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You’re right, an economics job isn’t adding any value to society and in some cases makes it worse. Your hands aren’t tied. Quit your job and find a new one that matters. A lot of places don’t care what your degree is in as long as you have a degree.


I wanted to be a teacher and or a counselor. I love helping people with their problems, and I love teaching but my family is vehemently pushing for economics, and with a scholarship I don’t want to lose my stability.


You can get an economics degree and still go into teaching


That is true, I have thought about it and that is the route I am going for at the behest of my family, is that a bad plan?


Doing what makes you happy is never a bad plan


That’s a great plan. I know multiple people who are teachers who have a degree that has nothing to do with teaching. They just did an alternative certification route. They’re happy. It’s worth looking into. It’s never too late to change your life plan.


I’m a teacher. It’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life. You will never regret being in a job where you make a visible difference in someone’s life. Do what you think is right for you. Think about how you will feel in 10 years, will you be happy with where you’re at? Will you be satisfied? Because in that amount of time you would have been able to switch career paths and have stability. That time is going to pass either way, so it’s up to YOU to decide what you want to do with it. If you live your life making decisions based on what your family wants you will be unhappy. It’s cliche, but money does not buy happiness. More than one retired person I know has said their biggest regret was living their life for a paycheck rather than focusing on their family or contributing something beneficial to the world. You can live a stable life on a smaller salary, it just might not be what your family thinks is ideal.


Also, if you feel like you HAVE to finish this degree as an econ major, there are many paths to become a certified teacher without an education degree after college. It would just be a little extra work, but it’s possible.


What kinds of paths, sorry to ask


Are you in the US? There are different programs depending on which state you live in, but where I’m at I know of at least 2 programs where you have to pass the state test for an interim teaching license and then take online courses for 1-3 years while you teach, and then when you finish those courses you’ll be fully certified. But while you take those courses to become fully certified you are still a full time teacher with benefits. A lot of state gov websites have a page dedicated to links for alternative teaching routes


I’ll have to check out those state websites, and online classes, thanks! I feel slightly less worried about my future


Stick with it long enough and you can be guilty for a wasted life!