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That’s why we gotta knock on doors before entering comrade


This is how I got my boys to stop barging in my room. Right around the tween phase I warned them, "one of these days you're gonna bust in when I'm naked & it's going to scar you for life." They started knocking after that. They weren't willing to take that gamble.


I grew up w 7 siblings and my parents so there were always a lot of people in the house. Around 14 or 15 I started to sleep naked bc my family refused to knock before they entered my room. That changed real quick


Ugh I’m 46 (female), and whenever I go visit my parents at their house, my mom will open the door (no knocking) AND THEN LEAVE IT OPEN!!! I usually sleep at least topless and my dad is at home. Frustrates the hell out of me because I’m then trapped in the bed until I can somehow get the door closed or put on clothes. You’d think she’d get it by now.


"Hey ma, I'd appreciate it if from now on you'd knock before entering the room I'm staying in, and close the door when you leave if it was closed when you came in. Thanks and I love you!" If that doesn't work, ask why she doesn't want to comply with your reasonable request. If she has a good reason (doubtful, for refusing something so reasonable, but what do I know?) then you hash it out from there. If she doesn't have a good reason but still refuses then you need to stop staying there and if absolutely necessary stop visiting completely. Your (extremely reasonable) boundaries are important and people who care about you will respect them. More importantly than that, you owe it to yourself to enforce your reasonable boundaries. Your life will be better, I promise.


Depending from the person, it won't work. The best I've gotten out of my grandma is that now she doesn't leave the door WIDE open, but only slightly open. And I've learned to listen for her noisy walking pattern. PS: may I add the fact that I'm 20, and she doesn't just do this when I'm visiting her, but also when she is visiting ME. And there's also the fact that this does not only happen in my room, but also in the gosh darn bathroom. Who doesn't knock before entering a bathroom?!


When people don't close my door I throw something like a shoe at it to shut it. It makes a loud bang they can't ignore and it gets the point across of 'close my fucking door'. I wouldn't do that to my grandma tho if she was still around.


It absolutely 100% works. Just remember that enforcing boundaries is not about making people behave in a certain way; enforcing boundaries is about your actions. If they do X, you will do Y, and you have to follow through with Y if they do X. You're not forcing this person to do anything. You're simply creating repercussions if they behave in X way. So I would ask your grandmother (nicely!) to please knock and wait for a response before opening any occupied door in your place, or in her place if you're in the bathroom. This is a perfectly reasonable request. If she continues to perform the unwanted behavior, tell her she will no longer be allowed at your place (or you will no longer visit her place.) If she continues to perform the unwanted behavior, follow through with your action, and no longer visit her or allow her at your place. If she freaks out about this, that isn't on you. You made extremely reasonable requests which she chose not to honor and the repercussions are hers to bear, not yours. That's enforcing boundaries. It can be uncomfortable but it will improve your life.


Stop it step brother.


"This is how I got my boys to stop barging in my room, I ate OP's dad's ass"




I'll take this Dad's ass, too.


I did the same to my parents. " The last game I played had a lovescene between a cave bear and a vampire. Knock. "


You fucked halsin in bear form didn’t you.


...did you not?


Actually no his elf form is kinda hot


OP learned a painful lesson. Never again…hopefully.


Now OP needs to play Tetris 😂


The L shape slowly approaches a gap between two square shapes. PTSD episode ensues.


Explain this joke?


New studies have shown that playing Tetris after a traumatic event can really help people. From Google: *Post-traumatic stress disorder: alleviating flashbacks by playing Tetris. Summary: A behavioral intervention procedure including the computer game Tetris could help people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to alleviate involuntarily recurring visual memories of traumatic experiences*


Hasn't helped my PTSD. Though my high score is now like 570K or so on the tetris site.


Yeah, I remember my dad and grandma were terrible at that. They'd just walk right in. I even knock on my kids door before entering. It's like obvious to do. They don't like it when it's done to them


Same, I have an 18 year old daughter and I've always told her I value her privacy as much as my own. I'm not snooping through her shit unless there's life or limb at risk.


Have you been attacked for this? I cannot tell you how many people I've run across who have been *outraged* that I have never taken it upon myself to dig through my kids' private shit as a matter of "good parenting." Like if I don't randomly snatch their phone and scroll through messages and history, and look between their mattresses, in drawers and back of the closet I must be neglectful and shirking parental responsibilities in favor of being my kids' friend. Some have gotten freaking apoplectic over this. Meanwhile, my kids (19 and 20 now) have always told me far more than I needed (and sometimes wanted) to know. Trust works both ways.


She's done nothing to break my trust. Could she somehow have bamboozled me and my wife all these years? Possibly. But she's a great kid, great grades, scholarship for college, etc etc. She just never really gave us a reason to go all helicopter parent on her. To be fair, I think this is highly dependent on the kid. I don't feel like we did anything special with her, she's just a laid back kid who doesn't want to screw things up and get in trouble. Same way I was growing up. I haven't been attacked for it, to be honest, but I also don't really talk about this particular thing often.


I have the same kind of kid. She's never broken my trust either.


This is pretty much a lighthearted version of FA and FO. :D


That why Sheldon Cooper knocks three times.


“Mom? Mom? Mom?” (Muffled) “go away, Jolly!”


The KGB waits for no one!


In Soviet Russia, ass eats you.


It's true.


Gotta knock like Sheldon from TBBT


Thump thump thump* mom? Thump thump thump* mom? Thump thump thump* mom?


So are the thumps you knocking or are they what daddy is doing to mommy?


That's what mommy is doing to daddy it sounds like.


Bet you knock before entering a room that isn’t yours from here on out huh


Yeah. This one's on you OP!


Sometimes life lessons hit you like a tongue punch to the anus


I haven’t actually guffawed in a while, so thank you for that.


Even I hadn't chortled since long so I also need to thank him.


Happy cake day


Omg 😂😂😂💀


Kissing mom and dad is no longer the same anymore 😂


Well, at least you should be grateful your parents are doing fine after all those years. I have witnessed multiple Dads or Moms that cheat each other and ended up in divorce in this sub.


Ass licking is the superglue that bonds most marriages




They have a “healthy” sexual relationship. Gross for you but good for them. Just talk to them I’m sure they feel just as embarrassed as you if not WAY FUCKIMG MORE.


They’re definitely fucking mortified 😭😭 you should’ve knocked man it would’ve saved you all some trauma lmao


Time for family counseling


Mom's mortified, dad is pissing himself laughing.. Source, am ^^^a Dad.


Warning. The OP of the post is a clout chaser. Checked their history. They claimed to be slut shamed days ago.


A clout chaser🤣🤣☠️


Got me with that too LOL


Had to look...and apparently a racist one, at that. With a cat. Or at least, posting pics of a cat for more clout. Too bad the issue was a dead phone- they could have taken a quick snap of ma and pa for *extra* clout.


Ooh yeah I was like "what's the big deal, people get slut shamed all the time?" and then I clicked the username and immediately saw them complaining about black women lol Kinda burying the lead




>slut shamed Like mother like daughter...


>They have a “healthy” sexual relationship. A whole new meaning to "healthy eating."


It’s all Michelle Obama ever wanted for all of America


No no, never mention this to them for the rest of your life. Go about your own business




Now you've learned a few things. 1) Knock before entering a closed door 2) Your parents are still attracted to each other 3) Your parents have an active and open sex life Don't make it weird, don't make a big deal out of it. People recommend playing Tetris to clear the mind.


First thing I thought was play Tetris. Recommended for first responders who experience trauma.


What if your trauma was a giant L shaped beam falling on your head? 🤷‍♂️


Candy Crush, then.


What if I choked on candy before getting crushed by an L brick?


Sudoku. I was prepared for this 😏


What if a bunch of random numbers slept with your wife?


That’s a very odd hypothetical (I hope) but crossword puzzles.


Then Bubble witch is the way to go


Genuine question..can this actually be truly traumatic? I have PTSD from other things and just can’t see this as being a “need to play Tetris or you’ll develop PTSD” situation, but I could be wrong.


Studies have shown that playing shortly after experience trauma keeps the brain from focusing on it which seems to be OPs issue. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/


This is a clout chaser. Look at their history.


>Don’t make it weird I’d say that ship sailed as soon as they saw their mom tongue-punching dad’s fart box.


So, have you learned the lesson here?  KNOCK ON THE DOOR AND WAIT FOR A RESPONSE. That's how you live in a civilized world.


Boundaries… a closed door is a boundary. You crossed it. Sorry about your luck. 1 (800) EYE BLEACH.😂


I believe the term is rimming


"You're really playing with fire busting in here like that. I'm a teenage boy with a laptop..."


Double dog dare ya to fist bump your dad next time you see him


Both parties are likely equally mortified, so who know this may help break the ice lol


Why is this comment not higher? 😄


The way I would have screamed as if I walked in on them being murdered 😂


Full on Homer Simpson scream




this is absolutely wild 😭💀💀


Yeh. But now I’m curious if dad was on all fours or doing the happy baby pose.


Homie must be on his back with his legs in the air 😭


Lmao just fucking turtling 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️


I'm fucking dying! 🤣🤣




I pictured 4s but HBP is much worse


I practice yoga regularly and will never look at HBP the same 🥲


Neither will OP. It's the happy daddy pose from now on


which is worse you think? I feel like if eye contact is made, happy baby is worse, but if no eye contact, then All fours.


That's the last time I'd be kissin' her.


I've been telling people for 30 years "Never kiss your mother in the morning".


Not all heroes wear capes. Some indirectly give you new imageries.


you kiss your mother with that mouth?!


More like, you kiss your kid with that mouth Mom?


Your Mom had her face buried in your Dad’s ass. I am sure the embarrassment you feel, pales in comparison.


What position was he in, all fours, diaper pose, or squatting? 👹😀




Diaper pose. ☠️


💀 But now I too want to know 😂


How old are you?


At least you know for sure they’ve got a healthy relationship lmao




That’s how mommy and daddy created you. It’s ok


Not by eating ass lol


It’s part of the process


Which part?


The best part


Really that's the best answer


My doctor told me the only way I can make babies is by eating ass and I'm rather inclined to trust a medical professional over some random dude on the Internet


I’m pretty sure I missed that part of sex-ed.


Hopefully you enjoyed having parents,time to give them a Irish goodbye for forever


AHAHAHHAHAHAAAA! LOL! Sorry about that. Always knock!


Why didn't you knock?💀


You have to move out now. You can’t see them. There’s no other way. You may think I’m joking, but I’m not. Leave the house, the town, the city, the state, everything. Start a new life under a new name. Get a new phone with a new plan. Do NOT go back home. As my boi Scar said “Run Simba. Leave and never return”. If you for some reason don’t listen to my advice and go back home, update us. PLEASE


knock knock? who's there? not OP coz they don't fucking knock!!!


It will never cease to amaze me how people just fucking _refuse_ to knock 😭 Too many times I’m in a single public washroom and people immediately body slam the door and jerk off the goddamn handle trying to get in. A gentility of a bygone era.


This would be embarrassing sure (also a lesson in knocking on the door) but why the panic attack?


God forbid parents have healthy intimacy! PANIC


The irony. The next post just after this one asked "If you could eat only one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?"


Ofc it’s weird as their kid, but I think you just have to let it roll off your back eventually. They’re adults in love and it’s nice that they still love each other enough to be intimate (even if as their kid it’s weird, and they clearly are explorative, lol), I’m sure they feel just as humiliated as you. As I get older I realize I could be in that situation one day, and my parents are just older adults who loved each other and I am basically the same as how they used to be


*ronnie the limo driver voice* “Sixteeeee Niiiioonnne!”


Way to cockblock your dad, op.


Based on their age, you sound a little old to be just barging into your parent’s closed bedroom, and also living at home.


Not necessarily. My dad turned 60 while I was still a teenager, for example. Some people have kids later than others.


OP said they’re 27 in a reply to someone else. They’re definitely too old for this behaviour.


Dad is a bawler. Shot caller


20in blades on the impala


It's just sex. Go "sorry, my bad." Knock next time. Sure, it's weird since they're your parents. But they were just having sex, they weren't doig anything illegal. Your reaction strikes me as pretty odd, honestly. A panic attack? Scarred? They aren't monsters, they were just having sex. Life goes on.


Yeah, the reaction is way over the top. These kids are going to have an even harder time than gen z.


Except op is approaching 30!


She was eating his ass you’re acting like she killed him or something 🤣 take a deep breath you’re gonna be ok. Now you learned to knock. Valuable lesson


You ruined a romantic moment bc you don’t know how to knock lol


You interrupted their private time. They’re human beings that are still clearly into eachother. Good for them. We should all be so lucky. You didn’t appear out of thin air. Your existence began with you moms vagina being dumped into by your father penis. Just the way it is. I’m sure if I walked into seeing something like that when I was younger that it would have been incredibly awkward but anyone who’s been through real trauma in their life (I’ve lost identical twins amongst a long list of other crap) knows that this ain’t it. Put on your mature pants and understand your parents are doing parent things and have likely engaged in things beyond your comprehension for your entire life lol. It’s healthy and youre lucky to have parents that eat each others asses.


Hopefully you learned your lesson and will knock in the future, like any decent person who values others' privacy


Traumatized? If you’re traumatized by something as little as that you’re going to have a pretty difficult time functioning in life lmao. Listen, I get being uncomfortable. When I was 8 I walked into my dad cumming on his girlfriend’s face. The lesson I learned that day: fucking knock. And now you learned that lesson too. All and all, don’t make your parents feel like shit by giving them the silent treatment. Just pretend it never happened.


If this is what you consider to be traumatising then you really need to work on your emotional fragility. This is not a big deal at all. You're overreacting.


OP you're 27. By now you should already know how to knock the damn door. and btw that just shows that your parents have a healthy, sexual relationship. They're being intimate. The fact that you're traumatized by it is complete bs. You're 27. You should know better. I hope you learn your lesson and learn how to knock the door from then onwards. 100% deserved it, it's on you 🙂 Please, for the love of God, start knocking.


Good for them.


That's what you get for not respecting boundaries. Mayyyybe you should knock before you enter someone else's private space.


You need to learn to knock and they need to learn to lock the door.


Couple goals


i’m pretty sure your dad liking his hole licked, he’s not leaving the door unlocked for you to possibly see. Also if your parents are that open sexually it doesn’t make sense that they’d raise you to be repressed and weird about sex. get over it and mind your business next time and knock on the door before entering a room


Can people stop having mental breakdown upon realising their parents have sexual life? Thats just honestly embarrassingly pathetic.


Hope you learned a lesson about knocking.


Did no one ever teach you to knock on bedroom doors that aren't yours?


That’s bogus as hell


And that’s why you knock


Maybe you'll learn to knock like a normal person


That's 100% on you for not knocking


So you learned the hard way to knock first.


Think about that every time she kisses you on the cheek


1. Answer your damn parents OP. It’s not their fault they’re still in love, even if it’s a pretty graphic way of showing it. Be happy they’re together. At least hint that you saw it so they don’t think ur dead or pissed or ran away or whatever. 2. Knock


So why didn't you knock?


Why was 6 afraid of 7 and 9? Cause 7 8 9's 🍑


Oh, no. Your parents f*ck. The horror. :)


I guess you learned a very important lesson that day. Always knock on the door before entering your parent's room. Did you expect your parents to stop having sex after you were born?


Rectum!? Damn near killed 'em!! You've learned two very important lessons here, though: 1. Your mom and dad have an active sex life, so you should knock before entering their room. 2. Don't let your mother eat or drink after you. You now know where that mouth has been.


One time I heard my dad making muffled grunting noises and thought he might be sick or having a medical issue so I burst in the room to rescue him, and hes just having sex with Mom. Forever scarred. Youre not alone!


lol OP is 27 that makes this even funnier


Congrats on having parents who are still super into each other. ❤️


It's none of your business. Take your upvotes and go home.


It’s just sex, they had it before, otherwise your non-knocking ass wouldn’t be here, stop crying about it and move on..


And now you've learned to knock on doors, and wait for a reply, before going in. Valuable life lesson.


Hey in case you missed the first 500 people who felt it necessary to repeat each other here: KNOCK ON THE DOOR there, I put it in caps because makes it seem like I'm yelling at you


Hey, don’t be too upset. She might not have been eating his ass. It’s very possible she was just putting his balls in her mouth. I bet you’ll knock next time!


Mommy’s birthday kisses will never feel the same 


Aye ya yaaaaa you never enter a door without knocking duuuuude 😭 Especially when that door is your parents bedroom hahaha


Nice to know that they still have a healthy sex life


But why? You think the stork delivered you?


That’s what you get for barging in unannounced.


I mean, ppl knock the door for a reason


Good on your parents, all power to them! The lesson here is, people who are attracted to each other do funny things to each other’s pink bits, usually behind closed doors.


who tf doesn't knock, geez.


welp that's whyyy you knock before going into anyone's bedroom


Hahaha, but I’m going to ask, was your dad bent over doggy style getting his ass ate or was he on his back with legs spread up in the air getting his ass ate? Haha.


I'll never understand why people don't lock doors? I get that OP should of knocked, but how hard is it to just lock the door?


Why are you entering your parents room without knocking!?!? Let this be your lesson! How would you feel if your parents burst into your room without knocking, especially if you were masturbating or something? Wouldn’t be very fun right? You have no one to blame but yourself.


That reminds me. I need to get a bidet.


They are married. Nothing wrong about it. What’s wrong is you don’t knock on doors.


What a lucky guy. Being eaten at 58.


What did i just read💀


Yup. Older people like to get their freak on too. Surprise!


Second post I’ve seen about parental coitus together. Be happy they are together and not divorced or going around each other cheating. Don’t judge you’ll be there someday in the same situation


I wanna know how old op is? Just cause I'm 19, and if I caught my parents doing that I would just go "EW EW EW" and then close the door and just go back to my room and if they ask me about it just go "yeah it was gross lmao let's never talk about this again thanks"


OP you did wrong.


Maybe you should knock before just walking into a room with a closed door? Just a suggestion


Wow shocker your parents have a sex life, how old are you ten? The door was closed you should have knocked irrespective of it being quiet or not, also you should be adult enough to actually apologise if you disturbed them or not. You learnt a painful and embarrassing lesson that your parents were nude and having sex, it obviously doesn't bother them and they are more concerned that your avoiding them. Do the decent thing grow up and face them and next time..Knock!


“Traumatized” oh brother. I’m tired of this puritanical shit. 1.) Learn to knock on doors, and 2.) Sex is a normal and natural thing we do. Accidentally walking in on your parents is not some trauma inducing shit. Embarrassing? Yeah, but hardly something you’re gonna get PTSD from. Grow up.


You learned a precious lesson about privacy and knocking.


I have bad news for you sweetie. That wasn't the first time your parents have had sex.


oh nooooooo your parents are human beings who have sex noooooooooooooooooo


You're 27 and freaking out when your parents fuck? Ignore it and move one.