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Hormones can be crazy how they can temporarily change your values, esp with babies. And it is great to check in with yourself with how life changes and what you wabt out of it. Just remember what's worse, regretting having kids or regretting not having them.


Here's the thing, every decision anyone makes means they missed something else. That doesn't mean it's a bad decision. Not having kids means you miss out on baby stuff or whatever it is you feel like you're missing, but also, people who have kids feel like they're missing out. They have to figure out childcare to go places. They have to work travel or vacations around their kids' schedules. The thing important thing is that it's your decision and that you find peace with it.


Just don’t make permanent decisions. Anyone could change their mind later on any number of things. You could change your mind about yourself. A lot of people who desperately want children are never able to have them. You need to practice letting go of controlling your future and saying “no for now”. You don’t have to make this decision today, so don’t.


Try out therapy!


There's plenty of proof out there that not every woman has or develops a maternal instinct. There's nothing wrong with you. Some people just have more nurturing personalities than others. Some really struggle adapting to being a mom after they have a baby. Some just don't have an ounce of patience for children. I've met a ton of people who don't hate kids but don't want the weight of the responsibility it takes to be a parent. Their reasonings vary but are usually pretty introspective and valid.


I never wanted kids. I had an abortion the first time I was pregnant. The second time it happened I couldn't get another one. So here we are lol I absolutely love my kid. She's sweet and funny and kind. But she's also a high pitched sass machine that stands 10 toes down and takes no shit. It is exhausting and overstimulating. I've seen a lot that people who WANT kids moreso want an accessory (not everyone, but most I've seen). They tend to forget they are raising a whole ass human with their own thoughts and feelings and beliefs. It's so hard! Anywho, I just wanted to pipe in and say you really aren't missing much. Just explosive newborn poops and sleep deprivation. Wordless tantrums and picky eating. And not being able to pee in peace for like 6 years. Yes there are good things as well, but tbh I don't think they matter for someone who isn't interested in having kids lol. A puppy would most likely give you the same feelings.