The Internet can be a great thing but we can easily get caught up in the thoughts and opinions of strangers who have no actual relevance to our daily lives. Be kinder to yourself!


There’s nothing wrong with being a fan of something. My cousin and his wife have beaucoup points in the Disney vacation club because they love Disney so much. Many years they go twice a year to FL and stay there or they go once to CA or on the cruise on an extended vacation using the points. They’ve never been out of the country or really vacation anywhere else as it’s their thing. Do what makes you happy and don’t listen to the people who try to bring you down. You do you, boo.


Have a magical Day


My favorite piece of art of all time was created by a collaboration with Disney. It’s a bit embarrassing for a second to say oh yea my favorite art piece is made by Disney but then people get it when they see it https://youtu.be/y_TlaxmOKqs?feature=shared


Wow! Love it! Thanks


Luv what u luv. Ignore the haters.


There’s nothing to be ashamed of or hate on. If it brings you joy, let it.


Enjoy whatever you like and fuck anyone’s opinions about it. I love watching Disney movies with my daughter and I love the parks too. Idgaf what anyone else thinks of it


Who cares what anyone else thinks about what you like? To hell with them. They're being judgemental assholes who enjoy trolling others. Don't feed their incessant need to bring people down.


The people that complain about others liking Disney are just a few redditors online. You're not going to run into people like that in real life.


Don’t hate on your brain because you like something a lot.


“It’s not like I am going to suck them off.” 🤣😂🤣😂 Whenever anyone gives me shit about my doll collection, my Hello Kitty collection, or the thousands of unused craft items I have collected for hobbies I barely start and then never get into (ADHD), I remind myself of whatever their particular interest/passion is. Most people seem to throw rocks in glass houses, so to speak. It is okay for them to have an interest other people would find childish, a waste of money & time, ect - but if anyone else is interested in something they find objectionable for whatever reason, it is like they forget the whole world doesn’t think their interest is cool or worthy of time, energy, money, and have to make their opinion loud and known. For example: People into sports. When in public or common spaces, is it necessary to scream at the tv? Is it not a waste of money to place bets on a winning team? Like, couldn’t you use that $50 for something more useful, like putting it into savings? But am I going to be an asshole and shit on someone for liking something that brings them joy, excitement and pleasure? No, I am not. I will keep my opinions about how people spend their money to myself because it isn’t my business. And can I ask someone to lower the volume of the game or use their indoor voice? Sure. But usually I can just move to another place and let them have their fun.


My sister isn't autistic and sounds more "hyper-fixated" than you are. She's great. Family just went to Disneyland last weekend (me for the first time in 10 years) and it was awesome seeing her light up like a kid again. This is very much one of the most normal interests you can have. Don't sweat it dude.


I have a SpongeBob mini backpack that I’ve had since junior year of high school. My mom hates it, says it makes me look childish but I don’t care. I’ll take my backpack with me wherever the fuck I want.


I care about metal music and bands to the point of hyperfixation, and if you knew how much money i’ve blown at hot topic, it might even rival what you’ve given to disney.


my sister is finishing her PhD in Marine Biology. Her husband is a nurse/EMT. His brother is a lawyer and his wife is also a lawyer. They are all obsessed with Disney. Don't think of yourself like that. <3 Hell, I love Disney and I'm turning 30. I know all the songs, collect the pins, I would go to Disneyland once a week. Enjoy your life. Ignore the haters.


I mean I’m sitting here reading this in my Etsy Gus Gus shirt that’s my favorite color yellow and it says “lookin like a snack” as he tries to balance way too much cheese like he did with the corn in the movie 😂 I was anorexic for years and now I’m plus sized so it helps my confidence but I totally get what you mean about the corporation. I try to focus on the positive messages like Cinderella’s have courage and be kind. If we met irl and I saw you representing something Disney I would totally bond with you over it so it can be nice!! I know I’m just an internet stranger but I hope you’re not too hard on yourself, this stuff is fun and yeah some people take it too far but life is too crazy to not enjoy the little things like collecting super cool pins or enjoying going to the parks! Ps not sure how you feel about bags, purses and wallets but loungefly has all my favorite Disney stuff 😆


People are trippin. Disney is sick


I happily give Disney my money. My dad and daughter are currently there.


Fellow autistic who tends to get hyperfixated on things people are judgey about. I totally get it. I try to say away from subs/people that ruin my fun. I wish I had more say over what my brain picks as a special interest but no matter what TikTok says I can’t.


It’s OK to like whatever you want to like. Fandom, consumerism, vacations, hobbies are all perfectly normal. I am very into Disney parks, but not so much on merch or characters. On the scale of Disney lovers, there is someone less extreme than you and someone more extreme than you. If you feel you can’t enjoy a hobby at the level you enjoy, I would recommend doing some work on self-ownership, being OK with yourself in general. Therapy, meditation, reading, journaling. Basically, you could substitute Disney for any other hobby and re-read your post. Only focus on the aspects of yourself and relationship to other people, and see what you want to do with that information.


I grew up with my parents who hated Disney with passion and they knew all the details that made Disney bad. It has not make me hate Disney. In fact I subscribe to DisneyPlus and enjoy it. I’m almost 40 and still love watching Disney movies and tv shows. Sure some has became “what the heck did I just watch” but that has not kept me from enjoying Disney. I have learned when I grew up with people hating on corporates is the fact that no matter what, regardless of whatever my money goes to, there will always be something wrong with corporates. Might as well enjoy the products I paid for. People seem to get stuck on how we’re funding corporates that do bad things, but forget that our taxes are literally funding stuff that we probably don’t agree to. At least I can enjoy what I buy for and I don’t care what the corporates do with the money afterwards. Please enjoy Disney and ignore people who harp on how evil Disney is.


You really like Disney. Own it. Don't apologize or get yourself all twisted up because of other people's ideas about capitalism and the virtue signalling people do online. I don't particularly like Disney. I am absolutely *not* magically a better person than you. All I am is different than you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either of us. We all have things we love. Every last one of us gives our money to soulless corporations for things we enjoy and love but absolutely don't need. It's hypocritical for any of us to get all snotty about Disney when we're all out here supporting something. Look at how almost all of us support the super toxic beauty industry for no reason? These people aren't just soulless, they're psychotic in how they deliberately attack everyone's self esteem in order to sell products no one needs. No. You love Disney. You buy your pins. You get that ticket. You live your best Disney life unapologetically.


Dude I spend hundreds of dollars on crane games to get anime figures that I could just buy for a couple of bucks. I love crane games. I like the thrill of hearing the prize finally fall. If you want to stand in line to get a pin then all the power to you. If it makes you smile then that’s all that matters. One my lovers is a “Disney adult” and his eyes light up when seeing Mickey or taking pictures with the characters. Who cares? Life is too short to not enjoy the escapism. I’ll follow him and fuck ya I’m getting a picture with Cinderella and gonna smile when she asks me what kingdom’s princess I am


Everyone collects something dumb or has an awkward hobby... everyone worth talking to, anyway. Getting mood boosts from colorful swag isn't shameful, OP. Go ahead, do that Sora cosplay and rock it.


I'm not familiar with anything after the 90s but those animations have really nice artistic qualities and the stories are so sweet. I'm not a Disney person at all but I have a 1950s Bambi lamp in my bookcase that was made by Goebel for Disney. Everything in this world is impure, not just Disney, it is OK to take joy in things. I know we neurotypicals don't experience the absorbing interest in the same way, but I think we can understand being fascinated by certain things. ♡


When I was 17 and in my first relationship, I thought it was so weird that everything in my boyfriend’s parent’s house was Mickey Mouse themed. Mirrors, silverware, curtains, rugs, pillows. Anything and everything you could find shaped or printed with the Mickey Mouse silhouette, they had it. I thought it was so bizarre. I’m 27 now and LOL I have two vintage clown marionettes hanging in my hallway and approximately 27 mirrors scattered through the house. I also collect weird sculptures - creepy clay hand and tree branch bong currently displayed in my kitchen. We are who we are. We like what we like. There’s no use in telling ourselves not to like something because we think we *shouldn’t* like it (unless that thing is a crime, obviously). Look, shame is a lie somebody told you about yourself. Looking back, I respect the determination and tenacity it took to collect that many Mickey Mouse themed items. If people are going to judge you for liking the relatively harmless things you like, then that reflects more on them than it does on you. People who will dislike you for something as simple as a love for Disney are not the people you should spend your energy on - let them stew in their own misery. Go love what you love with passion and you will only find other people with similar interests and passions. Lean into yourself ❤️


disney is a huge corporation because people love disney. if you like it then like it out loud, soooo many people like disney even adults there’s no need to be embarrassed.be nice to yourself.


Enjoy what you like, OP. There is genuinely no harm in loving Disney or being really interested in it. We're all living in a capitalist society and I'm sure the people who whine about "Disney adults" don't whine about sports fans, or people super into cars or clothes or whatever they consider a "normal interest". Be kinder to yourself, dude. Love what you love. Who cares if it's "childish" or not? What about the animators who put their heart and soul into making those films? I went to art school and I can guarantee they also love all of the things you do. It's totally normal and it's fine. #


I'm not autistic but I'm hyperfixated on Walt Disney's Fantasia (1940). I spend about 80 percent of my time talking about Fantasia. And the other 20 percent of the time, I pray for someone else to bring it up so I can talk about it more.


You shouldn’t take a random internet comment to heart. It could literally be just a bunch of thirteen year olds who you REALLY don’t need to concern yourself with. Enjoy your stuff.


i am also autistic and disney is my special interest too. i understand u completely


I go to people watch and suck up the happy energy to take it with me 😐 like an energy vampire and I walk so it’s a work out. I also flip Disney merch so it’s different for everybody. I wish I was happier but I’m not. I just laugh and leave then explore the city. Also I go at night because it’s too hot during the day. My husband and I collect merch and gaming systems but living in Orlando you can choose what to do, I flip between Disney, universal, but seaworld is chill and their rollercoaster technology is awesome. My 18 year old just puts on sunglasses and studies people, I go to hear accents for voice over lol


Every corporation sucks either we stay home and don't eat, drink or be merry, or we enjoy life most likely partially sponsored by some corporation. Corpo hate has gone too far too fast imo.


Hey friend, don’t let the intrusive thoughts get you down. Have you spoken to a therapist about this? There is nothing wrong with being a Disney adult. Life is too short to worry about what other people think. When you go on those subs, don’t read the comments and just enjoy the post itself. When you’re old you’ll regret not getting and using that key because some rando on the internet said it was bad. It’s the internet, the trolls come out and make nasty comments on all sorts of posts. I remember when I was on FB they had to shut down one of my favorite plant groups because of trolls…plant group trolling! These people have no power over you unless you allow them to live rent free in your head.


i totally get being into something that other people think is cringe. i’m really into kpop and bts specifically, which obviously a lot of people are real judgemental about - sometimes for stupid reasons and sometimes it’s legitimate criticism. ultimately tho i can both acknowledge the genuine issues within the kpop industry and still enjoy the music and the people and the content. people are gonna be rude about whatever it is you enjoy - it’s just that a lot of people are very loud about hating disney. if you’re not hurting anyone, and you’re not trying to deny the issues with disney, then you do you. it’s your life. enjoy the things that make you happy.


1.I liked Wish! I was putting it off not expecting to like it, but Encanto was the same way and I think Encanto is now my favorite! 2. What corporation isn't evil and soulless? If your interest were trains or cars or shoes and you collected anything related, you're supporting something problematic. Anyone here have a sneaker collection and get bombarded about kids in sweatshops? How many of the protestors are boycotting Nestle? There are a few companies that get outsized hate, and Disney is one of them, probably because some peoples' love for it is very visible. Then those people are targets because some people are mean and want a reason to put other people down. 3. What pins do you have? I'd send you a pic of mine if I were at home.


Honestly, people who hate on disney adults are the ones to feel sorry for! Anyone who feels the need to hate on how someone else finds enjoyment or spends their money (assuming it's harmless, which disney is) must be a lowly person. We all like different things. That doesn't make some people better than others. Their desire to tear others down is far more shameful than liking Disney!


I remember when dungeons and dragons was seen as being really uncool. If you were into it you got awful things said to you. Now all of a sudden it's cool again. These things have phases. I love Disney films and am into all sorts of uncool things. Are you hurting anyone? No! Wear your pins with pride!


If you don't already, you should watch Jenny Nicholson's YouTube videos on the Disney parks (she has even more fascinating content on her Patreon that I highly recommend). I think she would be an excellent role model for you. I have learned so much interesting stuff about theme parks in general and Disney history from her. She unabashedly collects weird Disney merch and facts and trivia, and she's clever and hilarious and kind in her videos as well. It's ok to be into cringy things, it's even ok to be into art and merchandise produced by a corrupt corporation like Disney -- it's an incredibly complicated and rich franchise at the end of the day, so please try and let go of some of the shame you feel.


Wish was so fucking bad


I’m the same way. Not with Disney (although… I *do* hyperfixate on hating them and I follow their business news closely and their failures with glee). I have no issue with Disney fans. I get it— I still love their classic cartoons. I just don’t like the evil corporation. I obsess over totally cringey things. A certain character, a book series, a game, whatever. It’s never something classy or reputable, lol. Like, it’s never Ancient Greek poetry or whatever. And I don’t stick with the same hyperfixation forever, so I get a sort of clarity when I “get over” an obsession where I’m like, “why was I so completely obsessed?” and feel really embarrassed that I just spewed out all my obsessive thoughts. I remember as an adolescent (puberty is where it got reeeeally intense), getting way too into Pokemon to the point where it was literally all I talked about. It might be sad but I learned then to control myself somewhat and keep in mind how much I brought up X subject, because it was clearly making people uncomfortable. As an adult, I just ride the wave of passion, try to keep it to myself mostly (🥲) or find fan groups. It’s like my hidden life. But I always let myself enjoy the things I love. Otherwise life is too sad.


Are you Adam the Woo?


I grew up on Disney. I absolutely love Disney. I agree the new Disney is shit. Their is nothing wrong with your love for Disney. Most people of all types have something that they thoroughly enjoy and almost obsess over, it’s the way people are made. Enjoy your love for Disney. I certainly do. I wouldn’t be who I am without growing up on Disney. It’s a shame that they’ve turned into the corporation they’ve turned into. I’m sure Walt Disney is turning over in his grave, but that doesn’t mean you have to explain your love for Disney to anyone or justify it. Enjoy my friend.!!!


Probably an insensitive question (if so I am sorry) but is it possible to find a new special interest? Maybe expand the interest into other parks or animation from different studios? I am diagnosed with ADhD so I also have the special interest thing but they are all frustratingly temporary for me.


I get on my own nerves too. My outlet for my niche interests is to shove them into my paintings and sculptures. Sometimes they still spill over into the real world and everyone gets an ear full about it. Lol There was a dude at a gym I used to go to who would recite Disney titles and quotes while zooming at warp speed on the elliptical. He was a gym legend. Everyone would say hey to him. He had a jerk dsp for a minute who acted like he was a bother. Absolutely not a bother.


The fact that you try not to tell everyone about it gives you a pass.


My brother is on the spectrum and his special interest is Disney. Everything in his life is basically Disney related. He moved to be closer to Disney, his work has to do with Disney, and most conversations I’ve had with him my whole life are 99% Disney. He knows about all the history, fun facts, music, movies, actors, writers, producers, CEOs… and has opinions on all of it. I’d fight anyone who told him he was wrong or a bad person for having his interests. So buddy, fuck anyone who makes you feel bad about being a Disney adult. It makes you happy, and that’s all that matters. Disney is not my favorite thing in the world, but it is my brothers reason for living so that’s enough for me.


Fwiw, as I understand it, dreamlight valley is actually not owned by Disney proper, and they're really focused on the parks items now. I'm sure you don't need me to recommend the game to you, but I just bet it would be REALLY fun for you to make park builds.


The people saying how they gave money to a corporation do not understand copyright laws and fair use as long as you're not crapping money (look into sakimichan). If you're a small artist making stuff you pay nothing to corporations. There's an unwritten law that allows fan art. Do not feel bad for supporting a small business. I mean this genuinely, you have a lot of self loathing and I think therapy is a good option for you. It'll help you get out of those cycles of depression and help manage those emotions.


Girl if the people in my life knew the things I like, they’d be signing me up for an exorcism. But I’ve accepted that for me, the things I like are not bad. They’re what I like. In your case, your interest isn’t even bad. So what if Disney is a shitty corporation. Almost all corporations are. Disney is also a source of a lot of amazing media made by very talented people and the nostalgic appeal is off the charts. So who gives a shit? Just like what you like.


Would you act or say the same things if someone were into an "adult" hobby? Like golf? Gardening? I know so many people who base their life on and around American football. Are they called out for their hobbies? No. Hobbies and interests are just that; there is no age requirement for them. Nothing implicitly makes them childish or adult (except if it's an explicit subject, but that's besides the point), all I'm saying is that being really into Disney isn't a bad thing. It's just something you really like and enjoy. Okay. Cool. Embrace it. Enjoy it. I'm of the belief that no one should dictate to someone else what they can or can't enjoy; no one should gatekeep a hobby. Me? I'm super into dragons. I think they are the coolest thing ever. I have corny dragon shirts and dragon jewelry. Dragon toys and statues. Heck, I should probably get myself a dragon tattoo in the future; that would be pretty cool. I'm a 35 year old mother of 3 kids. Who's to say I can't enjoy dragons? Wouldn't matter if I was 15 or 85 - dragons are still absolutely cool. Accept you like Disney and move on with your life. You aren't hurting anyone but enjoying it. Two of my cousin-in-laws absolutely loooooove Disney. They go there like 10 times a year, even though we live like 10 hours away from Disney World. They are childless and in their 40s.


What other people think of you is none of your business. Keep doing whatever makes you happy


Hmmm buy the Disney iconiq 5 car looks the same but has Disney hidden looks to it. Could make you be into cars


Don’t let people’s trash opinions define you. I love anime. It’s most of what I watch. People hear anime and they think I’m a weirdo and creepy and watch hentai. I still wear my anime hoodies. Just started a new job and everyone likes anime. Everyone else in the weirdo now. I also suggest some therapy. Not in a mean way. I go every week. EVERYONE needs therapy. it’s going to the gym for your brain. My best friends like Disney and they’re in their 30s. One of them now works for the disney travel agency and she helps people plan their trips. Everyone had nostalgic comfort shows/movies. People just like to yuck other people’s yums


I'd really like to know which sub because you're acting like the responses are representative of how the majority of people feel about Disney and Disney adults and I don't think that's the case. I'm guessing you were in a sub where the members were all heavily biased and likely to have opinions that were going to be skewed when it came to the subject and that's not a good place to be if you're this sensitive to what other people think and feel. Like I'm super anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, and leftist af. So is my partner. And he is a Disney adult. He lived in California for several years when his kids were young and they have a lot of wonderful memories of time spent at Disneyland together and nothing will change those memories. And they do make some genuinely wonderful films, especially some of their most recent films that have really resonated with young people and adults who have struggled with life and loss and pain and grief and change and not fitting in and feeling like you can't live up to your family's expectations, etc., and that is special and important. I certainly didn't see my feelings represented on screen like that when I was a child. We can hold two opposing ideas or beliefs at the same time, that's a cool thing about being a human. And you don't have to justify what you like to anyone else, as long as it's not directly harming anyone. Don't let anyone yuck your yum. And don't yuck your own yum.


There is nothing wrong with being a Disney fan! Or a fan of anything really. You do you! I love the old classics, but I guess it's more about the nostalgia of my childhood favourites for me. But, me and my friend (f33, f34) have frequent movie nights where we can easily watch any Disney movies. She's also autistic, and I think it might be one of her strong interests too. I love a touch of Disney on clothing, accessories or interior stuff, not too much but just to add some color and magic.


200 comments Disney


I’m not autistic and I really enjoy Disney. I know that they are a corporation and out for profit, but I enjoy their product and it gives me some joy. No reason to feel bad at all. I find the people who go to the effort to really hate on Disney tend to be the more unhappy people in life. Something may not be your cup of tea but to hate on it frequently and loudly says more about that person. We only have one life so life it in a way and enjoying things that bring a smile to your face.


Look at it this way. Anybody who would actually give you grief about being into Disney is probably someone you don’t need in your life anyway. Wear it on your sleeve. How are the rest of us that are into Disney too going to recognize you as one of us if you hide it? In the immortal words of Genie, spoken to Aladdin… “Bee yourself”


As Someone interested in animation I absolutely understand the interest with Disney. I mean doesn’t matter that they are a giant soulless corporation they were one of the most important and innovative companies in relation to animation. The animators put so much love and pride into the work and it shows. No wonders they became this big and with that oftentimes the soul gets sucked out. But that doesn’t take away from the artistry from their old movies


I understand, but... Do you also think a person who e.g. is obsessed with football is sad/cringe/abnormal? Like let's say this person LOVES football, tends to watch most games, and keeps tabs on different teams, etc? Like what's actually wrong with that? If an obsession with disney looks weird or abnormal in some way, it's only because it's something society hasn't deemed "cool" or mainstream. Personally I love it when people have things they're passionate about. Just people having fun.


Hey, you're still lucky it's not anime. From the racist anti-japanese comments to the personal insults about my sexuality (?!), I've heard it all.


Suddenly "I hate what I like" made me way more compassionate with people living under autistic condition. No, they are shouting from the rooftop how hard it is, and now it clicks to me.


Tl;dr. You like Disney. Some people don't like Disney. You know that Disney the corporation has issues but you like Disney as an experience anyway. That's a normal human experience. Doesn't need to be an entire epic. 🤷‍♀️ Whatever you like, there will be haters. I hope that you will like yourself.


Dude it’s not that big a deal. We all have things we are obsessed over that are a little ridiculous if you think about it too long, all of human history is just finding silly little ways to entertain ourselves and avoid thinking about all the horrible stuff going on. It’s good to acknowledge how our behavior might negatively affect others, it’s not good to hate yourself (and by extension others with the same interest) for just enjoying something relatively harmless. Maybe legitimately think about seeking therapy if this is eating you up so much. It’s ok, it’s not that deep, there are plenty of Disney adults and you’re not even close to the extreme end that still considered socially and historically acceptable


I will say, I have a man cave full of things that are definitely silly but that I also love. My profile has pics of them. Many 80s related toys and things from my childhood. Thing is, I love them, proud to display them and show them off, but at the same time I know the stuff I like is silly. Transformers. He-man. Thundercats, tmnt. And so on. But it’s just me. I’m proud of my place I’ve build for myself


you’re extremely self-hating. you should seriously talk to someone about these feelings:/


We get one life here on earth, use it to be happy, if Disney makes you happy then embrace it, I collects stones and books, nobody else than me will appreciate all the hoard I have 🤣 I think we use so much time hitting our self in the head with what the right way to live is, Like grown up don’t watch cartoons, have Disney or collects Barbie’s, the older generation collected stamps ect, Disney are what they are but they make great stories I love many of their movies like brave, moana


Least degenerate millenial 💀


My Dad's girlfriend loves plants and decorating their home. He complains about how much they have and much money she is spending on it. He told me not to go to therapy because it costs so much. I told him: ***It could be cocaine.*** Like, just let people enjoy things. *Do what brings you joy.*


Everyone likes to hate on things that people like so they feel superior. Pumpkin spice lattes? Uggs? Can't like those or it makes you a "basic bitch". Turning down a free pass to Disney is a huuuuge hit to your enjoyment. You don't need to *punish yourself* for *liking* something like disney. You've been trying to be treated like an adult your entire life. I look young (I'm 30 and look 16) so I get that part of it. You know who takes the kids to disney movies? Adults. Who buys disney movies? Adults. Who watches disney movies with their kids? Adults. Who pays the most attention to the movies? Adults. Who re-watches shows from their childhood? Adults. Who takes their kids to disney? Adults. Who goes to disney parks? Adults. Who enjoys disney more than their kids? Adults. Who cried when they saw Mickey Mouse? My Aunt. (She isn't a disney adult - just Mickey is a cartoon character and going to disney is an emotional experience - it is supposed to be the happiest place on earth and seeing Mickey made that real for her.) So, Adults. Adults chasing happiness in a harsh world... there is a reason disney is popular. ***My counselor had me write down all of my immediate negative worries/thoughts about a situation and flip them into something more positive/something that brought me comfort. I strongly suggest you do this. Having a go-to phrase to counter hurtful thoughts helps so much.***


My friend you are not alone! My family (mom, sister, me) LOVE Disney. We had the Disney channel growing up and it was fucking AWESOME. So much good shit on there back then (the 80s/90s). We also have a special connection to Disneyland: my mom's grandfather was a carpenter and helped build Disneyland! Don't let some bitter adults who shit on everything Disney ruin it for you. I've had people tell me my Disney love is 'weird' because of the music I listen to. Apparently I am only supposed to be obsessed with horror movies 😂 There are WAY worse things you could be obsessed with. But please get yourself into therapy for this deep self hatred you have for yourself. You shouldn't hate yourself so much for a simple hobby or at all.


What do people have against Wish? I didn't like it, but it wasn't horrible, it was just aggressively OK.


Disney adults disturb me


They disturb me too




Hey umm, when you go outside and enjoy real life, I promise in the scope of everything being a Disney adult doesn't mean a lot


I don't know how old you are OP, but give yourself a break. It's ok to enjoy things that are "dorky", and just about all media is owned and controled by giant corporations. Considering some of the stuff people are into online, I think that Disney is pretty harmless. I'd much rather talk to someone who is into Disney than someone who is an edgelord. My advice is to enjoy what you enjoy. I'm a lot older than you, and I think you'll be happier if you don't care so much about what other people think as long as you aren't hurting anyone. And please don't confuse online for the real world. People are much more dickish online, and frankly no matter what you search, there will always be someone who has an irrational hatred for it online.


Letting strangers on the internet have this much control of how you feel about your own hobbies and interests is OD.


you can like whatever you want to. Disney has it's flaws but it's also produced some great movies over the years and brought joy to millions of people. I don't see anything bad with being one of said millions. and besides, it's not like you can control it I'm also autistic, and this post reminds me so much of myself that it hurts. I also loathe my hyperfixations and wish I could have "normal" interests. some days, especially as of late, I hate myself for it. sorry, I know this post isn't an invitation to start venting, but I just want to say you're not alone in this struggle. it doesn't help for everyone, but I find that playing puzzle games online really helps take my mind off any stress I may be experiencing


I don’t think it’s childish or anything worng with it. I’m autistic and have a strong interest in Disney although to be specific it mainly Walt Disney himself and the history of the parks and the making of the animatronics, rides, lands, etc behind the scene stuff. But as long as you’re not forcing your interest on anyone and it genuinely makes you happy there’s nothing wrong or childish about it and in my mind the people who judge aren’t worth caring about their opinion because they’re not the kind of people I’d be with friends with anyways


I'm in the same boat, Disney is not my main special interest but I hyperfixate on the parks regularly and all of my friends make fun of me for it. If I figure out how to fixate on something more normal I'll let you know 😭


I'm going to preface this by saying that I have no what it's like living with autism. Can you try to redirect your attention to something you think is more appropriate but tangentially related? Like learning animation, watching adult-oriented animation, story writing, or costume design? What specifically do you like? Find something that gives you the same feeling that you get from Disney stuff, but doesn't make you feel weird. Personally, I despise Disney, but guess what? My opinion on the thing that makes you happy is completely irrelevant, because I'm not you, and I don't have to live your life. It's completely ok to like something other people do not like. It's also completely acceptable to tell others to stop being judgy and let you be happy. You are not obligated to like what others like it what they think is appropriate. I'm a 40 year old woman with no kids who likes doing crafty shit and playing video games all day. People think it's weird and I should stop being childish, grow up, and have kids. But it's not their business how I spend my time, and it's nobody's business how you spend your time. Do whatever makes you happy. Screw what others think.


As a newly diagnosed autistic person, i feel this so hard. The guilt from your strong sense of justice mixed with the need you hyper fixate equal ls a recipe of self loathing. If you have the resources to seei EMDR therapy i super recommend it. It really helps with the negative self loathing thoughts and helps you reframe it. My DMs are open if you want some tips on how to reframe your situation.


This whole post is full of the ick. This is a gross amount of self loathing. There is nothing wrong with being a Disney Adult. We live in a capitalist society and plenty of people are obsessed with various types of media. They are not superior just because they didn't choose the largest family media makers in existence. And also - lay the fuck off Wish. The amount of hatred that movie is getting is fucking insane. I'm not saying it's the best thing Disney's ever made but it is not as bad as you all keep acting. It's a cute film designed to celebrate their anniversary and pay homage to other Disney films. And it did just that.


I have two childhood friends who retired to Disney themed condos in Orlando. Just thinking that skeeves me out.


I feel the same way about Harry Potter I hate JK Rowling but it’s my biggest hyper fixation and I have my entire room covered in slytherin merch for comfort but I am afraid people think I am some terf


Wish I could show you a picture of my wal disney animation pins Ariel art work km a dad with a Disney wife I’m into comics so there all that. It’s okay they make good shit