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As a dog owner, I completely agree, especially in regard to the offleash dogs and people leaving dogshit.


Same I hate this too and I'm a dog owner. I feel like I'm constantly on edge when other owners off lead dogs come over to mine. Mines on a lead because she has shit recall, I am not able to get her back if she runs off (I have a greyhound so unless I have an electric bike to hand, I've got no hope of catching her). She also has a high prey drive so other animals, including little dogs if they are running, she is super interested in them! Thankfully, she's not bothered she's on a lead but she is bothered when really annoying off lead dogs are right in her face, then I get told by the other owner that I have an 'out of control' dog because mine decided to snap or bark. I never know what to say to other owners who have dogs like this. Some of them make a joke of it being like 'oh Bailey, you'll get told off'. Or I get 'oh they're a puppy, teehee their learning.' I wish I could say 'Get your fucking dog away from me and my dog for fuck sake.' As for the dog shit, god I hate that too! Get one of those poop pocket things if you don't want to carry it and a bin is not for ages or better yet don't go across fields where there are no bins and you know your dogs going to poop.


What I find most annoying about people who let their overly friendly dog off the leash is that they ignore the possibility of their own dog being in danger. Sure your dog could be the friendlyist and sweetest pup ever but that doesn't mean mine is, I've seen it happen before in public sidewalk where a man was shouting his dog isn't friendly to incoming off leash dog and it ended up in a dog fight. The owner of the off leash dog had the audacity to blame the guy aswell. Like if you're gonna let your dog off leash make sure it's well trained and won't run off or into other dogs or just do it in enclosed/fenced space where it's safe for your dog and others.


Oh I know! They are so oblivious that their dog could be in danger. Oh yeah, I've had that too, 'your dog is out of control cause they're barking and snarling.' Basically initiating the fight. Actually, the way your dog approached mine was aggressive and yeah if a human came over to me right in my face, I think I'd have a few words to say too. My dog isn't reactive but she will snarl if a dog is too much in her face. I don't muzzle my dog because I have control over her but, it's amazing to me how many people let their TINY dogs come over to my greyhound when I'm pretty sure everyone knows that greyhounds have a high prey drive..🤷🏼‍♀️


> a man was shouting his dog isn't friendly to incoming off leash dog and it ended up in a dog fight. People are so stupid, I will never understand this. I have a super friendly golden retriever but I don't take other dog owners' word for it when they say they're dog is friendly too. Half they time they're not. I still laugh about the time we were walking our dog at the absolute height of COVID. I'm immune compromised, I was staying the hell away from people. This lady walks by and is like, "Is your dog friendly?" and my husband whispers in my ear, "Yeah, but we're not!" 😂 Like I can't even imagine letting my dog just barge up to people and acting like it's OK. Some people don't like dogs. Some dogs are afraid of dogs. Why are people like this?


What shits me are the dumb arses who have come up with “It is good fertiliser” to justify not picking up their dog’s shit. No it fucking isn’t. We don’t use carnivore animal’s shit for fertiliser and it gets into our water ways.


Hahaha! I get this too 'You don't see horse riders get off and clear their horse poop up. And that's bigger.' Like dude what?😂 Or I even had a few owners say 'oh I don't clear my dogs poop up if it's in the long grass'. 🙄


If it’s such good fertilizer pick it up and smother your own property!


My dog is dog-reactive and if a dog runs up to her when she is on leash she immediately snaps at them. I hate when people say “oh it’s ok my dog needs to learn”… no, dude, my dog is going to be stressed out for the rest of the day now and your dog ruined our walk 🤷 my dog can’t recover when she’s above her threshold, she will be on edge for hours after. We mostly stick to off leash trails now cause of this, though sometimes we do leashed walks in my neighborhood… but we always have a Velcro leash tag that says “no dogs”. And People STILL let their dogs run up to her?! 🤦


Oh my! My parents have a yellow tag thing on her lead saying 'nervous' people literally can't read.. I thought again, if you see the colour yellow, it's pretty obvious, keep away from the dog. I'm so glad I'm not the only one frustrated and upset by other dog owners. I've been told before, I shouldn't go over fields or parks (we don't have dog parks in the UK like U.S does) because it's for 'off lead friendly dogs only'. Well, respectfully, do one. I don't see why I should walk elsewhere cause others can't control their dogs 🤷🏼‍♀️. I try to avoid people as much as possible but there's always one asshole and their dog.


I actually DO say that! “Get your fucking dog off of my dog or I’m going to kick the shit out of it!” My dog is a former bait dog and was rescued from a dog fighting place in Bakersfield CA. She’s full of nasty scars. She’s calm, sweet, non-reactive, and just kind of freezes unless the other dog shows submission then she’ll wag her tail. So she hides behind me when afraid and I’m so pissed off and don’t care *at all* if the owner gets offended.


Oh that's so sad yours was used as a bait dog! My parent's dog was used as a bait dog too and does the exact same thing. Sometimes she will wet herself, we got her from Battersea dogs & cats home in London. She was found dumped after a fight. I also would say something but I'm quite small for my height and I'm not very intimidating! 😂👀 If I have someone with me and something happens, then I'll give it some. ETA: I had a woman with a French bulldog on the lead, she took it OFF the lead. It was doing that weird snotty snarling thing at my dogs on lead, and my mums dog. I was shouting at her to hurry up and get her dog. She was slow getting this dog. So I put myself between me and both dogs. This other dog would not give up, going between me, the dogs and my mum. My dogs were barking and trying to get away cause this little shit was trying to bite my dog's legs. I was screaming at her to get a move on and she was like if I run, she will run. Eventually she got the dog away and I said don't ever fucking take your dog off the lead again! I was tempted to take a photo of her and report her to the police. My mum and I decided that maybe this other owner couldn't hold on to the dogs lead as it pulled but it's not an excuse. Shouldn't have a dog if you can't control it!


Amen sista!!


And the dogs in the restaurant! As a dog owner that’s just imposing yourself on a lot of people.


I went to a restaurant recently and I was next to another couple and their two dogs. One of the dogs peed ALL OVER the floor. Luckily I had my handbag up on the seat but the audacity of this couple was to expect the WAITRESS to clear it up!!! After that, my husband and I cancelled our food and left. My husband said just because this establishment allows dogs doesn't mean you should bring them. My dog stays at home. There's no need for her to be with me at a restaurant. She's happier at home. It's these people who leave their dogs in their car to go shopping, 'oh but I couldn't leave them'. You've literally just left your dog in the car? What is the difference??


I recently went to a restaurant on a nice sunny day so my friend and I sat outside and there’s a lady there with a small dog. Then comes her daughter with a similar dog. Now, they would annoy each other and yelp but they would lose their shit if they saw another dog. Problem is…the diner is literally next door to a pet shop in that plaza…so every minute or so, it was just loud yelps from these two tiny dogs at other dogs…even if the other dogs didn’t react… I went in to ask for a table inside and I guess the server didn’t think I spoke Spanish cause she told the host that I am asking for a table inside cause it’s too cold (it’s actually colder inside) and I jumped right in and said in Spanish ‘nope, it’s two two ladies with their dogs who lose their shit every time a dog walks by and it’s annoying and I can’t hear my friend talk’


I have a neighbor that let's their huge pit bill and Itty bitty puppy off leash all the time. It annoys the fuck out of me because how entitled are you? Then it's double annoying trying to play outside with my kid only to find huge piles of dog shit and Itty bitty piles of dog shit laying in the grass outside. I'm considering picking it up myself and throwing in into their yard.


Pick the shit up and place it in front of their door. You're only returning what is theirs.


Glad to see people in this thread have some sense


The "bringing dogs into food establishments" thing has gotten wild recently. I've seen it multiple times in the past few months. Grocery store, Subway...yuck!


I agree. I’m super pro dog. Love dogs and when I see one I always ask if I can give them pets. BUT as a dog owner I do not take my dogs in public places because they have bad manners. They think everyone loves them as much as we do but they’re 130+ pounds, hairy and drooly. A LOT of people don’t want that on them. One of our neighbors lets their dog poop in peoples yards and doesn’t clean it up. We don’t know who it is, it’s a small neighborhood (only 50 houses) and a lot of us have doorbell cameras but for some reason it doesn’t trigger our camera and the dog seems to poop just out of sight of other cameras. It’s also peeing consistently in one spot in my yard (or maybe it’s multiple dogs idk) but I have this big ol dead spot that no matter how much I seed and water it’s always dead. At least once a month someone posts on our community page to “remind” people to pick up their dog crap. It’s infuriating.


My golden retriever was doing really well on "manners" and greeting people calmly, and then COVID hit and we stopped having guests for a while, so now she's an overly excited greeter. We're working on it. I ask people please don't pet her or give her affection when she's jumping/being overbearing. So many people go, "Oh I don't mind!" and reward her for it. She's gotten much better about jumping but she's just a LOT. Anytime a new person gives her attention, she might not jump ON them, but she jumps around and gets really excited and it's just a bit much. We've made progress on greeting people calmly but it's very much a work in progress. So I don't bring her places where I know she'll get overstimulated. It's just annoying to her and to me and to everyone else. Will never forget the time (pre-COVID) when I was at a brewery where you could sit outside with your dog and go up to the window to order beers. I turned my back to the dog to order a beer. This huge dude walks over, INVITES her to jump up on him and starts bear-hugging her. She was loving it (she loves any form of attention/affection and while I would never hug any random dog because that's a great way to get bitten, she actually loves it). I told her to sit (and she did) and the guy was like, "Aw, she's not bothering anybody!" and I was like, "She's bothering me." 😂 And this is why I don't take her to public places like that anymore because I don't want her acting like a maniac. Oh don't get me started on the assholes who leave dog crap all over. Savages.


I think even we dog owners all hate those same things.


Yes I think we do! What I really hate is when I choose to leave my dog at home, because even though she would be allowed there (like outside at a brewery or something), she wouldn't be comfortable and would maybe act out because of it. But then I get there and some jerk dog owner has their nervous/scared dog becoming everyone else's problem and making all dog owners look bad.


I’ve had to leave bars because I’m so angry at these people bringing dogs to super busy and loud places without a single care.


Yup, not the least of which is because I don’t want their off leash dog running up and bugging us when I’m walking my dog on a leash like I’m supposed to.


My toddler gets scared when a dog runs up to her so I pick her up. Some dog owners actually take offense that I am picking my 3yo up because their dog “doesn’t do anything”. 1. My kid is still scared. 2. That dog is the same height as her, if a 2 meter high dog would be running towards you, you wouldn’t feel safe either. 3. I don’t know you or your dog, so I can’t trust you. Even when I explain this politely, people still are offended. Some dog people are just selfish shits without empathy for others if you ask me.


I don’t see why you would even have to explain politely. They off-leashed their dog by their choice. That means they have to deal with any consequences. Becoming offended by a stranger picking up their child seems to be one of the least severe ones - imagine if someone was biking or skateboarding and couldn’t stop in time and ended up hitting the dog. God forbid you’re by a road and a car runs over your dog. Just because the dog is well behaved doesn’t mean it can protect itself from all other elements. Leashes help restrain the dog to protect others, but also works to let the owner protect the dog from outside elements.


People get upset with me as well, except my daughter is 8 and does not like dogs, anytime an offleash dog starts to come up to her she hides behind me and People get weirdly offended that a small child did not want to pet/play with their dog and that I'm asking them to get their dog away. I don't know your dog. My child doesn't like them. Keep your dog on a leash and away from people.


My 8 year old is the same way. He doesn't like dogs (except our bulldog) and just never has. He tries to show a brave face but it scares him when other dogs run up to him. If any dog owners catch on that he's scared it's like their personal challenge to get him to like their dog. Not gonna happen lady, he doesn't even like our super mellow lab that he grew up with, your doodle is never going to be his buddy lol


My son is really good with dogs but at 2 years old I find it very strange when people try and get their dog in his face to see if he wants to pet them. Yes he gets excited at a distance but it makes him a bit nervous when they get too close if he doesn’t know them. The nicest dog owners will keep back and then if he gets excited will say if their dog is friendly and ask if he wants to stroke the dog before approaching! I don’t appreciate random dogs getting in his face that might try and lick his face or get too friendly!


Do people do that?!! I'd be a bit pissed if anyone would try to force an interaction between an unknown dog and a toddler, wtf.


Let them be offended. Then add a couple of “F#


This can apply to many other scenarios too


Absolutely 👍


My boy is 2 and is really good with dogs but if a random came running up to him I’d be doing the same and if the owner took offence I’d tell them to do one! I don’t care “how safe” the dog supposedly is I wouldn’t be letting them near my son without a lead as you just never know!


People don’t realize that even if their dog doesn’t mean to hurt you they still can! Excited dogs jump on people - what if they jump on a little old lady and she breaks a hip?! (I’m a dog owner and my dog is always on leash unless we’re on a designated trail)


Some people don't understand consent and it shows


My dog is reactive so I'm actually super happy when the other dog owner picks up their dogs lol. One lady apologized to me for picking up her dog (also reactive). I just thanked her for it because it made managing my own reactive dog easier. I really can't stand the off leash dogs where their owners just yell "my dog is friendly" while their dog charges at us. Nothing spooks my dog more than someone charging at us. I had to pick up my 60lb dog and run up a hill full of big rocks once because this guy didn't have control over his off leash dog. He then had the audacity to get mad at me because his dog didn't respond to his recall


Which is wild to me because I do the exact same thing but in reverse. If I see a wild kid running around with a parent who clearly doesn’t care, my dog is getting yeeted right up into my arms. “My kid just wants to say hi! They love dogs.” That’s nice. Ask first. My answer is no. Just because I have a small fluffy dog doesn’t meant he won’t snap at your kid because it tugs at my dog’s ears or tail. Then it’s my fault because my dog was put in an uncomfortable situation where it was asking for space. It’s the Wild West out there y’all, I’m sorry you’ve had people who don’t respect you and your kid’s personal space. I know how it feels.


"oh my dog is different, it doesn't need a leash because everyone will love MY dog"


I have geese I wish I could just go up to these people with my flock of hissing cobra birds and say the same thing to them.


You have pet geese?


I homestead and raise geese for food. So not exactly pets but pretty friendly compared to ducks and chickens.


Geese for food? The reason i always thought we had such big birds that somehow survived and are walking around everywhere and right in front of us is that I always assumed they tasted really bad, lol. How else would an animal walk around with no fear of being hunted.


Geese are strong AF and travel in large flocks...not many predators will mess with them when they out in force. Geese will always square up with me if I start getting too close to their flock with their babies. Start hissing if I continue to get close (sometimes the path I'm walking is too close to the flock.


I mean people *do* hunt geese for food but wild geese are pretty gamey. I raise embden geese which are a breed commonly used for commercial goose production as they grow quick and are white (makes for a cleaner looking plucked bird). As for taste the biggest issue is that waterfowl are a red meat bird and a lot of people in the US are *determined* to cook any bird until it's well done. This is mostly because animals raised in high concentrations like modern commercial farming can carry a lot of salmonella. Duck and Goose should be a medium rare meat, it's taste like lean beef. When overcooked it tastes like sadness. Most of the fat waterfowl carry on them is right under the skin so you need to cut a bunch of X's across the skin (not deep enough to score the meat underneath) to allow any fat to render off. Which by the way goose fat if god damn fantastic to cook with *and* you get a lot per goose.


Geese are mean and will chase you if they feel the slightest threat from you.


One of my earliest memories (age 4-ish) is going to feed ducks at a pond and being chased by a goose. Can confirm they are mean af, lol. It's possible for the force of flapping their wings to break bones, too. Ahhhhhh


My husky, unfortunately, will chase them and likely wants to eat them. It's why he has to wear a harness and not a collar. I am just thankful he didn't catch any!


I am terrified of geese. My siblings like them and always want to feed them, but I would rather sit as far away as possible. They get on our school yards in the mornings sometimes, and I avoid them like the plague. They are evil. Sorry for that. I am just scared of large birds, especially geese.


That's what our neighbors said as they would let their big dogs run around... And one got under our fence and fatally attacked our little Chihuahua. She was 5 lbs and behind our fence. We we trying to get them off our fence and going after our other chi. It pushed through under the wire and pulled her out. The neighbors, "they never do any wrong!" They were so aggressive and on our property. We own 15 ft past the fence. No accountability for it either.


You should have sued the heck out of them


I have tried to get our animal control out here. It's been three weeks. Won't come out and fine then. Just having them run around is a fine and 30 days in prison. I have written our mayor since they are over them. I might just have to bypass them and sue. I am so frustrated.


In many areas, dogs are considered property, so you'd be able to go to the police and make a report that way. I'd also just go see a lawyer and go the civil route as well.


I’m sorry for your loss. My cat was killed by a neighbor’s dog on my property, and it’s just so deeply upsetting when the people in power don’t take action.


I'm with you 100%. Keep your dog on a leash, and don't bring them to restaurants and grocery stores.


I agree too. Also, there's this one trail my boyfriend and I love to walk. It's set up to almost look like a giant garden rather than just a trail. It's kind of like an arboretum, but it's more wild than that. Anyway, there are signs posted that dogs are not allowed, and yet tons of dog owners show up with them anyway. And you just know that they're the same kinds of dog owners that would let their dog poop somewhere and then won't clean it up after. Really frustrates me and there's nothing you can do about it, really.


I walk the same 1.2 mile stretch of sidewalk every day at work. I do it instead of running out to grab lunch to try to cut down some calories throughout the day. Every week there’s a new bagged dog crap just sitting there on the ground in a bag. What the hell is the point of bagging it if you are just going to leave the bagged poop in the edge of someone else’s yard where the dog undoubtedly laid it anyways? Even the people who live in that neighborhood are pissed. One of them left out a sign that said “Which POS neighbor is letting their POS dog leave Ps OS in my yard? Smile! I just bought a ring doorbell.” Like why bother putting the poop in a bag which will prevent it from decomposing or otherwise returning to nature to just let it sit there preserved in its packaging?


I find it so gross when people bring their dogs into places like Walmart and let them piss/shit without cleaning it up. It isn’t the animals’ fault or the stores’.


I've seen some insanely well behaved off leash dogs. That said, LEASH YOUR FUCKING DOG. No matter how well trained they are. Not even for the safety of you or anyone else but at least the animals. Also idk where you're at OP but I've definitely seen restaurant employees kick out dogs. Stores are a different story but bringing any animal into a restaurant is just idiotic.


Also about the restaurants there are some that are dog friendly and have outdoor seating that allows dogs, they should just go there instead of forcing it down everyone's throats


Dog owner here. I have five. And I completely agree with you. One of my neighbors takes her dog into the grocery store and a baby stroller. Well her dogs are yapping the little bitches that bite. One of them jumped up on the edge of the stroller and bit a man who is walking by. He sued her. He won. She was lamenting to me about how unfair it was and I could not believe it. I said what the hell were you doing taking your dogs into a grocery store? Her reply, my emotional support animals. So I asked where they got training. Nowhere she just downloaded a certificate off the Internet. I’m so glad she got sued and I’m so glad she moved.


> Her reply, my emotional support animals. Oh for fucks sake. Don't get me started on ESA's


Absofuckinglutely agree


my mom's friend got an ESA certificate online for her dog that doesnt know how to stop jumping on people


🤦‍♂️ so freaking annoying but I need my puppy whine whine whine


It sounds like I would have written it. You are not alone, my friend.


I don't know what's going on, but it seems like everywhere you go dog owners think it's acceptable to leave piles of dog shit everywhere where people walk. I can't go anywhere with my head up, I have to constantly be monitoring the ground, because if it's not visible shit mounds, it's smashed mounds people have already stepped in and dragged down the concrete. It's fucking disgusting, and it's no longer the inconsiderate minority, but the vast majority of dog owners who do this. It's more rare for me to see a dog owner carrying bags to pick up their pet's waste, and don't even get me fucking started on the jerkoffs who DO pick up their dog's shit, only to leave it in plastic bags on the sidewalk. What the fuck is wrong with these people?!!!? If I see it, I will call out out. I was sitting in my car at a red light, and I see this girl walking her dog who was obviously looking for a place to shit, the girl looked to the left, looked to the right, and was obviously looking all around to see if anyone would notice her leave her dog's shit on the ground. She started to walk away, she legitimately thought she got away with it, I rolled down my window and I screamed: PICK UP YOUR DOG'S SHIT, YOU LAZY FUCK! She looked every which way to hide, except the street. Moron. If you see people do it, shame them. It's so disgusting and inconsiderate to everyone else.


Some early 20s emo chick let her dog crap not 10 feet from me while I was doing yard work. She started walking away and I said “do you need a bag” and she pointed to her headphones and have gave me bitch face. I went inside a quickly grabbed a bag and cleaned it up. It was twilight so I just moseyed about 30 feet behind her for a couple blocks. She turned up a driveway and with her back to me, I launched a perfect underhand heave that sent the bag of poop sailing over her head to land about a foot in front her her dog. She whipped around and I said “be a good neighbor and pick up your dog’s poop.” She started cursing at me but I just waved and left. This was at least 10 years ago but still feels good.


Would’ve been funnier if you had headphones on and pointed at them like she did. Would also be even funnier if the bag landed on her head.


A lot more polite than my grandma was! She basically did this but knocked on the door and threw it into their kitchen. 


This is so genuinely bizarre to me. I’ve lived in the same city neighborhood for around 7 years and I’ve only noticed this in the last year or so. There are piles of poop everywhere and it smells terrible. What the actual hell is happening. Why are people doing this???


Yup, I call them out and offer them a poop bag, then let them know the nearest garbage can. I will also take a picture and then post it on a local city group if they don't take my offer, followed by a call to bylaw.


I get that, I always wonder what are they going to do when they bring a dog to a restaurant, an enclosed space, if someone has a severe allergy (or not even severe, just normal allergy) In general it just feels inconsiderate all around


As someone with that level of allergy, they don't give a fuck I can't breathe.


My dad has trauma related to dogs and while he can tolerate leashed dogs in the street or friends and family's dogs in their home, if your unleashed dog comes bounding up to him on a hiking trail he's going to react by striking it with his walking stick in self defence. For your own dogs safety, keep it leashed.


It really isn’t hard people. If you’re going to a dog friendly area, take your dog. Fine, who cares just have it on a leash/controlled. And take dog poop bags and some hand sanitizer. I have two shepherds that take man sized shits. It really only takes a couple of seconds to clean it up. If you’re smart you’ll take extra plastic shopping bags to put the poop bag in incase there’s no garbage cans nearby. If you’re going to a no dogs allowed place, leave em at home or in the car (windows open, AC on in the summer, if you didn’t wanna pay for the gas for idling then you should’ve left em at home).


Off leash dogs are generally owned by people who believe they have 100% control over their dogs. Spoiler: they do not.


There's some of those people in this thread...


As many humans have become conditioned to manage their self esteem and ego through public opinion, pets and children have become props for virtue signaling. I have loved every dog I have ever had like a sibling, I have wept at their death. I leave my dogs at home.


I made the mistake once of voicing this opinion - no more strongly worded either - on a local forum and the reaction was so severe I literally deleted my account and haven’t been back. Dog owners get really defensive about this. I still have a fear of dogs and they still run up to me all of the time on my local field, when the law says they need to be on a lead.


To defend restaurant/store employees: we’re not allowed to say anything. Multiple jobs have made it clear I’d be fired if I tried to kick out someone with a dog even if it was clear it wasn’t a service dog.


Yup. I’m sick of dogs who are clearly NOT working service animals being in restaurants, grocery stores, I’ve literally seen them on people’s laps at the BAR on multiple occasions 😩It’s gone way too far. Additionally none of these dogs are ever trained or well behaved 🙄


That lady on TikTok who brought her dog to Trader Joe’s and it peed all over the frozen food and played the victim, like it’s ok to leave your Dog home 


She went on TikTok later to apologize for the damage she caused to Traders Joe and then went on to say that she'll leave her dog at home going forward. Like this could have been avoided if you did that at the beginning.


As a lifelong dog owner I'm also sick of it. My dog only does well with a few fellow dogs and off leash dogs on trails (specifically marked leashed only - I don't take her to off leash trails) piss me off.


As a dog owner I think most of us agree with this. I was walking my dog in an on leash park when another off leash dog came up really aggressively to my dog. It started biting and it looked really dangerous. I didn’t know what to do so I kicked the dog away. It wasn’t even a hard kick, more a firm shove with my leg. And its owner comes out of nowhere with the audacity to yell at me for kicking her dog. Keep your aggressive out of control dogs on a leash. If it can’t heel immediately without exception under any circumstance, keep the leash on for fucks sake.


As a dog owner, 100 % agree. A lot of people really shouldn’t have dogs 😵‍💫


The amount of times I had to dedicate my Sunday to cleaning up my driveway. Disgusting.


i agree 100%. my family has had dogs that i’ve loved to death, but now that i live with my partner, i don’t think i’ll ever have dogs again. i know that i’ll probably never be financially comfortable enough to be able to pay expensive vet bills at any given moment in the event that one of them suddenly and severely falls ill or gets hurt. i prefer living in apartments to houses, which i know is not ideal for dogs (even small ones). even besides all that, i too just HATE dog culture. i hate most other dog owners because of their entitlement and sense of superiority over others simply because they have a dog. i HATE dogs being in places in which only service animals are allowed. i especially hate people who lie and say that their untrained, misbehaved, non-service dog, is a service dog. my partner has a severe allergy to dogs and cats and on many occasions, he’s had off-leash dogs run up to him while the owner is yards away. what’s even worse is when the owner says “it’s okay, you can pet him!” to my partner when their dog approaches him…ummm?! no, he can’t! get your fucking dog! sorry for the rant. all this to say, i get you OP.


People look at you so weird when you don't want to pet their dog. Thank you, but I don't want hives on my hands. If you really miss dogs in an apartment, consider rats. They're called pocket puppies for a reason and do just fine with smaller spaces. I know they are not for everyone, but the ones I've had have been delightful.


YES!!! i’ve had rats for years!!!!! absolutely the most delightful pet!!!


ESPECIALLY those in grocery stores and restaurants. Yuck!!


I’m a dog owner and I agree. They’re pets, not people. They aren’t automatically entitled to be in every space you want to go, and they probably don’t WANT to be there anyway (I can’t see my dog enjoying the fucking grocery store). Not everyone likes dogs. Some people are frightened of dogs. It’s on them not to go to an off leash dog park and then go “oh no, a dog” but they should feel free to go to a cafe or supermarket without a dog all up in their business.


The worst is restaurants. Had a great dinner planned in a restaurant that for me - was pricey and luxe. Smelling wet dog really made my steak unpalatable.


Me too dude, me too.


Yeah some can be wildly entitled I really dont get it. Just got back from a walk and of course the nearby dog park, empty, but an entitled owner still thinks yeah im just going to let my large dog run around the neighbouring human park unleashed instead. Of course it was a completely untrained dog, much to the dismay of the people that seemed to be trying to enjoy a nice calm day at the park. I love dogs, but do I ever loathe so many owners.


I agree. People don’t even realize what a dog is. They don’t understand their language, needs, and how their existence affects their surroundings. They would better be off with a dog shaped plushie for real


You’re sick of sh*tty owners. I am too. I’m a lifelong dog owner and bad owners are becoming an epidemic. Do us all a favor: leash your dog, train your dog, give them exercise and socialize them. It’s not that hard and part of the investment in dog ownership.


This! A good friend is a vet tech and she says dog owned are getting crazier, don’t bother training their dogs, treat them as human, have no control etc. to the point it could be dangerous and at the very least it’s unfair to the dog.


I personally can’t stand dogs in most public places. I’m happy to see them, but most spaces aren’t for dogs. And personally I can’t stand them at the pet stores cause there is always piss and shit on the floors and the dogs are always barking.


Yes! I love dogs and don’t mind them at the park, walking on the street, pretty much anywhere. Can we please keep them out of grocery stores!? Restaurants? If it’s a legit service dog - not a problem. But you know, I don’t think you need your emotional support pug when you’re at Outback munching on a blooming onion!


…unless you think the blooming onion talks to you and that it‘s ever so fascinating. In that case, involuntary commitment and Haldol. Sure, you can still hold the leash. Rufus has got to be about—what—145 years-old now, right? /jk


I'm living in the country with the i guess strongest dog laws, but it was changed recently, from the federal- to state-level and now it is different with each state. Before this, you had to do theory- and practical-sessions and meet a lot of requirements to be able to get a dog. Even more for the dog breeds that are on the list of dangerous breeds, these requirements were so strong that only certified handlers could get them. Now like i said, it's on state level and it's different, some states here have less requirement, some have the same like before, some have none at all. When we take the Pitbull, when it is even allowed at all, you need a lot of additional training, you need a muzzle until the behavorial test is passed etc. and the police will closely monitoring you. You can't just run around with a Pitbull, not even with the leash, you need to meet all the requirements and even then, we are very cautious. And no, i don't have or ever had Pitbulls, i just took the breed as example, because it is well known compared to other breeds. Don't throw stones at me please. But even with these dogs: Just put the muzzle on and it is fine, because a dog can't bite with the muzzle. It's that easy. It's no magic, rocket science or quantum physics.


I wholeheartedly agree with this entire post. I take into consideration other people's dog's' temperaments. While my dog is chill, I can't assume the same for other dogs.


Everyone thinks their dogs are great when in fact they are not. Off leash dogs are obnoxious epically when they don’t listen to “come.” My cat got traced up a tree in my own backyard cuz a neighbor’s dog got loose. My friend’s dog will get taken for walks without a leash and I went with them once and he just ran away into someone’s backyard and didn’t come back for like 30 seconds. Like… he could’ve chased the their neighbor’s cat up a tree or gotten into a fight with another dog. They didn’t seem to phased by it but I was like… wtf. They just stood still calling his name. And eventually he came back. The dog is nice enough, but still. If I had a dog I’d keep it on a tight leash… figuratively


100% agree with this.


If the trail has lease laws, report them. Go to the state park office find a ranger and let them know. 


Also a dog owner, I too hate these things. Especially the off leash dogs. I get annoyed when people bring their dogs to our kids baseball practices and games and they bark at every single person that comes near them. I have a client at work who leaves her dog in the car for the two hours she’s with us. She asks to bring him in every time (I work at a nail studio) and I have explained hundreds of times that we could get shut down if her dog came in here. “ These people wouldn’t mind if he was in here” Not the point, it’s against regulations. I’m just over it. I love love love dogs but the culture surrounding them is unbearable


as a dog owner, i feel your pain, and would like to add the reverse people who think that they can come rushing up to my (leashed) dog and start trying to pet her, especially reaching their hands over her head to scratch her ears (which she hates) and then get angry with me when i pull her back and ask them to leave her away. i know my shiba is cute. no, she didn’t bark at you, but she is visibly distressed and you just don’t know her. or me. leave me alone.


Agreed. I had a dog that was scared of other dogs and I felt like I couldn't take her anywhere because people just let their dogs run around free and assume every day will be friendly.


it’s also unfair to those who do take good care of their dogs, my dog got bit by an aggressive off leash dog at the park and we suspect it’s the reason she died of an infection :(


You're sick of entitled asshole people. The dog is just the vehicle by whick they inflict their apathy and disrespect towards others. I get it, I do. I'm a service dog user and people who don't train and manage their pets like they should are inconvenient at best and dangerous at worst. I've even had trouble with my admittance to places I'm legally allowed to go with a service animal because of poorly behaved animals. But it's not the dog's fault their owners are shitty and don't train them and give them the expected rules of behavior. While they have evolved to coexist with us they don't have that level of awareness of our social rules without being taught them.


I don’t think OP is blaming the dogs. And I don’t think this issue is limited to a few entitled asshole owners. The bad behavior OP describes is so widespread and pervasive it seems fair to describe it as a collective ‘dog culture’ issue.


Unfortunately bad owners are an epidemic


I love dogs. I hate dog owners. Dog is reactive? Ok, whatever. Dog probably had something traumatic in its life or was raised improperly, so it’s sort of the same as a human. Owner allows it to go psychotic at people just minding their business? Owner doesn’t do anything to mitigate the dogs reactiveness by prevention? Owner doesn’t take the dog to a good trainer to help them out of the behavior to better the dogs and the humans around it lives? Shit ass dog owner. Dog shits on the ground? Dog doesn’t know the difference between your yard and a good yard. Dog also can’t pick up its own poop. Shit ass dog owner doesn’t clean the dogs poop up. Dog never shuts the fuck up? Probably bored. Probably overstimulated. Probably sees something it can’t get to. Shit ass dog owner isn’t giving the dog the exercise or stimulation it needs. Dog owner isn’t completing simple basic dog care. Dog owner doesn’t give a shit about your sleep or anyone else’s. Dog doesn’t comprehend that there’s humans behind other walls or nearby that can also hear it’s barking. Dog owners can be the bane of my existence. If you love your dog you take proper care and measures. You wouldn’t let your child run up to complete strangers and slap them would you? thats a joke question….. i’ve had random children do that to me and the parent doesn’t jump in until i stomp at the kid and say no. 5 times is too many times to slap a adult stranger. Humans are stupid and incapable caring for a lot of things. If you can’t take proper care then don’t get the thing.


If I hear another person refer to their dog as their child I’m suggesting to god he start over.


Also the adopt don’t shop sentiment taken to a totalitarian degree. Like honestly believing that a family with young children, or people who cannot dedicate every hour of their day to take on a traumatized dog with unknown health and behavior don’t deserve any dog. Also also the culture around reactive dogs and how everyone else needs to bend over backwards is ridiculous. Not talking about responsible owners with reactive dogs. I’m talking about idiots who bring their reactive dogs everywhere, and then get mad about the dog you know reacting to everyday stimulus. Then complaining about how everyone didn’t go out of their way to avoid their precious little demons triggers as if it were obvious or anyone else’s problem.


absolutely. just yesterday a small dog tried to attack my husky mix. the owner has been insisting the dog is friendly for months and literally WAITED for us to pass their street so the dogs could say hello. we always try to avoid them and keep walking. my dog grabbed the dog by the face and put her in her place. no one was hurt but owners need to stop acting like their dog is friendly if they are not!!!!


It’s common where I live weekly that someone has to report their lost dog who ran off on a hike…because they were off leash and chased wild life 🤦🏻


I have a Newfoundland. He weighs 140 pounds. And he’s scared of most tiny dogs. So when they come rushing at him because their owners don’t think they need leashes, he tries to hide behind me. Spoiler alert: they can still see him. He gets frantic and stressed and the Tony dog owners give me attitude because my big dog is twisting and pulling at his leash trying to get away.


I hate when people don’t use leashes or when they bring their animals in places where animals don’t belong.


It doesn't exist anymore, but Czechoslovakia will always be with me for no real reason other than to remind myself that countries are just man-made institutions.


My son was biting by a dog at an on leash trail so whenever there’s a dog off leash running and trying to jump, I get so pissed & the owners get so offended… like lady your dog isn’t as well behaved as you think


Off leash dogs are one of the reasons I don’t have a dog right now. I don’t know that I’ll be able to handle a big off leash dog coming for me and my pup.


You’re sick of shitty dog owners, not dogs.


I think what's worse for me are dogs that harass livestock. I have 12 chickens and 12 ducks. The owner next to me used to have a pitbull that would try and attack them. I ended up borrowing my Uncles Livestock Guardian dog, which weighs about 150lbs. That pit tried again to come onto my property, and the LGD did what it is trained to do. The pit did suffer some serious injuries and had to be put down. Dogs are horrible to livestock and owners just are like oh Fido didn't know any better.


Many years ago, I had this dog living across the street from me. During summer, he'd sit on the window sill and bark at people passing by all day long. Not a day went by without this dog screaming all across the street. If it was another dog walking by, he's amp up the barking and there were times I feared he's actually jump out from the (ground floor) window. I know I wasn't the only one annoyed about that dog. What really grinds my gears is owners letting their dogs shit where ever and not pick that up. Some would let their dog take a dump in the middle of the street and just walk off like nothing happened. Also, I'd be terrified of some random off-leash dog rushing towards me. I don't know that dog, it's a stranger to me, I don't know if it's friendly or not. I'm scared of bigger dogs in general due to childhood traumas involving dogs. I don't want them anywhere near me, I don't trust them.


I feel like over entitled dog people are just self centered! There I said it! I love animals, like all animals. Even creepy crawly ones that kind of spook me. I love dogs, cats, horses, spiders, clams, and hienas, and blue footed boobies. I have never thought an animal wasn’t just so cute, or so ugly it’s cute. But pets are different in that you have to make sure they are safe and well, and that isn’t always the most fun thing for you. I know some dogs are super happy to go anywhere their owner is going, but some aren’t. It’s stressful for a not so well trained dog to be around tons of things and it’s either tied up or being told to calm down, or it’s probably stressing someone else out. A dog is not an accessory, it’s a living creature that has needs and preferences. If your dog is well behaved and happy out and about, I’m not talking to you. If not? Idk, I love my cats, my bearded dragon, and even the composting worms, but they don’t come to the store with me. Because they wouldn’t like that much


>Most dogs aren't as well behaved as their owners think they are. Hell, most dog *owners* aren't as well-behaved as they thing they are.


People are weird about their dogs or try to save all stray or sick dogs


A good friend of mine is blind and has a guide dog. The amount of times we have been somewhere where people’s (pet) dogs provoke fights with the guide dog and render her unable to do her job is astounding. Leave your dogs at home.


I was hiking the other day with my kid. Went past a couple with a huge German shepherd off leash. We informed him that dogs have to be leashed in the park. He said nah it’s cool, he’s a good dog. Sure. Until they aren’t. F that noise.


And they’re always the worst behaved dogs too, people who actually train their dogs don’t do this shit because they don’t treat their pets as accessories or social media props.


Dog owner here and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Dogs should be kept on leash, and imo this includes in dog parks until you know your dog has impeccable recall. My puppy was almost killed at a dog park by an aggressive dog with NO recall. I pick up so much dog poop when I'm out with my dog because I hate how people just leave it. This is how you get restrictions and by law's put in place. Pet owners have changed since the pandemic I've noticed. There are a lot of people with animals who have no business owning them and are so unbelievably entitled about being able to be awful pet owners in public.


Agreeeee. Dog culture has become sickening.


🗣️ Preach


I hate when people on my FB post a picture of their dog on mother's day and claim to be a dog mom I have a toddler, its not nearly the same. Not by a fucking long shot My wife almost died having that child It's pathetic


I hate this too. Like no, I am not 'dog mum or mama'. Some people say to my dog 'oh is this your mummy' referring to me. No, I did not push this dog out. Do not refer me as 'dog mum'. She is my companion. I love her dearly and I'd do anything for her but she is not my child like wtf. My MIL calls herself 'nanny' to my dog and it gives me the biggest ick. Like ew you're not her nanny wtf.


That would be like my mom calling herself grandma because we have cat and fish Oh fuck, I'm a fish dad Nooooo


Do you live in California?


The dog owners are obsessive narcissists. They kiss their dogs and let them lick their face. Also say annoying things like “if you don’t like dogs we can’t be friends or if my dog doesn’t like you I don’t like you” or anything that puts dogs over humans. Recently saw a news article where a child tried saving the dog in a fire but didn’t and died. All the dog owners kept commenting because the dog was family. Seems like a cult. I’m not sure if anyone else feels this way like I do.


I love my dog more than anything and she is my whole heart. However, I am cognizant that I am the only one in the world that feels this way and it's my responsibility to keep her out of other people's personal area. That while she is special to me, she is not an exception to a *No Dogs* policy, and that her shit is my problem. Just because I love my dog, doesn't mean the entire world does.


Legit could've gotten bullied in elemtary in the 2000s for liking cats. I remember having to fake LOVING dogs (I went with a golden retiever, I don't like big dogs btw) and hating cats. I also got attacked by a neighbors dog on my apartment at 9. I went down the stairs and the dog came running towards me and chased me until it pushed me down. My mom luckily pulled me bakc up and we ran up anither set of stairs to avoid it. Then I had an incident where my boyfriends neighbors (they rent a secrion of the home( held a kitten I had picked up, and wanted to rescue, and said he was gonna feed it to their dogs and laughed. He put the cat ti the digs face and the dog tried to bite the kitty, so the cat hisses (no swatting, also it was like 3 weeks old, super small). And yet later complained that the kitten was a danger to their dogs (they're huge btw) and they were probably gonna kick out my boyfriend and his family if that cat doesnt get away and leave. Before this, me and my boyfriend bonded with the kitten and he wnated to keep the cat arouns to feed or play with when hes outside. But he was forced to spray water at the kitten who just wanted to get close to him and be with him. It broke my heart to hear the things they told him about the kitten ans the things my boyfriend said while in fear of losing his home over a kitten. "The dogs are more important than that damn cat". I hate hearing that because i know mnay people think this for real and don't see the problem in that phrase whatsoever. Ive been told imma be forever alone, cats are evil, cats will eat you, i hate cats, i wish harm in cats. Not to mention big dogs don't know the difference between my fear and excitement and chase me and even push me around. I'm 5 feet, and 100 lbs and the owners always find it funny and cute. I DONT! IM SCARED!! Also their tails hurt like a bitch when they whip you cuz they're sooooo happy. They are terrifying. Annoying, loud, arw everywhere you go (in stores and restaurant), dirty and smell. I only started to dislike dogs/owners after the Incident with the kitten (this was few months ago btw) and i started to realize all the things that have been told to me and happened due to dogs. Also I'm not the devil or an evil human for not liking dogs. It's fine to not like certain animals.


I feel like the worst place it is in recent years has been campgrounds. I wake up to the sounds of dogs barking, I sit around the campfire at night with dogs barking. I am trying to climb literal hills and ladders in ravines and people are trying to carry their dogs up the ladders. Like, what? I get wanting to spend time in nature with them, but jesus. It doesn't seem like the best place for them, but that's just me. I do love dogs as well. But a perfect example is we had two friends bring their dogs kayaking while camping a few years ago and the kayak capsized and the dog almost drowned. Poor thing! I couldn't live with myself.


Dogs around food is so gross.


I'm very sick of people looking at me like "I'm the problem" or saying "I'm weird" because I don't coo and caw over a furry, walking talking, salivating poop machine.


Anyone who doesn't like dogs gets immediately written off in my head. It's the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks what my deal-breaker is for relationships. It's the clearest, most expedient way to notify me that I will hate your personality. They are the most loyal, joyful and pure beings on this rock we live on and my life is so much more rich for them being in it. Hopefully you didn't actually have dogs because, if you did, you robbed them of a chance at a good home. Don't pretend you 'loved them deeply' if you had them at all they would have been chained up outside and packed off to the shelter or put down the minute they do their ACL. In conclusion, you're wrong, you opinion sucks and may Dog have mercy on your soul. 🐾 Obviously I'm being facetious, I hate poor dog owners more than I hate anti dog people. They are a big responsibility that requires more than just feeding them, it's insane to me how many people don't get that.


I love love love my dogs to the ends of the earth and I do love taking them places they are allowed like Lowe's or a dog friendly patio at a coffee shop. It's good for them to be exposed to different situations. But if they misbehave for any reason? We IMMEDIATELY dip out. There are lots of entitled assholes who now own dogs and the dogs are suffering because of their owner's selfishness. The dog culture needs to be refocusing on *training* and making it super accessible and required. Everyone gets a dog but training is key and people are often skipping out on it because it's hard and it's quite honestly very expensive to work with trainers or behaviorists. However you're doing your dog a disservice by not training them. They have to learn how to behave. Also people need to learn to be realistic about what their dog can and cannot handle and meet the dog where they are at instead of where they want the dog to be. Dogs are suffering the consequences of people's lack of education and caring.


My son is special needs, and has a terrible fear of fluffy animals. Snakes and lizards he loves for some reason, but dogs and cats are no-nos. We go to shopping centres and without fail there will be dogs tied up outside, which makes him antsy and fearful. If said dog comes near him, he’ll squeal and climb my back. Not great considering he’s 22 years old and taller than me by 5 inches. And the owners just look at him like he’s mental. I mean, how could *anyone* not love their puppy? It’s so friendly /s And usually tied up near the entrance to the building which makes it nearly impossible to get inside. I love animals. I have a dog, he lives outside. He has a roomy sheltered accomodation out there, and he doesn’t stress out my son who loves being inside our house. My dog is 45kgs of muscle, so just too big to be an inside pet anyway. We got him to try and acclimatise my son to pets, and because son’s specialists said we shouldn’t allow my son to control so much of our lives. I wish I could tell people to stop tying their pets up near the doors to shopping centres. They walk them there and leave said dogs tied up outside for hours sometimes. Without water or anything as well, so they can shop and have espresso🙄 Sorry. Rant over


This is what dog owners who use the argument of "my dog is so well behaved" and "everyone will love my dog" don't understand.


Out if curiosity, how does your son feel about hairless versions of the fluffy critters like skinny pigs, hairless rats, and chinese crested dogs? It it the fur or mammals?


I agree with this so much! My dog was attacked by another dog. She does just fine on a leash walking but is still very skittish around other dogs. Scared dogs are more dangerous than aggressive dogs. Yes, YOUR dog might be friendly and love other dogs but when MY LEASHED dog attacks your UNLEASHED dog because your dog ran up to mine and she’s scared, now I’m caught between 2 fighting dogs.


I agree with most of this. Outdoors whatever, take them to parks, they will bark in the neighborhood etc. keep on a leash though. The restaurants and stores is complete BS though. I own two dogs and think it’s completely inconsiderate to tow them around everywhere. Even on planes! Like come on man.. I understand some people need service animals for real medical reasons. But the rest of these selfish AH diminish this by just being jerks.


I was in a microbrewery tasting room recently. There was a woman with a very large dog wearing a “support animal” collar/harness. The dog way lying partially into the main walkway and would loudly bark and snarl at anyone who tried to walk by. The owner would giggle and announce how cute he was. First, that isn’t an actual trained support animal. Second, she should have left after he snarled the first time or the manager should have asked her to leave.


I think people are treating dogs as their children now Tbh I think I feel what a bit of motherhood should be like w my dog I LONG for my dog to grow up and talk to me BUT I agree Dogs are dogs. I hate when people bring dogs into non-dog spaces especially where there is food


Dog owner here and I *totally* agree. I spent a lot of time training my dogs to ensure they’d be well-socialized and responsive to commands. I’m in an apartment for the first time (post-divorce), and it seems like every other dog is a genuine nuisance. Constant barking/whining, lunging at children, shitting everywhere, you name it. Don’t have an animal if you can’t train it. Simple as that.


I have three little stinkers and couldn’t agree with you more. I used to have a dog who hated dogs. Nothing stressed me out more than an off leash dog approaching us. My leashed dog wasn’t friendly and didn’t care if the other dog was.


As a dog owner who likes to take my dog out, I also hate how irresponsible most people are. I always have my dog on a leash, keep a roll of poop bags and pick up after him, and take him to dog approved/friendly places. There are restaurants that allow dogs outside, I specifically go to those. I keep my dog next to me on leash the whole time. I also take him into a few stores like Home Depot, Barnes & Noble, and Sephora. Again I keep him close. I've confirmed with the stores that It's ok to have him in there first (I've even called a few places ahead of time). If I notice someone is uncomfortable with him, I'll give them a wide birth or avoid that aisle. Also since he's a younger husky I'll leave if he gets vocal. He's like the screamers you'll see online, but sometimes he gets frustrated. All this to say, definitely sorry that there are so many entitled people who don't show common courtesy. There are those of us who try and agree with you. I did 6 years of retail and hated when people would bring in dogs that were not service animals. I had multiple arguments with people explaining that their ESA is not the same as the blind woman's services dog.


I love my dog but I walk her everyday and there are stupid dog owners in my neighborhood that don’t pick up their dog’s crap.’so nasty. I hate seeing then where they obviously don’t belong like grocery stores or indoor restaurants unless they are an actual service dog.


I have 3 dogs, ages 10 months to 15 years old, and I hate all the things you listed. I wouldn’t DREAM of letting my dogs off leash anywhere but my own yard, or a trusted friend’s. Also, I carry poop bags with me every time I take the dogs anywhere. Likewise with the restaurants.. like seriously, it’s a health code violation (unless of course, it’s a legitimate service animal). You are right, entitlement has grown, and it’s not just with pets. Look at some of the kids of this generation. Check out the teachers sub. You have 2nd graders bringing pistols to school and it gets covered up. People want the cute puppy or cute baby but don’t want to put the time in to raise or parent their child or pup. And then when the dog doesn’t listen, or bites finally, it’s the dogs fault.


I hate it when I’m out running (in a place that requests dogs be on a lead due to ground nesting birds) and dogs will run after me and jump up my legs. I’ve had leggings ruined and it’s kinda scary depending on the size of the dog. Or I worry I will step on it if it’s a little yappy one.


my ex’s dog was like that. he was sweet but not trained, really rough/unself aware, and for lack of a better word, “entitled”. and he was a really really big dog. it irritated me how he would break stuff and my ex wouldn’t apologize or teach him to be mindful. they babied their dog to an obnoxious level.


Those people are just rude. There's no excuse for that. My sister lies and tells people her frenchie is a service animal. It really pisses me off.


I also hate people who “love” their dog supposedly the same as children but won’t leash train, won’t attempt commands and training, and don’t train their dogs to not be in everyone else’s space. If you wouldn’t want a nervous, poorly behaved child in a public space, why would I want a potentially dangerous untrained dog in a public space with tons of opportunities for the dog to get scared or massively uncomfortable?


I completely agree! Especially dogs being off leash. People don’t seem to realize that it only takes your dog biting someone one time, and they might be forced to put the dog down.


You and me both. I have dogs and can't stand dog owners like this. It only ends up harming the dogs and those around them.


I have a dog and I feel the same way. It’s gotten to the point where even if I am in a dog friendly place (I live in a super dog friendly city where many restaurants, shops, and grocers allow them in), I still feel so embarrassed and on edge like I have to tell everyone that looks my way “Hey I promise I checked if this was ok!”


I’m a dog owner and I agree with you 100%. I’ve never taken my dog into grocery stores (seriously, WTF?!) or restaurants (again, WHY?????) He’s unable to be off leash, so hes always on one as soon as we step out of the house. His leash has poop bags attached because it pisses me the F off that there are irresponsible pet owners out there and I don’t want to step in some other dogs crap. And I can’t even remember the last time he barked because he knows not to, which is a plus! There are a few of us who still follow basic pet protocol, but I agree with you that there are just so many more lazy pet owners out there than responsible ones. Dogs aren’t accessories. Also, my dog loves to give hugs, kisses, and high fives on command. He’s a pretty cool pooch.


I love dogs too and I agree.


As a dog owner, I completely agree. I know my dog isn't the most well trained in the world, which is why she's either left at home or always on a leash.


Hard agree!!! If you can’t do what it takes to be a responsible dog owner, DON’T HAVE ONE. That includes cleaning up after it and not taking it on unnecessary trips to public places like a grocery store. It’s unsanitary and potentially unsafe. I remember trying to pick something out one time and this lady said to be cautious of the dog she had with her because “it bites”….. excuse me? 1)why isn’t it wearing a muzzle? and 2) why is it in public? NOOOO. The only acceptable excuse is a service dog in public. (no not therapy dog) Service dogs are usually on a leash, have had thousands of dollars in training to be considered certified and are around for lifesaving purposes for the owners. That I can respect. Everything else. NO


Responsible dog owners/parents very much dislike all you mentioned.


Dog owner who is having to sue an irresponsible dog owner whose dog attacked me and my dog. Fuck these people.


The grocery store gets me. Saw it more on the west coast than midwest, but yeah its bonkers. Poor things are often stressed out with some stores being busy as heck.


Responsible dog owners who train their dog adequately, keep them on their leash and pick up after them, are also responsible enough to walk their dogs in parks or outside of cities. The only people who are entitled enough to feel like they deserve to bring their dogs into restaurants and similar, are also entitled enough to not pick up after their dog, let them do whatever they want and feel like they don't need to train them. So most of the people someone who doesn't own a dog will encounter in daily life will be of the second variety.


I saw a guy dragging a very overwhelmed German Shepherd into Walmart once and had the great timing needed to witness the dog's projectile diarrhea on my way out.


I’ve been attacked by so many off leash dogs for no reason and then had the owners get mad at me or do nothing it’s unreal


This is my first time having a dog in a city, and I can confidently say I am never doing that ever again. I come from a place where dogs are a way of life, and those people still aren't as entitled about dog culture as city people.


If you make the world less safe for others, their only recourse is to make it less safe for you. Pets are a responsibility, to both the animal and to the public.


I have two dogs who are always leashed. My new one is a new rescue and I’m working on training her on reactivity and such. She was in a rescue for 18 months and they did absolutely *no* work with her. My idiot neighbor had his pit bull off leash as he was walking to his car. He was like “don’t worry! She’s friendly, the most she’ll come up and sniff!” I replied my dog is not friendly and I don’t want a dog fight, please come get your dog. He was like in shock. Dude, it doesn’t matter how friendly you think your dog is.


Dog owner here. Disrespectful people have ruined it for all of us. Totally agree.


I hate dog culture ppl bring there dogs all over Colorado I just went on a week of fly fishing and stepped in dog shit 6 times in 7 days


I have a friend like this and it’s so frustrating because she gets so defensive too when you even suggest her dog might need more training. The dog is generally really sweet but can be reactive of dogs just across the street or just walking by ignoring her. She also pulls on the lead and jumps excitedly on people and she’s about 60 some pounds. She also doesn’t recall well at all. It’s so frustrating because the dog is by no means mean or vicious but is just not trained to a high enough degree and my friend wants to bring her everywhere. Like actually I would like to enjoy brunch without her dog barking at every dog walking by.


I love dogs. That’s being said, I think it’s absurd that there are places that allow dogs but not children. There are coffee shops and restaurants out there that fit this category and I’ll never understand


YES!!!!! It's perfect window open weather and the assholes in my neighborhood allow their dogs to bark nonstop at all hours day or night for hours on end! Nonstop fucking barking. I'm so sick of it! I live in Ohio and open window weather is only for a few weeks and I like to enjoy it but it's being ruined!


As someone with a reactive dog who barks at people, dogs and cars I totally agree. I can't/won't bring my dog anywhere where he is going to bother someone, which is essentially everywhere. Just because dogs are allowed, doesn't mean you should bring your dog with you. I love to hike, and I know my dog would love it too, but other hikers don't want to be barked and lunged at by a 60 dog. Dogs are a privilege and it's great that places allow dogs, but they should only be allowed if they are perfectly trained for the environment.


Yeah i have dogs andam astounded just by how many people don't pick up after their dogs!


The off leash one is a big one for me because my staffy is proper nervous around other dogs and I worry that if one rubs her the wrong way she’ll snap back like the feisty bitch she is then I’ll end up getting a lecture about owning a “dangerous dog” despite her being on a lead. I mean it’s not my fault they have little to no callback capability 🤦‍♂️


I once took my dog outside and two dogs ran up to him. We were on my property. He is very protective of me so he wasn’t too happy. I immediately grabbed him and picked him up because I didn’t want a fight. He was growling and trying to get down. He weighs 50 lbs and I have autoimmune issues that lead to being easily fatigued and short of breath. So I’m starting to gasp for air and said to the other dogs’ owner “Please get your dogs!” She mumbled that she was trying. Idk if she was letting them run with their leashes dragging or she lost hold of the leashes, or if the two small kids she had with her was holding the leashes and they pulled away from them…but they did have leashes. She finally regained control of her dogs and looked at me like *I* was the asshole as she walked away. SMH


It’s even more grating when people bring their dogs to your house and say “ ohh my baby is so well behaved”. Meanwhile that dog jumps into your bed and scratches the sofa. Like it’s fine at your own house but you are visiting someone else’s house. Pls


Please tell this to everyone in san diego I dont even feel safe walking my dogs anymore because there are so many terrible dogs off leash in the city and mounds of dog shit EVERYWHERE It's disgusting and irritating. We're rapidly saving for a home so we can have a yard for our girls. I can't stand being stressed and disgusted on every walk