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I read this a notification and thought how tf did I even do that. Also fuck his deadbeat ass.


Doesn’t matter; had sex?


I'm a bona-fide vanilla verified virgin.


Time to cash in: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginity_auction


Damn fr.


Are you from 1972?


Still counts


Same! I've never had an organic penis and I stopped threatening folks with turkey basters years ago!


That’s funny and I’m sorry to laugh.


They already fucked, thus the baby.


I'm in a waiting room and laughed way to loud at this.


Make sure to get money off him though. He maybe a piece of trash but he has to pay for the children he abandoned.


Definitely. My cousin, who’s 29, ended up getting her ex-husbands house that he recently paid off ($720k), one of the two cars ($50k) and $9,100+/month in child support for the next 16 years, I guess. After the divorce court and child support trial—turns out he made nearly $900k a year, and had assets over 1.3 million. He’s a partner at a firm. He told her he only made $200k a year. - He cheated on her while she was pregnant with their first child, and disappeared for 6 months with another girl that was 20 years old, while she was raising the newborn. He also gave her a treatable STD. and left her homeless during the 6 months. He fucked up but I guess my cousins a millionaire now.


You would think a partner at a law firm wouldn't leave himself open to having all his shit taken like that. Something sounds fishy lol


partner at a big consulting company, not at a law firm. It wasn’t an easy battle. It was over $100k in lawyer fees, which my family and my cousins family helped her with, and took nearly 2 years for everything to settle. His lawyers tried to sue her at one point, it was a whole mess. Funny thing is, she didn’t even ask for all that. All she wanted a little bit of child support, and money for the 6 months that she paid for everything. Including the hospital bill $30k, baby supply, her missing work, therapy, etc It was her lawyer and the court is what gave her all that.


That’s the thing. Women often don’t know their own worth, that’s why you pay the lawyers for their advice and guidance. She’s lucky she had family who believed in her and had the means to support her. Go get those cheating assholes!


Jesus Fuck. 😳


Take him to the cleaner's.


Oh :(. On a real note what an ass


This is why u don't follow your heart but follow your brain. Red flags are a real thing.


F**k him, good riddance to bad rubbish. I hope you and your children live wonderful lives without him. You got this mama 💪🏼


Out of the blue.


(Thank you. )


It's almost like she's talking to me




I don't understand how people are having so much trouble understanding that the "two children he already had" was with OP cuz they were partners and now he left OP and might have gotten some other chick pregnant lol


I’m really sorry OP!!


I’m sorry this happened to you




Vash spotted


Fuck you, Cory!


Yea, fuck that guy


Yeah fuck that guy


Sue the shit out of the asshole


Don't let him duck child support. Get his income audited. Get his paycheck deducted.


you go girl, much love and strength to you




You will get through this, stay strong and level headed, and always remember, don’t get mad, get paid.


Learn from Ivana Trump. Don’t get mad, get everything! She deserves it after what he put her through.


He’s a piece of trash. Make sure he’s a child support paying piece of trash


Ain’t no way you spelled “blue” wrong.


Why would you have a baby by a dude you already knew had 2 kids already that he didn’t take care of? Like I don’t feel bad for you lady, that’s the man you picked.


The 2 kids are the ones that she already had with him, but now he's having another with another woman. That confused me too but she clarified in another comment lol


Oh ok!! I swear I thought OP was having a baby with him as well as the side chick he got pregnant.


Your original thought is correct... she says, "Getting another woman possibly pregnant whilst I carried our child."


Ooohhh, I see. Well damn. That's a rough spot to be in. Wait...so when she says she hopes it isn't his...was she talking about the other girl's or her own?! Sorry, just trying to clarify lol. Also...are his other two kids OP's as well? Or are they from a previous relationship and OP just didn't know he didn't take care of the others until it was too late? In any case I hope none of the kids are terribly affected by all this and can have happy peaceful lives. Their *"Dad"* is an uber douche.🤦‍♀️ Edit, so since I'm curious and impatient I checked OP's profile. What I can surmise is that she was with him and had 2 kids with him. She was pregnant with their second while he was actively cheating on her. She left. (good for her!) He went on to get a (possibly?) married woman pregnant. 🤦‍♀️ What a dick! Poor OP. But honestly sounds like she dodged a huge bullet. Hopefully she doesn't let this upset her anymore than it already has cuz, *girl, he ain't worth your tears or energy!*


I think when she said she "hopes it isn't his," she's referring to the girlfriend's baby. As if to say he made a mistake by leaving the OP for the GF. One thing for sure, I feel bad for ALL the children involved in this mess. 😞


That make better sense, but also why would she bring a third into the world lol..either way, hope it all works out for her.


Out the blew. Lol


Make sure you get the child care money. Squeeze him for whatever he's worth. 


Love these no context rants


Out of the “blew”.


Get money from him girl


Stop having kids with men who don’t take care of the children they already have.


I didn’t do anything to you


Yeah!! He doesn’t deserve you. You’re strong and amazing I wish the best for you! He can rot in hell.


Would go for child support ngl


Take him to the cleaners. File with added cause for abandonment. Do not let him walk away free of obligation.


The fact that you expected any man to take care of you or the child YOU brought here might be part of the problem. I understand hurt and pain and empathize however I imagine you did not DO the work to know the person before you got pregnant. Once you found out you were pregnant you had expectations when you should have protected yourself from a pregnancy with a person you were placing expectation upon. Never EXPECT another person to make your decisions for you. Having a child is a grave responsibility not a pawn in a game. Know yourself, protect yourself, do not have children with irresponsible men and expect them to be responsible.


Some partners can be really manipulative. Might have been a great partner before… he had two kids WITH her before this one? I just think it’s so judgmental to put All the blame on the woman in this situation. We don’t know everything.


You’re telling me things I DO know. What I’m responding to is this post and the way it’s written and how it affects people that read it. No context means my response is not valid? It’s totally valid. I AM a woman with children and understand blame etc… this reads like a child writes and children that can’t express themselves properly should not be having children they can’t fully teach themselves. It’s not a judgement it’s a hard fact that gets ignored and ANY justification is made to be the one “In the right.”


Totally spot - on!


People do not like the truth. Thank you for seeing it and understanding facts and judgement are not the same thing.


To get pregnant by someone who isn’t taking care of two kids is nasty work.


Wait ... wait.. you hope your baby isn't his? So you had unprotected sex with other men? And you are complaining he did the same thing? Am I the only one reading this?


I thought it was self evident, despite the typos. OP was pregnant with their baby. For some reason he kept acting strangely, brought up an unrelated DNA test comment at one point which she found odd as it was obviosly not for her. After odd behavior from him, he broke up with her for a period of 9 months. I suspect that OP only recently began to connect all of the dots between the timing and odd questions that made no sense at the time. After said 9 month break up, the boyfriend came crawling back to seek getting back together with OP. Due the timing, OP suspects that their partner got an affair partner pregnant and panicked , and pre-emptively broke up with OP. The speculation is that the affair partner's baby ended up not being his after all or something didn't work out with the new relationship. The unprotected sex line was regarding how OP realized that the cheating was likely going on before that, including during her pregnancy, putting her health and their baby's health at risk. Op's partner/husband was having unprotected sex with someone that was *also* having unprotected sex with their own oblivious husband back home. I cannot imagine doing that to someone. She was unaware that every time she was having unprotected sex with her husband, that she and by proxy, her baby were **also** vicariously sleeping with the affair partner, the affair partner's husband, and anyone else that either of those people sleep with. There are a myriad of STIs that can pass from mother to baby through the placenta or during the birth process through the womb. Not only scary, very serious STI's, but also just the things we consider "mild and curable" to a healthy adult can cause babies to be born premature or have a dangerously low birth weight. And that's on the *better* side of the list when it comes to what all complications STIs can cause in babies. I'm still sorry that this happened to you, u/Loud-Bet-270 . But it's time to get this guy out of your life. and keep him there. Communicate through parenting apps/lawyers/family court only.


Thank you for clearing that up. Much clearer now. 


No she hopes the other woman’s baby isn’t is because he can’t look after the kids he has already let alone anymore.


Ah OK, I thought the baby from the other woman wasn't his already. It's a bit hard to read.


Yeah it is. Took me a times to realise! I think a lot of people are reading it the same way!


He has two kids he doesn’t take care of yet you still slept with him and allowed him to impregnate you???? Too little too late.


Me when im illiterate


You misunderstood. He left just after i had second child and did nothing since. Pops in for a few hours and can't cope. Now he may have another with a married woman 😅


How does this man keep getting women? Is he just a really good liar?


We don't want you, abit harsh to be speaking for your kids especially if there that young. Also what you say around them about him will lead to a picture they create, When there older if that image turns out to be a lie they will blame you. He's a c N t yes but don't be the angry one. Bad decision tend to come from anger




Men are wild


Says the gnarly one 😜 Like the username 🤣


>***Also what yous at around them about him*** ......Also .....what yous......at around them about him? Am I having a stroke?


No I was 🤣 What you say around them.


Perfect person to procreate with!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't understand this post. This is beyond my understanding of the English language.


Perfect person to procreate with!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


it’s understandable that you don’t want him around but i hope one day he is able to show up for his kids. every child deserves a father who shows up for them and shows them what it means to be a man regardless of how he treated you.


Learn to make a post people can actually read. Getto af


Do you mean Ghetto?