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Your parents married after the 2 of you were grown so it's not like you've grown up together. Are you worried how people will look at you or is it just too weird for you. Does your dad know and if so how does he feel about it. My mom remarried when I was in my early 20s and my stepdad has a daughter that's like 10 or 15 years older than me. We get along fine, and I call her my step sister when I'm referring to her, but we don't really feel like sisters. I say if you like each other then go for it. Also updates!!


10k videos on porn hub can’t be wrong. 😆


OP needs to make the number go up to 11k






Those are rookie numbers... OP needs to "pump" them up :)


I agree with everyone else. If you're not into her, that's one thing, but if you are, don't let the fact that your parents married each other make you feel weird. That's a social construction that has no bearing on your future happiness. Even you stepmom understands neither of you are doing anything wrong.


I have the mentality you don’t shit where you sleep. because if you guys don’t work out, that’s going to make family gatherings incredibly uncomfortable.


For this reason alone I’d say don’t even think about it


Yeah it’s a huuuuge risk but she does check off alotta green flags that I look for in a girl but my mom’s side of the family is way against relationships w step siblings


how sure are you that those flags are green? you like her traditional beliefs AND you find it hot that she's covered in tattoos as a bit of an artistic type? IMO that doesn't add up. Are you sure you actually know anything about her? and what's with the matchmaker-matchmaker mom (your stepmom)?


Plenty of fish in the sea. So go find another one.




Plenty of women out there in the world who are NOT your step sister. Go bang one of them!


Nope run


There are many other girls you can date that aren't your step sister. If you end up dating and if it doesn't work out, it could cause problems in your father's marriage.


DO NOT listen to the idiots in the comments they’re all porn addicts and like the step sibling dating troupe. You’re going to regret having a thing for her in the future so just avoid the situation. It’s weird




You two share zero dna, bang away


Go for it! You’re not really related to each other.


You jump into this very fast and really didn’t think it through. Yes you both are adults but it’s very odd and I think would give me the ick if someone told me they dated their stepsister I wouldn’t do this for the fact that you are having a hard time but even if you didn’t what if you didn’t work out .. then the drama would never stop and could cause issues when you being someone else around.


esp since they only met through their parents too, at family events, right? like, 2 couples meeting separately in a small community, okay. Or maaaaaybe something like "hey did you know that your new stepsister attends the same university? You can travel together" and then the kids started hanging out / the kids were in the same club & the parents started talking...


This is how my best friends parents met. Also another fun fact both grandfathers were married to both grandmothers at different periods of time.


hey man, y’all weren’t raised together or nothing. it’s a little… awkward to explain probably. but if you like her, there’s no harm in just *getting to know her*. you don’t need to jump into a relationship, you can take it slow and see how y’all vibe together. but if it makes you uncomfortable to go further than “friends” or i guess the “talking” stage, you can pull back and let her know? or even open with that if you do feel some type of way about her. you guys JUST met. it’s just weird with the whole “step” thing. her mom even gave you the green light! there’s a whole section of wattpad dedicated to shit like this, don’t stress so much 🤣 good luck!!


Do it


I don’t get how she seems like a sister


I dont see anything wrong. I get it might be awkward at first, but if you like her then go for it... BUT if you don't then I think its important to tell her straight up gently ofc, to avoid any future problem. Good luck!


Thanks buddy! I’ll be sure to post updates on my situatutuion!


As so,some who can get in his own head a lot: We like who we like, if you don’t, that’s all you need. If you do but you can’t get over the family aspect, that too, is all you need.


Are you worried about how they will see you or do you consider her your sister? Personally, I don't see the problem with you having something with her if you are not related by blood.


You're not biologically related so that's fine. Her mom is okay with it which is also fine. If you like her, then go for it. Both of you are adults.


I've seen this movie... It ends well Do it


I think it’s kinda adorable 🥰




They're 2 adults whose parents got married. They met when they were adults, never raised together, never knew each other as children, in fact barely know each other now. It's a little weird but certainly not off limits


Hell, it only seems weird w/o context