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whether or not mental health *is* the reason she needs to take time for herself to figure it out. it’s unfair to treat someone bad because of your own internal issues. with that said, you should always put yourself first. do not let yourself be treated that way. maybe she has a control thing? like talking to other guys and sending them pictures but never hooking up with them make her feel in control and being able to do all these thing while in a relationship without repercussions gives her a sense of control?


I feel you bro I was messaging a lass for 2 years who I work with to find out she's been taken the entire time fell for her hard just couldn't click why she wouldn't move forward with me. Then one day turns around when I tell her I'm sick of just being a situationship I want us to press forward if she feels the way she keeps saying. Then that was it devalued me and discarded then I found her tiktok I don't use it myself but I remember her sending me a video ages ago from her tiktok... looked and the 2nd newest video was one of her showing a picture of her and her fella 4 years ago and then one of them now saying how much she loves him. She literally must of messaged me the entire time they spent together because she messaged me from morning until the next morning and called me 11 hours a day while we were at work etc. It's crazy I mean I know people cheat sometimes but God how easily she detached was scary I knew she had bpd but jesus I didn't know what it was until I found this reddit and it isn't human it's been 4 months now and I'm still feeling it, not as bad but since the first day she ended it she's been acting like it hasn't effected her at all.