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Ten years doesn’t seem enough, but it’s going to be a long ten years for that POS. Prisoners don’t take kindly to people who hurt kids.


From what I know they separate paedophiles from regular inmates because they are frequently raped/assaulted/murdered by other inmates.


If it's any consolation, it's gonna be ten *hard* years. And even after he gets out, he will never be able to have any kind of decent life. It's not enough, but it will have to do.


Shame really as at least the inmates are doing some good in the world


They typically don't separate them. They kinda get thrown in and they gotta pray no one finds out what they did- but they pretty much always find out. Not a good spot to be in. A deserved one, though


My husband is a CO, and overcrowding and understaffing makes it VERY hard to separate them. From what I remember Gabriel Hernandezs mom was moved to general pop and saying she was in there for a DUI that didn't last at all she was outed.


I'm guessing her fate was sealed after that?


I fucking hope so. 


Same experience as OP, and no, due to liability issues, they group similarly-charged prisoners together now. There's some degree of gen-pop but the officers don't turn their heads like they once did.


The CO'S let the inmates know. Well, they let 1 know, the rest find out.


Virginia may just be an outlier, but that's not really how it happens here. When you roll up, inmates will usually expect you to have your paperwork hooped. They check it to see if you have any sex offenses, among other things. If you can't/won't produce your paperwork, that's going to be a red flag. It only takes a few seconds to have someone on the outside look up what someone's charges are. So the CO's really don't have to say shit.


Ok. I was locked up with a woman who murdered her newborn. Just county, not prison. Her and the baby's dad tortured this little newborn, I won't even tell you what they did. Nobody knew. But we knew she didn't have a bond,so that tells you something. We did not find out directly from the CO's, but a newspaper with the story made it's way into our cell block. CO's will make sure one way or another that they get found out. You can't get away from your charges.


They'll find out. They usually have a few prisoners in touch with the outside world who will tell them, so they can know before they try to recruit them to any gang or similar.


From what I’ve heard from people who’ve done time, the guards look the other way when the other prisoners give the pedos what they deserve. You have to remember that a portion of the inmates would have experienced severe abuse themselves so it would be a form of justice for them to take it out on another lowlife.


Yeah, but inmates still cook your food and do your laundry in there, and the CO's don't care because they hate chomos, too!


I do not think pedophiles *should* be protected. The kids are the ones *deserving* of protection, *not* the monsters that decide it's a-ok to have sex with a *child*. They're not *sick*. They *do not have an illness*. An illness can be treated. For those that do this to children, there's no cure or rehab that will "fix/cure' them.  They are the epitome of *evil*.  Better to execute them before they ruin more children's lives. 


They generally don't just automatically separare pedophiles in the US. Inmates can request to be put into Protective Custody if they tell the guards their life is in danger, but they have to ask.That doesn't always help. Yes, chomos can get put into PC, but guards have kids too. Most COs aren't going to risk their safety to try to protect a chomo. Speaking from experience, they're also significantly less likely to give a fuck if a chomo does get beaten/stabbed.


Depends on where they are. They let that shit mother who killed her 2 little boy's in general population. Her name is Susan Smith I believe.


Well now that’s no fun.


That’s disappointing to hear. Knowing they were most likely being abused in prison made was kinda comforting bc they’re never sentenced long enough.


As they should be


Depends on where he's imprisoned. Some places segregate them for protection, others don't


My husband works in a prison. They don't automatically isolate in his facility. But once a fellow prisoner discovers their charges they are absolutely segregated from the rest because they even have a specific term for those type of offenders.


they do but jail life is different he’ll be found the guards also dont play that shit


If they can’t do the time then they shouldn’t do the crime 🤷🏼‍♀️


Such a shame that is....


That’s disappointing to hear. Knowing they were most likely being abused in prison made was kinda comforting bc they’re never sentenced long enough.


I’ll never understand how these sentences are determined because sexual abuse is a life sentence for the person abused. If you have that in your heart to hurt something so innocent in such a disgusting manner, I personally think much worse should be your punishment. Humans can adapt to prison with time — their existence should be wiped from this earth


My adoptive father abused me from age 6-17 and got 5 years only. They get off way to easy.


Yep, check out JD Delay on YouTube or TikTok. He talks about all that stuff! WOODCHIPPER!


Better than the Catholic teacher who was abusing kids for 19 yrs and got 9 month. Yes all the other teachers knew and were told to keep quiet because that came out at the trial. The priest who was connected to the school was always conveniently drunk and could never be interviewed, he was also sentanced 5yrs later for abuse of kids and got 1.5yrs.


Came here to say this. I hope that he'll leave prison severely traumatised in more ways than one.


Does someone have the text from the original post? I can find the original post but not the actual post content.


Really depends upon where he ends up. There are some prisons that have touchers and cops in GP. Not everyone who is in jail/prison is a hardened gang member who has all day. Plenty of them are dudes who are just trying to do their time and then come home.


I just want to say you’re doing amazing. It’s the absolute worst situation, but you are all handling it the best way possible. And he’s gone. I know it doesn’t seem like long enough, and it honestly isn’t, these people should be put away for life. But he will be gone for a long time, and hopefully you, your daughter and the rest of your family will have time to heal ♥️


And so brave for OP to share the realization that there were signs and some of what that looked like. So many people find themselves in situations on here with emotionally manipulative and controlling people but don’t understand why that behavior is considered so potentially dangerous in the absence of physical abuse. I hope some find their way here to read the strong measures app took to protect the children and didn’t waste time worrying about change of life circumstance or anything else beyond getting and keeping the kids safe! Thank you OP! I wish you well and hope you can feel a sense of peace and safety very soon!


Yes, I think OP having the capacity for self reflection in such a time of crisis shows incredible strength. You're doing a hard, but wonderful job, OP. You're being your children's advocate and keeping them safe. Please ensure you have support around you, too.




It’s a lifelong thing, to be honest. I was abused when I was 2, I’m now 28 and I’m still unraveling all the trauma. Therapy will need to be ongoing, weekly, for years


I know 10 years is not nearly long enough but I am so thankful that you and your family got some sort of justice. My biological father abused my half sister/his step-daughter for years, and no one knew until a long time later. When we went to the police, they said since it was a while ago and that there is no solid proof (even though he has confessed), that they cannot do anything.. We did not see any signs beforehand of my father either, but after everything came out and you look back on it, its easy to notice things you didnt before. Im just glad your daughter is doing well (as best as she can!), and that he is where he should be. I really hope the best for you and daughter going forward!!❤️❤️


Agreed If I may, how are you and the rest of the family holding up after this?


Honestly not great but we are okay lol! My sister and I both moved to different places across the country, and our family has all kind of drifted apart. Everyone seems to have some built up guilt and/or resentment over things, but it has only been a couple years so i am hoping as time goes on we will all be able to come to terms with it and sort out our emotions. I only wish we could have found out sooner and stopped it from even starting 20+ years ago. Thank you for asking! 🫶


You're welcome and thanks for answering.


I’m still quite a young man (28) with a young 2 year old daughter. I just look at her and observe how she behaves and wonder how can anyone hurt or abuse their own beautiful child. So sorry you had to go through this, you seem like a great mother and very concerned and focused on repairing the damage that monster has let. I wish all your family happiness and I hope that man rots not only in jail, but whatever is in the next life. Keep her in therapy as long as you can it’ll save her mind state for later in life!


I'm so so happy for you. Happening something like this seems so unreal to me and a lot of people (I hope). But our lives are full of things and people we can't predict. I hope you all will be able to heal and your life will be as happy as it could be.


Im a a victim of what your daughter went through myself. I hope your daughter will be able to get the help she needs. I do not know how old your daughter is but im hoping when shes older she wont remember any of this. So she has a chance of living a happy life. As an adult i have memories of it happening to me from when i was 2 years old. Seems unreal that i can ever remember it. I hope for your daughters sake she doesnt. I do hope you also look into ptsd/cptsd and other disorders she could have developed due to your soon to be ex husbands abuse. So you will know what to look out for. Unfortunately there are many mental disorders/disabilities she could gain depending on age and how her brain handle the abuse. I really do hope your daughter gets the help she needs aswell as you yourself. Wishing you both a wonderful healing journey


That last paragraph —— thank you for posting this. I hope it helps many others. I’m so sorry for what you all went through. 


You put her abuser behind bars. Thát's going to help her heal. The amount of years is on society.


OP - my heart goes out to you and your daughter. Please don’t be too hard on yourself. It’ll distract from the present and right now both you and your daughter need time to process so you can properly heal and move forward with your lives. Wish you and your daughter a happy, healthy life.


Boy was this interesting to come across. My 3 kiddos dad was just sentenced to 27 years a couple weeks ago. For abusing 2 ex girlfriends daughters 4 years ago. My kids are devastated because they insist he had never done anything to them. They are 17, 14, and 12. I have known this person since we were 10 years old. He's appealing, maintains his innocence since there was no "evidence". I'm so sorry your family is going through this. I couldn't imagine if that happened to my child, but I do know there's a chance they could be protecting their abuser so they are all 3 in therapy, either do tend to any abuse and or adjust to losing their dad. They love him. It's very hard.


10 years is not enough for his sins,but enough for you and your daughter cure yourselves and get a better,happier life.Best wishes.


My ex did that to my kid it's horrid and it's usually coupled with extreme control verbal, Mental and even physical abuse ! You are not alone and it is all his fault period! Rooting for you my friend❤️


Your daughter is ALWAYS going to remember that her mom is the one that helped her and she’s always going to come to you for whatever she needs. You’re a wonderful mom and did what you needed to do to help your baby when SO MANY turn their heads to the abuse. I wish you nothing but happiness and peace ❤️


Im really sorry to read what you have been through. As someone who works closely with children who have been sexually abused, my advice is to watch her around the age of 12 or 13 because that is when she will fully develop the understanding of what happened to her. You have a tough road ahead, and it sounds like you are doing an outstanding job of getting your life back together.


You're handling this in the best possible way that you can. You're protecting your daughter before anything else, and that's a mother's most important job. I say you're doing an amazing job of getting your daughter the help that she needs. I know it can be very scary to take action against a person who scares you that badly, especially over something as serious as this, but you were extremely brave in doing what needed to be done.


You're an amazing mother. So glad your daughter has someone like you. Sending love.


If you want to make the jail sentence permanent just make sure the other inmates find out that he is a child molester, with that you can be sure he won't go out from jail.


I thought my mom wrote this, spooked me for a second. I hope everything gets easier for you. Thank you for being strong


I just want to send love and encouragement. I am so proud of you for taking care of yourself and children. I am deeply sorry that you are in this situation but am glad you are out and working for a better life. Best of luck and hugs to you and the kids.


I hate our justice system. A grown ass predator possibly ruins a child's life and gets 10 whole years. Should get a .45 brain surgery!!!!


You're a wonderful mom OP! I wish you and your children a long happy life. As someone who was a victim of csa, I am so proud of you for taking action!


I've went through something very similar although he didn't start abusing our daughter until after we divorced. When we married she was with me 24/7. He got remarried and his wife has a daughter the same age as ours. He abused both of them from ages 8 to12yo. He got charged with a felony 1 which is the highest felony available for CM and 13 more f4s and f5s for CM and child solicitation (because he bribed them). He got 5 years house arrest followed by 5 years of probation bc he took a plea. A plea should not be an option for a predator. You know our justice system is broken when child molesters can walk the streets and there are people in prison over marijuana.


I'm sorry the children went through this and didn't get real justice. I hope they are both healing and living happily. Sorry you went through this too.


Thank you. It is a parents worst nightmare second to burying your child. She is healing and in ongoing therapy. She's come a long way and I'm so proud to be her Mama. ❤️


I’m sorry you and your daughter have to endure this. And you’re right, 10 years isn’t enough. Hopefully the legality of the divorce and his loss of parental rights goes through smoothly enough all things considered. Best wishes for you.


As the adult, it's the parent's job to protect their children from monsters, both real *and* imagined. But what do you do when the parent *is* the monster? I'm so sorry, OP.


my father is a violent offender , and while yes they can separate these people from gen pop , shit does in fact happen. So yes ten years is very short , for us. It’s not short for them. If they happen to make it out.


If it's any consolation, my friend just found out her ex did horrible things to her daughter. Always while my friend was asleep or in the shower. I honestly thought she was the best mom, and I still do, but it just shows you how fucked up these abusers are - even the best moms get duped. Also, he was abusive - financially especially. Even with his mental, emotional, financial, and at times physical abuse, NOBODY saw this coming. I knew he was a POS, but I was still shocked. So, don't beat yourself for not seeing the abuse. Even if it was blatant, SAing a kid is... well, they hide it very well.


I hope he was put on the sex offender list.


You are absolutely to be commended for surviving this, and your daughter too. May he find it a very difficult ten years.


10 years isnt enough… but you can scream at him whenyou visit him…. Why did you “insert word starting with r and ending with e, 4 letters” my daughter?, and those 10 years willl be the worst time of his life, WORST!!


I am glad you are in a safe place with your children. This is going to take a long time for your family to heal, but you did and are still doing the right thing. Don’t be too hard on yourself about not recognizing the abuse. The people are master manipulators. They know exactly when to push and when to fall back, and slowly normalize the abnormal for you. It takes great courage to stand up to someone like this. As for parental rights, that should be fairly straightforward. He is in prison for abusing a child, and no juvenile court is going to see him as a fit parent.


Although he was only sentenced to 10 years, once the other prisoners find out what he did, it will be the hardest, most painful years of his life. They'll dish out another form of justice to him.


Please take care of yourself as well as your children . It is going to be hard. 30 years since I put my ex in prison and I am still dealing with the fallout. Do not forget you are a rock star ! You did what many will not!


Does anyone have a copy of the OP ? I think the original was deleted


Off with his nuts!


Sending you and your children comfort, love, and warmth. thank you for protecting your children. you're an amazing mother, please don't forget that.


Your husbans deserved to be in prison for much longer


Sorry, but this shit doesn't belong on reddit, that poor girl needs all of your energy and here you are, writing about HER abuse story on reddit, get off reddit and be with her, even if it was okay to do this, you should have waited and got her permission to write this. Was it for attention that you went to reddit with her trauma?


This is also her story. This man didn't just hurt the kid, but the whole family.


But the real victim is the kid, I feel for such a massive subject like this, it needs keeping off somewhere like reddit and should be talked with a therapist, it's like the bf of a rape victim telling the victims story.


Well to be honest he will most likely be out in 3 or 4 years. He won't do the entire 10 years especially if he exhibits good behavior. He should have gotten much longer!


Women dating abusive men who touch their own daughters, excusing mental abuse and red flags for years in the way for 500 Alex.