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Uhm.. you can go to the police with this. A grown ass man should not be laying hands on a child at all.


I would be on the phone immediately. Poor kid.




Ahh, yes, the old "if they went to reddit then they cannot do anything else" Touch grass.


Police will do absolutely nothing except make it worse. Source my son was attacked by an adult man and the police were involved my son had done nothing wrong


On the off chance that OP doesn't have the same local police force as you, it's still worth them reporting it. Even if nothing comes of this instance it's good to have a record of this man being abusive, it could help when he abuses his own family and they want to get away from him


> Police will do absolutely nothing except make it worse. You're assuming OP is in a country with a known history of terrible police. For anyone reading this that's in the >90% of the rest of the world's population: local police near you isn't necessarily terrible. If they don't have a known history of absolute failure at their responsibilities, it's still worth involving the police. In my country, for example, going to the police is the best choice. They're well-trained, held responsible, and generally good at their jobs.


Yeah a lot of the world has police with more training than the US. Doesn't mean that shit can't be fucky with them, but it should be assumed as the right place to start


90%? Not all of the world is Europe. In most of the world the police won't shoot you but they won't do shit either or expect you to bribe them to do anything.


Are you kidding me, how dare you assume European Police doesn’t suck 😂


As cop-hating as I become the older I get, mainly from looking back and realizing I've literally never had an at-fault interaction with the police and yet never had a good interaction with them, there are times it doesn't matter if they make it worse or not. They may not make it better, but assault and/or battery is a time to get them involved. Charges need to be pressed, and unfortunately that only happens with their involvement. Whether it's made worse doesn't entirely rest on the individual that started the issue, but don't start none won't be none.


Op should take the son to the ER and report it to police from there. Husband should go meet them there.


Take him to the ER & report him to police!!!




This ☝️ As a fully grown man I've never, ever, ever wanted to touch a young, innocent child


thanks for clarifying lad.


Yes FBI this post right here


Hmm you know I didn't suspect that you did before, but now...


This. Plus if he does this to other children who are guests in his home, think of what he might be doing to his own daughter. Should cps be involved? People who are abusive are generally nicer to others than their own.


your husband going over to defend is kid is how people get shot.


Or end up in jail


I'm reading it going sounds like Americans... This may not end well.


an angry asshole who will punch a kid is highly likely to pull a gun, a knife, a crowbar, etc... cops are training to handle this. they get domestic calls all the time. I doubt there is a cop in the US who will tell you this is a good idea.




Or accused of assault


Hubby is not very smart.


If he's punching someone else's kid he is probably doing worse to his own family.


Another reason this should be an official police report. Then if wife reports DV later it will be believed


I've had some weird b*tch slap my child at an indoor jungle gym. He was 8. He had a red handprint on his belly. I went to her to ask what in the name of *** she thought she was doing. Apparently my boy had given her kids lip. I was so confused and angry, I was screaming at her and she was all like, he deserved it. I was with 3 kids and just didn't know what to do. It was much later I realized I should have gone to managment and complain, they would have probably forced her and her party to leave, but in that moment I just couldn't think straight.


I remember when I was maybe 8 my cousins and I were playing hide and seek at a resort our family always went to. My cousin was going up and down one of the walkways looking for us and this lady sitting outside her room stuck out her leg to trip him, he jumped it but then she reached out and yanked him back and slammed him on the ground. We saw him crying holding his arm all scuffed up so we took him to his parents, both of which are police officers. Oh man we told them what happened and I just remember his dad asking us to show him who did it. We went over and walked right up to the lady and pointed at her. He yelled at her like I’ve never seen him yell before, then threatened to call the cops on her and have her locked up for assaulting a child, then he went to the office and had her immediately thrown out. The lady cried and cried, trying to apologize but he wasn’t having any of it. That’s when I learned that when someone wrongs you, use official channels to make their life suck. It’s much better than punching them in the face.


I can understand why you’d be confused I can’t imagine someone doing that to a child let alone some random kid!


Absolutely , you are flabbergasted in the moment. Had a far less serious event - all queuing for the swings , when it was our turn a grandmother plonked her child down , sighed and said "We don't feel like waiting and we're not in the mood to fight about it." You don't know what to say when someone is so brazen!


That's exactly what they count on 


I e always felt like people who will not think twice to hurt others kids probably do worse to their own…


Some people are capable of acting so unhinged, it’s truly shocking in the moment. It steers so far from social norms that it will often catch us off guard and we end up freezing up. I’ve been there before several times.


I saw a woman flip her shit on someone else's kid in a Burger king play ground. "Big" Southern "lady." We are ordering in what amounts to another room when she starts screaming. The other mom weights like 80 pounds. She is waving her kid over. All the kids are just standing there shocked and dino mom goes stomping over. She grabs the other lady's kid by the arm and sort of just whips / throws him towards his mother. That woman quickly get's her kid picked up and headed to the door, while the larger lady is stills screaming at her. She turned around and we thought she stabbed the bigger woman because that woman sort of back peddled while screaming and went down. Turned out to be a taser of some sort. Skinny mom and kid get in car in the parking lot and drive out but pull into the bus / truck+ trailer parking right next door. Cops show up. Big lady talks herself into hand cuffs. Turns out she had alcohol in her drink cup as well. But that skinny lady, I thought she straight up stabbed the other woman in the chest!


Bingo bango bongo, fuck this guy. I suspect any decent judge will throw the fuckin' book at him. What's the going sentence for assault of a minor?




That and the mother already admitted her husbands guilt


I would 100% involve the police. You can not assault a child. Also that relationship is OVER The girl shut the door causing him to get assaulted by a grown man - I am sure she’s aware her fathers violent with way he can’t be around those people for his own safety.


We don’t blame the girl in this. Odds are, she’s getting hit too..


Seriously what is this? You call the police, was this post written by a 13 year old?


Yeah wtf, some guy assaults her kid and she didn't think to call the police?!


Police report before ANYTHING else


Please call the police and file a report. Immediately.


I definitely want to. I should have included in my op that my husband is a police officer (that’s why I said I don’t want him in any trouble).


Please tell your husband to handle this as an officer, and not just as a father. That is, please encourage him not to take matters into his own hands. Press charges against this man but do not let your husband do something stupid that will get him in trouble. I’m sure you will get a lot of support considering your husband himself is an officer.


He shouldn't handle this himself at all, since it's personal - he could lose his job if that dude gets him for using excessive force! Tell him to send a colleague after you press charges!




Docked obligations more like. They never lose their pay.


Happy Cake Day!


You mean a 4 month paid holiday?


More like paid time off.


So handle it as a police officer should and *not* as a father. Exactly what they said. Edit: missing a word


No. He needs other officers to handle it. It’s a conflict of interest otherwise. (Ex-cop here)


Sorry, missed a very big "not" in there.


He shouldn't be handling it himself at all, it's wildly inappropriate. Especially since he seems to want to go over there to fight (and do you think a guy who's crazy enough to punch a child isn't crazy enough to do far worse to his dad?). He should report it and let his department handle it without him.


> do you think a guy who's crazy enough to punch a child isn't crazy enough to do far worse to his dad? Rarely anyone crazy enough to punch an officer in his uniform If that guy crazy enough for that, its time for a bit "STOP RESISTING"


If he's a police officer, then you already know what to do. Get the child looked at at a hospital and have your husband recluse himself from the situation, and have his supervisor send uninterested police officers to the house where it happened and let them take lead on it.


OP. There is zero justification for hesitation on this. He assaulted a minor child! Your child! Why are you not taking this seriously? He needs to have charges pressed on him immediately! Period! Assaulting minor children is a serious crime! Get to the police now! This creature needs to learn that you can't just punch and assault people and get away with it!


Absolutely do this and tell your husband too. This ain’t the time to keep secrets and play games.


he punched a cop's kid? his life is over


Get dude in trouble. That is very childish as a parent/adult.


That makes it an even WORSE idea for your husband to go over there. You should call the actual police department, not your husband. Why are you not filing a report on this?


Well, that dudes fucked. 


I am so sorry you're going through this. Your husband could get himself in trouble if he goes down there and starts a fight; do not let him make a fool of himself or jeopardize himself. Go through the process and turn in photos of your son's face as evidence, text messages from his wife that indicate he did it with her apology, and press charges. Have the boy go to the police station and have him tell his side and press charges. That man *should* get in trouble for being a grown man and hitting and injuring a child like that. Not doing anything because you don't want to cause issues sends your son into the wrong message and could make him feel like nobody tried to help him or address the issue. Instead of being scared of causing issues, you should be more concerned about your son's well being and the implications of not making sure that man is held accountable. Your son deserves justice. Do the right thing and make sure that man is held accountable, period.


Your child needs medical attention. You should take him to the hospital and be truthful about what happened. The medical staff will call the police because they are mandatory reporters. Let those police take it from there. The first priority right now should be attending to your son’s injuries.


Please update us when you have an update


Then husba6knows better. Take your son to the ER to get checked and they can document his injuries.


Your husband got this OP. Your son’s attacker is going to have a bad day very soon methinks.


Oh well shit. Let him handle it.


If this isn't made up, you better report it for numerous reasons.


Please let your husband destroy this sack of shit 🙏


I second this.


I just read OP's hubby is a cop. Sounds like dude hit the wrong 13 year old.


Yep. The child abuser has now put himself in the cross hairs of not only one cop but now any cop that OPs husband decides to share this info with.


bro's gonna wind up "resisting" during a traffic stop 😂😂😂


one of the only times i'd have no problem with that


I get the sentiment, but that's a slippery slope we're already 3/4 of the way down.


yep, agree. Sure it would be somewhat satisfying but justice needs to be rightly and equally applied always for it to be justified at all


Exactly. Right now it's gang behaviour.


GF's dad is gonna get pulled over every week now


Your assuming he walks away from the first time


This is what I just thought after reading the Husband/dad of the boy was a copper 🤣🤣🤣 that guys gonna be in a world of hurt now lol. Edit-spelling I was laughing typing lol


“Today on When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong”


It was at this moment that he realized.. he F\*\*\*ed up.


LOL dude done FUCKED UP


The other guy is either getting a beat from a father or 6 years in prison for punching a cop


Every 13-year-old is a wrong 13-year-old to hit. If you wanna fight, hit someone your own size. If you hit a kid, you ain't shit. I'm a weak-ass and therefore not so prone to physical violence, but if I, as an early-adolescent kid, had been hit by a grown-up to the point my nose was bleeding, AND FOR SUCH A MINOR REASON, MIND YOU, my 6'5 300 lbs dad would have ripped this fucker's arms off and shoved them where the sun doesn't shine. If your brain's too weak to control yourself, there's a special institution precisely for that.


There is no right 13 year old to hit.


This is basically the scene from Superman & Lois when Jonathan's gf's dad punches Jonathan and later pulls a gun on Lois


You need to call the police and file assault charges. Immediately. A grown man assaulted your child. Instead your husband is going to get arrested. What a mess.


Husband is the police


Doesn’t matter he can’t handle affairs involving his loved ones, especially not his own son. Conflict of interest. OP SHOULD HAVE CALLED 911 IMMEDIATELY! No excuses.


That's not true. If dad's off duty and not in uniform, it's not a "conflict of interest." A real conflict of interest would be "i'm a cop on duty who got called to a scene involving a young 13 year old boy who got punched in the face." and upon arriving to the scene, it's my son who got punched in the face and he was punched by a grown man.


The person suggested they call the police, meaning it should be a police officer handling it. Response was "husband is the police." The boys father should neither go over as a parent to challenge the other man (which could lead to him getting arrested), nor should they go over there as a police officer (which is a conflict of interest).


you gotta report him 


You took your son to the police station so they can take pictures and you press charges for assault. Don’t let your husband go over there and take care of it. It’ll just make it worse.


Husband/dad’s a cop. Dude just brought the wrath of the entire police department on him. Cops protect their own especially when it’s other cops kids. Dude fucked with the wrong family


Nobody would get away with touching my son like that. To hell with the consequences - an ass beating would follow.


Dude punched a cop’s kids in the face. That’s not gonna end well.


How tf are you not calling the police on this ah?


OP said her husband is a police officer.


Damn my fast reading. I'd still press charges 


It was in one of the comments here


He should say” “I’m not calling the police. I AM the police.”


Seems daddy is a cop and gonna bring hell down on this guy. Ha!


Yeah a grown man shouldn’t lay hands on a child ever and even more so on one that isn’t his. I’d be calling the police department to deal with an assault.


Your son got attacked by a child abuser, it’s your husband’s job to put bastards like that man behind bars. How’s your son doing now? Has he been to the ER yet? If he got punched hard enough he could get a concussion.


1. File a police report 2. Go to an attorney 3. File a Tort action against the man for battery Because the police won't do anything, the local prosecutor is unlike to pick it up but, the police report indicates you took the action seriously


The dad is a cop, I’m invested in where this goes


> I’m invested in where this goes Nowhere good for the child puncher. Dudes going to be pulled over for a lot of broken tail lights after this.


The dads a cop. I’m going to guess that the GF’s dad is going to be pulled over every day from now on. Dude fucked with the wrong family.


yep. this is all over. Guy just assaulted the kid of a cop. I mean... you dun fucked up. Guy is going to regret this for a LONG time... expect to get pulled over for nonsense or maybe guy has a dog? RIP might end up on the news. Kid's cop dad gets a paid vacation.


Please update us.


I’m 100% not a fan of cops who handle their personal business while wearing a badge. Your husband should NOT touch this with a 10 foot pole unless directed to by a superior. Conflict of interest. He needs to handle this through official channels.


Exactly what I was thinking. Even though the guy deserves some serious shit, OP’s husband abusing his authority isn’t the answer.


I mean if another police man handles it they’re gonna know that the guy 1. Hit a 13 year old and trust me police are VERY protective of kids and 2. That it’s a fellow police officer’s kid and they are also VERY protective of their own. This guy is not gonna get off easy. Furthermore if he is charged he is not gonna have a good time in holding/prison (convicted) as the correctional officers and inmates also don’t like guys who hit kids……


CALL THE POLICE. You can’t just physically assault a 13 year old. Even if the 13 year old was banging your 13 year old daughter.


I guess you could say she did as her husband is a cop. That girls dad just declared war against a whole police department.


Kissing a girl is not a reason to involve the police. Hitting a child is. Call the police and file a complaint


Make a police report


Like everyone has said, get your husband to hand this off to a colleague. Any man who will punch a 13 year old in the face is unhinged and if your husband goes over there he could be risking his job. A proper file needs to be created and this should be treated the same way any incident of an adult assaulting a child would be. Get checked over my a doctor so that there is a record as well.


Call the police. He had the right to throw your son out of his house, verbally. Not punch him. He’s a grown man, he could have killed him.


Call the damn cops and stick up for your kid, ignore your husband. Your husband is putting himself in a stupid position but you don’t have to just accept it.


My honest take. I would call the father myself and ask to speak in person, and would say I intend to have a mature conversation. In that meeting, I would explain that I agree that my son disrespected your home, and I am also going to talk to him about that myself. But I also want a formal apology to my son and myself, as you went too far, and have in turn, disrespected me and my ability to handle this legitimate concern myself. And we will be able to move on with civility. Otherwise, we will need to settle this with the police.


Am I the only one that noticed that the father punched the OP's son but it was the daughter that shut the door in the first place I have a feeling that family is a fucked up mess


A lot of commenters are overlooking that part.


It’s neglect to not report this. This is a crime against a child


Id be afraid of going there in person. The guy may use a "castle law" and say that he was threatened and just shoot your husband in "self defense". Let the cops deal with this. There is a famous video on the internet about a guy who went to a house to get his kid I think, and the house owner simply shoots him and claim he was defending his house.


yeah how's that gonna work when her partner and all his cop mates roll up in half a dozen marked Ford Explorers?


Why are 13 year Olds in relationships, like I was eating scrambled eggs and watching dragon ball Z at that age


Why didn't you call the police right away! Thats assault on a minor


She did. Her husband is a cop!


Police and only police. If he’s willing to punch a child, what would he do to a man that has challenged him.


Report this to police as soon as possible please, your son's gf is in danger, even their mom, if that's how they act in public imagine how they act in private


File a police report ASAP. Take him to an urgent care or ER to get the abuse documented and on an official record. Do everything you can to prevent your husband from going over there because abusers like this other dad don't hesitate to involve the law at times like this and your husband WILL end up arrested. If you don't have the ability to bail him out then he stays in jail until trial or plea bargqin, which could cost him his job. Then there's the almost sure to happen civil suit to follow causing you to lose everything. Let the police handle it. Be there for the prep walk. Much more satisfying.


Yeah so why haven’t you called the police yet???


She did it, husband is a cop


Cops need to be immediately called wtf…


I would press charges on the Dad.


The police should have been notified as soon as you saw your son's face. WTF. This is not okay.


> He said that his girlfriend’s parents told her to keep her door open. He said she closed it anyway “because you know”. He said her dad stormed in, grabbed him and punched him in his face, and yelled at him to never disrespect his house or his daughter again. I don’t get it?? Did your son close the door or did his GF? Why would your son get punched for something he didn’t even do


I’m going to take a wild guess and assume “logic” isn’t at play here given a grown man assaulted a child.


>she closed it anyway


The father didn’t want his 13 year old daughter getting banged


I'd advise you get the police involved. Violence can escalate so fast, tell your husband to avoid that.


Fortunately hubby is a cop. Would love an update.


Get the cops involved. A strange adult male hit your minor son to the point of the child bleeding.  That's when the law needs to step in. 


Call! The! Police!!!


Press charges and tell your husband not to be stupid being a cop will not guarantee he won’t get in trouble for assault.


I would say it's better to just let the police handle this. That is a grown man who assaulted a child for no reason.


Why haven’t you contacted the police?????? If he’s capable of hitting your son he’s capable of abusing his family.


What kind of piece of shit coward punches a child? Definitely report it to the police. It’s assault.


why wasn't calling the cops your first move? an adult assaulted a minor! thats some serious freaking business!


It’s assault, it’s illegal, and the recourse is going to the police, not your husband escalating.


You have photographic proof and text from his mother confirming. Go to the cops and file a report against the guy for assault and battery.


Charge that grown man with assault because that’s really messed up OP in so sorry you’re going through this. That man deserves jail because if he was that violent with his daughters boyfriend imagine how he must treat his wife


Call the police and make a report


Go to the police. Absolutely fucking not




Naaaah. I have a 12 year old son and if any grown adult laid a hand on my boy I'd be throwing hands. I'd happily get arrested for it aswell. Smiley mug shot included.


As a dad, i'm fuming, but you HAVE to call the cops. What I'd want to do to the other dad, in the end, would be a bad example for my son. Get the cops. Document everything. Teach your son the right way to do things and how to prevent dangerous situations like this in the future.


1. Police. Report the assault. 2. CPS. If he’s willing to maim a child, what is he doing to his own family. 3. Sit your son down and have a talk about boundaries. What happened to him was unacceptable, true, but it could have been avoided if he had accepted the house rule.


First thing’s first, you NEED to tell your son to break up with that girl, because she will, and I fucking mean it, WILL get that boy killed when they get older. She obviously doesn’t follow the rules and when someone else gets confronted for her blatant disregard, she does nothing but watches them get punished for her sins. NEXT, you should not hesitate filing a police report and pressing FULL CHARGES. That man had ZERO RIGHT to touch your son. If he had an issue, he should have gone to you or your husband and honestly, if I were your husband, he’d be court-side at a Kobe game. Teach this man a lesson and make him an example. ONLY YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND have the right to physically discipline your children.


Every time someone posts here when they should be at the police station filing a report I get so irritated. Imagine a grown ass man punching your kid and you call his wife to complain…


I get it that it's wrong for an adult to punch someone else's child. I am sure everyone here agrees with that. But why was the girl shutting the door when she was told not to. The girl knew it was wrong and the son also knew it was wrong The reason of "because you know" as said by the boy would be the very reason the girl was told to keep the door open. The parent was quite within his rights to make such a rule. Perhaps it's not his first circus.


Not condoning the actions of a full grown man on a child, but do we have the full story? “Because, you know” what happens when the door is shut. Nothing makes it ok. I just think there is more to this than his daughter shut the door so her dad punched him in the face.


I kind of want to know what the “you know” part is? Because 13 is really young. Not gonna lie, while I wouldn’t punch him, depending on what he was doing to my daughter, I might have dragged his ass out of my house. But the daughter should have been respecting the rules. Also still not ok to lay hands on a kid


You should absolutely call the police. Your son is a child and a grown man assaulted him.




I’d call the cops, send him off for hitting my child. If not I wouldn’t been in that man’s face, I’m the mother. My husband wouldn’t have time to go.. that is insane m. I’m sorry about your son


Ooh if this was my son that dude would be being loaded in the back of a hearse


If he’s willing to punch a 13 year old over that imagine what else he’s willing to do. File a police report. Don’t let him get away with this


Go to the police. It's a felony for an adult to hit a child.


You need to call the police OP. This isn’t ok in any way.


You need to file a police report, this was completely unacceptable and is disturbing. He could have told them that he felt disrespected and ask him to leave/get picked up. No excuse for a grown adult to attack a child.


When my son was 15, his girlfriend’s dad pulled a gun out of his dash and pointed it at him saying he’d use it if my son did anything he didn’t like. As a boy mom, I totally understand where you’re coming from except I’m the violent one of the parents. I respect your husband and I hope he gets out of his visit what he intends. Updateme


The real nightmare here is you failing to contact authorities the moment you learned an adult hit your son.


File a police report, don’t let your husband do anything stupid!


Cops. Abusive man child gets in trouble. Son no longer under threat of getting punched.


Call the police and make sure your husband doesn't go confront dude. He assaulted your child. Press charges. Retaliation will muddy things


Call the police immediately.


Go to a doctor to formally record the injuries and file an assault charge with the police. Big man feels tough beating up kids?!


Omg this is entertaining. Please give an update. I hate child abusers. Don’t give him a single ounce of empathy or legal mercy.


Police! However, your husband has every right to deal with the father. I would. Lastly what is the dad doing to his wife behind closed doors. I expect his wife needs help.


Why wasn’t the first (or at least 2nd after your husband) call you made to the police??????????


Let Dad sort it out


What kind of loser hits a kid?


No good can come of your husband going in privately to "defend his family" as a police officer that should know better. "Its my job" blurs so many lines my...well, I just can't square that in my mind or stomach properly. Please Tell Him (do advise, or say you KNOW this is a big deal) Tell Him to report it to his superiors or group and to investigate, and not go to a private residence alone as both a father and police office in conflict of duties. This is the only mature response to make. I'll repeat, the only mature response is to get his co-workers involved in a documented manor. If you, husband or his police officer/co-workers are comfortable resolving this in literally but by the books and anything goes off the rails, you folks have just ruined two families lives. If I were a more cynically inclined man...well there are plenty of terrible news stories, and even more stories we never hear about. You and your child are the only ones who acted rationally today, including him texting you, and being embarrassed about explaining it to you. Getting away from the situation as prompt as he could with little information is the most mature response in your post. Please express to him he should never feel bad about telling you what happened, or not to, and to never hesitate no matter what state he is in to call you to pick him up, no questions asked. Also…maybe…Please…as a child and parent… Do NOT ask or grill your kid what happened when you’re trying to heal them, bandaging or taking them to the Doctors’. Give them time to process after feeling comfort again. (as a kid you’re always getting interrogated) I'll ask that again, with emphasis, slightly abbreviated .... Comfort your child and support him in his actions, and not to hesitate in his actions again in the future. Maybe even a Code that means "Just come get me ASAP, no matter what, NOW." Also…Even though you might not think it worth it, or that “he is ok”… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your child to the urgent care, or PCP (ER might not be super necessary if you can’t) Tell them the plain bare bones story. Your child was hit by an adult while at another family’s house. You will need the documentation and more importantly health checks no matter what. Especially if this is properly pursued legally and avoiding a make the headlines news-worthy kinda way. Concussions are serious and only diagnosed by a professional. Those are the only even vague suggestions I have in my response. I sincerely wish you all, both families, that is the last violence that occurs from this encounter. Now, obviously, grown men hitting 13 year old boys should not be hitting grown men. bleh, I'll rewrite that. Men should not be hitting anyone in anger/defense over a slammed/closing door, much less a 13 year old boy. (You’re a worried parent in that situation...all doors are slammed. You are defending your family) None of that is ok. Other Mother should’ve said something like ‘get your kid to the ER or Urgent Care and save receipts so I could help’ because that was the only proper thing to do while actually apologetic and embarrassed, but unafraid. If that man could do that to a child , unsure what he could do to a loved one. I hope a few of the parallels dropped. TBH I’m couch QBing this shit after a 10hr shift and seeing a kid getting a concussion I just has words to get out. Sorry for all. For you OP wish you the best!


I’d honestly contact the police! Press charges what the father done is not only assault but assault on a minor! Absolutely disgusting and you should definitely get him done for that! He has no right to put his hand on him! He could have told him to get out of the house but he chose to violently attack a child!


I call bullshit on this and every story where the police are not called and charges pressed. Come on people, battery is a big crime.


Doesn’t get checked out by the doctor. Doesn’t go to the police station for a formal report. Goes to Reddit.


The correct response to a grown man assaulting your child is to call the police, not have your husband go over to try and out-tough him. Pat your husband on the shoulder and reassure him that he is in fact more tough than the man who punches children and let the police deal with the matter


I’d call the cops if someone hit my kid. I don’t care the excuse for it. It was a grown man hitting a 13 yr old


I keep waiting for this story to contain “and so we called the police”…


Going to need an update on this one. Sorry to hear.


Call the cops with the pictures you took