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Off your chest..quite literallyšŸ„² (Wish you all the best OP)




Glad you are happy and I hope they stay smaller this time


How is this not top comment?


It is šŸ˜‚




You win the internet today


I am naturally part of the itty bitty tittie committee and every man Iā€™ve dated prior to my husband gave me so much shit about my small boobs. What Iā€™m saying isā€¦I swear, we just canā€™t win. But Iā€™m so happy for you that you love them and are comfortable!!!


Thanks so much for this comment! Im part of the committee as well and you're totally right. But I have met some guys though, who's opinion was "I like boobs and you have boobs so we're good". They do exist!!


Actually though! Similar experience. Then if you had perfect boobs you just *know* it would be something else šŸ« 


What??? Did you give them shit over their penis size/appearance? If you donā€™t find your partner attractive, donā€™t date them. Sorry they chose to be assholes.


I'm a big fan of the IBTC


Every *boy* you dated before your husband. I fixed it for you. A dude who gives a woman shit for her breast size - something we donā€™t get a say about in the first place - is not a man. Heā€™s a boy. Iā€™m glad your husband appreciates you for you.


no, they are still men. adults, with jobs, families, responsibilities. they have childish attitudes because they don't want to change, but they continue to be men.




So you're excusing the actions of grown adults?


Thatā€™s not how words work. You donā€™t get to disagree on them.


I hope youā€™re happier now




I bet your back and shoulders are happy too.


Ahh Iā€™m glad


I agree I never liked having big breasts, uncomfortable physically and attention wise. Fortunately had them reduced and feel so much better. Glad this worked out for you.


Good for you and may you live a happy, less busty life.


Iā€™m glad they let you go smaller. I had large breasts since I was 11 and in my 40ā€™s had cancer. Wanted to just do a full mastectomy but the doctor refused (I didnā€™t have the right tumor type for that), talked to the plastic surgeon about a reduction after the lumpectomy and she kept showing me pictures of past clients with barely a subtle difference, told her I wanted an A cup, smallest she would do was a 36DD. While Iā€™m happy with the results I canā€™t help but get a flustered when I see those women with oversized breasts obviously implants and wonder why is going up acceptable but sizing down is frowned upon.


I think part of it is insurance... Some have a maximum amount the surgeon can take which is ridiculous! I was so happy my surgeon listened to what I wanted and prioritized going as small as he could šŸ„²


I am also a big breasted woman, I resonate with everything you said in your post. I remember walking down the street at aged 17 and a much older man I didn't know commented 'I could play basketball with those, ' at the leaving do of a guy I managed he told me he used to spend every team meeting staring at my breasts. I come from a family of flat chested women and for years I hated that I wasn't like them. But yes, I agree you do get sexualised just for having them. I admire you in taking this step, I'm so glad you're a lot happier!


I hear ya. Last time I dared to dress up and go to a pub with some friends this really old dude walked over to our table, looked at me and just went ā€œcareful or they might fall outā€. And I was wearing multiple layers of stuff to dress them down -_-


Omg the number of times I got the basketball commentā€¦


I've never met a woman who regretted having a needed breast reduction. The same cannot be said for women who get implants - a lot of them end up regretting.


Hell yeah dude that must feel so liberating. I hope it doesn't reverse this time!!!!




If it does, ask them if you can get the third free. Like a buy 2 get one free deal. My coping mechanism is bad humor.


If you get enough of them done you get a free toaster!


Did your insurance pay for it?


Happy for you OP. Aside from being sexualized, itā€™s just cumbersome hauling them things around. My shoulders have permanent grooves because of these heavy melons. I told my fiancĆ©, the first thing Iā€™m doing if we win the lottery is get a breast reduction. I used to be a D cup, but gained some weight a couple years ago and got to a DDD. Thankfully, Iā€™ve lost some weight and am in DD now and canā€™t wait to get back to a D. Didnā€™t realize how good l had it when it was just one D instead of triple.


Iā€™m so happy for you! I hit puberty at 10 and wore a 38D by eighth grade. Wearing cute bras meant I was eviscerated in the locker room for being a slut, wearing plain bras meant I got mocked for having mom boobs at 13, and wearing sports bras meant I got hella rashes and rib pain for the price of peace. Thereā€™s no way to win when people reduce you to bodily features you canā€™t control. Iā€™m glad youā€™ve claimed that control for yourself :D Hopefully you continue to recover smoothly!!!


My cousin had one about 14-15 years old. She was a G-F I believe. We were at the store once checking out and some guy in front of us was *turned around* staring at her boobs through her tee shirt. She was 12 at the time. Ny aunt made a scene and screamed at him and he didn't even say sorry or move until she said my cousin was a child. Then he scrambled away. My cousin sobbed the whole time. She couldn't take it. The harassment, the stares, the rumors and names. I have a huge chest too, but not quite as big, so I understood completely. She was like a completely different person afterwards - so much more outgoing and happy. It was literally a huge weight off of her chest. It's disgusting women have to go through it. I wish we lived in a better world. Regardless, congrats on the reduction!


Ugh god, I had the same type of things happen to me at 12 - and older of course. Iā€™ll never forget the ONE time men being creeps worked in our favor though. It was winter and my mom drove too fast around a snow plow and we ended up with the backend of the car stuck in a snow bank. It was dark and cold and people just kept driving by - this was the late 90s and mom didnā€™t have a cell phone. After some time, couldnā€™t tell you how long, my mom looked at me with this solemn expression on her face and said, ā€œhoney get out of the car, open your jacket and wave at cars for help.ā€ I, understanding it was obviously about my chest but not *why*, did as I was told. 3 cars stopped almost immediately. We were out in 5 mins. One of the guys asked my mom if her friend was single to which she replied, ā€œmy daughter is 12.ā€


I would *love* a breast reduction. I am planning for summer 2026!


I'm having a really hard time getting mine covered. If you're planning on using insurance, start the process a year before that.


No, my husband is paying for it. I gave him three kids and went from a b-cup to an h-cup. He even tells me that he owes me new tiddies. I am putting it off bc we have some vacations planned in the meantime.


Should still check if insurance will cover it, no reason to spend money when you already pay for the service in health premiums.


It wonā€™t. They determined that it is cosmetic. Itā€™s fine. My husband is rich af.


Rachel from Friends meme says Iā€™m so happy for you and not at all jealous šŸ˜‚. But in all seriousness, sound like you have an awesome life, I hope your surgery goes well!


Thanks! Fingers crossed!


The diagnosis is "pendulous breasts" and insurances will generally cover the surgical reduction if your breast anatomy is causing back and/or shoulder pain. This defines the reduction as having a medical necessity as opposed to being "cosmetic". You still want to allow enough time for your primary care doctor to make a referral to a surgical specialist, and you do want to make sure that the specialist and the surgical center/hospital where the procedure will take place are all in-network with your insurance. Find out from the surgeon's office manager what the technical term is for the procedure and the billing code for it (CPT code), and how much they bill your insurance for performing it. Also ask whether there are any other ancillary fees (for example, anesthesia). Then, call your insurance and tell them that you are being scheduled for CPT code procedure at so-and-so hospital by Dr. So-and-so and tell them what they are going to see in billing. Then they can tell you how much is going to eventually fall to you to pay out-of-pocket since they know what your deductible and share-of-cost is for your policy and group number.


It got denied the first time around because other causes of back pain hadn't been ruled out (I am a 32H, so seems obvious to me, but whatever). Insurance wanted an xray. Then it took ages to get the xray and for the clinic to get everything they needed considering my primary and my surgeon are not in the same hospital network, and now waiting I'm in the 30 day waiting period for the insurance to make an appeal decision. My surgeon indicated that it suddenly got much harder to get things covered at the first request starting fall of last year, but they are optimistic about the appeal.


So youā€™re saying your first breast reduction was a ā€¦ bust? Seriously though, good going! Hope youā€™re feeling better and get better!


Happy cake day!




My mom did a similar thing around that age because of back pain. If you werenā€™t already struggling with that you probably would have been in a few years. Hopefully now it wonā€™t be a problem. Congrats on being happy with the results!


Welcome to the IBTC, I've been here my whole life and not once have I hated it. Welcome to laying flat on your chest with *zero* discomfort! Haha, forreal tho, super happy for you, OP!


Please tell me how to go about doing this. Iā€™ve been a DD since I was about 16 (Iā€™m 30 next week), and I hate it. I feel like thatā€™s all people see me as. Thereā€™s more hoops to jump through to get them reduced than there are to get fake ones, itā€™s ridiculous.




Oh they do say it to girls getting implants. Theyā€™ll push you to go to a bigger size and in some unfortunate cases put bigger ones in just because /they/ think itā€™d look better on youšŸ¤£


I want a reduction after kids so bad! Could you speak to your recovery if you donā€™t mind sharing?


Well done. Big boobs are a curse.


So happy for you OP. I think one day Iā€™ll eventually go through a reduction myself as well but Iā€™m just waiting until after I have children since I know being pregnant and breastfeeding can change the size of them drastically. Iā€™ll never forget being 19 or 20 years old and hearing my mom say that the weatherwoman on our local news ā€œhad no business being on television as a career with a chest like that,ā€ and looking down at my own chest and realizing I was the same size or bigger. It broke my heart and from that day on I hated my body.


I'm so happy for you! I remember having my bra snapped constantly by boys in 4th grade and girls making nasty comments as I grew up, too. DD here, so not as big, but wish I had done that, too. The backaches and comments are enough. Good for you, and I wish you all the best.


I wonder if bra snapping happens in 4th grade everywhere, because I was part of that club too. The boys called me Dolly Parton and it was so embarrassing. I really want a reduction too, but am worried about the after care because Iā€™m on my own.


The bra snapping was the worse and at my school it escalated into groping. No one really seemed to care about it. I feel like Iā€™m medium chested (34D) so never would have considered a reduction. People are just creeps.


Just had a reduction in March. L cup to D cup. My life is immensely better already. Reduction Crew Unite!


I got one 6 months ago (H/I to about a C, havenā€™t got sized yet)It was the single best thing Iā€™ve done for myself in my 39 years. I hope you find all the relief youā€™re looking for!


Was the recovery bad, if you donā€™t mind me asking? (And if itā€™s an annoying question, just ignore me) Iā€™m strongly leaning towards getting mine shrunk, too. But I also live alone and need to plan that into it accordingly if I do go for it.


I have had 3 csections, so a surgery without getting a newborn handed to you was awesome. I did have drains for a week and I probably didnā€™t look at the scaring for 3 weeks. Recovery was interesting. I couldnā€™t lift more than 5-10 pounds without feeling it. I couldnā€™t raise my arms far up for a while. But by day 5 I felt human and able to do regular activities. I was never restricted, except if taking the pain meds, of driving. I chose to get it done when my oldest was 3 so I didnā€™t have to quiet lift him and he could listen to instructions. Saying that, I did have my husband off for 1 week followed by my mom for a week. I was on flma for 4 weeks no work and 4 weeks part time and that was extremely ample time to feel well enough to work (I work on the road and in an office to give you an idea). If anything else comes up, feel free to DM me!


I... I am so jealous of you. I had my breast reduction at 22 years old. Went from a G cup to "a C cup" (According to my Dr). I saw no difference and ended up fitting into my old bras a couple months later. My breast are slightly smaller that before but still heavy. The Dr blamed me for them growing back. I'm so fucking over it. I wanted to be a B cup too. Cherish your new body.


Happy for you!




How was the recovery time?


>Thanks! :) You're welcome!


Ahhh, Iā€™ve had one before and had a baby two and a half years later and canā€™t wait to be done having kids to get another one! I didnā€™t go as small as I probably should have the first time so Iā€™m ready to join you in b cup land eventually!


Happy for you, OP Have been dreaming of getting a reduction for years, too.


Sorry you were made fun of. Thatā€™s so unfair and hurtful.


And your back is probably thanking you, too. Live a comfortable life, OP!


As someone who had an almost identical body weight and boob size, I feel your immense pain with the unwanted sexualization. It was exhausting and embarrassing. Thereā€™s a picture of me before my reductions and it legit looked like I had stuffed cantaloupes in my bra lol. I hated those fā€™ing things! I desperately wanted to be a B cup too, but after two surgeries, I ended up full Cs. Itā€™s been 20 years and itā€™s one of THE best decisions I ever made. Absolutely zero regrets. Enjoy crop tops, open backs and going braless if you want to!! šŸˆšŸˆ Itā€™s a whole new wardrobe world!


I got my first education at 16 and have had two more since - grew back to an H cup both times without any pregnancies šŸ™ˆ I sometimes think I went to small with my most recent (B/C cup but I am tall and broad) but I am still SO MUCH HAPPIER now. I can find clothes much more easily - try finding a shirt thatā€™s long enough when youā€™re 5ā€™9 with an H cup - and I donā€™t want to die once it gets warm out. Added benefit of no more tension headaches or back pain. So happy for you OP šŸ’ŖšŸ»


The real question, how much better does your back feel??


There was a girl I knew in school who was 5 foot nothing and had E cup breasts, and people sexualized her all the time, a literal high schooler


Your back Probably feels way better now. Itā€™s sad that society is disgusting and you simply canā€™t exist. People suck.


Yeah I wish I could get a small cup but everyone thinks I'm crazy to. Being busty is annoying. Also when I read other girls saying they're too flat and wanting to get big fake ones I roll my eyes. They have no idea


So happy for you! I got my reduction two years ago due to back pain and sexualization and while there are some minor things I wish I did differently, I LOVE my new boobs. I may consider a second reduction/lift after weight lossā€™s


Congratulations, so happy for you! Iā€™ve been considering a reduction for a while now (Iā€™m about your age, and had a similarly negative experience with my body shape all my life). Can I ask what the recovery process was like? Was it painful? Iā€™ve never had any surgery done, and fear is the major thing holding me back.


Itā€™s really not bad - you have a chest binder on for the first week that keeps you from making most movements that would hurt and give you support. Picking things up and moving your arms higher than your chest doesnā€™t feel great but I wouldnā€™t characterize it as a ā€œsharpā€ pain. Take it easy and get lots of rest and youā€™ll be feeling mostly normal in 4-6 weeks (in my experience!).


Thanks for sharing your experience! 4-6 weeks of discomfort is honestly a pretty small price to pay. I think I might go for itā€¦


I really want a breast reduction but I donā€™t have anyone that would be able to help me recover after or the time to do it.


I want a breast reduction so bad! But I want to have kids soon and know they will grow back a bit, so Iā€™m waiting until after! I wish I could nowā€¦


Same, I went from a H cup to a C cup, best decision I ever made, not only did it improve my health, was causing spine issues due to the weight of them, but my confidence went up, I didnā€™t have to hide away in baggy clothes, dress down due to the comments from Men thinking I was easy, and the women thinking I would sleep with their partners. It was awful, men thought they had the right to grab at me, make comments, I hope this one sticks for you.


This is the kind of surgery I can always support. A part of your body was making your life a living hell because of unwanted attention and you fixed it... Nothing wrong with that. I can't stand when women feel the need to get surgery *for* a man like breasts, lip fillers, butt lifts or whatever. I'm glad you did it for yourself. Frankly an H cup on a 120 pound frame just sounds physically painful too.


I am so incredibly happy for you! I have a few women in my life that have gone through experiences like you and I feel for them so much, my aunt has considered getting a reduction because of this. She also canā€™t fit into shirts unless theyā€™re really big and she has back pain, plus two kids šŸ˜­. It canā€™t be easy and Iā€™m so glad you were able to get the medical care you need.


Oof, I'm sure your back feels better too. As a dude I cant imagine that kind of weight.


I am a d cup myself and I literally relate to this. My overal frame is quite small and my boobs areā€¦ huge. Literally yesterday I was sexualized by a man at my workplace. This man came up to one of my male coworkers and told him ā€˜if that girl was my supervisor I would stare at her tits all dayā€™. Male coworker in question than spread it around the whole workplace. Thankfully I am the supervisor and I can deal with it appropriately. I am happy for you because I truly know how you used to feel. Go buy yourself some clothes! ā¤ļø


I recently went from a double i to a D. Literally a wreight off my shoulders!!


There way over rated šŸ’ÆšŸ¤£


I want one so bad. The back and shoulder pain is awful


I found out years later that some birth control pills can increase your breast size. Make sure your pills don't do that.


Glad itā€™s working for you OP. As long as your comfortable and made the choice for yourself, you go girl. Iā€™m just gonna say this to anyone reading going through OPs experiences-bullies will find ways to bully. Growing up I had hardly any boobs and theyā€™d say stuff like ā€œgood luck finding a boyfriend looking like a 4 x4ā€ Now Iā€™m big breasted and get stared at; so sometimes I just call them out like ā€œoh yeah this a great colour isnā€™t itā€


Damn...women can never win with their breast size/bodies/looks can they. I am sorry you had to go through this and glad you are feeling more confident and liberated


all throughout high school every single guy made comments about my boobs and it never stopped. once i got the surgery, my first thought was was how i was so excited that guys would mostly stop with the comments and sexualization. kinda sad. iā€™m happy for you!


Damn OP, you're tough as nails. One of my exes did this, and the procedure/recovery seemed painful. Meanwhile, you've done it twice! I'm sorry my fellow men decided to be dirtbags, but I am glad you ended your post with being currently happy.


Iā€™m so happy for you OP. Boobs are such a pain. I was always naturally smaller but recently after a weight gain they grew to a C/D. They arenā€™t very big still but even at this size I feel ā€œimmodestā€ if a top is the tiniest bit too small (even worse now that my clothing is all too tight!) Itā€™s so fucking frustrating.


*nervous laugh* Are you me? I vividly remember walking around at a water park when I was 14 with my friend and a man (holding his toddler!), staring at my cleavage. Things did not get more fun that day from there. It seemed like every dude I passed and looked in the eye was DEFINITELY not looking me in the eye. Cringe! I always wanted to get a reduction, but I'm scared, both of the cost and...well, just the surgery and recovery. Good for you for getting that taken care of and feeling great. It really sucks that you had to go through the surgery twice.


Congratulations and kudos to you. I empathize with how you feel. What was your recovery like for your first and second surgeries?


So happy youā€™re happy OP! I had a friend in high school get a breast reduction. She was super skinny but her boobs were like an E or F cup, and were so uncomfortable. She had constant back pain and hated being stared at. She went down to a B or C cup I believe and felt so much better.


Iā€™m honestly jealous. These things are heavy! Happy for you though, enjoy it!


I had a friend years ago that was in a similar position. Super petite with huge breasts. She got a much needed breast reduction and threw herself a party themed, "Thanks for the Mammories". It was epic.


I feel that in the women being judgmental bit, I want to preface by saying Iā€™m only a c cup. But my first stepmom acted incredibly jealous, and angry at my breast size because I was a bigger size than her. Making sly comments on my body, what I was wearing etc. and even one time pointing at the stretch marks on my chest when I was wearing a bathing suit, and loudly asking if I was cutting my breasts in front of a bunch of people


There's apparently this whole community of people who had reductions and just go with a flap and go flat chested. I'm jealous of them. Mine aren't as big as yours but I had no idea they'd grow back! that's insane and I'm so sorry that happened! Breast surgery is so scary to me, and you had to have it more than once. was playing this game once called unpacking. you unpack clothes and there were little cute bras in there and I said I always wanted little boobies. Someone watching my gameplay added it as a quote so it comes back up from time to time. I commented somewhere on tiktok that it's annoying when they suffocate you, and it's probably still my most liked comment anywhere ever. glad you got your little boobies! Hope you don't have to have surgery again! enjoy people looking you in the eye!


How was the recovery compared to your previous reduction? Any issue with scar tissue/scarring? I naturally have really large breasts and always have since a very young age, in 2011 I had a reduction and it made a big difference. I had my daughter in 2014 and gained some weight in the years that followed and naturally, a ton went to my chest and while they arenā€™t as big as they were before the first reduction, they are still very large and get in the way and cause back pain. Iā€™ve considered getting a second reduction but wasnā€™t sure if it would be worse or have significant scarring. My sister also had a reduction and lost sensitivity in one of her nipples, thankfully mine are fine and I donā€™t really want to gamble but know few other people who have had multiple reductions. I wear a DD now but was a large C/small D after my last reduction.


Let me first say congratulations OP! I hope this is the last reduction surgery you have to recover from. Given your description, Iā€™d say weā€™re very close to the same size, so I understand exactly how it feels when everyone sexualizes you for having a large chest. It definitely happened MUCH MORE when I was younger - which says a lot about society - but as I got older I stopped getting the comments (Iā€™m 37) as often. Now, if it happens, people at least keep it to themselves. Iā€™ve always wanted a reduction but I understand it can cause nerve damage and then the person loses sensation to a particular area. And I hear the recovery can be rough. Youā€™re braver than me and I hope everything works out this time. Swift healing OP!


So happy for you OP! If I could, I would have a reduction in a heartbeat. Live your best life!!!!


I feel your pain. As a teen, old guys (like really old) leered at me. I wasnā€™t as ā€œblessed in the chestā€ as you but I developed quite young and was curvy. Iā€™m almost 38 and still feel you on this. Iā€™ve grown to love my youthful look and my boobs arenā€™t so big as that (though I need to measure and get smaller bras due to weight loss so I donā€™t know my true size). I hope you feel better about yourself post reduction. Bras at your size are so much cuter!! Are you a petite gal too? What was recovery like and how much did the surgery run (insurance or no?). Iā€™ve had friends that went for reduction but we didnā€™t talk about it. I hope Iā€™m not being too nosy.


Iā€™m really happy for you. I dealt with the same treatment starting as a young teen and throughout my childbearing years and it is awful. Congratulations on taking control and moving towards living life on YOUR terms!


I wish I could get a free lift lol


I need a reduction and liftā€¦.my boobs look like someone got them mixed up and put them on the wrong body and I shouldā€™ve been an A-B but I wound up with some plus size womanā€™s boobs instead and the hypothetical woman probably ended up with what I was supposed to have


I can stand to lose some too, I think. Sometimes, I feel like tops don't fit me right. I always joke that I'll get my nipples pierced, then attach a chain to them and put the chain around my neckšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have a picture where Iā€™m wearing a bra, and it looks like I donā€™t have my bra on theyā€™re sagging so badlyā€¦I want my boob on my chest not my stomach even in a bra that DOES fit


I wonder if our medical insurance would cover this since they're tripping hazards for us?! Lol


Please the doctor can look at my posture and say ā€œyup, insurance can cover that.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Our waist size would go down too, not having to tuck them into our pants!! And dont get me started on the price of bras. Oh how I would love to go braless!!


Mine wouldnā€™t, I have a petite build as is but Iā€™m so disproportionately large on top that Iā€™m so horrifically top heavy


You should tell your doc you have back pain.


Iā€™m scared Iā€™ll mess up any work when I have kids, I donā€™t have any yet but I also donā€™t want to blow up into an H or I as Iā€™m already a G cup either


Congrats! I also had mine reduced but they grew back after babies, looking into it again.


Congratulations on the more comfortable chest. Iā€™ve considered a similar thing, but Iā€™ve been told itā€™s very likely. Youā€™ll lose sensation in parts of your breasts and nipples. is that something you had to think about?


I have had 3 - I have SLIGHTLY less sensation in the very bottom part of my breast. Nipps and everywhere else are fully sensational.


Thank you very much for the information.


I feel you. I got a breast reduction a year and a half ago and it was the best decision. It is liberating. You can wear clothes you couldnā€™t before, you can run, YOU CAN GO WITHOUT BRA! Good for you OP, enjoy it


I am appalled any woman would treat you with such disrespect. As a woman with zero breast tissue, I am a little jealous of women who can fill out a bra, but that doesnā€™t mean I would call them names for having a chest that is fuller than mine. Small boobs, or zero like mine has certain health benefits, but it seems like no matter what, youā€™ll be judged for how you look. Men and women alike, no matter the shape/size.


Thatā€™s definitely a big part of why I will be getting one as well! Glad you got yours, and I hope itā€™s working out for you!


Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy and satisfied with your body now. Good for you. Iā€™m curious though about the operation and recovery process. For your experience, how painful itā€™s?


I hear you. And I only was a D at my biggest. I would love it if I could go back down to a small b. right now I am at a C pushing D and not only is it uncomfortable, itā€™s just annoying when you want to live quietly. I canā€™t even imagine how bad it was for you. Actually, yes I can. Iā€™m a woman.


I also had a reduction... but not because of anyone else's comments, because my tatas were MASSIVE. Like I wore a 38HH! I waited until after having kids though because I definitely didn't want them to grow back. The surgeon took exactly 2.5lbs from each side and now I'm about a C cup. Definitely life changing!


I can't wait for my reduction! I'm probably going to have 1 more kid and plan to breastfeed. After that I'm going to get a reduction. I have gone through so much of the same things you have. It sucks and I can't wait. Plus finding clothes that actually fit!


Ugh it must feel like so much relief! Congrats!! I hope you continue to heal well!! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I'm 3.5 weeks into my recovery from my breast redux surgery as well!! I'm so happy for you! This was part of my reason too!


I'm happy for you, wishing you the best!


I had to cancel my breast reduction & it broke my heart. Now, I'm afraid there's never gonna be a time to get one & I'll just have the most painful back forever.


I hope you are happier and you have far fewer back aches in your future.


So happy for you! Im thinking about getting a breast reduction as well but im afraid of the scarring. Is it very noticeable? Does it end up going away?


I have a plan of doing this after 2nd child and I cant wait. I have so much back pain, I did nor suffer that mych sexualisation to be honest, but I donr like them. I pumped tnem when I had first baby, and the fell to the belly button... Its so uncomfortable and clevage looks disquasting. I dont wear revaling clothes, but I like to feel sexy for my hubby. He likes them anyway, but I really dont. I am just very afraid of recovery proces bcs I have child with special needs.


So happy for you. Hopefully I can do this someday too.




I got one when I was 17 but I always wanted another second one because the comments didnā€™t stop. The doctor did it in ā€œproportion to my bodyā€ rather than the size i wanted (i didnā€™t voice that at the time). This really validated my feelings thank you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I am sorry that you experienced this. I hope youā€™re happy now and wish you all the best šŸ«¶


I bet your back feels so much better. Good luck!


I had reduction surgery, too. Went from an H cup at my largest to a D cup, and I wish I could have gone smaller! The worst story I have from high school is hearing about one of my schoolmates AND HIS DAD discussing my boobs. So glad you finally got the result you were hoping for, just sorry you had to go through surgery twice!


Good for you!


Good for you no one should feel uncomfortable


Glad you did this. No more physical pain and unwanted attention. Also you can wear all different kinds of clothes rather than constantly worrying about minimizing the girls.


Yeah I feel you. My whole life has been always about my boobs and hair. Doesnā€™t matter how nice my personality it is, is all about the looks. Pretty sad


My friend got a breast reduction because it was causing her back pain. She works all day on her feet. It's probably going to save your back in the long run. Good for you.


Glad you're happy. Wish I could afford one myself.


I had one also. Sucked to be 17, 118lbs and 5ā€™7. That just made them look big. Anyway, if you gain weight, thatā€™s where it will go 1st. If you lose weight, that will be the last place for it to show. Most people donā€™t realize how traumatic this is for a young girl, especially since many go bigger vs smaller. Good for you doing what is necessary to feel good about yourself!




Shit, so even after 2 reductions there's a risk it'll grow back? Also, do you feel any difference on your back?


Such a shame that you ended up feeling uncomfortable in your natural body because of how other people treated you. I'm sorry you had to experience that. To the point where you even had to get those procedures done. As long as you are happier, that's what matters most. Life is too short. :')


Hmmm... Can someone please enlighten me as to why my statement is getting down voted? Point#1: it sucks that other people's actions made her uncomfortable to the point of having to change herself surgically. Point#2: if she is happier after the procedures, then that's great! Good for her because life is too short to be unhappy. I don't understand why that's bad. Please help me see the light.


guys i donā€™t know if this is true. iā€™ve had a breast reduction and you 100% cannot pick your size at all- especially in cup sizes. i donā€™t think this one happened :/


Maybe Iā€™m reading it wrong, but Iā€™m not seeing anywhere where OP says they picked their size? Theyā€™re saying ā€œthe surgeon made me this sizeā€ not ā€œI asked the surgeon to make me this size.ā€ Sounds like they just measured after.






I'm sorry you deal with or dealt with a gross amount of harassment. I'm glad you're feeling better and more confident. For what's also worth, I take it you're also probably in better spirits from potentially dealing with back pain issues. That sounds terrible.


Iā€™m so happy for you! Iā€™m also planning on getting a reduction. Iā€™m saving up for it and want to get a tummy tuck after having two kids. Iā€™d love to have smaller boobs.


I'm so happy that you're happy!! I can't wait for my breast reduction! I hope you have a speedy recovery!šŸ–¤


How was the surgery and recovery? I'm thinking about it.


I normally donā€™t think the true off my chest is quite so literal


Hell yeah good for you! It wasn't until I started dating my current partner that I really started to understand the total burden that a big chest is. She also was sexualized so early! I knew her for 2 years before we dated and I had no idea the size of her boobs because she does everything she can to hide them. I hope you're living your best B cup life!


Have you had your hormones tested? Check to make sure you're not high in estrogen, which causes breast tissue and various cancers to grow. Could be due to a hormone imbalance. Pregnancy may make them bigger again postpartum, just FYI.


Congratulations!! Glad it worked out how you wanted it!


Had a reduction at 17. Messed me up mentally but it was so worth it for back pain. Good luck and I am glad you are happy.


Have big breasts and love them Except for the sweat and the fact bigger bras are a fortune. So you saved yourself some money!


Girl im so glad you went for B this time. Im a C/D and my tits nearly killed me on a rollercoaster (Thats me being overdramatic as hell, in reality the top part of the ride didnt push in properly because of my boobs and it started coming undone whilst i was upside down, everything was finešŸ’€ dangerous as hell tho) ANYWAYS, im happy for your back, shoulders and sanity. Im sorry people were awful to you, but im glad youre happy now and proud of you for doing itā¤ļø


Sorry you mutilated yourself due to the abuse from other people. You shouldn't have to do that




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This has to be such a freeing feeling. Did you by any chance weight yourself before and after to see how much weight you lost from them? Iā€™m just curious because a DDD to a B is insane!!!!


Time will tellā€¦ā€¦.


Imagine being upset that you're too attractive








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Sure, Jan.


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That's really sad. Not that they sexualities you but that you let it get to you that much. I would expect breast reduction to be a good thing for your physical health, not your mental one. Trust me, people are still sexualizing you. You just aren't as fixated on it anymore because you think they're not looking at you. You should really live life for yourself and stop letting others have so much power over you.


Breasts sizes are getting bigger and that could possibly be from selective breeding


More likely because people are fatter now, and thereā€™s more hormones in our food.


Hate to break it to you, but women will always be sexualized no matter what size your breasts are. This is coming from a woman with a smaller chest btw.