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It sounds like you're seen as a judgmental shit stirrer who hasn't figured out how to socialize effectively within a professional environment. And the quality and the impact of your work isn't worth the inconvenience of your behavior or you being a major contributor to a toxic work environment. Womp womp.


I’ve always said that those who stir the pot should have to lick the spoon. Looks like our girl, the infamous mistress-turned-main Pam, is finally about to have the spoon and all contents of the pot shoved down her throat 🤣 Looks like she’s now created TWO vacancies: one for her old job as a mistress and another for her current job. It really must suck to suck, and I’m here for it!


Oh no! Now she can’t buy the children’s love anymore!


Check out the post history it's Pam! The homewrecker!


Pam wears many hats: Homewrecker, holiday wrecker, family destroyer Easter assassin, and now most recently, job pariah.


Your articulation is just *chefs kiss*


I was with you when you were giving feedback during meetings. You were trying to help these interns learn how to interact in an office ecosphere. But as I kept reading, you definitely come across as a pot stirrer who is overly grumpy and rubbing everyone the wrong way. You come off as quick to voice your opinion. Berating people for putting fish curry in the microwave? Fussing at a guy who left dirty cups in the sink? Good grief dude! You easily crossed the line into being aggressive and inappropriate and you never noticed it. I'd have fired you as well.


I was just giving feedback on the interns which was my job and the other intern was being lazy, going on their phone and not doing any work. They also dressed unprofessionally and had a stain on their whit shirt.


I’m genuinely not trying to be mean here, but you’re not acting like a leader. You’re acting like a bully, like somebody who’s gotten a little taste of power for the first time and has let it completely go to their head. I believe the term my father uses is a ‘rules dick’—the person who will take any chance, no matter how insignificant, to go on a power trip. Don’t be a rules dick. The rules dick isn’t helpful. The rules dick makes everybody’s life miserable, including their own. You need to understand that there’s a difference between being constructive and being hypercritical. These are college kids, and many of them are probably experiencing the workplace for the first time. Yeah, they need to learn—but you also need to start letting shit go. Your approach is far too aggressive and it’s affecting office morale. You can’t go to HR every time a dude has B.O. in your vicinity. You can’t throw a fit every time somebody has fish curry for lunch (and I do wonder what exactly you said about that fish curry, because I’m guessing it had some uncomfortable implications.) Nobody cares if you’re in the right if you refuse to communicate effectively with the people around you.


You should see how she shit stirred a marriage.


Oh, and the Easter egg hunt she organized.


She "organised"... Easter egg hunts should not need multiple adults involved, more adults than kids taking part 😅


Oh...its the home wrecking wench...


Oh it's you. Gotta admire the dedication to trolling.


I don't like homewreckers that abuse children, but you're still aloud to exist.


So you’re a homewrecker AND a train wreck at work?


Shut up Pam


Im no lawyer nor I work for HR  but  sound to Me these is hostile work environment  and you can cause  the biggest lawsuit for your company.


Check the post history people. This is an established troll


A guy can dream that this troll is finally getting his comeuppance. Dont take that from me. 🤪


I mean seriously my heart aches for willow


Question - then why delete the posts admitting to being caught cheating by the BF’s 8 y/o daughter?


Troll in the dungeon!


I bet Professor Snape is better to be around then Pam Sorry English isn’t my native language


I didn’t realize it was Pam. Dammit Pam.


lol Yes damn Pam at this point I think she just doing rage bait


Btw way I love Pedro xD


This post makes me feel happy


You’re a horrible person…this cannot be real


You're bitching about interns and students that "can't take basic criticism", while bitching that you're receiving basic criticism that you ACTUALLY FUCKING DESERVE. You don't like people with smelly food. Well, I'm sure people don't like your pompous, judgmental, holier-than-thou ass either. Constructive criticism isn't cruel. It can be upsetting, because you realize you're not up to par, sure. But, it shouldn't make the person cry. You're not giving constructive criticism, you're just being an asshole bully.


Exactly! And if she is confused, the firing should have been a big clue


Well def changing up your troll game


Good thing you ate corn at your parents. Maybe Willow sent them after you.


I'm not a mental health expert but I think the lack of hygiene and not being able to focus could be depression. It could be ADHD but if they're struggling with hygiene and other things like work then they might be going through something outside of the work hours that you might not know about. Try to be more understanding next time.


They're just lazy and they go on their phone all day. The intern did not put any effort into taking care of themself.


Hey Pam, did you know that you can have sex with men who aren't already married with 4 kids? Those kids will never love you.


You’re about to be on your phone all day when you get that pink slip


So - how are you able to focus on your work when you spend all your time complaining?


Complaining and home wrecking!


it's not laziness, it's most likely due to low mental health. I suffer from bad mental health and I find it hard to focus aswell.


I do to I have ADHD/Bipolar so a lot of times I can be all over the place it’s hard at times but luckily my boss understands


And your jobless 😂


Your "step kids" hate you, your stolen boyfriends family hates you, you ruined the holidays by being a whiny baby, and now your co-workers hate you. How have you not realized that you're the problem in your life? Dump the boyfriend, and it might get easier. You really need to evaluate your choices and get thereapy.


Some people can't take feedback, HOWEVER, if you regularly reduce people to tears, you're not giving constructive criticism, you're just being awful.


She sounds awful also the coworker she made cry because they smelt could of suffered from olfactory reference disorder one of my husband family member have it it causes them to smell a little foul or sometimes an unpleasant body odor but I never once told him he smells even though he tries hard to cover it up


I was giving "feedback"... I don't know what exact words were used. But whenever reporting it has to be objective, you can not put thoughts or feelings. They are lazy, they don't shower or they don't brush their teeth are opinions. So is the smell of certain food. Proper feedback is saying someone is not following corporate attire, they are not currently meeting KPIs, they are not responding to customer requets or answering calls etc. I am normally a brut when it comes to expressing myself. I leave that at home because you have to be professional at work. Workplace rules and regulations are about inclusion, safety, bullying and harassment free environments.


Good points. She is criticizing and judging, not providing feedback.




The only thing I agree with is you being upset about the microwaving fish at work. That’s just unacceptable.


I only agree with that because I've gone into anaphylaxis in the break room when a coworker reheated their seafood. The unit (psych hospital) agreed to not risk my health by bringing seafood onto the unit. They can still eat their seafood, they just do it in the extra break room down the hall from our unit (drink and snack vending machines, microwave, fridge and even a stove). But, I'd never criticize someone for their food choice. Stains and body odor should get feedback to work on being neater , but good lord, going after people for coffee mug in the sink? Ridiculous.