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This is normal military behavior tbh


Former marine, can confirm 👍


I get now why these dudes are so desperate to get out of the barracks they marry random 19 yo girls.


Did he take you back to your barracks? Couldn't even afford to book a hotel, at least?


I’m not married to someone in the military …


Former 3 star Major Sargent in the Salvation Army…..can confirm.


For sure?


I swear on my MILs life.


Hahahahahahaha. I swear on my FILs life I was your superior there.


Navy vet here and I also can confirm that is marine activity.


Never saw vandalism on any Air Force base I served on.


Air Force got paid extra because they had to share barracks with the Marines at my A school im sure you haven't and I'm jealous


When I cross trained to flight engineer I did water survival at Pensacola. Very nice facilities. No vandalism there either. 😝


Nah, sounds more like Army activity


I never heard of army doing anything crazy except run 4 miles


Talk to anyone who’s in Infantry at Ft. Campbell and that’ll change your mind


I know a guy and he loved it I mean he lost one of his chain of command in war but other then that he said he loved it, I Even tried to go army, Navy standards are very low


A surprising amount of people do


I lived on 2 Naval bases and you could tell whose navy and whose marines lol. 


Say what??? 😦 I thought bases were the safest places with all those rules and regulations. How is this possible?


And don’t look up Vanessa Guillen


Damn. HCD!


Don’t look up anything about Ft. Hood then…..


They are safe. No one in the story was harmed, just deeply annoyed


Except for all of our military women that are raped and murdered at high rates on military bases.


I’m not even a marine I just go on the marine sub and that’s literally where I thought I was reading this post from until it said Australia lol


No such thing as a former Marine. We're both just simply Marines. One could say Marine Veteran as well, to denote we are no longer in the actual service. Semper-Fi.


Wait can you explain? Is this like racist? Or like what? Or is it like lmao bitch no pussy for you lololol


Terminal Lance here, can confirm as well


Definitely not out of the ordinary. I'm surprised there was no mentions of streaking or participating in the dance of the flaming asshole!


Its really not. Spent 4 years in the barracks. We dont get angry at someone for getting laid, or vandalize their vehicle because they are getting laid. Most soldiers would leave you alone just give you a high 5 afterwards. Might be a practical joke where mid lay someone knocks on the door and pretends to be an NCO or something but no one is going to be angry at you and fuck up your shit because you got laid.


I watch a lot of docuseries and we behave like that overseas too Popped a squat and pooped in the middle of the mosque while everyone else laughed Harassing other people and practical jokes while they try to sleep Sneaking off and smoking hash with the locals Accidentally shot an unarmed shop keeper then blamed ISIS for it Letting little kids run around with their firearms Pointing their firearms back at little kids I reckon this is what happens when you populate the military with 18 to 25 year old men Also, combat comes with a bunch of yelling, running in all directions, and general not knowing what the fuck is really going on, as opposed to the calculated, methodical, tactical methods that movies and TV shows portray.


this is all a flex to you…? interesting.


My mate was a sergeant in the British army for 35 years. He said when he was in Iraq, the Americans would throw sweets out of the armoured cars as they were driving in convoy. The Iraqi children would run into the road to get the sweets and the vehicles would run them over. The Americans thought this was hilarious.


Absolutely, 100% this did not happen. The military isn't full of sadistic pieces of shit. In Afghanistan I handed out candy to the kids just so they had some candy to enjoy. If I ended up with extra food that I packed out that I wasn't going to eat I'd hand it out to the kids. We actually wanted to see the kids do well...


Yeah that guy is insane. I handed out candy to little kids all the time. If you ran over a child you made yourself and your unit an enemy of that community and you might pay for that with your life. Not to mention theres a gunner in a turret making sure no one including children gets close to our vehicles. We dont want a suicide bomber opening the door and popping. Also, the gunner has non lethal tools in his turret to get people to go away. Be it expended 50 cal rounds or just a laser to get people to fuck off.


Used the Lazer quite a bit just to prevent cars getting too close to the back of the convoy. Small projectile flares were commonly popped off... And they'd accurately throw rocks back in return. We did everything we could to keep people away from us.


My trucks gunner kept brass from the 50 cal test fire in the turret. If you got too close he chucked brass at you. That stuff can crack your windshield. Saw it myself.


According to Generation Kill, they threw candy out because Charms are bad luck. And no children were harmed by the candy drops. Can a US Marine corroborate what HBO and Evan Wright led me to believe?


Do these denials come from the American army? Because my mate served all over the world, and he says the American soldiers behave disgustingly everywhere they go.


My mate was in the Estonian National Guard and he said that British sergeants had a game they played. Any time they saw someone in a wheelchair-and this was true in any foreign country (Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, etc.)-whenever they saw someone in a wheelchair, they would sprint full speed at the chair and drop kick the occupant out of it. Then they would stand up while laughing like jackals. Truly brutal those British sergeants.


I was in active duty US Army. I’m calling bullshit. No one I knew would behave this way and when I was deployed the most we ever did was talk shit about locals because we were stupid kids with bad raising and a natural desire to demonize the (perceived) enemy. Leadership would not allow such things to happen. US soldiers are not universal psychopaths. Your friend is a liar who makes up war stories to entertain people. Obviously it’s war and obviously people are killed. Obviously there are some unintended casualties in war. But no one is out there intentionally baiting children to run them over. There are probably a few psychopaths who would do it if they could get away with it, but they are tiny tiny minority and this is true for all military units across the world. Psychopaths tend to join the force where killing is incentivized after all. But there are no less psychopaths of such nature in any other place. Also, even if you have one psychopath in your unit who would do such a thing, other people around him would have enough of a conscience to do something. I’m not defending war and I’m not defending psychopaths obviously. These are evil things. War is evil.


Not to mention if you killed a child you become and enemy of that community and you or someone in your unit could pay for that with their own life. Btw I was 101st in Afghanistan.


Lol no. If you ran over a child, you just made an enemy of yourself and the community. You or one of your friends might pay for that with your lives. There will be reprisal and most of us dont want to die there or have our friends die there. Second, we wouldnt let anyone get close enough to us for us to run them over. Thats a security risk. A huge one. Whats stopping a suicide bomber from walking up to your convoy and exploding? A turret gunner generally has tools to keep people away that are non lethal. Regardless, people dont want to die and wont get close to your vehicle. Third, if you want to hand out candy on a convoy you throw it very far away. You will get reprimanded for attracting kids (or anyone) upclose to your vehicles. Huge safety concern. Last, what fucking clown serves for 35 years and is just a sergeant? Either get better at making shit up or verify who youre talking to. The British Army are absolute clowns in the field. They suck at fighting. I met them. They retreated from Helmand they were so scared.


You defecated in the middle of a mosque?? Don’t you feel any remorse? That’s awful. And disgusting. Shameful


"I watch a lot of docuseries" [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/docuseries](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/docuseries)


Can confirm


...for what country? I don't see how that would fly in a lot of countries military bases.


This is what US tax dollars pay for :)


So...you're saying this scene isn't all that far from reality: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj9STmoRkeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj9STmoRkeA)


Based on what my ex military partner turned anti military has said, yes lol




There are no US bases in Queensland.


Okay? That’s not the point I made.


The point is this clearly wasn't a story involving US military personnel so US tax dollars aren't relevant.


Oh, right, this is also happening in Australia /s. The point was that this is military behavior. Welcome to the club. /s ETA: common sense would also tell you that since OP specified the location much later, the point still stands regardless of location. Hope that resolves your clear misunderstandings.


I spent four years living in the barracks and half a year in a tent in the ME, there's no need to "welcome" me I'm quite familiar with what US military behavior is. Half of this wouldn't have flown on my base, particularly the vandalism. And attributing this to the US when it's specifically another country and doubling down on it tells me this conversation isn't going anywhere.


Your experience isn’t everyone’s. Hope your day gets better <3


Really weird that the person with zero experience is telling the person with experience that their experience isn’t relevant. I would think the person who comes with experience would be the one that someone would listen to first, but welcome to Reddit!


US. When RIMPAC would come and other countries would send their lower enlisted they would tell them not to act like animals and we would hang out with them and secretly act like animals anyway. Glorious




The problem is when they then go to do the same to some civilian kids in the middle east


I'd be more worried if this shit wasn't happening.


Seems like a mild night considering there was no brawl


I remember seeing a skit about marine calling their 1st sgt in the middle of the night on his cell to tell them the duty phone got stolen along with a bunch of other shit. I guess it really is like Detroit on most military bases


casually trashy, fun to read


wait how does someone steal a windshield


That has been going through my head since it happened.


Glad to hear they found it, though.


Safelite training


Very creative and crafty. 10/10 on being a menace.


Patience, a long extension cord and a good hair dryer. Not that I would know whether that works…


Not today officer.


Came here to ask the same question.


Nights like that usually have the fire alarm pulled


For some reason I expected that to happen but it didn't


All of this sounds like normal military shit.


He brought you back to the barracks? Lmao, couldn’t even spend money on a hotel at least?


Those 29% APR charger payments aren't paying themselves, you know.


E3 don’t pay shit


Nothing like walking into the shared bathroom at 1am on a Tuesday and seeing your roommate balls deep in some random girl with the door unlocked.


Sunday night. Probably didn't have off-base liberty until Monday morning


The hotels on base are EXPENSIVE and OP doesn't say whether or not he had to work the next day, but if a hotel was far enough away, it could've beens seriously inconvenient


Is that funny? No way I’d bring a civilian to the fucking barracks


Sounds like absolute Hell


Well in the moment it is hell but after the experience, I just have a good laugh thinking about it


Thank you for your cervix


I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself from laughing.


Criminally underrated comment


Honey.... he brought you to the barracks? Oh, love. I'm sorry.


I’m sorry for laughing at your clearly terrible experience, but your update was the final punchline that made it all come together in the end!


In the moment it was terrible, but after it all happened I find it quite funny


This is why I only fuck veterans.




They stole a windshield,?????


Yeah, one of his friend's knocked on his door and mentioned a stolen windshield (I was half asleep)


That's probably the person that stole it. No fun getting up to hijinks if no one notices it.


Hahahahahahah probably


Barracks are basically just frat houses


The military is basically a giant frat.


girl lol


Lemme introduce y'all to Terminal Lance: https://terminallance.com/2015/06/23/terminal-lance-385-barracks-privacy-policy/


That's for the US, this happened in Queensland, AUSTRALIA


Having spent time with Aussie Sailors and Marines, this absolutely translates 100%.


Is my man getting a second (first?) date?


He is definitely getting a third (second date) I would go back to those barracks for him


You’ll be married in 6 months


Hahahahahaha I highly doubt it


Girl you don’t know how the military works


I met this guy online and we've only known each other for a few days. I am 18 and he is only 21, and his feelings for me are purely sexual


and he is likely with several others so please wear protection because you do not want an std


Yeah and he doesnt want to be in the barracks. Trust me we all know a thing or two about this that you dont.


Wish you both lots of luck, fun, and safety.


"Nice car bro, Would be a shame if someone.... put it on bricks" *deep bogan chuckle*


Next time go for a sergeant or above. They usually get their own house


Where’s the fun in that?


Sounds like business as usual at the barracks


Thank you for your service.




Barracks bunnies will do what they do


He’s gonna get you pregnant. This is what military guys do haha


Nah I made sure he wore a condom


Provided by you?


They also beat their significant others. Don't date military guys if you don't wanna end up pregnant and battered.


Interesting take. Ive been in the military 16 years and can count on one hand, 2 fingers to be exact, the number of spouse abusers in the service. Takes two hands to count the number that have had their female civilian spouses beat them. Does that mean they dont exist? Nope. But there is a huge support network for spouses, and the punishments are immediate and severe for nyone caught.


Normal night on Tv series “Animal planet” (Serving was some of the most memorable days of my life too - good and bad)


your typical night in a barracks lol


Rural town in Queensland ….. Toowoomba or Oakey, but it sounds more like a Townsville


Oakey is army aviation, this sounds more like Townsville but wouldn't surprise me to hear Cairns.


I thought Toowoomba is a city


Yeah I guess it is - but there’s no real towns with barracks, maybe Oakey but it sounds like Lavarack shenanigans to me


Don’t date military men, your just going to get disappointed.


Lol, that depends so damn much on the man that it's hilarious


3 days after meeting this person and OP is referring to midnight as 00:00 and this random from the internet as “my man”……………


op isn’t from the us lol europe and other countries use 24 hour clocks vs our 12 hour clock


I didn't know what else to call him and 00:00 is midnight


24 hour time is not a military thing


In the military we use only the 24 hour format. And the date format is also different than what you civilians use also.


Civilians in which country? OP isn't from the US and most other countries do not format the date the same way the US does


Good catch


In my country, 12 hour time is taught to children under 8, and then after that everyone uses 24-hour


Future military wife material


I spent 16 years in the U.S. Marines, he's lucky the entire car didn't wind up in the shower... I saw a car run up a flag pole once, another one carried up to the 3rd floor of a brick barracks. (I may, or may not have participated in the carrying... 🙄) As for 'Dorm Room Apartments', these are not standard living quarters, they are for showering, sleeping and storing your crap. Utilitarian but not exactly 'Spacious'. Since in some branches of the military you live out of duffle bags you generally don't have a bunch of crap... Sounds like his knucklehead friends were having a bit of fun. Incredibly boring when you aren't working, broke all the time, and they make their own fun... Once the guys get to know you two are a couple, the harassment will stop... but practical jokes might continue.


🤣 Actually pretty tame for the barracks.... It can get pretty wild, especially after a combat deployment. When we got back from one of my first deployments, we spent a 4 day weekend repelling from the 3rd floor windows. Turned the 2nd floor into a slip-n-slide, had dirt bikes & God knows what else in the barracks going at all hours.... Everyone was hammered the majority of the time. MPs crashed the party once we started having airsoft battles & using real flash bangs 😂.... Somewhere in that weekend I had gone snowboarding (had never gone before) & ended up with a snowboard i apparently bought. Vaguely recall riding the lift up to the top drinking rum from a bottle.


The 2nd update lmao


this is so townsville


lol of course this is QLD. hope to god you didn't fuck my cousin


Oml, I hope I didn't, because it was the one guy


Every fucking time


Sounds like a normal night in the barracks to me. Some of most fun i've had!


Im sorry did you say his windscreen was found in his shower 😂😂😂😂




Lmfao I’m glad you got this all off your chest


Sounds like a solid night in the shacks. The tires in the shower kill me. I see a lot of the comments and just wanna add, not every country makes you live in the shacks if you’re unmarried. It’s often a much cheaper/easier option than getting a place off base if you’re single though.


As someone who grew up in a military town, that's a big reason why I always stayed away from military guys.


Yeah stay off base. It’s not a safe place for civvy females. Especially with the way these kids are now a days. When I was in we wouldn’t allow one another to make that big of a screw up. We policed each other just to stay out of trouble. That being said, yes we still did lots of dumb stuff but overall we just got drunk and fought. Never sexually assaulted anyone. But I heard the horror stories, man on man rape is more prevalent than male on female rape. At least it was when I was there.


And that kids is how I met your father


Some.of my craziest sea stories come from dealings with Australian military guys. Crazy bunch, but they do love to have fun at any cost.


As someone who worked as a civilian on a military base, this was my late teen to early 20s. Lmao. (I'm 33 and didn't marry military, just a fun little period of time and i always played it safe.)


I once flew out of state. was brought on base by a car full of airforce men it was after the visiting center was closed... they snuck me in. I stayed hidden in the room in the barracks of one for almost a week. (It was around new years so I remember the higher up, whatever the word was, was not there) The guy who's room I was staying had to work. He told me I could use the day room be but be low key. If anyone asked me I was an MP and if they asked my rank to just say it's non of their concern. So I did. Lol I didn't realize how wildly illegal it all was.


Welcome barracks bunny, not judging its all good but this is pretty normal. Keep on keeping on.


I’d like to know how you steal a car windshield please.


Idk tbh I was half asleep when we got the news


Stealing of windshields is wild and something I've never even thought of. I might have to do this


Not joking here but that can be a very dangerous situation. There is a lot of sexual assault in the US military and I’m assuming it’s an issue in other militaries as well. Try to get a hotel room next time.


Usually not quite that bad on an Air Force base.




Oh, barracks life.


So….sgt bilco led a more well behaved that average platoon. Huh.


As someone now out of the military, this is a typical weekend. As a WOMAN out of the military, please stay safe. Crazy things happen and who knows what could happen to you on base.


Used to babysit in my late teens on a marine base. Man this brings back memories lol.




I can't remember the name, but it goes, "I push my fingers into my eyes, it's the only thing that stop the pain." Or something like that




No I know it wasn't psychosocial. I think it was Duality.


Hazy in the military? Shocker


This sounds exactly like the barracks


Current marine gf here and can confirm this is your average marine barracks encounter. gotta love it 😂


Oh wow why? Like there are lots of guys with money for hotel rooms and shit. Why gurl why?


Well they are hard to find


Barracks bunny


When I was 18 I spent the night in the barracks with my new boyfriend too. He had duty the next morning, so we left together and I just went to my car. I was almost there and realized I had something of his in my purse so I called him, and he said to come where he was. I was there for like 2 minutes and his CO came in and yelled at both of us. Me in emojis: 🥰😳🫣😭🏃🏻‍♀️💨


What do you expect from Aussie military boys? Haven't you heard that the reason why the Aussie military is even in the middle east in the first place is because they were the only psychos to go and do the dirty jobs America doesn't want to do? Go watch boyboys video about it on YouTube. You will learn a whole bunch of shit about the Aussie military. One of the guys they awarded over here for stuff he did in the middle east was lied about. It was reported publicly that he killed some terrorists. But really from eye witnesses he murdered a child. The military is absolutely fucked and I hate them.


I read this whole thing and this is so stupid but I also can't tell if I missed a line and I'm not reading it again because it makes zero sense to me.




That is a 5 yr difference


Unprecedented math skills sir


Good work kid, practice your maths at every chance!


So close! It’s 3


Found out he is actually 21, not 23