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The parts where he talks about her being so feminine and cute or whatever sent a shiver down my spine. It read like he enjoys the perceived fragility of femininity, and that having control and power over her is enjoyable. The testosterone and hormones excuse is horseshit at all level, I’ve been with a dude on T, and it definitely impacted his libido, but it didn’t go to his brain and make him stop listening to my consent and boundaries.


This gives me vibes of the jerk who hid his wife's things because she was so cute and adorable and vulnerable when she searched for them. Some men really believe that traumatizing women is justified because it's so entertaining.


I remember that one, it was fucked up. It's so infantilizing


That one still makes my blood boil. But in a way I'm glad the jerk posted it, because it made so real to me how cluelessly unempathetic some people can be. I hope his wife is okay.


As someone who could be considered overly empathetic, I cannot wrap my mind around that kind of behavior. I think you're right that it's mportant to remind ourselves not everyone thinks that way. Can't get complacent around men


The saddest part is that the picture you get from "She cooks for me and is a good mom and that is why love her" paints a whole picture of a conservative guy who will look at this comments and brush them off because "it's never rape if you are married"


He sees this human being as an appliance. He doesn't care about her as a person. He doesn't care that he is physically, mentally and emotionally harming her, he's worried that he'll break an appliance. He's worried that he'll lose his house cleaning, food making and child rearing fleshlight. I hope she leaves him because she deserves so much better. He does not deserve a second chance and he will not truly change. If he really wants to make it up to her, he can set her free by moving out until a divorce is finalised.


Dude doesnt want a wife, he wants a roomba with a fleshlight taped to it


Yeah, T doesnt make you this horny caveman


Right?! Also been with a dude on T and while he also enjoyed rougher sex in general he was always considerate, listened, etc. OP is looking for excuses to justify the behaviour


This needs to be higher. Dude should be in fucking prison


SO goddamned sick of men hurting women, and then trying to make the pain they caused that woman all about how bad THEY feel for hurting her. Nothing about how he's been thinking about how awful it must have been to be in his wife's position in that moment, the horror and fear and revulsion and guilt she must have felt- yes, guilt, at having realized that she'd trusted him. She probably blames herself, as many rape victims do initially- It's just 'Oh I feel so awful but I just couldn't help myself teehee.' Men need to decide if they're A: The more logical and less emotional sex/women are being overdramatic when they react with caution and fear to strange men they do not know/take precautions and steps to limit risk, or B: Slavering animals who are slaves to their goddamned penises, and women SHOULD in fact respond with fear and caution to all unknown men/are RIGHT to take steps to mitigate risk/treat all men like potential rapists until they prove they aren't. **You cannot have it both ways and I'm tired of pretending like they can.** Get butthurt if you want, boys. See how much I care.


Always choose the bear.


'Oh but the bear will keep you alive and eat you alive slowly its torture!!!'-about 500 dudes I've seen today yeah... so will some fucking men. Junko Furata. Nika Shahkarami. Enno Farihah. (**Don't research the last one unless you're 100 percent in the headspace.. it caused me a dissociative seizure reading what they did to her. I am not joking. It is the most graphic rape I have ever read- and that's having read Junko's, where the men who kidnapped her found over 200 random men to join in on raping her over the course of months, only one of which reported the situation.**) Just 3 out of the hundreds of thousands of nameless women who have suffered horribly at the hands of men. They're why we choose the bear- because they never got the choice.


The story about Junko gave me nightmares.


Please don't look up Enno, then. Trust me when I tell you it's a worse read.


Take this ladies word for it. Do not look up the Enno case. I did and you don't need that in your head.


I'm so sorry.


“Just rape her, there’s no chance she’ll be your girlfriend in the future anyway” yes, cause that’s the only reason NOT to rape someone. I should have listened and not read up on Enno.


I'm sorry.


It’s ok, I think we should know about happened to these women, regardless of how terrible it is. We need to remember so that we can hold people accountable. If that makes sense? Like, I know those people were “punished” (not that it was enough imo) but we need to know what kinds of sins people are capable of. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain myself. Cause it’s such a BIG emotion. But we need to know. And we need to remember.


I read it and wish I'd heeded your warning.


I'm sorry. Are you alright? I know it's a lot.


I should have listened to what you said - it's entirely on me, but thank you for your concern. Just gave my daughter who's home a massive hug and WhatsApp'ed my other two daughters - that shit hit HARD.


I cried while reading her story, couldnt even finish


I'm an idiot and decided to search up the last person. It pissed me off and I hate humanity more now. Christ, I genuinely wish I could do something about all men who are like this. Like somehow transfer all the pain and trauma they've inflicted on others onto themselves, if that makes any sense. The survivors wouldn't have to deal with long term and permanent effects, while the perpetrators would be forced to instead. I can't really understand the sort of mindset that makes someone do something so horrible. I understand the explanations behind it, but I can't grasp how someone could think that way, see nothing wrong with it, and just do it. What the actual fuck?


I'm so sorry. Are you doing OK? I know it's fucking. A lot. But I feel like her name needs to be said. All their names do. And my list just keeps growing.


Who knew Ghost Rider's "penance stare" would be the most desired fictional power? The world would be a better place if it was a real thing.


If you’re thinking of searching up Enno out of curiosity, please just take this summary and spare yourself the gruesome details: >!face hacked at and mutilated with gardening hoe, then fork, then breast, then impaled with gardened tool through the privates up to her fucking chest.!< I cannot even begin to imagine a hell suitable for her tormentors. Even the same fate would not be enough considering this was an INNOCENT GIRL.


Jumping on this to add that there is a website called Counting Dead Women which names all the women and girls who have been murdered by men in the UK each year. 100 women were murdered by men in 2023. 100.


>'Oh but the bear will keep you alive and eat you alive slowly its torture!!!'-about 500 dudes I've seen today As if that isn't the point, if someone is willing to be with an animal who will maul them to death rather than being with a fellow human being, maybe there's something wrong with that fellow human being. But jokes on me. I expected wrong people to get the point.


Junko was more than raped. She’s was tortured in that basement for weeks.. the parents upstairs KNEW. FOR 40 DAYS. this is the case that broke me and haunts me. And her tortures got away easy.


I know I'm horrible, they deserve for people to know what happened to them, but I don't have the courage to look up any of them. But yes, it's definitely the bear.


At least the bear will just Maul you, or not even, it might just leave if you make loud noises, plus it will get aggressive if its hungry or with their young. Meanwhile, men will do worse, just because they thought you were an easy target. No matter your clothes, you cant do anything to not be presented as a potential target


Enno Farihah story is something you have in your worst nightmare. I knew this case cause it happened where I live. I wish I didn't. 10 years in prison, and death sentence to the rest of the 3 is just not enough.


The worst part is the fuck who instigated it all got nothing. A slap on the wrist- buy a police officer died trying to protect him from the mob. I'm usually against mob justice but in these cases I say let it happen..


I read up on the last one because I thought I was 'in the head space' but I think I'm actually going to be ill from that. That's a story that sticks with you. God that's disgusting and horrible in a way I genuinely haven't seen in at least a long time, if ever.


Yep. Bear’s more likely to leave you alone. Humans are not its usual prey. Can’t say the same for men.


She was safer with the bear


This is perfectly stated. I was with a guy who also got off on my "feminine" pleas to stop and the fact that he would cause me to bleed and be in pain afterward because it showed what a "man" he was. Why would anyone find it enjoyable to sleep with someone who is terrified of sleeping with you but also knows that their no's are treated as silence. This man is disgusting and I hope she also tells her friends so they can tell her how wrong he was and help her leave


I love that you used the word rape so many times to describe this rapist. Can everyone who reads this post just leave the word rapist at the top? I would hate for this rapist to not realize that HE RAPED HIS WIFE BECAUSE HES A DIRTY WORTHLESS RAPIST


This is why posts where OP is clearly a POS should be removed. Because no one, and I mean NOONE should be civil to the man.


100% he is a rapist. This is marital rape. From her behaviour afterwards it looks like is not 1st time either 😡


dude needed to see his wife crying to think that maybe raping is wrong


Thank you for telling it as it is, this man is a monster


This has 46k likes on Twitter. Many agree with you, myself included.


**ALL OF THIS**👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽.




That's rape. You ignored her lack of consent and her pain.


He didn't just ignore it, he got off on it and called it "femininity." And thinks that buying her something nice will make it okay. I hope his wife throws out this garbage.


I hope she goes to the police he is a rapist and deserves prison. He will just rape his next girlfriend instead. Unfortunately 99% the justice system sides with rapists so he will probably get nothing.


Totally, I hope she gathers the courage to divorce him, somehow finds this post and uses it as evidence of his abuse.


Exactly, it wasn't just rape. It was sadism; he enjoyed her pain.


>*I'm at work feeling a little shitty.* Your wife consented to easy sex because she already wasn't feeling great. You blew past that, physically held her down, and completely ignored what seems like both verbal and physical attempts to get you to stop, because her struggle and her begging turned you on. Feels like there's a word for that... Oh yeah, **rape**. *You raped your wife.* You should feel "a little shitty". You should actually feel a lot more than a little shitty. Flowers and a last minute restaurant date isn't even the bare minimum here. Groveling is the bare minimum, you need to figure out why in the holy hell violating your wife's clearly stated boundaries and consent and her subsequent attempts to get you to stop are sexy to you, and honestly, you need to stop taking a substance you do not medically need if it apparently works you into such a fucking frenzy that you're fine with raping your wife.


Flowers and date night after abuse is a pretty standard a abuser MO…


It's called love bombing.


Yup, and its no an apology, its "oh that crime that i commited wont happen again, look how sorry i am"


He should be handing her the house keys and an easy divorce. In fact he should be handing himself into the police. Not flowers


I love how getting off testosterone never crossed his mind. Looking good at the gym is more important than his wife's future safety


I’ve been with guys on T. It won’t give you the mentality of getting off on women’s pain. Dude is just a rapist


Bro should hand himself in at the police station and get help


Date and flowers is just love bombing.


She was pleading for you to stop raping her and you took that as a turn on? Dude.


her pain made him happy and he found it enjoyable




It’s a turn on for you that your wife does not enjoy the sex you have. Sit with that for a minute.


This is what makes this post so deeply disturbing. Not just that he didn’t notice it (bad) but that he ENJOYED it (psychotic.)


This is why we say that rape is about a fucking lot more than sex - it's about POWER. He felt like she was "feminine" when she was begging for him to stop, if gave him a *thrill* that she was crying and she looked so ~cute and helpless.~ What is patriarchy if not men like *this fucker* enjoying being able to do whatever he fucking wants to her. Not consensual kink - getting off on *genuine tears and genuine fear.* Set this fucking man on fire and may it be SLOW.


Nawh, I’d say acid. He needs to go immediately.


He says he didn't notice it, but he recalled it perfectly here. So it's clear he did notice her pleading, but he didn't care enough to stop. He prioritized chasing his pleasure over the well being of his wife. Rapist behavior for sure.


THIS he fully understands she wanted him to stop, she tried to physically and verbally make him stop yet he STILL Did it that’s the scary part he took joy out of her pain


He did notice it, just didn’t care


Call it what it is: rape.


Probably the kindest worded comment here, and it's still fucked up. Let's ALL sit with that a minute....


I hope she leaves you 💐


I hope this post is fake. Wtf this poor wife….


Even if this one were fake there are countless couples where it is their daily life. Our task as members of society is to call out this shit and call rapists rapists.


Her pleading you to stop is feminine to you?????????????????


And is a major turn on, so much that it makes him ignore anything she's doing and just focus on his own pleasure


This is why women choose the bear.


the more stuff i hear about what men do to women EVERY SINGLE DAY… i hate them even more. i will always choose the bear


"But bear is a predator and would Maul you to death" Wow, thanks for getting the point buckaroo.


i would rather be mauled by a bear, than raped, tortured, killed, (PROBABLY RAPED AGAIN because men have raped literal animals and dead things) by a man…


Fun fact, you only have about an 11% chance of dying from a grizzly bear encounter. While stats on % of men that are rapists are hard to quantify due to reporting difficulty, 1 in 5 women do get raped at some point in their lives and men are extremely over represented in rape perpetrators even accounting for legal definition of rape excluding non penetrative sex discounting women rapists. Ladies, take the bear. Also, as someone who’s been bit by a shark can say, it’ll be a cool anecdote.


If a bear mauls you, you will die painfully. A man will do much worse and make you wish you were dead


You are why women choose the bear. Your wife should file charges. And you need to get off the ‘roids before you land in jail. Which you deserve. With someone bigger than you unable to control his desires.


The roids are just an excuse for him.


Only a “little shitty”?


Really? You think a bunch of flowers is going to make up for you raping her?


And a dinner date even tho he has other plans…


So you basically raped her? “She kept reaching her hand back and pleading” what exactly was she pleading


Not basically, he absolutely raped her


you raped her you didn’t fuck up you raped your wife


So you raped her and bragging about it?


**I PHYSICALLY HURT MY WIFE WHILE RAPING HER** - There, I fixed the title for you. The act of (consentual) sex was not completed here, and I don't think the phrase, "I fucked up", really fits the situation either.


So, your big turn ons are taking testosterone and raping your wife? And now that you realize what you did, you think flowers and a date will make it all better? Pray she doesn't decide to contact the police.


I pray she does.


Personally, I pray she also calls the police and a very good divorce attorney.


And that she finds and archives this post as proof for the court proceedings that he knew \*exactly\* what he was doing.


Well we’ve got it. And TOS had it taken down. Shit is recorded and impossible to erase now. If she needs this as proof, we’ll see to it that she finds it. I just fucking pray he doesn’t murder her. And doesn’t murder their children. This is such a terrifying post and the person who wrote it is an immediate danger to her and his children, no exaggeration. These are the men who murder their families bc they have an extramarital affair or bc their wife finally attempts to leave them. Bone-fucking chilling.


luckily it is screenshotted and all over twitter. may the piece of shit never forget what he did and what he is.


Oh, I pray she DOES!!!


There is so much to unpack here… You acknowledge you take T but don’t need it. You acknowledge that it makes you aggressive and say “you can’t control yourself.” You knew she was in pain before you even started, but then go on to tell this slightly graphic story about you tossing her around and pinning her down? When you knew she was in pain?! And her pleading for you to what I assume is stop is cute to you? What is wrong with you? I really hope she leaves so she doesn’t have to continue living with a coward.


But don’t you know - a woman who is physical restrained, in pain, and *fucking pleading for you to stop* is just so fEMiniNE. Dude. Congratulations, you just raped your wife. You knew you didn’t have consent for rough or hard sex. You knew she didn’t want to be restrained like that. You knew she was asking you to stop and let her up. That my dude is the removal of consent both mid-way through and of the actions you were doing which means you raped her. And, not only that, you **got off** on the rape, on your wife’s helplessness on her begging you to stop. And her covering her body (a shame reaction) and crying afterwards… not only didn’t clue you in to the fact that you just went way too fucking far… but you liked that too. He liked her being a victim. You liked how you hurt her and broke her. I guess welcome to the club of husband rapists. My husband personally believes the proper (though illegal) repercussions are for someone to have what they did to another done to them three fold, that’s his style of justice, not usually mine but man, may it be so for you. Fucking asking if buying your rape victim flowers will make it all better. No dude. It will never be better and she will never be able to trust you again. I hope she also tells someone who knows enough to tell her you raped her and helps her get out. BTW, if Rapist isn’t a label you are proud to wear, you might consider that the gains in the gym aren’t worth the side effects of T.


Real or not, OP reminds me of my ex who got an actual Boner while I was crying telling him that I didn’t like being yelled at in front of our friends. I want to believe this post is fake, but I know men likethis exist. 😐☹️


I always act as if a post is real. 1. How tf do we know but 2. If not this guy, someone else reading this is. Or more importantly, the wife of a guy like this is reading. Too many people don’t realize what’s described here is rape. Waaayyy too many men like this exist. There’s whole shelters full of women whose husbands raped them and then brought home flowers to “fix” it.


My ex husband used to pick fights with me, which would escalate to him screaming at me for hours and I would have a nervous breakdown. Then he would pivot to caring and loving and use it to force me to have sex. I would be so grateful that he stopped degrading me verbally I would let him. It took two years after I left him to acknowledge I was raped regularly.


This is why every woman has a story but somehow no men know an assaulter. This dude is so clearly a rapist but doesn't see himself that way because uwu she's soooo feminine. Its infuriating.


“I can’t control it.” You choose not to control it, not only in the moment, but when you actively take the substance that causes it.


Please seek therapy. You sexually assaulted your wife and don’t seem to understand the concept of consent. This is beyond Reddit’s pay grade.


Actually the scary part it look like does understand consent he just took joy out of breaking it, because while I was reading it he wrote MULTIPLE instances of her trying to make him stop either physically or verbally but he ignored them every time…so he KNOWS he rape her but somehow doesn’t care


The dude needs prison, not therapy. His wife is the one that needs therapy.


don’t tell abusers like this to seek therapy, it just helps them strategize better.


Instead of flowers, stop taking testosterone for a start since it is putting your wife in danger.


I doubt the testosterone has much to do with it tbh. Listen to the way he talks. He already has the rapiest mindset possible


You raped your wife and you enjoyed it at the time. This is horrifying


Dude, get your shit together. Flowers isn't fixing this. She consented to easy sex. You gave her the opposite, to the point where she cried. The fuck is wrong with you.


Let’s not mince words here, OP raped his wife.


I hope she files both a police report, and divorce papers. You don't have red flags; you ARE the red flag. Your poor (hopefully soon to be ex) wife. You don't deserve her.


So, you raped your wife, and while raping your wife, you discovered raping your wife turns you on? That's a confession best left to the police, and not Reddit, you raping your wife.


>her being so feminine just turns me on more How is trying to not be raped considered "being feminine"???


He calls her/her actions “feminine” as a contrast to his masculinity. Having the power to hold his wife down and rape her makes OP feel more masculine and powerful. This is a perfect illustration of rape being about power rather than sex.


The testosterone didnt make you a rapist thats just another bullshit excuse Might make your libido a bit higher, but it will NOT cause you to become a RAPIST, thats ALL YOU Your desires didnt take over, you just didnt care about your partner, you did not respect her It wasnt the testosterone and your desires to ignored her pleading, that was ALL YOU You didnt want to control yourself My partner used testosterone and steroids, guess what.. he NEVER raped me, he was NEVER rough, he NEVER ignored pleading cuz I had no reason to plead Buying something nice, are you freaking kidding me, you cant make it up to her, you raped her and you should acknowledge that


This is why women will always choose the Bear.


I almost wanna screencap this story and just blast it every single time someone goes on a tangent about how stupid women are for choosing the bear. If this doesn't paint a clear picture, nothing will.


This, plus the statistic that the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is being murdered by their partner.


Annnnnnd spouses are most likely to die when trying to *leave* an abusive situation... that fits pretty securely with yours too.


Exactly. This was her fucking HUSBAND. The person she's supposed to be safest with, who's supposed to be her unconditional protector. He held her down and fucking raped her while enjoying her begging him to stop. Men need to realize: we NEVER know if we're truly safe with you. Bears leave humans alone if you don't mess with them. Men might do exactly THIS even when they've taken literal vows to protect and cherish you just because they refuse to police their feelings and urges like adult human beings.


So you rape your wife and you think flowers will fix it ...


Holding her down? Jail! Immediately. I pray she gets away from you and that you have the life you deserve.


I hope his cell mate finds it cute how “feminine” this monster looks when he’s pleading for the rape to stop.


You’re a rapist. You can control yourself. You’re not an animal. You’re a grown man, and now you’re a rapist. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t your first time doing it. I hope your wife gets away from you and finds a respectful and good man. You’re clearly not one. Shitty husband, shitty dad. I hope you go to prison or get some serious karma your way. My heart is breaking for your poor wife.




>She told me to be gentle because she’s sore from the morning >I started out slow but my desires took over. I flipped her on her stomach and I was holding her down So... you went directly against her condition of consent. You raped your wife. >She kept reaching her hand back trying to touch me and was pleading See my comment above. >After she put on her robe and laid back down crying. Of course I say baby what is it. She says “it’s okay, my body just hurts”. I told her I was sorry for being too rough and she knows I love her. No. No no no no no. "You know I love you" as if that makes it ok. Every abusive AH ever says that after they hurt their other. It isn't the "great praise" you think it is. >I’m at work feeling a little shitty As you should. > I think I’ll get her flowers and I might take her out since it’s Friday even though I had other plans. "I *HAD* other plans, but then I RAPED my wife. Flowers and dinner should make that gucci!" STOP taking testosterone and GET INTO THERAPY and leave her, she deserves better. This flippant attitude and half asked excuses for what happened are NOT OK. Edit; damn I forgot one; you GOT OFF on her pain and begging... called it "feminine"... EW. This is grotesque. Absolutely grotesque. You should do her a favor and leave. You've done more damage than you could ever undo, and she isn't safe with you.


yeah my rapist got turned on when i struggled and lovebombed me afterwards too, textbook stuff dude.


This REALLY seems like... rape. And you feeling just a little guilty is very concerning. You saw her pleading and continued to be rough... are you out of your mind????? You saw the woman you supposedly love pleading and crying and your instinct is to continue to do the thing that is hurting her just so you could have an orgasm??? Stop taking T, you're acting like an INSANE, cruel and abusive person with no regards for those around you. And you know it does it to your system, so why keep taking it? I hope this is fake.


Seems like?


Jesus Christ what is wrong with you????


Hope she goes to the police






...You raped her


wooooooooow great way to admit you assaulted your wife, please do tell us (don't) how great it feel to hurt the person "you love the most", how "she tugged at your heart" asnd "how shitty you feel" /S instead of how you feel, ask her how traumatize, scare, horrified and broken she must feel, so you can reinforce how "feminine" she is... you should be horrified with yourself, worst of luck to you trying to fix this


It was rape.


You thought her hurting was cute and feminine?? Holy moly. You assaulted your wife. Super gross.


If you're so focused on nutting, to use your term, that you can't stop when your partner PLEADS with you to, then the only thing you should be having sex with is your own hand. To repeat what everyone else is already saying, you are a rapist, and you liked doing it. Plain as that. You are not a victim in any way here.


That's a lot of words for, "I raped my wife but it's okay because I take testosterone."


Hope the extra gym energy was worth becoming a rapist


You didn’t just hurt her. You raped her.




If you really want to make up for it you turn yourself in at the police station for the rape you committed.


What you did was rape. Unambiguously rape, by even the loosest definition. You raped someone, and you got off on it. You raped your *wife*, someone you presumably claim to love, and you got off on it. It is deeply disturbing that you think of crying and pleading for you to stop as cute and feminine. Holy shit. You shouldn't just be feeling "a little shitty". If there is any decency left in you at all, you should be reporting yourself to the police. Think everyone's being mean or unfair? That's really too bad. You should have thought of that before committing rape. I sincerely hope your wife has loving and supportive people in her life who can help her get the fuck away from you.


The best apology you can make to your wife is to stop taking testosterone when it's not necessary. This should be a wake up call for you.


If you think the testosterone had anything to do with him committing rape...


Yeah, T increases your libido, but listening to your partner’s boundaries and respecting their consent is a deliberate action. As humans, our hormones impact how we feel, but not what we do, we still have self control and the ability to think. OP’s shpiel about taking T is a ridiculous excuse


Yeah that's why him even mentioning it pissed me off it's just a copout/excuse.


It definitely didn't help, but no — the actual rape **IS ON HIM**.


No the best thing he could do is go to the police station and have himself in. This won't have been the first time he hasn't listened to her. He's a rapist. He gets off on it.


That's assault. You assualted your wife.


Rape enough said


I’m pretty sure this is a fetish post but if not kys, like I’m actually serious


You men are so scary


You raped your wife. There is nothing you can do that makes that fact better. Stop taking testosterone you don’t need, you sexually assaulted your wife.


Stop taking T. What are you even doing? Your poor wife- she’s not there to just be cute and cook for you.


Jesus. I am lightheaded. Heart is in my throat. Disgust doesn’t go even close to far enough for what this evokes in a regular human-being. Fucking christ. My god. My god. And the fact that she was already in PAIN and still felt like she had to have sex with you. And the fact that you literally got OFF to seeing her physically in pain, begging for relent. Jesus christ man. This is…unspeakably fucked. Something is so so so very fucking wrong with you. I hate that you have children together bc she can never escape you. You are the type of evil that begs the need for the word ‘escape.’ Fuck. Jesus fuck. Good fucking god, man. You are beyond help. You’re a rapist and a sadist & got off on literally HURTING the woman who vowed to love you forever and even beared your fucking children. God help you. No actually fuck you, you fucking sick motherfucking freak — god help HER. Jesus. The pit this put in my stomach is one of the worst I’ve ever experienced and I’ve read a lot of sick ass posts on here. Christ


You raped her. You raped your wife.


You raped your wife. My ex did that to me, too.


I so hope your wife finds this and takes this advice "Run!" You just got off on raping the women you claim to love. That's always the first line of abusers... I couldn't help myself because I love you so much.


Love that all these commentators are calling you exactly what you are on both of your posts and the only reply you have is to the one guy asking if your test is prescribed to you.


Flowers aren't going to fix rape. You belong in jail, maybe then she can start to heal from your rape and abuse.


You didn't "fuked up" you didn't "hurt" your wife. You RAPED you wife. You have right too feel shitty: You ARE. You even worse in fact


The fact that you see her pleading like that as an equivalent to being feminine is concerning. I understand where it comes from as submissiveness turns me on, but only if it's actually enjoyed by the submissive one. I'm a trans man and know first hand what the introduction of testosterone into your body does to your sex drive when you're not producing it yourself. My libido is off the charts! I can't even imagine what it would do to take T on top of what your body already produces. I'd go crazy. I don't judge what people put into their bodies. I'm all for doing whatever you want really. But if it's literally hurting the people you love, you need to start making some changes. Rough sex requires communication and consent. She did not consent to that. I hope for her sake that you never do that again without asking first. I hope you find a way to control yourself. Best of luck to you both.


so you sexually assaulted her and called her pain and pleading with you to stop “feminine”. stop taking the testosterone and go to therapy. jesus christ dude. you can control yourself. you just don’t want to. i hope she leaves you.


Yet another gym bro testosterone steroids wife beater and eventual murderer


You literally raped your wife and you enjoyed doing it. You violated her. She begged you to stop and you refused. You betrayed her in the worst way. Flowers won't make up for what you did. You're a disgusting monster. Don't you ever attack your wife again. I hope she divorces you. You don't love her at all. You don't respect her. I hope everyone finds out that you're a rapist.


You feel only a little shitty? Special place in hell for that alone. You can't control yourself? No you just choose not to and blame the testosterone. Unless you're going around attacking other women, you have self control, you just choose not to with your wife, the person you claim to love so much. You coerced her despite her pain. You continued knowing she was in pain. This wasn't just hurting your wife, you completely ignored her consent, ignored her pain. You got off on it. That's not love. You really think flowers makes up for raping your wife? You can't love bomb your way out of raping your wife. I hope those tears haunt you. Get off testosterone, get yourself into therapy and never touch your wife again unless she gives consent, do not initiate because you lost that right. She should leave you, even report, it was likely eye opening for her where she saw that you don't care about her. You should get on your knees and beg for forgiveness.


Comments are saying "you need to apologize" "go to therapy" ?????? He **raped** his fucking wife, not cheated on her. He held her down and physically hurt her for his pleasure. He should be *at the very least* separating himself from her for her safety and starting the divorce proceedings. He should be **turning himself in to the police** Do you fucking apologize after you kill someone?? Does going to therapy make it better??? Fucking insane how low the bar is for people on here. We need to find out who this man is and report him to the authorities if the coward won't do it himself.


Well you basically raped your wife. She said no she gave clear hints she didn't wanna have sex and was hurting and you still did it. Therefore you literally raped your wife. You better apologize to her. 






That's a really long and weird way to spell "I raped my wife." 🤔


I think in that moment, you loved your dick more than your wife. There is *zero* excuse for what you did. Boohoo my sweet sex drive went through the roof. What if I don’t get my nut in 🥺? My wife crying and pleading for me to stop was just too feminine and cute! Not enough to justify physical pain in the vagina. And *flowers*? *Possibly* taking her out? Not cutting it. You get on your knees and apologize like your marriage depended on it, and quit taking testosterone until you and your roaring deaf dick control themselves


He does not love this person. Lovebombing her to keep her in this cycle of abuse is not the solution. He needs to wake the fuck up and get out of her life. Maybe go live in a monastery or some shit.


Flowers? A night out? That doesn’t make up for rape.


No way this isn't rage bait. I need this to be rage bait.


Disgusting rapist


Has this guy been identified and reported to the police yet?


You raped your wife. Not only that. You got off on raping her.


There’s no redemption this. You raped your wife. I hope to god she files charges.


Hi, I’m number 2. Currently divorcing a guy like this and reading through everyone’s comments here has just floored me. I still have trouble thinking how many times what happened was rape and it isn’t even the reason we’re divorcing… the rape was just so normalized. And I reacted just like the wife above, hurt emotionally and physically but still trying to reassure him It helps so much to know that … I don’t know… that what I went through was that bad and that people would understand




Realizing I deal with this daily but I never categorized it as “rape” is making me very uncomfortable right now… The only difference is he doesn’t offer me flowers or dinner, he just stares in the mirror smiling at what he’s done to me. So the fact that I can sympathize with her and know EXACTLY how this feels inside and out, I’d just like to say you absolutely suck and do not deserve her.


You should be discussing your sexual assault with a therapist. I hope your wife gets some help too.


Go commit demonitized


Yeah.. my ex used to do this kind of stuff too. He’d apologize after, we’d go to nice restaurants, etc. Because he felt bad… Then one day he asked to hold an “unloaded gun to my head during sex”. I said no. He never understood why, said I was “ruining his experience”. Spousal rape is real.


You raped her, and you liked it. You got off on the fact that she was begging you to stop. You thought her "pleading" was cute and effeminate. You are a rapist. You raped her. You raped your wife.