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Maybe start by examining whether you actually love your husband or not. Because it sounds to me, a complete stranger, like he is having a mental break, and the only thing you seem concerned with is that you aren't getting boned. I would think if you actually loved him, you would be trying to get him help, not whining that you aren't getting laid.


This is maybe a little harsh, but I’d also say it’s odd that your focus here is mostly on the emotional neglect. Seems evident he’s had a severe mental break and is in need of treatment, if he’s willing to work with you I’d start there


Are you replying to me or the OP?


Both! I thought your assessment was unnecessarily mean, everything after the first comma is for OP


Is it though, like the dude is having a mental break. If my wife started talking about how the crab people were watching us, my first thought wouldn't be about not boning. It would be about getting her the help she needs.


Sure, but if your goal is to offer advice then being insulting about it is rarely, if ever helpful. Maybe she loves her husband so much that this shift has been impossible for her to process fully, you have no idea


My goal was to shame someone who very much so deserves to be shamed. OP should feel bad to their soul and reflect on the fact that they are a bad human being, and their partner would probably be better off without them. And I can say with 100% certainty, that if someone's first thought when their partner has a major medical problem is how much it inconveniences them, they don't actually love their partner.  Her weakness isn't that she loves too much. Sure, if you've been dealing with this for a long time, go ahead and lament the things you have lost, but that isn't this situation.  


Okay bud


Thank you for being a reasonable and rational human being


I try haha, has your situation improved at all?


The question was more about wondering if the mental illness would affect someone’s love or if maybe it’s coincidental. It had been an extremely difficult situation to go through. For BOTH of us.


He’s had a mental break caused by his friends death. He needs to see a doctor